UWE RAG COMMITTEE WHAT IS RAG? RAG stands for Raising & Giving and is the charity wing of your Students’ Union. RAG is a great opportunity to meet lots of new people, whilst boosting your CV and more importantly making a difference to the lives of those truly in need. RAG looks to use innovative ways to raise as much money as possible as well as supporting all those other student groups who are fundraising at the University.
BEING ON THE COMMITTEE To make this happen, we are looking for students to become part of the RAG committee. We needs students who are ready for a challenge, is passionate about raising money for charity and wants to do something unique with their time at university. Can you come up with creative ideas? Can plan and run events? Or Can you encourage students to dig deep and give to charity this academic year? Then RAG is for you.
THE POSITIONS All positions within the committee work together to ensure all RAG Activities and Events are a success. However each position comes with its own individual responsibilities. The RAG committee will be made up of the following positions:
Chair Secretary Sports and Societies Engagement Coordinator Volunteer Coordinator Events Coordinator Marketing Coordinator Design Coordinator
For further details see the Committee Profiles at the back of this booklet.
We run elections because the Students’ Union is a democratic organisation.
They are nothing to be sacred of, we will ensure you are supported through them. If you want any advice get in touch and we can help you with some guidance.
1. Look through the committee profiles and check out the ‘Duties and Responsibilities’. Decide which position you think is right for you and that the type of activities they carry out would be suitable and of interest to you. 2. Once you have decided on the position, think about what you can bring to the role. What experience do you have? What ideas do you have? How you would make the role your own? and how do you think you would fit into the Committee? 3. With the answers to these questions bring them along to the RAG Committee Election, this will take place on 22nd September at 17:00 2016 in the Engagement Space, The Students; Union, Frenchay. 4. Don’t be scared about the election! There will ask position by position that the candidates tell us about themselves: who they are and what they think they can bring to the role? You will then have up to 90 seconds to tell us why you think you are right for the role. (If you cannot attend, do not worry, you can submit a speech to be read out by the Coordinator, or even a video but it needs to be within 90 seconds still!) 5. After everyone has spoken, we will then get all attendees to vote on a ballot paper. The ballot papers will be collected in and counted by the Coordinator who will announce the committee at the end of the Election. 6. If elected then you can start the amazing journey that is being on the RAG Committee but if not see the next page for Further Opportunities. 3
The committee profiles have been written with what we expect the role to look like. They are an outline of the role and the jobs we expect to be involved. They are flexible and may be added to as the role develops.
If you are unsuccessful in your election the last thing we want is you to become disinterested in RAG. If you have put yourself forward we still absolutely want you to be involved. Whether that is being part of an Events SubCommittee, a Volunteer SubCommittee, still being involved in design and promotion of events. You will still have responsibility for vital aspects of RAG’s activity and you can still be involved.
There is also the option to add Members to the Committee if we think they are needed. This Committee is open to development and as a team it can be shaped to ensure that RAG is the best it can be! You are part of a team and a committee, so even though you will all have separate responsibilities you will be expected to be part of wider effort and serve the general development of RAG at UWE. On Election each member will be expected to read, understand and sign the RAG Committee Contract of Agreement. This is nothing scary, or something worry about just an Agreement that sets out what we expect of you and what you can expect from us. It will be similar to a Society or Club Constitution that also sets out the Aims, Objectives, Purpose of the Committee, Responsibilities and the Governance of RAG.
These same opportunities are available for anyone who is not fully able to commit to being on the Committee, there is space for everyone and we want you to be involved. So still join in, let 4
RAG CHAIR COMMITTEE PROFILE Duties and Responsibilities
Oversee all the activities of the RAG Committee. Call and chair weekly RAG Committee Meetings. Management of committee member’s workload to ensure they are fulfilling their responsibilities. Set the agenda of committee meetings. Motivate the Committee and RAG Volunteers to reach their maximum potential. Stay up to date with National Student Fundraising Association events and resources. Direct RAG in a direction that ensures it remains current, innovative and popular. Initiate Events, Activities and Campaigns to continually increase the RAG Total. You will also be expected to contribute to all RAG activity and get involved in other unforeseen activities, e.g. counting money, talking to students. This list is not exhaustive.
