Uweekly 10.28.15

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OCT 28, 2015


ALIVE MAINTAINING MOMENTUM at the end of the semester






October 28, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • October 28, 2015







@ cailinpittt @schylerdsouza





October 28, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Psst... we’ve got a crush on you. Sometimes provocative, always anonymous. Check out a few of Ohio State’s latest crushes. You never know, someone may be crushing on you:

You work at the front desk of Siebert and I'm about to lose my BuckID every time you work just to talk to you @Edog_Hoss

You live in my building and I'm down for a sleepover anytime @JackMcKenzie35

@RadicalRiss or Jessie James Decker? Same person right? Hot damn.

@jcsciarrotta's facial hair makes him ten times more attractive

I wish I would've been single last year when you were my RA. You're such a good guy and damn you rock a uniform @taylormarsilio

@audraappold fav this and I'll ask you out on a date

@TriggaMatt I saw you on Ratchitt the other weekend and the only thing you said was "Girl you are thicker than a bowl of oatmeal". Marry me 6

UWEEKLY • October 28, 2015

To the hot guy at work, you single? @bmcandrews33

Crush of the week

Is this you? Tweet @UWeekly to claim your prize. uweekly.com




THU 10.29

Samantha Ratsavong @ sammierat


Freshman move: 11th floor Thompson on game day… #new2osu

It’s the week of All Hallow's Eve so it’s the perfect time to break out the costumes and party with Tae Fresh & Friends, presented by B-Square The DJ.

Rob Fenik @RobbyFenik


Professor gives class a pleasant reminder not to use pens on scantron #new2osu #new280’stechnology

Newport Music Hall | 6:30 p.m. | Vary

FRI 10.30

Jenna Auber @JennaAuber

HAunted Fest

Welcome to Columbus—on Saturdays, we wear Ohio State. #GoBucks

Get pumped for this multifaceted event that encourages costumes, dancing and a haunted time! The mainstage will feature musical acts Martin Garrix, Cash Cash, Snails, NGHTMRE and more!

syd @sydthekid226 got shin splints from power walking across campus to make it to class on time @new2osu


Ohio Expo Center | 7 p.m. | Vary

SAT 10.30

Jenn O'Neill @JENNeraly_crazy There’s a girl in my lecture hall who’s surrounded herself with three bags of McDonalds fries #asseenoncampus

Headbangers ball

Joe McConaghy @notorious_beans You meet the most charming people at 1:30 am walking down high street #new2osu

Heads will roll! Come dance like the undead at Skully’s Headbangers ball, featuring Celebrity Judge and DJ Downtown Abbey, a Magazine Nightlife Columnist! --------------------------------------------------------------

Skully's | 8 p.m. | Vary



Ugly Tuna Ca$h

Attn: Concert lovers

Tell us why you should win by tweeting using #TellUWeekly, and two people will win $25 bar tabs to Ugly Tuna Saloona! (Only redeemable

#TellUWeekly why you should win, and two will receive a pair of tickets to see Ben Folds at the LC Pavilion on Nov. 14!

at Thursday's Glow of the Dead Party)


October 28, 2015 • UWEEKLY



Maintaining motivation Overcoming the Mid-Semester Slumps By LAUREN EVERY


t’s that time of the year. The weather gets colder, the midterms are more frequent, the coffee just doesn’t feel as strong and it’s harder and harder for you to get out of bed and walk on over to that 8 a.m. that you hate. Although seasonal depression is an actual condition, I think sometimes we all just suffer from The Mid-Semester Slumps. You’ve been on top of your workload (for the most part) for the past few months and, even with Ohio State’s new fall break, it’s time for a vacation because you are worn out. Well, don’t fret. We know you can make it through the semester and here are some tips how to make it through with as much oomph as you can muster.

Set realistic goals by using your time management skills to their fullest potential. It’s one thing to put “finish paper” in your planner for next Tuesday when it’s due and it’s another thing to actually do it before Monday evening. Instead of making your goals vague, try planning each day out. Write down when you plan on taking time to actually sit down 8

UWEEKLY • October 28, 2015

and focus on your work for an hour or two each day. Doing a little work each day will make sure the assignments you’re turning in are up to par and will also ensure that you don’t have a mental breakdown when it’s not done the night before the assignment is due.

Friends don’t let friends fail their classes. There are friends who encourage you to go out instead of studying whenever they can and, although these kinds of friends are definitely needed, tell them they’ll just have to wait. Instead, hang out with your studious friends or friends in your classes. If you have any questions about an assignment, tapping your friend on the shoulder for help is much quicker than tapping the refresh button on your email to see if your TA or professor answered you yet.

