Uweekly 09.16.15 pdf

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#TellUWeekly to win FREE OSU SWAG!



SEP 16, 2015

Burger Bonanza



Tinder bios What lies ahead for for OSU celebs our Bucks? studyingabroad

stages of


UWEEKLY • September 16, 2015


#AsSeenOnCampus @bendactive


@yeah_g_kim @johnnyschwa @iknowsarvas

@ simscity83



@ cailinpittt




September 16, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Psst... we’ve got a crush on you. Sometimes provocative, always anonymous. Check out a few of Ohio State’s latest crushes. You never know, someone may be crushing on you:

Deepti's eyes @Deeptih08

Sorry I was tired/maybe a little drunk when I posted that @andrea_thomps13 you're beautiful

I don't go to Ohio State, but I would love to get to know Erin Garris lemme take you out to dinner! @eringarris

Austin from Smith-Steeb. He's a dime. @ajnbucks

Abbie Brincefield, your smile is contagious. I hope I can get to know you better :) @abbsbrince

Wife me @jacobbuzzard13

Dustin Koslen - Since he doesn't know who I am, he can't tell his dad. @dustinkoz24


UWEEKLY • September 16, 2015

Here's another for @hkinnn just because she deserves one each day

Crush of the week

Is this you? Tweet @UWeekly to claim your prize. uweekly.com




THUR 9.17

evan @Evansanityy


i had to walk past angry bible guy on the oval, but then I got serenaded by bagpipe guy on the south oval so it's all good

They’ve got a “Blank Space” baby...so get a ticket in your name today! Taylor Swift is rounding out her international 1989 tour in the Northern US with a two-night visit to Columbus, Ohio.

max @MAXed_insanity Do u really go to OSU if u don't get stopped on the dog oval by a monk selling meditation books?


Nationwide Arena | 7:30 p.m.

FRI 9.18

Jenn O'Neill @JENNeraly_crazy My chem prof almost set herself on fire in lecture this morning #HappyMonday

TWENTYONEPILOTS Arguably one of the hottest musical groups in the industry, born and bred in Columbus, Ohio, Twenty One Pilots brings a setlist that’s fresh with songs

Nick Roman @NickRomeister Is there a "stay at home dad" major at ohio state

from their fourth album Blurryface. --------------------------------------------------------------

Schott | 6 p.m. | Tickets: Vary

SAT 9.19

Nate Steingass @natesteingass My dinner has consisted of three beers and cookie dough ice cream. #new2osu

OHIOSTATEFOOTBALL O-H-I-O! Rally around the OSU Buckeye football team as they take on Northern

Sam Kastan @Kastan11

Illinois after their amazing triumph over

How sweaty do I have to be to reasonably have an excuse to not go to class out of respect for my peers? #New2OSU

VTech! --------------------------------------------------------------

Ohio Stadium | 3:30 p.m.



OSU swag up for grabs!

Attn: Concert lovers

Tell us why you should win with your tweet using #TellUWeekly, and the best one will win an OSU Buckeyes hoodie!

#TellUWeekly why you should win, and two winners will receive a pair of tickets to see Grace Potter at the LC Pavilion on Oct. 9


September 16, 2015 • UWEEKLY





(if they had Tinder) By @JACOBGEERS a

Bob Gribben

who will message Looking for someone ok up ng more than ho me with somethi eth er I’ve wh t ou ab es jok req ue sts an d last r password in the changed my Tinde 180 days!! <_<

Tinder is just a toy for us everyday folks, right? We use it to find hookups, dates and some freakin’ hilarious stories. Our Tinder profile shows a few pictures, mutual interests, and a very brief bio. What if well-known Ohio State public figures had Tinder?? What would their profiles say?? The world-renowned experts at UWeekly (i.e. me) decided to give a few different satirical theories a try:


E. Gordon Gee

Bow-tie enthusiast. Party animal. Not a Notre Dame fan. I had a porta-potty named after me at Brown University. Just visiting Columbus for the weekend ;) ;) ;)

Call me “D

Adams-G a

r. J.”


I like Netfl ix, long w and peo alks on ple who don't jum the beach, Lake. p into M irror

Dr. Mich

ael D

rake Still kind of new to ing for fr the area iends! ! Just loo kLikes: P eople w froze in-s ho talk about h tate tuit ion ow I Dislikes: People w raised ou h o talk ab t-of-state out how tuition. I


UWEEKLY • September 16, 2015

Brutus Buckeyt elookin’ to have a good

Archie Griffin

I’ve been known to play a little bit of football from time to time. It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. GO BUCKS! GO BUCKS! GO BUCKS! GO BUCKS!


Just another nu ;) birthday this year e tim on his 50th a LTR if the right of a ide e th to Open ng! Buckeye comes alo ghMichigan and lau ng ati Be : Hobbies ing at Mark May.


varying stages of studying abroad By REBECCA EPPERSON @Twitzr a


his summer, I set out on the ultimate journey: I studied in England and Denmark for three months. It was amazing, so I've put together a list of experiences you might relate to after stepping on that first airplane. 1. Anticipation. It's day one. So far, you see airports – you don't even know yet that you will probably spend at least 30 long hours in an airport or in the air, so it doesn't even matter. Images from Buzzfeed articles like “37 Reasons Why Denmark Will Ruin Your Life” jog through your brain. You are so close. 2. Elation. You are literally ready to take on the world. On the first night, you know where to get your groceries down the street, and you might successfully(ish) navigate the public transportation system. You know exactly what you're doing; you might even crown yourself a travel aficionado. 3. Panic. You get an email from the Birming-

ham Coach Station. You left your passport, your lifeline, sitting on the floor of a coach station an hour away from where you're staying. This is the worst study abroad faux pas you can think off (other than being arrested). You know that you're a complete failure and you should probably go home now, but you don't have your passport. 4. In the groove. You know where your favorite coffee shop is, you're making friends, you learn something new every single day. You know how to book plane flights and hostels. It might get lonely every once in awhile, missing your partner back home or your favorite group of friends, but you have the perfect opportunity to learn about yourself in a new place. 5. Nostalgia. It's your last week abroad. It's


photo courtesy of rebecca epperson

your last time going to your favorite coffee shop, eating your favorite pastry. You wonder if you should just pop a squat and move here permanently. Sure, you might have thought about being ready to go home, but now that the time has come you are definitely not ready to leave. 6. Resignation. You've resigned yourself to a 14-hour day of traveling before your first night home, but you're excited to tell your family and friends about the experience. As you look at the pictures you took and think back on the memories, you miss the place. But you're so thankful that you could have the adventure of a lifetime.

