The Leadership Race 2017 Newspaper

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PRESIDENT KEEP THE AFRO, KEEP THE PUPPIES AND #REELECTAHMD MAKING THINGS HAPPEN! My name is Ahmd Emara and I’m restanding to be your Students’ Union President. Before I was elected I just was a student doing a Masters in Law with a vision to make an impact on UWE. University is more than just a hub for studying; it is an experience. There’s still more to do to make that experience better, and I believe I’m the person to do it.


These are some of the things I’ve achieved for you: More study spaces have been made

CAMPAIGNING FOR YOU AND FOR A STRONGER SU I’m running for President because I want to make our Students’ Union more transparent, open and accountable to the student body.


I promise to: Publish a summary of every meeting I’m involved in with the University, on social media and the SU website. We’re at a critical moment in Higher Education, where new legislation could see getting a degree in this country become more expensive still. So it is more important than ever that you know what the Union is doing and saying on your behalf - after



Hi, I’m Sam, I’m second year Biomedical Science student and I’m running for the office of SU president. So what is it that I believe qualifies me to be president? I’ve been a member of the Democratic Procedures Committee for two years, working with students to hold SU officers to account. Through this I helped the SU entirely change the way it is run to an online model, making it more accessible to students through the Student Ideas section, something that I continue to work on. I’ve also successfully campaigned for



Hello, I’m Zain Choudhry and I’m standing to be your next President of the Students’ Union! I’m an Aerospace Engineering student and being from Scotland, social justice and love for diversity sits at the centre of our hearts – this means that you can trust your concerns and issues will be taken seriously. Having a wealth of experience in different leadership roles, it has helped me develop as a whole person who is capable of taking on heavy responsibility. Example of this being that I’m the current President of the ‘Society of the Year’ and having been in a leadership role with the society now for two consecutive years, I have helped the society to

in all campuses. Timetables have been released earlier than ever this year. Puppy Petting Day with Fundraising for Mind charity. Introducing First Bus 71 with its new route linking Frenchay Campus and Bower Ashton, UWE Express linking Frenchay Campus and City Centre. Increased number of bikes available to rent from UWE, and improved cycling facilities. More microwaves on campus.

Improving the quality of your education! More study spaces and early release of lectures’ materials! Make sure module criticism is listened to, student feedback acted upon and contact time is maximised.Keep lobbying for more study spaces.

The experience I’ve gained from this past year in office has given me the confidence and ability to be able to continue to keep pushing and representing the students’ corner. I want to represent you again, building on successes so far, by doing the following:

Developing facilities on all campuses! We are a multi-campus University! Other campuses should enjoy the same experience. I’ll lobby for vibrant and large spaces to hang out between lectures and more storage lockers. Food should cater for the diversity we have at UWE, I’ll to lobby for more and affordable dietary requirements.

all it is the organization designed to represent our views to the university. Continue campaigning – for you and for our SU. It’s incredibly important that the SU works hard to hold the university to account - I’m not talking about picking needless fights but we do need to ensure that the SU represents our views and best interests even if they stand in opposition to what the university’s leadership believes. As somebody who has been involved in political activism, often in relation to university policies, I feel that I am well suited to perform this key role. Visit every campus at least once per month, meeting and listening to students to ensure that I understand your concerns and views and that I’m representing you to the absolute best of my ability. To truly represent our student body, our union leadership

needs to make sure it engages with all of our students. We have a diverse range of backgrounds, religions, and political views among students on campus. Regardless of how much, or little, we have in common, I will protect your rights as a student and listen to you in an open-minded way.

student ideas. I worked singlehandedly to get the idea of turning part of the old SU into Sleep Pod Bay passed, something which I am still working on to ensure that it gets done. I’m working on the Bristol Cut the Rent UWE Campaign to pressure letting agencies and landlords to rent fairly, cut agency fees and sign the Ethical Lettings Charter, something that I will to continue fighting for. If elected I would focus on the following: Rebuilding SU Accommodation Services I want to create a studentrun lettings agency to compete with Bristol’s private letting agencies. I would promote the Ethical Lettings Charter and work together with Bristol SU Lettings and ACORN to bring and end to agency fees and poor quality accommodation. Ensuring Sleep Pod Bays are

grow & develop exponentially which as a result has become one of the most standout and active societies in the University and Bristol as a whole. Being nominated for ‘President of the Year’ this year proves my credentials. My motives include: Listening to students’ concerns regarding the ever-becoming lack of space in the OneZone and lobby for an extension: Every year, the University is accepting more students than previous years and provisional space in the OneZone will become a problematic issue, pressure needs to be put on University to act and provide solutions that will benefit students on Frenchay Campus. Introduction of a Relaxation Room Mental health is an important factor in the life of a student, this will help be a


Improving your journey to and from University! Continue lobbying for better bus services, cycling provisions and car parking, improving and expanding them.

