OCT 21, 2015
October 21, 2015 • UWEEKLY
UWEEKLY • October 21, 2015
@ikmalmcimzy @glennazofcin
@ cailinpittt
October 21, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Psst... we’ve got a crush on you. Sometimes provocative, always anonymous. Check out a few of Ohio State’s latest crushes. You never know, someone may be crushing on you:
Cher in Siebert Hall- Love every time I see you! @cherieanne_shu
Justin on the wrestling team @justykres
I'd let Joe Zona take me any way he wants
This girl is a really good dancer @al_salisbury
This world doesnt deserve @SweaterKnitter. She is way too beautiful for this ugly world
Brooke Tittle is probably the closest thing to perfect I've ever seen on this campus. @brooketittle
If Sarah Perry were President, she'd be Baberaham Lincoln
@sperryinCLE 6
UWEEKLY • October 21, 2015
Sam, you're hilarious and your passion for sustainability is hot. Never change. @San_DIEGOReed
Crush of the week
Is this you? Tweet @UWeekly to claim your prize. uweekly.com
THU 10.22
Zoe Yaffe@zobo95
A kid just cut me off on the south oval and said sorry to me. What an adorable first year #new2osu
Asher Roth first gained attention with his fun (and accurate) song “I Love College.” His latest album, RetroHash, debuted at number 45 on the Billboard 200 chart. Man, we love college. Am I right?
Bria D @GeniusCrackers When someone mutters “oh, wait” and you respond “I-O!” #new2osu #gobucks
Park Street Saloon | 8 p.m. | $15
FRI 10.23
Jones @N_jones22
damn I didn’t know there was an OSU plague. it is slowly reaching me…. and prob waiting until the half marathon to hit me
HighBall is “the nation’s fiercest costume party,” A.K.A. you need to be in attendance in your fiercest costumes. It began in 2008 and is now a two night event complete with local fashion designers, a street party, live art, stage performances, and much more.
Mariah Skiles @mariahskiles I argued with a 13 year old today about OSU vs. *ichigan. I'm not even ashamed. #GoBucks #BuckeyeNation
Short North | 6 p.m. | $5
SAT 10.24
grace alquire @uhhmazing_grace Just spent 20 mins attempting to beat box #studying #college #smart #focused #new2osu #relatabletweet
Kendrick lamar
Kendrick Lamar began his musical career when he was just a teenager but started gaining national attention in 2010. He has worked with The Game, Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa and Busta Rhymes. -----
Holly Haines @HollyHaines1 When you're a junior and a freshman tells you about the free Office 365 download #new2osu
LC Pavilion | 6:30 p.m. | $45
Free sushi!
Attn: Concert lovers
Tell us why you should win by tweeting using #TellUWeekly, and two people will win $20 to Mr. Sushi! Yum!
#TellUWeekly why you should win, and two winners will receive a pair of tickets to see The Arcs at the LC Pavilion on Dec. 4!
October 21, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Photo by Chris Casella
C-bus coffee checklist Four can't-miss coffee shops By LAUREN EVERY As the leaves continue to change and the weather gets colder and colder, one thing stays the same: We still need coffee. It’s time again to whip out your Keurigs for that steaming cup of coffee or to whip out your dollar bills for that delicious pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks. Fall is a perfect time to cuddle up with said cup of coffee and Netflix and (actually) chill while procrastinating on all of the things you need to do. Fall should also be a time to adventure. And by adventure we mean adventuring away from Starbucks. Here’s a list of Columbus coffee shops that will make you want to get out of your warm bed and visit. You won’t regret it.
Fox in the Snow 1031 N. Fourth St.
Not only do they have the cutest logo of a jumping fox, they also have amazing coffee in a cute and cozy setting. Their coffee is made using a traditional pour-over method, and you’ll feel extra special when you receive your latte and find a lovely little heart or flower made with the milk. That is some Instagram-worthy stuff right there. 8
UWEEKLY • October 21, 2015
Get your coffee and head on out to their new back patio while the weather permits or take it home with you. The stamps on the to-go cups are a replica of the jumping fox, which is also Instagram-worthy. Just a heads up, their egg sandwich and homemade pastries are fantastic. Drink up and eat up.
The Roosevelt Coffeehouse 300 E. Long St.
Also equipped with delicious and Instagram-worthy coffee, The Roosevelt Coffeehouse is good coffee for a good cause. Founder Kenny Sipes is a former youth pastor and gives a percentage of all profits made to support various nonprofits. Each nonprofit specifically focuses on either clean water, fighting hunger, fighting human trafficking or caring for recovering victims of human trafficking. They’ve been open for less than a year and have already bought a biosand filter for clean water in Africa. They have even helped their neighbors who, conveniently, happen to be a homeless shelter. Great coffee, even better cause.
Mission Coffee Co. 11 Price Ave.