A time commitment varying throughout the year with an average of 8-12 hours a week. To work independently and as part of a team. To keep in continual contact with the Fundraising and Volunteering Support Coordinator. Attendance of all applicable RAG Events and Meetings. Be part of the RAG Committee Team to ensure all activities and events are a success. Be part of a Committee effort to ensure all activities maximise their Fundraising Total. Adhere to the Mission, Values and Strategy of The Students’ Union at UWE. To report any issues to the Fundraising and Volunteering Support Coordinator and work to resolve them.
Training and Support
Development Transferable Employable Skills. Practical real life experience. Training and Personal Development opportunities. Gain experience of Fundraising, Event Management and Leadership. Documented on you HEAR and counts towards the Futures’ Award. A reference for future employers.
Training and Induction sessions provided by The Students’ Union at UWE. Opportunities to go to additional Students’ Union and UWE training and workshops. Support provided by the Fundraising and Volunteering Support Coordinator. Opportunity to go to regional and national RAG Events.
Skills You Can Develop Written Communication
Verbal Communication
Time Management
Financial Management
Decision Making
People Management
SECRETARY COMMITTEE PROFILE Duties and Responsibilities
Writing of Committee Meeting Agendas and Distribution. Recording of Committee Minutes and Distribution to Committee. Managing internal communications to ensure cohesive working committee. Monitoring of Committee attendance to events and meetings. Archiving of RAG Materials throughout the year. Assisting at RAG events, campaigns and activities when available. Booking Rooms, Venues, Training and anything required as of the Committee. You will also be expected to contribute to all RAG activity and get involved in other unforeseen activities, e.g. counting money, talking to students. This list is not exhaustive.
A time commitment varying throughout the year with an average of 4-6 hours a week. To work independently and as part of a team. To keep in continual contact with the Fundraising and Volunteering Support Coordinator. Attendance of all applicable RAG Events and Meetings. Be part of the RAG Committee Team to ensure all activities and events are a success. Be part of a Committee effort to ensure all activities maximise their Fundraising Total. Adhere to the Mission, Values and Strategy of The Students’ Union at UWE. To report any issues to the Fundraising and Volunteering Support Coordinator and work to resolve them.
Training and Support
Development Transferable Employable Skills. Practical real life experience. Documented on you HEAR and counts towards the Futures’ Award. Training and Personal Development opportunities. Gain experience of Fundraising and Administration. A reference for future employers.
Training and Induction sessions provided by The Students’ Union at UWE. Opportunities to go to additional Students’ Union and UWE training and workshops. Support provided by the Fundraising and Volunteering Support Coordinator. Opportunity to go to regional and national RAG Events.
Skills You Can Develop Written Communication
Verbal Communication
Time Management
Financial Management
Decision Making
People Management
Marketing 6
To liaise with Sports Clubs and Societies to ensure maximum partition. Build relationships with Clubs and Societies so that they support all RAG Efforts. Promote the Adopt a Charity Scheme to Clubs and Societies to increase participation. Work with the Society and Sports Development Coordinator, VP Societies and Communication and VP Sports and Health to engage as many students as possible. Work towards the target of every Sports Club and Society being actively involved in RAG within the academic year. You will also be expected to contribute to all RAG activity and get involved in other unforeseen activities, e.g. counting money, talking to students. This list is not exhaustive.
