Uweekly 11.04.15

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November 4, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • November 4, 2015





@nicoletoth15 @arsiantidewi


@ cailinpittt





November 4, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Psst... we’ve got a crush on you. Sometimes provocative, always anonymous. Check out a few of Ohio State’s latest crushes. You never know, someone may be crushing on you:

He's the kind of guy that you can take home for the night AND take home to your parents @IanJMontague

Date night: Fried rice, extra soy sauce, bible study & chill. You in? @RIP_JEP

All the asiago cheese bagels on campus

@rachelgurley I think you're really cute- one of the guys in your Chem lab/recitation

Holla at my girl Katie she is fiiiiiiiine @nomaslivemas

How on earch do you manage to be sexy even as a manatee @cas_o_fras

@JoeyBonanno4 is the only reason I go to my math class 6

UWEEKLY • November 4, 2015

EASILY the hottest guy on the track team...and the best personality @Nick_Schrader13

Crush of the week

Is this you? Tweet @UWeekly to claim your prize. uweekly.com




WED 11.4

Simran Parmar @ simranparmarr Ask me if I'm still lowkey using maps to get to some of my classes #new2osu


MisterWives is an American indie pop band based in New York City. MisterWives have opened for acts such as Twenty One Pilots, Half Moon Run, Bleachers, The Mowgli's, and American Authors.

Kartik Dhinakaran @KDhinakaran The Freshman 15 at OSU is actually named after the 15 mins each freshman walks to get to classes every single day


LC Pavilion | 6 p.m. | $20

MON 11.9

Carson Evans @carson_evans I will never understand the people who dress up for class everyday


Go on a musical journey for "A Thousand Miles" with Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter Vanessa Carlton as she makes her re-emergence with her released her fifth studio album, Liberman, on October 23, 2015.

Nate Steele @Potato_Steele If I die, make sure to play my playlist titled fun(eral). It's pretty killer #new2osu


A&R Music Bar | 6:30 p.m. | $22

TUES 11.10

K @katiemelkitten My prof is wearing a sequin tank that says "life of the party." Also, her name is literally Dr. Bae. It's too early for this.


The duo is known for their YouTube covers of popular songs and original music, and have been performing together since their days in the Tufts University funk band The Ride.

kelluminati @kell56bell someone stepped on me today #new2osu


Newport | 7 p.m. | $25



National Champs Gear

Attn: Concert lovers

Tell us why you should win by tweeting using #TellUWeekly, and two people will win a 2014 National Champion hat and T-shirt from Conrads College Gifts!

#TellUWeekly why you should win, and two will receive a pair of tickets to see Machine Head at Newport Music Hall on Nov. 19! photo by of David Heasley


November 4, 2015 • UWEEKLY



hairing is caring

Student groups use No Shave November to promote awareness By LAUREN EVERY


n recent years, one fall trend has been gaining popularity worldwide. No, not pumpkin spice, we’re talking about No Shave November. The official No Shave November campaign started in 2004, and it isn’t just about growing the best beard possible. The main goal of the campaign is to raise awareness for men’s health and for cancer research. Last year, the men of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity (FIJI) created a similar campaign: a week long event called Mental Health Matters. Their goal was to create awareness and conversation about mental health, particularly for men. “For men, it’s really hard to talk about those things. I mean mental health is actually sort of a thing that’s stigmatized. It’s gotten a lot better over the years, but it’s still there. It’s sort of looked at as something you don’t talk about or it’s a weakness. Especially for men,” said third-year Jonathan Gill, a member of FIJI. After seeing the success they had last year with Mental Health Matters week, Gill decided he wanted to do more and started creating the blueprint for “Novembeard” at Ohio State. The idea took off and, this year, the men of FIJI are collaborating with Ohio State’s Counseling and Consultation Ser8

UWEEKLY • November 4, 2015

vices and Nationwide Children’s Hospital, which has already raised more than $3,000 for cancer research. Novembeard will last all month long. Gill was first inspired to help those with mental health issues after spending three-and-a-half years in the Marine Corps. After seeing first-hand the effects of mental stress in the soldiers around him and the PTSD some experienced after their time in the military, he decided to pursue social work at Ohio State with the aspiration of helping veterans and young men dealing with mental health issues. “I just really like the idea of working with people through vulnerability and working through the stuff that most people don’t feel comfortable doing,” he said. The finale of Novembeard will be a “Beard Off” at the Ohio Union on Nov. 30 and will include a runway show of wonderfully bearded men (facial hair props will be provided for those who are not blessed with the ability to grow said wonderful beards). The main staircase of the Ohio Union will be the runway and the different steps will symbolize different stages of mental health and will include various positive messages. The event will also have moments of vuluweekly.com