More microwaves on campus, hot water and other facilities available especially during exam periods. Employability! I’ll make sure we receive the essentials that prepare us for the working-world such as enough placement opportunities to enhance learning and employability. Accommodation! Some of our students are international or come from lower-income backgrounds, and struggle to get guarantors. Without one, landlords and agencies require 6–12 months rent in advance. I’ve lobbied the University for a Guarantor Scheme and want to make sure this is delivered. Wellbeing! I’ll continue lobbying for better funding for the Wellbeing service at UWE and more Petting Days.

campaign trail!

I believe that I’m well placed to take this important role because I’ve come to UWE after time working and travelling around the world. I’m used to negotiating and working with complex agendas, from campaigning for labour rights in the Global South to working in a Vice-Chancellor’s office in a politically fraught environment. I understand the need to keep people well-informed and I value contributions from everyone. A vote for me is a vote for transparency and a stronger Students’ Union. I’m looking forward to meeting you on the

Created – I will ensure that the Sleep Pod Bay happens, and I hope to expand the idea to all campuses as part of my Campus Unity policy so all students have the opportunity to catch a few Z’s. Improving Campus Unity – I want to work on improving facilities for students on every campus, and ensuring that the SU campaigns and activities reflect the views of every student, not just those from certain campuses. As part of this I would work with UCU to achieve common goals of UWE students and teaching staff.

efforts, but I know I can do more with the resources of the SU presidency behind me. So, if you want someone with the experience, commitment and capability to be a president that you could respect and be proud of, vote for me. Thank you :)

If elected I will try to fulfil these policies, keep the promises of those which have been enacted, and fight for any new ones in any way I can. I’ve tried my best to make a difference to the lives of students around me through these

solution. I will lobby the university to provide these spaces on both Frenchay and Glenside Campus. Better representation for Students: The right people need to be in place to best represent any student. If representation is important to you vote for me as your #1 choice. Being recently elected onto the Student Council, I have discussed with fellow Council members issues within the University and SU and voted on motions with the Students’ interests in mind. Actively engaged with the Officers/ Presidents at the SU through Society work, many of whom endorse my maturity, skillsets, feedback and ideas. Better facilities for Faith based activities Will work actively with all the Faith societies to help ensure better facilities will be lobbied for that benefits students

in the future including getting involved with discussions of a new Faith Hub bringing Faith groups together, complementing UWE’s 2020 vision. Includes larger Prayer Rooms. Unity, Diversity & Progression. Vote Zain!



Hello, I am Elyshia! I am a final year Education student, passionate about people acessing the best education possible. I am keenly interested in educational policy and how the policies which are made affect students. In the knowledge that now more than ever, we are customers and it’s very important to get value for money, I believe that The Students’ UInion

#REELECTJAMIE As your Vice President Education this year, I have already helped to create positive changes. From reducing the price of graduation tickets, to the University agreeing to install 200 extra computers, and the smaller wins too. I’m standing for a second year to continue making these improvements.


Course Costs and Resources I will continue with work I’ve started this year to ensure that quality resources are available, and that students can complete their degree on merit, not the ability to pay. Current printing credit allowances don’t cover project work costs for many courses - this needs to be reviewed. Students studying at City Campus



I am Mohammad Ansari, a current MRes Engineering student. I am also a current Post Graduate Officer at UWE, this has not only provide me with the insights postgraduate students suffer from but, has also given me details on what undergraduate student experience in their Educational journey. Having completed my Undergraduate & Postgraduate qualification, It has enabled me to understand the Educational experience a student undergoes. I can make real change, because I have undergone through what you are currently undergoing. Let me help you

VOTE! SPEAK UP; BE HEARD! Who am I? Hi, my name is Wendy and I’m running for Vice President of Education. I have been privileged to hold a representative role since arriving at UWE as a Student Representative for my faculty peers. Through this experience I have gained valuable insight, and I feel equipped to represent the entire student population in order to meet their educational needs to the full extent of my abilities.


Why Wendy for VP of Education? One of the beliefs ingrained within me is the certainty that education is key; every single student at UWE has the opportunity to get empowered through education.

at UWE is excellent at listening to its students and helping them get the best out of their education. I wish to continue this work by taking on this role and working in partnership with the University to do this. Main Aims Provision of more support for students with English as a second language or overseas students. It can be particularly difficult to acclimatise to a new environment for a multitude of reasons. Providing academic support for these students is one way that settling in to university could be made easier. Programmes often discuss complicated terminology which may be difficult in the first language let alone the second. I would ask for the provision of workshops for academic support tailored for EAL students. Extenuating circumstances. Despite the

have to fundraise around £10,000 for their degree shows - UWE should be heavily subsidising these kind of events. Education Extras With the rise in student mental health problems, it’s crucial that key staff (such as APTs and programme leaders) are trained adequately in this area. Sports are an active part of University life for many, sometimes with extra commitments such as away games. It’s important that UWE recognises the value of sports, and offer a “free pass” for those who need to travel for away games. With UWE currently looking into the shape of the academic year, it’s important to consider what students want from this, whether it be a reading week or extra opportunities.