“Coffee for the people.” That means you. Mission Coffee’s space used to be a car dealership in the 1930s, and they decided to keep certain aspects of the original design, like the concrete floors, in order to keep the space genuine to the city. The character is undeniably cool, which will then make you feel just as cool. With six different brewing methods, you’re sure to be a little confused, but you’ll also be sure to find something you love.
One Line Coffee 745 N. High St.
This father-and-son duo first started as a cafe until they started wondering where their coffee actually came from. After searching with no prevail, they decided to revamp their cafe and turn the focus on coffee that they had handpicked from farmers who have a good reputation for treating their workers fairly. They have a variety of coffees available for purchase, like their limited time release Colombia el Faldon brew. They also have a honey-processed coffee from Costa Rica. Honey processed? Yes, please.
October 21, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Coffee & Chill? Coffee on campus & where to take it By TAMIKA SMITH Coffee and college students go together like scarlet and gray. If you haven't chugged down a quart of coffee while trying to stay awake to study the night before an exam, are you really even a college student? The great thing about OSU is that the higher-ups understand that coffee is a necessity to the average college student. All around campus, you can find cafes and restaurants that serve various types of coffee products; some even serve Starbucks drinks. What makes the cafes so convenient is that many of them are located right inside of classroom buildings or within walking distance to classrooms and libraries. Because of the convenient coffee locations on campus, it's easy to simply grab a coffee and chill, study or walk to your next class.
Oxley's by the Numbers (central campus) Oxley's by the Numbers serves espresso beverages, iced and frozen coffees and other hot specialty coffees. Located near: Enarson Classroom Building, Dreese Lab, Central Service Building, Baker Systems Engineering Building The Campus Grind (north campus) Located inside McPherson Chem Lab, The Campus Grind north serves Starbucks coffee, a wide range of espressos, café lattes and other specialty coffees. Located near: Celeste Lab of Chemistry, 18th Avenue Library, Denney Hall, Stillman Hall, Smith Lab
Ksa Cafe (north campus) Berry Café (central campus) Located inside Thompson Library, Berry Café serves specialty coffees both hot and iced. Located near: Lazenby Hall, Townsend Hall, Campbell Hall, Independence Hall, University Hall
UWEEKLY • October 21, 2015
Located in Knowlton Hall, Ksa Cafe serves iced and frozen coffees and other specialty hot coffee beverages. Located near: Knowlton Hall, Pfahl Hall, Mason Hall, Hitchcock Hall, Fisher Hall, Bolz Hall
The Campus Grind (south campus) Located in Drinko Hall, The Campus Grind south serves Starbucks coffee, multiple types of espresso drinks and other hot specialty coffees. Located near: Smith-Steeb Hall, Baker Hall, Park-Stradley Hall EspressOH (south campus) Located in the Union, EspressOH serves espresso drinks, iced and frozen coffee beverages and other specialty coffees. Located near: Hagerty Hall, Mendenhall Lab, Page Hall, Hale Hall Courtside Cafe (west campus) Located in the RPAC, Courtside Cafe serves iced coffees and espresso drinks. Located near: Physical Activity and Educational Building, Cunz Hall, McCorkle Aquatic Pavilion, Psychology Building SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
'Carmen Ohio' for all ASL program helps deaf community experience OSU traditions By Ashley Wilkinson Have you ever wondered what it would be like to not be able to listen to music? Music is such an important aspect of today’s society; we listen to music in the car, on our way to class and we attend concerts to hear our favorite bands play. As Ohio State students, we are, as a whole, very proud of our school and there is one song that we all cherish: "Carmen Ohio." Ohio State’s alma mater is played at every football game and is sung by students, alumni and fans. It is a very meaningful song for Ohio State, but what if there are hearing impaired students, alumni and fans in the stands while "Carmen" is being played? Ohio State’s American Sign Language (ASL) program is here to help. Students in this program sign "Carmen," as well as the national anthem during the football pregame to make sure that each person has a chance to experience the tradition. Students of all ASL levels can participate in this performance. They learn how to sign "Carmen Ohio" and the national anthem by watching prerecorded videos. During the game, groups of 10-15 ASL students line up on the goal line for "Carmen Ohio" and stand on the field on the 30 yard line for the national anthem (on the north side of the stadium). Donna Green, a senior in speech and hearing sciences, explains the importance of signing during pregame: “I think [signing] adds to the festive and inclusive feeling of the pregame performance. It’s a cool way to present the school’s alma mater and SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
October 21, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Why you shouldn't stay too focused By GEoff HAMMERSLEY At some point in our lives, we have all experienced moments or projects that take up all of our concentration. Whether it was studying for an exam, taking an exam or worrying about not failing an exam, we’ve all experienced these kinds of moments. These moments are effective in short bursts, but perpetually focusing on one activity in life? Not so much. When you are so locked-in on the tasks at hand, you forget to look up and see the world around you. That’s why semesters seem to start and end at the blink of an eye – you’re constantly busy. However, Grandfather Time isn’t going to reimburse you for letting life pass you by. Between work, school and any other activities that you’re required do, that’s time being well spent or squandered away. It’s also less time being spent with family, friends and doing the things that you
A PRODUCT of 614 MEDIAGROUP UWeekly is an independent publication and is not affiliated with The Ohio State University. UWeekly receives NO STUDENT FEES or university funding. One free copy per person. Additional copies $.50. Opinions are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the editor, publisher or the newspaper staff. UWeekly is not liable for omissions, misprints or typographical errors. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. ©COPYRIGHT 2015.
