November 11, 2015 • UWEEKLY
UWEEKLY • November 11, 2015
@kscherer95 @ cailinpittt
November 11, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Psst... we’ve got a crush on you. Sometimes provocative, always anonymous. Check out a few of Ohio State’s latest crushes. You never know, someone may be crushing on you:
You're cuter than a basket of golden retriever puppies ;-) @jessicareichard
@MetzgerJared you probably already know who I am but don't worry, I'll give you my number when the time is right
Taylor in my electrical class we should study and chill sometime- Prince of egypt @TaylorVlasaty
I've never seen big brown eyes as pretty as yours. will never have the courage to talk to you @shannonsellari
When you wear your pink button down ;o @bryce316
Your booty is out of this world @vanhoutenandrea
Emily Jurcenko has the best smile @ejurcenko
UWEEKLY • November 11, 2015
you're a babe sing acappella to me @Carver_Nabb
Crush of the week
Is this you? Tweet @UWeekly to claim your prize. uweekly.com
THUR 11.12
Ryan Barry @Ryan_Barry96
This guy just bought a beer at 10:40am right before our midterm in the Gateway. #new2osu
Country all-star Hunter Hayes hits the LC’s stage with a set of wellknown hits, courtesy of OUAB. Hayes will be joined by Ryan Lafferty, an up -and-coming country artist from central West Virginia.
Marcos @marcos0s0 Dr. J texting and driving #asseenoncampus
LC Pavilion | 8 p.m. | Vary
SAT 11.14
Harman Thind @Hamham1472 "When I was in middle school I used to think algebra was a terrorist group." @treyrainey76 #new2osu
Emily Mae Stevens @emilymaestevens Thank you, @ToosUnderHigh for always having the perfect initiation for first timers. #TIDALWAVE #Toos
The well-known Ben Folds hits the Columbus stage with special guests, yMusic and Dotan! Folds is best known for his collaborations with William Shatner, Regina Spektor and "Weird Al" Yankovic. --------------------------------------------------------------
LC Pavilion | 7 p.m. | $38.50
Long.Live.Momo @_ShayLamere
TUE 11.17
I Swear The Bacon At Scott Is Heaven Sent! #New2OSU
Give back while having a good time during a night of music at Skully’s, with a portion of the proceeds directly benefiting the Mid-Ohio Foodbank! The rock band will make you forget that it’s a school night!
Aaron Schwarz @aarbear_ #onlyatohiostate can a business professor turn an accounting class for non-majors into veritable hell that crushes your soul.
Skully's | 7 p.m. | $6
Pita, please!
Attn: Concert lovers
Tell us why you should win by tweeting using #TellUWeekly, and two will win $25 to spend at Aladdin's Eatery! Yum!
#TellUWeekly why you should win, and two winners will receive a tickets to see The Revivalists at Newport Music Hall on Dec. 9.
November 11, 2015 • UWEEKLY
apartment vs. house Which is right for you? By CAITLIN ESSIG
o, you’re finally kissing the dorms goodbye — great! Now what?
If you’re like the majority of college students, you’ve probably been counting down the days until you can get your own place. You can’t wait to have your own room and no rules, but you don’t really know how to get there just yet. When you’re picking your off-campus living situation, it is so important to make the choice that’s best for you. What works for your best friend or your current roommate might not work for you, and that’s okay. It’s better to make sure you’re in a situation you’re comfortable with, because sometimes even being surrounded by your best friends can’t make a bad living situation worth it. Here are some quick pros and cons of living in a house and living in an apartment, to help you decide 8
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what’s right for you.
Living in a house Pro: You can live with all 10 of your suitemates from freshman year. This is a pro if you all need constant interaction and you hate being alone. Filling a big house means someone is usually home to hang out with you. Con: If you like your own space and getting away from others every once in a while, this will probably be hard on you. Pro: You have space to throw parties. Con: You have to clean up after those parties — and probably buy the beer.
Pro: Your bills will likely be pretty cheap if you’re splitting them between a large group of people. Con: You might run into issues, like fighting over the one bathroom, and the house will likely get messy easily with more people living in it.
Pro: Rooms tend to be bigger than those in an apartment. Con: They’ll also likely vary in size and desirability of location (basement, first floor, second floor, attic), which can make choosing rooms awkward and uncomfortable.
Living in an apartment Pro: You’ll have more space to yourself and can easily have alone time. Con: Everyone being on the same floor might feel like a cramped environment. Pro: Apartments are usually a little nicer because the previous tenants probably didn’t throw ragers. Con: You also can’t throw ragers, or really even host pregames if you want to invite more than 10 people. Pro: Apartments aren’t as drafty as big, old houses, so even if you’re splitting the bills fewer ways, your gas and electric bills might be 34 •
November 11, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Off-campus housing: things I wish i would've known Advice from an upperclassman By GEORGINA PINOU
moved off-campus my second year at Ohio State, but I lived with my same two freshman year roommates and we actually just moved across the street from our former dorm into an apartment, so it wasn’t the most dramatic “off-campus” move of all time. My third year, I made a move that actually felt like I wasn’t living on campus. We added three more roommates and moved to a house that was about a 15 minute walk from the Union. As a sophomore who had already moved off campus once, I thought it would be easy to quickly find the perfect house. It wasn’t quite that simple.
picking an apartment or house that meets your needs (and some of your wants).
with in the past, or people that have similar living styles to you.
Do your research on different realtors around campus and read reviews about different landlords. Some companies offer all utilities included, or the option to get a discount if you sign your lease by a certain date.
Although it might be awesome to live with your best friend, if he/she is all about having people over on week nights and you are more low-key study and stay in, this could cause problems for your friendship that might have never occurred if you just hadn’t lived together.
Consider class commute. Depending on where your classes are, think about how much time you want to spend walking to that area.
Utilize utilities. Some key points to think about especially if you are paying for utilities could be things like how many windows or how old is the house, since the draftiness will cause your heat bill to sky rocket in the winter.
Consider even if you love that house all the way on South Campus but have all your classes on North, that 15-20 minute walk in the dead of winter might not be the most fun.
The process of finding a place to rent off-campus should be one you take seriously since this decision is one you will have to deal with for at least a full year.
Also, check to see if a COTA or CABS bus has a stop by your house, which might make the commute easier on you.
Below are some tips to keep in mind when choosing where to live, the people to live with and
Roommate roundup. Pick your roommates based on people you know you have easily lived
UWEEKLY • November 11, 2015
Does the landlord provide free maintenance? How is the rent paid, and who will be in charge of making the payments for the various bills? It’s way different living off campus when there are multiple bills you will have to keep track of.
furniture finds Thrift & vintage shops in Columbus By TAMIKA Smith
ne of the greatest feats as a young adult and college student is obtaining your own apartment or house. There's nothing like getting away from unlikeable and rather peculiar dorm-mates that you may or may not have encountered while living on campus and starting over in a new place. While it seems like all smiles and rainbows when you initially sign the lease on your first off-campus home, you soon come to realize that all you have to put in your new pad is a coffee pot, some Ramen noodles, a bed and a desk – maybe. Surely it's the couches, chairs, wall art, lamps and other decorative items that really make your apartment feel like a home. But as most college students aren't millionaires, or even financially stable, furniture items are usually not a part of the budget. Luckily, not all furniture stores near the campus area will leave you penniless … if you know where to look.
Vintage shops. Vintage boutiques, which are in abundance in the Short North and campus area, are great places to find furniture. These shops usually have an array of items from couches to art and lamps, all spanning from various decades. Vintage shops are great for those who want a unique look to their apartment, really cool, laid back and fairly inexpensive in comparison to brand new items. Some really cool vintage shops near campus 34 • include Cinda Lou, Flower Child and
November 11, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Make your house a home Coordination is key By GEORGINA PINOU
hen moving to an off-campus location, one of the biggest struggles is furnishing your new place. Since it is just temporary housing, most people do not want to make huge investments into furniture for both the common areas and their own room. In order to save you some time and money, we've gathered together some tips on how to make move-in and decorating your place as effective as possible
The Common Areas The most economical choice when moving to a new place is to always try to see if any relatives or friends have some extra couches or TVs lying around in their garage that they are not using. If you’re lucky, they will. Another option is to search through your local newspapers for moving sales. Moving sales usually contain some household items that people are not bringing to their new homes, and a lot of the time there will be some furniture in the mix.