revision of extenuating circumstances, including the addition of selfcertification, it appears that the options available still do not suit all students. I would like to review this process in order to create something more flexible to individual circumstances. As part of my role I would work closely with the other VP’s. I am concerned about the implications of mental health on students’ wellbeing and academic ability. University is not easy academically but is made harder by the financial pressure and emotional strain of being a student. Getting the best out of your education means being able to complete work to the best of your ability. Working in partnership with the other VP’s, I would push to extend the currently available 6 counselling sessions per year. I have greatly enjoyed being a Lead

Representation I want there to be more on offer for Student Reps throughout the year. This could range from training sessions, conferences, or more social events. I will ensure that tackling the BME attainment gap remains a priority for the University. From liberating the curriculum, to diverse learning environments, it is important that everyone has the ability to achieve. Postgraduate and International Students can often feel left out. By working with both relevant elected Officers, we can ensure both UWE and The Students’ Union are supporting and representing in a meaningful way. Student Voice With B Block becoming vacant on Frenchay Campus, there will be

have an effective change. The policies I would like to emphasize on: Process improvement: We being student undergo various stress throughout our student life. The student life at University can be much for fun, if the processes within university are properly defined. For example: we do not want to meet student advice for solving same problem again and again. Flexible timetable: For certain days in a week, most of us student have a compact timetable, that is sometime too much to take in for a day. I would try and make work with university to provide a flexible time table, as per our convenience. Effective lecturing resources: Most of us student suffer from

not being able to obtain effective lecturing resources in time, It would be amazing if we as students are provided with the lecture resources ahead in time. Furthermore, I would like to also take your attention to International College at UWE, where, there have been many complaints regarding Lectures, i.e. Students are not receiving adequate learning. Recorded Lectures Not all departments do recorded lectures, and some of those which do, they are uploaded late. I would work to get this fixed.

As Vice President, I would work to ensure that each and every student’s voice is heard and together we will work to see change happen during our time at UWE . We will tackle issues that prevent students achieving their best during their university career ranging from mental health awareness to equality in all areas. I want to encourage each and every student at UWE to speak up about issues that are stopping them achieving their best results.

the university to comfortably accommodate all students during the busiest times of the year e.g. exam seasons and hand in periods. Advocate for better facilities for each faculty e.g. more computer labs that run FEA and CFD for the Faculty of Engineering and Technology. Advocate for more lecture rooms that are large enough to accommodate students within reasonable hours during the day; some students currently have lectures that finish as late as 7pm due to a lack of these facilities.

What will I do? Alongside many students during deadlines and before exams, I have experienced the lack of sufficient study space in the library. As vice president of education, I would: Advocate for the expansion of the library and study places around


Department Rep and finding ways to solve the issues which face students. I have also developed a love for meetings and have sat on LTSEC for the past two years making me aware of issues affecting students on all campuses. I will not make promises I can’t keep – like a swimming pool (sadly). I do however promise to listen to your needs and ideas and take them forward with great energy and strength!

It is vital for everyone’s learning to have the best facilities possible to aid in an enjoyable and productive university experience. Vote Wendy for VP of Education; speak up and be heard!

reallocation and redevelopments. Whether it’s more study space, prayer room provision, or areas to relax - students should have a say. I want to continue and build on the work this year where students have been involved in the University’s recruitment processes of academic staff. I will work with Campus Officers to ensure UWE and The Students’ Union are offering what their campuses need. #ReElectJamie



Hi, my name is Albin Sunny and I am currently undergoing a degree in Business Management and Marketing. I’m running because I want to become your SU Vice President Societies and Communication. I believe I will bring a new perspective and a different light to this role. I want to make sure I bring an open-minded approach. I like to think of myself as a people person; being social, friendly and approachable means that I will serve the role well. I enjoy bringing different types of

WE NEED TO UNITE Hi, my name is Allen Yan, and I am running to be your next Vice President of Societies and Communication. This year, I will focus on two main goals, to improve students experience in school and to transform the union’s communication and media.


Provide more opportunities for students to get involved with societies Ensure full knowledge is available to students; Encourage students to start and build new societies; Enhance key employability skills they could build within societies; Hold competitions between societies to bring students together.



