SEP 9, 2015
UWEEKLY • September 9, 2015
September 9, 2015 • UWEEKLY
UWEEKLY • September 9, 2015
#AsSeenOnCampus @ b_mandato
@ megs1st
@thebakingrobot @freddy_koch @ futurebuckeyes
@ nikiareveal
@heythereimkate @manbunsofcolumbus
@ cailinpittt akkifzaqwan @
September 9, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Psst... we’ve got a crush on you. Sometimes provocative, always anonymous. Check out a few of Ohio State’s latest crushes. You never know, someone may be crushing on you:
Beauty is not a coincidence @lindsaymcilwain She is beautiful!
Leo from delta upsilon will you please take me on a date? You are so hot! @KingLeonidas40
Nothing would make me happier than being able to talk to you again. I miss you and hope I'll get to see you after boot camp @Amandajanedodge
It is your shame that @syd_d hasn't made it on here yet! She is the Cinderella of OSU!
Heaven be mine @heavstro
Two GIRLS play those big ass drums in the marching band. That's kinda hot @OhioSt_ Drumline
Maybe one of these days I'll work up the courage to talk to you @Lizzy_Nixorry
UWEEKLY • September 9, 2015
It's my goal this year to talk to Leah Mitchell more and possibly take her on a date. By far the most attractive girl at OSU @leahmitchll
Crush of the week
Is this you? Tweet @UWeekly to claim your prize. uweekly.com
WED 9.9
Brandon Holland @bhollz7
do I two strap it? or one strap it? #help #new2osu
Find your flame at this reggae-inspired show performed by Damian and Stephan Marley, children of the immor-
Erin Lewis @erinlew28 years of sibling bullying and peer pressure have finally culminated in my brother offering me meal swipes this weekend #new2osu
tal Bob Marley. --------------------------------------------------------------
LC Pavilion | 6 .m. | $44.60
FRI 9.11
Zoe @misszobear
Why do cardio when it takes 15 minutes of speed walking to each class because this campus is so large #osu #idontdocardio #fatamyatheart
“Never half-ass two things. Whole ass one thing.” The man behind the Ron Swanson mustache is coming to OSU to
Anne Salmen @anne_salmen
spread some wisdom from his years of
things I learned this past week: bullwinkles is a vortex, I'll need a new liver by Christmas, and I LOVE MY SCHOOL
professional experience. --------------------------------------------------------------
Mershon | 7:30 p.m. | Free w/BuckID
SAT 9.12
Jessica Begue @jessbegue when you lose ur buckid at big sean bc ur a ratchet and go to buy and new one BUT DONT NEED TO BC SOMEONE TURNED IT IN #ifeelblessed
Bring in the start of beer season with this celebration of craft beer. The event features Ohio breweries, including Barley’s Brewing Co., Christian Moerlin, Elevator Brewing Company, Four String Brewing
Megan @meg_mont I would pay so much money to see OSU's bagpipe guy battle Big Sean tonight on the Oval
Co., Great Lakes Brewing Co. and more! --------------------------------------------------------------
North Market | $25-30
Brace yourself ...
Attn: Concert lovers
Tell us why you should win with your tweet using #TellUWeekly, and the best two will win a $20 gift card to Dick's Last Resort!
#TellUWeekly why you should win, and two winners will receive a pair of tickets to see The Districts at Newport Music Hall on Oct. 2
September 9, 2015 • UWEEKLY
photo courtesy of ohio state university
Culinary cruising Breaking down Ohio State's brand new dining facilities By @JACOBGEERS a
ith the start of Fall 2015, Ohio State Dining Services opened three shiny, new eateries that might leave some people feeling totally out of the loop in regard to their on-campus options. Here is what’s up:
Scott Commons Currency Accepted: “Real life” money, BuckID, dining dollars, traditions “visits.” Scott Commons, or ScoCo, is the new “traditions” dining location that is nestled within the new Scott House residence hall. The facility is said to be the largest restaurant in Columbus, with an offering that far exceeds the selection at Kennedy or Morrill Commons. Scott has many of the “traditions” staples, such as a grill line, salad bar, and yogurt bar, but it offers more than that. The second level of Scott (yeah, there are two floors, folks) features a bur8
UWEEKLY • September 9, 2015
rito/taco bar and a Mongolian grill similar to BD’s Mongolian Grill. While lavish, Scott is prone to extreme overcrowding during peak meal periods. If you want to check it out, find an underclassman friend (who can now swipe you in) and go during one of its “downtimes,” you won’t be disappointed.
Connecting Grounds Currency Accepted: “Real life” money, BuckID, dining dollars This is North Campus’ new coffee shop located on the north end of Scott Hall, and it is also Ohio State’s first “direct trade” coffee location. Working over several years, Ohio State students and staff have traveled across Honduras to meet coffee bean farmers. The result is this café, where every single coffee bean can be traced back to the farmer that grew it. uweekly.com
Aside from the tasty coffee, this location differs from its counterparts across campus in offering a very limited selection of café food. It does offer ample comfortable seating however, and the new North Campus C-Store is inside of it.
The Curl Market Currency Accepted: “Real life” money, Buck ID, dining dollars Located at the intersection of Woodruff and College avenues, the Curl Market is a third facility in the “Market” trifecta that includes Marketplace on Neil Avenue and the Union Market. Based on my personal experience, the Curl Market is rarely busy and often easy to get in and out of. The location offers a Chipotle-style burrito bar, pasta, wraps, a salad bar and various graband-go items.
4 1
creepy legends you won't believe are real By @JACOBGEERS a
. Is there a large mammal buried under the Carmac 5 parking lot?
According to ancient legend, in 1981 one of the Columbus Zoo’s elephants died while being treated at Ohio State’s Veterinary school. So, somewhere on west campus (past the Olentangy River) there are buried elephant remains. Maybe they are right below your car!
2. Don’t hook-up with your professors. Seriously.
In 1927, Dr. James Snook was an Ohio State professor and head of veterinary medicine when he began an affair with a student by the name of Theora Hix after giving her a ride back to her room in Mack Hall. Hix introduced Snook to marijuana and the sordid act of oral sex. Professor Snook rented a house for the two of them to have sex, and the relationship lasted for three years. Hix increasingly worked to make Snook jealous, telling him that he was sexually inferior to her younger partner. One night, according to Snook, the pair were
hooking up in his car when Hix began aggressively biting his genitals during oral sex. Snook responded by striking Hix in the head with a nearby hammer. Despite Snook’s claim that Hix had threatened his family, he was convicted by a jury of his peers in a trial consumed by sensationalism, which ultimately sentenced him to death via the electric chair.