September 16, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • September 16, 2015


... And then there was English By TAMIKA SMITH


new semester is like a breath of fresh air. Ahh, I can smell it now: the brewing coffee, alcohol and tears. Looking over your schedule, you've probably noticed quite a lot of general education curriculum courses, especially as an underclassman. These courses are the annoying little brothers of college. Perhaps one of the most disliked is English. Now, if you ask me (a writer), English courses are the greatest thing since Twitter, but I understand they're not everyone's cup of tea. These classes are essential but may be a bit boring and demanding. Essay writing, proofreading, essay writing, reading novels, essay writing, redrafting and essay writing may seem unyielding to most. But I’m going to let you in on a little secret: Not every English class is composed of reading 4-inch thick novels and writing 10-page essays. There are myriad English classes available that won't put you to sleep or cause extreme hand cramping. Poetry. Poetry courses can be very interesting in their diversity. Lower-level poetry classes tend to stray away from long-form writing and embrace creativity, which is inherently fun for creative types. Reading and writing poetry can be much less strenuous than novel-based English classes. Film. Yes, there are in fact film-based English classes! Film. Classes. Are. BAE. These courses are probably the most amusing and entertaining to take. They also vary greatly; some consist of watching assorted films and studying their language and material context, while others are based upon novel-to-film adaptations in which both the print and film works are explored. The courses are ultimately intriguing and not so arduous. And who doesn't enjoy watching movies? Digital Media. In my opinion, digital media English courses are some of the most rewarding English classes one can take. They incorporate classic English principals with an emphasis on newSEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


September 16, 2015 • UWEEKLY



recruit, recruit, recruit!

Pyramid schemes don't just suck you in, they SUCK!


ast week, I told you about some buzzwords and key characteristics of sales job descriptions that are disguised under customer service and/or marketing positions. What I didn’t touch on was pyramid schemes. The first step in recognizing an “opportunity” that is actually an illegal sales practice starts with understanding what it is, and why it’s illegal. Pyramid schemes are not the same as multi-level marketing companies (MLMs), like Avon or Scentsy for example, although many argue that those MLMs are pyramid schemes with loopholes. Pyramid “investors” are promised a substantial amount of wages for recruiting additional investors. The term “investors” is used loosely and typically refers to the people that you recruit into the business. When first being introduced to the company, you’ll likely have to buy a startup package that includes the goods that you’ll be selling to the public. After all, you need an arsenal of product to

both sell to and secure customers, right? You’ll be assured that you’ll make your money back on the initial investment by tenfold. These buy-ins can be for actual product, or they can be ambiguous “recruiting fees.” They can be a nominal amount, maybe $10, that doesn’t alarm a new recruit. What’s $10 when you’re going to be making $5,000 a month and taking free company vacations? In order to make money, you’ll have to acquire new recruits. You will be compensated when that new recruit buys a package to sell or pays the startup fee. Recruiting is one of the main reasons why the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is skeptical of MLM companies, despite not looking like a clear-cut pyramid scheme. Have you ever been to a “party” that involves a representative giving a presentation on products? There is ALWAYS a portion of that presentation that heavily talks about how, “you too can make

a TON of money!” and coaxes party goers to have their own parties, where participants will then be encouraged, again, to become part of the company. Think about it logically, though. If all of these people are signing on to be part of this business, where is the demand coming from? And if new representatives are being added all the time, it decreases the demand from the general public and thus, decreasing revenue. If you suspect that an MLM you’re looking into is a pyramid scheme, avoid being defrauded by asking to see documents by a CPA that shows revenue for the company is based on sales of products. Be suspicious of companies that promise a lot of money in a short amount of time or require that you buy your way in. MLMs are mainly legitimate, but consider how much of an emphasis the recruiter puts on recruiting other people.

- Emily Rudduck

Job Of The Week Department of Public Safety Duration: On-Going Pay: $8.10/hr Wash, wax and detail department vehicles. Run errands. Some record keeping and data entry. Perform minor maintenance. Some heavy lifting involved. Must be dependable and having a good driving record. MS Office experience desired. Must complete a drug screen and background check. 12

UWEEKLY • September 16, 2015


dress code: PJs

Legit workat-home jobs


here are real life pyramid schemes and then there are schemes that you’ll find rampant online about working from home. These companies will pressure stay at home moms or college students looking for a flexible schedule while earning a living wage. Most of these are totally bogus. However, there are licit work-at-home gigs as well as ways to earn rewards and gift cards to your favorite retail shops. MyPoints – This is a website that has free registration. You enter your e-mail and you get a sign on bonus of X amount of points. Complete surveys, click on affiliate links and browse weekly ads to earn points that can be redeemed for high value gift cards, travel perks and more. It’s not giving you a paycheck but it takes 2 seconds to earn 5-10 points that can be saved. I’ve personally used this for years and redeem my points about 5 weeks before Christmas to use on gifts. Apple – Do you like Apple products? Are you tech savvy? Apple now offers an At Home Advisor position that lets you work from home solving technical issues and providing customer service. It pays $15-16 an hour and the schedule is flexible for students without morning classes. Visit www.apple.com/jobs/us/aha.html for complete listings. Direct Interactions – It can be a little stressful, but this job allows employees to take calls from home from motorists with unpaid parking tickets and to help with digital parking meters. Direct Interactions pays for training, and you’ll get a $.75 pay raise after completion. If you are bilingual, you can earn $12-13 an hour. Visit www.directinteractions.com for more information Etsy – Etsy isn’t just for talented artists and crafters anymore. If you are into flea market vintage finds, you can sell them on Etsy. Like party and craft supplies? Buy at wholesale and sell them on Etsy. SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


September 16, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Shouldgovernment helppayfortuition? T By Ashley Wilkinson

uition. Not everyone receives scholarships, so taking out loans is the de facto way for many students to pay for college. According to The Ohio State University’s Undergraduate Admissions website, an average student would pay $10,037 per year in-state and $27,365 per year out-of-state. This doesn’t include room and board, even though many students do live in the dorms their first and second year of college. Let’s put this into perspective. If you don’t have enough money to pay straight out-of-pocket or have a large amount of scholarship money, you’re probably going to have to take out loans.