nerability and honesty provided by a panel of people from around the OSU community, including counselors, students and alumni. When Gill first reached out in regards to the panel, he received a response from a former FIJI brother who shared that he recently struggled with his mental health and was willing to speak openly about his experience. “It’s gonna be a good vulnerability moment,” Gill said. The men of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity are also participating in a No Shave November initiative to benefit The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center. They are asking for donations directed at specific ATO members’ facial hair: a goatee is $5, a mustache is $10 and a full beard is $20. Both organizations welcome everyone in the OSU community to participate, with or without a beard. More information can be found at the Novembeard @ OSU's Men's Mental Health Awareness Facebook page and at alphatauomegaosu. com/noshavenovember.


November 4, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Nap like a boss Why naptime is beneficial By TAMIKA SMITH


emember in kindergarten about half way through the day, you were forced to take a nap? Back then I'm sure we all hated it as we would have much rather stayed up to play. But, as a college student, we'd all probably protest and riot in order to have a designated nap time in the middle of the day. While we're not five anymore and can stay awake for much longer periods of time, naps are still very important. As many studies suggest that taking about a 15-minute nap is better than taking a longer nap; finding time to nap throughout the day should be easy, even for a college student. Napping throughout the day has tremendous benefits and can greatly help any student in the long run.


UWEEKLY • November 4, 2015

So grab a pillow and get to napping (after you finish reading this, of course).

Naps increase alertness. The first few minutes after waking up from a nap, you may feel groggy. But as you wake up, your body soon becomes more alert to your surroundings, which lasts throughout the rest of your day. Having an extra boost of alertness is super helpful when studying and attending classes.

Naps improve learning and memory abilities. As getting a good night's rest will surely improve your learning abilities, so will taking a nap. If you take a short nap before a class or exam, it will help you to be more focused and more receptive to retaining new information.

Naps make you more creative. Have you ever had trouble with writing a paper


or coming up with ideas for a project? Try taking a nap. Most likely, you will wake up more refreshed with a greater ability to problem solve and be creative.

Naps better your mood. A lot of us tend to get super moody and even mean when we're feeling tired or deprived of sleep. As napping tends to boost your energy, it will also help to improve the way you feel and completely turn your frown upside down.

Naps lessen stress. The words “college” and “stress” are synonymous in so many ways. It's easy to become worked up and stressed-out over midterms, finals, papers, homework and not having an adequate amount of coffee. Taking a nap in the midst of all your tension can help you to relax and not feel so overwhelmed or worried.

Beard talk What your facial hair says about you



s November rolls in, a glorious time comes upon us – no shave November. Now, for girls participating, it may not be that glorious. But for men, oh yes. As summer called for clean faces, many men take part in growing back and donning their facial hair in the month of November. Some men will go for the full-grown beard, while others will simply rock a mustache. No matter what facial hair look a guy is going for, the one he ends up with says a lot about his personality. So, women, when you're choosing a guy, beware the facial hair. The full beard. The last couple of years, the full beard has become popular among all age groups. Even men in their 20's can be seen rocking the full beard. This past year, Drake, who is perhaps the most popular rapper among young adults, donned a new bearded look. Because of this, he practically broke the internet with women gushing over it. The full beard evokes a man that is confident in himself and mature. He is someone who is serious and hard-working. The full beard says, “I'm wiser than you, and I know who I am.” Charles Darwin had a massive beard, after all. The goatee. The goatee hasn't quite descended down to the younger generation. Most likely the only men you'll see wearing a goatee are old enough to be your dad. The goatee gives off the vibe of a man who is traditional and doesn't much like change. Brad Pitt has rocked the goatee a lot throughout his career, so the right guy can make it attractive. The thick mustache. If you're a fan of “Orange is the New Black,” you know that the thick mustache or “pornstache” doesn't have the best connotation. SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


November 4, 2015 • UWEEKLY


While this number may be staggering, mental illness is not an uncommon occurrence, especially among college students. A multitude of factors impact the occurrence of mental illness in different individuals, from hereditary disease to traumatic life events, but there is no doubt that the high stress of college and post grad can draw out our natural inclinations. The increased dialogue about the subject has definitely helped to destigmatize the issue, but there is still a lot of work to do.

photo courtesy of Twin design/shutterstock.com

Post with purpose Avoiding the bandwagon By kAITLIN BRADLEY


n the digital age we now live in, there are social media campaigns for everything. Some are a bit contrived, like a petition to get Justin Bieber deported, but others are driven by a desire for more social change. The increase of digital presence in our daily lives has also increased the presence that other people’s opinions have in our lives. A seemingly constant media presence means that we are constantly striving to perform in the public eye in such a way that allows others to see us through rose colored filters. While social media can have an entertaining role in our lives, all too often the misconception of real life warps the views of self image and expectations we have of ourselves. Because of the pressure we all feel, in varying degrees, mental health issues have begun to hit the forefront of the public eye. The public discussion of mental health, from how to keep ourselves healthy to being aware of others’ needs, is an improvement from what the perspective used to be.