3. Is a cannibalistic murderer haunting Morrill Tower?
Jeffrey Dahmer was a serial killer responsible for at least 16 murders of men. Dahmer often lured sex workers into his house so that he could drug them and decapitate them, often saving body parts as trophies. Dahmer allegedly lived in Morrill Tower for a quarter, before flunking out due to alcoholism. Over the years, people have complained of chronic nightmares in Morrill, or just a general creepy feeling. Could this have anything to do with Dahmer? 4. The many mysteries of Orton Hall.
photo by jon mcallister/uw
Orton is one of the oldest buildings on Ohio State’s campus, and unsurprisingly, it is perhaps one of the most haunted. The building’s name comes from the University’s first president, Edward Orton, who is supposedly still sitting in his favorite spot within the spooky bell tower. Students have also seen a “caveman-like” figure lumbering around the building and making grunting noises. Employees have said that they have heard shuffling and other weird noises upstairs while closing the building’s library and that the library’s early closing time is perhaps due to these mysterious happenings.
September 9, 2015 • UWEEKLY
UWEEKLY • September 9, 2015
To Chipotle with love: The delivery we've all been waiting for By @CAITLINESSIG a
h Chipotle, you’ve done it again. I remember the first time I fell for you. I was 18 and scared— then, a picky eater who insisted she didn’t like Mexican food. But I took a leap of faith, forced by a couple of friends in typical high-school-peer-pressure fashion. I made my selection. Bowl. White rice. No beans. Steak. Corn. Cheese and lettuce. I was hooked. Not much has changed in the years since then, though now I double the cheese and occasionally add a margarita. But now, Chipotle is taking our relationship to a whole new level. Chipotle is going to start delivering to select college campuses nationwide using the mobile app Tapingo, and the national champions of Ohio State aren’t losing out on this one either. Yeah, you read that right. Chipotle is going to start delivering. To college students. At Ohio State. This fall. To that, I’d like to propose a toast. To an end to the inevitable hangovers, the ones where you don’t want to (or physically can’t) leave your bed, the ones where Chipotle is the only cure. To the dinnertime study sessions, the ones where you don’t dare get up from your seat for fear of losing it. May they be filled with burritos and bowls, brought right to the SEL. To the freshman 15: May it become the freshman 30, and may you enjoy every bite of it. To that first bite after a long day: May it be ever-improved by coming to you live from your very own couch. To Chipotle, thank you for understanding my needs better than any man, and now, for being down to come over whenever I need you most. In a world where you can get anything from groceries to new-release movies on demand, all I can say is, “It’s about time.”
September 9, 2015 • UWEEKLY
started at the bottom: Are you still there?
f you nailed an interview and snagged the position, congratulations! If you’re now thinking that your perception of the position was a lot more significant (and better) in your head, then welcome to the harsh reality of internships, part time side jobs and/or entry -level positions. Unless you're part of the elite Kids of Instagram crowd or your parents are independently wealthy, you’ll likely NOT start your work experience with an executive position. It can be frustrating starting at the bottom or taking a job just to pay the bills. You’ll probably accept a job that you feel is beneath you or a waste of time because when are you ever going to need to know this boss’s coffee order? Why should you care about the appropriate number of squirts of ketchup on a double cheeseburger? Follow these tips when you want to throw in the towel.
Stay Positive You’re not going to find the perfect fit right now and while you’re waiting for your dream job or graduation, you’re collecting valuable skills along the way. Even just holding down a job while in school shows future employers you at least have decent time manageable skills and a sense of responsibility.
Consider The Future
While you’re daydreaming, take note of what this job has taught you so far. Do you hate the job but like the field? Even if it’s a dining job, how do you feel about management? If you notice how crappy it is and think of things that would make things better, start thinking about a management track. If you really like dealing with customers (for the most part), maybe communications or PR would be a good career.
Don’t Trash Talk
Everyone has to vent a little bit, but keep it to a minimum and keep it professional. You don’t know
who you are going to have to network with later, or who will be in the position to hire you (or fire you) in the future. And while you’re at it, keep it off of social media. No prospective employer wants to stumble on your disrespectful tweets. Seriously, stuff that goes on the internet can always be found, even if you delete it.
Take It Out Somewhere
After a shift at a job you hate, the last thing you should do is go home and just stew about it in front of Netflix. It may seem like a good idea, but take the opportunity to focus the aggression on something positive, like getting active or hanging out with friends. Whatever you do, leave work at work and put your big girl panties on for the next day. I promise this is not going to last forever.
- Emily Rudduck
Job Of The Week Office of the University Bursar Duration: Permanent Pay: $8.10/hour The Academic Services Building is hiring for a position that includes customer service, help with billing statements, charges and payments, data entry and other duties pertaining to Ohio State. Contact pickering.46@osu.edu 12
UWEEKLY • September 9, 2015
keywords in job ads to avoid
escriptions for sales jobs are ambiguous, promise big money and are plentiful on job sites. Sales preys upon vulnerable, inexperienced young adults by reeling them in with the assurance that there is “no experience necessary,” which many young people don’t have in the first place. Sounds great, right? Sure, if sales is your thing or if you’re actively seeking a sales position. But if you’re not, you can be left sorely disappointed when your “interview” is really just a recruiter flooding you with information about the perks of the company, what you can earn and that your training is “paid.” Basically, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. But if you’re ever in this situation and you don’t really know what to look for, here is a handy cheat sheet.
“Fun and Exciting Team Environment” “Company Events a la All-Inclusive Vacations, Award Conferences, etc.” “Ambitious, Motivated and Driven” (or any variation of that combined with the keywords on the rest of this list) “Sign On Bonus! A Bonus Per Week! A Bonus For Breathing!” “Make Your Own Schedule!” “Immediate Opening!” “People Person, Excellent Communication Skills, Goal-Oriented” These keywords can also be used in traditional positions, but note the use of exclamations as well as a combination of the above words and phrases together. Another thing to tip you off? It’ll feel like the second that you submit your resume, in the event you missed the red flags, you’ll get calls and e-mails from the company. While your qualifications may or may not be up to par, a non-sales oriented company is going to take longer to get back to you than .035 of a second. Sales isn’t all bad, though. There are sales positions that pay a base pay and then you can earn SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
September 9, 2015 • UWEEKLY
your face is so much cuter than your phone
’m a huge believer in experiencing the life in front of you, rather than the life you see through a phone. I’m not talking about your online social life, or the world news you receive daily. I’m talking about the life happening in front of you, the thought provoking, beautiful and intriguing stuff just waiting to be questioned and experienced. A PRODUCT of 614 MEDIAGROUP UWeekly is an independent publication and is not affiliated with The Ohio State University. UWeekly receives NO STUDENT FEES or university funding. One free copy per person. Additional copies $.50. Opinions are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the editor, publisher or the newspaper staff. UWeekly is not liable for omissions, misprints or typographical errors. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. ©COPYRIGHT 2015.