A PRODUCT of 614 MEDIAGROUP UWeekly is an independent publication and is not affiliated with The Ohio State University. UWeekly receives NO STUDENT FEES or university funding. One free copy per person. Additional copies $.50. Opinions are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the editor, publisher or the newspaper staff. UWeekly is not liable for omissions, misprints or typographical errors. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. ©COPYRIGHT 2015.

458 East Main Street Columbus, OH 43215 (614) 488-4400 FAX: 488-4402


UWEEKLY • September 16, 2015

Should students and/or their parents really pay for tuition out-of-pocket or take loans out? This is a common theme in the upcoming 2016 presidential elections. Many democratic candidates talk about the issue in a way that denounces student loan debt. They want the government to assist in the paying of tuition. One candidate that focuses on this issue is Hillary Clinton. On Aug. 10, 2015, she announced her $350 billion plan to help citizens receive higher education. She claims that if a person is pursuing a bachelor’s degree at a public college or a program at a community college, then they would not have to pay for tuition

Publisher Wayne T. Lewis

Photographer David Heasley

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Sports Editor Geoff Hammersley

Design Bryn Sunkle, Hugo Albornoz, Alix Ayoub

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Account Executives Michelle Hartman Derek Landers Meggin Weimerskirch Liza Worthington Brand Ambassador Gabby Voris Circulation Steve Landes Marketing Interns Alex Bixler Nicole Huser

or other expenses. This being said, free tuition would only be granted if the student were to work 10 hours a week. To refinance the debt that some students are currently in, they would have to pay back the money in “today’s low interest rates.” Bernie Sanders also wants to eliminate tuition fees. Federal profit would be eliminated from student debt, which would allow students to be able to refinance at a comfortable pace. Federal, state and institutional aid could be used toward any college fees, such as books or dining plans. In my opinion, there should be aid for students paying for college. The average college graduate had $28,000 in debt in 2013. Depending on what career a student pursues after college, it may be hard to pay this amount in a reasonable amount of time. For the upcoming presidential election, misinformation will swirl, as per usual, forcing you to swim through mountains of attack ads if you want to get at the issues. To find out where candidates really stand, make sure to do your research on this issue so hopefully the college students in the future can go on, unburdened by the heavy weight of debt.

Julie Kehl Ryan Mann Svaja Pakalniskis Contributing Adam Ambro Jimmy Bloomfield Kaitlin Bradley Madison Durham Katie East Rebecca Epperson Caitlin Essig Lauren Every Ben Ferree

Bryan Fraker Regina Fox Jacob Geers Geoff Hammersley Logan Korn Jack Lynch Ryan McGlade Sarah Mikati Brad Pierron Georgina Pinou Rie Phillips Cameron Roda Emily Rudduck Thailyr Scrivner

Lauren Weitz Emmy Wells Ashley Wilkinson Cover photo by Chris Casella

How do you want to be remembered at Ohio State? Charlie Petera

I want to be remembered for bettering my community.

Ashlee Balcerzak

I want to be remembered for helping others. Specifically, to educate people on how to relate to one another, especially people from different backgrounds, and particularly within Res Life.

Lavender Cannon

I want to be remembered as an influential leader in the business field.

Julie King

My honest answer would be that I shared the gospel on campus.

Teddy Graham

For having an impactful influence on a lot of new people.

Nick Locaputo

For staying on the straight and narrow and obtaining a degree that I earned myself.


September 16, 2015 • UWEEKLY



Photo by David Heasley

Back Home in The Shoe


Three things we learned about the Buckeyes

he first home game of every season is special. After taking an eight-month hiatus, we finally got to see Buckeye football back in The Shoe. Even though Ohio State struggled early, they were able to shutout the visiting Hawai‘i Rainbow Warriors, 38-0. Here are three things we learned from Saturday:

Scheduling Monday night games followed by a Saturday game is bad The Buckeyes had execution problems on offense, and in the very early going on defense. Bobbled snaps by junior red-shirt quarterback Cardale Jones, in addition to a breakdown in pass protection allowed the Rainbow Warriors to stick around for most of the game. A contribution to the sluggish play isn’t a complex answer but a simple one: the team had too short of a rest. Coach Urban Meyer isn’t using that excuse, however. “I think that’s a very solid excuse, one that’s 16

UWEEKLY • September 16, 2015

not allowed,” Meyer said. “I mean, that’s good, that’s good to bring that up and say that’s the reason we didn’t play necessarily well on the offensive line.” This week, the Buckeyes get a full week to recover before their clash with MAC foe Northern Illinois.

By @GeoffHammersley a found the end zone three times. In the final stat line, Elliott hit 101 yards rushing, which keeps pushes his streak of 100-yard games to seven. Collectively, the rushing attack contributed to four touchdowns.

The Defense is Scary Good Talent, talent everywhere, but not enough snaps Between having Jones, sophomore quarterback J.T. Barrett and senior H-back Braxton Miller, there aren’t enough snaps for everyone to take. Even though the Buckeyes cruised to victory, they didn’t have a passing touchdown. Jones went 12-of-18 for 111 yards, and Barrett went 8-of15 for 70 yards. Jones and Miller had roles in wildcat-esque play calling against the Rainbow Warriors. Then, when Barrett came in as quarterback, we saw a variety of pass plays – and we didn’t even mention junior tailback Ezekiel Elliott. Speaking of Elliott, he received 27 carries and uweekly.com

When the Buckeye offense couldn’t score, the ‘silver bullets’ made sure the Rainbow Warriors would have the same problems, too. Hawai‘i was held to 80 yards rushing and 85 yards passing. On top of that, the visitors were 2 for 14 on third downs and failed to reach the Buckeye red zone – the closest the Rainbow Warriors got was to the Ohio State 38-yard line. Defenses like the one Ohio State has displayed over the course of the first two games of this season have the potential to reach legendary status. Junior safety Vonn Bell had a fumble recovery for a touchdown, as well as an interception. Sophomore linebacker Darron Lee added to the statistics party with two sacks.