As November has crept up on us, the ever popular “No Shave November” trend will be out in full force. However, the meaning of “Movember” is to raise awareness for men's health issues such as depression in men, prostate cancer and other male cancers. The coupling of the manly-man image that accompanies mustaches, combined with the campaign’s mission, is meant to deliver a message about men’s health and vulnerability. Men discuss illness, especially in the mental aspect, far less publicly than women because of the “weak” connotation put on the idea. The Movember campaign is clearly meant to utilize social media to further the dialogue about this subject. However, the one fault with social media campaigns is the inevitable bandwagon effect. The original message and intent is lost when people begin posting pictures simply to join in, not to promote awareness about the cause. In actuality, the true rationale behind events such as Movember is not common knowledge, which is the root of the problem itself. Tip for all who want to participate in public campaigns: be aware of what you are promoting and post with intent. Bandwagon posting is not only ignorant, but also reductive of the causes that are meant to be recognized.

Mental illness used to be a subject that wasn’t regularly discussed and was treated as a taboo subject, although an estimated 43.8 million adults aged 18 or older in the U.S. suffered from a form of mental illness in 2013, according to the National Institute of Mental Health.

A PRODUCT of 614 MEDIAGROUP UWeekly is an independent publication and is not affiliated with The Ohio State University. UWeekly receives NO STUDENT FEES or university funding. One free copy per person. Additional copies $.50. Opinions are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the editor, publisher or the newspaper staff. UWeekly is not liable for omissions, misprints or typographical errors. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. ©COPYRIGHT 2015.

458 East Main Street Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 488-4400 FAX: 488-4402


UWEEKLY • November 4, 2015

Publisher Wayne T. Lewis

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Lauren Weitz Emmy Wells Ashley Wilkinson Cover design by Doug Mayfield

How do you think OSU handled the campus threat? By MADISON DURHAM

Casey Murray

I think it’s good because they didn’t blow it out of proportion too soon, because no one actually knew if anything was gonna happen. I was scared, I’ll admit, but these things happen all the time, and they took the right plan of action I think.

Juhie Patel

Sophia Mullins

I had friends who had class at 3 p.m. in buildings surrounding the Oval, and they were very attentive to the security that was taking place at that time, and looking out for it, and saw nothing. Even to give students peace of mind you need to have police on campus, some type of presence. But, no police were to be seen and there were a lot of sketchy things happening on the Oval at that time.

There was absolutely nothing, I was appalled, they were like saying that there was gonna be a lot of security and stuff. I know that a lot of these threats are not always serious, but like, on the chance that this is the one time that it is, I think it should have been handled a lot better. This is a huge campus, it’s hard to control things that happen and the lack of caution was kind of crazy.

Andrew Noll

I mean I heard that there were a lot of police on campus, so I guess they handled that pretty well. I don’t know I mean I guess if there’s a threat maybe we should know a little bit more, we only got that one email.

Erin Handwork

Mia Saracusa

A lot of times in these situations the person that makes the threat, or that says whatever, they’re doing it because they want to cause fear and they want to cause panic and like impact something, and by not like shutting down the school or cancelling classes I think Ohio State was not giving into their demands. I just think they handled it well by saying we have it under control, we have authorities here, but we’re not giving in to what you want.

I think it was handled pretty well. I personally didn’t feel like I was in any danger after the emails and I notably saw more security around campus and around the classrooms and the site of the threat. Since nothing happened and everyone’s safe I feel like it was handled very well.


November 4, 2015 • UWEEKLY



Photo by David Heasley

sports wrap Tournament time for OSU fall sports By RYAN MCGLADE


onference crown opportunity

The Ohio State men’s soccer team has won nine of its last 10 contests as it heads into the regular season finale against rival Michigan. With a 1-0 victory over Maryland on Saturday – and the lone goal being scored by Yaw Amankwa – the Buckeyes now find themselves at the top of the Big Ten standings with 13 points. If they can defeat the Wolverines at Jesse Owens Memorial Stadium, they will win the Big Ten regular season championship as well as lock up the No. 1 seed in the conference tournament, which starts Saturday.