458 East Main Street Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 488-4400 FAX: 488-4402
UWEEKLY • September 9, 2015
All too often, this life is blocked out by a phone. Now, I’m not going to begin a whole rant against this generation’s addiction to technology. We’ve all had the moral finger wagged at us for this vice. Trust me, I’m just as guilty as anyone for treating my phone as a conjoined twin. But that’s not where my issue lies. My issue was exemplified a few weeks ago when I was having dinner with my cousin (Pho Asian on Lane, simply the best). He had just arrived home from a business trip in Brazil, which is super cool stuff. I was asking him all sorts of questions, getting the dish on Brazilian Tinder, asking about the nude beaches, ya know, the good stuff. And maybe I was boring him, but he kept texting his friends mid-conversation. You all know what it’s like. You get the half-understanding “uh-huh’s” and “yeah’s” with some ill-timed head nods that are just an attempt to show you they’re listening to you. Guess what? They’re not. I don’t care how great of a texter you think you are, it is impossible to be 100 percent engaged in a conversation while you’re trying to text. I haven’t looked it up, but damn it, I’m sure there’s some scientific study out there proving this to be true. We’ve become too comfortable breaking an awkward silence with the quick click on a phone. I get it, conversation lulls happen. But whatever happened to learning how to break the silence? I adore conversing with people who understand how to keep a conversation going without relying on their handheld buddy to bail them out of talking. If you really must send a text, check an email or answer a call, then do it. But not right when someone’s talking. It shows how little you care about what they’re trying to tell you. Excuse yourself before throwing a phone in front of your face. It’s common courtesy. I’ve implemented a new system where I’ll stop talking to a person when they pick up their phone. It always takes them a few seconds to realize I’ve stopped, which is followed with a defensive “I’m listening!” then followed with them rattling off what I said. That’s fine, they were hearing what I had to say, but were they actually listening? I’m sorry if I’m coming off holier-than-thou. But if it seems like I am, then you might be guilty of being one of these rude conversationalists. Call me old fashioned, but I enjoy appreciating the people in front of me, and experiencing what they have to say. My advice? Set down the phone. Start a conversation. Ask some questions, be interested and be engaged. People are awesome, and there’s always something new to be learned. Oh, and if you’ve never experienced this issue, then good for you for being so goddamned interesting (and please contact me ASAP to give me the heads up that I’m actually just boring and no one has the heart to tell me).
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Cover photo by Jason Mowry/Icon Sportswire CEH/ Jason Mowry/Icon Sportswire/Newscom
What are you most excited for this football season? By Madison durham
Ryan Kuebler
I’m excited that this is my first year being able to go to the state up North and play when we beat them.
Linnea Beighley
I’m excited about everyone in my dorm going crazy about teenage men tackling each other. I just like to see everyone’s crazy reactions.
Brianna Hawkins
I’m excited to see how things are around campus. I don’t know, I just got here, I’m a freshman.
Nick Vilagi
Most excited for the fact that we have a chance to repeat. Last year we were the underdogs, but this year we’re the team to beat.
Nicole Miller
I’m most excited to see if we can repeat last season’s performance. Now that we’re champions, we can see if we’re defending champions.
Kyle Kuebler
I’m excited to watch the team win, and to go to games for free.
September 9, 2015 • UWEEKLY
photo by geoff hammersley/uw
the best damn team, ever? 2015 Buckeyes might be the best to ever play the game By @GeoffHammersley a
hat are criteria for a college football team to be the best ever? How many wins they had in a two or three year window? Or how many national championships they won? The Ohio State football team that enters this season may very well be the best group of student-athletes to suit up in the Scarlet and Gray in history – and may be the greatest team to ever play the game in the modern era. In the 42-24 ‘revenge win’ against Virginia Tech, the Buckeye offense amassed 360 yards rushing, with Ezekiel Elliott leading the group with 122 yards, and 212 yards in the air. Remember, this was against a highly touted Hokies team that brought back All-American Kendall Fuller. Ohio State carved up the Hokies, and dominates on both sides of the ball in the second half to run away with the game. And that was with playmakers like Joey Bosa, Noah Brown and Jalin Marshall out of the game. Just think what would’ve happened if everybody were back from injury and suspensions; this Ohio State team is frighteningly good. 16
UWEEKLY • September 9, 2015
When you compare this year’s team to the 1969 Buckeyes that defended a national title, there are some similarities. First, both had great quarterback.
Miller made his comeback ... with, arguably, the greatest spin move to ever be made in a football game. The 1969 squad had Rex Kern, while the current team has both Cardale Jones and J.T. Barrett. But the team that rolled out of Blacksburg, Va., with a win is better; they have the dual weapons of Elliott and Braxton Miller to run the ball. Miller made his comeback to the national stage with, arguably, the greatest spin move to ever be made in a football game. The spin took out the two Hokie defenders uweekly.com
on Miller, as he cut back to the middle of the field for an easy touchdown. What Miller possesses skill-wise is something that cannot be taught, but is truly an innate ability. He’s not the only one with innate skills, though. Jones, with his rocket arm, and Barrett, with speed and ability to read the field, give the Buckeye passing attack a level of firepower that hasn’t been seen before. With the suspension out of the way for Bosa, he adds the needed explosive element to the line, and will continue to give quarterbacks nightmares, Throw in Darron Lee, Tyvis Powell and Adolphus Washington, and it’s not even fair how this team stacked. Conceivably, the 2015-2016 Buckeyes shouldn’t lose a game – on paper, that is. Easily, each game could see a 50-point barrage by the Buckeyes that ends with a national championship being hoisted in Glendale, Ariz. Very few teams have this outlook, which is why this Buckeye squad is the best ever – and we are only one game into the season.
photo by david heasley/uw
sports wrap
Women's ranked teams continue winning ways By RYAN MCGLADE @rmcglade24 a
idin’ the storm out
After inclement weather postponed the No. 17 Ohio State women’s soccer team’s match against Florida International for one day, the Buckeyes defeated FIU 3-1 last week. Nichelle Prince started the scoring for OSU with a goal in the 31st minute. The game was tied 1-1 just 15 seconds into the second half when FIU’s Madlen Weinhardt found the back of the net. The Buckeyes’ second goal came when Nikki Walts’ corner kick deflected off an FIU defender into the net. Sammy Edwards completed the scoring for OSU with a finish off Sarah Roberts’ free kick in the 66th minute. With the victory, the Buckeyes improve to 4-0-1.