Hey! I’m Bahkai Wynter, an English and History student here at UWE finishing the finial year of my course. I am the current president and founder of the UWE Comedy Society, which was an idea I had one day and decided to take it off the ground for the benefit of my friends and any students who share my vision (some of you may have seen me preform stand up on Campus!) This is the same approach I intend to take with Societies and Communications, except this time I intend to work to meet the needs of all UWE students. I want to really tackle exposure with societies, which is something that has been addressed in the past, but I intend to utilise the effect of digital media to



Hi! I’m Jennifer and I’m running to be your Vice President of Societies and Communication! I’m a final year student of Business and Management, President of the Pole Fitness Society and Resident Assistant at the Hollies Campus. I’m completely behind the Student’s Union’s aim of making a positive impact on the life of every student at UWE as I know that being at University is so much more than just getting a degree; it’s finding yourself, discovering hobbies and making life-long friends. These years should be some of the best of your life and your SU has a responsibility to

people together, whether this is my friends or work colleagues, this is another trait I believe makes me suited to the role. Being from a minority background myself, I have the drive to accomplish this. There is so much more to university than just pursuing a degree. Societies have become a big factor in a day to day life of a student. I want to help every student benefit from the societies that are available and to create new ones; societies can be more than just a social but can encourage the development of essential skills. My passion and motivation as an individual lead me to believe I could steer changes and make strides to show the importance of societies benefiting the university life. I aim to:

Distributing funds All societies need funding, however, do all societies have equal funding… All societies, big or small, have consideration for an acceptable budget to keep running. Schemes for societies that require increased funding to improve. Collaboration of societies Encouraging societies to do combined events to help each other fundraise. Increasing the opportunity to meet new people. Giving opportunities to find common ground and interest through organised events.

Create a new level of awareness to reach out to all parts of the university. There will always be societies that can be beneficial to all types of students ranging from first years to the mature student National Societies Awards The awards have potential to be a huge step in making the recognition of societies more formal. Increase the awareness of what the awards entail.

Exposure of societies Personally, as a fresher, I wasn’t aware of many of the societies that are available. This can be similar for a lot of students.

Create a student interactive platform Transform the traditional online posting/feedback model to a need/ respond standard. Liberation Provide as much help and support to the campaign team as possible; Pursue ‘simplicity, clarity and transparency’; Chair societies committee and make sure your voice is heard; Enhance and monitor the trustee board as a member. Holding me to account Weekly drop-in sessions, including specific ones for different societies; Provide regular online updates

improve outreach. This involves much more photography of society activities and videos where possible. I also do some photography and create short videos as a hobby and will be taking an active role in this! There are over 100 societies, and I want to make sure if theres something a student may enjoy doing, he/she doesn’t miss out on it due to lack of information. I envision societies being a much more visible dimension of the university experience, so I intend to establish a regularly updated Facebook page solely dedicated to coverage of all society events and news. To expand on this, I would also like to utilise HUB Radio further by introducing a recorded radio program or podcast which covers news and events going on around the university as well as interviewing students and society committee members. I also propose to

conduct interviews with students who attended UWE events to share their experience, thus giving students more of a voice, and build a larger sense of community here at UWE. Another way of improving the experience of students would be to facilitate further collaboration between societies, which can be done by improving existing dialogue with committees. More collaboration means bigger events, which means more social opportunities for students! Not only this but I would like to increase the presence societies have on other campuses. This can be done by way of broadening the scope of marketing, which will also be a natural result of the new page I’m proposing. I would appreciate any support in helping me make UWE as positive an experience as possible. Thank you!

help you get the most out of your time at university. For me, the Pole Society has helped me develop skills in teamwork, people management, leadership, inspiring motivation, event organisation, teaching and so much more! Being involved in a society is a great platform to improve your time here at UWE and gain some serious life skills. I think all societies could adopt a culture of innovation, learning and development to give more back to its members and other students too!

member participation. We can do this a number of ways but I think it’d be excellent if societies collaborate more so more students can benefit from joint ventures!

If you vote for me I pledge to work towards: Facilitating more opportunities for you to get involved: I think we can improve your time spent at university by giving societies more opportunities to increase


Continued improvement of SU services for Societies: Your voice needs to be louder in the SU so we can work specifically on improving the things you need to make sure you having the best time at UWE is easy. More one-to-one support: Society development meetings for committee members are great in identifying ways to improve value for members for the year ahead. But there should be more regular catch ups with the SU to keep development on track, at intervals which suit you!

I have first-hand experience in running a truly successful society and I can attribute our success to us actively seeking more communication from the SU and working with other societies. Vote for me VP Societies and Communications so I can share my success with all societies, establish key practices for success from the inside out and encourage community between societies and the SU. #BeAPal




everything I can to support societies, and ensure that they can flourish

Hi! My name is Nicole Skidmore and I would love to represent the student body as Vice President of Societies and Communications. Currently, I’m the President of Comics, Sci-Fi and Fantasy Society, and last year, I was the Vice President of this society, and Participation and Equality Officer of Board Games Society. I’ve also been a member of several societies during my time at UWE. These experiences have helped me to understand how societies work, what the relationship between the SU and societies is and what it could be. I really care about societies, and want them to do well, as I believe that societies form the backbone of the university and offer so many opportunities to their members. Therefore, should I be elected, I will do