458 East Main Street Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 488-4400 FAX: 488-4402
UWEEKLY • October 21, 2015
enjoy doing. I remember one of my high school teachers, a science teacher to be specific, telling the class that he was missing a few days to spend time with his dad. There was nothing wrong with his dad; he just wanted to spend time with him. His rationale was something along the lines of: you don’t know how much time you’ll have left, so use your time wisely with the people you care about. I never truly appreciated that advice until about three months ago. After being in charge of student radio for a year at Ohio State, I went back home for the summer to recharge for senior year. Even though I was home intending to relax, I was constantly tinkering with the formula of how to make student radio better. While in theory, that’s good to do – and improvements are always a positive thing to have – the issue became clear as soon as the summer
Publisher Wayne T. Lewis
Photographer David Heasley
Editor-in-Chief Lauren Every
Layout Designer Lauren Every
Sports Editor Geoff Hammersley
Design Bryn Sunkle, Hugo Albornoz
Play Editor Alex Antonetz Photo Editor Chris Casella
Copy Editor James Garcia VP of Marketing Lindsay Press
Account Executives Michelle Hartman Derek Landers Meggin Weimerskirch Liza Worthington Brand Ambassador Gabby Voris Circulation Steve Landes Marketing Interns Alex Bixler Nicole Huser
ended: I didn’t talk to or see any of my friends from home when I was a five-minute drive away from them. When you become so transfixed on work, time goes by the wayside. My example is on the micro level. If you spend your whole life working and being focused to complete tasks in the quest to be successful, but don’t stop to enjoy life in the process, are you really successful? Time is finite, and there are no do-overs. I’m not saying that you should drop everything to explore the world, but there needs to be a degree of balance. Without the balance, you’ll end up working yourself into exhaustion – and will always be thinking about the ‘what ifs’ in life. There isn’t enough time in life to be exhausted, so you might as well enjoy life while you can.
Julie Kehl Ryan Mann Svaja Pakalniskis Contributing Adam Ambro Jimmy Bloomfield Kaitlin Bradley Madison Durham Katie East Rebecca Epperson Caitlin Essig Lauren Every Ben Ferree
Bryan Fraker Regina Fox Jacob Geers Geoff Hammersley Logan Korn Jack Lynch Ryan McGlade Sarah Mikati Brad Pierron Georgina Pinou Rie Phillips Cameron Roda Emily Rudduck Thailyr Scrivner
Lauren Weitz Emmy Wells Ashley Wilkinson Cover design by Bryn Sunkle Cover photo by Chris Casella Special thanks to Fox in the Snow Cafe Mackenzie Spicer
Where's your favorite place to get coffee? By Madison durham
Hayley Moore
I really like UDF, actually.
Dylan Delay
Tazi's, and they have really delicious food.
Ryan Mitchell
Anywhere but Kafe Kerouac.
Sonny Absolom
UDF because it is so convenient and cheap.
Kristi Dellovade
Starbucks on High.
Hayley Sechrist
Brennan's Cafe in the biomedical research tower.
October 21, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Photo by David Heasley
on to the next one Buckeyes defeat Penn State, now prepare for Rutgers By @GEOFFHAMMERSLEY a The offense finally clicked, as the No.1 ranked Ohio State Buckeyes dismantled the Penn State Nittany Lions, 38-10, on Saturday night. However, the fire still burns bright on the quarterback carousel between Cardale Jones and J.T. Barrett. Against PSU, Jones went 9-for-15 for 84 yards; Barrett went 4-for-4 for 30 yards, but passed for two touchdowns. Additionally, Barrett rushed for 106 yards on 11 carries, and found the end zone twice himself. Since going with a ‘redone quarterback’ system, the Buckeyes have been impressive. “I just read we're 6-for-6 in the red zone again, so that's 12-for-12 the last 12 times we've been in there,” Buckeyes’ head coach Urban Meyer said after the game on Saturday. The highlight against Penn State had to be the Barrett jump-pass touchdown to Braxton Miller in the fourth quarter. While the touchdown sealed the deal for Buckeyes win, the symbolism of the pass pays homage to quarterback Tim Tebow who Meyer coached at Florida, whose highlight reel includes goalie jump-pass touchdowns.