Photo by David Heasley

GameNo3Northern .: Illinois Look for OSU to clean up offense against the Huskies By Ryan McGlade


he Ohio State Buckeyes will put their nation-leading 15-game win streak on the line Saturday at 3:30 p.m. when they face MAC foe Northern Illinois. The Huskies have started the season 2-0 with wins over UNLV and Murray State. OSU will be facing an accurate passer in junior quarterback Drew Hare. The Missouri native completed roughly 80 percent of his passes against UNLV in addition to completing about 76 percent of his passes against Murray State. Through the two contests, Hare has thrown six touchdown passes and zero interceptions. The quarterback’s favorite target in the early stages of the season is junior receiver Kenny Golladay. The wide out has 17 receptions for 357 yards and two touchdowns. Senior tight end Desroy Maxwell is second on the team in receptions with seven for 65 yards and one touchdown. On the ground, the Buckeye defense will need to be ready for junior running back Joel Bouagnon. In the season opener against UNLV, the Illinois native ran for 152 yards on 21 carries and found the end zone three times. Against Murray State, he led the team with 15 rushing attempts while gaining 52 yards and scoring two touchdowns. Although NIU has weapons on offense, the numbers do not bode well for the defending MAC champion. The last time the Scarlet and Gray played the Huskies was in 2006, a game that saw Ohio State jump out to a 28-0 lead before winning, 35-12. Buckeye head coach Urban Meyer is 52-5 in games played in August and September for his career. Additionally, Buckeye junior running back Ezekiel Elliott has registered two or more rushing touchdowns in five of his last six games while rushing for at least 100 yards SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


September 16, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Photo by John Weast

Feels like the first time

Golfer Will Grimmer excels in his first tournament as a Buckeye


eading the team after all three rounds at Pebble Beach in a freshman’s first collegiate golf tournament may seem unlikely. But that’s not the case for Ohio State freshman golfer Will Grimmer. Grimmer didn’t get caught up in the Carmel Cup being his first collegiate tournament. “For me, once I was out on the golf course I tried to treat it just like any other tournament and go play my hardest,” Grimmer said. Grimmer posted a tournament-low, 4-under 68 in the second round at Pebble Beach earlier this

month. The freshman had to overcome adversity early on in the round, though. “The second hole was a really short, 500-yard par five where everyone was making birdies and eagles and I made a terrible bogey,” Grimmer said. “That definitely kinda put a little bit of a dagger on the round early, but I just stayed patient and was just like, ‘Hey, you know, you gotta put that behind you, and you just gotta go out and make birdies and stay patient.’” Grimmer did just that, as he birdied three of his first four holes on the back nine.

Hitting par was the name of the game for Grimmer. He tied for sixth among all golfers for most pars with 37. “You know, honestly, last couple years one of my biggest kinda areas of improvement in my game has been just eliminating the high numbers.” Grimmer said. “You’re going to make bogeys, it’s gonna happen, but ... you gotta play for par a lot of times, because at the end of the day, you’re only gonna make three, four, five birdies a round. So the key is just making sure you eliminate the high numbers and turn them into a lot of pars.” Grimmer did a tremendous job of limiting double and triple bogeys at the Carmel Cup. He only had one hole where he shot more than a bogey. His play at Pebble Beach boded well for his confidence altogether. “For me, just from a confidence standpoint, from a freshman, there’s adjusting to college life in general and school,” Grimmer said. “And then being here on the golf team and I think that just going out and playing really steady, consistent golf in my first tournament at Pebble Beach was just kinda a big confidence booster for me.” Now that his first tournament is behind him, Grimmer is ready to continue the season. “Put the hammer down and keep moving forward the rest of the season, but this definitely was a good way to start the season,” Grimmer said.

- Ryan McGlade



UWEEKLY • September 16, 2015


Sports Wrap


ummer is drawing to a close. Autumn is right around the corner, and the long-awaited, highly-touted football season is already underway. Ohio State athletics, however, have already begun setting the precedent for what might be a record-breaking year in Columbus.

Chomping the Gators On the women’s side of the pitch, the Buckeyes have had a great start to their early season with two wins over Illinois State and #8 Florida, respectively. After missing almost half of the games last season with a leg injury, Nichelle Prince is in full effect for 2015-16, and she is already beginning to prove why she is considered one of the best in the Big Ten. She had two assists from the game against Illinois State and one overtime, game-winning goal against Florida. With her great talent and the leadership of other veterans, such as Michela Paradiso, Ohio State has a great start to build off.

Denying the Irish Gold Ohio State men’s soccer team finished up their exhibition games a little less than a week ago, and

they have competed well against two of the nation’s best teams: Notre Dame and Xavier. They were able to edge out a 2-1 win over No.4 Notre Dame, and they played No.19 Xavier, the intrastate foe, to a 1-1 draw. Of the three goals Ohio State has scored, two have come from Liam Doyle by means of a free kick and penalty kick, as the Buckeyes have consistently pushed the tempo into the eighteen-yard box. Christian Soldat also added a goal in the win over Notre Dame, which deflected off of an Irish defender in the early going. With this being said, Ohio State has certainly had some offensive success, but the defense has surely stood out as well. The collective effort defensively, beginning with Doyle and Tyler Kidwell, two of Ohio State’s 2015-16 captains, has been exemplary.

The (Buckeye) Life Aquatic Men’s and women’s swimming both performed at the Speedo Sectionals, and both sides were able to set records. On the men’s side, the 400 freestyle relay team consisting of Andrew Appleby, Steffen Hillmer, Na-


Photo by David Heasley

than Christian, and Matt McHugh, set an Ohio State varsity record with a time of 3:21.53. And on the women’s side, Zulal Zeren set an Ohio State varsity record in the 200 backstroke, while Taylor Vargo set such a record in the 200 breaststroke.

- Brad Pierron

(Soccer rankings from ncaa.com) (Specific information: Team’s respective websites)

September 16, 2015 • UWEEKLY



GongTo / Shutterstock.com

Sour apples Disappointing iPhone, iPad announcements By Adam Ambro


t’s almost fall, so that means it’s time for another big Apple press conference. Last week, Apple released details on its yearly iPhone update, along with some other intriguing announcements. At this year’s event, Apple CEO Tim Cook declared himself independent of the legendary Steve Jobs, showcasing how much Apple has shifted its focus since Jobs’ death. That shift is notable based on the following announcements: New iPhones: This is where the majority of those following the conference had their attention set, and with good reason, as Apple showed off its new iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus models. Aside from the phones actually not shrinking for its “S” line, as Cook stated, “the only thing that’s changed is everything.” In addition to being a clever marketing 20

