SEP 23, 2015
UWEEKLY • September 23, 2015
@tbird24601 @ cailinpittt
September 23, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Psst... we’ve got a crush on you. Sometimes provocative, always anonymous. Check out a few of Ohio State’s latest crushes. You never know, someone may be crushing on you:
Can @jbbigbear take me to a rave with him plz
For Halloween can I be Tyvis Powells girlfriend? Or everyday? @1tyvis
I know @ryujelly has a boyfriend but hopefully somehow I can get to know her and become friends this semester #shypeopleproblems
Anna, it's too bad you have a boyfriend. You are honestly the most beautiful person I met. You never fail to make me laugh. @Annasun712
Trying to Netflix and chill w/Savannah from DZ @sgabram10
Sean Whitehurst has the best smile! I wish we could hang out more often! @spwhitey
I would totes go straight for Tori Smith. @ToriM_Smith
UWEEKLY • September 23, 2015
Ryan letcher is so cute. His scruff and his smile! Yum. @ryryletcher
Crush of the week
Is this you? Tweet @UWeekly to claim your prize.
WED 9.23
Oval_Beach @Oval_Beach
Hey @taylorswift13, if you need anywhere to tan or throw a frisbee around before your performance, #OvalBeach is the place for you!
Father John Misty, named for the profession he once aspired to, draws influence from Bob Dylan and his Evangelical upbringing. Experience his unique, soulful brand of indie rock on the stage of the LC.
Patrick Kunkel @pdkrunk I dread the day #bagpipeguy no longer plays on #OvalBeach.
LC Pavilion | 6:30 p.m. | $33.60
MON 9.28
Jed DeBruin @JedDeBruin Social messaging in the bathroom stalls: "I gave 20,000. You gave 1-ply." #new2osu
Brittany Snow will discuss acting as well as LOVE IS LOUDER, a movement that supports acceptance and sui-
Pallavi Jaya Mannava @pall_mann
cide-prevention. --------------------------------------------------------------
When someone says hi and you respond "i-o" #new2osu
Ohio Union | TBD | Free w/BuckID
TUES 9.29
Johanne @johanneegeland A dad just came up to me in Bullwinkles and said, "this is why I don't want my son coming here as a freshman boy"
Looking for a little more soul in your life? Check out Grammy-nominated Alabama Shakes, authors of hits such as “Hold On” and “Don’t Wanna Fight.”
Sara @sara_putman I bet urban meyer smells like 2,000 thread count sheets
LC Pavilion | 6:30 p.m. | $39.50
Well hot dog!!
Attn: Concert lovers
Tell us why you should win with your tweet using #TellUWeekly, and the best one will $25 to spend at DareDevilDogs! Yum!
#TellUWeekly why you should win, and two winners will receive a pair of tickets to see Mac Miller at the LC Indoor Pavilion on Oct. 11.
September 23, 2015 • UWEEKLY
photo by kaitlin bradley
the man behind the cause By KAITLIN BRADLEY
t was an event that brought many together; performers, speakers, students, an actor, university officials. Oh, and Vice President Joe Biden. The Ohio State University Undergraduate Student Government hosted a rally Thursday featuring Biden, and actor Josh Hutcherson, to discuss the impact of sexual assault on college students and their livelihoods. Biden’s address of how sexual assault affects every aspect of a victim’s life showed a personal depth on his part, making him a more relatable figure than a political talking head. Biden stressed how sexual assault is a traumatic event within itself, but even more so after it has been reported. Victims, especially female ones, are scrutinized for the very fact that it happened. Women in particular are often drilled on every minute detail, he said, such as: what were you wearing, why were you there, why did you smile? “No judge, officer or friend has the right to say: What were you wearing?” Biden stated. His driving point was that America’s rape culture, specifically on college campuses, is framed incorrectly. Victims are not to be blamed for the occurrence, but rather, the perpetrators of these crimes need to be held responsible. The focus on programs that teach women “how not to get 8
raped” are misogynistic at their core, continuing to instill the idea that it is their fault. However, it is never a victim’s fault. Therefore, who needs to take responsibility? The people involved in the details, even if they are not the attackers. “The fraternity brother who sees his fellow brother leading an overly intoxicated freshman girl up the stairs has an obligation to say something. You know damn well what he’s about to do! Say. Something. Do not just sit back and watch. I know it’s hard to say something in the moment, to be that guy, but that is what defines the man.” Biden exclaimed. Therein lies the point behind the It’s On Us campaign. It is on everyone to not only hold themselves accountable for their personal activity, but also for what they allow themselves to witness. Anyone who knowingly contributes to sexual assault or victim blaming is a participant in the crime itself, whether as an aggressor or a bystander. Our society does not need any more “slut shaming,” victim blaming or glorification of sexual assault. What led one of the most prominent politicians in our country to focus on this particular issue? According to the vice president, his own father’s
UWEEKLY • September 23, 2015
message. “Everyone wonders if my mother was raped or any other woman that I loved. But the truth is that my father raised me on this idea that the worst thing a man can do, when it is not in self defense, is to raise his hands to a woman. Especially through rape.” Biden explained. The message his father embodied was the idea that when a woman, or man, is sexually assaulted, something even bigger is taken from them and leaves a lasting mark. Unfortunately, as seen with the students who shared their stories of sexual assault, knowing the perpetrator makes the assault even harder to recover from psychologically than if it had been a stranger. Regardless of who a victim is, it is on each and every one of us to pay attention to what is happening. By turning a blind eye as many have done in the past concerning sexual and domestic abuse, we legitimize those acts as being okay. The goal is to create the opposite effect. Domestic abuse itself has overcome hurdles in the social sense that if a man is seen striking his wife in public, hardly anyone would turn away and say “It isn’t my business.” So, shouldn’t we do the same concerning sexual assault?
kim davis, you are no rosa parks By @CameronRoda a
im Davis is not an activist. She is no Rosa Parks. She is not a brave woman, standing up for her own rights and the rights of her people against government oppression. She is a bully; a bully standing for her rights to be respected above the rights of others, rights no American has ever had. The notion of ‘freedom of religion’ from the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights has been tossed around by supporters as proof of Davis’ perceived innocence. What Kim Davis’ supporters don’t recognize is the amendment they use to defend her is the same amendment that incriminates her. Lets look at the actual text from the first portion of the amendment, which says “Congress shall make no law respecting an established religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ...” The first half of the text (known as the Establishment Clause) says “Congress shall make no law respecting an established religion,” which is the part Davis and her supporters don’t want you to think
about. The mere observance of the Establishment Clause immediately halts Davis’ ability to defend her actions, which is why she and her supporters have chosen to completely ignore it. America’s foundation as a modern democracy was built on, among other things, the idea of a separation between church and state; a point made by the founding fathers to ensure America never dealt with the issues of religious governance that plagued medieval Europe for more than a millennium. Instead, Davis and her supporters only want follow the second half of the text (known as the Free Exercise Clause), which prevents the government from infringing on a citizen’s right to practice their own religion. Davis supporters are correct in that the the First Amendment allows her and any American the right to practice any religion of their choosing without government interference, no matter how many followers that religion may have or how long it has
been established for. And in other news, I actually just created my own religion! It’s called Possumism, and us possumists follow one rule and one rule only: We do not believe a marriage to be legitimate unless a live possum is present at the ceremony. And guess what, Davis, you are free to become the very first follower of Possumism, because the Free Exercise Clause in First Amendment says so! Davis is now free to only attend weddings that have a live possum present for the rest of her life if she wants too, because FREEDOM! Yay Kim! SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
September 23, 2015 • UWEEKLY
UWEEKLY • September 23, 2015
Drop it like it's hot
5 signs you should drop your class By TAMIKA SMITH
s a new semester begins, everyone has high hopes – you intend to pass every single exam, make straight As, and go to bed every night before 1 a.m. As good as your intentions may be at the start of the semester, reality eventually sets in. And the reality is that classes can be overwhelming and very, very demanding. There comes a point in every sane college student's life where you take a step back and ask yourself: “Should I drop this f*cking class?” Because dropping is always an option early in the semester, you should never ignore the signs.