Stay active. Believe me, I am not gym rat and I honestly don’t ever look forward to a work out, but, I have never regretted a work out either. Staying active keeps you energized and feeling refreshed. uweekly.com

When you’re active, blood flow is increased and when blood flow is increased, that means more oxygen is running through your body and when that happens, energy is created. In order to have productive days, you need lots of energy.

Have fun and reward yourself. This one is pretty self explanatory, but nothing is better than hitting the submit button and then hitting the town with friends. Make sure to let yourself celebrate your accomplishments whenever possible. You worked hard and you deserve some positivity. Retail therapy, beer, pizza, puppies. Take your pick. Stick to it, guys. You almost have another semester under your belt. Until then, take Shia LaBeouf’s advice about your next school assignment and “JUST DO IT.” We know you can.


October 28, 2015 • UWEEKLY


last minute costumes 5 ideas to spark your spirit By KAITLIN BRADLEY


e are now only a few days away from Halloween weekend, one of the biggest times of year for parties, and a costume is a must. However, most college students don’t have days to spend planning their costumes during the height of midterm season, which leaves us in the week of panic. Do we revert to an old classic or try to do a pop culture reference? How do you make the costume without breaking the bank? Never fear, Buckeyes, because we’re here to give you five last-minute costume ideas that aren’t overdone.

Olivia Pope approved neutral outfit. Grab your S.O. or best friend to be the Abby or Fitz to your Olivia for a sexy and subtle costume.

Get Gory If you’re all about the blood and guts but don’t want to overdo the cost, think about hitting your own closet for a sleek, black dress and using red makeup as fake blood a la AHS’ Countess. Whether you’re a vampire or just trying to score points for the gore, using makeup can elevate your costume from average to insta-worthy.

Public Figures TV Reference A TV show reference costume is the perfect way to incorporate pop culture into Halloween without being passe. For a show like Scandal, raid your work clothes closet to put together the perfect


UWEEKLY • October 28, 2015

Public figure costumes are so simple to pull off with statement pieces but instantly recognizable. Inspired by the political discussions happening? Get presidential and copy the style staples of the political figures, past and present.


Make it Cereal Give everyone a taste of your favorite morning treat by going as a childhood cereal. Love Rice Krispies? Grab two friends and go as Snap, Crackle and Pop! If you’re looking for a solo costume, grab some fangs, a cape and a chocolate bar for some Count Chocula fun. If you want to put a twist on it, add a fake weapon to your costume . Now you're a cereal killer.

Cult Classics Cult classic movies never go out of style and neither do their costumes. For some, it’s as simple as a wig and some red lipstick to transform into Uma Thurman from Pulp Fiction in minutes. If you want a more romantic classic, grab a peasant dress and a crown to be a modern Princess Buttercup.

Gec classes that don't suck Fulfill your requirements & have fun By JACOB GEERS


ondering what classes you are going to take to cover your pesky GE requirements? Well, with some help from your fellow students, UWeekly totally has your back! Here are 5 awesome classes that will either be super interesting, or super easy, and will bring you one checkbox closer to graduation.

Geology of National Parks (EARTHSC 1105) This class should knock out a science requirement without too much headache! The class explores the geological processes, materials, and history revealed in National Parks. Past students say the class offers a ton of extra credit and is a total breeze! Beware, however, the class might not count for a science GEC if you are an honors student or pursuing a Bachelors of Science.

Magic and Witchcraft in the Medieval and Renaissance Eras (MEDREN 2666) This class will knock out a “Culture and Ideas” or “Diversity and Global Studies” GE class all while submersing you in the history of -- you guessed it – witchcraft (!!). The class is said to explore the role that magic and sorcery has played in nation-states and cultures from 400 – 1700 C.E.

The History of Rock ‘n’ Roll (MUSIC 2252) This class will fulfill a “Visual and Performing” Arts GE requirement, all while rocking your world. (Okay, promise I am done with puns 4eva). Past students say this class isn’t too hard and, at times, is super interesting! SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


October 28, 2015 • UWEEKLY


dive into the unknown

Living in the moment and seizing every opportunity By GEoff HAMMERSLEY


n the way to Rutgers this past weekend, I began to think back to all the Ohio State games I’ve been able to broadcast for my job at a student sports radio station. From Northwestern to Illinois, to Michigan and the national championship game, I’ve lived a pretty good college life.

thing I hear.

However, the Rutgers game felt a little different. It felt nostalgic. This was the end; not in life, but just the end of my journey in Piscataway, New Jersey. After the game ended, I walked around the stadium, snapped a picture of the “Birthplace of College Football” padding behind one of the goal posts, and just took in the environment.

When opportunity knocks, you have to open the door. Even if you just crack the door, you have to at least acknowledge the opportunity in front of you. I look at this situation as the “If I were hit by a bus” mentality. In the book “10 ½ Things No Commencement Speakers Has Ever Said,” author Charles Wheelan asks the question: would you regret living your life a certain way, if you were to be hit by a bus tomorrow. A morbid but valid thought.