Holding serve
The No. 22 Ohio State women’s volleyball team protected home court this past weekend in the 11th annual Sports Imports D.C. Koehl Classic. OSU defeated Northern Illinois in straight sets (25-21, 25-18, 25-14) to open the tournament. The Buckeyes then defeated No. 14 Florida State twice by scores of 3-2 and 3-1. In the first contest against the Seminoles, the Buckeyes trailed after the first and third sets before winning the final two to take the match. The Scarlet and Gray then won the tournament title with the second victory over FSU. Looking ahead, the club will be in New York for the weekend, competing in the Blackbird Invitational.
Slippery road
The Ohio State men’s soccer team had a rough week on the road, as it lost to both No. 17 UMBC and Navy. The club failed to notch a goal in either contest, while surrendering a goal to UMBC and three goals to Navy. Although OSU led UMBC in shots 10-6 and in corners 9-0, the Retrievers managed to find the net. With the two losses, the Buckeyes are now 1-3-0. The team’s road schedule continues, as SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
September 9, 2015 • UWEEKLY
the internationals Nine Crew SC players out on international duty
By @BEN_FERREE a the game and again played a full 90, an impressive feat of endurance. He was the only international player to make it back for the Crew SC game. Kei Kamara, the MLS leadphoto by david heasley/uw ing goal scorer, played for olumbus Crew SC took a hard hit at home on his home country Sierra Leone in a scoreless draw Sunday night, losing to FC Dallas by a final against the Ivory Coast. Though it was a home game score of 3-0. Mitigating the loss was the fact for Sierra Leone, the Africa Cup of Nations match was that a team record nine players had been called up played in Nigeria as there is currently a moratorium that week by their national teams, meaning most of on games in countries that are still suffering from them missed the game. Below is a look at some of ebola. Kamara said on twitter “It’s not normal to celthe players, and how they did while abroad. ebrate a draw, but when it’s against the best team in Vice Captain Wil Trapp played for the US U-23s your continent, you [are] thankful.” (a @keikamara) Justin Meram had the best performance of any in a friendly against England. The match was a warm-up for the Olympic Qualifying that will begin traveling Crew player, scoring his first international soon. Trapp played the full match, but the US lost goal as Iraq stomped Chinese Tapei 5-1 in World Cup 1-0. Trapp flew back to Columbus immediately after Qualifying. One of the newest Crew SC players, Har-
rison Afful, also had great success. Afful captained the Ghana team to a 3-2 win in a friendly against the Congo, and then played again in a 1-0 victory against Rwanda in the Africa Cup of Nations. Kevan George was with Trinidad and Tobago, and his squad took on soccer powerhouse Mexico. George played 30 minutes in the second half of the 3-3 draw. Cedrick Mabwati was also active in the Africa Cup of Nations, but his Democratic Republic of the Congo team fell 2-0 to the Central African Republic. Sergio Campbell was called up to Jamaica, who lost 3-2 in a World Cup Qualifier to Nicaragua – he did not play. Waylon Francis was also a last minute call-up, for Costa Rica, but he did not play in a 1-0 friendly loss to Brazil. Crew SC missed some of their best players on Sunday, and will look to reacclimatize them quickly to continue their push for the MLS playoffs for the second consecutive season.
UWEEKLY • September 9, 2015
getting over the hump Bengals look to take the next step in 2015 By JIMMY BLOOMFIELD @ _JBloomfield a
he narrative has remained the same for the Cincinnati Bengals in each of the last four seasons. The Bengals are widely regarded as one of the most talented teams in the AFC, but they cannot find a way to take the next step – winning in the playoffs with quarterback Andy Dalton and head coach Marvin Lewis. Cincinnati has lost four consecutive wild card playoff games with the combination of Dalton and Lewis at the helm, and has not won a playoff game as a franchise since 1990. After each successive loss, questions arose about whether Dalton and Lewis were the right fits at their respective positions. This year has to be the year for the two to put it all together and make a run in the playoffs. Dalton’s monster contract extension is essentially a deal that allows the Bengals to make an evaluation on his future on a year-to-year basis. The “Red Rocket” has led the Bengals to a 40-23-1 regular season record the last four years, but has
looked awful in four playoff starts. The Bengals had a quiet offseason, adding depth on defense with their signing of former Buckeye linebacker AJ Hawk and pass rusher Michael Johnson. Offensively, the Bengals lost tight end Jermaine Gresham but will replace him with a promising young player in Tyler Eifert, who excelled while at Notre Dame. The quietest part of the offseason was the lack of a contract extension for star wide receiver A.J. Green. While Green’s peers of Dez Bryant, Julio Jones and Demaryius Thomas were all given new deals, Green will have to wait. A lack of an agreement with Green only puts more pressure on Cincinnati to perform this season. The franchise has been stuck in quicksand and will have to move in a new direction if things do not change. For the Bengals, it will be another tough battle
in AFC North– especially with the division drawing the NFC West in this year’s schedule. Looking across the rest of the AFC, however, the Patriots, Colts and Broncos are the only other legitimate contenders on paper. Each one of those franchises is battling their own problems heading into the season. Once again, Cincinnati stacks up as one of the most talented teams in the conference. They have a great offensive line, one of the game’s best backs in Jeremy Hill, a premier wide receiver with a good supporting cast and a defense that makes plays. The question still remains: Will Andy Dalton take the Bengals to the next step or continue the franchise’s 25-year drought without a playoff win?