1. Your professor is really Snape-ish.
You might end up taking a class with one of those professors who is just an asshole – the ones who are pompous and act like they have better things to do than to teach a bunch of college kids for two hours a day. They also secretly like to see students fail miserably. Run away from that class, as fast as you can. 2. The coursework is massive. While exams, reading and essays are expected, a class’s coursework can sometimes be too time consuming to the point that you're neglecting other classes. Ultimately, it's better to drop a course if you know it will improve your performance in other classes than to perform poorly in your classes altogether. 3. You find the class boring. Not every class you take in college is going to be mind blowing. But, if you're taking a class that causes you to fall asleep from pure lack of interest, you're probably not going to excel in the long run. With the expansive course offerings of the university, it's easier to find classes that you're actually interested in. So, getting rid of the jejune classes on your schedule should be an option. 4. You're a small bee in a swarm. A large university means large class sizes, especially with lecture courses. You may find yourself needing SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
September 23, 2015 • UWEEKLY
photo courtesy of ohio state university
gainfully skilled, gainfully employed How to increase your employability without a job
olding down a job while attending a traditional university isn’t a gig for everyone and for some, it’s not necessary. Whether you’re living off of student loans, a full or partial ride or your parents, you all have one thing in common: One day, you’re going to graduate, and you’re going to enter the workforce. It probably feels far off, especially if you just got here. But if you’re not employed and gaining experience, take the opportunities available in college to hone employable skills, even without work experience. Take Relevant Classes – Set up an appointment with your adviser and ask for an audit printout. She or he will be able to give you a separate printout that outlines what classes will cover various prerequisites. Take classes that focus on specific skills you can utilize later. For instance, lower-level computer
science engineering focuses entirely on Microsoft Excel and Access. It also doubles as a math credit. Classes like business writing or rhetoric double as English credits and give you an edge when an application asks for your skills or relevant classes taken. The class description, as well as your adviser’s knowledge on the class, can tell you what the class is about. Consider the qualifications that your future employers are going to be looking for, and take it from there. Volunteer – It may feel like a punch to the gut when you carve the time out of your busy schedule to sign up to not get paid, but find an organization related to what you’re passionate about and go for it. Not only does volunteering show a commitment to community and selflessness, you have the opportunity to take initiative on various projects,
contribute ideas and run fundraising campaigns — all golden words for a future employer. Get Involved – Join a club. Do what you can in student government. Pitch a project for a class that puts you in the position to shadow, network with or learn from experts in your desired field. Showing early interest in pursuing a career in a particular field exhibits dedication and a strong desire to learn to future employers. Don’t feel like you have to throw yourself into volunteering full-time or other extracurriculars while juggling a full-time schedule. If you do, you’ll burn yourself out. Instead, exercise some time management, look at your schedule and find a few hours per month to dedicate to your cause. Take a break when you need it, and find ways to have fun with it while still building skills.
- Emily Rudduck
Job Of The Week Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center – Student Assistant Duration: Part time, temporary Pay: $8.10 - $13.00/hour
Student assistants needed at the OSUMC campus. Employee will provide direct meals and nourishment services to patients, including adjusting menu selections through communication with patient, staff and visitors to ensure patient needs are met. 12
UWEEKLY • September 23, 2015
on the hunt business apps at your fingertips
Need a job? There’s an app for that! 3 free apps to get you the green.” You can order anything via apps. From food to clothing to gadgets, everything is easier with an app, including your job search. In a couple of swipes you can find information about a prospective company, do some research, read reviews from current and past employees and search a company’s Better Business Bureau rating. Check out these apps to kick off your hunt. Glassdoor –It’s a comprehensive app that allows you to sign up with Facebook or an e-mail address. You can then customize your profile to reflect jobs that you’re looking for, as well as your current position. If you simply put “student,” you’ll get entry-level positions that cater to student schedules. If you do end up finding something, but you wonder what the employees have to say about the company, salary, benefits or pretty much anything else, sift through reviews by fellow app-users. Reviews are anonymous, so feel free to post your own review about past companies that you have worked for. (Still, exercise caution in what you post.) The app works in the same way as any other social media outlet, where you can “follow” various local or large companies and get firsthand information about new job postings and information within the company. Turbo Scanner – This app turns paper documents into PDFs using your cell phone camera. Once the image is captured, you can adjust the grayscale and the frame. Saving it then converts the JPG into a PDF, which can be e-mailed straight from the app. This app is extremely helpful both personally and professionally because when you do land a decent gig, there will likely be mountains of paperwork that you need to keep track of. W2s, work-reSEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
September 23, 2015 • UWEEKLY
facebook is making a huge mistake By @CAITLINESSIG a
acebook is planning to roll out a “dislike” button ... and I can’t think of anything I dislike more.
As it stands, Facebook is a place for college kids to dump pictures from Instagram, for recent graduates to brag about their new jobs in new cities, and for your grandma to post embarrassing comments on pictures of you and platonic friends. It’s a place that fosters FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) with every picture posted from a party you weren’t invited to. It’s a constant log of who’s getting engaged, who’s mad at their boyfriend, who's oversharing about their medical conditions. Add a dislike button to that mess? Pass. Imagine posting a picture of you and your beau at a wedding, and watching the likes roll in, only to see them balance out with a few dislikes from people you probably shouldn’t be Facebook friends with in the first place. Ouch. Giving people a new mode to be snarky on a site that already has negative effects on its users like low self-esteem and warped sense of the world due to people posting only their best, most edited
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458 East Main Street Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 488-4400 FAX: 488-4402
moments, is foolish. People will abuse it. Imagine downvotes on Reddit or thumbs down votes on YouTube. They aren’t personal, but they can hurt. You have no idea if someone you know clicked that button. The issue with Facebook adding a dislike button is it gets really personal. You and everyone you know can see exactly who dislikes that status about your 4.0 last semester. In another breath, for some people, Facebook has become some sort of weird, open diary, where they post their innermost thoughts and issues from breakups to court battles to the state of their health. This kind of private information should already be scrubbed from Facebook, but adding a dislike button could foster more of it, as people can seek sympathy in the form of dislikes. Pass again. Social media can be a valuable tool when it’s used right. When we recognize that sites like Facebook best store our happy moments and fond memories, we win. When we are able to acknowledge
Publisher Wayne T. Lewis
Photographer David Heasley
Editor-in-Chief Chelsea Castle
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Sports Editor Geoff Hammersley
Design Bryn Sunkle, Hugo Albornoz
Play Editor Alex Antonetz Photo Editor Chris Casella
UWEEKLY • September 23, 2015
Copy Editor James Garcia VP of Marketing Lindsay Press
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life isn’t as perfect as it appears on our newsfeeds and timelines, we win again. When we take that a step further and share too much information, make passive aggressive remarks, or, in this case, show our blatant, unexplained dislike for something, we lose. We cross a line that causes more harm than good. That’s what this dislike button is, to me. It’s an unnecessary addition that will cause more harm than good. While people may have been begging for it for years, I’d rather see Facebook disappoint its users than see the aftermath of this decision. Perhaps those behind this choice don’t know what it’s like to be a young person in a world where social media consumes your life from a frighteningly young age. But I know if I were a middle schooler today, the last thing I’d want is for some schoolyard bully to have the opportunity to “dislike” my photo of my friends and I.