UWEEKLY • November 11, 2015
If you have multiple roommates, it’s a good idea to coordinate who will bring what. There isn’t a need for four people to show up with four couches on move-in day, unless you have four living rooms in your house. Coordination is key and it greatly lowers the expense per person. The cheapest wall decorations that won’t markup the walls (aka infuriate your landlord) are posters, tapestries and string lights.
Divide up who is getting what again, so that when everyone moves out they can take what they brought and use it after college if it’s still in good enough shape.
Your Bedroom Since this is your own personal space, this is the time when you can make it whatever you want to be.
All of these items can transform a room and keep it at minimal cost.
Again, posters are an option, but personal photos are a good choice to really change a room and make it something that you love living in for a school year or two.
For about $30-50 you can completely make a bland living room your own and meet the personalities of all members of your house/apartment.
Try to pick a uniform color scheme for your bedding that matches the color of your walls so it looks put together.
For kitchen supplies, make sure you have all the essentials that you need such as utensils, glasses, plates, pots and pans. Honestly, as a college student you don’t need a really nice $90 pan.
You can be creative with organization and you definitely do not need a super expensive desk or dresser.
You can find cheap essentials anywhere from Big Lots to Target.
Again, garage sales are an awesome bet for these pieces. There is no need to pack your room with furniture. Keep it simple and uncluttered.
November 11, 2015 • UWEEKLY
red flags on the job front Using caution during your search
t’s completely normal, and almost expected, these days for fresh-faced recent college graduates to plaster their resumes and skill set on LinkedIn, job search websites like Indeed, CareerBuilder and Monster. Sometimes you play the waiting game and sometimes, you get a bite right away. Any sort of promising job offer can inspire a shopping trip for blazers and trousers. But how much research into an offer should you do? While job sites claim that they attempt to weed out scammers, it’s not a foolproof process. And if you’ve been patiently waiting for the dream job that seems to have effortlessly been placed in your lap, consider these red flags.
The E-mail Address Does the e-mail address match the name of the company? A reputable company recruiting for employees will, at the very least, have their own website and e-mail address.
The Body of the Text
Is there a sense of urgency in the communication? Grammatical and/or spelling errors? A paragraph break when it’s not necessary? If a company is legit, they are well aware of the level of professionalism that should be upheld when recruiting. If there are obvious mistakes throughout the body of the text, you should proceed with caution.
Requesting Personal Information This is Phishing 101, right? The quick, easy answer is yes. But the more complicated answer is that scammers will entice you with a vague job offer, which you’ll respond to, asking for more information. Never, at any point pre-hiring will a company request your personal information, whether that is your social security number or your bank information. If they claim it’s for their applicant records, they’re lying.
Research, Research, Research! When you respond for more information and ask about the salary, compare the response to the
industry average and your skills. For example, I received communication from a company that claimed to have a technical writer position that paid $89k/year. Not an astronomical amount of money, but much higher than the $53k - $68k range.
Look At The Company Website If you have a nagging suspicion that something isn’t right with the offer, poke around on the company website. They more than likely will have a “career” section. See if you can find job openings that match what is being offered. While it’s possible that the company could have hired recruiters for the position, they may have a similar position that you can compare it to. At the end of it all, if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Trust your instincts and your gut. If something feels off, explore those feelings.
- Emily Rudduck
Job Of The Week Monster Energy Company Duration: Permanent Pay: $16/hour Must be 21 years or older.
Monster is looking for Brand Ambassadors to join their on-going sampling program throughout Columbus. Brand Ambassadors will work with a team of outgoing, energetic, positive, and responsible individuals to market the brand at the following but not limited to: colleges, sporting events, festivals, and retail locations. 14
UWEEKLY • November 11, 2015
Developing your skills By EMILY RUDDUCK
early every business has an app. Our generation has seen technology make leaps and bounds to have access to a load of technology in one little square on our mobile devices that would have seemed like something from a futuristic, sci-fi movie two decades ago. And it shows no signs of slowing down. Projections and forecasts of the mobile app empire continue to climb. Per App Economy Forecasts, the global app economy is expected to reach $143 billion by 2016, with a projected growth of developer careers at 22 percent. With or without programming knowledge, it’s actually a lot easier than you may think. Formal backgrounds of developers include various IT fields, but mostly software developers and programmers. However, programming can be self-taught. iOS recently switched to the programming language Swift, which is easier to read and understand for beginners, as the syntax is less cumbersome than the previous language, Objective-C. A plethora of free, or otherwise inexpensive resources are available to learn Swift. Or you can enroll in a class online that is more in depth. Having an awesome idea is certainly priority number one, but it takes a village to raise an app. If you can code and design an inter
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November 11, 2015 • UWEEKLY
I just remember thinking about how I’d fumbled the f*ck out of the ball, fallen on my face and didn't even have the guts to stand back up and face the crowd. At that moment, I would have definitely told you graduating was the worst thing to ever happen to me. Here's the thing: When I was in college, I guess I never stopped to think that things may not go as planned. I'd thought I would graduate, apply to some amazing entry-level jobs and get hired within a month, maybe two. So when it didn't happen like that, I was devastated. I felt like a failure.
Hello from the other side Life after graduation
By TAMIKA SMITH ix months ago, almost to the day, I was sitting in Ohio Stadium in the most uncomfortable dress I’d ever worn. My hands were trembling and my feet were tapping against my seat with anticipation.
I was at graduation. My heart was pounding and my cheeks were killing me from smiling so hard. I was listening to Archie Griffin tell us graduates to “Find the scarlet and gray lining” in our lives. I remember him saying something about fumbling the ball in life but not letting it define you. I just remember thinking, “Hand me the ball Ohio State and I’m going to run it straight into the end zone, like a boss.” Back then, I would have probably told you graduating from college was the best thing to ever happen to me. Fast forward three months...I'm sitting on my parents' couch, in the most comfortable Victoria’s Secret sweatpants I owned. My hand drumming my thigh to the beat of the new song that Drake had just put out while eating Flaming Hot Cheetos. I was unemployed.
I ended up going back to the basics. I got another internship, one that wasn't even paid, and I started freelancing. It wasn't my dream job or anything like what I’d expecting to be doing but, damn, it felt good to get off of my parents' couch. I got back into the world and I met new people, set new goals and began feeling accomplished again. Fast-forward three more months. We're in present day now, right up to the moment that I’m writing this. If you asked me right now, I’d tell you that graduating was hard, but it was definitely worth it. Six months later and I still have no clue where my life is going. But I’m content with that, not complacent but content. Because if I wake up one day and decide that I don't like where I’m going in life, I can always change it; like I’ve done before. And I know that somewhere down the line, I’ll be running full speed into that end zone, maybe catching a Hail Mary, like a boss. My advice to you future grads? Chill out. What you expect to happen after college may not happen. Please don't feel like you've failed if things don't go as planned. There's no such thing as a one-way street to success, there are always alternative routes. Life after college is going to be hard. But, you made it through your 8 a.m chem lab so you can make it through any rough patch you face. For right now, cherish the present. Don't rush to get to the other side...but don't hesitate either.
A PRODUCT of 614 MEDIAGROUP UWeekly is an independent publication and is not affiliated with The Ohio State University. UWeekly receives NO STUDENT FEES or university funding. One free copy per person. Additional copies $.50. Opinions are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the editor, publisher or the newspaper staff. UWeekly is not liable for omissions, misprints or typographical errors. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. ©COPYRIGHT 2015.
458 East Main Street Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 488-4400 FAX: 488-4402
It wasn't until about the end of my third month post-graduation that I’d begun to see things differently. One day, things just started clicking for me. I'd come to the realization that it had only been three months. Three months was only a small dot in time. Three months didn't mean failure. Three months wasn't life defining. Three months just meant that I had to try harder and be more patient. And if that didn't work, then I had to try even harder and become even more patient.