UWEEKLY • October 21, 2015
“The offensive staff has been working on that for a while,” coach said of the five-yard Barrett to Miller touchdown pass. While the offense played lights-out, the defense stifled Penn State’s passing attack. The Buckeyes sacked Penn State quarterback Christian Hackenberg five times, and held him to 120 yards of passing. However, the Buckeyes rush defense showed signs of weakness, giving up 194 yards on the ground to Saquon Barkley. Fortunately for the Bucks, Barkley didn’t reach the end zone, and Hackenberg accounted for only one touchdown. Moving on from the Nittany Lions, the Buckeyes now sit at 7-0 for the season. Next up: the Rutgers Scarlet Knights (3-3). Last week, Rutgers stunned Indiana, scoring 22 points in the fourth quarter en route to a 55-52 comeback win. Close calls are nothing new to Rutgers, as they lost to then-No.4 Michigan State on Oct. 10 by a touchdown. With the Buckeyes traveling to Piscataway, N.J., for their 8:00 p.m. primetime showdown, expect a packed crowd. Beside the quarterback situation, there are
some notable storylines heading into the game against the Scarlet Knights: After a 153-yard night on the ground, Ezekiel Elliott looks to increase his 100-yard rushing streak to 13 games with a good night against the Scarlet Knights. Elliott’s rushing could be the least of the Knights worries, though. The Buckeyes have scored 11 touchdowns in their last 12 trips to the red zone. If Rutgers allows for numerous close range opportunities, then it could be a high-scoring affair for the Buckeyes. The wins keep piling on for Ohio State, who now has won 20-consecutive games – the nation’s longest active streak. You can watch the game on ABC at 8:00 p.m. Saturday. Chris Fowler and Kirk Herbstreit will be on the call from High Point Solutions Stadium. Additionally, Ohio State student radio will be broadcasting the game. You can listen to them on ohiostatesports.net at 8:00 p.m. Saturday as well.
Mlb wildcards Are they really all that bad? By ryan mcglade America’s pastime may be on to something. Major League Baseball is in its fourth season under the new playoff format where there is a onegame, wild-card game in both the National League and the American League. The winners of these wild-card games move on to compete in their respective League Divisional Series. Keeping that in mind, there have been a total of eight wild-card game winners through the first four years of this revised MLB playoff format. Of those eight teams, four of them have moved on to their respective League Championship Series or even on to the World Series. The St. Louis Cardinals defeated the Atlanta Braves in the 2012 NL wild-card game before losing in seven games to the San Francisco Giants in the NLCS. Last year, the World Series was comprised of both wild-card game winners, the Giants and the Kansas City Royals. The Giants defeated the Pittsburgh Pirates in the NL wild-card game while the Royals defeated the Oakland Athletics in the AL wild-card game. This season, the Chicago Cubs are the NL’s wild-card game winner and are currently squaring off with the New York Mets in the NLCS. Game 7 of the Giants-Royals World Series last season is arguably one of the most exciting decisive contests in the Fall Classic in recent memory. Mishaps by San Francisco’s outfielders allowed Alex Gordon to advance to third on what would have been a single if fielded cleanly. Gordon represented the tying run with two outs in the bottom of the ninth. Giants pitcher and World Series MVP Madison Bumgarner quieted the raucous Kansas City crowd however, by getting Salvador Perez to pop up for the final out. Although the finish to the Royals’ 2014 postseason ended on a sour note, their playoff run certainly started on an exciting one. The Kansas City-Oakland matchup has certainly been the most exciting SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
October 21, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Bringing boston to columbus Q & A with actor and comedian Bill Burr By JAMES GARCIA Bill Burr is unarguably one of the biggest names in comedy right now. Rolling Stone has said he’s the next Louis C.K. He was in one of the most highly acclaimed television series of all time, “Breaking Bad.” And his stand-up specials on Netflix are a testament to the craft. If you haven’t heard of Burr by now, you may want to get on it because he’s performing tomorrow, Oct. 21, at the Palace Theatre. UWeekly was able to chat with him about his current projects and his comedic career. Keep an eye out for his regular comedy specials and the upcoming series “F is for Family” on Netflix. (Also, this interview is best experienced when the answers are read in a wiseguy Boston accent.) When was the last time you came through? You know, I don’t even know. I did the Funny Bone there a bunch of times. I always love working there, always love working there. Maybe five years, something like that. It’s been a minute. It seems like things have been really going upwards for you since your last time in Columbus. I guess you could say that. I don’t look at it like that. I just look at is as trying to be a better comedian. If I start thinking like that, I get myself in trouble. Can you tell me about some of the projects you’ve been working on? We know you’re working on an animated series, “F is for Family,” and you were recently in a movie, correct? I don’t know, was that a movie? (Laughs.) Yeah, 16
UWEEKLY • October 21, 2015