A time commitment varying throughout the year with an average of 4-6 hours a week. To work independently and as part of a team. To keep in continual contact with the Fundraising and Volunteering Support Coordinator. Attendance of all applicable RAG Events and Meetings. Be part of the RAG Committee Team to ensure all activities and events are a success. Be part of a Committee effort to ensure all activities maximise their Fundraising Total. Adhere to the Mission, Values and Strategy of The Students’ Union at UWE. To report any issues to the Fundraising and Volunteering Support Coordinator and work to resolve them.
Training and Support
Development Transferable Employable Skills. Practical real life experience. Documented on you HEAR and counts towards the Futures’ Award. Training and Personal Development opportunities. Gain experience of Fundraising, Charity and Networking A reference for future employers.
Training and Induction sessions provided by The Students’ Union at UWE. Opportunities to go to additional Students’ Union and UWE training and workshops. Support provided by the Fundraising and Volunteering Support Coordinator. Opportunity to go to regional and national RAG Events.
Skills You Can Develop Written Communication
Verbal Communication
Time Management
Financial Management
Decision Making
People Management
✔ 7
To continually recruit RAG Volunteers for RAG Events and Activities. To manage communication between RAG and the RAG Volunteers. Ensure the RAG Volunteers are continually enthused about RAG and its activities. Work to ensure RAG Volunteers are available to assist in RAG Events and Activities. You will also be expected to contribute to all RAG activity and get involved in other unforeseen activities, e.g. counting money, talking to students. This list is not exhaustive.
A Time Commitment varying throughout the year with an average of 4-6 hours a week. To work independently and as part of a team. To keep in continual contact with the Fundraising and Volunteering Support Coordinator. Attendance of all applicable RAG Events and Meetings. Be part of the RAG Committee Team to ensure all activities and events are a success. Be part of a Committee effort to ensure all activities maximise their Fundraising Total. Adhere to the Mission, Values and Strategy of The Students’ Union at UWE. To report any issues to the Fundraising and Volunteering Support Coordinator and work to resolve them.
Training and Support
Development Transferable Employable Skills. Practical real life experience. Documented on you HEAR and counts towards the Futures’ Award. Training and Personal Development opportunities. Gain experience of Fundraising and Volunteer Management. A reference for future employers.
Training and Induction sessions provided by The Students’ Union at UWE. Opportunities to go to additional Students’ Union and UWE training and workshops. Support provided by the Fundraising and Volunteering Support Coordinator. Opportunity to go to regional and national RAG Events.
Skills You Can Develop Written Communication
Verbal Communication
Time Management
Financial Management
Decision Making
People Management
Manage the resources required to host Events and Activities. Continually research and generate ideas for new events, activities and ways to increase the fundraising total. Ensure the Committee are fully briefed on the all Events and Activities so they can appropriately support them and assist in their development. Work with the RAG Volunteers to create Events Committees. Work with the Events Committees and act as a liaison with the committee about their activity. Work closely with Staff Members to ensure all RAG and Union Procedures and Policies are conformed to for each Event and Activity. Such as Health and Safety, Risk Assessments and Event Plans. Ensure all RAG Events are evaluated by the appropriate director of that event. Make sure all events conform to appropriate Union, University and Legal Guidelines. You will also be expected to contribute to all RAG activity and get involved in other unforeseen activities, e.g. counting money, talking to students. This list is not exhaustive.
A Time Commitment varying throughout the year with an average of 8-10 hours a week. To work independently and as part of a team. To keep in continual contact with the Fundraising and Volunteering Support Coordinator. Attendance of all applicable RAG Events and Meetings. Be part of the RAG Committee Team to ensure all activities and events are a success. Adhere to the Mission, Values and Strategy of The Students’ Union at UWE. To report any issues to the Fundraising and Volunteering Support Coordinator and work to resolve them.
Training and Support
Development Transferable Employable Skills. Practical real life experience. Documented on you HEAR and counts towards the Futures’ Award. Training and Personal Development opportunities. Gain experience of Fundraising and Events Management. A reference for future employers.