We get caught up in the hustle-and-bustle of life, but don’t really stop and take in the surroundings. The past three years of life at Ohio State have flown by for me. When I talk to others, they feel the same way. “It’s going too fast,” is the common

A PRODUCT of 614 MEDIAGROUP UWeekly is an independent publication and is not affiliated with The Ohio State University. UWeekly receives NO STUDENT FEES or university funding. One free copy per person. Additional copies $.50. Opinions are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the editor, publisher or the newspaper staff. UWeekly is not liable for omissions, misprints or typographical errors. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. ©COPYRIGHT 2015.

458 East Main Street Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 488-4400 FAX: 488-4402


UWEEKLY • October 28, 2015

is any opportunity to take, take it. That chance may not be there tomorrow.

Gut feelings are a strange thing. They let you know when things are good or bad, without any conceited evidence. After the broadcasting equipment was packed at Rutgers, the gut feeling was, “Geoff, I don’t think we’ll ever be here again.”

The worst thing in life, or any phase of life for that matter, is to be filled with regrets and the “should have done ‘x’ instead of ‘y’” belief. If there

Publisher Wayne T. Lewis

Photographer David Heasley

Editor-in-Chief Lauren Every

Layout Designer Lauren Every

Sports Editor Geoff Hammersley

Design Bryn Sunkle, Hugo Albornoz

Play Editor Alex Antonetz Photo Editor Chris Casella

Copy Editor James Garcia VP of Marketing Lindsay Press


Account Executives Michelle Hartman Derek Landers Meggin Weimerskirch Liza Worthington Brand Ambassador Gabby Voris Circulation Steve Landes Marketing Interns Alex Bixler Nicole Huser

Time is not an object that can be bought for eternity. In fact, you’ll only lose time and it may come without notice. To make the game of life even more difficult, you really can’t predict how the future will go. By taking some opportunities, you might open new doors, while simultaneously closing others. It’s that chance of having something better that intrigues us. You want to maximize the opportunities you have, not limit them. At the same time, you need to take in the opportunities and embrace them, because you don’t know what going to happen tomorrow. Life is an enormous ocean of the great unknown. You have to take the initiative to dive under and discover what it has to offer.

Julie Kehl Ryan Mann Svaja Pakalniskis Contributing Adam Ambro Jimmy Bloomfield Kaitlin Bradley Madison Durham Katie East Rebecca Epperson Caitlin Essig Lauren Every Ben Ferree

Bryan Fraker Regina Fox Jacob Geers Geoff Hammersley Logan Korn Jack Lynch Ryan McGlade Sarah Mikati Brad Pierron Georgina Pinou Rie Phillips Cameron Roda Emily Rudduck Thailyr Scrivner

Lauren Weitz Emmy Wells Ashley Wilkinson Cover design by Doug Mayfield

How do you stay motivated through the midterm slump? By KAITLIN BRADLEY

David Gilbe

You just have to grit your teeth and know it’ll be over soon.

Janae Jackson

Two words: spring graduation. That gets me through the hard days!

Jack Toth

Honestly, I take a step away from engineering completely and indulge in my creative outlets like photography and short movies. I like to post them on Snapchat to make people laugh, you guys should follow me @thejacktoth!

Muzz Ahmed

I guess through collaboration with my friends, it’s definitely a team effort to get through this part of the semester.

Mark Barber

It’s just gotta get done, so I make myself push through.

Leek Tuck

I'm a transfer student so I just remind myself of why I'm here. When life gets hard you have to remind yourself why you started and what you’re really working toward, not the short term difficulties.


October 28, 2015 • UWEEKLY



Photo by David Heasley

in j.t. we trust Barrett, Elliott help Buckeyes cruise past Rutgers By @GEOFFHAMMERSLEY a t Rutgers, the birthplace of college football, the No. 1 Ohio State Buckeyes had a re-birth of sorts, showing why they are the No. 1 team in the nation.


Joey Bosa and Sam Hubbard found ways to get sacks; Darron Lee and Joshua Perry attributed to five tackle-for-losses; and Gareon Conley treated himself to an interception via Chris Laviano.

Behind 223 passing yards and 101 rushing yards, newly crowned starting quarterback J.T. Barrett accounted for five touchdowns in the Buckeyes 49-7 victory.

Laviano was pulled from the game in the fourth quarterback, and backup Hayden Rettig led the Scarlet Knights to their only score of the game with less than 15 seconds left in regulation.

In the AP Poll that was released Sunday, the Buckeyes stayed on top with 39 first place votes – 11 more than they had the week prior.