Julie Kehl Ryan Mann Svaja Pakalniskis Contributing Adam Ambro Jimmy Bloomfield Kaitlin Bradley Madison Durham Katie East Rebecca Epperson Caitlin Essig Lauren Every Ben Ferree
Bryan Fraker Regina Fox Jacob Geers Geoff Hammersley Logan Korn Jack Lynch Ryan McGlade Sarah Mikati Brad Pierron Georgina Pinou Rie Phillips Cameron Roda Emily Rudduck Thailyr Scrivner
Lauren Weitz Emmy Wells Ashley Wilkinson Cover design by Bryn Sunkle
What is your favorite thing about tailgating for OSU football games? By madison durham
Alex Koenig
Being hyped up and everything else kind of going away and that sense of community taking over.
Trevor James
I love the atmosphere, playing a round of cornhole, drinking, letting loose.
Sydney Watsek
There’s this incredible sense of camaraderie amongst the students on game day, which is by far my favorite aspect of tailgating.
Chris Scharrer
The atmosphere of togetherness is really special, it’s been one of my favorite experiences in college.
Kyle Green
Making lasting memories and cheering on the greatest school ever.
Michael Audi
I like the fact that drunk people pay us to use our bathroom.
September 23, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Photo by David Heasley
a win is a win Three things we learned from surviving NIU
olding off upset bids is one thing, but holding off an upset bid from a MAC program when you’re the No. 1 team in the country? That’s a whole different situation. No. 1 Ohio State staved off a Northern Illinois upset by playing stout defense en route to a 20-13 victory in Ohio Stadium. Here are three things we learned this week about the Buckeyes:
When You Have Two Quarterbacks, You Have No Quarterbacks
Entering the season, coach Urban Meyer had the tough decision to start either redshirt junior Cardale Jones or redshirt sophomore J.T. Barrett. As both QBs have seen playing time, the passing game hasn’t lived up to expectations. Jones lobbed two picks against the Huskies, while Barrett threw for less than under 100 yards, but managed to find redshirt junior receiver Michael Thomas for a 23-yard touchdown. When asked about the situation, in-game reps might be the culprit in regards to the struggles for the quarterbacks. “There might be some truth to that,” said Meyer. 16
Either way, the QB debate still lingers in Columbus as the Buckeyes conclude their non-conference slate this week against Western Michigan. Could we see a new QB change against the Broncos? Possibly. However, we won’t positively know until the Buckeyes take the field on Saturday.
Once Again, the Defense is King
If it wasn’t for redshirt sophomore linebacker Darron Lee’s pick-six against Huskies QB Drew Hare in the third quarter, the outcome of the game could have been vastly different. “I really just read it and knew we needed something. I just tried to make something happen,” said Lee. The 41-yard interception gave the Buckeyes the momentum they needed to cushion their lead against a pesky NIU squad. Late in the fourth quarter, when the Huskies had a chance to march down the field and tie the game, the defense stood tall and shut the Huskies down – forcing a turnover on downs. When the dust settled, the Silver Bullets held the Huskies' offense to a sub-100 yard passing afternoon – a theme for the past couple weeks in
UWEEKLY • September 23, 2015
By @GeoffHammersley a regards to the Buckeyes' pass defense. Lights out play by the defense got the Buckeyes the win, however, winning like this will be harder to come by in the later parts of the season.
It’s a B1G World After All
The other bright spot for the Buckeyes came from junior running back Ezekiel Elliott, who rushed for more than 100 yards, again. Other than Elliott and the defense, the identity for Ohio State’s offense is still being sought. The Buckeyes were 2-of-13 on third down conversions; even worse, they committed five (!) turnovers in the game. With Michigan State’s slingshot to the No. 2 ranking and Michigan gaining traction under Jim Harbaugh’s reign, the Buckeyes will need to buckle up, as the conference slate of games could be tricky to navigate. But before the Buckeyes get to conference play, they will have to finish off their last non-conference game against Western Michigan on Saturday. Kickoff is scheduled for 3:30 p.m.
perfect 10 Clippers make club history By Ryan McGlade
he Columbus Clippers claimed their third Governor’s Cup in six years and 10thtenth in club history after defeating the Indianapolis Indians, 3-0, Saturday night in the decisive Game 5. Game 5 featured the Clippers scoring in the first, fourth and fifth innings while pitcher Mike Clevinger pitched 7 2/3 innings of shutout baseball to secure the International League championship. Columbus catcher Adam Moore had three hits and an RBI in the Clippers’ victory. The final game of this series was not representative of the first four, though. In the first four games, the home team won each time by a margin of one run in each of the contests. The Clippers won the first two games, which included heroics in Game 2 by center fielder Tyler Holt. He made an incredible over- the- shoulder catch to seal the win for the Clippers. However, the Indians won the next two to even the series at 2-2. Columbus could have closed out the series in Game 4, as the team was ahead 4-1 going into the bottom of the eighth. But like most of the games in this series, nothing was a sure thing until that final out was made. The Clippers surrendered a run in the bottom of the eighth inning on a bases-loaded fielder’s choice. Then in the ninth, the Columbus bullpen gave up five hits, allowing the Indians to push across three runs and win Game 4 in walk-off fashion. As Game 4 may have revealed, the final three innings of the first four games played an incredibly significant role. A combined total of 43 runs were scored by the two teams during the series — more than half (22) of them were scored in the seventh inning or later. And surely enough, the winning run was scored in the seventh inning or later in each of the first four contests. “It means a lot,” Moore said after winning the title. “It’s a lot of fun. We had a great group of guys;, we all stuck together through thick and thin, SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
September 23, 2015 • UWEEKLY
the best we've seen
Ranking the top 20 moments in Crew SC History
umber 20: Eddie Gaven, Goalie –
The first moment in the countdown can go under the category of “oddity.” Eddie Gaven, a midfielder by trade, was pressed into duty as a goalkeeper when William Hesmer went down with an injury and Columbus had no subs left. Besides playing a field player in goal, this also meant the Crew were playing one less man in the field, but Gaven rose to the occasion, giving up one goal but making two saves and securing a victory over the Philadelphia Union.
Number 19 and 18: Frankie Hejduk and Brian McBride Circle of Honor induction
– The fact that these moments are ranked consecutively, and rather low, speaks to the nature of the competition. While both events were excellent and certainly emotional for both players, it makes sense that they would not crack the top 15. Number 17: New Crew – Next in the rankings is another event, and its overall standing is also understandable. While the New Crew reveal party was a major moment for the team (new name and a new logo), it is too early to tell how important this moment is. The event took place on Oct. 8, 2014, so it is not even a year old. The fact that it even made the top 20 at all is a testament to how well designed
the new logo is and how adored the it quickly became. If the Crew do another rebrand/redesign in the next 10 years, this moment could be off the list. If they don’t make any significant changes, and the squad continues to perform well with the new look, this moment could be in the top 10. Number 16: Comeback Crew – Staying just shy of the top 15 is one of the most incredible comebacks not just in Columbus history, but in all of MLS. Going into a late season game against the Philadelphia Union, the Crew just needed a win to clinch the playoffs. This game was a mere three days after the “New Crew” reveal that had spirits high. However, a 2-0 deficit with 15 minutes remaining made a loss an almost certainty. “Almost” being the key word. Ethan Finlay scored in the 78th minute, followed by Justin Meram 90 seconds later for the equalizer. Then Jairo Arrieta had the dagger, scoring in the 82nd minute to give Columbus a 3-2 lead. That score would hold on to be the final, and it is the biggest comeback in Crew history, as well as the shortest amount of time between three goals in club history at just over four minutes. A bias towards recent events may have helped this moment make the top 20, as fans could still be fondly remembering the Crew’s return to the playoffs in head coach Gregg Berhalter’s first year, but it is hard to deny the legacy of a comeback that had never been seen before.