UWEEKLY • September 16, 2015

point, there are a lot of under-the-hood improvements such as 3D Touch and 12-megapixel back camera and 5-megapixel front-facing camera upgrades. These improvements should be especially exciting for folks who are due for a phone this year, or those who get one yearly regardless. iPhone Upgrade Program: What feels like one of the more under the radar announcements, yet might have the biggest impact on consumers, is the new iPhone Upgrade Program, in which customers can buy a new iPhone directly at list price and pay it off over two years of monthly installments. While many carriers do something similar, the key here is that the phones will be unlocked from Apple directly. Therefore, if you go on a month-to-month contract at, say, T-Mobile, and you’re not satisfied uweekly.com

with your service, than you can easily switch over to Verizon or AT&T without worrying to pay off the remainder of your phone to your initial carrier. iPad Pro: The long-suspected new, larger iPad finally made its debut on stage last week, and while the device is unquestionably impressive, the sticker price certainly hit many with a punch to the gut. The base model Pro costs a hefty $799, and if you were to include all the amenities for the model with the most storage, the attachable keyboard and Apple Pencil (you can hear Steve Jobs rolling in his grave over this one), then you’re looking at a price approaching $1,400. Those with the disposable income to afford this will surely get their money’s worth, but it’s hard to recommend a product that has a price more expensive than many top end PCs or MacBooks. In all, Apple’s conference was noteworthy for the new iPhones and upgrade program, but ever since Cook took the reins, the company feels as if it’s coasting, as there have been many advancements in existing hardware in lieu of new risky innovations.


September 16, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Take a trip to


Turtle Island

anceable hooks and walls of psychedelic sounds define the music of Turtle Island, a rising local band relying on collaborative songwriting and a pop sensibility to hopefully propel themselves to fame and the audience to space. Singer and multi-instrumentalist Dallin Stevenson was dressed in all white at the band’s last show, complete with bleach-blonde hair, wrangling a stack of synthesizers until they produced a suitably intense psychedelic whoosh of air. “I like to confuse people with this crazy, hectic gear maze more so than I would by just being a weirdo,” Stevenson said. “But I do think that’s important, too, being a weirdo.” The Turtle Islanders met in high school and have been playing with each other in one form or 22

UWEEKLY • September 16, 2015

another ever since, an old friendship that’s reflected in the band’s rhythmic precision and democratic attitude towards songwriting.

“We changed from wanting to be flashy to wanting to create an atmosphere of mesmerizement.” “We don’t really want one person doing the entire show. We want to make Turtle Island a different universe where everyone works together,” said guitarist and vocalist Sean Gleeson. “There’s not one person who writes all the songs. We’re pretty collaborative with everything.” The band’s most recent single, “Ouija Boys,” uweekly.com

is a densely-layered track with an earworm guitar hook and a dramatic tempo change in the outro. Though it was written largely by Gleeson, he credits his fellow bandmates as being key contributors. “We changed from wanting to be flashy to wanting to create an atmosphere of mesmerizement,” said bassist Andy Sullivan, whose tight, melodic basslines often drive the band’s music, along with the laid back grooves of drummer Nick Gerden. The band has been rehearsing its current set for more than six months, and have plans for a new studio album, and a tour is in the works, including a date with Flaming Lips side project Spaceface. Turtle Island’s next Columbus show is at Independents’ Day Festival Sept. 20.

- Jack Lynch

Photo by Annalisa Hartlaub

Helga Esteb / Shutterstock.com




tephen Colbert is still spouting truthiness. There was a giant hole left when Jon Stewart said he was leaving “The Daily Show” on Comedy Central but even more so when Colbert announced he was leaving the network, too. I thought the same thing as everyone else when old-man David Letterman left, I didn’t know if Colbert could keep it going to be the flagship late night talk show for CBS. I was wrong. Yes, he was bombastic and overthe-top on his Comedy Central show, but he knows what people want. This Second City veteran is now himself and himself is perfection. Jimmy Fallon is the party person in the late night wars and Jimmy Kimmel is the every- person. Colbert is the perfect medium. He can conduct a poignant interview in one segment and make fun of that interviewee in the next. It's amazing. I do missed “The Colbert Report.” He was the exact balance we needed against “The Daily Show.” He knew what he was doing the whole time and his existence was the perfect counterweight for Stewart. Yes, his normal right-wing affair is not here any longer, but Colbert is so self-aware. He knows what questions to ask to any interviewee on the couch and it's so fluid that nobody knows the famous person due jour is flouting something. CBS is in great hands with Colbert. They aren't thinking of a stop-gap scenario because Colbert is one of the hardest workers in the game. He is the man. He is a winner. And I'm spouting his truthiness.


September 16, 2015 • UWEEKLY


EmilyRidgway T hird year, Emily Ridgway, is excited to be an upperclassmen this year. As a finance major, she spends most of her time on North Campus. Although the walk to class from her South Campus apartment is slightly long, she makes due by occasionally stopping into Urban Outfitters on the way. Emily will be studying abroad in Iceland this May and can’t wait to take her style to a whole new place.

Why do you think style is important? It’s so important because it starts conversations. If you look better you feel better, if I have a better outfit when I’m going out I just feel more alive.

How would you describe your style? I’m inspired by the 1950s and 60s so kind of hippy but sometimes kind of edgy and chic.

Where do you get your inspiration from? dress $30 Urban Outfitters

Audrey Hepburn, Stone Cold Fox, they’re a clothing company and I love them. And Emma Roberts.

Where are your favorite places to shop? Free People, Revolve Clothing online, and, probably, TopShop.

Do you have any advice for readers? Just be yourself when you dress yourself or when you’re finding inspiration because everybody has a different style and never be afraid to show your own unique style.

What do you look for when you go shopping? I usually look for unique statement pieces or trends I've seen online/in magazines for a reasonable price. But usually I go to the same stores and I don't like to browse, I go to the store knowing what I want.

Sandals $50 Free People

Are there any fall trends you're looking forward to? I'm looking froward to big turtle necks, shaggy sheep shearling coats, and cute tennis shoes like Vans, Nike and Adidas.