September 9, 2015 • UWEEKLY
he Fashion Meets Music Festival had a resounding presence in downtown Columbus this past weekend, however, for the second year in a row, it fell flat. The 2014 FMMF was free to attend but riddled with controversy about R. Kelly originally slated as a headliner and featured no local love for food, art, or other vendors, among many other issues and logistical nightmares. Perhaps the largest complaint for last year’s event was the huge lack of varied genres of music being represented. The organizers behind the festival seemed very open to and sought out feedback after last year, and in some ways, it seemed they listened. This year’s fest featured more artists with some heavier weight: Ludacris, Young the Giant, Awolnation, St. Vincent, O.A.R., Taking Back Sunday, Allen Stone and more. Ludacris and Soja were the only two selections adding any sort of variation to the weekend lineup. Every other band, especially the local selections, was unilateral and stagnant. I’m no expert, and I don’t pretend to be, but I can’t quite figure out how one expects to have a successful event only attracting one very specific type of music listener. The same person who likes Captain Kidd likes Kid Runner likes O.A.R., and so forth. I would venture to guess that it's very pricey to feature a quality diversity, which is perhaps not feasible by FMMF organizers. But variety, to me, is vital to attracting more people and creating a more entertaining and fun weekend. Especially when you’re paying a pretty penny (tickets ranged from $49.99 to $189.99) to be there. And if you don't have variety, feature one large artist that can draw a sizeable crowd on their own. That aside, the music I was able to catch was smooth and enjoyable. Ludacris played to a decently sized crowd and was incredibly entertaining as he created a performance that’s more of a conversation with the crowd. Allen Stone was incredible and my personal favorite of the weekend due to his sheer musical talent and skilled voice. And I was really looking forward to seeing Rachel Platten, whose hit “Fight Song” has quickly become an independent girl anthem. She unfortunately started about 45-minutes late, thus having a five-to-six song set, one being a cover of Snoop Dogg’s “Gin and Juice.” Cue eye roll. I’m 23 • 20
UWEEKLY • September 9, 2015
photos by david heasley/uw
September 9, 2015 • UWEEKLY
cordial sins look to take columbus to church By JACK LYNCH
he Cordial Sins have only played a handful of shows since reforming after an eight-month hiatus, but the band’s upbeat pop sound and tight rhythm section have garnered praise not just from audiences, but also from local alt-rock radio station CD102.5. The Sins played the opening night of the radio station’s new Big Room Bar on Aug. 21 — a dream gig for any band looking to make a mark on the Columbus music scene. “We are currently going for it. We’re chasing the dream, man,” guitarist and vocalist Corey Dickerson said.
Judging from the band’s live sound, held together by Jeremy Miller’s rock-solid tempo on the drums and Alex Randall’s grooving bass lines, the eight months of songwriting and rehearsal have brought the Sins closer to the dream than ever before. The band’s currently untitled full-length album is slated for release in November, from which the advance single “Places” has already been released, led by lead singer Liz Fisher’s dreamy keyboard lines and strong melodies. “A lot of local bands do EPs or they’ll do four or six songs, but we really wanted to challenge ourselves to do [a] full album,” Miller said.
“That, and we don’t want to work shitty jobs forever,” Dickerson added. “We want to get our music out there, you know?” The Sins have a shot at becoming Columbus’ next local darlings, but guitarist Kyle Edwards noted the importance of the listener at the end of the interview. “OSU is huge — there’s like 50,000 people — and I feel like I see the same people at shows every week,” Edwards said. “If kids pick up this paper and read, they’ve just got to know that there’s something to do every week, a couple of times a week — local music that’s actually good.”
The Cordial Sins’ next show is slated for Friday at Brothers Drake Meadery. 22
UWEEKLY • September 9, 2015
photo by david heasley/uw
• 20 all in favor of artists doing creative covers
of others’ work, especially hip-hop, but the “cute blonde girl trying to spit out the words to a rap song” stereotype was cringeworthy. Platten vocally sounded great most of the time, despite her obviously green stage presence, thus I couldn't help but feel oddly embarrassed for her. O.A.R. without a doubt had the largest crowd of Saturday night, arguably more than Young the Giant who closed the evening. Both put on an entertaining show and the crowd ate it up. I spent most of Sunday checking out the fashion. Last year, FMMF was highly criticized because the music and the fashion … well, they didn’t exactly meet. This year, the fashion was brought outside in a tent (a good idea in theory but it was really f*cking hot this weekend, so that just could not have been enjoyable for anybody). It was a little hard to be proud of and inspired by any of the fashion from local designers when the music and walking was just so off. Maybe the heat made me overly critical but it still doesn’t make any sense to have models walking (horribly and off-beat) to shitty-sounding recorded music vibrating through speakers … at a fashion AND music festival. The fashion side of the fest, in my opinion, got the short end of the stick. My teenage-self reveled in Taking Back Sunday’s set on Day 2, and while Awolnation and St. Vincent aren’t my chosen cups of tea, their high energy and eccentric sounds were highly entertaining. Despite enjoyable music both days, I left Sunday night with a bitter taste in my mouth. Last year, the artists and press were at least treated well, with room in Studio Movie Grill to work, relax and conduct interviews. I don’t normally care about or even want perks, but I don’t like being treated like shit by the person who is in charge of running the press setup (which was just a few people standing around boxes and bags on the second floor of the movie theatre). Not to mention I was told three different locations for the press tent, and asked others around the festival, and no one knew where or what I was talking about. All in all, big names on a bill are not enough to impress me, or make me want to ever pay for a ticket.
September 9, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Ellie Montengro Ellie Montenegro, a second-year in psychology and strategic communications, is excited to get involved this year. She recently became a elementary and middle school tutor at Graham Primary School on 16th and Indianola. She’ll be helping them with their studies but is hoping to inspire them with her style, as well.
shirt $15 American Eagle
Why do you think fashion is important? I think it’s a really good way for people to feel good about themselves and to individualize themselves. I mean, I know for me, it’s really hard to get up in the morning but knowing that I’m going to look good will give me inspiration to get out of bed and do something with my day. I think people are happier when they’re comfortable in their own skin and I think fashion is a great way to find that.
Who inspires your look? One of my really good friends is really into fashion so I always follow her. She’s usually really trendy, almost too trendy for me, but she leads me down the lines. I take a lot from magazines to find the current trends and then shape those to look like myself.
Are there any fall fashion trends you’re looking forward to? Shorts $25 American Eagle
I love fall because I love scarves. I own way too many scarves and I’m really excited because I think the blanket scarf is making a comeback which is fantastic because they’re so warm when we live in the arctic. I also think layers look really nice, you look really put together even if it’s just a sweater and a tshirt.
Where are your go-to places to shop? American Eagle because it’s where I work so I’m surrounded by their retail all the time. I like Express a lot.
What’s your favorite outfit? I think right now I have a striped swing dress with a little cutout in the back and it’s really light and comfortable and nice and cool.
Do you have any advice for readers?
SHOES $75 Birkenstocks
UWEEKLY • September 9, 2015
Be comfortable. Fashion is awesome but do not kill yourself. Don’t wear something that gives you blisters or that you feel like you have to suck yourself into because you’re gonna look so much better if you feel good in what you’re wearing.