UWEEKLY • November 11, 2015
Publisher Wayne T. Lewis
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What is the worst landlord story you've ever experienced/heard of? By MADISON DURHAM
Mackenzie Chalifoux
It happened in the apartment across the hall from my friend, and they didn’t tell them when they were signing that the apartment across from them had bedbugs, and so they show up for the first week of school and on the third day they start getting bed bug bites, and they talked to the landlord and they basically said that it was still a livable condition.
Shelby Kaser
I have a friend that has an apartment right off-campus, and she has a rat in her wall and her landlord won’t take care of it. She also has roaches and they came out for the roaches to try and get rid of them, but they won’t pay for it.
Jonte-Paviel Mufti
I’m a freshman and we were looking at apartments on Chitt, and we had a really weird landlord who was like acting weird, and when my mom called her, my mom was with us, she was like “alright, I’ll see you there” and the woman told her she loved her on the phone and we were like did she just say “I love you?” She was really crazy.
Hannah Kayuha
The landlord would just knock and if no one answered he would go in and the tenants would come home while we were there and it was super awkward, no twenty-four hours notice or anything.
Haley Sampsei
I heard that some people found this homeless guy like living in their basement last year. That’s pretty much the worst thing I’ve heard.
Kyla Beecham
This guy I know had a bat go in his basement and they found a really old chest of gross food and stuff, like someone was living down there, and they didn’t know because it was behind stuff where the bat went.
November 11, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Photo by David Heasley
running through the night Buckeyes take care of Gophers, proceed to Illinois on Saturday By @GeoffHammersley a
t times it didn’t look pretty, but the Ohio State Buckeyes eventually defeated the Minnesota Golden Gophers, 28-14.
Redshirt junior quarterback Cardale Jones led the Buckeyes in the absence of J.T. Barrett, and threw for 187 yards and a touchdown. On the ground, Jones had a net total of 65 yards, with his longest run of the night being a 38-yard scamper up the middle of the field for a touchdown. However, the Buckeyes suffered a scare when Braxton Miller was down on the field for a prolonged period of time after being slammed into the turf. “I think he got the wind knocked out of him or dinged a little bit,” said head coach Urban Meyer after the Minnesota game. As the week progresses, we’ll find out if Miller is ready to play at Illinois on Saturday. Right now, Ohio State sits in a pretty good position to make the playoffs. Rivalry games are 18
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always tricky to navigate – regardless of how good or bad the rival is. In 2007, Illinois ruined a perfect season for Ohio State, and sent the Buckeyes back in the BCS polls with only one game remaining in the regular season. However, the chaos that rained down on the 2007 season allowed for the Buckeyes to back their way into the BCS Championship Game against LSU. The Illini team doesn’t have Juice Williams – the terrorizer of the Buckeyes in 2007 – nor do they have Ron Zook as coach anymore. Right now, Illinois is going through an interim phase as their athletic director, coach and chancellor carry that tag. It also doesn’t help that there is a huge investigation surrounding the Illinois football program. Former coach Tim Beckman was accused of playing hurt players, amongst other unethical things. At the same time, Illinois enters the game at 5-4, and are clawing for a chance to become Bowl eligible. A hungry Illini squad may give the Buckeyes a uweekly.com
run for their ranking come Saturday in Champaign, Illinois. However hungry they may be, though, they will have to fight the hunger Ezekiel Elliott has for yards. Elliott has strung together 13-games with at least 100 yards rushing. This season, the St. Louis native has rushed for 1,244 yards, and became the first Buckeye since Chris “Beanie” Wells to rush for consecutive 1,000 yard seasons. Also, Illinois has to fiend away reining Big Ten defensive player of the week Vonn Bell. Bell had a ‘Pick-6’ against Minnesota, setting the tone in Ohio State’s victory. Stopping those two forces are just the tip of the iceberg for Illinois to win. Urban Meyer has always made it a point to have his teams competing for championships in November. Here we are, middle of November, and the Buckeyes are right in the heart of another championship season.
Photo by David Heasley
Bracing for impact Crew SC advance in playoffs
rew SC came home to Columbus needing a strong performance to advance to the Eastern Conference finals for the first time in seven years. They were facing a red hot Montreal Impact team that had not lost in their last five games. But somehow Crew SC was able to douse the Montreal flame and claim a 3-1 victory (4-3 aggregate) to win their first playoff series since 2008. Kei Kamara, who led the MLS regular season with 22 goals, began the scoring in just the fourth minute with a vicious header over Montreal goalkeeper Evan Bush. Waylon Francis and Federico Higuain were credited with assists in the pinpoint perfect attack. Columbus was able to hold that lead for a time before former Crew SC player Dilly Duka equalized for Montreal in the 40th minute. After the game, the referee team admitted that they blew the call, and that Duka was offside when he scored. This was a major blow, but one Crew SC was able to overcome. The 1-1 halftime score would’ve been an overall win for the Impact, so a second goal was a necessity for Columbus. Kamara looked to have it in the second half when the Crew were the beneficiaries of a penalty kick, but the shot was saved by Bush. Still, Crew SC found what they needed in the 77th minute to send the game to extra time. In extra time, Kamara redeemed himself with a 111th minute goal that propelled the club forward in the playoffs. “Every team goes through a process. You need to learn...and this was another stage,” Columbus Head Coach Gregg Berhalter said, “We’ve been there before, we’ve felt the disappointment, and the guys were able to continue on and keep battling through it. They stayed positive. A compliment to the group, because they really showed up today.” “Character, resiliency and just battling, that’s what you want,” Crew SC Vice-Captain Wil Trapp SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
November 11, 2015 • UWEEKLY
was the man responsible for the win, and for keeping the Buckeyes season alive for one more game. One of the Big Ten semifinal matches will be between OSU and No.4 seed Rutgers – the team that broke the Buckeyes’ win streak in October. The match is slated for 1 p.m., and will take place at Jesse Owens Memorial Stadium.
To the NCAA Tourney
Photo by David Heasley
t’s the start of championship play for Ohio State athletics. But, before we even get to tournament play, OSU had some fantastic endings to the regular season.
It Just Keeps Getting Better Men’s soccer capped off the dream of winning the B1G Conference by defeating Michigan at home, 3-1. For the Buckeyes, it’s the fourth regular season crown in school history. Goals by seniors Kyle Culbertson (who had two) and Zach Mason solidified
UWEEKLY • November 11, 2015
OSU’s dream of winning the B1G. It's an amazing recovery from earlier this year. We never lost confidence this season,” head coach John Bluem said. Ohio State began the season shaky at best – after winning their first game, the Buckeyes lost four consecutive games. A draw with then-No.11 Akron turned the tide. The Buckeyes rattled off an eight-match win streak, and took control of the conference. In the Big Ten tournament, No.1 seed Ohio State defeated Penn State, 1-0, in overtime. Culbertson
The women’s soccer squad also found their way into the Big Ten tournament. As the No.7 seed, the Buckeyes upset the No.2 seed Wisconsin Badgers in Madison, Wis., 2-1. Michel Paradiso scored on a penalty kick, and assisted on a Sammy Edwards goal in the win. “Wisconsin did a great job putting pressure on us and making it difficult for us to get out of our own end. I’m very proud of our resiliency and willingness to battle because Wisconsin threw everything at us,” women’s soccer coach Lori Walker said. The lady Buckeyes then went on the road, again, to face No.2 seed Rutgers in the semifinals. However, this time the home team won. A 2-0 defeat left the Buckeyes’ NCAA Tournament hopes in the hands of the section committee. On Monday night, the selection committee made their decision: the 11-6-3 were off to the NCAA Tournament. Ohio State will host the Butler Bulldogs in the First Round of the NCAA Tournament on Nov.14 at 6 p.m.