- Ben Ferree
UWEEKLY • September 23, 2015
Sports Wrap L
ast week, Jesse Owens Memorial Stadium was the site of dollar dog night on Thursday, and a doubleheader featuring Big Ten matchups on Sunday. Between hot dogs and offense-heavy matches, it was a great week to witness Ohio State athletics.
The Gopher & the Comeback Women’s soccer faced Minnesota last Thursday – the night of the dollar dogs! All started off well for the Buckeyes, as they jumped out to a 1-0 lead after a Lindsay Agnew goal in the 13th minute, and the backline held off a furious onslaught for most of the game. However, the Golden Gophers broke through and found the back of the net in the 67th minute, and took the lead with an 80th minute goal. When the clock ticked down to zero, the Gophers were able to pull out the win, 2-1. The Buckeyes would be able to force a draw on another Big Ten foe, though. On Sunday, part a doubleheader that featured both the men’s and women’s squads, Wisconsin couldn’t score against the Scarlet and Gray, as the Buckeyes and Badgers ended in a 0-0 draw.
You Get a Card, And You Get a Card
After coming off a 3-3 draw against in state rival Akron, Ohio State hosted No.13 Penn State. Kenny Cunningham got the Buckeyes on the board first with a 17th minute strike – after a beautiful cross from Abdi Mohamed. Chippy play led to a combined nine yellow cards, one red card and a combined for over 45 fouls, as the match ended in a 1-1 draw. Ohio State is currently riding a six-game winless streak, but two quality draws gives the Buckeye’s hope as they look to grab their first win in almost a month against Dayton on Friday.
Look, Another Win! The women’s volleyball team pulled off another tournament win: the Golden Grizzlies Invitational. Over the three game tournament, Ohio State defeated Eastern Illinois, Western Michigan and Oakland, the host institution, by a combined score of 9-1. Against Eastern Illinois and Western Michigan, the Buckeyes cruised to victories – winning both contests by a combined 49 points. With the win
Photo by David Heasley
against Western Michigan, coach Geoff Carlston is now 11-0 against the Broncos. Elizabeth Campbell and Taylor Sandbothe had 13-kills each in the final game against Oakland, and helped secure the Buckeyes third tournament win in as many weeks. Currently, the Buckeyes ride an 11-game winning streak. They will put that streak to the test this week, as the Buckeyes face both Minnesota and Wisconsin.
- Geoff Hammersley
September 23, 2015 • UWEEKLY
photo by chris casella
Welcome to Columbus, T. Swift By @ALEXANTONETZ a
he Big Blonde Machine — or Taylor Swift’s “1989 World Tour,” if we must be proper — rolled into Nationwide Arena Thursday for the first of a two-night gig, and while the expected pomp of one of the industry’s most powerful names was certainly there guns a-blazin’, it all felt a little indistinguishable from arena tours from other similar acts. “Welcome to New York” opened a nearly twohour set that ran through all but one track from “1989.” Radio hits “Style,” “Blank Space,” a grimy, bass-driven mix of “Bad Blood,” and “Wildest Dreams” made up the 16-track set that finished up with “Shake It Off,” the latter of which sent the arena into a raucous, neon-driven dance party. It was a night with precious little mention of Swift’s stacked pre-“1989” catalog, which is, granted, a silly complaint given the tour’s moniker. Tracks from her latest album largely bookended a handful of old hits, like “Red,” which Swift performed for 20
the first time on the tour Thursday, and was, hands down, the best-received tune of the night. It was a bit of a head-scratcher considering Swift’s never-ending quest to be liked. While revered old tracks like “I Knew You Were Trouble,” “Love Story” and “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together” got their shine, they were an afterthought — this is the 2015, umm, “1989” Taylor Swift. No time to dwell on the past, I guess. That’s not to say there was no sight of Old Taylor Swift. She played her guitar. (“Red,” “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together.”) She played her keyboard. (“Love Story,” “Wildest Dreams.”) She did her whole “I’m relatable” thing. (Even you can get over a breakup!) But apart from the super hamfisted series of videos from her famous girl friends — Selena Gomez, Cara Delevingne, Lena Dunham, and more! — talking about how great it is to be besties with Tay, the show just didn’t feel
UWEEKLY • September 23, 2015
much different than, say, Katy Perry’s last year. Taylor Swift is probably worth more than some small countries now. Let your show reflect that. Maybe that’s a constraint of doing an arena show, and that’s a first-world problem if there ever was one. She would have benefited from taking her act to Ohio Stadium instead, where she could have no doubt upped the production value to 11. Old gimmicks like light-up bracelets for the crowd and a B-stage that lifts up and spins around the floor are essentially pastiche for Taylor Swift at this point. It wasn’t a bad show. It was as fun and electric as an arena show could be, and the sold-out crowd of 15,000 screaming tenth-grade girls danced and sang along with every track. But if Columbus is really in her hall of fame of cities as she said, why not take your set to a venue that’s as big as your starpower? Ohio Stadium is that big, Tay. When we get back together, let’s meet there.
September 23, 2015 • UWEEKLY
local group betsy ross
looking to plant its flag C
olumbus power trio Betsy Ross uses jangly guitars, melodic bass lines and frontwoman Charity Crowe’s stellar voice to elevate themselves above your standard indie rock fare, creating music that will stick in your head and get your feet moving. On songs like “Animal Farm,” which can be heard on the band’s eponymous debut EP, drummer Dave Wegner lays down a jaunty double-time groove while Crowe soulfully belts out what could be the catchiest “oh” chorus in recent years. “We don’t practice with microphones, so we have to get in each other’s faces,” Crowe said. “There’s lots of yelling and you can see the raw emotion from everybody.” Crowe is joined onstage by her brother Schuyler Crowe, who approaches the bass from the mindset of a lead guitarist, resulting in driving bass lines in an 22
UWEEKLY • September 16, 2015
unusually high register for the instrument. The Crowes acknowledged the difficulties of spending untold hours together, but at the end of the day, growing up together has brought the siblings close.
"You're not going to find a lot of places like Columbus." “Our mom is probably our biggest musical influence from our family, playing old tunes of all genres and just singing, always, constantly singing,” Schuyler said. And fortunately for the Crowes, Betsy Ross has been welcomed into the Columbus music scene like family. “For a local scene where everyone is so supportive, you’re not going to find a lot of places
like Columbus,” Charity said. “You can go out on a Monday night and see a killer rock show — pay five bucks and have the time of your life — and you can do that Monday through Sunday every week.” The band’s newest album, “Dead Wild,” is slated for online release this week and is already available in physical form, but for Betsy Ross, the live show is paramount. “We get engulfed in what we’re playing and we want everyone to be a part of it,” Charity Crowe said. “We want it to be a party. Any time people come out and they hear Betsy Ross is playing, they should know they’re gonna come out and have a good f---king time.” Betsy Ross’ next show is at Big Room Bar on Saturday.