I guess it was. “Black or White” with Kevin Costner. I got a quick part, don’t blink your eyes. I was in a really, really funny movie called “Daddy’s Home.” It stars Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg. They got them together again. Yeah, man. They’re cool as hell, they’re funny as hell. I only had a couple days on that movie, but it was so cool to see them. I’m just as big a nerd with that stuff as someone who’s not in the business, so I was pretty blown away that I was on set with those guys. Then we got the cartoon “F is for Family.” So that’s coming out on Netflix right, so it will all be released at once? Yeah. One of those binge-watchin’ things. I’m glad they are, because kids get out of college, their brains are fried from finals and all them stuff, so they can just chill out at home. They can say hi to their parents then go up to their rooms and can hopefully laugh their ass off for three hours watching all six episodes. How did you like voice acting? Is it something you were already familiar with? I wasn’t at first. It took me a couple days to get my feet wet to learn how to do it. It’s about a family in 1973. We did the animation thing, and we set in the ‘70s. I’m 47 years old, so a whole new way of parenting and all that stuff has come along, political correctness and all that. A lot of stuff has changed. So a lot of times when I’m telling people uweekly.com
stories, people are like, “Oh my God! That’s mean!” And I’m like, “No! It’s funny! It’s funny!” I was kind of getting frustrated, so I thought I should animate these stories. That’s what started it. So I got into business with Vince Vaughn … and then we got into business with Netflix, which is the dream for the artist to go to because there aren’t any advertisers. The notes they were giving us were, “Push it further,” which is the dream note to get, I think. I couldn’t be any happier on all levels with everyone I’m working with. We’re just scratching the surface of the potential with these first six episodes. I know you’re no stranger to pushing the envelope with your comedy. Can you talk a little bit about how your career has evolved and what you hope to accomplish as a stand-up comedian? On one level, I’ve already accomplished it: I made a name for myself and I’m selling tickets, which is an unbelievable blessing slash dream come true. And then also I want to keep improving. My favorite thing to see in actors, musicians, athletes is to watch them get to the point where their known and get to the point where they’re like, “You see what I do, this is what I do,” or they actually keep challenging themselves to try and get better. I get very inspired by people like the drummer Steve Smith, who played in Journey and could have just done that but went on to play in this fusion band SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
October 21, 2015 • UWEEKLY
UWEEKLY • September 16, 2015
'binge' worthy YouTube star to visit OSU By MADISON DURHAM 7.67 million followers. It’s a huge following, the kind you wouldn’t normally associate with any celebrity without the last name Kardashian. It’s the kind of monstrous fan base you’d think you’d have joined by now. But most of you—at least those of you without younger siblings—probably haven’t ever heard his name. Tyler Oakley participates in a form of entertainment that is, for non-teenage audiences, virtually unheard of. He belongs to a unique group of Internet celebrities known as YouTubers, operating, until now, within that medium. Oakley and his peers produce videos that reflect small pieces of their lives, offering video blog (vlog) style content that appeals to anyone seeking familiarity in a virtual world. His videos, in particular, cover a broad range of topics, from his current opinions on pop culture and his daily routine, to his views and advice on LGBTQ current issues and topics. Oakley is perhaps the most notable celebrity of the genre, having acquired a whopping 500 million views in his tenure as a vlogger. So, what sets him apart, exactly, from every other vlogger out there? His humor, charm and general likeability—I’m not kidding. Oakley has an incredible knack for making his viewers (or “his people” as he refers to them) feel like they’re there, in his living room, having a chat with an old friend, and it’s a talent that has carried him far. YouTube is populated with vloggers like Oakley, but among them he is one of a select few to emerge into the world of actual celebrity, collaborating with people like Ellen and the Obama family to create original content for his YouTube channel. In addition to being one of the most recognizable characters on the Internet, Oakley is a prominent advocate within the LGBTQ community. SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
October 21, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Hannah Williams Hannah Williams is a Marketing Major at The Ohio State University, with a Minor in Film Studies. She loves movies, music and fashion. Hannah is the Vice President of Social Media and Web Design for the Undergraduate Business Women’s Association. Her outfits reflect her love for modern and vintage styles.
How would you describe your style? Shirt $20 Urban Outfitters
I don’t think there’s necessarily one word to describe it, it’s like a mixture of different things, like edgy but also feminine and chic. I love leather jackets and ripped jeans, but I also have a lot of floral dresses.
Why is personal style important to you? It’s an expression of who I am without my explicitly saying it. It’s kind of fun to do something you’re passionate about every day just by picking out a new outfit.
Who / What inspires you?
skirt $30 H&M
I draw inspiration from so many different things, celebrities with great street style, that sort of thing. I really like Emily Ratajkowski and Candice Swanepoel. My friends really inspire me, too, because they have such interesting, different styles. Trying to mirror different decades is really fun, too.
What is your go-to outfit? Probably like a unique, eye-catching dress of some sort, my leather jacket, and some ankle boots.
What fall trend is your favorite? In general, turtlenecks, over-the-knee boots and ripped jeans are good options. For this fall, though, I’m really into suede and fringe.