One step closer A 2-1 win against No. 2 seed Wisconsin on Sunday has the Ohio State women’s soccer team set to face Rutgers in the Big Ten semifinals.

within four minutes of each other to get out to a 2-0 lead. Michela Paradiso notched the first goal of the contest on a penalty kick after she was knocked down in the box; Sammy Edwards sent one to the back of the net with a header on a cross from Lindsay Agnew in the 34th minute. A spot in the league tournament championship match will be on the line on Friday at 3:30 p.m.

A new season begins The Ohio State field hockey team enters the Big Ten Tournament with a bit of a black eye. The Buckeyes lost their last two regular season games at Kent State and at Michigan to finish with a 9-9 overall record and 4-4 in the conference. OSU scored one goal in the two contests combined. It will try to get its offense back on track as the No. 5 seed in the quarterfinals on Thursday against Northwestern.

The No. 7 seed Buckeyes scored two goals 14

UWEEKLY • November 4, 2015


In the lone contest against the Wildcats this season, OSU lost 2-0 at home.

Getting their first After losing seven straight games to start the season, the Ohio State men’s hockey team recorded its first win of the year against Mercyhurst on Halloween. OSU goaltender Matt Tomkins turned away 27 shots while junior forward Nick Schilkey led the way for the Buckeyes with two goals and one assist in the 5-1 victory. The Buckeyes had a challenging start to the campaign, as their first three series were against ranked opponents (No. 16 Bowling Green, No. 18 Miami (Ohio) and No. 3 Providence). They’ll look to continue their momentum this weekend at home with two games against Canisius.

Photo by david heasley



ack in the playoffs for the second time in as many seasons, Crew SC played Montreal on Sunday in the first leg of a two-leg playoff matchup. Unfortunately for the Crew, Montreal nabbed the victory 2-1 in a rough and tumble game. Major League Soccer uses a home and home format with aggregate scoring to determine who will advance to the conference finals. Columbus hosts the final portion of the matchup on Nov. 8. With road goals being the first tiebreaker, the fact that Columbus was able to get on the board even in a loss is a big factor. A home victory of 1-0 (or any margin greater than one) will see Crew SC advance to the Eastern Conference finals. A loss or a tie will knock them out of the playoffs, and a mirror 2-1 scoreline would mean the match goes into overtime. Even though they lost, knowing exactly what they need to do, in front of a home crowd, is a benefit for the team. “Part of management of this is that 2-1 is a decent result. We got the road goal. We all know they count away goals, so it was a big goal and I think we’re in a good position,” Crew SC Head Coach Gregg Berhalter said. The Crew were in the driver’s seat after scoring the first goal, but Montreal quickly equalized, leading to a 1-1 halftime score. Johan Venegas hit the winner for the Impact after a bad giveaway from Columbus captain Michael Parkhurst. “Soccer is a game of mistakes, and a game where every action makes a difference” Berhalter said, “No matter how small that action is, it can have an effect on the game.” “The second goal was ridiculous,” Parkhurst said, “but it still puts us in a good position going home. We know that we need to win the game and SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


November 4, 2015 • UWEEKLY



photo courtesy of Tiera D. Photos & Films

Listen local OSU alum invests in local music By JACK LYNCH


rom organizing festivals, to hosting shows, to playing his own music in multiple bands, former Ohio State student Sandeep Sehbi has a hand in almost every aspect of local music, thanks to his decade of involvement in central Ohio’s music scene. “I believe in investing in the community. The more energy we all put into the community, the more vibrant it becomes, the more multifaceted it becomes,” Sehbi said. “And then it’s a resource that’s available for all of us.” Born in Bangor, Wales, Sehbi moved to Chicago at age 10 before attending high school in Dayton, and finally coming to Columbus for college. “I treated OSU as a place to learn everything I could,” said Sehbi, who has studied a wide array of topics, including business, philosophy and astronomy. “Really, the school is the reason I was here, and in a way, it’s still the main reason I’m still here.”