-Lauren Every
fall fashion: Most (and least) wearable trends By EMMY WELLS
@Andtheemmygoes2 a
all is arguably the most anticipated of all the fashion seasons. Scarves, boots and denim jackets can be pulled from the back of our closet and into our everyday ensemble again as we make our way to classes, pumpkin spice latte in hand (cue “basic white girl” remarks). Snide comments aside, if you’re a style guru looking to follow the latest fashion trends, here’s a look at what’s big this fall. Wearable or not, they’re making their mark, both on the runways and the streets. 1. All things ‘70s Stepping into the mall is like stepping back in time. Think suedes, furs, flares and fringes. The best thing about these looks? They can be layered – our favorite way to dress for fall. You can wear this trend subtly by pairing a pair of flares with a basic tee, or go all-in by layering multiple ‘70s pieces. 2. Bling is back It may have left us for a while, but statement earrings and feminine, sparkly pieces are making a comeback this year, according to Elle. 3. Skinny Scarves Oversized, chunky scarves are taking a backseat to scarves so skinny they could be mistaken for a men’s tie. It might seem awkward to make the transition, but skinny scarves are versatile and can be worn throughout the seasons – as long as you’re not looking to keep warm. 4. Bold Bags We’re not just talking big and colorful here. Bags with out-there designs and catchy phrases are making their way into the scene. Trends We Just Can’t Even: In addition to some exciting, totally wearable fall trends, there are a handful that are almost unthinkable. 1. Twinning Remember when it was almost necessary for you and your childhood best friend to buy matching outfits? Well, Harper’s Bazaar, along with several others, says that matching or coordinating outfits are a “Yes” this season. We say, “No.” 2. Furry Shoes Furry vests were hard enough to accept, but shoes? From slides to boots, shoes SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
September 9, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Sweet & savory pairings
photo by shelby lum/614
a slice of paris in columbus
Laughlin's Bakery satisfies the sweet tooth
f there’s one food group arguably enjoyed by the majority of college students, it’s dessert. There’s cake, cookies, pies, tarts; the list can go on and on! As a college student, you may not have a kitchen if you live in a dorm, or you may just not have time to create tasty concoctions yourself. No worries. There is a relatively new bakery in the Short North called Laughlins, which serves up delectable sweet treats. The owner of Laughlin’s has a pretty funny story on how the bakery started. Jonas Laughlin was actually an opera singer. He came to Columbus to get a degree in vocal performance when he unfortunately caught a cold that inflicted damage to his vocal cords. He then turned to baking and decided to open up a shop right off High Street on Second Avenue. Laughlin’s is only about nine months old, but has many people talking. The atmosphere is calm and inviting, with just a few tables. It is the perfect place to meet with friends or go on a coffee date. All of its baked goods are handcrafted and it strives to use the freshest ingredients possible. The price range is affordable, as well. Most items range from $2 to $4. However, cakes are $6 per slice. If you want the whole cake (they are pretty big), it will 26
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cost around $50. Cake flavors range from the classic vanilla and chocolate to lemon raspberry. Personally, my favorite treat from Laughlin’s is the orange molasses sandwich cookie, which is built by putting orange buttercream between two molasses ginger cookies. The cookie is moist with subtle hints of orange. If you want something a little out-of-the-box, this is the cookie for you! Another yummy treat from the bakery is the lemon Madeleine, which is only $1. I typically don’t like lemon desserts, but I decided to give it a try. This mini lemon cake is very light and is double-glazed to perfection. I think I might like lemon desserts now. Laughlin’s also offers gluten-free desserts. From the carrot almond torte to a rich dark chocolate cookie, it’s hard to notice that these treats are gluten-free. I purchased a few chocolate cookies for my friends and they didn’t realize they lacked gluten. They all claimed that the cookie was chewy, moist and delicious. If you’re craving something sweet, I would recommend Laughlin’s in a heartbeat.
-Ashley Wilkinson
grew up watching the Food Network with my parents. Some of my favorite shows were “Iron Chef,” “Giada at Home” and “Chopped.” After watching 10-plus years of food critiquing, I noticed a trend: sweet and savory pairings. Many Food Network stars preach that to make a plate complete, it must have a sweet element as well as a savory element. This could be for an entrée or even dessert. Hopefully everyone knows about the chocolate bacon fad. If you do, that’s the route we’re taking. Here are some ideas to help bring both sweet and savory to the table! • Jalapeno burger topped with raspberry jam and cream cheese. The jam and cream cheese really balances out the heat! • Chili powder chocolate. Whether making a chocolate cake, brownies or what have you, add some chili powder for an extra kick! • Watermelon and olive oil. Who says that watermelon is just for dessert? Sprinkle olive oil on watermelon and you will turn a sweet fruit into a delectable, savory appetizer! • Strawberry and goat cheese salad. This one is my favorite! Combine your lettuce of choice, fresh strawberries, chives and goat cheese to make a very satisfying salad. Top with your choice of dressing. I normally top it with raspberry vinaigrette.
-Ashley Wilkinson
ultimate ooey, gooey Mobile cupcakes prove to be a vegan cookie recipe By ASHLEY WILKINSON
egans, are you looking for a cookie recipe to satisfy your sweet tooth? And carnivores/vegetarians, are you ready to indulge in a cookie that tastes like the classic chocolate cookie you already know and love? After tasting these cookies, you will realize that you don’t necessarily need milk or eggs to make a mouthwatering dessert. Everyone, turn on your ovens to 350 degrees. You’ll need these ingredients: • ½ cup coconut oil • 1 cup brown sugar • ¼ cup almond milk • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract • 2 cups flour • 1 teaspoon baking soda • 1 teaspoon baking powder • ½ teaspoon salt
• •
1 cup vegan chocolate chips While your oven is preheating, mix the coconut oil, brown sugar, almond milk and vanilla together. In a separate bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt together. Then mix your wet and dry ingredients together. Fold in the chocolate chips. Don’t worry if the batter is a bit crumbly; that’s normal! Roll the cookies into about 1 ½-inch balls and place onto a cookie sheet. Flatten the cookies a bit to make insure that they stay together, then bake for eight minutes. Enjoy fresh out of the oven or let them cool down and dunk them into almond milk! Delicious!
