UWeekly 09.0215

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SEPT. 2, 2015




UWEEKLY • September 2, 2015



September 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • September 2, 2015


#AsSeenOnCampus @ ulterior_images

@ yeah_g_kim

@ian_osu1 @futurebuckeyes @ youniquebycandice

@ simscity83

@jennoelle3341 @theohiostateuniversity

@ cailinpittt nmoon15 @



September 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Psst... we’ve got a crush on you. Sometimes provocative, always anonymous. Check out a few of Ohio State’s latest crushes. You never know, someone may be crushing on you:

Passed @torrrrch on 14th the other day, knees went a little weak

1st day in school, saw @Cas_o_fras, & she turned out to be single! Really? R u guys really that blind? She is the 8th wonder of the world.

Between the beard & the belt buckle @14Jsonnenberg was looking good today. (8/26)

That tall dark beauty I saw with the awkwardly tall guy at Bibibop yesterday is absolutely stunning. @mburgei

I just love that Abhi kid! He's so cute I wish he would ask me out :) @AbhiBasrur

I forgot how gorgeous Abby Taylor was until I saw her again in person. @abbytaylorr2

Don't worry @angelagabrielll. Driving a mercedes, just accepted a 150K job offer.


UWEEKLY • September 2, 2015

Holy crap @NateLyell I see you everywhere you are ridiculously hot please don't graduate

Crush of the week

Is this you? Tweet @UWeekly to claim your prize. uweekly.com




WED 9.2

Leslie Knope @ebeth6797


Just wandered around OSU's campus lost for 30 minutes trying to find the Union #new2osu

Featuring DJ Ginsu, kick start your holiday with a girls night dance party! If you plan on bringing more than 8 ladies with you, ask about their VIP complimentary bottle service.

Sam Obringer @sobringer_7 The pride I felt during orientation and while singing Carmen Ohio was unreal. Been waiting my whole life to be a part of this. #new2osu


Skully's | 9 .m.

SAT 9.5

Tzekel-Kan @DaleLingo

FMMF 2015

Pretty sure there are developing countries smaller than OSU #new2osu

Strut your way to this weekend long mega fashion and music event, that showcases musical acts like St. Vincent, AWOLNation, Ludacris, Young the Giant,

Mardi @mdhrrmnn Ohio state people always travel in groups of 5. Four to do the O-HI-O thing and one guy to take a pic

O.A.R. and Rachel Platten. --------------------------------------------------------------

Arena District | All weekend | Tickets: Vary

TUES 9.8

Jesse Wildman @jesse_wildman Walking around campus knowing I made the right decision #new2osu


Head to Park Street for some authentic American hip hop from an artist that’s straight out of New York City. Talib Kweli is known for his NY roots and collaboration with fellow rapper, Mos Def.

Megan. @meganporters "Will the kids from Michigan pleast stand up. Look around. These are the smartest kids from Michigan." #new2osu


Park Street Saloon | 7 p.m. | $20



Columbus 'til I die

Attn: Concert lovers

Tell us why you should win with your tweet using #TellUWeekly, and the best two will win a $25 gift card to El Vaquero on Olentangy River Road.

#TellUWeekly why you should win, and two winners will receive a pair of tickets to see Modestep at Newport Music Hall on Sept. 16


September 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY



joke's on you Where is the line between funny and threatening? By TY ANDERSON


et me be clear—I like crass, crude, do-youkiss-your-mother-with-that-mouth humor. I like the kind of humor that demands a double take, and I live for that startled look of “did he really just say that?” As a self-proclaimed funny guy, I can tell you firsthand that this can make writing difficult, for the laughter of one reader often comes along with the shaking fist of another. And while I do my best to joke responsibly, recent events at The Ohio State University have forced me to consider a powerful question: “When is a joke no longer a joke?” The question has been ringing in my head for more than a week now. Ever since national uproar occurred over the residents of a house on the corner of Lane and Indianola hanging those Move-in Day banners that read “Daughter Daycare” and “Dad’s, we’ll take it from here,” I’ve been unable to joke with a clear conscience. When controversies such as this occur, I’ll admit that as a rule, I have historically sided (and still do side) with the ones that claim they were “just having fun.” Society often treats its comedians with the same contempt as it treats its bullies, and nobody is safe from the backlash of the easily offended. Rather than brush off the laughs, we wallow in self-pity. We nurse our bruised egos, we dress our metaphorical wounds and we refuse to callous over. And in some cases, I think this mindset has dulled our emotional armor, and it has certainly hurt the 8

UWEEKLY • September 2, 2015

fields of art, comedy and self-expression. But after careful consideration, and particularly after contemplating the Move-in Day banners, I’ve come to the following conclusion about certain types of crude humor: If your “joke” injects even an ounce of stress or uncertainty into a situation, particularly a situation that is already saturated with stress and uncertainty, then your “joke” isn’t really a joke at all—it’s a threat—and it’s really, really, not funny. I’m talking about situations like rape. I’m talking about situations like racially-influenced shootings.

When is a joke no longer a joke? I’m talking about harassing young girls; girls who could be future engineers and doctors and leaders of our nation, who are experiencing peaks of stress and uncertainty in their lifetime. I’m talking about hanging derogatory, offensive, inconceivably moronic and outdated banners on your front lawn, and somehow possessing the sheer lack of self-awareness and foresight to see just how absolutely stupid those banners make you look (no offense). These are the types of situations I think do not produce quality humor. Residents of that house on the corner of Lane and Indianola, take note: this is uweekly.com

why nobody else is laughing. Humor that plays off the stress, discomfort and uncertainty of another living being is not a joke—it is a threat. It is a threat because whether you’re walking home alone in the middle of the night, or instinctively flinching at the sight of a police officer, or moving into your own apartment or dorm for the very first time, there is stress. And when a group of rowdy men twice your size are laughing, taunting your soon-to-be-absentparents and making jokes at the expense of your sexual integrity and physical well-being, that stress is only magnified. The very duty of a joke is to put an audience at ease, to diffuse a situation and to make light of a particular injustice. But nowhere in the lifespan of a joke, from set-up to punch line, should any member of the audience feel devalued. Perhaps part of being a good comedian is discovering where that ever-shifting line between humor and insult exists. Distinguishing the boundaries between comfort and discomfort, between “just kidding” and “Dads, we’ll take it from here.” But more than anything, a person’s intuition, conscience and understanding of basic social values should form a strong enough moral compass to deter such bad humor. Unfortunately, I’m not so sure a bad comedian can determine the lines between humor and insult. And unfortunately, I’m not so sure a bad person