The Buckeye performance didn’t go unnoticed by many. On Monday morning, the Big Ten Conference announced that Barrett was co-Big Ten Offensive Player of the Week, splitting the honor with his Michigan State counterpart, Connor Cook.

While Barrett was as advertised, running back Ezekiel Elliott took some time to get to the 100-yard plateau. After the first quarter, Elliott had 15 yards rushing on seven carries. However, another 100-plus yard second half put Elliott over the century mark – including a thunderous 55-yard touchdown in the waxing moments in the fourth quarter. Defense also played a factor in the win, too.


UWEEKLY • October 28, 2015

Vonn Bell was named a semifinalist for the Jim Thorpe Award – an award given to the nation’s best defensive back. Bell is part of a ‘Silver Bullet’ defense that is fifth nationally in pass defense and efficiency. Ohio State has peaked at the right time, as the


team rolls into their bye week. Additionally, the college football playoff committee will announce their first batch of playoff teams. A great showing by the Buckeyes will leave a positive impression on the committee, giving OSU an edge on being No. 1. Recharging may be the best thing for the Buckeyes, but it leaves the pack of teams behind them to gain ground. Fortunately, No. 2 Baylor (7-0, 4-0) goes on their bye week as well. No. 3 Clemson (7-0, 4-0) can leave a great impression on voters if they take down NC State (5-2, 1-2) on the road. Last week, Clemson demolished Miami 58-0, leading to Miami to fire their head coach, Al Golden, after the worst loss in program history. The Buckeyes can’t control how other teams perform. However, if the they play the way they did against Rutgers from here on out, they have the inside track to going back to the CFP.

Photo by geoff hammersley

Long road ahead CBJ to make up lost ground


By ryan mcglade

he first three weeks of the Columbus Blue Jackets’ season were nightmarish to say the least. They included goaltender Sergei Bobrovsky admitting that he had “zero confidence” after surrendering 18 goals through the first four games, the team posting its worst start to a campaign in franchise history and the club firing then-head coach Todd Richards after a 0-7-0 start. The club, however, grabbed its first victory of the year on Oct. 24 at Colorado when it defeated the Avalanche, 4-3, in regulation. The win came in John Tortorella’s second game as the head coach of Columbus, after replacing Richards on Oct. 21. “We talked about it -- there’s no sense in feeling sorry for yourself,” Tortorella said after the win in Denver. “We felt this was the type of game to get out of those slumps.” During the eight-game losing streak, the team showcased inconsistent play that entailed sloppy passing and players being out of position - to name a couple flaws. Now with their first win, the Blue Jackets can get back on the road to meeting preseason expectations. However, those eight losses put the CBJ in a hole. In the first eight contests of the year, Columbus had a chance of potentially earning 16 points in the standings. Since they did not garner even one of said points, the squad has some making up to do. Fortunately, there are still five-plus months left in the season. “We’ll enjoy tonight [the Colorado win], understanding that we’ve got to get back to work and that this is the type of effort we need to win,” forward Brandon Dubinsky said. While many negatives have loomed over the Blue Jackets for much of the opening month, there have been some positives in the early goings. Two players that missed time last year due to injuries, SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


October 28, 2015 • UWEEKLY



halloween happenings Scary fun events this weekend By KAITLIN BRADLEY


alloween rarely falls squarely on a weekend, so when it does, it is cause for celebration. While there are always classic house parties and bar events to fill up the weekend of festivities, there are endless options in a city like Columbus for a holiday like Halloween.

who loves EDM and Halloween festivities.

Whether you’re looking for all of the party options or just want to experience a new part of the city, check out our list of the top Halloween events:

Want to shake it a bit? Grab a pair of headphones for the silent dance party off the side stage!

Friday Oct. 30 Skully’s Halloween Headbangers Ball As if you needed another reason to head downtown, Skully’s Music Diner is hosting a Headbangers Ball on Halloween night! Heads will roll at this ghoulish dance party, featuring Celebrity Judge and DJ Downtown Abbey, a Magazine Nightlife Columnist! The party gets started at 8 p.m. for a night full of tricks.

Haunted Fest-10.30 Even further downtown, the Ohio Expo Center is hosting the perfect dance party event for anyone


UWEEKLY • October 28, 2015

Get pumped for this multifaceted event that encourages costumes, dancing and a haunted time! The mainstage will feature musical acts Martin Garrix, Cash Cash, Snails, NGHTMRE and more!

Saturday Oct. 31 Halloween Glow Party-10.31

Drafthouse as they present a live shadowcast of “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” in honor of its 40th Anniversary! Shadowcast will be performed by Columbus' own Rocky Horror shadowcast, The Fishnet Mafia. Special activities before the show include a costume contest with cash prizes! You can buy tickets in advance online.