UWEEKLY • November 4, 2015

After being introduced to the central Ohio music scene through his friend Vivek Mahajan, who passed away at age 24, Sehbi said he became deeply invested in local arts, and has thrown more than 180 events on the DIY scene. “We might be one of the best music cities in the country,” said Sehbi. “These are the future rock stars. These are the people who will be on the radio when they’ve learned their industry. You know, Twenty One Pilots came from Columbus, and I just saw them on a billboard in Portland.” Sehbi currently performs under the moniker FreshFX, using sound looping tools to create full songs as a one-man act, and has founded groups like the Columbus Music Collective and Yawning Rabbit Booking. “In this modern day economy — how it sucks, there’s no money, there’s no opportunities. You


have to create your own opportunities by investing in a community and then working within that community. That’s how you do work in this 2015 music industry,” Sehbi said. “If you’re gonna succeed, it’s going to be through bonds of friendship." “Personally, it’s all because my friend passed away, and I really wanted to offer new people opportunities that he was deprived of. That’s my personal impetus.” Yawning Rabbit Booking is accepting applications for the Live at The Garden festival until Nov 14. Live at the Garden 5 is slated to take place at The Garden Theater March 5, 2016.


November 4, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • September 16, 2015


photo courtesy of Bornfree/shutterstock.com

Apple's demise Negative reviews proved premature By ADAM AMBRO


t seems like a broken record at this point: Fall rolls around, Apple holds a press conference announcing a new iPhone and maybe something else, and then analysts and bloggers rush online to write once again about how Apple’s tech reign is coming to an end. Then, a month later, an Apple press release shows massive revenue growth. It happens nearly every year. While its last press conference was underwhelming in terms of innovative ideas and its Apple Watch has yet to take off, Apple is bullish on its iPhone and it’s banking them a lot of money. “Fiscal 2015 was Apple’s most successful year ever, with revenue growing 28 percent to nearly $234 billion. This continued success is the result of our commitment to making the best, most innovative products on earth, and it’s a testament to the tremendous execution by our teams,” Apple CEO Tim Cook said. “We are heading into the holidays with our strongest product lineup yet, including iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus, Apple Watch with an expanded lineup of cases and bands, the new iPad Pro and the all-new Apple TV, which begins shipping this week.” “The company posted quarterly revenue of $51.5 billion and quarterly net profit of $11.1 billion, or $1.96 per diluted share. These results compare to revenue of $42.1 billion and net profit of $8.5 billion, or $1.42 per diluted share, in the year-ago quarter,” according to Apple’s press release. All of these numbers basically mean that Apple is in the black — by a lot, and it appears that it will remain that way for a long time. On Oct. 30, the company released its latest iteration of the Apple TV, to rave reviews. In discussing television in relation to the device in 2011, the late Steve Jobs said that he’d “finally cracked it” and wanted to create “an integrated television set SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


November 4, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Jeffry Hopfensperger Jeffry Hopfensperger is a junior at the Ohio State University. He is a Political Science major and his style is effortlessly cool.

How would you describe your style?


I would say that I normally tend to dress casual but also I am always trying to stay on trend, for the most part.

Why is personal style important to you? I think it's important because it is representative of who you are and what your personality is like.

Do you have a go-to outfit? Yes. My go-to outfit is definitely dark jeans, a white long sleeved henley, my neighbor quilted bomber jacket, and brown boots.

How do you pick your outfits? I ask anyone and everyone for their opinions because I'm the most indecisive person ever.

What fall trend is your favorite? Earthy colors. I can wear them with almost any pants and they look great with my boots.

JEANs $78 Abercrombie & Fitch

Where do you like to shop? I work at Abercrombie and Fitch so I shop there most frequently. I like that I can wear their clothes casually or for a night out. I also love H&M because it’s affordable but they still have stylish clothing.

Who is your favorite designer? Michael Kors, exclusively for a certain bomber jacket that I will forever regret not buying.

Have any style advice for readers? Just wear what you are comfortable in. Your clothes should make you feel good about yourself.

Shoes $150 COLE HAAN


UWEEKLY • November 4, 2015


- Georgina Pinou

look good, smell good Using cologne as an accessory


By Ashley Wilkinson

t’s no secret that a great smelling cologne makes a man stand out. Some men choose to stick to only one particular scent for their own signature smell. However, picking cologne based on an outfit or occasion can make a big impact. The same smell sometimes gets old and variety is attractive. Men, here are my suggestions for outfit and cologne pairings from a female’s perspective. Formal Wear If you are attending a wedding or any other suit-and-tie event, wear cologne with spicy and bold fragrances. I highly recommend checking out Ralph Lauren’s line of colognes. Many of their colognes are perfect for formal occasions. Some cologne that fall in the “spicy and bold” category includes “Polo”, “Polo Supreme Oud” and “Double Black.” Night Life Attire If you’re going out for the weekend, wearing nice jeans and a nice shirt, try wearing cologne with fresh and elaborate fragrances. I find that colognes that have citrus, sage, or rosemary as the ingredients really go well with night life occasions. My personal favorite is Express’s “Loyalty” Cologne. Casual/ Outdoorsy Attire Although I don’t think that cologne is necessary when doing outdoor activities, some men prefer to wear it. I recommend cologne that has ingredients like musk or sandalwood. Some cologne that would match outdoor attire include Ralph Lauren’s “Woods”, Prada’s “Luna Rosa” and Burberry’s “Brit.” These colognes can also merely be worn with a casual outfit, such as jeans and a T-shirt (even if you choose to stay inside). Remember, variety is a good thing! Don’t be afraid to play around with different scents to find the fragrances that you enjoy the most with each outfit.