And away we go The CFP Committee has been getting it right By GEOFF HAMMERSLEY @ GeoffHammersley a
ast week, the college football playoff committee put Alabama as the No.4 team in the playoff bracket. Moments after that announcement, if you listened carefully, you could hear the entire college football world being rustled. You would’ve thought the committee murdered nine people with the amount of outrage that came out of last week’s rankings. Alabama, who had a loss, jumped over Oklahoma State, Michigan State, Baylor and TCU into a playoff position. Also, the Buckeyes dropped to the No.3 slot. While people were clearly aggravated about the rankings, all was cool after Saturday night. No.4 ‘Bama steamrolled No.2 LSU at home, and shutdown the Heisman Trophy frontrunner Leonard Fournette. Just like that, all the heat was lifted from the
Crimson Tide’s ranking – they deserved it. This faux outrage is the same outrage we all saw last year when the initial rankings of the playoffs came out. There were three (yes, three) teams from the SEC that were in the top four. People went ballistic. The committee ranks teams based on how good they are at that point in time. Alabama was, arguably, the No.4 team last week. Whether you like it or not, they are. It doesn’t matter if they are in the SEC, Big Ten, Big XII or the AFC North, you cannot count out Alabama. Honestly, it doesn’t matter how many losses Alabama has, they are still a threat. The committee sees that. On the flip side, impressive wins when they matter will mean more than just surviving a regular season. Last year, Ohio State’s win over Wisconsin propelled them into the playoff picture over
Photo by Geoff Hammersley
Baylor and TCU. Regardless of how fair/not fair it was, one thing was for certain: the Buckeyes had momentum. That’s the key: momentum. If you have momentum, the committee will reward you for it. Alabama has been rolling since the Ole Miss loss, and it was reflected in the CFP rankings. After beating LSU, the AP Poll reflected what the committee was showing. Whether that’s fair is debatable, but it makes the criteria clearer. You can get away with a loss, but you have to have a combination of 1) momentum 2) quality opponents and 3) be perceived as a viable team to SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
November 11, 2015 • UWEEKLY
photo courtesy of worst kept secret fest
Life like the movies By MADISON DURHAM
hether you’re moving out of the dorms for the first time or you’re finally getting out of your parents’ house and (insert cliché about striking out on your own here), you’ve probably heard a few things about what living off-campus is like. You’ve heard the landlord horror stories; you’ve seen the dilapidated houses in all their overpriced glory. It’s also more than likely that you had some preconceived notions about off-campus life before you even got to college, and these movies might be to thank for that. Here are some examples that may (or may not…) reflect what living off-campus is like.
Animal House The obvious answer, I know, but it’s a classic for a reason. No other movie about college life has been so influential in driving stereotypes, and it’s also probably the reason you knew what a toga party was way before you even set foot on campus. Whether or not this lifestyle appeals to you—constant drinking and heavy partying, for the uninitiated—you can be sure that if you asked one of your parents about living off-campus, this movie 22
UWEEKLY • November 11, 2015
probably came up.
The Neighbors Whether you’re the frat house or the unwitting people next door, this movie covers all its bases for representing off-campus life. You might be the quiet, friendly people who just want to get a good night’s sleep, or you might be the wild partiers determined to drink until 6 a.m. rolls around. Either way, it’s very likely that you’ll find yourself annoyed at some point by whichever group you’re not a part of. Just make sure not to get caught when you’re glaring angrily out your window.
Legally Blonde Yes, it’s a movie about law school, but has any movie ever depicted so flawlessly every stereotype about sorority girls living together? I think not! Elle’s life was pretty ridiculous pre-Harvard, and her off-campus experience, while perhaps not exactly attainable as we don’t live in California and not many of us can boast in-ground hot tubs, was pretty true to life early in the movie. Case and point: that incredibly relatable moment when Elle was studying with her friend in her house and a group of frat guys ran past with a keg, and she stared after them wistfully. Believe me: that will happen. uweekly.com
The Prince & Me Hear me out on this one. Yes, the majority of the plot of this movie centers on the prince in disguise, but it also features a lot of depictions of college life that are pretty accurate. Wandering out to bars with the roomies, watching movies with textbooks in hand. Going home for a free meal every once in awhile. And, it does a great job of portraying dorm life as cramped quarters with bunk beds galore, which makes you appreciate the spacious off-campus apartment by contrast. Whether you’re on the Animal House end of the spectrum or you’re cowering in your room, trying to ignore the pounding bass that’s coming through the walls, living off-campus is pretty amazing, and the one thing that all the movies have in common is the sense of freedom living off-campus provides. So get out there, sign your lease, and bask in the glory of drafty hallways, moldy ceilings and creaky floorboards for the year to come. Trust me, it’s going to be great.
November 11, 2015 • UWEEKLY
playing to vapors By JACK LYNCH
ising Columbus band Playing To Vapors is bringing its punchy alt-rock sound to A and R Music Bar this Friday, and guitarist Daron DiSabato said the act has a few tricks up its sleeve. “The 13th is going to be much different than anything we’ve done before,” DiSabato said. “We hired a lighting designer to come in and design the show specifically for each song and we’re doing some cool stuff with projections.” The band is playing in support of its most recent release, “A Glitch In A Void,” which surfaced in April. The six-song EP was self-recorded and produced by DiSabato, and is most successful on tracks like “Whisper,” which begins on a pensive chord and builds to a massive chorus. Influences reminiscent of “In Rainbows” era Radiohead shine through the band’s sound with an added dose of groove and intensity to set the music apart from the Thom Yorke-led art-pop gods. “I think if anyone listens to our music and Radiohead, there are clear differences,” DiSabato said. “They’re a lot more atmospheric than we are. I think Luke’s vocals are kind of similar, but a lot of the rhythms we’re doing are way heavier than Radiohead.” The heavier side of Playing To Vapors comes from the interplay between bassist Zach Cramp and drummer Josiah DePaso, who create deep grooves together on tracks like the band’s stellar 2014 single, “Fanatic.” “For me it’s more primal, it’s just an instinct,” Cramp said. “That’s the groove side of our sound.” “It’s kind of the backbone of what we do and it’s really defined by the rhythm,” DiSabato added. “It’s the part that people can latch onto. It’s almost a physical thing.” Friday’s show is the last time Playing To Vapors will be headlining in Columbus this year before it begins work on a full-length album slated for tentative release next summer, DiSabato said. “We all understand that this next release is something that has to set us apart, and hopefully will launch our career professionally,” DiSabato said. “We’re really excited.”
photo courtesy ofKyle Stoner
UWEEKLY • September 16, 2015
Nick D and the Believers and The Wet Darlings are also set to play A and R Bar Friday.
photo courtesy of julenna newbanks
Music feeds families A concert with a cause
hree Columbus bands will fundraise for Ohio families in need this holiday season. Alternative rock band Vianova will headline the Music Feeds Families event, joined by the funk-inspired act Illegal Wood and semi-psychedelic, southern blues group Bow Echo. It’s slated to take place at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 17 at Skully’s Music-Diner. Vianova guitarist and vocalist Eric Morgan said the band wanted to give back to the community since entering the Columbus music scene last January. Choosing to donate to the Foodbank was a decision that came naturally to Morgan, he said, as he worked with the nonprofit throughout his high school years. “When it came to charities, this was one that stuck out to me because I had worked with them before and knew they were really great,” he said. “They’re able to take the donations that they get and really stretch them far.” The Mid-Ohio Foodbank supports more than 20 counties in the distribution of more than 121,625 meals per day, according to the organization’s Facebook page. “One-in-six central and eastern Ohioans struggles to put food on the table. For children, that number increases to one-in-four,” said Yolanda Owens, manager of communications and digital media for Mid-Ohio Foodbank. “When we come together around projects like Music Feeds Families, not only is it about raising funds, it is also about raising awareness of the issue of hunger in our community.” Bow Echo lead guitarist Jay Cicola noted that the bands’ participation in the event will further that goal exactly. “Even on the small local stages, musicians are given a platform and a captive audience,” he said. “If we can use that platform to make things better SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
November 11, 2015 • UWEEKLY
photo courtesy of Alexus ferguson
Points in your pockets
App rewards students for not using their phones
smart phone app designed to get students to focus in the classrooms through incentives has arrived to The Ohio State University and has spurred differing opinions. Pocket Points works when students are connected to university Wi-Fi, have the app open and lock their phones. The longer their phones are left locked, the more points they earn. Points can be redeemed for rewards like coupons for discounted pizza and drinks at campus bars. A few of the merchants working with Pocket Points include Pizza Hut, Insomnia Cookies and The Ugly Tuna Saloona. “It is a great way for students to pay more attention in class while being awarded in multiple ways,” said Kayla Knoll, a third-year biology major who uses the app. “I actually had to unlock my phone to answer this email so I’m losing points as we speak.” Pocket Points is not the first of its kind. Forest is an app that encourages smart phone users to keep their phone inactive so that a forest can “grow” every 30 minutes that the phone is off. No incentives are offered with Forest. 26
UWEEKLY • November 11, 2015
By REGINA FOX Kaitlin Clinnin, a former instructor at OSU, was a Forest user but believes Pocket Points to be more effective for students. “Because Pocket Points offers rewards that would appeal to college students, I think it could be a useful app to incentivize behaviors that could lead to better student learning and success in class,” said Clinnin. Clinnin believes Pocket Points could be a useful tool for some students but worries it will prevent some of the positive ways smart phones can be used in class. “I try to embrace the ‘distractions’ in my classroom,” Clinnin said. “More students are able to bring technologies like smart phones, tablets and laptops to class and, although some instructors may view these technologies as distractions, I like to think about how we can use the technologies to engage in the class content.” Mitch Gardner, co-founder of Pocket Points, understands the prevalence of technologies in classrooms today but also recognizes the need for students to be fully engaged without phones or laptops.