Counterpoint: The point of a joke By JAMES GARCIA @JamesDGarcia7 a


he most recent Ohio State controversy stems from houses in the campus area that put up Welcome Week banners, the most recent one reading “Daughter Daycare” and “Dads, we’ll take it from here.” Many have taken a stance of shock and aversion on the public display of what comes down to a mild-at-best attempt at a joke, one that is admittedly devoid of much cleverness and picks at the lowest hanging fruit. In the article “Joke’s on you” in this issue, the author Ty Anderson opines that any joke that adds or plays off of stress or discomfort is not a joke. I flatly disagree with this sentiment. For one, it is not the responsibility of the comedian (or the would-be comedian) to make sure nobody is stressed out or uncomfortable. If a joke makes you uncomfortable, that’s on you. Anderson makes an indirect connection between these banners and rape. Whether or not the people who put these banners up were intending to make readers think they were talking about rape, the connotation is created in the minds of people

like Anderson. At face value, the banners simply imply that these fellas like girls. And what’s the worst thing in a father’s eyes when it comes to his daughter? Fellas that like girls. Why does it have to be any more devious than that? Now, the issue here is clear: There is a stigma when it comes to fraternity culture, one that is stained with rape accusations and sexual misconduct all across the country, not just here at OSU. This is an obvious problem. Eyes are focused on the rape culture on campuses across the nation, and for good reason. I don’t think anyone would disagree that rape and rape culture is a huge problem that needs to be addressed and dealt with (besides maybe rapists). What I don’t understand is why people think these banners inherently promote rape or sexism — and if that was in fact their intention, then they certainly deserve ridicule or punishment. What it is is tactless. But it’s no more threatening that if someone were to put up a banner saying, “I enjoy looking at girls.” And it’s really counterpoint 13 •


September 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY


What do you think about the sheets with vulgar sayings that are hanging By KAITLIN BRADLEY from campus houses? Sofialyn Durusan

I think it's stupid, we have all talked about and witnessed rape culture for years. It's a bad overused joke that needs to stop.

Eric Kulas

Nana Owusu

Honestly, I thought it was disrespectful considering the recent media coverage of rape on campuses on top of parent’s existing concerns about sending their kids to school.

It’s not funny and shouldn't be displayed on or around our campus. I think we’re all just over these types of messages.

Erica Gbur

Cody Carey

Here it is, it's just disgusting. I mean “daughter day care”...are we owned by our dads? Are we still objects to be passed along by men? That’s the message that is being sent. Of course the parents would be nervous seeing that and it's just disturbing, especially these days.

Personally, I think it's funny and it wasn’t meant to be offensive. I mean, it’s clearly a f*ckin joke, sorry if that offends people, but that’s just me.

A PRODUCT of 614 MEDIAGROUP UWeekly is an independent publication and is not affiliated with The Ohio State University. UWeekly receives NO STUDENT FEES or university funding. One free copy per person. Additional copies $.50. Opinions are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the editor, publisher or the newspaper staff. UWeekly is not liable for omissions, misprints or typographical errors. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. ©COPYRIGHT 2015.

458 East Main Street Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 488-4400 FAX: 488-4402


UWEEKLY • September 2, 2015

Publisher Wayne T. Lewis

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Cover design by Alix Ayoub

Aubrey S.

I don’t want to sound extreme but it's disrespectful. When I first moved in as a freshman, there was a house with banners up across the street from my dorm that said "Dads you're not the only ones moving your daughters in". I was so relieved that my dad didn’t see it, and the only good thing about it was that I knew what houses to avoid!

Sam Diamond

Aariann Felix

While I don’t think they were trying to cause harm, it's still ignorant considering the world we live in and these types of messages aren’t conducive to a healthy college environment.

I saw on twitter like 20 other universities were doing this and I feel like it’s not a huge deal. It’s not the best move on their part but is most likely supposed to be a joke not a threat.

David Kang

My first thought is that it’s disgusting and immature. It seems to be more like something a drunken high schooler would do but not college adult, especially one who is representing OSU.

Caroline Weisgerber

I guess it's kind of funny but, I can see how it's offensive to people. I'm glad my dad didn't see it though, he'd definitely be mad!

Ciara Fulton

I'm sure it was a “guy thing” but it's super demeaning. Also, if these guys knew anything about women they’d know that it’s better to get to know us before they try to “get it on”. Respect the process.


September 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • September 2, 2015


• 9 counterpoint not any funnier, either. The

connotation here is what barely places is it in the category of a joke, that connotation being “we have sex with girls, so girls that want to have sex with us should come here.” I think it’s a bad advertisement that will probably dissuade rather persuade any rational female, but I think it’s far from an announcement of foreboding sexual misconduct. Anderson states the “duty of a joke is to put an audience at ease, to diffuse a situation and to make light of a particular injustice. But nowhere in the lifespan of a joke, from set-up to punch line, should any member of the audience feel devalued.” But many, if not most, comedians rely on racially charged stereotypes, offensive language and alienating statements for getting a laugh. And the reason why comedy is so important for a healthy society is because it does shed light on the problems within society. It’s a way to incite the expression of dissent about social injustices, not make light of or diffuse them. (See: Lenny Bruce, George Carlin, Louis C.K., etc.) This is why I think these banners are a bad joke. But a joke nonetheless, because it has clearly incited a nation-wide discussion on rape culture at universities. But it’s a stretch to say that the people in these houses are bad people just because of these banners or that going to these houses necessarily puts anyone in danger. There are plenty of sleazeballs out there, but most of them don’t announce it on the side of their domiciles. It’s a joke, people. A bad, poorly executed, tired joke. Don’t give it more credit than it deserves. Instead of being mad at the banners for anything other than being lame, take the opportunity that has been conveniently placed in front of you and face the problem of rape and sexual and gender stereotypes head-on.


September 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY



Finding a side piece: How to and more


ou’ll undoubtedly be up to your ears in studying, homework and trying to balance that with an active social life, but as expenses increase (that beer isn’t going to buy itself!), finding a part-time job that is flexible with your schedule isn’t as difficult as you may think. There are a slew of campus employment opportunities that you can bus, bike or walk to. These employers are accustomed to accommodating students, with the most obvious being Taco Bell and other fast food chains, but try to broaden your horizons with these options.