-Lauren Every 24

UWEEKLY • September 16, 2015


Wardrobe switch:

Summer to fall By Georgina Pinou


he end of summer not only means the end of heatwaves and pool days but the beginning of a new school year and cooler temperatures. Just because it’s the end of summer, doesn’t mean that it’s time to purchase a whole new wardrobe. Of course the change of a season is always a great excuse to purchase a few key new pieces, but allow yourself to transition things you were already loving throughout the summer. Often times during the beginning months of September and October, it is still very possible to wear pieces from your summer closet since the temperatures are still varying. How to transition: Sandals – For Heeled Sandals the easiest way to wear them in the fall is with a pair of tights. Depending on the color of the shoe – tights can vary in color and pattern. During the warmers days, pick out tights that are sheer and light weight, and then switch over to warmer more opaque tights during the cooler days. Sandals with tights can be worn with your favorite fall dresses or skirts, and no one will even think twice that you still are wearing your summer sandals on your feet. How to transition: Midi Skirt – With the Seventies look being very in style this past spring and summer, midi skirts were popular in many stores. For a new twist on the skirt for a new season, pair your midi skirt with a cropped chunky sweater or sweatshirt. The chunky top will add a proportional twist to the flowy skirt. Cinch the waist with a leather belt to add a border between the skirt and cropped top. For shoes, add some leather ankle boots. The boots will instantly take the skirt from summer to fall.

How to Transition: Your Favorite Summer Hat – A big floppy hat is the best accessory

to have in the summer. The best hats to transition to fall are the one that are not quite screaming “I go to the beach in this” but instead the more subtle hats of your collection. Summer woven hats in panama and fedora shapes work well in the fall. Pair SEE UWEEKLY.COM FOR THE REST OF THIS STORY.


September 16, 2015 • UWEEKLY



stuffyourself: Burgerrecipe

A Earth: A burger with a little twist! The Earth burger has wild mushrooms, red wine onions, Swiss cheese, and truffle mayo. If you eat the Earth, you may feel a tad fancy (and a bit greasy). Grass-Fed Bison: Want something completely different that combines sweet and savory on a juicy bison patty? If so, the Grass-Fed Bison burger is for you! It has goat cheese, dried cranberries, grilled onions, and a sweet balsamic glaze. If you’re trying to stay away from beef, you can substitute it for a turkey, brat, veggie, or lamb burger for 1-3 dollars extra. The lamb burgers are a must-try! After eating a delicious and satisfying meal of burgers and fries, don’t go home! Instead, try one of Stack City’s delicious ice cream floats and shakes. Some of the flavors include Buckeye, Whopper, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and Chocolate Covered Cherry. Ice cream is great, but adding a little booze makes it even better! You can also make any shake alcoholic by adding vanilla vodka, chocolate vodka, or fireball. If you’re looking for a classic dessert with a kick to it, try the Hard Rootbeer Float, made with vanilla bean ice cream and Not Your Father’s Rootbeer.

re you getting bored of the sameold burger patty? Although burger patties are typically seasoned, they have much more potential in flavor town. Try stuffing your burger patty to make it pop with flavor! My favorite recipe for stuffed patties is a simple bacon and cheddar patty. First and foremost, it is very important to make sure the end product is juicy. To make sure the juiciness is achieved, the mix of meat (leanfat ratio) used should be put into heavy consideration. For this recipe, I normally use a ground beef that is 70% lean and 30% fat. If you specifically use sirloin, 80% lean and 20% fat would be acceptable for this recipe, too. To make this burger patty, you will need: • 1 ¼ pound of ground beef of your choice • Salt and pepper to season • 4oz of cubed cheddar cheese • 4 sliced of crumbled cooked bacon After seasoning the beef with salt and pepper, separate into 6-8 patties. Then, half these patties. Evenly distribute the cheese and bacon on one half, then cover that half with the other half and seal. Grill to your desired doneness. Of course, you can be adventurous with your stuffing. You can do any kind of cheese, vegetable, or seasoning of your liking. Experiment and discover amazing stuffed burger recipes to impress your friends at your next cook out!

-Ashley Wilkinson

-Ashley Wilkinson

Photo by Chris Casella

Stacks on stacks on stacks



ave you ever walked down High Street in the Short North and wondered, “I can’t afford any of these nice places. They’re too expensive!” Some places are pretty intimidating to the college student’s wallet. There are some restaurants with all white table decors, waiters dressed in all white suits, and there is even valet parking (it is rather hard to park down there)! Okay, I’m not going to talk about one of these restaurants. Rather, I’m going to talk about the complete opposite. This joint is actually located right in the middle of the fancy restaurants in the Short North, but has a fun and laid back environment. Stack City Burger Bar is a relatively new restaurant to Columbus, and has many people talking. Walking down high street, you notice a group of friends sitting in outside in cushioned chairs while laughing, drinking beer, and eating these fancy looking burgers. Who wouldn’t want to go there? Burgers at Stack City Burger Bar are delicious and are decently priced. The price range for burgers is $8-11 dollars, with fries as an extra $3. Here are some burgers that you must try at Stack City: Big Stack City: This is a classic burger done right! The sandwich is two juicy patties topped with melted American cheese, lettuce, pickles, and a special sauce. 26

UWEEKLY • September 16, 2015



Mobile cupcakes prove to be a

Relishingthehistoryofcheeseburgers By ASHLEY WILKINSON


veryone loves cheeseburgers (at least, I don’t know why anyone who doesn’t)! This week we are celebrating National Cheeseburger day on September 18th! Nobody really knows who first came up with the idea of putting cheese on a hamburger, but cheeseburgers became popular in the United States in the late 1920s/ early 1930s. One account for the “first” cheeseburger was from Lionel Sternberger. Lionel was 16 when he experimentally made a cheeseburger in the year 1926. He worked in his father’s sandwich shop in California as a fry cook, and


decided one day to put a slab of cheese on a cooking burger. Apparently, the cheeseburger seemed like such a good idea, that numerous restaurants started making claims that they had come up with the idea of the cheeseburger. In fact, Steak ‘n Shake’s founder, Gus Belt, applied for a trademark on the word “cheeseburger,” although the trademark was given to a DriveIn located in Denver, Colorado. In reality, who cares who invented the cheeseburger? What matters is that they are delicious sandwiches enjoyed by Americans far and wide, as well as other countries, of course.

September 16, 2015 • UWEEKLY



Top local fall beers

brews for burgers Whatburgerdoesmybeergowith?


raduate from the lousy pizza and beer combination you are all too used to and get into the big league stuff: beer and burgers. There is something so incredibly satisfying about a juicy burger paired with a cold beer. Burgers, though, when cooked right, are generally rich and juicy. A beer is a burger’s best friend because the flavors and carbonation of the beer cuts through that richness of the beef and cleanses your palate with each drink, getting you ready for the next monstrous bite of meat. Though the combination is usually on point, there are certain beers that do not go well with other burgers, luckily for you, I have included different beer types below along with what kind of burger it goes best with.