- Jack Lynch Photo by Annalisa Hartlaub
Konstantin Sutyagin /
I can do it better By BRYAN FRAKER
hen I first got the assignment to write about the Emmys, I was excited. I enjoy award shows. I’ll get paid for covering something I’d watch anyway, and I’ll be in bed before midnight with no issue. And then Saturday’s football game happened … half a case of beer, half a bottle of Fireball and the rental fee for a carpet cleaner to remove the vomit from the booze I ingested means things have changed. I still watched the Emmys all the way, but I was in and out of consciousness and caring. The second I saw an award being given out for reality shows, I gave up. Why the hell are you watering down an award show for legitimate talent in writing, acting and directing on television for a genre that contains “Dating Naked?” The only thing that show’s worthy of is genitals and they’re censored, so it’s pure garbage. However, I saw enough of the show to give out some awards of my own: Quietest Funeral: Broadcast TV. Five-sixths of the comedy acting and writing awards went to people not involved with network television. CBS was the only winner with Allison Janney in “Mom.” ABC struck out with “Modern Family,” NBC lost out with “Parks and Recreation” and Fox was only involved because they were hosting the show. Netflix and Amazon are truly where it’s at. Best Rehash of Previous Work: Andy Samberg's monologue. He made a good joke about feeling left out from not watching shows that everyone at work or home talks about, but once his character watched all the shows in existence, he fell back on SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
September 23, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Tiana Ahmed
Tiana Ahmed is a Junior student, originally from Rhode Island. She is majoring in Marketing with a minor in Environment, Economy & Sustainability and Fashion & Retail Studies. In her spare time, she loves to do a couple of unique hobbies such as making jewelry and playing tennis.
How would you describe your style? It’s hard for me to describe it since my range of interests varies a lot, however, my friends have said that my style is eclectic and artsy.
hat $28 Nordstrom
Why is fashion important to you? Not to sound cliché, but fashion is one of the purest ways to express my personality. Also, even if I’m not having the greatest day a great outfit that fits my personality will perk me up immediately. It’s a “look good, feel good, do good” mentality.
Who inspires you?
necklace $20 Consigned
I do not have a particular inspiration, but I do take inspiration in general from everything around. It could range from nature to a random Pinterest board I stumbled across.
How do you pick your outfits? I always pick them based on my day’s activities. A day I’m out and about more I’ll look nicer and alter the outfit based on what my plans are.
jumpsuit $30
What are your favorite places to shop? I’m a huge online shopper; there are so many more unique pieces than what is sold in stores. I also love to shop at consignment stores, thrifts shops, and art markets.
Do you have any fashion advice for readers? Wear what makes you happy and never compromise for other’s opinions. Also, never limit your sense of style by saying “I can’t pull it off.” It’s more about getting those close to you used to seeing you in the outfit. The more you wear it, the more “normal,” it becomes. Once you accepts the new style 100%, no one will question it.
What do you wear on the weekends or at night when you have plans? If it’s a low-key night with friends I’ll wear something I can usually be seen in on campus but with a pair of shoes not suitable for walking around all day. Otherwise, I tend to simplify my outfits in fear of what might happen to them, and to counteract this I usually sport more dramatic makeup.
Sandals Gifted
- Georgina Pinou 24
UWEEKLY • September 23, 2015
5 tips to rock the thrift shop By EMMY WELLS @Andtheemmygoes2 a
e’re in college, living in a fairly large city with a fairly small (okay, really small) bank account. That being said, prioritizing spending money is a must. One of the best ways to take charge of the money we do have is to make sure that whenever we spend it on things like new clothes, we look for a good deal. Thrifting is a surefire way to find cheap outfits, but it can be overwhelming to walk into a thrift store and find something worthwhile among the endless racks of clothes. But fear not -- with these thrifting tips, every thrifting experience will end with something new hanging in your closet (after you wash it, of course). 1. Know What You Want – Make a list of items you want beforehand, and go in with a plan. Pick up anything that suits your style as you peruse, but knowing what you’re looking for will save you from wandering aimlessly around the store for hours and leaving empty-handed. 2. Size, Shmize – Worrying too much about that pesky number on the tag does nothing other than limit your thrifting success. Since thrift stores most likely only carry one of everything, you might miss out on something great just because you overlooked a size. 3. Worn-Once Wonders – Take a look in your closet. Do you have a pair of pants that you can never find anything to match? Or how about that shirt you love so much, but it only looks right with that one skirt that you stained with red wine? Before you go thrifting, snap a picture of those beloved clothes that you just can’t make work, and then look for the perfect piece to complement them while you shop. 4. Scope Out Trends – Find what you like at stores that aren’t quite in your budget, and try to find something similar in thrift stores. You almost always can, and it’s way more satisfying to know SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
September 23, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Best hot dog recipes for your tailgating needs
ave you ever watched shows on the Food Network or The Cooking Channel where opponents compete to see whose crazy recipe tastes the best? These shows are typically themed towards making a classic into a unique and unforgettable experience. On Bobby Flay’s Throwdown, Bobby challenged Nick Suarez, a restaurant owner from Brooklyn, to see who can make the best hot dogs. Nick beat Bobby Flay’s Oaxaca dog (hot dog with mangos, tomatoes, and Spanish onion) with his legendary Cheesy Dog. This hot dog is topped with macaroni and cheese! For this football season, you may be looking for some recipe ideas to impress your family and friends while tailgating. Hot dogs are often a crowd pleaser during tailgates. Don’t just give your guests plain hot dogs! Spice them up with these topping ideas! Pizza Dog – Two favorites in one! After cooking your hot dog, place it in a bun. Then, add
tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and whatever other toppings your heart desires! Wrap in foil and heat up your pizza dog for a few minutes until the cheese is melted. BBQ Dog – This dog features double the porky goodness. Before you tailgate, prepare pulled pork and put into a dish that will hold heat. Also remember to bring a variety of BBQ sauces! This will allow your guests to enjoy Sweet Carolina BBQ dogs, or even Spicy BBQ dogs. Bringing bacon to triple the pork content is optional, but highly recommended. Taco Dog – This hot dog may not taste exactly like a taco, but it will still taste delicious. We can pretend that the hot dog bun is a tortilla and the hotdog is obviously the meat, except it is tube shaped as opposed to ground or pulled meat. Top the dog with taco sauce, lettuce, cheese, tomato, sour cream, pretty much any taco topping you can think of!
Apple Chutney Dog – If you’re looking for something a bit more exquisite than the previous dogs, give this sweet and savory concoction a go! The chutney will need to be made on a skillet, so plan accordingly. Dice a medium apple, and ¼ of an onion. You will also need ½ cup of walnuts, ¼ cup of raisons, ¼ cup of maple syrup, and a tablespoon of cinnamon. In a skillet, sauté the apples, peppers, walnuts, and raisons. When the apples are soft, slowly add the syrup and cinnamon. I am a strong believer that maple and pork are meant to be together, so when you top your dog with this chutney, be prepared for the explosion of flavors. The possibilities for hotdog toppings are endless! Try out those recipes. Or venture out on your own! Your guests will definitely be impressed. Happy Tailgating! - Ashley Wilkinson
grilling: safety first
hen tailgating, it is extremely important to stay safe. Don’t be that guy who catches everything on fire. Please, don’t be that guy. First off, always bring a fire extinguisher just in case a fire starts. This is especially important for dry seasons and windy days. Also bring a first aid kit for burns. Make sure to keep the grill away from crowds of people, especially small children who are running around.
For food safety, it is always extremely important to keep the temperature out of the danger zone. The danger zone ranges from 40 degrees to 135 degrees. If food reaches a temperature in this zone, bacteria can start to grow, which may cause your guests to become sick. Always bring a cooler to keep cold food in, as well as pans that hold in heat. Crock pots are excellent at keeping food warm. Happy and safe grilling!