University Ambassador These are the people that you see giving the doe-eyed high school seniors tours and working with orientations. The position falls under Undergraduate Admissions and is paid. The benefits? You’ll get to perfect your public

speaking skills as parents, terrified of their babies binge drinking and skipping class, and said babies, daydreaming about the same things, are all staring at you.

Peer Tutor Do you have a knack for chemistry? Were you a math star in high school? Do your friends hand over their papers for you to edit? Try being a peer tutor through the college of interest, like the Ohio State Department of Mathematics or the English Department, for example. It’s a great way to build your resumé and work on people skills. Dealing with people who know far less about something than you do is what you’ll likely have to do in the workforce.

Child Care Provider If you have a thing for drooling babies and

a whole lot of babbling, look into becoming a childcare provider through the Ohio State University Child Care Program. Instructors and students alike use this facility for their childcare needs, and part-time positions are open to currently enrolled students.

Library Assistant You’ll do more than just stack books with a position like this. There are various jobs that fall under this category that can have you assisting the Ackerman faculty with unloading boxes, delivering reserved books, picking up donation and assisting the communications department. Most jobs are limited to 10 hours per week, which is perfect for students looking for a little extra cash and staying on campus.

- Emily Rudduck

Job Of The Week Bellhops Duration: Indefinite and at your leisure Pay: $13-15/hour, plus tips Bellhops is like the Uber of moving. A customer will request help via Bellhops, and employees will be alerted of the job through the app. You can pick up what you want, when you want. Jobs range from commercial to residential, large and small. Learn more and apply at www.getbellhops.com. 14

UWEEKLY • September 2, 2015


the interview: do's and don'ts


o you’ve forged through the various wanted ads on campus and, for whatever reason, the company thinks you’re worth the time to interview. Maybe you’re psyched, but maybe you’re just like, “Eh, whatever. It’s only a cashier job in the dining hall…” As much as I hate to say it because it is overdone and clichéd, nearly every experience that you have in college, whether that be a volunteer or leadership roles or a measly campus job for three hours per week, is valuable experience added to your resumé and your life. Every interview that you do allows you to get more comfortable in the situation and appear invaluable to the company and those that follow. Then, when you’re sitting in the lobby of the building that houses your dream job, it will be far easier to shake pre-interview nerves. You have mere seconds to make a lasting first impression, and you’re likely one of many candidates for the job. DO arrive early. Not like, two hours early – you don’t want to be overzealous – but about 15 minutes should do it. You want to show that you’re punctual and organized. DON’T be engrossed in your phone while you’re waiting. Making plans for later that night can wait. You don’t know it, but the receptionist is also checking you out and will report the way you act when you’re not around the big wigs. DO shake hands, make eye contact and sit up straight during the interview. This is such a simple, yet largely overlooked way to appear professional. When you look like you couldn’t care less about being there, the boss won’t want you to be there either. DON’T give a generic answer to the “What’s your biggest weakness?” question. Instead, be honest (but not too honest)! Show that you’re human but that you are proactive in utilizing resources to overcome your weakness. SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


September 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY



photo by geoff hammersley

do you know the way to indy? UWeekly's Big Ten Football Preview By @GeoffHammersley a


hio State is the reining king in the Big Ten. After sweeping three straight seasons of regular season conference games, will the Buckeyes go for a fourth straight year of domination in the Big Ten regular season? Let’s take a look at how the Big Ten will shape up, and who will be in Indianapolis for the conference championship game on Dec.5.

Cook, who looks to get payback against Oregon and Ohio State this season– the only two losses Michigan State suffered last season. The last time the Spartans beat the Buckeyes was in the 2013 Big Ten Championship– a game that ruined Ohio State’s national championship hopes. Look for Michigan State to try and ruin more Ohio State dreams this November.

Ohio State enters the season as the unanimous No.1 in the Associated Press poll– the first time any team has collected every vote for No.1. With a potential Heisman candidate in J.T. Barrett and Cardale Jones, it doesn’t really matter who starts at QB. The defensive line is once again loaded, and Ohio State gets Michigan State at home. The only real trouble (outside of Michigan State) for the Buckeyes this season will be in their first and last games of the season against Virginia Tech and Michigan, respectively.

While this is a rebuilding year for the Wolverines, they can play the roll of spoiler to both Michigan State and Ohio State. In the past five seasons, Michigan is a combined 2-8 against the Spartans and Buckeyes. New coach Jim Harbaugh will need to change the culture of losing that has consumed the program of late. Wins, and even close losses, against the current Big Ten powers will give the Wolverine fanbase hope, but could destroy Buckeye and Spartan title hopes in the process.

Michigan State is the only team in the conference that can go toe-to-toe with the Buckeyes. The Spartans have a seasoned quarterback in Connor

Circle your calendar for this game. I’ve been saying it since mid-August: the winner of this game

The Favorite: Ohio State

The Legitimate Threat: Michigan State


UWEEKLY • September 2, 2015

The Spoiler: Michigan

The Conference Game to Watch: Ohio State vs. Michigan State (Nov.21)


wins the Big Ten. On top of being a favorite in the East division of the Big Ten conference, either team could be in position for a payoff berth with a win in this showdown. Fortunately, Ohio State plays at home and will have the cheering of 100,000 plus fans in scarlet and gray. Also, the Buckeyes’ senior day will be against the Spartans. There will be too many storylines in this game for it to not be the game to watch in the conference.

The Non-Conference Game to Watch: Ohio State @ Virginia Tech (Sept. 7)

Between Ohio State-Virginia Tech, Michigan State-Oregon and Minnesota-TCU being the marquee non-conference matchups for the Big Ten, I decided that OSU has the game to watch. The narrative for the game makes it the most intriguing amongst the three. Ohio State will be without Joey Bosa, Jalin Marshall and Dontre Wilson due to suspension; and Noah Brown, due to a leg injury during practice last week. Combine that with the unknown element of who will be the quarterback, and you have one of the more intriguing storylines in the early part of this season.