November 4, 2015 • UWEEKLY


FOOD & Drink


Local juice co. brings variety

Date night done right 3 destinations to bring the romance


By Ashley Wilkinson

ollege is a time for studying, writing papers and doing homework. Although college takes a lot of time out of your day, time should be set aside for social activities, such as going on a dinner date. For a total romantic, picking a location for a date can sometimes be hard. There needs to be good vibes, good service and of course, amazing food! Whether you’re going on a date with a person you just met or your long-term significant other, here are some amazing Columbus destinations to consider when deciding where to wine and dine. Spagio: European and Pacific Rim Cuisine Spagio, a restaurant located in Grandview, offers a wide range of delicious plates. The menu offers smaller plates for small appetites, a perfect place to go if you want room for dessert after the main course. Spagio offers dishes such as German sausage (seasonal), lamb, duck and ribeye. For dessert, the restaurant serves a variety of guilty pleasures, including strudels, chocolate cake, cheesecake and tortes. If you want to do something other than eat dinner, consider taking a cooking class with your date at Spagio. Although the cooking lessons are a tad expensive, they are an amazing opportunity to learn how to cook like a culinary genius. Black Creek Bistro This warm and cozy restaurant is located at 51 Parsons Ave. Many of the ingredients are from the 22

UWEEKLY • November 4, 2015

owner’s farm, so they are guaranteed fresh! Whether it's a lunch or dinner date, Black Creek Bistro serves delicious food that you and your date are bound to enjoy. They serve a variety of sandwiches, such as the classic monte cristo, as well as fancier dishes such as lemongrass mussels, Duck gnocchi and smoked salmon with baby arugula. Is your mouth watering yet? Not only will the delectable plates make your taste buds go wild, they will also make your wallet happy. Also, make sure to check out the art gallery located in the restaurant. With art, food and wine, this place makes the perfect date atmosphere! Whole World Pizza & Bakery Vegetarians: this one is for you (although I’m sure non-vegetarians would love this place, too). Located at 3269 N. High St., this pizzeria and bakery are serving up mouth watering food! Menu items include soup, sandwiches, pizzas and a variety of pastries. The atmosphere is laid-back, friendly and inviting. Not only is every item vegetarian, but Whole World prides itself in the freshest ingredients that contain no trans fats or preservatives. Need more convincing? Whole World has delicious specialty pizzas, such as the Oregon Apple Pizza (made with apple sauce, slices apples, raisins, provolone cheese and sunflower seeds) and the Herb and Guacamole Pizza (made with guacamole, tomato, alfalfa sprouts, and sunflower seeds). Vegan cheese is also available. uweekly.com



est Juice Co., located at 980 W. 5th Ave, is a relatively new local business run by a young couple whose goal is to give back to the community by making it a healthier place. Zest Juice Co. is a juice bar that offers cold-pressed juices, cleanse programs, all-natural smoothies and delicious snacks. If you are not familiar with the world of cold-pressed juices, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but they will run you about $8-10 a bottle. But, before you roll your eyes and laugh, a lot of high quality ingredients and hard work goes into each bottle. Not only that but they offer you a variety of health benefits from being packed in protein to strengthening your immune system. One worth noting is their Coffee Cashew Milk, which contains: Water, cashews, coffee, coconut oil, vanilla, Himalayan sea salt, dates and maple syrup. The cashew milk adds protein and the coconut oil makes the energy from this drink last all day. Their smoothies are also packed with benefits and great flavor like their seasonal pumpkin pie smoothie, which also includes cashew milk for the added protein. If you don’t think juice will suffice your appetite then their acai bowls are the way to go. My personal favorite is the bliss bowl which includes; banana, strawberry, mango, acai, honey and apple juice. YUM! Also you can add 3 toppings to your bowl with ingredients like chia seeds and granola. Their unique tonic shots also caught my eye. Right now they offer three different varieties: ginger, immunity shot and ultimate cleanser. The ultimate cleanser includes lemon, apple cider vinegar and cinnamon.