What are your favorite places to shop? I get most of my clothes from places like Forever 21, H&M and Urban Outfitters, but I’ve found really great pieces at places like Volunteers of America and Rag-O-Rama.
UWEEKLY • October 21, 2015
- Madison Durham
Comfy, cozy 6 sweaters to own this fall By TAMIKA SMITH If you're like me, one of your favorite things about fall is finally being able to wear cute sweaters. The best thing about sweaters is their versatility. Sweaters come in so many different colors and styles and can be worn in many different ways with many different types of garments. You could wear a sweater practically everyday and each day your outfit could look completely different from the last. This fall, simplicity is key when it comes to sweaters. It's all about the more classic style with soft fabrics and muted colors like grey and white. Oversized sweaters, cable knit sweaters and cardigans are in full trend. No matter your style, there's a type of sweater out there that will fit perfectly into your wardrobe. Oversized The saying “bigger is better” definitely applies to sweaters. Oversized sweaters are dashing with virtually any item of clothing – from fitted midi skirts to destroyed denim jeans. We all definitely need a little boho chic in our lives. Turtleneck Haven't you heard that flare jeans are back in? Well to accompany that 70's style, add a supper fitted turtleneck sweater. Turtleneck sweaters, whether tight or oversized with a droopy neck, give a casual but rather stylish look to any ensemble. Cable knit This vintage sweater has, also, made its way back to popularity. Cable knit sweaters accent so many different style. When worn with jackets or blazers and statement jewelry they scream, “I'm classy.” Fuzzy Definitely the fashion-forward sweater. If you're trying to make a statement this fall, you need a fuzzy sweater in your life. As simple as they are, fuzzy sweaters will add glamour to any outfit. Cardigan Cardigans will be worn by men and women everywhere this fall and winter just like many fall and winter pasts. They're a great way to add layers to your outfit to keep warm and look SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
October 21, 2015 • UWEEKLY
FOOD & Drink
aloha, hai poké Hawaiian flavors hit Columbus By Ashley Wilkinson Hai Poké is a new, hip Hawaiian restaurant that currently takes over Oddfellows Bar in the Short North every Thursday and Friday from 4-9pm. Although it is new, the concept of a restaurant featuring Poke has been a raging hit in the Columbus Area. Poke is a Hawaiian sushi bowl made with marinated Yellowfin Tuna served over sticky rice. It is paired with cucumbers, a crispy wonton, and fresh seaweed. “It’s been going great,” Hai Poke owner Nile Woodson said. “The only complaint we have had is that we aren’t open seven days a week.” The concept of the restaurant started when Nile Woodson visited Hawaii on a family vacation and tasted a dish that he fell in love with: poke. From then on, he was passionate about the dish and recently decided to test out the concept. That’s when he met his partner, Mico Cardero, when looking for someone to help market. The two decided to team up, and after 2 months of kitchen takeovers, the concept has become very popular in the Columbus community.
they are doing so well taking over Oddfellows on Thursdays and Fridays, they plan on staying there while they “go store shopping.” They are determined to find the perfect place to open their cherished establishment in the future. They are also planning on expanding the menu and having new, delicious features for customers to enjoy. When talking to Nile and Mico about Hai Poke, they discussed one point that really stood out, don’t be afraid to take a leap of faith. “If you want to start a business, just do it. It may seem hard and scary at first, but it’s worth it,” Nile told me. If you love sushi, or seafood in general, you have to give Hai Poke a try! Their ingredients are fresh, the bowls are delicious, and the experience itself is unforgettable. “It’s fresh, healthy, and we’re bringing the true authentic island street food to your back yard: O-HAI-O," the restaurant's flier says.
When asked about the future of Hai Poke, Nile and Mico responded with very positively. Since 22
UWEEKLY • October 21, 2015
Coffee 101 Know your roast By LOGAN KORN To a non-coffee lover all brews of coffee taste the same: disgusting. But for coffee lovers, the brew and color of the coffee makes all the difference. To make things easier for newbie coffee lovers, here’s a breakdown of different roasts along with some well known comparable flavors. Light Roasts Comparable to: Starbucks Blonde roast Light roasts are golden brown in color, with a light body.This roast also retains most of the caffeine from the coffee bean. Some other common roast names within the Light Roast category are Light City, Half City and New England Roast. Medium Roasts Comparable to: Starbucks Pike Place roast Medium roasted coffees are medium brown in color with more body than light roasts. Like the lighter roasts, they have no oil on the bean surfaces. Medium roasts lack the grainy taste of the light roasts, exhibiting more balanced flavor, aroma and acidity. Caffeine is somewhat decreased, but there is more caffeine than in darker roasts. Common roast names within the Medium Roast level include Regular Roast, City Roast (medium brown, a typical roast throughout the United States), and Breakfast Roast. Medium-Dark Roasts Comparable to: Starbucks Colombia roast Medium-dark roasts have a richer, darker SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
Need a job? Mobile Swipecupcakes rightprove to be a
New app combines Tinder, LinkedIn By EMILY RUDDUCK
Combining the best of Tinder and Linkedin, the job search app nspHire uses a mutual-match and inapp messaging system to directly connect you with a hiring manager on your quest for employment. In an exclusive interview, chief marketing officer Rasheen Carbin shares the inspiration behind the app and how people who have zero app-development experience pulled it off. How long had you and your team considered launching nspHire? What was the inspiration behind it? Rasheen Carbin: nspHire was the result of pivoting from a previous recruiting/staffing startup we ran that matched MBAs with companies for short-term consulting projects. We found that speed was a big part of the making successful matches and that led us to consider using the Tinder interface to make matching easier and quicker.