Top places to watch OSU FBALL By JIMMY BLOOMFIELD @ _JBloomfield a


or the first time since 1998, the Ohio State Buckeyes will open their football season in a true road game when they take on Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Va. on Monday, Sept. 7. Despite the road contest, Labor Day weekend plans in Columbus will revolve around the rematch with the Hokies–the only team to beat the Buckeyes last season. If you aren’t going to Blacksburg, or any game for that matter, here are the best places around Columbus to watch the Buckeyes. 1) The bars on High Street: High Street bars will be packed with Scarlet and Gray on gamedays, so get there early! It is a great atmosphere and a great place to meet people and make new friends while all in attendance root for the Buckeyes. One of my favorites is Little Bar on north campus, which sets up a projector for their watch parties. There is a tailgate-like atmosphere in the parking lot and is definitely worth checking out! Other common favorites on campus include Varsity Club, Out-R-Inn, and Chumley’s. 2) The dorm: Not all of us are 21, and that’s okay! When I was a freshman at Ohio State, I enjoyed watching the games in the dorms almost as much as the home games. Obviously, nothing can replace being at the shoe, but early in the school year the dorm is a nice place to meet people and develop a tight-knit home on campus. 3) “Block O” Watch Parties: The student organization “Block O” holds watch parties at the Ohio Union during road game contests. The watch party is a cool place to score some free food and a chance to win prizes via a raffle. 4) Hollywood Casino Columbus: The Hollywood Casino in Columbus has been open for almost three years now and is one of the best casinos I have been to outside of Las Vegas. Hollywood SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


September 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY


20 years, 20 moments Fans vote for best moments in Crew SC history



photo courtesy of columbus crew sc

he first team in MLS is embracing the 20th year of the league by holding a voting contest for the best moments in team history. Fans will vote for the top 10 moments, and those votes will be added in with votes from the media to create a field of 20. The final top 20 will then be revealed chronologically to give supporters a

chance to rank those chosen 20 events in order to determine the final list. The final list will be revealed in reverse order, culminating with the top 10 announcement during the game against the Portland Timbers on Sept. 26. UWeekly will exclusively announce moments 15-11, along with analysis, in the week leading up to the game

against Portland. Every trophy that Columbus has won is available for selection (2004, 08, 09 Supporters Shield, 2008 MLS Cup, 2002 US Open Cup), as well as a multitude of other memorable moments. Some of the highlights include on field action, such as Edson Buddle’s four-goal game in 2004. Others moments

to be voted on highlight awards, like in 2008 when Guillermo Barros Schelotto won the regular season and finals MVP. Off field events that strongly impacted the club and highlight their position in league history can also be chosen. The 1994 announcement of Columbus as the first city to have an MLS team is an option, as is the inaugural MLS game that Crew SC hosted. More recent events can also be voted selected, like the rebranding Crew SC just underwent, or when Anthony Precourt purchased the squad in 2013. Some bizarre moments in Crew SC history can also be selected, like when goalkeeper William Hesmer scored a goal against Toronto FC in 2010. Fans and media members also have the opportunity to write in moments that are not on the initial list. Voting takes place online at http://www. columbuscrewsc.com/twenty-moments.



UWEEKLY • September 2, 2015


zach & ready to go Second-year captain prepared to launch senior season By RYAN MCGLADE @rmcglade24 a


o say senior midfielder Zach Mason (@Zach_ Mason7) doesn’t have the qualifications to be a captain of the Ohio State men’s soccer team would be ludicrous. He started every game in his first three years and helped OSU make the NCAA Tournament last season for the first time since 2010. Oh yeah, he was a captain as a junior, too. Mason expressed gratitude for being named a team captain for the second consecutive year. “It’s an honor that the coaches view me as a leader of the team,” Mason said. “I think for myself it’s good to know that I can have a say in as to the direction of the team and kind of helping lead the younger guys ...” The midfielder noted that being a captain for a second time does present differences from the first stint. “I think, you know, like any leadership position, you kind of evolve in the role,” Mason said. “You know, last year I was kind of getting my feet wet,

getting used to it at the collegiate level. This year, you know, a little bit more natural, kind of stepping back into the same position.” As a mentor for the underclassmen, the Galena, Ohio native has enjoyed watching them develop. “We have high expectations for them coming in,” Mason said of his freshmen teammates. “They’ve been really willing to learn … It’s been great and I think that they’re really adapting well to the college game.” The freshmen are assuredly receiving advice from someone with plenty of experience. Mason started all 59 games in his first three seasons as a Buckeye, totaling more than a combined 5,000 minutes played during the three campaigns. “I’ve been fortunate to stay healthy,” Mason said. “You know, I was given the opportunity to play my freshman year. I’ve always just tried to do


photo courtesy of ohio state athletics

what the coaches ask of me, whatever the team needs … It’s just constantly trying to learn and get better. I think that’s pretty much the advice I’d give to anyone to try to do what I’ve done as far as playing time …” As for this season, the senior has high expectations for the team that include winning the conference and making a run in the 2015 NCAA Tournament. “For the team, you know, I think we just want to win some silverware, some hardware,” Mason said. “You know, I think Big Ten, we came close last year. So we’d love to grab that and the Big Ten Tournament. NCAAs see how far we can go, make a nice run there.”

September 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY



photos courtesy of femmefest

feminism rocks at femmefest By JACK LYNCH


his weekend, FemmeFest is hitting Columbus, celebrating the female artists and musicians who create some of the best music, visual art and film the capital city has to offer. FemmeFest began last year as a reaction to R. Kelly’s controversial booking as a headlining act at the Fashion Meets Music Festival. When a handful of local artists refused to play in protest, a team of event organizers, including Laddan Shoar, stepped in to create a new space for expression. “What better way to do that than to create an event that elevates women and people of color to show their contributions to arts and music and the Columbus community?” Shoar said. This year, FemmeFest has expanded its scope to include film, visual art and workshops on LBGTQI culture and intersectionalism, in addition to live music. The festival runs from Thursday through Sunday. The proceeds will be donated to the Buckeye Region Anti-Violence Organization (BRAVO), which seeks to help victims of hate crimes, violence, and discrimination. This year, local bands including teenage rockers Cherry Chrome, soulful punks Betsy Ross, and glam-pop duo Damn The Witch Siren will be gracing the stages at Ace of Cups and Spacebar. “People have asked Bobbi if she writes her own lyrics, or they’ll ask me about the gear we’re using as if she doesn’t know anything about it,” said Z Wolf, of Damn The Witch Siren. “She’s the most talented and hard-working person I’ve ever known so it’s kind of infuriating when people dismiss that.” Another artist to keep an eye on is local veteran Sharon Udoh, whose raw, intimate songs are better known under the stage name Counterfeit Madison. “There are plenty of women in rock music. People just generally don’t pay attention because America by default caters to white males,” said Udoh, who will be playing Friday at Ace of Cups. For a full list of events, check out www.femmefest.org.