September 9, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Let's get shucked up! Ugly Tuna celebrates 10 years on campus
Be the life of the party, we’re spring break everyday!” If your boss ever said that to you, you could assume right away that the place you’re working is an extremely fun place to be. This establishment is known to have one of the hottest male bartenders in Columbus, has a Florida grill vibe and has delicious fishbowls in a variety of refreshing flavors; not to mention the entrance sign that dubs it “A shell of a place to get shucked up.” Prepare to have fun with friends, watch the Buckeyes muck Fichigan and get ugly, because it’s Ugly Tuna’s 10th anniversary. The Ugly Tuna we all know and love was an idea that arose when the owners visited a Florida establishment. “They visited the place and loved it. They wanted to bring that same energy and good spirit to life on the OSU campus, and here we are today,” said Ugly Tuna’s manager Don VanFleet. He has been the general manager for the bar for a little more than six months, and in that short time, he’s made some changes to help further enhance the fun vibe. Ugly Tuna’s wall is now painted in bright, neon colors, has three new 70-inch TVs and five new 40-inch TVs to make Game Day as epic as possible. The bar has also changed some prices and specials to make everyone’s wallet a little happier. Now, wells are $3.50, fireball shots are $3, bombs 28
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are $3, domestic drafts are $3 and shot skies are $10. Tuna’s weekly specials are as followed: Monday: Half-off alcohol and karaoke. Tuesday: Yard night featuring DJ K2, $1 tacos Wednesday: $5 32-ounce long islands, $3 craft beers Thursday: Pitchers for $3 and $2 wells starting at 4pm with DJ Clarity Friday: $10 Bud Light and Yuengling buckets from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., $12 from 8 p.m. to close and $8 Jameson Saturday: Yard night again! Sunday: $10 buckets all day and $4 Jameson At Ugly Tuna, it’s not just about the alcohol; I didn’t know they had food, too! In fact, it originally opened as a food joint. Even though alcohol is presumably its No. 1 draw, Tuna’s staff prides themselves on serving delicious, quality food. For its 10th anniversary on Sept. 18, Ugly Tuna is throwing a spotlight party with UWeekly and @ OSUCrush. “We’re looking forward to the next 10!” VanFleet said. “Our goal is always the same: Come for the food, and stay for the party. We are just going to keep building the atmosphere, bringing in great entertainment and teaching everyone it’s okay to get ugly!”
-Ashley Wilkinson uweekly.com
gameday drinking game
t’s finally football season! Next to nothing can beat the feeling of watching our Buckeyes win, but here’s a drinking game to help make it even more enjoyable. Warning: Do not drink every time The Ohio State Buckeyes make a great play as this might result in alcohol poisoning. • When you see Lee Corso put on the Brutus head, chug a beer • Take a drink for the kick-off (of course) • Drink when the Ohio State defense gets a sack • Opposing team scores a touchdown, drink double and mutter obscenities • Chug every time you see the Buck-I-Guy • QB to Braxton Miller completion, shotgun a beer • Camera shot of a shirtless fan; take a shot (and also your shirt off) • Take a drink every time Woody Hayes is mentioned • Take a drink when the phrase “thirdstring quarterback” is mentioned • When the Buckeyes win, finish your drink and start your natty case race
-Logan Korn
gluten (free) wasted Have your drink and enjoy it too
hether you are choosing to be gluten free because of a lifestyle choice or for health reasons, drinking can often be difficult when you’re avoiding gluten. Here are some ways you can drink the drink you want and still be gluten-free. Unfortunately most types of beer are not gluten-free. This is because they contain hops and barley (along with other ingredients), which contain gluten. But don’t lose hope just yet! There are many companies starting to cater to individuals with Celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Two Brothers Prairie Path – A refreshing Belgian-style golden ale that can be found at many bars around Columbus. Green’s Amber Ale – Developed in Belgium, Green’s Amber Ale is a medium-bodied beer with subtle caramel and nut flavors. Lakefront New Grist – This was the first gluten-free beer made in the United States and is my favorite out of this list. This beer is brewed and grown on molasses, which provides many complex flavors. If you’re looking for a delicious beer alternative, drink hard cider! Hard cider is rapidly growing in popularity and is usually brewed using apples. That being said, pay attention to labels; hard ciders like Redd’s Apple Ale are NOT gluten free. Woodchuck Hard Cider and Angry Orchard are the way to go. These sweet and refreshing ciders are a great beer alternative and may have you totally forgetting about the beer you are missing out on. Most liquor is gluten free (because the gluten is removed during the distillation process), though whiskey and bourbon are exceptions and are drinks that you should avoid. Tequila, rum and potato vodka are all gluten-free and deemed safe to drink. Shots anyone?
-Logan Korn
September 9, 2015 • UWEEKLY
want to be seen? tag @uweekly in your photos to see them here!
UWEEKLY • September 9, 2015
September 9, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Catch a Fire Tour
Find your flame at this reggae-inspired show performed by Damian and Stephan Marley, children of the immortal Bob Marley.
LC Pavilion Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: $44.60
The Letters Home
Until the Ribbon Breaks
This self-proclaimed dirty soul rock group will make your night out a little more exciting this Wednesday. Also features Something Keen. Skully's Music Diner Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: $8 DOS
The British are coming! Check out this alternative group that brings a fresh, electronic mix of pop and rock to the table. The Basement Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: Prices vary
Fishbowl WEdnesdays
Flicks for Free ft. Ex Machina
Hump day is about to get a little uglier! Head to Ugly Tuna for their infamous Fishbowl drink at a special price. Ugly Tuna Saloona Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: Free
UWEEKLY • September 9, 2015
Take a study break and head to the Union for an evening of free snacks and a free movie! U.S. Bank Conference Theater Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: Buck ID req.
Slightly Stoopid
Catch that West Coast vibe with this Californian musical group, that draws inspiration from the blues, hip hop and funk. LC Pavilion Time: 5:30 p.m. | $27.50-$30
Restart House Music
Ladies 80's
EDM is in the house and it’s fo’ free! Come for a night with multiple DJ’s and the appreciation of house music.
Featuring DJ Ginsu, hit up Skully’s for great jams and drinks to dance the night away. If you plan on bringing more than 8 ladies, ask about their VIP complimentary bottle service.
Brothers Drake Meadery Time:10 p.m. | Tickets: Free
Skully's Music Diner Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
Here Come The Mummies
Get your funk on with the groovy undead! Check out their jams like “Carnal Carnival”. Newport Music Hall Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $22-$25
Post Malone, AllXCaps
A rapper straight outta Dallas who emerged in the rap world after a chart-hitting single that led to a deal with Republic Records. Park Street Patio Time: 10 p.m. | Tickets: $15
September 9, 2015 • UWEEKLY
OUAB Presents: Nick Offerman LIVE!
“Never half-ass two things. Whole ass one thing.” The man behind the Ron Swanson mustache is coming to OSU to spread some wisdom from his years of professional experience. Mershon Auditorium 7:30 p.m. | Free w/Buck ID
The Steeldrivers
5th Line Fest
Get down with some pure bluegrass tunes, sponsored by WCBE 90.5 FM. If you need some Southern style in your life, check out this three time Grammy nominated group. Park Street Saloon Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: $20
Meet your favorite Columbus Blue Jackets at this free event! There will be various activities including open ice skating, a tour of the locker room and a Q&A with the players. All ages are welcome! Nationwide Arena Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: Free
Wake & Shake: Breakfast Rave
Short North Food Tour
Need a wake up call? Set your alarm for dawn and welcome in the morning with a sunrise rave. This rave is complete with breakfast and a full dance party.