Nightmare on High Street Costume Party- 10.31

Are you feeling fierce? The head to Axis nightclub to party with the queen, Nina West, for a night of costumes, dancing and overall celebration!

Finally, for the ghouls and ghosts that want to keep the party on campus, the Newport Music Hall is hosting the Nightmare on High Street Costume Party!

West will be joined by The Glow Station Drag Painters for a full on glow dance party. Get to the club at 7 p.m. to get the night going with drinks, dancing and drag!

The party is ages 18 and older only with free admission before 11 p.m. with a costume. For those 21 and older, treat yourself to their specialty Halloween drinks and specials for a rocking night.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show - 40th Anniversary Showing 10.31 Are you looking for a little hands-on theater this Halloween? Then head to Studio 35 Cinema &



October 28, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • September 16, 2015


Soulful Set A modest Leon Bridges rocks the LC By CHELSEA CASTLE


n a brisk October night, packed like sardines in LC Pavilion, 26-year-old crooner Leon Bridges took a sold-out crowd back in time to the 1960's. His music wasn’t the only throwback – the soul singer and his band emulated the era magnificently with their sharp wardrobe and grand sounds. Bridges began his 75-minute set with a slow song; the stage was dark, and two lonely spotlights shone on him playing alone with his guitar. When the song broke, the lights were up and an elaborate velvet backdrop was revealed, adding to the 60’s flair. This moment set the stage for the evening with “Flowers,” a fun, dance number. I was anxious to see how the young and fresh singer would command a stage and packed venue. He did so swimmingly; few artists I’ve seen perform live have been as humble and genuine as he. He thanked the crowd often – like, a lot. “Y’all crazy, you sold out the venue! I really appreciate you.” “Thank you for selling out the venue! Sometimes I’ll get too nervous to play. Can I just perform for you on FaceTime?” Introductions preluded several songs, as Bridges shared that “Lisa Sawyer” is about his mother and “Let You Down” was about messing things up with a girl. “It’s a little bit personal,” he cooed. Several times he even offered advice to the fellas in the audience. “You got to put your lady before yourself. Ya gotta be good to ‘em, fellas.” I always appreciate a good band intro, too, where Bridges shared that his saxophone player (who was quite impressive) had been with him ever since he was performing open mic’s to 10 people. Bridges crushed his hits, “Coming Home” and “Smooth Sailin’.” But it was “River,” performed SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


October 28, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Ian Adams Glasses $12 ZENNI OPTICAL

Ian Adams a Junior from Rocky River, OH is pursuing a dual degree with Marketing and Fashion and Retail Studies. In his free time you can catch him cooking and trying awesome restaurants around Columbus.

How would you describe your style? Sweater $34 Urban Outfitters

I would call myself "minimalist grunge." While lots of my outfits are minimal, I definitely incorporate lots of grungy flairs into my everyday outfits.

Why is personal style important to you? It's so important to show the world who you are, especially at such a large university where it's easy to feel like a small fish in a big pond. If someone else feels your style, boom, you made a friend.

necklace $18 Urban Outfitters

Who / What inspires you? I am inspired a lot by Instagram. I follow a ton of bloggers and brands and if I see a cool outfit, I try to somehow do my own take on it. My favorite blogger right now is Luca Fersko. Check him out.

What is your go-to outfit? My dad jeans with a graphic tee and a bomber jacket.

How do you pick your outfits? Joggers $78 Abercrombie & Fitch

If it's just a typical day of school, I start by picking a shirt and then building around the colors of the shirt. I have a lot of neutral jackets that I can layer over whatever I'm wearing which makes it easy to outfit in a hurry. I like to keep things as monochrome as possible.

What fall trend is your favorite? This A/W season grungy 90s vibes are in full swing, and I am so loving it. Speaks to my grungy acid-wash soul.

Where do you like to shop? UNIF, Urban Outfitters, Depop and ASOS.

Who is your favorite designer?

SHOES $85 Urban Outfitters

Jeremy Scott, the creative director of Moschino. His loud, bold, pop style is so wild compared to other collections coming of off the runway, you can't help but notice his works at Moschino. His style is refreshing, and he also did a collab with Adidas which is rad. He truly is the People's Designer.

Have any style advice for readers? Don't wear boat shoes unless you are literally a sailor.

- Georgina Pinou


UWEEKLY • October 28, 2015


photo courtesy of h&M

balmain for h&m Pros & cons By TAMIKA SMITH


ast Tuesday, Balmain creative designer Olivier Rousteing debuted the collection for the 2015 H&M designer collaboration. The collection, which was announced in May and was a trending topic on Twitter, is one of the most anticipated H&M collabs yet. With hot celebs like Kendall Jenner wearing clothing from the collection the past few months, there's no wonder why so many are waiting to get their hands on it. In a recent interview with Vogue, Rousteing expressed how he wanted to do the collaboration so that kids who could not afford Balmain would be able to finally rock the brand. A definite target audience for the collection: college-aged kids. Though the craftsmanship and attention to quality that went into the collection are indubitable, there are still both pros and cons to the collection as a whole.