UWEEKLY • September 16, 2015

North High Brewing Oktoberfest

The complex bitterness of an India pale ale can be the perfect palate cleanser when you need one. It will provide a break from the rich fattiness of your burger, making each bite taste like it’s your first. If you have a burger that hosts some spicy flavors, look for a more hoppy IPA to even out the heat and compliment spicy Cajun toppings and seasonings. An American IPA also helps to cut through rich toppings like avocado, creamy dressings and mayonnaise.

North High Brewing is back at it again with their popular fall beer, formerly called the Dirndl Dropper, North High takes a good sweet twist on the regular fall beer, pouring out amber and settling light, making this beer perfect for a night out.

Brown Ale

Like the majority of Seventh Son’s beers, Wilderman Ale is a hybrid of styles: part autumn lager, part French beer and part hoppy ale. Seventh Son also stored the beer for a month to mellow out the flavors and balance the additional hops with a strong malt finish. This is a great beer to drink if you are not feeling the strong pumpkin tastes that accompany most fall beers.

Try brown ale with your burger, especially if you have a heap of mushrooms on it. The earth tones in brown beer mixes well with the flavors you get from mushrooms and also is perfect with Swiss cheese. Because who needs wine and cheese when you can have beer and a burger with cheese?

Pale Ale The majority of people choose a simple pale ale to wash down their burger. These beers match well with standard ingredients. If you like simple ingredients like ketchup, mustard, lettuce and tomato on your burger, then the pale ale should be your go-to. This is because pale ales don’t over power these ingredients. Also, clean lagers like American blonde ales go great with the crisp, fresh flavors of vegetable toppings like cucumber, lettuce and tomato. Which is great because if there are veggies on it, it’s healthy … right?


all is not officially here yet, but the symptoms of the season are fast approaching. The Buckeyes are back at it again, there’s pumpkin spice everything and there are too many choices for a good fall beer. To make it easier for you, I have found the top fall beers available now that will make you wish fall would never end.

American Amber American amber ales are a great pair for burgers because the caramel undertones increase the richness of the beef. Though, be careful because amber ales may not be the best option for every burger. Any outof-the-ordinary ingredients might not pair well with amber ales because the amber can clash with many complex flavors that aren’t standard on a burger.

My favorite pairing on campus (so far): The Chop Shop’s Swiss and Shroom Burger with a cold glass of Newcastle Brown Ale.

-Logan Korn


Seventh Son Brewing Wilderman Autumn Farmhouse Ale

Sideswipe Squashing Pumpkins Sideswipe’s Squashing Pumpkins is a fairly new seasonal ale made with local butternut squash, pumpkins and spices. The flavors are much the same, though the freshness of the squash is evident from the first drink. Hints of cinnamon, nuttiness and clove compliment the pumpkin flavor in this beer.

-Logan Korn


September 16, 2015 • UWEEKLY


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UWEEKLY • September 16, 2015



Relationship Status: It’s Complicated


e’re three weeks into the semester and one of my friends was hit with a “I think we need a break” from her boyfriend. This came from a guy she said, “I love you,” to. They were obsessed with each other over the summer! He even spent $600 on her birthday. Who does that? A guy who really likes his girlfriend! A day later he drops an atomic bomb on her heart; he said those dreadful six words. I’m trying to think of more f*cked up situations but I’m coming up short, ladies. Honestly, I don’t believe in breaks. If you want to leave me, then do so. Don’t swing me around and put our relationship in limbo. It’s complicated, tiring and “ain’t nobody got time for that.” I’ve got a long line of men waiting for me to be single! However, not everyone should agree with me; some relationships are worth saving. Plus, a break might be a blessing in disguise. You never know, but it’s most likely worth taking a chance on. When I was giving my friend advice, I didn’t tell her to abandon the entire relationship and move on to the next one. I suggested she cut off

all communications with him and see other guys – but is that a break or broken-up? Her situation made me think about “breaks” and what the rules are. Are there rules? As I kept thinking about it, I was baffled by why anyone would want to be on a break as opposed to just splitting up.

If you guys really love each other, it’ll be obvious that being apart is not what’s right. Love always wins. As you can see, I’ve never put my relationship on hiatus, so I don’t know much. Therefore, I turned to Google. Yes, I Googled this. If you do your research, you learn why, how and the benefits of a break. Bless those who have taken the time to write about this very painful and perplexing relationship status. To sum up what I read, a break is when some-


one needs space and can be a good thing when done correctly (so stay positive in the midst of a break). It’s a time to contemplate your relationship and learn how much you actually like/love your S.O.. Also, when you’re on a relationship recess you go about your life as if you were single — minus the seeing other guys or girls part, right? Yes. If your break consists of seeing other people, then, honey, that is not a break but broken up. Though, the distance from your boyfriend or girlfriend will make “the heart grow fonder.” You know the saying. It sounds cheesy, but it’s true. Here’s a good one: “Love is stronger,” said Lovepanky.com. If you guys really love each other, it’ll be obvious that being apart is not what’s right. Love always wins. Though, in the case that the relationship doesn’t work out, then he/she is no longer worth your time and effort. Hold your head up high and move on, babes. Love is out there looking for you. Love, Stella September 16, 2015 • UWEEKLY





Get a taste for electro pop with this breakout singer’s show. Martinez is best known for her time on The Voice as a contestant on Team Adam, but is pathing her own way with a style that is full of latina flavor that gives her pop an edge. A&R Music Bar Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $50

Beats n’ Treats

Bridging the Music presents this live music event, a special edition of the OH Solo Artist Awards, featuring multiple hip hop and rap solo acts. The show is 18+ with specialty tickets in advance.. Skully's Music Diner Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: Prices vary

The Girls!

A travelling musical act, known for their"MostOutstandingGroup"award at the 2012 Chicago Music Awards. Brothers Drake Meadery Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: No Cover

Ace of Cups Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: Free

UWEEKLY • September 16, 2015

Sink your teeth into a free movie and snacks at OUAB’s weekly movie night! U.S. Bank Conference Theater Time: 6 p.m. | Free with BuckID

JazzWednesday with Sidewalk Chalk

A Columbus based, 6 piece pop band brings Midwest flavor through original lyrics and musicality.