September 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY


welcome week concert does it big By KAITLIN BRADLEY @kategbradley_ a


verything Big Sean does “is his first name.” The Ohio Union Activities Board’s Welcome Week Concert was no exception. About 15,000 fans swarmed the South Oval Friday and waited until almost 10 p.m. for Sean’s appearance. Anticipation built up so high that students were even asked multiple times by stage management to back up and relax a little, which is a flashback to the 2014 Juicy J concert during which he asked students to stop being so aggressive. Sean made the wait worthwhile by delivering a heart-pounding show. While the stage was immaculate and the sound almost deafening, the most impressive part of the show was his stage presence. While Sean may be smaller in stature, his persona is larger than life. By incorporating songs from each time period of his career, Sean offered songs that everyone could appreciate. Songs such as “Paradise,” “All Your Fault,” “Blessed” and “IDFWU” showed how deeply he has infiltrated the rap world with the entire South Oval singing along to his hits. There was time for dancing also, as “Dance (A$$)” was also on the setlist and provided everyone an opportunity to get rid of any inhibitions they might have had. To dedicate a few moments to the fans who have been on his side since the beginning, Sean performed one of his original mixtape hits, “High.” He also got the party mood flowing with “Open Wide” and “Oh My.” But the best moment of the concert was undoubtedly during his performance of “One Man Can Change The World,” a song dedicated to his late grandmother. After performing the song, Sean spoke to the audience about dreams and always pushing towards your goals, as well as making the right choices, not the safe choices. Obviously, the concept of living your dreams is important for college students. He also told the audience about the great equalizer that is music and that we need to honor the individuals who have died from racial and political violence in recent times. In that moment, it wasn’t about who was who. It was about music and good vibes. That’s why he’s the realest. 22

UWEEKLY • September 2, 2015


photos by annalisa hart

VMA for OSU:

How the university could benefit from a similar stunt By BRYAN FRAKER


o MTV’s Video Music Awards were Sunday, and with all the ads they did for them, I became constantly reminded of how random that show can get. The VMAs have had so many historic moments that everyone who owns a cable TV can recite at least one moment growing up that they remember. Britney Spears and Madonna kissing. The Lady Gaga meat suit. Kanye jabbering on during Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech about his second wife Beyonce’s video. What I’ve come to realize is not just how many of these moments have seeped into our society’s collective memory, but also how much exposure the VMAs get as a result. We start tuning into their show about a medium that people don’t pay much attention to anymore just to see what crazy crap will happen. MTV doesn’t even air music videos anymore! Ohio State needs to take heed about this idea of exposure and use it for their benefit. Here are some publicity ideas that can really shed some light on not only OSU, but also various causes they can help generate exposure for: Brutus and testicular cancer. Sure, people snicker about Brutus being a nut and the various genitalia comparisons that come with it, so why not embrace that? You can have Brutus star in a campaign urging male students to get their testicles checked for testicular cancer on videos around campus. This can be very funny, go viral on the Internet and also be a nice public service announcement that hits home. Lesser-attended athletics and Money Man. Football and basketball are the revenue-generating sports at nearly every Division I school in the NCAA. What I propose is getting more butts in seats for some of the other sports Ohio State has. You create a superhero named Money Man and all he does is show up randomly at events to fire a money gun filled with $20 bills into the crowd. SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


September 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY




ara is a third-year Fashion and Retail student from Jersey. She is an active member in The Fashion Production Association on campus, and is Director of Graphics this year. When she’s not in class she stays busy by hanging out with friends and working as a sales associate at Sunglass Hut. Tara’s edgy and trendy style makes her a standout fashionista at Ohio State.

How would you describe your style? I would describe my style as both trendy and edgy, but I still try to keep it kind of feminine.

Why is fashion important to you? T-SHIRT $10 TARGET

Not only is it my major, but it’s also the industry that I hope to work in as a career. I think that fashion and how you dress says a lot about you, it really helps with your first impression on people.

Who inspires your style? I get a lot of really cool pieces from my mom. She has always encouraged me to be myself and think outside the box with how I dress.

How do you pick your outfits? I usually will go ahead and pick them out the night before, and adjust them depending on what I have to do the next day. If there is an outfit I really like, I try to wear it on a day where I have a lot of classes.

What are your favorite places to shop? I like Forever 21 and Urban Outfitters like everyone else. For other parts of my wardrobe I like to go thrift shops. I also love to go into Manhattan when I am home and find smaller shops that sell more unique pieces.

Do you have any fashion advice for readers?


I would say just be yourself and wear whatever you want. It doesn’t really matter what other people think, so if it makes you happy then just wear it!

What is your go-to outfit for class? I usually try to wear a dress or jeans, topped with a cardigan or blazer. I feel like the layering piece of the outfit makes it more put together and also more professional for class.

What do you wear on the weekends or at night when you have plans? Usually I wear something very dramatic that I wouldn’t normally wear to class. I’m loving also wearing dark lipstick shades.