What I’ve done Co-organised a cross-society trip to MCM Comic-con in London in May 2016, and another due to take place in May 2017. Both events had over 30 members attend. Organised several smaller trips, including cinema trips, meals out and karaoke. Organised themed events, including Christmas, Halloween and Free Comics Day. Sought out several grants to fund society trips. What I’ll do I will work to encourage crosssociety events – these events prove immensely popular and offer a chance to increase membership in

all societies involved, and create new friendships I will encourage societies to do joint events with similar societies in other local universities – these events are also very popular and allow for combined funds and new friendships I will work with societies to have more events on Glenside and Bower Ashton – this increases accessibility for those studying on other campuses and can make good use of their facilities. I will increase promotion of societies – I will put together a personalised promotion plan for each society, which can include social media, posters across all campuses, e-mail and the SU website. I will improve communication between the SU and committees – I pledge to increase communication through the social media and email

address so that committees are kept up-to-date on everything that is happening I will encourage leadership – I am passionate about giving every committee member the chance to improve their leadership skills through workshops and guest speakers throughout the year. Thank you for reading this manifesto. I hope you consider electing me to this role.

VOTE Speak up: have your say on who should win The Leadership Race and lead The Students’ Union. You can vote from 12:00 Monday 20 March until 22:00 Thursday 23 March. Who will you choose?


VICE PRESIDENT SPORTS AND HEALTH FOR THE INDIVIDUAL, FOR THE CLUBS, FOR EVERYONE. My name is Alastair King, current President of Squash society and studying a Master’s course in Documentary production on Bower Ashton campus. Prior to which I was Marketing Communications student on Frenchay. Throughout my time at UWE I have seen many changes some positive some not so. If elected I would set about bringing some more positive changes for all students. The following Pledges will be the core of my aims if elected.


Protect BUCS Wednesdays When I started at UWE it was incredibly



Hey guys! I’m Bharath, or B, which is what most people call me. I’ve been on the committee of a sports club (Kickboxing & Muay Thai) for 3 years and am currently serving as VP. I’m an active fighter, both in the ring and outside, as a voice for myself and others. I’m very passionate about sports, and I know I’ve got the drive to bring as much positive change to UWE as I can! Being an active committee member of a sports club, I know exactly how frustrating it can be to not get what

BIGGER, BETTER, BOLDER Hi, I am Dom Aarvold, I am in my final year of a degree in Digital Media. I have been a member of UWE Sailing Team for four years and for the last two years have been elected as the Equipment and Safety Officer. I would love for you to vote for me for Vice President of Sports & Health because I am confident that I can deliver improvements to the work already done by the Students Union in this area. If elected I would endeavour to:


Fight for more money for clubs and campaigns – With University fees



Hi, I’m Erin, I am running for VP Sports and Health as I am passionate about university sport and the opportunities it gives to students of all abilities and sporting backgrounds. During my time at UWE I have been heavily involved with the Women’s Rugby Club, taking over as Vice President in my third year. I believe taking part in sport can be a hugely positive part of your University experience and I want to provide the opportunity for many more of you to participate, socially or competitively. Firstly, I’d love to create an even better TeamUWE atmosphere on Wednesdays by looking to move sports

rare for students to have lectures on a Wednesday, the traditional day of sport for students. Over the last 4 years, I have seen ever greater lectures, tutorials, and placements arranged on Wednesdays. This leads many students to have to choose between playing sport and attending lectures. This is not a choice you should be forced to make. I will fight for your right to play, to stop increasing amount of lectures and tutorials taking place on Wednesday’s and start the process of rolling back those that already are there. Committed to 1-1 meeting with clubs committees at least 3 times a year In the previous years, the last VP of sports and health have overseen a dramatic improvement in the level and speed of communication between clubs, themselves and the SU. I will continue their efforts and take it a step

further. If elected I will be committed to conducting 3 one to one meeting with the committees of all the clubs throughout the academic year. These meetings enable you to have a clearer and better idea of what is happening at the SU and for myself to help you and your clubs achieve your goals and greater success for the year.

increase the amount of time and facilities available to all UWE students. This would include more resources for teams and access to facilities especially those not on Frenchay campuses such as Bower Ashton, Glenside, and UWE Gloucester.