assemble your crew Mobile cupcakes prove to be a


How staffing agencies help you get hired By EMILY RUDDUCK


etting e-mails from recruiters at staffing agencies (or temp agencies, as they’re otherwise known) is fairly regular when you have your resume on career building sites like Monster or Career Builder. Testing the waters with one or more agencies, as well as seeking them out on your own, can exponentially increase the chances of you getting hired. Here are five things you need to know about external recruiters and how they can help jumpstart your career. Staffing agencies work directly with clients. The clients are the larger corporations that either don’t want to take on the cumbersome task of sifting through resume after resume to find the diamond in the rough, or they simply don’t have the time. The staffing agency does that for them. Usually, clients will pay a nominal fee for a qualified

candidate, but you won’t know how much that fee is. (Don’t worry, it doesn’t really affect you if the overall salary is what you’re looking for.) They can keep you aware of recent openings in your field. This is especially helpful when you have a solid major, are graduating soon or have already graduated and are looking for work. They help you seek out the best opportunities and alert you when more are available that meet your qualifications. They’ll prep you for interviews. When you’re interviewing for your own personal big league (or at least the minor league) you want to put your best self forward. A recruiter at the agency will sit down with you one-on-one, go over your resume and conduct mock interviews. They’ll advise on what to highlight, what to leave out and how to appeal to the hiring manager so you land the job.


They probably aren’t the only ones working with the client. Businesses will often seek the assistance of a few agencies to maximize their chances of finding qualified candidates. While you should do your research on each individual agency, be cautious when signing up with several. You don’t want to have your resume end up at the same business four times over. They present opportunities that you can turn down. In order to turn a profit, they need to get you hired. While you may be seeking employment in a specific field, it’s likely that they’ll offer you positions that you don’t feel drawn to, or have any interest in. It’s okay to say, “No.” This is your career and your future professional relationships. Pursue what you feel comfort with but also bear in mind that stepping out of that comfort zone often leads to unforeseeable opportunities.

November 4, 2015 • UWEEKLY


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photos by JON MCALLISTER & Gabby Voris


UWEEKLY • November 4, 2015



November 4, 2015 • UWEEKLY






Big Krit

OUAB Flicks for Free

OUAB presents yet another Double Feature this week in the form of Space Jam and Remember the Titans, so take a break and come watch these feel-good favorites! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

US Bank Conference Theater | Time: 6 p.m. | Free w/ BuckID

Justin Scott, better known by his stage name Big K.R.I.T., is an American rapper and record producer from Meridian, Mississippi. As an artist of Def Jam, he draws inspiration from musical influences and peers such as Ludacris, Smoke DZA, Yelawolf and Wiz Khalifa. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Park Street Saloon | Time: 7 p.m. | Vary

The scrapbook tour

MisterWives is an American indie pop band based in New York City. MisterWives have opened for acts such as Twenty One Pilots, Half Moon Run, Bleachers, The Mowgli's and American Authors.


LC Pavilion | Time: 6 p.m. | $20


Skully's | Time: 9 p.m. | Vary

Ohio State Men's soccer

Cheer on our buckeye men's soccer team as they take on a rival we can all oppose: Michigan. Show your support with some scarlet and grey gear to pump up the team! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Jesse Owens Memorial Stadium | Time: 7 p.m. | Vary


UWEEKLY • November 4, 2015

Ladies 80's

Ladies, leave your man at home! Get out for a night with the girls with complimentary VIP perks, if you know who to talk to, and good dancing music. It’s not about the fellas but they’re sure to show up for this night!

Into the sea tour

Attalus headlines the atmospheric show, featuring tracks from their new album "into the Sea." The show will also feature Ever Burning Bright, Conversion Delay and Ex-Nihilo. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Skully's | Time: 6 p.m. | Vary



Robert DeLong


Seattle-based electronic musician DeLong brings a background in percussion and influences from a number of indie rock bands to his music. DeLong's primary genres include electronica, EDM and moombahton. A&R Music Bar Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: Vary

Aaron Watson

Skully’s Local Artist Showcase

Watson is an American country singer, straight out of Texas. Join him for some twang as he performs some of his well known hits like “Leather & Lace” and “Freight Train”. Newport Music Hall Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $10

Discover some local talent with Skully’s Local Artist Showcase. The show will feature V!bes, Fingers and Osage on the main stage. Skully's Music Diner Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: $5

Albert Hammond Jr

Hammond Jr is an American musician and fashion designer. When he’s not sketching up new designs, he plays guitar and keyboards for the indie rock band The Strokes. The Basement Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $13

The Infamous Stringdusters

The Infamous Stringdusters made their fame as an acoustic and bluegrass band. The band emerged in 2007 with their acclaimed album Fork in the Road. Park Street Saloon Time: 8:45 p.m. | Tickets: $20


November 4, 2015 • UWEEKLY








Get Right with DJ Where's Larry? Giovanny

Let go and dance all night with the smooth sounds and original beats of DJ Giovanny!