What kind of background did you and your collaborators have before launching the app? RC: None of us had a background in software engineering. None of us had ever been involved in developing an app. We outsourced the initial development, and in order to constantly improve the app, we decided that we needed to bring on a developer. We’re in talks of adding developer/ technical co-founder to our team. With no experience, what was the most nerve-racking thing about launching a complex app like nspHire? The most nerve-racking part about developing an app is trying to stick to your timeline. Delays come up all the time, or you run into a problem that you need help solving. You’ve got a solid following on Twitter, so you must’ve solved those problems! Have you had a lot
of feedback about the app? Early on, we started getting feedback from HR folks and recruiters. They liked the app, but they didn't like that it was only a mobile app. We started making incremental improvements back in April, and planned for a re-launch. What is, in your opinion, the greatest, most exciting thing about the app? What sets the app apart from other job search apps? It's incredibly intuitive and easy to use. We've made applying to jobs and connecting with employers fast and convenient. No other app combines our ease of use, volume of jobs (over 4 million), with a fully-integrated website. So no matter how you want to search for a job, our app allows you to do it. nspHire is available on iOS and Android and is scheduled to fully re-launch on November 3, 2015.
October 21, 2015 • UWEEKLY
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photos by ryan shaw
UWEEKLY • October 21, 2015
October 21, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Flicks for Free
OUAB presents Mission Impossible: Rouge Nation. Tom Cruise actually hung from a flying plane while they were filming this movie, which should be reason enough to go check it out this Wednesday. Free with Buck ID. U.S. Bank Conference Theater Time: 6 p.m. | Free with BuckID
Carbon Leaf
Bill Burr
Stylistic chameleons Carbon Leaf are known for offering a wide range of musical genres, including alt-country, Celtic folk, and indie rock. You’re sure to find something in their setlist that makes you smile!
Need a good laugh? Stand-up legend Bill Burr will grace the Palace this week, bringing with him a slew of rage-fueled sets and amazing rants. Palace Teatre Time: 7 p.m. | Vary
A and R Music Bar Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $15
Bronze Radio Return
This dubstep DJ is credited for Miley’s major musical and attitude change. So, this concert is definitely going to be crazy in a good way. He’s accompanied by Styles & Complete, Pot Pocket, Bad Royale, and Tra.
Indie rockers Bronze Radio Return are back in town, ready to perform hits such as “Further On,” which was featured in the trailer for St. Vincent with Bill Murray and Melissa McCarthy. Rumba Cafe Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $12
UWEEKLY • October 21, 2015
Skully's Time: 7p.m. | Vary
Asher Roth
Asher Roth first gained attention with his fun (and accurate) song “I Love College.” His latest album, RetroHash, debuted at number 45 on the Billboard 200 chart. Man, we love college. Am I right? Park Street Saloon Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $15
In the valley below
Ladies 80's
Ladies, leave your man at home and get out for a night with the girls! Featuring DJ Ginsu, this night is not about the fellas, but they’re sure to show up!
After having been catapulted into the limelight by their song “Peaches,” In The Valley Below is now touring the country with one studio album under their belts. Don’t miss this!