Greater integration between clubs We are all part of team UWE, so let’s unite even more for all of our benefits. As VP for sports and health, I will help create and support links between clubs and societies to achieve greater success, whether that be social, financial or competitively. Better access to facilities As our university grows so does the demand for facilities. As VP for sports and health, I will take measures to

is initially promised. Which is why I intend to be real, straightforward and transparent through regular reports of my work, that can be accessed by anyone. I’ve represented the student body on Student Council meetings and actively fought for what the students want, and this has prepared me to challenge notions and ensure that we only get the best! The statistics over the last couple years have shown an overall decline in sport participation at UWE, and I hope that my initiatives pointed below can help combat that. I understand the frustrations of sports clubs having limited access to training facilities. Ensuring accessible facilities, on campus or otherwise, is a key issue that I intend to address by bettering communication with the CFS. Participating in sport can be

expensive, with membership costs, insurance costs, purchasing kit, travel, etc. I hope to come up with innovative fundraising events to secure more funding for sports clubs to make sure that it is as cheap as possible to do what you love! Inclusivity in all activities has been a mission for the SU, and I intend to follow through with it by pushing for agendas like increased parasport with ties to Off the Wall and the CFS. As a student of Sport Psychology, I want to use my knowledge to promote body positivity in line with a healthy lifestyle, by working with Feel Good February and create a bigger outreach program to build awareness on the issue. Last, but not least, Varsity! I want to make it the BEST EVER, and set the stage for our clubs to showcase themselves, and get people all over

Bristol talking about UWE bringing pride to this glorious city! Improved fundraising and more efficient budgeting will be key in making varsity HUGE!

increasing it is only fair that this is represented in the amount of money that is allocated to the SU and available to invest in sports & health. The block grant that is provided to the SU by UWE was £926k for 2015/16; that works out as £32 per enrolled student or just 0.35% of your fees! I would push to see this increased. An average of 85 other Unions was £75.

don’t live or study at Frenchay. People from satellite campuses pay the same fees but lack many of the benefits that are on offer.

studying. I think more could be done to raise awareness of this with UWE students.

Create Fitness Fridays – Fun competitions that can be entered by friends, teams, flatmates, encouraging more people to be active and giving more ways for people to try out sports throughout the year. Presenting clubs with the opportunity to increase membership.

Better Website Organisation – I would love to see improvement of features on the SU website, making it easier to buy memberships and book trips from mobile platforms, something that the current site is desperately missing.

Better facilities for Central, Glenside and Gloucester campuses – Campaign to get better amenities for people who

Reduce the Sports Fee - For people wanting to try out a sport for a few hours, £20 is a lot, and is an additional cost on top of memberships, putting people off trying and joining clubs. If elected I would seek to reduce this . Run a Mental Health and Sport Campaign – Run a campaign highlighting the benefits that being active have on mental health and

teams to a central complex, giving home games an extra boost and promoting a university wide interest in UWE sport. Additionally, whilst playing sport at UWE, one of my main concerns has been missing lectures on a Wednesday to travel to away games. I would work with the University to encourage the authorised absence scheme which allows students to take part in competitive sporting events with the support from teaching staff. I’d like to help clubs target a wider audience by getting involved in the International Welcome Fair, attracting people from different backgrounds and networks. Furthermore, it is important that students from all campuses are given equal opportunities within sport, and participation is increased from Glenside, Bower Ashton and other campuses. I propose to start up specific sports fair at the start of the year at the

various sites to boost interest. During my time at UWE I have found that communicating with the SU and CFS can sometimes be problematic. Students should experience quick and transparent interactions when dealing with matters such as the speed of receiving kit. I’d like to evaluate the current system and see where improvements can be made for better communication. I’d also like to set up a quick question twitter page where students can have queries answered quickly without waiting for an email or making a trip into the SU. Varsity is the highlight of the year for many teams and I want to help make the series comparable to the likes of Swansea vs Cardiff. I hope to boost the events, in terms of spectators and participators, and make it the best year yet for UWE. Vote Erin for VP Sports and Health


‘B’ Insightful! ‘B’ Innovative! ‘B’ Inclusive! Vote B for the Best!

Thanks for reading. Remember – vote for Dom Aarvold for Vice President of Sports and Health.

for a year of increased participation, inclusivity and TeamUWE spirit.

VICE PRESIDENT SPORTS AND HEALTH LET’S GET PHYSICAL! Hey, I’m Kate I’m currently in my fourth year, studying Business and Management. What is my sporting background? I have been passionate about sport all of my life, getting involved with a whole range of sports at all different levels, from social sport through to competing at nationals - I’ve been through it all! I’ve also represented UWE at BUCS in Athletics and Rowing.


Why am I running for VP Sports and Health? I have absolutely loved my time at UWE and now I want to be on the team that continues to make UWE even better. With the goal of creating a better sport community at UWE and healthier, happier students. One Team,



My name is Marcus Carter, I am a firm believer that you will learn more about yourself and others through sport. Sport allows you to develop leadership skills, be part of a team and brings you closer to the people around you. I value transparency, and believe honesty is vital. My personal reason for surrounding myself in sport is that it helps me deal with my diabetes. Everyone has different reasons for being involved in sport, but that’s mine. My current role at UWE is to coordinate the social football. I come into contact with 300+ students per week. The effort and persistence I have put into the social football, has made it more competitive, engaging and fun for all participants. There are four main sports aspects I

VOTE SMART, VOTE SPORTS, VOTE SIMMO! Hey there, I’m Simmo and I’m running to be your VP Sports & Health! Over the last year I have been President of UWE Athletics; Department rep for Nursing & Midwifery, all the while being a third year student nurse and competing for my club.