OUABFlicksforFree ft.JurassicWorld



Taylor Swift


They’ve got a “Blank Space” baby...so get a ticket in your name today! Taylor Swift is rounding out her international 1989 tour in the Northern US with a two-night visit to Columbus, Ohio. Nationwide Arena Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: Vary

Beach House

Ladies 80's

DJ Ginsu keeps the party going with a 90s mix of dance hits on rotation! Get all your girls together for a VIP complimentary bottle service for parties of 8 or more.

This international duo produces music with a New England and French flair. The pair describes their style as “dream pop”, perfect for any true indie music fan.

Skully's Music Diner Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: Vary

Newport Music Hall Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: $25

Women'sSoccervs. Minnesota Cheer on the OSU Women’s Soccer team on campus while they go toe to toe with Minnesota!

Jesse Owens Memorial Stadium Time: 7:30 p.m. | Tickets: Free

Ladies Night

Come for Power Hour with $1 mixed drinks and $2 top shelf! Don’t miss their Ladies Night deals for $1.00 PBR Pounders, $2.00 4 Loko bottles and $2.00 well drinks for ladies.. O Patio Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: Free


September 16, 2015 • UWEEKLY


Twenty One Pilots



Arguably one of the hottest musical groups in the industry, born and bred in Columbus, Ohio, Twenty One Pilots brings a setlist that’s fresh with songs from their fourth album Blurryface. Schottstein Center Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: Prices Vary

TheMilkCartonKids Indie folk meets west coast cool with this musical duo, from California. The duo is acclaimed by organizations such as NPR as "gorgeous contemporary folk".! Lincoln Theatre Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: Prices Vary

It's BOOBThirty

Friday night dance party hosted by LadiesLoveLaun and Disco Donnie, featuring DXM THE GXD,Young Columbus and Midnight Sounds by 808-H DJ Showtime. 18+ to dance, ladies get in $5 before midnight! Skully's Music Diner Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: Prices Vary

Ace of Cups Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: Free

UWEEKLY • September 16, 2015

Delray is a veteran of the stand up comedy tour. His style is typically described as crass, considering the comedian’s experience with the heavy metal and motorcycle scene. Woodlands Tavern Time: 8 p.m. | Tickets: $12


Get loose with the Annual burlesque show hosted by Ace of Cups! The show features multiple performances by the best that Ohio’s burlesque scene has to offer! Come for the show and stay for the drink specials for a shaking time.




Ohio State Football



O-H-I-O! Rally around the OSU Buckeye football team as they take on Northern Illinois after their amazing triumph over VTech! Ohio Stadium Time: 3:30 p.m. | Tickets: Vary


Columbus Brew Adventures

Prepare for a night of indie rock as Death Cab for Cutie performs their latest album in Columbus, presented by CD102.5 and Lifestyle Communities!

The tour includes stops at half a dozen breweries, like Seventh Son Brewing Company, North High Brewing and Barley’s Brewing Company. Brewery and Short North Districts Time: Varies | Tickets: $55

Lifestyle Communities Pavilion Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: Prices Vary

DanielEllsworth& The Great Lakes

An indie rock band with roots in Nashville, that is best known for its style, after being named one of their 15 Bands to Watch in 2014 by Esquire. Brothers Drake Meadery Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: $10


Twerk it out at this electro-infused show, hosted by MAT ZO, B-Funk, Disco Donnie and MBFP. It’s 18+ to dance so grab your friends and catch the saturday night fever at this dance party! Victory's Live Time: 9 p.m. | Tickets: Prices Vary


September 16, 2015 • UWEEKLY





Welcome in the latest epicenter of beer, World of Beer, to the University District with a performance from a local musical group that’s as cool as the drafts. World of Beer Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: Free

A Rasta Revival Calling all rastafarians, enjoy a night of acoustic music accompanied by spoken word! The show is free, and all ages are welcome, with a new happy hour special from 7-10pm plus $5 Bloody Marys all day!.

Brothers Drake Meadery Time: 6 p.m. | Tickets: Free

Sunday Funday Karaoke

UWEEKLY • September 16, 2015

Check out these Buckeyes bite at the Men’s soccer game at Ohio State versus Penn State!

Jesse Owens Memorial Stadium Time: 3 p.m. | Tickets: Free


Flex on ‘em at this live Reggae show with the smooth style of reggae combines with dancehall funk. Bring your ID for this 21+ show!. Skully's Music Diner Time: 10 p.m. | Tickets: $10

Get ugly with mixed drinks and the best mix of tunes at Ugly Tuna’s karaoke night! Sunday may be the last night of the weekend but definitely not a boring one!. Ugly Tuna Saloona Time: 10 p.m. | Tickets: Free


Ohio State Men's Soccer




Spice up your week with all-you-can-eat tacos TUES for only $6.99! Don’t forget the margaritas!


BreakingBenjamin Scorpions

Get your grunge on with Breaking Benjamin during their 2015 tour. The show will feature songs off of their 2015 album Dark Before Dawn, as well as singles from their past four albums.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The longest existing and one of the most famous rock bands in history, the Scorpions are on their North American tour to celebrate their 50th anniversary.


LC Pavilion | Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: Vary

Newport Music Hall | Time: 7 p.m. | Tickets: Vary

After Picasso: 80Contemporary Artists

Ugly Hour

Give your brain and wallet a break with this specialty happy hour with $1.00Wells, $1 Long Islands and more!


Educate yourself on art culture through an exhibit of the post Picasso era of art.

Ugly Tuna Saloona | Time: 8 p.m. | Free


Wexner Center | Time: Varies | Tickets: Vary


Nerd Night

Each week features a new topic of discussion, typically accompanied by a tv show clip.Whether the topicisyourinterestornot,come make friends and enjoy the flowing drinks and conversation!

Super Tuesday Giveyourmindabreakfromstudyingandcheckout the latest films at the Gateway Film Center with $5 tickets and free popcorn all day!


Ruby Tuesdays | Time: 9 p.m. | Free





Gateway Film Center | Time: Varies | $5

MondaySpecial Tracy Phillip$ Cheap food and beer is music to a college student’s ears! Head to Eddie George’s for .60 cent Wings and $1 off Drafts to start the week off on the right foot.!


Eddie George's Grille | Time: Varies | Free

MoneytonEnt and A+ present: up and comer Tracy Phillip$, fresh on the rap scene. All ages are welcome to the show, 21+ are invited to drink!


Skully's Music Diner | Time: 6:30 p.m. | Vary


September 16, 2015 • UWEEKLY



UWEEKLY • September 16, 2015


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