The Good: The price point. The Balmain items being offered in the H&M collaboration (including clothing, shoes and accessories) are significantly cheaper than strictly Balmain clothing. Balmain's signature “Balmain Paris” tee is being offered in the H&M collection at $34.99, while a similar Balmain tee costs $290 and up on the Balmain website. Variety. Many past H&M collabs in the past have lacked a variation of items. The Balmain collection, however, is a large one; offering more than 100 different pieces including men's and women's jackets, blazers and pants and shoes. The collection also offers a variety of accessories. Resemblance to Balmain. One thing true of many past high end designer and H&M collabs is the lack of resemblance with actual designer products. But, many garments in the Balmain collaboration resemble and almost replicate products from Balmain's 2012 and 2013 collections.

The Not So Good: The price point (yes, I did just mention this as



October 28, 2015 • UWEEKLY


FOOD & Drink

pizza, please 3 pizza joints near campus By Ashley Wilkinson


raving pizza is a common routine for college students and, lucky for us, there are tons of pizza restaurants near campus. Some are amazing, while many are merely average. Don't get average pizza! Check out these places (or go again if you've already been) to indulge in delicious, mouthwatering pies!

Blaze Pizza 1708 High St. Blaze Pizza is still relatively new to the campus area with a hip and modern concept. Its concept is “make your own on the spot;” a concept that restaurants such as Subway and Chipotle use. Build your pizza with seven choices of meat, 17 choices of veggies, seven types of cheese and six different sauces! The possibility for your pizza masterpiece are practically endless! My recommendation: pizza with white cream sauce, pesto drizzle, goat cheese, grilled chicken, smoked garlic, basil and sautéed onions. Yum! Blaze Pizza can be found on High Street, close to the Union.

Harvest Pizzeria 495 S 4th St. I absolutely love the vibe at Harvest Pizzeria in German Village. It’s cozy, warm and has amazing service. Choose to sit inside its rustic themed restaurant or eat outside on the patio. Harvest Pizzeria prides itself in its use of farm-fresh ingredients from Ohio farmers. The pizzas offered are unlike typical 22

UWEEKLY • October 28, 2015

pepperoni or supreme pizzas. The restaurant serves pies such as the Fennel Sausage Pizza, the Almond Pesto Pizza and the Goat Cheese Pizza. Other than pizza, Harvest serves many other delicious dishes such as gnocchi, hummus and pimento cheese dip for appetizers or for smaller meals. Don’t forget dessert! Harvest also makes dessert pizza (Harvest pretty such has it all)!

Fabian’s Pizza 691 N High St. Fabian’s is the place to get delicious and mouthwatering deep dish pizzas! Located just inside the Short North, Fabian’s is whipping out amazing Chicago style pies. Small pizzas cost around $15, while large specialty pizzas cost around $20. If you want amazing deep dish, you need to check out this place! The environment is inviting and friendly, and you won’t leave disappointed. Fabian’s also bakes up delicious stromboli and sub sandwiches. Next time you’re craving pizza, don’t go to Papa John’s or Little Caesar’s. Try these amazing places! They will quench your cravings and leave your stomach happy. As long as you don’t eat a whole pizza by yourself, that is.

Nutella + Pizza?



ften times, pizza is thought to only be a savory dish with cheese and options to add meat and vegetables. I’m sure it’s common knowledge that pizza can be a very unhealthy meal and the recipe I’m going to share with you is a tad unhealthier than the average pizza. But, I promise, it will make your taste buds go wild.

Nutella Pizza For this recipe, you will need: Uncooked pizza dough 1 jar Nutella 3 bananas 1 cup peanuts Chocolate sauce Vanilla ice cream Prepare and cook the pizza dough according to the directions on the label (depending on what crust you use) minus three minutes. Before the crust is completely cooked through, remove from the oven, spread on the Nutella and top with banana slices. Place back into the oven for the remaining three minutes. When the pizza is done, let it cool and top with peanuts, scoops of ice cream (don’t go too overboard with this),and drizzle with chocolate. After taking a bite of this delectable pizza, you’ll definitely appreciate pizza as a food group more than you did before!

- Ashley Wilkinson


pimp my work space Mobile cupcakes prove to be a


Making your cubical feel like home By EMILY RUDDUCK


sad fact of life is that you will spend a huge chunk of your time at your place of employment. Whether you are positioned in a cubical, immersed in a sea of surrounding cubicles or enjoying a scenic view from your workspace at home (lucky!), your butt will be in that chair. To avoid the feeling of dread, spruce up your work environment! While you single-handedly cannot control the way a company operates, you CAN control your attitude while you’re there. Follow these steps to makeover your boring workspace.