(Buck)eye on the prize A nut to round out your tailgating spread
Mobile cupcakes prove to be a
hat is a buckeye? A buckeye can be one of three things: a person who attends The Ohio State University, a poisonous nut, or a chocolate peanut butter candy. I’m going to talk about the edible one. How is the buckeye candy made, and how did they start? To make a buckeye candy, you will need: • 6 tablespoons softened butter • 2 cups powdered sugar • 1 teaspoon vanilla • 1 cup creamy peanut butter • 8 ounce chocolate coating Mix the butter, sugar, vanilla, and peanut butter and roll into a ball. Melt the chocolate in the microwave, taking it out to stir every 30 seconds to avoid burning. When the chocolate is ready, poke the peanut butter balls with a toothpick and
dip into the chocolate, making sure it is not coated on both sides so it will look like a buckeye nut. Now that you’ve made this delicious treat, you are probably wondering about how the buckeye candy came to be. The buckeye candy is relatively new and was actually made by mistake. In 1964, a woman named Gail Tabor was making chocolate covered peanut butter balls, trying to mimic her mother’s recipe. One of the balls wasn’t covered in chocolate completely. Her husband commented on how it looked like a buckeye nut and the candy we all know and love was born! No OSU tailgate is complete without some buckeye candy. Make a batch and share some of the history of the little treats with your friends!
September 23, 2015 • UWEEKLY
fun and games drink your beer and play with it too
eer ball – This game, like beer pong, is
played on a long table. The number of players per team doesn’t change the rules. Every player must have an unopened beer can in front of them. Each team takes turns trying to hit the opponent’s can with a ping-pong ball. If the ball hits the can the player that made the throw opens their beer and chugs, until the other team can touch the ball back to the table. Once that ball has touched the table the beer drinking must immediately stop First team to finish all the beers on their side wins.
Beers-bee – You will need 2 PVC pipes about 3 to 4 feet tall in the ground. Once that is done finish a beer with the opponent and place your finished bottle on top of of the PVC. Using a Frisbee teams take turns trying to knock the target off of the opposing teams pipe. Scoring: • 2 points - Knock off opponents target successfully without them catching it • 1 point - Hit Pole • 0 points – Uncatchable throw • Play each game to 15. Win by 2 Flip Cup – This is one of the more popular games you will see at tailgates and parties alike. Each player fills their solo cup halfway with beer, when the game starts each player races chugs the beer in their cup as fast as possible. Once you finish your beer, place your cup on the edge of the table and lightly push up on the cup so that it flips over and is upside down. Don't flip your cup on the first 28
try? That’s ok keep trying until you get your cup upside down! The first one to flip their cup wins. This game can also be played with any amount of people that can fit on your playing space!
500 – This is already giving me some 90’s nostalgia. Anyway, we’ve all been playing this game since Drake was on Degrassi. But just in case you’ve never heard of this game, the goal behind 500 is for one player to throw the football to a large group of people who duke it out to catch the ball in the air. There are no interference rules so you can push your opponents out of the way. Scoring: • Catching the ball in the air-100 points • One bounce is 50 points • First to 500 wins and is “quarterback” for the next round. Chandelier – This game will get you drunker faster than any other tailgate game on this list. A shot glass of liquor is put in the center of the table and each player has a larger glass of beer arranged in a circle around the shot-glass (one beer each). Players take turns bouncing quarters into the glasses and if the quarter lands in their glass, they have to drink. If it lands in another player’s glass then that player has to drink. If the quarter lands in the center glass then every player chugs and the last one to put down their empty glass also has to drink the center shot-glass.
UWEEKLY • September 23, 2015
- Logan Korn
do's and don'ts
ailgating is a lifestyle, so don’t make a fool of yourself. Here are some do’s and don’ts of tailgating. DO get some good sleep the night before so you can wake up early and get the tailgating spot closest to the stadium. DON’T go the body paint route. There are many different ways to go about this. Sure I know you want an excuse to have your shirt off but not today my friend, not today. DO bring a lot of seating. Sitting on a rack of bud lights will give you a hunchback by halftime. Don’t be the “let’s turn this game of catch into a game of throwing a football hundreds of feet” guy. This person has hit children, cars and other tailgaters. Don’t be this person. DO drink a lot of caffeine. When you sign yourself up for tailgating you essentially are signing up for a day full of drinking which can take a toll on your body and energy. Caffeine is the best solution for this to keep you going throughout the day and prevent you from falling asleep before second half, again. Don’t ever bring frozen or preshaped hamburger patties, really DO bring a TV DON’T get so drunk you miss the game. And most importantly: DO cheer on your #1 Buckeyes!
Where are the E best places to tailgate?
veryone has their go to spot but if you are new to tailgating or hit someone in the face with a football and need a new place to go then here are some other options.
Fawcett Center
This is a tailgating secret (no longer) and if you get there early enough you can grab a fantastic spot on the grass.
Lane Avenue
This is where all the action will be happening. On game days you’d be lucky if you could even drive down Lane Avenue it gets so crowded. But it's nice to tailgate at because WNCI 97.9 usually has their own tailgate, which consists of a lot of alcohol, fun and football. (Who could ask for more?)
The Schottenstein Center The Schott is the best tailgating fallback you could have. This is because there is so much space due to the giant parking lots. But be warned this area fills up fast.
Around the stadium When tailgating near the stadium you’d be surprised at how many choices you have. The earlier you get there the closer to the stadium you could be.
-Logan Korn
Photo by jon mcallister
September 23, 2015 • UWEEKLY
want to be seen? tag @uweekly in your photos to see them here!
photos by ryan shaw
UWEEKLY • September 23, 2015
September 23, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Father John Misty
Father John Misty, named for the profession he once aspired to, draws influence from Bob Dylan and his Evangelical upbringing. Experience his unique, soulful brand of indie rock on the stage of the LC. LC Pavilion Time: 6:30 p.m. | Tickets: $33.60
OUAB Flicks for Free Ft. Inside Out
Need a little more Swedish heavy metal in your life? Head on over to the Newport to check out GHOST, whose eccentric costumes and anonymity have intrigued fans since 2006.
Inside Out is the best study break you’ll take this week, featuring an all-star comedic cast (Amy Poehler, Mindy Kaling, and Bill Hader, to name a few). U.S. Bank Conference Theater Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: Free
Newport Music Hall Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $36.20
Otherwise Rock out with Otherwise, an alternative-rock band out of Las Vegas. . The Basement Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $16
UWEEKLY • September 23, 2015
Lyf Resident Bash
Looking to do something fun this Hump Day? Skully’s has you covered. Dance all night to EDM, Trap, and dubstep beats from Rob3rt Low3, Movareo, and more. Skully's Music Diner Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: Prices Vary
Columbus Blue Jackets vs. Minnesota Wild
Cheer on the Blue Jackets at their third home game against the Wild!
Nationwide Arena Time: 7 p.m. | Prices Vary
Ladies 80's
The Liz Woolley Band
A weekly dance party is a girls’ night staple, and this week it’s Princethemed! Hit up Skully’s for great jams and drinks to dance the night away. It’s $3 for Purple Rain Pitchers!
Wanna jazz up your Thursday? The Liz Woolley Band features an outstanding blend of jazz instrumentals and vocals, as well as original songs and compositions.