“There will always be a time that technology benefits and or improves someone's everyday life,” Gardner said. “When technology becomes overbearing and takes away from a person’s quality of life, we want to capture that moment.” Gardner never benefited from technologies during class. “I personally was not a very good student. I think all of my teachers can attest to the fact that I was part of the problem,” Gardner said when talking about the issue of distracted students. Gardner used his experience as an unfocused student to create an app that would have engaged him as a student. So far, Gardner and the other co-founder, Rob Richardson, have received positive feedback from the app and have high hopes for the future. “I would like to enable all college students the ability to use Pocket Points,” Gardner said. Since the app launched at Chico State University in September of 2014, it has become available in 65 cities. Pocket Points is available for Android and Apple.
Photo coutesy of denys prykhodov/shutterstock.com
Off-campus streaming
iving off campus can be a daunting change, but making the leap shouldn’t involve getting stressed out about setting up a new cable service. The number of streaming outlets that are available to viewers has grown exponentially over the last few years, so finding your perfect option isn’t much work anymore. Netflix: Netflix is the tried and true streaming service of choice for most everyone. It’d be strange at this point to not have a Netflix account, or at least have access to one. Recently, Netflix has shifted its model from showcasing the latest blockbuster movies towards more original content like “Jessica Jones,” “Daredevil” and “Orange is the New Black.” It’s a gamble that sometimes hasn’t paid off—“Hemlock Grove,” anyone? But for the most part, this is the service that’s a must own. $9.99/month. Hulu: Netflix’s loss has been Hulu’s gain. The service that has always focused more on showcasing up-to-date television shows has now dipped its toes in the waters of more original programming and is scooping up the blockbuster movies that Netflix have dumped. Hulu also recently debuted a new model in which, for $14.99 a month, users can watch any show without commercial interruption. In all, Hulu is great for cord cutters who don’t have the time for appointment viewing, but its selection can be somewhat limited. $7.99/month. HBO Now: HBO Now is still trying to find its niche in the streaming world by banking on bonafide hits like “Game of Thrones” to carry its subscription numbers. The issue here is that a show like “Game of Thrones” is on for three months out of the year, and on the other hand, when a show like “True Detective” falls from grace as hard as it did this past season, ponying up $15 a month for movies is a harder sell. That being said, users of HBO Now really do have a lot of great backlog SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
November 11, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Abbey Shafer Abbey Shafer a Senior Fashion and Retail Studies student exhibits style everyday. Her interest in fashion is apparent as anything, as her outfits are always put together and fashion forward.
How would you describe your style? I would say my style is classic and preppy with some dramatic and feminine touches.
Sweater $50 J. CREW
Why is personal style important to you? My style defines who I am in a lot of different ways. I feel like it takes all different elements of my personality and creates a physical representation shown to other people about who I am. I think you can tell a lot from what someone wears as far as who they are.
Who / What inspires you?
collared shirt $40 VINEYARD VINES
Mostly, a lot of style bloggers via Instagram and Pinterest, some current and past celebrities. I have always loved Blair Waldorf’s fashion sense in Gossip Girl as well.
What is your go-to outfit? I have been obsessed with the whole faux fur movement for autumn so if I'm running late my go-to is my faux fur vest, a blouse and a statement necklace.
How do you pick your outfits? I'll go to my closet and find one piece I want to wear that day and then build around it, that way all of my clothes get worn.
Do you have a favorite fall trend? As I said earlier, I'm all about fur this year, which includes colored fur, fur vests/jackets, cuffs, etc.
Do you have any fashion advice?
skirt $20 FOREVER21
Find what you love and run with it. I always gravitate towards more classic pieces because that's who I am, but I love throwing in some sort of edgy piece to go along with it. I think it's all about vamping up your personal style to the next level.
Who is your favorite designer? SHOES $20 FOREVER21
Currently, that I can afford, Kate Spade. I am also a big fan of Alice + Olivia and Christian Dior.
What is your favorite makeup tip? The bigger the lashes the better, if they don't look fake they're not good enough. I find that with mascara it's not about the mascara itself as it is about the brush.
- Georgina Pinou
UWEEKLY • November 11, 2015
Make it matte
ummertime is about wanting that sun kissed glow on your skin. And, well, if you didn't have it naturally then a ‘fake it till you make it’ look with highlighter and MAC's Fix+ was probably your route. Spring and summer makeup meant shining bright like a diamond. Fall and winter makeup, however, has less of a glow. Just as wardrobe and color schemes change with the seasons, makeup should, too. And, the trend for fall and winter makeup is all matte everything. Many stayed with matte makeup this summer despite popularized emphasis on glow. But, as the season has changed matte makeup is more and more of the ongoing trend once again. Because of this, there are a few matte makeup products that should be a part of your collection. Foundation: If you have dry skin, matte foundation probably isn't your favorite. But, you can always add a mattifying powder to set your foundation that won’t dry out your skin. However, a matte foundation is a Holy Grail product for those with oily skin. Matte foundations help to make your makeup look super clean and well put together. Setting Spray: A setting spray will ensure that your makeup stays in place all day. Wearing a matte setting spray is especially helpful for those with oily skin. Matte setting spray will help to keep your skin from looking dewy or your foundation from oxidizing after wearing it for a long period of time. Bronzer: In past years, bronzer was a no-no for any season other than summer. But recently, shimmery bronzers have been considered less popular because of matte bronzers. The matteness of more popular bronzers make wearing bronzer all year round appropriate. Matte bronzer adds definition and warmth to the face without adding any unwanted dewiness or shine. Some matte bronzers with grey tones can also double as a contouring shade. Lip Color: If you happened to see a runway from any Fashion Week show this fall you probably noticed that many models donned bold, matte lips. Matte lipsticks and liquid lipsticks are probably the SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.
November 11, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Soodles Bake Shop
FOOD & drink
Soodles Bake Shop serves allergy-free delectables, even for those who are gluten free. Located at 14 Dillmont Drive, the bakery prides itself on delicious and mouthwatering pies, cakes, bread and more! Some costumer favorites include pumpkin muffins, strawberry shortcake, vanilla cupcakes and double chocolate baked donuts.
Aladdin’s Eatery This casual restaurant cooks up amazing food and is located in Grandview. If you’re looking for something different, this is the place to go!
gluten free is the way to be
Restaurants offering gluten-free options By ASHLEY WILKINSON
luten products are everywhere. From pasta, to bread, to cake, gluten is found in many favorite foods. If you’re gluten free, you probably know the struggle. Even if you aren’t technically gluten intolerant, the consumption of gluten has become less trendy within the last few years.