I’m passionate about sports & health! During my time as President of UWE Athletics; Membership has risen by 43%. The volume of competitions has increased. Female membership numbers have improved by >25%. The number of recreational athletes has never been higher.

One Dream. What I want to achieve representing you: 1. Affordable sport for all 2. Improve UWE’s sport rankings 3. Promote healthier lifestyles How we can do this: Affordable sport for all Sport is a way to increase inclusivity, have fun and make new friends. I’d like to introduce a sports fair so we can try out new things before joining and expand the Off The Wall programme. Also, start up more social mixed inter sport/societies tournaments to raise money for charity. Sport needs to be affordable to increase participation. Money will be allocated efficiently to improve sports and health facilities and I will seek out new sponsors.

would work on 1. Facilities, UWE lacks sufficient sporting facilities. We outsource our training facilities and venues, yet we clearly need more than the Centre for sport for 27,000 students. I will compose a project with the sports community in order to pursue additional facilities that could be of use. 2. UWE are currently 33rd in the BUCS table. Our current win rate is 48%, I would like to work with clubs, in order to thrive and be more competitive in their respective leagues; this will allow UWE to can climb the BUCS table. Having successful BUCS teams is important as it impacts funding and future opportunities to compete in competitive BUCS leagues. 3. I created the TEAM_UWE Instagram to try and engage students in the

Club involvement with the Students Union has grown. Reduction in our carbon footprint. Why is Simmo running for VP Sports & Health? As a student, money is and will always be an issue. The sports fee has increased each year I’ve been a student without an explanation as to why this has happened, what it is and who it has benefited. The edge programme has assisted athletics and needs to be more publicised and utilised; our club members have completed courses and subsequently led training sessions. This allowed the club to split groups and make the sessions more athlete centred. Employers never fully appreciate what being the treasurer or president of a University club means and its

All-inclusive. More opportunities. Available to all. Improve our sport rankings Let’s raise our sporting profile. By building on what we are good at, focusing on coaching and monitoring performance. Making Varsity even bigger and better, embracing rivalry. Using social media to promote events, celebrate success and encourage utilisation of facilities. We can do more to make the best of what we have, building towards making UWE a University of Choice for sport. Continuing a strong relationship with the Centre for Sport and the SU is key for this ambition.


Promoting healthier lifestyles By generating the enthusiasm to encourage more physical activity – it’s a proven fact that sport helps students

sports at UWE. I want to push our use of social media a lot further. I will ensure all fixtures, results and locations are updated on Facebook and LinkedIn through Team_UWE sport pages, ensuring photographers are at matches to increase student engagement online. 4. Students miss out on the opportunity to get involved in sport because of their experiences at school. I would encourage as many students as possible to participate in physical activity at UWE.

your next VP Sports Vote Carter! #Team_UWE

If elected, I work for you and I am confident that I could represent the sports at UWE in a positive manner. I have a plan on how to accomplish what I have proposed so if you vote for me you will see these positive changes in sport at UWE. I hope that you will vote me in as

relevance to the workplace. I feel a professional qualification (if wanted) would enhance the meaning of the role. This year, due to my own tenacity to make it happen, athletics will be hosting its’ first Varsity as part of the Varsity series. More support (not just financial) is needed to make Varsity bigger and better. More clubs need to be involved and keeping Ashton Gate is important for the future of Varsity. Numbers in sports are down, I don’t have the answer right now but I feel recreational membership prices need to be monitored and assessed. What will Simmo do when he becomes VP Sports & Health? 1. Keep the sports fee where it is. No more increases & clearer communication! 2. Signpost club members towards coaching qualifications.

20 MARCH 12:00 – 23 MARCH 22:00 Vote

cope better with stress! One of my ideas is to get us using our mobile apps and fitness devices to make incremental improvements in whatever we choose to do. Looking after our wellbeing by encouraging students to unwind. I will also campaign for healthier food options on campus.

3. Professional recognition for committee members. 4. Support clubs to establish their own varsities. 5. Improve retention rates, recreational & female membership numbers. 6. Establish ways clubs can reduce their carbon footprint. Vote Smart, Vote Simmo!

VICE PRESIDENT COMMUNITY AND WELFARE MENTAL HEALTH: Many students are misinformed or unaware on the importance of mental health during their university studies. It is so important that we provide the support of all our students. I will be dedicated to lobby with the university to provide further funding, ensuring every student receives the well deserved care and support at their home away from home. In addition, I want there to be a 24 hour service for the students who need support out of university working hours. Across every term, I want there to be a week dedicated to mental health, advertising the Wellbeing Centre and encouraging more students to attend pop in sessions whether it be to have a chat or just find out about the service.