Training and Induction sessions provided by The Students’ Union at UWE. Opportunities to go to additional Students’ Union and UWE training and workshops. Support provided by the Fundraising and Volunteering Support Coordinator. Opportunity to go to regional and national RAG Events.
Skills You Can Develop Written Communication Verbal Communication Delegation Decision Making People Management Negotiation
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Teamwork Time Management Financial Management I.T. Organisation/Planning Marketing
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 9
To promote RAG Events, Activities and Campaigns. Have the responsibility of delivery social media activity for RAG. Develop creative campaigns to engage students via social media. Research new social media and marketing methods. To utilise Print Media and Social Media for effective promotion of RAG. Liaise and work with event organisers to make sure promotional material is accurate and effective. Write articles for publication in Western Eye. To work with Hub Radio to promote RAG and Fundraising. Work with Student Union Staff in the Marketing and Community Teams. You will also be expected to contribute to all RAG activity and get involved in other unforeseen activities, e.g. counting money, talking to students. This list is not exhaustive.
A Time Commitment varying throughout the year with an average of 5-10 hours a week. To work independently and as part of a team. To keep in continual contact with the Fundraising and Volunteering Support Coordinator. Attendance of all applicable RAG Events and Meetings. Be part of the RAG Committee Team to ensure all activities and events are a success. Be part of a Committee effort to ensure all activities maximise their Fundraising Total. Adhere to the Mission, Values and Strategy of The Students’ Union at UWE. To report any issues to the Fundraising and Volunteering Support Coordinator and work to resolve them.
Training and Support
Development Transferable Employable Skills. Practical real life experience. Documented on you HEAR and counts towards the Futures’ Award. Training and Personal Development opportunities. Gain experience of promotions and event and campaign marketing. A reference for future employers.
Training and Induction sessions provided by The Students’ Union at UWE. Opportunities to go to additional Students’ Union and UWE training and workshops. Support provided by the Fundraising and Volunteering Support Coordinator. Opportunity to go to regional and national RAG Events.
Skills You Can Develop Written Communication
Verbal Communication
Time Management
Financial Management I.T.
People Management
Decision Making
To design Marketing Materials for RAG. To utilise Print Media and Social Media for effective promotion of RAG. Ensure all RAG Communication is appropriately branded with UWE RAG branding. Liaise and work with event organisers to make sure promotional material is accurate and effective. You will also be expected to contribute to all RAG activity and get involved in other unforeseen activities, e.g. counting money, talking to students. This list is not exhaustive.
A Time Commitment varying throughout the year with an average of 5-10 hours a week. To work independently and as part of a team. To keep in continual contact with the Fundraising and Volunteering Support Coordinator. Attendance of all applicable RAG Events and Meetings. Be part of the RAG Committee Team to ensure all activities and events are a success. Be part of a Committee effort to ensure all activities maximise their Fundraising Total. Adhere to the Mission, Values and Strategy of The Students’ Union at UWE. To report any issues to the Fundraising and Volunteering Support Coordinator and work to resolve them.
Training and Support
Development Transferable Employable Skills. Practical real life experience. Documented on you HEAR and counts towards the Futures’ Award. Training and Personal Development opportunities. Gain experience of Design and Marketing. Build a portfolio of work for future employment. A reference for future employers.
Training and Induction sessions provided by The Students’ Union at UWE. Opportunities to go to additional Students’ Union and UWE training and workshops. Support provided by the Fundraising and Volunteering Support Coordinator. Opportunity to go to regional and national RAG Events.
Skills You Can Develop Written Communication
Verbal Communication
Time Management
Financial Management I.T.
People Management
Decision Making
FINAL NOTES IT’S ALL ABOUT RAG We want a RAG Committee that everyone knows about on Campus, and a Committee that everyone wants to get involved. With you we can make this a reality. So if any of this grabs your attention, even slightly, get in touch and get involved.
GET IN TOUCH For more information: Email us at: Like our Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: @UWERAG #UWERAG