- Georgina Pinou 24

UWEEKLY • September 2, 2015


The hot, crazy & drab: Looks from the VMA's By Georgina Pinou


he VMA’s are the home of some of the most outrageous red-carpet fashion choices of all time (yes, that includes Lady Gaga’s meat dress). This year, the range of looks was as diverse as ever. The Hot: Chrissy Teigen – Chrissy is not known for attending any event in a modest ensemble, so of course for the VMA’s she went even more daring than normal. She walked the red carpet on the arm of her beau, John Legend, in her mostly sheer and embellished dress. Flashing a lot of leg, the dress accented all of her most amazing assets. Taylor Swift – It’s usually easy to predict what type of garment Swift will wear to an award show. At the VMA’s, she showed up in a look that strayed far from her typical ones, and she looked really amazing. She rocked a metallic-jeweled crop top and tapered pant. Props to Taylor for being bold and going outside the box. The Crazy: Miley Cyrus – Miley, the host of the VMA’s this year, who now refers to herself at a Vegan Nudist was expected to have a crazy outfit… and she did not disappoint. Her barely-there top and jeweled “skirt” looked like she glued a pair of overalls on a chandelier and decided to call it a dress. Her outfit to be honest wasn’t even really a surprise. Blac Chyna and Amber Rose: Former gf’s of Kanye/Wiz Khalifa and Tyga, walked into the VMA’s in matching ensembles. Although different silhouettes, the same bold NSFW fabric was written with derogatory phrases, which both of them often hear about themselves and women in general. The statement outfits were a way to reclaim the phrases and to embrace the hateful terms, head-on. The Drab: Selena Gomez – Her outfit choice aged Selena about 20 years. In the long-sleeved long-length black gown designed by ________ , she really missed the mark. Props to Mariska Hartigay (of Law & Order SVU), who was dressed appropriately for her age and rocked her all-black ensemble way better. SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


September 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY



Myths & Facts about mexican food The mex above the rest

3 tasty Mexican restaurants around campus


exican flavors can go from spicy to mild to cheesy goodness. Columbus has a very big food market and many Mexican restaurants. Here are some must-try Mexican restaurants in the Columbus area!

El Jalapeño El Jalapeño is located next to the Kroger on Olentangy River Road. It reminds me of Chipotle, because you can either build a burrito or bowl. However, some of the ingredients put into the entrée are different and bring out different tastes. The biggest surprise with the ingredients at El Jalepeno is that they offer Mexican rice, as well as the classic white and brown rice. I decided to try it and was really impressed with the flavors the Mexican rice brought out. They also have fresh salsas and delicious queso. If you are looking for an amazing, yet inexpensive alternative to Chipotle, this place is for you!

El Vaquero

and more. The restaurant has an authentic feel and the staff is friendly, with Mexican-themed decorations and festive music playing. They also are known for their amazing margaritas. What else do you need? El Vaquero is definitely one of my favorite places to eat and has my recommendation.

Cuco’s Taqueria Are you looking for amazing Mexican food for all three meals of the day? Check out Cuco’s Taqueria on Henderson Road, serving not only lunch or dinner, but also breakfast! Moyetes is one mouth-watering dish offered during breakfast. It is a grilled French roll with potatoes, beans and chorizo on top with potatoes on the side. Hot cakes, eggs, bacon and breakfast burritos are also served in the morning. The restaurant also serves alcohol at breakfast, so enjoy a margarita as big as your head to start the day. Of course, I wouldn’t recommend doing this before class or work.

El Vaquero is also found on Olentangy River Road, just down the road from El Jalapeño. El Vaquero is more of what you would expect from a Mexican restaurant, with delicious enchiladas, fajitas, tacos 26

UWEEKLY • September 2, 2015

-Ashley Wilkinson


mericans often get confused about what authentic Mexican really is. Although this may be somewhat true in some cases, excluding obviously Americanized items like Doritos Locos Tacos of course, there are many myths about Mexican food. Okay, maybe Taco Bell shouldn’t count, but here are some myth and fact statements that many Americans may not know. Soft shell tacos with flour tortilla shells are authentic. MYTH. Authentic soft shell tacos are made from corn, not flour. Chipotle serves both kinds of shells while many Mexican places only serve flour. So, props to Chipotle for getting it half right! Hard taco shells are not authentic Mexican. FACT. The hardshell tacos we know and love today were actually invented by … get ready … Taco Bell! Or rather, Taco Bell’s founder, Glen Bell. Bell wanted to create a shell that was easy to hold, so he came up with the hard, corn taco shell. Authentic shells are soft. Tomatoes originated in Mexico. FACT. Next time you eat salsa, or even spaghetti sauce, remember that it was Mexico that gave you the magical fruit.

-Ashley Wilkinson uweekly.com

get a little corny

Quick and savory Mexican recipe prove to be a Mobiledish cupcakes By ASHLEY WILKINSON


ooking for a side dish other than Mexican rice or refried beans to go with your homemade tacos or burritos? I have the perfect recipe for you! The recipe I am about to share with you will be a raging hit with any dinner guests, friends, family or significant others. What is most surprising about the dish is the main ingredient: corn. Corn doesn’t often get much attention in the culinary world, but it can bring out big flavors if paired with the right ingredients! Here is the recipe for my favorite corn side dish:

Chili-lime Mexican corn • • •

1 large bag of thawed frozen corn 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 cup mayonnaise

• • • • •

1 cup sour cream 1 teaspoon chili powder 2 limes 1 tablespoon dried oregano 1 cup cotija cheese (feta cheese can be used as a substitute)

Place a medium sauté pan over medium-high heat. Once hot, add the olive oil and corn, and season with salt and pepper. Cook for four to five minutes, occasionally stirring until the corn is slightly tender. Remove from heat and set aside. In a large bowl, add the mayo, sour cream, chili powder, juice of two limes, oregano and a pinch of salt. Stir to combine. Add the corn and cheese, and stir to combine. Garnish corn with a light sprinkle of chili powder, cilantro and enjoy!


September 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY



finally legal? Ultimate tips for an epic 21st celebration

drinks to help get through your hangover



ell well well… happy freaking 21st birthday! Consider yourself lucky to be celebrating it in Columbus. There are plenty of awesome bars to spend your big birthday at and some of which will even offer you free drinks. Yes I said it … FREE. Check out these places to go on your 21st.

16-bit This is the best place to start off close to campus. Located downtown on 4th Street, 16-Bit offers a large variety of games that you can play while starting your night off right with some bourbon and Slim Jims. Yep, you read that correctly, bourbon and Slim Jims. 16-Bit offers a very unique set of drinks like the macho man, made with honey bourbon, Coke and garnished with a Slim Jim.

Chumley's This is the first place that comes to my mind when thinking about 21st birthday locations. On your 21st birthday the bartenders will give you a free schooner! Not only do you get a cool looking schooner but they also will fill it up with your beer of choice. Also you can keep using the schooner on Mondays and Thursdays for schooner nights, which are $2 fills for the cheap beers and $5.75 fills for a lot of the craft beers and cheaper mixed drink fills. You also get those specials the whole day on your birthday.