If you’re looking for places to eat that sell gluten free items, check these places out!
PF Chang’s PF Chang’s, which is an Asian bistro restaurant, has a very large gluten free selection. In fact, they have 18 delicious dishes to choose from. I highly recommend the chicken lettuce wraps (chicken served with mushrooms, onions, water chestnuts and rice sticks alongside slices of lettuce), egg drop soup, spicy chicken and the delectable chocolate dome (a giant chocolate cake served with raspberry and berries) for dessert.
Spaghetti Warehouse Spaghetti Warehouse is located on Broad Street right across from COSI. The restaurant serves delicious Italian meals in its warm and inviting dining rooms. Enjoy gluten free pasta in the spaghetti alfredo, spaghetti pomodoro (with tomato sauce, mushrooms, broccoli, spinach and fresh garden vegetables), grilled chicken, steak and salmon are also available on the gluten free menu.
UWEEKLY • November 11, 2015
Check out the delicious gluten free specialties, such as Jasmine’s favorite (beans, brown rice and vegetables served with tahini yogurt or hot sauce, with your choice of chicken, beef, lamb or tuna), or the hummus chicken plate (marinated chicken served with hummus, parsley and diced tomatoes).
Portia's Café Portia’s Café’s aim is to accommodate common allergens with exquisite dishes. Located very close to campus on Indianola Ave., the restaurant makes heavenly quesadillas, wraps, soups and salads. It’s the perfect place to hang out with friends for lunch or a light dinner. The atmosphere of Portia’s Café is fun and friendly. It is decorated in happy colors, which also goes well with the extremely colorful dishes that are served. Hurry in before the season ends to check out their delicious fall specials, including harvest chili, green bean curry and Mediterranean wraps. Don’t forget dessert! Portia’s serves allergen free cheesecake, chocolate mousse, parfaits, cookies and macaroons. Becoming gluten-free can have a ton of health benefits like better digestion, an increase in energy and an increase in antioxodents and vitamins. Carbs are tasty but don't be scared to give gluten free a shot!
No dairy, no problem Treats for the lactose-intolerant Mobile cupcakes prove to be a By ASHLEY WILKINSON
actose is found in many delicious treats, included ice cream, chocolate and even bread. Being lactose-intolerant or even vegan may make it difficult to indulge in these tasty treats, although it doesn’t have to be. In fact, there are many products out there that can satisfy those craving lactose-typical treats! If you want to avoid lactose, check out these products!
Ice Cream
Just because it’s ice cream doesn’t mean it can’t be lactose free! In fact, Breyer’s created lactose free vanilla and chocolate ice cream, which can be found in most grocery stores.
Most chocolate treats contain dairy in them. This can be rather aggravating for the lactose-free community if they develop a desire for chocolate. To solve this dilemma, the company called “Dream” has developed a variety of dairy free chocolate products. These include sweet chocolate squares, dark chocolate squares and dark chocolate with raspberry squares. These delectable treats can be purchased online or in select stores.
Cheese is a very much-loved food for lactose eaters, but for those who can’t eat lactose, it can be a frustrating thing. Especially when your friends want to eat pizza and you can’t. However, there is such thing as vegan cheese! Vegan cheese can be found in the grocery store and in some restaurants with allergen free meals (such as Melt). The idea of vegan cheese may be a little intimidating, but it is merely made with different types of milk (such as soy or rice milk).
November 11, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Holiday coffee at home starbucks flavors made simple
f you’ve been on any form of social media recently, which we all have been, you know that Starbucks' new holiday cups have been causing some drama. Apparently, people have forgotten that you're not supposed to judge a cup by it’s cover. We’re here to remind you to forget the red cup design and remember that the Starbucks holiday flavors are here! Caramel Brulee Latte, Peppermint Mocha and Chestnut Praline, welcome back. You were greatly missed. But, for those of you who are currently protesting the deliciousness that is Starbucks holiday flavors and for those of you, like me, who need to save a few dollars here and there, we’ve compiled a list of holiday flavors you can warm up with at home.
Caramel Brulee Latte 2 oz. espresso or strong coffee 8 oz. steamed milk 1 oz. vanilla syrup 2 tbsp. caramel ice cream topping 32
UWEEKLY • November 11, 2015
Line coffee mug with caramel topping. Add syrup, then espresso/coffee, then steamed milk. Top with whipped cream and caramel sprinkles (optional).
Peppermint Mocha ¼ cup sugar ¼ cup water 3 tsp. peppermint extract 3 tbsp. powdered cocoa 3 tbsp. warm water ½ cup hot espresso/strong coffee 1 ½ cup steamed milk Stir water and sugar in a pot until sugar dissolves. Bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer and add 1 ½ tsp. peppermint extract. Simmer for 20 minutes (yea, it takes a while but it’s worth it). mix cocoa and warm water in a cup until paste forms. Add espresso/warm coffee and the rest of the peppermint extract (1 ½ tsp.). Add milk and enjoy! uweekly.com
Chestnut Praline Latte 5 Chestnuts (things are getting serious already) ¼ cup sugar ½ cup pecans ¼ cup brown sugar Your favorite coffee and milk. Preheat oven to 350 degrees if you're roasting fresh chestnuts. Carefully cut around the circumference of each chestnut. Roast on a baking sheet for 35 minutes. In a small saucepan, heat the sugar with ¼ cup water on medium heat until sugar is dissolved. Remove from the heat and stir in pecans. Transfer pecans to a baking sheet and place in oven for 10-12 minutes. Remove both the chestnuts and pecans from the oven when they’re done and let cool. Add cooled pecans and a sprinkle of brown sugar to a food processor and blend until coarsely ground. Remove the shells from the cooled
34 •
November 11, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Apartment vs. House 7 •lower. (Less room
also means fewer lights and less space to heat in the winter and cool in the summer). Con: Loud neighbors. Get used to hearing people walking above you and having sex in the apartment next to you.
Pro: Apartments are much easier to keep clean.
Con: There’s a better chance of having a small kitchen or lack of storage space. At the end of the day, you just have to choose the situation that’s best for you. If you’re lucky, you’ll get it right the first time and not have to move again during your time at Ohio State. Many, if not most, students will move a couple of times over the years (or even every year of college) and it gets really old — the gaps in between leases are awkward and packing seriously sucks. Hopefully, you’ll find harmony in your decision and be one of the lucky few who can just stay put. Happy house (or apartment) hunting!
BUILD YOUR OWN APP 15 •face, great – but
you’ll likely need someone with a background in graphic design. Xcode is an OSX operating system (PC users without a Mac can visit macincloud.com, which allows you to remotely access a Mac for a low cost.) The app allows you to write and express the logic that is used in an app for data purposes and to test the interface logic. This is a great tool to use to code the app, but what happens after? You’re going to need money and that’s where your village comes in handy. To benchmark what you’ll invest in your app really depends on the “extras” that you want. It can literally range from $1,000 - $250,000. But if you’re confident in your idea, Kickstart or Go Fund Me can be a nice fundraising tool because you don’t just need money for the app itself but also for the marketing and promotion. You, too, can create a viral app someday. You just have to have the funds to do it.
HOLIDAY COFFEE 32 •chestnuts. Heat the rest
of the brown sugar with ¼ water until sugar is dissolved. Add chestnuts and brown sugar mixture to clean food processor, blend until it has a syrup-like texture and strain mixture. Prepare two ounces of espresso or strong coffee. Add desired amount of chestnut syrup to your mug and then add the espresso/coffee. Steam and add milk. Top with whipped cream and pecan topping.
Gingerbread Latte 2 cup water 1 ½ cup granulated sugar 2 ½ tsp. ground ginger ½ tsp. ground cinnamon ½ tsp. vanilla extract ½ cup espresso/strong coffee 8 oz. steamed milk Make gingerbread syrup by combining water, sugar, ginger, cinnamon and vanilla extract in saucepan and bring mixture to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Make coffee and steam milk. Add espresso/strong coffee to 16 oz. mug and ¼ gingerbread syrup mixture then add steamed milk. Top with whipped cream and a sprinkle of nutmeg.