Keep it Professional This should really go without saying. Don’t adorn your public workspace with paraphernalia that could be considered offensive to others. While you want your space to be a representation of you,

you don’t want to be reported to HR. Graphic, explicit or otherwise inappropriate content should be saved for your personal workspace only, if you so desire.

Pick Something That Represents You Color palettes go in and out of trends. Light pink and gold is a feminine, beautiful color palette, but if you don’t like gold, why decorate with it? Chevron and tribal prints are all the rage, but if you don’t normally like those patterns, don’t use them! You’ll tire of your workspace makeover quickly. To add color, pick up a can of spray paint. Craft stores carry a variety of fun colors, including metallic in every shade. Spray paint a can to hold writing utensils, or a stapler!

Inspire Yourself We all need a little pick-me-up every now and


then, especially when we feel like we’re just lowly entry-level interns/employees and don’t matter. You DO matter and the fact that you’re in a position means that the hiring managers picked you for a reason. Buy $1 frames from the dollar store and spray paint them according to your taste. Fill them with inspirational quotes from your favorite movie, book, show or historical figure. You can make these prints in Photoshop, but if you’re not Photoshop savvy, check out Etsy and support a small business. (They’re usually pretty cheap for small prints and fully customizable!)

Bring In Comfort Items Yep, just like at daycare when you were a kid, bring items that mean something to you to make your workspace homey. (A blanket is definitely a SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.

October 28, 2015 • UWEEKLY


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UWEEKLY • October 28, 2015



October 28, 2015 • UWEEKLY



Ethan Bortnick Ethan Bortnick is one of those


incredibly talented youngsters who run the talk show circuit. He’s appeared on The Tonight Show and Good Morning America performing mind-blowingly complex musical numbers--he’s fourteen, mind you. Lincoln Theatre Time: 7 p.m. | Varies

OUAB Flicks for Free Double Feature


Dance your heart out to Goldroom, an electronic musician with years of amazing songs under his belt, like “Till Sunrise” ft. Mammals and “Fifteen” ft. Chela. His show will also feature Gavin Turek. The Basement Time: 7 p.m. | $15

Dread Engine Costume Party

Looking for your 15 minutes of fame? Join in this dance troupe to perform on October 30th for a live audience. The show will be covered by the Dispatch so don’t miss your moment to shine!

Skully's Music Diner Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: Vary

UWEEKLY • October 28, 2015

U.S. Bank Conference Theater Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: BuckID req.

Thriller Music Video Choreo Class

Get your freak on with this rock’n’roll Halloween costume party ft. Dead Engine, Cherry Blonde and Strikken.


OUAB is bringing twice the scares, just in time for Halloween! Insidious Chapter 3 and Sinister 2 should get you leaping out of your seat.

Danceville, U.S.A. Time: 10 p.m. | Vary


Thriller Halloween Costume Bash



It’s the week of All Hallow's Eve so it’s the perfect time to break out the costumes and party with Tae Fresh & Friends, presented by B-Square The DJ. Newport Music Hall Time: 6:30 p.m. | Tickets: Vary

Costume Contest

The Front Bottoms

Skully's Music Diner Time: 10 p.m. | Tickets: Vary

Skully's Music Diner Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: Vary

Grab your most ghoulish costume and run to Skully’s for a costume contest for the ages. The prices include $500 CASH to the Best Costume, 2nd Place $250 and 3rd Place $100.


Pull some strings to rock out with this electronic influenced instrumental group. They bring a mix of funk, jazz, drum and bass, psychedelia and hip hop to the stage with their southern charm. LC Pavilion Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $27.50

Get a jump on the evening with an early show at Skully’s, featuring The Front Bottoms. This well-loved indie rock band is sure to bring the right energy to anyone’s pre-game.


Rock out with some Ohio natives, and a few Michigan players, for a night of sweet musical sounds. Woodlands Tavern Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $13


October 28, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Haunted Fest



Get pumped for this multifaceted event that encourages costumes, dancing and a haunted time! The mainstage will feature musical acts Martin Garrix, Cash Cash, Snails, NGHTMRE and more! Ohio Expo Center Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: Vary

Headbangers Ball

Insane Clown Posse

Heads will roll! Come dance like the undead at Skully’s Headbangers ball, featuring Celebrity Judge and DJ Downtown Abbey, a Magazine Nightlife Columnist! Skully's Music Diner Time: 8 p.m. | Vary

You KNOW Halloween is near when these guys show up. Get painted up and prepare to get insane with the return of the notorious ICP. Newport Music Hall Time: 6:30 p.m. | $25