All foodies need to get to this multiday event. The tour begins at North Market and continues on to five or more participating restaurants. Short North Arts District Time: 11 a.m. | Tickets: $58
Wild Goose Creative Time: 6 a.m. | Tickets: $5
UWEEKLY • September 9, 2015
Ohio Craft Brew Festival
Bring in the start of beer season with this celebration of craft beer. The event features Ohio breweries, including Barley’s Brewing Co., Christian Moerlin, Elevator Brewing Company, Four String Brewing Co., Great Lakes Brewing Co. and more! North Market Time: Varies | Tickets: $25-$30
Kinetic Dance Party
Get your blood pumping when the bass drops at this multi-artist EDM dance party! The event features Druid Cloak, Muzzy Bear, Attak, Lethal FX, and more. It’s 18+ to dance and 21+ for no cover charge! Skully's Music Diner Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: Free
Ohio Proud Fall Harvest
Buy local and support Ohio business at this fall market. The Harvest will feature multiple businesses offering products from seasonal produce to handmade goods. Easton Town Center Time: 10 a.m. | Tickets: Free
The annual sketch comedy show embraces the season by incorporating rock ‘n roll and Halloween themes into the show scheme. Shadowbox Live Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: $25-$40
Body Language
Every second Saturday of the month, Victory’s Live hosts a free EDM dance party for the 18+ crowd. Victory's Live Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: Free
September 9, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Open Streets Columbus
Looking for a pick me up on Sunday morning? Open Streets Columbus is a fun way to get active and exercise. Anyone who loves to run, bike, or strike a yoga pose can join in. Don’t forget to bring your mat! Fourth Street Time: 12 p.m. | Tickets: Free
Hippo Campus
Mac Sabbath with Devilcake
A western band on the run, Hippo Campus brings authentic indie sound from Minnesota on their first fall tour.
Parody group Mac Sabbath returns. If you’ve ever wondered if it was possible to combine heavy metal with Mickey D’s characters, this is the group for you.
The Basement Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: $15
Skully's Music Diner Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $15
Sunday Funday Karaoke
Mug Night!
Get an education in a classic college bar with $2.50 for a full mug and only $1.75 for a refill. The Library Bar Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: Free
Sunday may be the last day of the weekend but it doesn’t have to be boring! Get ugly for karaoke night, hosted by DJ Rob Stylz, with plenty of drinks to go around. Ugly Tuna Saloona Time: 10 p.m. | Tickets: Free
UWEEKLY • September 9, 2015
Spice up your week with all-you-can-eat tacos TUES for only $6.99! Don’t forget the margaritas!
Lord Huron
Go underground for a night with this indie folk band that draws its roots from Appalachia and Lake Huron. The tour features tracks from the band’s first full length album.
Echo and the Bunnymen
Get your groove on with this British 70’s rock band on their 2015 tour with hits like “Nothing Lasts Forever.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Newport Music Hall | Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
Newport Music Hall | Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
Microphones & Mojitos
Wet your whistle with $5 Mojitos and $3 House Shots for an annual karaoke night at Cantina! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Park Street Cantina | Time: 8 p.m. | Free
The Basement 10 Year Anniversary Show
WCBE hosts an anniversary party for the decade-old bar, The Basement. The show features Built to Spill and many more acts.
The Basement | Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
Movie Night
Embrace your inner video game geek and head to the new arcade bar in the heart of Old North for a classic movie night. All draft beers are $5 and custom cocktails for $7! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Old North Arcade | Time: 4 p.m. | Free
$3 U Call It Happy Hour
Call the shots with Eddie George’s $3 special during happy hour prime time. The special includes: $3 Domestic Drafts, $4 Import & Craft Drafts, $3 Well Liquors, $3 House Wines and $2 Beer of the Month!
College ID Night
Come for the drinks and stay for the free pool! Bring your BuckID for a night of free pool. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Suzi Cue | Time: 7 p.m. | Free
Taco Tuesday!
Spice up your week with all-you-can-eat tacos for only $6.99! Don’t forget the margaritas!
Park Street Cantina | Time: 4 p.m. | Free
Eddie George's Grille | Time: 3 p.m. | Free
September 9, 2015 • UWEEKLY
pucker up! How good of a kisser are you?
h, the art of kissing. It’s a magical, unspoken language that can say anything from “You’re the love of my life” to “I want you now.” The slightest change in pace could turn any innocent kiss to hot, heavy and – oops – naked. That’s the beauty of kissing; it’ll define your relationship for you. For example, kissing that is fast, deep and desperate can mean anything from a quick f*ck to you’re-in-a-long-distance-relationship-and-it’s-beenweeks-since-you’ve-done-it to you’re madly in love (disclaimer: only true in romance novels). Often times, you don’t consider your kissing style and if it’s appealing or annoying to someone else. You could always ask the last person that you kissed, but how likely is it that you’ll get an honest response? To be frank, I wouldn’t feel comfortable telling someone that I was choking on their tongue (gag) or grossed out by their chapped lips (gag, again). That entire conversation would be way too awkward. That’s why I’m bringing you tips (or reminders) on kissing. I’ll be going back to the basics just to make sure you’ve got a strong foundation to work with. From there you can begin to move up the scale and get creative. • Be into it. If you aren’t interested in kissing this person, you’re not going to give your best performance. If you are, then it’ll be easier to follow the rhythm of his body and kissing. • Pop a mint. Please, please, please check your
UWEEKLY • September 9, 2015
breath and teeth. This is fundamental. No matter how great your tongue work is, bad breath and food stuck in your teeth will kill the mood. • Au naturel. If you know you’re kissing a guy tonight, leave the red lipstick at home. Gloss can be goopy and lipstick might leave stains, so just rock your natural lip color with lip balm. Your lips will look much more inviting. • Build momentum. Start off slowly by kissing his lower lip, then moving to his top lip and finally kissing both of them. Drawing out your kisses will turn the both of you on. He will want you so badly, girl. • Tongue. Sometimes less tongue is the way to go, but no tongue is just boring. In between making out, lightly run your tongue down the center of his parted lips. Be sure to feel natural in the situation or else it’ll come off as creepy. Also, be confident! You’re hot, so own it. So where do you rank when it comes to making out? Are you a solid seven – not great but not bad either? Maybe you’re a whopping 10 that can make any boys’ knees buckle? These are the questions of life. Though, you’ll only find your answer with more experience, so pucker up, ladies. May we always have mints on-hand and clean teeth. XOXO, Stella
September 9, 2015 • UWEEKLY
UWEEKLY • September 9, 2015