UWEEKLY • November 11, 2015
Combine eggnog with milk and steam. Add espresso/strong coffee and sprinkle with nutmeg.
Toasted Graham Latte 1 tbsp. graham cracker crumbles, extra for topping ½ tbsp. sweetened condensed milk ¼ tsp. cinnamon ¼ tsp. nutmeg ¾ cup milk ¼ cup cinnamon coffee creamer 2 oz. espresso or strong coffee Combine graham cracker crumbles, sweetened condensed milk, cinnamon, nutmeg, milk and cinnamon coffee creamer into a small sauce pan. Whisk until all ingredients are mixed and the milk is frothy. Graham cracker crumbles should not be chunky. Heat on medium-high, stirring occasionally. Once mixture is steaming, remove from heat. Pour espresso/strong coffee into mug and add graham cracker crumble and milk mixture. Top with whipped cream and graham cracker crumbles. We know the holidays aren’t for another month and a half but, hey, that doesn’t mean we can’t get a little taste now!
Eggnog Latte ½ cup eggnog ¼ cup milk
Affordable furnishings 11 •Mary Catherine's Antiques.
Thrift Shops. You're never too good to do a little shopping at a thrift store. *Cue Macklemore's “Thrift Shop”* In fact many rare and expensive products can be found in thrift stores for a discounted price of anywhere from 50 to 80 percent. Many thrift stores offer not only clothing but household items like tables, lamps and kitchenware. Thrift stores located near campus include: Goodwill Columbus and Out of the Closet Thrift Store. Department Stores. When you shop for furniture at a distinct furniture store you most likely end up paying the maximum value for your furniture. Shopping at department stores that sell various items from clothing to electronics as well as furniture will usually get you a better deal. Retailers like Walmart and Target offer tons of household items that are quite discounted in comparison to retailers that are strictly geared towards selling furniture like Ikea. Set your budget, stick to it and get shoppin’!
¼-½ cup espresso/strong coffee
You’re Straight, but Science Says You’re Bisexual?
ave you guys been following the news about women and their sexuality? According to a study done by the Department of Psychology at the University of Essex, women are either bisexual or gay but never straight. Hmm. A lot of straight women might be disturbed by this research finding, but I find it rather interesting. I also happen to agree that straight women have bisexual tendencies. Though, whether that’s due to our ability to appreciate the female figure openly or science proving that we’re actually turned on by other women, it’s mainly unknown. What I agree with is that—yes—straight women can be bisexual when watching porn. Porn is hypersexual, raunchy and meant to turn anyone on. Women, unlike men, vocalize their opinion on the physical appearance of other women, both the attractive and unattractive qualities. This makes us more observant, and when we see females having sex we continue to decide whether they’re hot or not. Throw on moaning, sexual ecstasy and voilà—
your girl is wet. Like, no duh, women are going to be attracted to women in female-on-female and male-on-female action. Also, women are tuned into both participants in porn. We don’t isolate the guy, we take the entire situation in and that’s what turns us on. Furthermore, society has almost normalized girl-on-girl friendliness that’s borderline sexual. It’s, for the lack of a better word, OK for girls to be handsy with each other, which is probably why females have bisexual tendencies. Though, what I disagree with is that the study suggested that females are never straight. Sorry but, “never say never.” I’m a straight female who does have bisexual moments, but ultimately I want a man. I’m still straight. I just love the female figure and I openly stare, envy and praise other women. Is there something wrong with that? I think not.
society, it’s becoming more about the acceptance of all sexual orientations, such as being genderqueer. So if you decide to embrace the bisexual side of you then more power to you, girl! Appreciating the female figure is perfectly fine, sexual exploration is perfectly fine and being straight, bisexual, transgender or lesbian is perfectly fine. The point is for you to embrace your individuality. Be who you want to be and be proud. Science may or may not have confirmed your feelings for you and it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you know who you are. If you don’t, start exploring! Happiness lies in knowing and embracing your true self. Men, women, both, whatever—do you and be confident! Love, Stella
This now begs the question, have you ever had a bisexual experience? I’ve never and I don’t want one. Though, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to or having done it before. In today’s
November 11, 2015 • UWEEKLY
want to be seen? tag @uweekly in your photos to see them here!
photos by Jon mcallister
UWEEKLY • November 11, 2015
November 11, 2015 • UWEEKLY
The Wilderness Politics Tour
New Politics, a Danish Rock band, brings a blend of "punk, pop and electronically induced dance rock" style to the stage on their joint tour with The Griswolds. Newport Music Hall Time: 6:30 p.m. | Tickets: $19.50
Mortuary Drape
Rock out with Mortuary Drape, an Italian Black Metal band. Joining them will be Mgla, a Polish Elite Black Metal band and Sangus, an American Black and Thrash metal insanity band from Rhode Island.
JR JR, an American indie-pop band, travels through their native Midwest area to spread their original music. Originally a garage band, this indie duo have branched out from suburban house performances to touring. A&R Music Bar Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: $15
The Acacia Strain
The Shrunken Head Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: $8
Jesse Terry
The Acacia Strain makes their Columbus appearance in a show featuring the musical acts of Counterparts, Fit for An Autopsy and Kublai Khan. They are regulars at Warped Tour and will keep the show rocking.
Americana folk singer-songwriter Jesse Terry will come to Columbus this Wednesday, bringing his signature story-oriented ballads and rootsy tunes with him. His show will feature Keith Larsen.
Park Street Saloon Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: $15
Natalie's Coal Fired Pizza Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
UWEEKLY • November 11, 2015
OUAB Presents Hunter Hayes
Country all-star and boy next door Hunter Hayes hits the LC’s stage with a set of well-known hits, courtesy of OUAB. Hayes will be joined by Ryan Lafferty, an up-and-coming country artist from central West Virginia. LC Pavilion Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
Ladies 80's and more
Silversyde pours emotion into their music in an attempt to expose the pain of bullying and the sorrow of loss, reaching out to the “misfits." This band takes it to the next level by sharing hope through the pain.
The ultimate ladies’ night also happens to coincide with Skully's 14 year anniversary party! Grab the squad and strut down to the event to celebrate everyone's favorite girls' night out! Skully's Music Diner Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
Skully's Music Diner Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
Come to the party with a multi artist show, featuring the opening acts of Red Pill, King Fantastic, Noa James and Senseless. Then, stick around for the original rap style of Murs. The Basement Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $15
Marching Band Concert
Come Dot the Schott with The Best Damn Band in the Land! The band will entertain Buckeye fans with their most popular halftime shows, fan-favorites and traditional Ohio State tunes during their annual hometown concert. Schottstein Center Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
November 11, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Dead & Company Grateful Dead members Mick-
ey Hart, Bill Kreutzmann and Bob Weir join forces with singer/guitarist John Mayer to form the band Dead & Company. The reborn group is rumored to be performing two sets of music, mostly drawing from the Dead’s historic songs. Nationwide Arena Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic
Hip Hop Dance Party
Twerk it out on a Friday night at Skully’s second ever hip hop dance party, featuring the musical acts of Slim Jesus, resident DJ AllXCaps with guest DJs Trillionaire, DJ IQ and MC’d By Ill Son. Skully's Music DIner Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
Ryn Weaver
Playing to Vapors
Accompanied by Holychild and Astr, Ryn Weaver brings California cool to music, with hits like “OctaHate,” a track that shot to No. 1 on Billboard’s Emerging Artists chart, off of her debut album.