Skully's Music Diner Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
Natalie's Wood-Fired Pizza Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: $10
Oliver Oak
A self-proclaimed indie folk-pop 5-piece band bringing young flavor to old school folk melodies. Between their original lyricism and harmonies, you’ll be crooning along by the end of the night!. Big Room Bar Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: Free
Warren Haynes
An American blues guitarist known for his musicality, Haynes made a name for himself as the longtime guitarist for The Allman Brothers Band. LC Pavilion Time: 6:30 p.m. | Tickets: $35.60
September 23, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Life in Color “Big Bang”
Get lit with this color charged EDM dance party! Wear your favorite white outfit and prepare to be splattered with the rainbow while dancing all night long! LC Pavilion Time: 6 p.m. | Prices vary
Paula Poundstone
Comedy nerds, rejoice. Paula Poundstone was the first woman to perform standup at the White House Correspondent’s dinner, and has had a long career of female firsts in the comedy world! Lincoln Theatre Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $38.50
Ohio Bacon Fest
Wake up and smell the hickory! Whether you like sweet, salty or musk- this bacon festival is sure to please all pork lovers. Columbus Commons Time: 4 p.m. | Tickets: $5
UWEEKLY • September 23, 2015
Fall is the prime season for food and beer in the Midwest. The annual Columbus Oktoberfest upholds this theory with a variety of food and drinks for every palate. Ohio Expo Center Time: 5 p.m. | Tickets: 10 for $10
The Nappy Roots Tour
Get funky at this 18+ show featuring the Nappy Roots, presented by Cyhi da Prince and, Splitarillos! Skully’s Music Diner Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: $20
Elliott Yamin and Blake Lewis
Elliott Yamin crooned his way into our hearts in 2007 with his hit single, "Wait For You". However, Yamin is best known for his time on American Idol and as an independent artist, on a midwestern tour with Blake Lewis. Rumba Cafe Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $14.50
Columbus Crew SC vs. Portland Timbers
We're yelling timber, Portland's going down! Cheer on the Crew while they face off with the Portland Timbers. MAPFRE Stadium Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: Prices Vary
Shadowbox Live Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: $25-$40
Bass Jam
Welcome to the Bass Jam! Shake your way over to Skully's for an elcetro-pop show featuring Carma, Heady Ruxpin and Escape Pod. Skully’s Music Diner Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: Free
The annual sketch comedy show embraces the season by incorporating rock ‘n roll and Halloween themes into the show scheme.
Chalk the Block
An all day free event featuring tons of artists working around the Easton outdoor mall area to create fantastic art! Walk around and check out the pieces, you might get a little shopping done, too. Easton Town Center Time: All Day | Tickets: Free
September 23, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Noah Gundersen
Gunderson, the independent singer and songwriter from Seattle, WA visits Columbus, on his North American tour! Gunderson is known for his rock roots and original material, as a featured artist of Dualtone Music Group. Skully's Time: 6:30 p.m. | Prices Vary
RED ft. tedashii
Little Green Cars
Check out this eclectic mix of music at Park Street Saloon, featuring the christian metal band RED. Accompanying them on stage are the pop sensation Tedashii and heavy metal rockers Wolves At The Gate.
Catch the luck of the Irish with this indie rock band, straight from Dublin Ireland. The Basement Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: $14.50
Park Street Saloon Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $15
#Trending Hashtag Comedy Show
Missing The Daily Show? #Trending can help ease the pain, providing fast-paced comedy centered around current events, political commentary, and local guests.. Shadowbox Live Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: $5
UWEEKLY • September 23, 2015
The self-titled orchestral pop band from Philadelphia brings indie flair to the city pop scene . Check out their show, featuring the soulful rock band, Greenjeans. Rumba Cafe Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $14.50
Spice up your week with all-you-can-eat tacos TUES for only $6.99! Don’t forget the margaritas!
Alabama Shakes
Brittany Snow
Looking for a little more soul in your life? Check out Grammy-nominated Alabama Shakes, authors of hits such as “Hold On” and “Don’t Wanna Fight.”
Brittany Snow will discuss acting as well as LOVE IS LOUDER, a movement that supports acceptance and suicide-prevention. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ohio Union | Time: TBD | Tickets: BuckID req.
LC Pavilion | Time: 6:30 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
Of Monsters and Men
ZZ Top
Put your “Dirty Paws” in the air, Of Monsters and Men are back! The folky Icelandic group return to promote their newest album, which features popular tracks like “Crystals” and “Empire.”
One of the most famous rock bands, formed in 1969, rolls into Columbus, OH for a night full of their number one hits like "Gimme All Your Lovin'" and "Sharp Dressed Man".
LC Pavilion | Time: 6:30 p.m. | $46.10
Jazz Series Party
A special preview party, hosted by Natalie's and the Wexner Center for the Arts, for the upcoming Fall Jazz series. The party includes jazz-themed food and drink specials, ticket giveaways, prizes for members, and incentives to become a new member.
Palace Theatre | Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
"Black Mass"
Embrace the weight with a night of heavy metal rockers like Druid, Gudger and Horseburner.
Skully's Music Diner | Time: 9 p.m. | Vary
Natalie's Coal Fired Pizza | 6 p.m. | Free
Speak easy
John Tucker
Flex your dance moves at this trio pop show, featuring John Tucker, Makaila McColley and Zyirra Hagwood. All Ages are welcome!
Stand Up Presents...a night full of true, live storytelling from Columbus centric comics. The show features Sarah Fulmer, Pam Cummings & more! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Backstage Bistro | Time: 8 p.m. | $5
Skully's Music Diner | Time: 6:30 p.m. | Vary
September 23, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Fun Page! su | do | ku 7 8 52 63 9 6 52 2 6 44 7 88 6 84 1 33 4 69 4 8 4 1 7 52 8 3 17 51 4 5 4 9 96 7 23 84 7 51 68 5 52 7 9 EASY
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# 56
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# 54
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7 8 4 9 8 5 4 7 6 9 2 1 6# 54 7 # 56
By Katie East
8 3 1 2 3 5 Aries:You deserve a little mystery Libra: Adventure isn't for the Cancer: Beat boredom this week, 4 in your 99 tak9 6 7 8 2life,1Aries. It's boring 7 weak, Libra. Sure, you might put Cancer. Here's how: quit being # 55 # 56 4 1 8 7# 55 2 6 53 47 92 ing 35 1 everything 9 4# 54 8 6 5 at 1 face 4# 56 2 6value. 89 72 3 5 9 8 1 4 6 7 3 5 1 2 6 7 9 4 3 8 2 3 6 7 4 8 5 9 1 What yourself in harm's way or worry boring! Just because you're an 7 5 4 9 3 7 89 65 18 24 6 3 9 2 7 1 48 2 6 7 8 9 34 1 46 54 13 2 718 5 9 6 4 9 2 8 3 5 5 7 1 4 8 5 8 1 2 9 6 7 3 if things were not always as they seemed? adult doesn't mean you your parents sick with your daredevil can't use your 9 2 6 3 1 4 94 81 56 72 8 7 9 3 5 7 9 3 4 5 17 28 63 85 9 6 2 1 4 3 7 8 1 5 4 9 2 6 9 7 1 6 3 5 2 4 8 never regret a second of it you1used 1 9 5 258 What 18 78 36 4if 3 6behind 72 42 5 1 each 3 4 8 5was 1 1 2lurking 95 6 6 3 9 4 imagination. 2 8 9 6 538Remember 4 7 2 1 3 how7 6 1 to 7 4 9 antics. 2 3 8 You'll 5 72 9 turn 81 77 4an 5 4 7 6 9 oddity 3 25 14 81that 58 9 cannot 2 7 6 3even 4 6be 2 comprehend5 8 72 14 99 37 8 5 3 be 6 1able 7 to 3 1play 9 6 by 2 8yourself 4 5 2 8 5 7 though. 6 9 1 4 So this week, do something really for hours3 on 8 8 3 1 6 5 42 29 77 96 3 1 5 4 8 1 7 9 6 3 46 53 88 22 4 1 7 9 5 2 8 4 3 1 5 7 6 9 5 9 4 3 8 1 7 6 2 ed an end when 7 by the human mind? 1 you 5 were a kid? No? Well, 9 out 7 there. Call your friends and loved 6 69 2 6 1 4 7 9 36 52 29 81 7 8 3 5 4 2 3 7 8 1 58 95 42 69 6 3 1 4 7 8 2 7 5 3 6 1 9 4 7 6 3 2 1 4 8 5 9 appologize for all your wronga latchkey 6 7 2 5 4 8 61 98 35 13 2 4 6 9 7 9 5 1 3 4 64 87 26 71 5 8 9 sounds 3 2 1 like 9 6 someone 4 2 8 3 5 wasn't 7 8 4 2 9 5 ones 7 1 3and 9 6 5 44 2 67in the past. Totes extreme, bro! 61 25road 76 4 is8 long, 4 2 3 3 9 8 5 2 17 732 64 Taurus: 49 5 6 8The 9 7 23 3 3 9 1 1 5 4 7 2 5 8 6 4 5 3 7 9 1 6 8 2 1 5 9 8 6 3 doings Taurus. kid. Enjoy your perfect family you consis1 get 1pretty boring 8 person. 2 8It would 7 if it Page 14tently-entertained Page 147of 25 of24 25Jul 05 24Scorpio: Jul 05 Your weather app is pitididn't have any twists or turns. And every ful, Scorpio. If it says the skies are Leo:You're the only one who 2 once in awhile, 51 6you'll 9 to a fork. This 7 6 1 4 come 3 clear, it'll rain. If it say's it's curcan make this decision, Leo. Sure, week, you must decide which way to go. 9 Whatever you do don't 3 pull a uie.5There's it's6always great 2 to weigh your 3 rently raining you can probably go catch
3 5 1 7 6 9 4 8 2
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nothing left for you back there except MEDIUM # 55 bad memories and an illegal moving violation.