Skully's Music Diner Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
The Basement Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $12
Neon Indian
Pop-electronic group Neon Indian were named one of the best new bands of 2010 by Rolling Stone and have since released a second album in 2011. Alan Palomo composes their funky music and says he was inspired by his father. A and R Music Bar Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: $16
Langhorne Slim
This singer songwriter has released four albums so far with one song, “Electric Love Letter,” being featured in the movie “The Waitress.” The band has more recently toured throughout the U.K. with The Lumineers. Skully's Time: 6:30 p.m. | Tickets: $15
October 21, 2015 • UWEEKLY
HighBall is “the nation’s fiercest costume party,” A.K.A. you need to be in attendance in your fiercest costumes. It began in 2008 and is now a two night event complete with local fashion designers, a street party, live art, stage performances, and much more. Short North Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: $5
Brave weather
Norah Jones
This local blues rock group was formed when lead singer Dani Harness competed against now bandmate, Eric Clemens, in a singing competition. She won. World of Beer High St. Time: 10 p.m. | Free
If you looked up the definition of “smooth” in the dictionary, you’d find a sound clip of Norah Jones’ voice. She's been wooing us since 2000 with songs like “Come Away with Me” and “Don’t Know Why.” Palace Theatre Time: 8 p.m. | Vary
Craig Ferguson
Youth Lagoon
America’s favorite Scotsman is coming to Columbus! Ferguson isn’t only a Emmy-nominated television host, he’s also an actor, a director, and an author. Capitol Theatre
Trevor Powers has been producing music as Youth Lagoon since 2010. His music is described as hypnotic and ambient and a little experimental. This July, he released a single called “The Knower” for free. A and R Music Bar Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $15
Time: 8 p.m. | Vary
UWEEKLY • October 21, 2015
Kendrick Lamar
Kendrick Lamar began his musical career when he was just a teenager but started gaining national attention in 2010. He has worked with The Game, Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa and Busta Rhymes. ---------------------------------------------------------------
LC Pavilion | Time: 6:30 p.m. | $45
Damn the Witch
Skully’s begins their Halloween festivities with the album release of Damn the Witch by Siren and the Costume Ball Extravaganza, featuring Hank & Cupcakes and more. ---------------------------------------------------------------
Skully's | Time: 8 p.m. | $5
Killer Crafts
Presented by What the Rock?!, this event features crafting with a Halloween theme, so be sure to stop on by if you’re in need of some creepy decor and party ideas! ---------------------------------------------------------------
Skully's | Time: 11 a.m. | Free
Jesse Cook
The guitarist from Canada is known as one of the most influential musicians in flamenco music. He has sold millions of records worldwide and has won various awards. ---------------------------------------------------------------
Lincoln Theatre | Time: 8 p.m. | Vary
Happy Hour
What better way to celebrate Monday than drinking excessively? It’s okay, sometimes Monday’s are rough. We get it. Lucky for you, Ethyl and Tank has half off all drinks until 9 p.m. ---------------------------------------------------------------
Ethyl and Tank | Time: 3 p.m. | Free
Wob-ing Dead
Watch the newest episode of The Walking Dead at Gateway Film Center and then head over to World of Beer for the after party! WoB will also be playing the episode if you don't feel like buying tickets. #CollegeBudget
WoB High St. | Time: 9 p.m. | Free
Family Force 5
This Christian rock band from Atlanta is sure to offer a fun night full of moshpits and jumping. Lots of jumping up and down. They have five studio albums and have even played at Warped Tour. -----------------------------------------------------------
A & R | Time: 6:30 p.m. | $15
Join the ranks of the New Americana at Halsey’s show, which is sure to feature her signature ethereal melodies and glittering, synthy hooks. Her debut album is full of fun and catchy tracks like “Ghost.” ------------------------------------------------------------
Newport| Time: 6 p.m. | $18.50
October 21, 2015 • UWEEKLY
UWEEKLY • October 21, 2015
This one's for the lovers Don’t you just love modern romance? I mean, where would any of us be without Tinder? We would probably be forced to meet and have real conversations with strangers at bars. Tragic. Tinder has greatly changed the way our generation dates. TIME reported that a new study suggests that millennials have less sexual partners. Though, the statistics on Tinder would like to disagree. We’ve successfully become the generation where lots of sex is happening. Sex before marriage is more accepted, casual sex is no big deal and we have more sexual partners than generations before. Dating apps like Tinder and others have shifted our relationship goals. More people aren’t looking for a serious relationship and those who are, are coming up short. It seems our generation might be settling down very late age compared to the baby boomers. With this being the case, how are you handling it? Some of us thrive in this new way of dating because this is all we know. Others? Others are old-fashion and believe in a love that begins with a simple “Hello.” In this ever-changing world, we must learn to adapt but not lose our ability to communicate in person.
you so happy you can’t stop smiling. We all deserve someone that gives us butterflies and treats us like queens. So, where and how do we find prince charming among all these frogs? Beats me. There’s no way to tell. In a society that’s so digital and allows men and women to exchange sexual favors without any attachments, finding love is even more of a struggle. So if you have a good guy or girl by your side, be thankful! You’re the lucky ones. Though, this doesn’t mean all the single ladies can’t find love. It means it’ll take slightly more work and time to find “the one.” From all the stories I hear, it’s the people who aren’t searching for love that find it, so maybe you should enjoy the single life while you can. Make the most of it, live it up, and love will find you . . . eventually.
Never lose hope on love. I believe it’s out there for everyone who deserves it. A good saying to keep in mind when you’re despaired is, “What’s meant for you will not pass you.” If this quote isn’t enough, queue the love songs. My suggestion: Sam Smith. Promise yourself to be patient and hopeful. There’s no need to worry when you’re young.
While it’s important to keep up with the times, we would be doomed if looking for love was a digital process. We also need to find a balance between enjoying casual sex and finding a love that makes
Love, Stella @wlovestella uweekly.com
October 21, 2015 • UWEEKLY