CD102.5 presents a night of music featuring Wet Darlings, Nick D & The Believers and Playing to Vapors. Come out to rock with these hometown heroes, as Playing to Vapors puts on a show full of alternative and experimental rock. A&R Music Bar Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $10
Newport Music Hall Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $5
UWEEKLY • November 11, 2015
George Clinton revitalized R&B by mixing soul into funk, adding influences from late-’60s heroes: Jimi Hendrix, Frank Zappa and Sly Stone. LC Pavilion Time: 7 p.m.| Tickets: $27.50
Ben Folds
The well-known Ben Folds hits the Columbus stage with special guests, yMusic and Dotan! Folds is best known for his collaborations with William Shatner, Regina Spektor and "Weird Al" Yankovic. Folds has also composed music for several animated films such as, “Over the Hedge”, and “Hoodwinked!” LC Pavilion Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $38.50
Civil Twilight
Nuthin’ but 90’s
Civil Twilight is accompanied by Knox Hamilton for this specialty show. Civil Twilight’s music has been featured in many shows like “One Tree Hill,” “House,” “Star-Crossed” and “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.” A&R Music Bar Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $13
Dance like it’s 1999 with the greatest hits of the 90’s at this mega party, featuring DJ Chuckstar & Skull Doggy Dog. Skully’s feature drink for the night is their $3 Jameson Black Barrel. Must be 18+ to dance, everyone is welcome! Skully's Music Diner Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
Kottonmouth Kings An American rap rock group straight out of Orange County, California. Hitting the game since 1994, the Kottonmouth Kings bring an original sound that they describe as "psychedelic hip-hop punk rock." Park Street Saloon Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $17
Classic Film Scores
A part of the three day festival, this show will feature a variety of music scores from classics like “Gone with the Wind”, “Lawrence of Arabia” and Hitchcock’s “Psycho.” Ohio Theatre Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
November 11, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Africa Roots & Culture Festival
WCBE presents this festival featuring the talent of Youssou N’dour. N’dour is a man of all passions and trades as a Senegalese singer, percussionist, songwriter, composer, occasional actor, businessman and politician! He has even been recognized through film as the subject of the award-winning films like “Return to Goree” and “Youssou N'Dour: I Bring What I Love."
LC Pavilion Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $55
John Williams Spectacular
The Flex Crew
Flex your dance moves on the boys and girls at this staple Sunday Funday event. Grab a drink and get your reggae on with the Flex Crew.
As part of the CSO’s Hollywood Festival, which runs November 13-15, the Columbus Symphony Chorus will join the CSO for a tribute to composer John Williams, who created some cinema's most popular film scores. Ohio Theatre Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
Weekend Brunch
Which One's Pink
Soak up that hangover with one of the best brunch specials around! Ethyl and Tank features a full range of choices, including Nutella pancakes, an expanded breakfast menu and a self-serve Bloody Mary bar. Ethyl and Tank Time: 8 a.m. | Free
UWEEKLY • November 11, 2015
Skully’s Music Diner Time: 10 p.m. | Tickets: $10
Pink Floyd fans, this is for you. Shadowbox Live presents this one of a kind multimedia tribute, celebrating Pink Floyd's iconic sound and style with flair.
Shadowbox Live Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: Vary
Campfire Cassettes
The Campfire Cassettes bring their Pop Rock sound to the stage along with the rockabilly sound of The Devil Doves, pop jams of The Jeffs and Americana vibes of The Brave Weather.
Give back while having a good time during a night of music at Skully’s, with a portion of the proceeds directly benefiting the Mid-Ohio Foodbank! The alternative rock band will shake the house and make you forget that it’s a school night!
Woodlands Tavern | 8 p.m. | $5
Skully’s Music Diner | 7 p.m.| $6
½ off Mondays
Brush off your Monday blues with some half off drafts at Ethyl’s. Beer not your thing? Try their $2 Well Drinks and Bombs or self-serve hot dog bar starting at 5 p.m.
Ethyl and Tank | 3 p.m. | Free
The Royal Concept
This pop rock headliner is sure to bring the house down with their accompanying acts, Tribe Society and Basic Cable Preachers. Don’t miss this night of alternative pop rock and original lyricism.
The Basement | 6 p.m. | $14
Nerd Night!
Blue Jackets
Get your game on with a night of nerd themed trivia! Triple the fun with cash and other prizes To the winners of every round! The game begins at 8 p.m. don’t miss out! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Watch the face off of blue versus blue, as the Columbus Blue Jackets take on the St. Louis Blues in Columbus! The ice is sure to be flying as these competitors rough house in the rink.
Condado Tacos | 4 p.m. | Free
Nationwide Arena | 6 p.m.| Vary
Happy Hour
south of the border good.
Old North Arcade | 8 p.m.| Free
Spice up your Monday night with some ice cold, half price margaritas and $1.00 off succulent tacos. Take a break from the UniversityDistrict and hit the Short North for a night of flavor that’s
Name Ten Trivia
Work your strongest muscle, your brain, and join in on the weekly trivia night at Gateway! Besides the food and great drinks, the fun continues when you partner up to play the games! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gateway Film Canter | 8 p.m. | Free
November 11, 2015 • UWEEKLY
Fun Page! su | do | ku
Very Easy
Aries:You can't think only of yourself, Aries. Every time you pass a BOGO sale, it's all about you, isn't it? Come on, can't you think of a certain friend who would appreciate going halfsies on that sale? Life isn't like a Twix commercial: “Two for me, none for you.” Your selfishness affects other people, Aries. Taurus: Ok, there's a difference between being “shabby chic” and being straight up unkempt.You are the latter, Taurus. Contrary to your current belief people do judge a book by its cover. And your cover is filled with sweatpants and t-shirts with words on them. Pull it together when you're leaving the house, Taurus. Gemini: One is the loneliest number, Gemini; we all know that. The Beatles were wrong though that two is the next worst. In actuality, the next loneliest number is however many people are at the orgy you unwittingly show up to this week. Cause no matter how packed it is, you'll still be sitting on
By Katie East the sidelines. Live a little, Gemini.
Cancer: Movember? More like mo’ mustache mo’ problems. I mean, let's be real. Mustaches mean having yet another part of you to groom. Aren't genitals enough work? So whether you're growing a mustache or supporting someone who is, maybe the quitters are the real winners this week: bow out early. Leo: Start your day off right, Leo. Sure, breakfast is a great way but a quickie just to get the blood pumping is another great trick. Or, why not trying singing your favorite song at the top of your lungs.You can even try cursing the cruel God who forced you to wake at such an ungodly hour! On second thought, just try the first two. Virgo:Victory is yours,Virgo! Ok, so maybe it's a silent victory.You don't have to shout it from the rooftops or brag about it on Facebook. Sometimes, the most humble response is the best one.
UWEEKLY • November 11, 2015
So try not to say: “Suck it playa!” when you see your adversary. Libra: Winter is coming, Libra. No, “Game of Thrones” isn't coming anytime soon. But winter brings about a cold wind of change that has an air of mystery that means only one thing: boots and scarf season! Sure, there's no White Walkers or Stark's around but who doesn't get excited about a good pashmina, right? Scorpio: Let it all out, Scorpio. Sagittarius: Pay attention and listen, Sagittarius. I know that can be hard sometimes because you've got stuff to say! And sometimes you just make a face to seem like you're listening until it's your time to talk. This week, remember to think of it this way: everyone you've ever met has something to teach you. Except, Ben Carson—he cray cray! Capricorn: Paranoia doesn't look good on you, Capricorn.You've never been one to worry that everyone is
out to get you; why start now? Don't just chalk it up to “everyone’s jealous.” Ain’t nobody got time for that! Everybody is worrying about their own stuff so maybe you should do the same. Also, you might need to worry about that light that keeps going off on your car dash. Aquarius: Celebrate the little achievements, Aquarius. Sometimes, it's the little triumphs you need to focus on. Let's face it, no one else really will. I mean your parents get pretty jazzed when you wear a collared shirt but other than that no one claps for you but you. Pisces: Everything in its place, Pisces. That's a good reminder this week. When you're dealing with chaos in your life it's best to organize tangible things. It'll make you feel better about the things you can't necessarily control. Or, you'll end up compartmentalizing your feelings and you'll end up in an even worse mental state. Who knows!
November 11, 2015 • UWEEKLY
UWEEKLY • November 11, 2015
November 11, 2015 • UWEEKLY
UWEEKLY • November 11, 2015
November 11, 2015 • UWEEKLY
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UWEEKLY • November 11, 2015
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November 11, 2015 • UWEEKLY
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