The Spikedrivers


Get spooky with this Halloween bash to start your holiday! The Spikedrivers are known for their pulsing pop and will make you dance till you’re dead, or a zombie! Woodlands Tavern


UWEEKLY • October 28, 2015

Escape your mind and indulge in your dark side for this rock n roll Halloween show. Let the cast intrigue you with their sketch comedy and rock and roll. Shadowbox Live Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: Vary




Blue Jackets

Not sure where you’re going to get your sports fix this bye week? The Blue Jackets have you covered as they square off against the Winnipeg Jets. ---------------------------------------------------------------

Nationwide Arena | Time: 7 p.m. | Vary





theresa caputo

Whether you believe in psychics or not, the things TLC star Theresa Captuo does on her show are pretty awesome. Head on over to the Palace Theatre and *fingers crossed* she'll have a reading ready for you.


Palace Theatre | Time: 3 p.m. | Vary

Glow party

Party with the queen, Nina West, for a night of costumes, dancing and overall celebration. West will be joined by The Glow Station Drag Painters! ---------------------------------------------------------------

Axis | Time: 10 p.m. | Vary

Join the grassroots movement of Wild Child’s fan base to experience their “haunting” indie style and original material. This group is one of the few groups without a record label or radio spot to promote their music. ---------------------------------------------------------------


WoB High St. | Time: 9 p.m. | Free



A&R Music Bar | Time: 6 p.m. | $12

Wob-ing Dead

Join the undead for a viewing party of The Walking Dead at the Gateway Film Center! After the show, head to World of Beer’s after party for beers and munchies.

Witness the the solo indie-electronic project of André Allen Anjos in motion. Although Anjos is now performing solo, after his debut solo album in 2014, he’s still a largely collaborative artist as was his intent when he started RAC. ---------------------------------------------------------------

Newport | Time: 7 p.m. | $22




Brooks Wheelan

Stand-up comedian Brooks Wheelan is well-known for his tenure on SNL, with his PSAs on The Weekend Update, as well as his appearances on Late Night with Seth Meyers. -----------------------------------------------------------

Woodlands Tavern | Time: 6 p.m. | $10


MisterWives began popping up on the radio over the spring and summer with hits such as “Reflections” and “Vagabond,” and now they’re returning to Columbus as a part of their Scrapbook Tour. ------------------------------------------------------------

LC Pavilion | Time: 6 p.m. | $20

October 28, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • October 28, 2015



Intelligence=man repellent?


eing intelligent is never a bad thing. In fact, as young adults and millennials it’s our job to encourage young girls to become intellectual and independent women. We can’t sit idle and let ridiculous societal rules control our behavior. Here’s the thing, a recent study suggested that men find intelligent women attractive but are unlikely to date them. Guys like fiery and ambitious females, but when it comes time to date them? Nah, they’ll pass. Are you freaking kidding me? The idea that men are scared of women more intelligent than them, and can’t learn to be with someone that’s their equal (or better), is disgusting. What are they afraid of? We don’t bat an eye when a man has more power or intelligence in the relationship. Also, isn’t having a strong woman with a strong man better than one partner being successful? Think, Jay Z and Beyoncé (or David Beckham and Victoria Beckham). They’re the epitome of #relationshipgoals. Both partners are masters of their world and two great minds are definitely better than one. If this is public knowledge, why are guys still afraid of intelligent women? The answer is both simple and complicated. Society has made us believe that men must be the breadwinner, the strongest and the alpha. On the other hand, women are the homemakers, the weak and the beta. Therefore, when men come across women who are more successful or driven—they feel insecure. This idea is imbedded in history, and it’s hard to change the way we think of tacit codes. Fortunately, many of us are now challenging these archaic ex

pectations. There’s a new wave of media outlets stressing equality that are finally giving women the attention they deserve. Look, we’re making progress. I took to Google to learn more and what I found out was surprising. "Strong, aggressive, ambitious people intimidate weak, passive, lackadaisical people regardless of sex,” said a 25-year-old male. “They remind these people of the existential crisis that cause their current state of being. It's the gap in intelligence — not gender — that causes the intimidation.” Let me address this — while this is a very valid point, I think gender has something to do with the problem. Not all men would agree it’s a matter of characteristics; many find it absolutely absurd to be intimidated by any woman — simply because she’s a female. Furthermore, ambitious men don’t intimidate women. In fact, they find security and inspiration in these men. So why do we allow men to subjugate us to a less attractive status for being intelligent, motivated and successful, when we praise them for having all of those characteristics? You’re well on your way to becoming a fabulous, strong and adventurous lady. However, no matter how much you want a guy, do not compromise the intelligent and driven woman that you are. If you ever find yourself in this situation, that guy is not worth it.





With Love, Stella @wlovestella


October 28, 2015 • UWEEKLY


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