UWEEKLY • September 2, 2015

Arena District I can’t recommend the Arena District enough when thinking about 21st birthdays. The Arena District is great because of the atmosphere, first and foremost. Though it’s usually crowded, the Arena District has a more grown up feel and less of a “Midway” feel. Also every bar in the Arena District are close together, making it easy to stumble from one bar to the other. The best place to start would be Big Bang. This bar is great because it offers pretty awesome live entertainment, which usually consists of dueling pianos. From there you have an incredible amount of choices to make, from Brothers to Char Bar you really can’t go wrong. Though to end your night in the Arena District, I recommend Char Bar. This place is a great dive bar offering some pretty great pub food to help absorb all of those fireball shots your friends keep giving you.

Other tips for your 21st: • • • • •

Take pictures, you may not remember your night Have a designated driver or plan on using Uber Avoid going to bars you have been to Have a friend order you a tidal wave shot from Too's Make sure you don’t pay for a single drink; it’s your 21st!

-Logan Korn uweekly.com

hether you are incredibly hungover or just plain exhausted, energy drinks can be the key to getting through your long day. But with the choices seeming somewhat endless, it can sometimes be hard to decide. Below I have narrowed it down to my top three beverages that offer lasting energy.

Monster Rehab This is one of my favorites. Rehab comes in lemonade and different tea flavors. It does a nice job of hydrating you as well, which is prime in helping you push through that hangover of yours.

Mountain Dew Kickstart The best part of this drink is that it actually gives you a good “kick” to start your day off and to get you going. It contains some juice (as in 5 percent) and has a good, mellow flavor that is easy to handle in the mornings.

Rockstar Recovery This energy drink is very similar to Monster Rehab but is a lot sweeter and has more caffeine. This will be sure to lift you out of your funk.

-Logan Korn

large and in charge Easy, big-batch Mexican drink recipes

Coupe De Ville

Pitcher margarita shandy

• • • • •

• • • •

1 cup of your favorite Mexican tequila 1 cup of limejuice 1 cup of orange juice Orange liqueur to taste 6 12 oz. bottles of any light Mexican beer

Chill all ingredients. Mix everything except for the beer into a large container with ice and stir. After it is well mixed add your beer and gently stir to avoid unwanted foam. This refreshing drink makes four quarts and is a great drink choice for tailgates!

Combine all ingredients except for beer into a pitcher with ice until the limeade concentrate is fully dissolved. Then simply add beer, stir gently, and serve.

Mexican punch • • • • •

Grande sangria con tequila • • • •

1 bottle (3 cups) of red wine 1 to 1.5 cups of spiced rum 1 cup of orange juice Sugar to taste

This is my go to party sangria. I prefer to use a cheap red or pink wine and Sailor Jerry’s for the spiced rum. Mix all of the ingredients into a large container and then let the fiesta begin. (Throw in any fruit of your liking!)

1 can of frozen limeade concentrate 1 cup of Mexican tequila 1- ½ cups of water 2 bottles of pilsner

2 cups of tequila 2 cups of cranberry juice 2 cups of grapefruit juice 2 cups of orange juice 1 to 3 oranges, sliced

This one is easy and is like a Mexican spin on "jungle juice." Combine all ingredients on ice in a large container and stir.

-Logan Korn


September 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY


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UWEEKLY • September 2, 2015



September 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY



The tallest man on earth


Experience some Swedish persuasion in the form of The Tallest Man on Earth, whose music has been performed at the likes of Bonnaroo. His niche indie folk style, that pays homage to Bob Dylan’s, is sure to impress. Newport Music Hall Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $25

Swervedriver, Gateway Drugs

flicks for free ft. pitch perfect 2

Aca-believe it! Grab your roomie and head to the Ohio Union for free snacks and a few hours of acapella movie magic.

Dance out those hump day blues at the “best diner in America” to this English alternative band, serving you some smooth rock jams. Skully's Music Diner Time: 8 p.m. | $20

US Bank Theater Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: Free

Hashtag Improv

Open Mic Stage Night

Laugh it off at this weekly comedy show, featuring a troupe of improv comedians who always deliver a new show! Shadowbox Live Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $5


UWEEKLY • September 2, 2015

Wednesdays were made for flexing your musical skills at Ruby Tuesday! Live performances and drinks await you at their open mic night, hosted by the Columbus performers collective. Ruby Tuesday Time: 10 p.m. | Tickets: Free



Power 107.5 PowerFest


Soak up the last of the warm weather at this outdoor hip hop show, featuring: Future, Rich Homie Quan, Tink, T-Wayne and Casey Veggies.

LC Pavilion Time: 7 p.m. | $39.50

Ladies 80's Labor day kickoff

Arch City Comedy Festival

Featuring DJ Ginsu, kick start your holiday with a girls night dance party! If you plan on bringing more than 8 ladies with you, ask about their VIP complimentary bottle service.

Love to laugh? Check out Arch City’s weekend of comedy, featuring an array of stand up comics and podcast hosts who are sure to lighten up the mood.

Skully's | Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: Vary

Short North Arts District Time: All Day Event | Tickets: Vary

The High Definitions and Lemon Sky

Founded in Columbus, this band of hometown heroes is making the rounds with a tour of Ohio shows to share their blues 70’s rock sound.

Karaoke Happy Hour!

Every Thirsty Thursday come get your $5 domestic pitchers and warm up your vocal cords for some late night karaoke! Everyone 21+ is welcome. Oldfield's Time: 10 p.m. | Free

Ace of Cups Time: 10 p.m. | Tickets: Vary


September 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY


SoundOFF After-Party



TGIF! It’s the freakin’ weekend and time to dance at this dance party hosted by CD 102.5’s The Remix and DJ Lance. A&R Music Bar Time: 9 p.m. | Free

Ratatat Live

Get a taste for rock infused electronica duo at an indoor show, presented by WCBE and Miller Lite. LC Pavilion Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: Vary

FMMF Afterparty with Jared Mahone

"D.P. LOVE," Friendly Faux and More

Continue the mega concert and fashion duo event with a pop rock afterparty with Jared Mahone.