Gemini: Feeling left out, Gemini? It sucks when you don't get invited places. It sucks even more when all your friends post pictures so you know what you missed.6Don't let it 1 67 51 79 43 4 5 6# 54 2 8 3 2 9# 56 7 44 57 83 19 1 6 get 3 75 to 28 62you. 11 9Friends 6 4 7 3are 6 just 7 5 like 2 1 partners, 86 38 41 92 5 3 4 5 3 8 4 9 6 3 8 2 7 5 9 1 4 8 1 9 3 5 2 2 5 69 74 7 8 the more desperate you seem the less 5 31 47 84 96 5 8 2 3 9 2 4 6 1 9 35 72 57 83 4 1 they want to be with you. Play it cool and 8 28 12 35 69 1 3 7 6 4 5 1 7 4 8 63 94 38 26 2 9 they'll be54 the 9 16 79 23 7 2 ones 1 8 5crawling 8 9 3 7back. 5 21 Also, 69 16 47 8 5 2 92 6 5 41 77 the 8 9 selfie 3 4 6 stick 1 6 it 8 just 3 2 9makes 8 43 75 51 9 7 put down 6 8 9 9 3 1 7 2 5 6 4 8 1 2 7 3 2 5 4 1 9 81 94 65 6 2 you look sad.
9# 55 8 4 9 6 2 1 6 5 7 3 4 8 5 7 3 2 1 7 44 36 58 82 3 1 9 5 7 Page 14 of 25
some Vitamin D.You just can't trust you # 56 weather app. In fact, you really can't trust anything nowadays. Since the government started controlling weather in the 1960's you can't be sure what to...I've said too much, Scorpio.
options and discuss the possibilities HARD with friends. But in the end, it's you who has to live with the repercussions. The question is, do you feel like a nut? If so, my vote is Almond Joy.
# 56
9 5 4 8 6 77 16 22 38 3 4
Virgo: Time management isn't just some skill you throw on the end of a resume to make # 56 you 2# 55 8 5 6 9 3 8 5 4 7 2 1 7 2 1 8 9 sound 7 4 8hirable, 5 4 7 2Virgo. 1 6 3It's 9 something you 9 6 8 7 3 need 6 1 in 1 2 7 3 9 6 5 8 4 4 3 5 1 your everyday life. If you haven't 8 9 6 5 8 6 2 3 9 4 1 7 3 4 6 9 noticed, you're a little all over the place. 1 5 7 3 7 9 1 4 8 2 6 5 1 5 2 4 for you instead 4Your 2 3 cell 4 1 phone 2 6 7 5can 8 9work 3 8 7 9 6 6 of 4 against 2 7 4 8 9 1 2 3 5 6 5 8 4 3 you. Have alarms that go off 7 throughout 3 8 2 3 1 5 6 7 9 4 8 the day that remind you2 9 3 5 5 1 9 9 6 5 4 8 3 1 7 2 6 1 7 2 where you need to be.
6 4 2 7 3 5 1 8 9
Sagittarius: I know you think your special, Sagittarius.Your parents told you that all while growing up. Well, it's a lie. If you're unique than why do you remind people of “someone” all the time. There are tons of your doppelgangers out there and that's not even counting the people who have the same personality as you. 3 5 9 1 8 2 6 7 4
9 1 7 8 6 3 2 4 5
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UWEEKLY • September 23, 2015
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24 Jul 05
Capricorn:Yawn.Your Instagram is a snoozefest, Capricorn. We're sick of seeing all these posed shots or forced selfies. Even your scenic shots are lame. Come on, Capricorn. Let's see some action shots: awkward dancing, delirious laughing or drunken dry humping. Liven things up a bit. Aquarius: The struggle is real, Aquarius. And not just your own struggle. Everyone you meet is dealing with their own stuff. Don't be a jerk. Just because you have a bad day doesn't mean you have to make someone else feel bad.You don't know what they're going through. Pisces: Penny for your thoughts, Pisces? You don't always have to share your feelings but you should do a bit better than a sad face emoji. At least pick a specific emoji. Do you have one tear or two? Think, Pisces! We need to know the extent of your virtual sadness.
which are you down for: Spit, swallow, or flee the scene?
hen you’re going down on a guy, do you decide before if you’re going to spit or swallow? Or is it a spur-of-the-moment kind of decision? I’m all for spitting or swallowing, but I think they’re reserved for different people. Right? First and foremost, spitting is not quitting. If a guy says that to you, pour your drink on him and flee the damn scene. He’s an ass that needs to grow up and doesn’t deserve your submission. If you’re going down and decide to spit, have a tissue or napkin nearby so you can easily reach it once you’re ready. Never run to the bathroom to spit—unless it’s warranted. That’ll make him feel really uncomfortable and give him the wrong idea. Even if you don’t like him that much, refrain from making him feel bad. It’s a respect thing. You would feel weird if he sprinted to the bathroom to rinse his mouth after going down on you. Am I right? Blow (pun intended) his mind with class, style and sex appeal. Yes, it’s possible to hold yourself to a degree of excellence during sexual activity.
It’ll be what sets you apart from the other girls he’s been with. Who said you can’t be dignified while deep-throating? If things head south (in a bad way), correct the situation before any real damage is done. Again, flee the scene if he’s made a really rude and unattractive comment or is lacking in maintenance. Definitely avoid his manhood if you don’t like what you see, ladies. There’s no shame in backing out, and if he
Since it's such an intimate act, not every guy you go down on deserves it. calls you flaky just shut him down with the truth. You can forget being classy. Let him know he needs to f*cking manscape or that you can’t associate yourself with someone so rude, arrogant, idiotic, ignorant—I could go on, but you get the idea. You’re
doing him a favor, to be quite honest. Now on to the juicy (or white sticky) stuff, when do you swallow? Swallowing can be a very intimate experience, which is why it may occur more often among couples. Since it’s such an intimate act, not every guy you go down on deserves it. Though, swallowing doesn’t have to be anything special, but there is an undeniable feeling of submission and closeness to that other person when you do. You’re going to encounter OK guys, good guys, and damn-near perfect guys, so keep that in mind the next time you decide to not spit. Don’t give your all to just anyone! Sex—oral or not—can be fun or serious. Though, I would say that there are sexual activities reserved for someone you’re really into. Save your best moves for that guy; he’ll be the one to reciprocate in all the right ways and places, girls.
XXX, Stella September 23, 2015 • UWEEKLY