The 4-man outfit, The Impractical Jokers, is currently touring nationwide with amix of stand-up, unique hidden camera videos, stories and insight into the making of Impractical Jokers.


Skully's | Time: 10 p.m. | Vary

Gallery Hop

This monthly event features a great crowd, long evening hours and scenic strolls along High Street, plus some great shopping and restaurants. ---------------------------------------------------------------

Short North | Time: Varies | Free


Ohio Theatre | Time: 7 p.m. | $52.50

Hit Parade

A tribute to the music of the 1980's: Hit Parade takes you through all of the best rock and dance hits of one of the most interesting eras for music. Includes music by bands like Jurney and Def Leppard. ---------------------------------------------------------------

A&R Music Bar | Time: 6 p.m. | $6


UWEEKLY • November 4, 2015




Vanessa Carlton Timeflies Go on a musical journey for "A Thousand Miles" with Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter Vanessa Carlton as she makes her re-emergence with her released her fifth studio album, Liberman, on October 23, 2015.


A&R Music Bar| Time: 6:30 p.m. | $22

Ta-Nehisi Coates

Ta-Nehisi Coates is one of the most buzzed about authors of 2015, with critics indicating that he will go down as one of the most influential voices of the 21st century.


Palace Theatre | Time: 8 p.m. | Vary

The duo is known for their YouTube covers of popular songs and original music, and have been performing together since their days in the Tufts University funk band The Ride.


Newport Time: 7 p.m. | $25

Indie Showcase

Skully’s indie variety show features Columbus native, Brace Chyld, as he performs music from his upcoming album. The night is filled with dozens of indie artists, perfect for a chill Tuesday night. ------------------------------------------------------------

Skully's | Time: 7:30 p.m. | Vary


November 4, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • November 4, 2015



don't let food kill the mood


few nights ago, bae and I were getting hot and heavy. As things were getting good, my stomach started to feel uncomfortable. I was kind of bloated and the effects of the glass of water that I gulped before our little rendezvous became very apparent. It completely killed my mood. The sound of water moving around in my stomach was disturbing and quickly pulled the plug on passion. After the lackluster moment, I vowed I would avoid this kind of embarrassment again. Besides avoiding large amounts of water, stay away from these foods that will potentially kill all sexual or romantic vibes: Peppermint or any gum. First, peppermint reduces testosterone levels. If you’re concerned about bad breath after dinner, opt for food that doesn’t have strong, potent ingredients. Second, when chewing gum you swallow unnecessary air that will make you bloat. Undressing for some of us is already scary, so make yourself feel a little more comfortable and do not chew gum! Fried anything. Maybe not fried chicken from Hot Chicken Takeover (because it’s so delicious), but fried food will result in not-so-sexy bloating. Stomach problems will ruin a moment with bae so fast. Soda/pop/carbonated drinks. However you choose to refer to it, just know that carbonated beverages can leave you slightly (or very) gassy. Every time I drink one, I get uncontrollable burps. There’s nothing sexy about releasing gas — especially when you’re on top of a guy. Wine. When you drink on a date, never go overboard. We all know alcohol is a depressant,

and too much will cause a loss of sensation in all areas (down there, ladies). It’s going to be harder to have an orgasm when you can hardly feel a thing, so before you blame it on his penis/thrusting skills, ask yourself how much you had to drink that night. Fruits and veggies. We all know what foods disrupt our bowels. Some vegetables are high in fiber and consumption can lead to a dire need of a toilet. Some fruits can act in the same way, depending on who you are. I suggest you pay attention to the way your body reacts to certain fruits and vegetables, to avoid consuming them before intimacy. Red meat. I love a good steak, but red meat, or any entrée that is heavy, will make you feel too full. Feeling stuffed will make you sleepy, not sexy, and far from ready for action. Even if you aren’t planning on having sex after your date, being sleepy is sure to kill the mood. Beans. Need I say more? Cheese. For all the lactose-intolerants or those who don’t know that cheese is making them bloat (such as myself), it may be best to refrain from lots of queso. I’m sure you don’t want to be gassy and bloating in that tight, little dress. The point in avoiding certain foods, before sexual activity, is to make you feel comfortable. Don’t kill your own vibe by eating the wrong thing.





Have fun, Stella @wlovestella


November 4, 2015 • UWEEKLY


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