Rock out with some low prices and alternative tunes at this combo concert hosted at Skully’s. Skully's Music Diner Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: $5

Park Street Saloon Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $10


UWEEKLY • September 2, 2015

Jocef Michael Band

Tired of mainstream music? Check out this indie band feature night hosted in The Basement for drinks and a new music scene, featuring Plaid Brixx, Beyond Pluto and more! The Basement Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $13


FMMF 2015



Strut your way to this weekend long mega fashion and music event, that showcases musical acts like St. Vincent, AWOLNation, Ludacris, Young the Giant, O.A.R. and Rachel Platten. The fashion aspect is stacked with headliners as well with Heart of it All, ModCloth, Elise by Elise, Bend Active and many more! Arena District Time: Varies | Tickets: Vary

Gallery Hop

FMMF Afterparty ft. Chiddy Bang and Captain Kidd

Free is everyone’s second favorite F word! Check out the monthly Gallery Hop hosted by the Short North Arts Committee for a night of art, culture, boutique fashion and great food. Short North Arts District Time: 4 p.m. | Free

Get Right with DJ Giovanny

A lowkey but never boring Saturday night is sure to be found at the treasure that is Skully’s. Bring your ID and get ready to dance till dawn at this DJ hosted party. Skully's Music Diner Time: 10 p.m. | Tickets $5 from 10:30 p.m.

Keep the party going with Chiddy Bang and Captain Kidd after a day of fashion and music, as they perform rap and hip-hop for festival-goers. Park Street Saloon Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: $20

The D-Rays, Sega Genocide, and Dana Band

Feeling like a punk? Then tune in to the The Big Room for a punk rock show featuring The D-Rays, a garage band turned punk from Athens, Ohio. The Big Room-CD102.5 FM


September 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY



Columbus Crew SC vs. FC Dallas


What’s a Sunday without sports? Support Columbus’ hometown soccer league with a Crew game. MAPFRE Stadium Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets $23-$55

Caked Up

Settle Your Scores, Crunkasaurus Rex, and more

Mix up your weekend routine with this DJ duo, coming to Columbus to serve you their best remixed and original jams.

Amp up your night a notch with a pop-punk rock night, filled with multiple bands and a variety of people.

Sway Time:10 p.m.| Tickets: TBA

The Woodlands Tavern Time: 5 p.m. | Tickets: $8

THE FLEX CREW Labor Day Party


Progressive rock band from San Diego CHON will be playing with Narrow Arrow and Playing to Vapors, so come on down! Park Street Saloon Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: $12

An extra day on the weekend means another day to party! Take advantage of your Sunday night and head to Skully’s for a holiday dance party. Skully's Music Diner Time: 10 p.m. | Tickets: $10


UWEEKLY • September 2, 2015






Talib Kweli

Counting Crows

Head to Park Street for some authentic American hip hop from an artist that’s straight out of New York City. Talib Kweli is known for his NY roots and collaboration with fellow rapper, Mos Def.

The 90’s are calling, and they want you to hit up this show. Indulge in some nostalgia with this 90’s rock show, hosted at the LC Pavilion. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

LC Pavilion | Time: 3 p.m. | Tickets: $48


Happy Hour

You made it through your first week of classes and what better way to celebrate than half off drinks? Treat yo’self. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ethyl and Tank | Time: 3 p.m. | Free

Columbus Clippers

Use your day off to embrace America’s favorite pastime at Columbus’ local minor league baseball game against the Toldedo Mud Hens with cheap ticket prices and some American eats. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Park Street Saloon | Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $20

The Wave Showcase

Check out this event filled with local talent and presented by Columbus’ local hip hop and R&B radio station, 106.7 The Beat.


Skully's Music Diner Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $5 Adv/ $10 DOS


Writing Wrong

So right it’s wrong, hang out with the Ruby Tuesday crew for a few hours of Writing Wrong poetry.





Ruby Tuesday | Time: 7 p.m. | Free

Huntington Park | Time: 3:05 p.m. | $5 and up

Cleric 2015 Fall Tour

Infuse some intensity into your week with this death metal band show at The Summit, part of Cleric’s CRAWL 2015 Fall Tour. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Summit | Time: 8 p.m. | TBD

Open Mic Karaoke

Get ready for your Mariah moment at this weekly karaoke night, featuring a full round of drink specials to help with that stage fright! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Scarlet & Grey Cafe | 7 p.m. | Free


September 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY



Sex, dating and (possibly) love in college


know that all of you who are new to Ohio State are curious about guys, girls and if it’s even possible to find a relationship in college. Are actual dates even a thing? I’m talking about dinner and a cute event planned, not just meeting up with him/ her at Fourth Street Bar & Grill. Also, are people even seeking relationships? Well, I’ve got news. Most guys aren’t. Some girls aren’t either. According to most, fewer people are looking for a relationship. Tinder is just way too much fun to give up. I mean, who wouldn’t like a different sexual partner every day that can be reached in one simple swipe? Both guys and girls are all about this new way of getting a quickie. But, yes, this new way of dating/hooking-up is depressing for all the romantics out there. Personally, I’m one that likes to be in a relationship, and trying to find a dateable guy in college is hard! Back in the day, everyone met their wives or husbands in college. That will not be the case for most of us, but I wouldn’t be too upset with this. Times are changing, and we’ll change with them. Finding a relationship in college might not be all that you’ve dreamed of. Social media has opened us up to a lot of options and with every swipe and meet-up we become more indecisive and less committed. You’ll likely find it hard to lock a boy down and call him ‘yours’ in college – but it’s not impossible. I’ve met several couples in college, and two of my friends have 38

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met their current boyfriends via Tinder! Having a relationship is achievable, and if it can withstand the temptations of college, then I’d say you guys are on the road to serious sh*t. Though, here’s my advice on dating in college: Have fun. Don’t worry too much about finding ‘the one’ and meet as many people as you can. Create connections, network, make friends, hookup or whatever else. This may be the only time you’ll get the chance to be open and available. Explore your options (while practicing safe sex). At most times, relationships happen when you aren’t even looking! If the stars align and the cosmos is smiling down on you, you could find a significant other. As for sex, it’s not a big deal, and it’s optional! When you wake up from a one-night stand, calm the f*ck down. You’re fine. It’s fine. Definitely be smart about the situation, though; use protection and stay away from shady people. The last thing you want is an STD to ruin all your fun. (Or your life.) Sex is also something you don’t have to participate in to meet guys or girls. You’re in college. There are around 50,000 students, 100 organizations, 50 bars and you meet people at work, so hell no you don’t need to have sex to meet people. Get out there, and have fun with it. Your girl, Stella


September 2, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • September 2, 2015


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