WOMEN: As time has evolved, women have progressed, gaining empowerment. I want to liberate all women on campus,

HERE FOR EVERYONE! My Manifesto as Vice Community and Welfare.



My first objective as Vice President Community and Welfare will be working with the Islamic Society to negotiate with the university to improve their prayer rooms on all of the campuses and I will work to have the better advertisement to information about the prayer rooms to students. My second objective as Vice President Community and Welfare will be working on eliminating the stigma around mental health through two ways. Firstly I will expand the Look After Your Mate campaign that I’ve been working on as Community and Welfare Officer this year to establish the workshops that help people having a conversation with

#STICKWITHSIÂN I am running for a second term as your VP Community and Welfare. My main focuses will be:


Mental Health It’s essential that UWE provides the mental health support that its students have a right to expect. To achieve this, my policies are to: finish the job I started and get the now-approved Nightline Service set up, making sure students receive the support they need 24/7. secure increased funding for the Wellbeing budget, after this year defending it from a £20,000 diversionof-funds lobby for mental health awareness training for all Academic Personal Tutors

wishing to encourage the university to have more women inclusive (including BME) career events across all degrees, funding for self defence workshops and women discussion groups where they can discuss social topics in a safe, comfortable environment. In addition, I believe sexual health for women is incredibly important and I will make it a priority to lobby with the university and council to have sexual health clinics on campus during Freshers, and every term throughout the year. It’s time to have a healthy discussion, take control of our sexual autonomy and celebrate being women.

of a bridging gap, provide unity of the campus and stop letting these students fall into the gaps. I am motivated to create more events on campus, especially during Freshers Week such as cultural nights, encourage and uplift the community societies to be active within the campus and promote greater diversity.

DIVERSITY: As a BME student, my perspective on the minority populous of the campus has opened my eyes on the important of inclusivity. From the International to the BME students, I feel the Student Union needs to be more

their friends when they are going through a tough time. Secondly, I will work with the Wellbeing Service, the Mental Health Campaign and the Psychology department to create monthly videos about the realities of having a specific mental health difficulty like OCD compared to the stereotypes that it is associated with. My last objective as Vice President Community and Welfare will be looking into establishing an automatic announcement system for blackboard service to inform students when it is malfunctioning. This will help students be told of the problem earlier and will avoid frustration especially when there are deadlines and during the exam period.

Accommodation After conducting research into UWEowned halls this year, I know what students’ main concerns are and, as a result, pledge to: lobby UWE to refurbish their older houses, and to provide accommodation bursaries – with specific support for nursing students continue to work with ACORN and Bristol Cut the Rent to tackle high rent prices and to ensure a decent quality of student housing in Bristol. Community We have an array of national, faith and identity societies who put on amazing events each year. But great events cost money, and limited budgets remain an obstacle. In response, I will: work with UWE to secure extra funding for NFI society events continue to push for more inclusive

events throughout the year lobby for better prayer space provision on all campuses, ensuring our diverse student body is catered for. Sexual Health After running a successful Sexual Health Awareness & Guidance week, it’s even more apparent from feedback received that we need better sexual health provisions on campus. Accordingly, I will: work to ensure UWE treats sexual health as a higher priority lobby for a drop-in sexual health clinic on-campus. Course Costs In addition to academic and social pressures, rising fees cause many students stress. Therefore, I will continue to work on getting UWE to

#TakeTheLead Vote

reduce the academic costs to students where I can. This year, we got UWE to cut £20 from the price of each graduation guest ticket, and there is more that we can do. Specifically, I will look at getting UWE to: put more core textbooks online provide more printing credit cover the cost of degree shows – at present, Arts students often pay for these themselves. Finally, I will continue to work to defend Disabled Students’ Allowances from cuts, and make sure that our disabled students are fully supported by UWE.




I am a very education-centred person. My main reason for standing up for this position is to bring about the positive change that I aspire to see. Being well-experienced with multiple leadership roles within the university, I became more aware of students’ lack of awareness regarding the student voice. I, therefore, would like to pursue this role and ensure I get my ideas and structure of work especially student representation implented. I look forward to proposing my ideas further.





I’m Chelsea McNulty a third year psychology student applying for a masters for next year. I want to be your Societies and Communications Officer because I know how important societies are and I want to help them in any way I can. I have held various committee positions for various societies and will be on a society committee next year during my masters. I want to help societies run bigger and better events. I would like to help to link together societies for joint events so that they can reach more people. I want to be there to help new committee members when they are settling into their roles. I will be happy to talk to new committee members and answer any questions they have. I want to make sure that students

I love being able to help others acheive their goals and interact with others who also love to play sports as much as I do. I believe that I will be able to support the VP of sports&heatlh to make sure that many students will attend sports teams to live within a healthy university lifestyle. I am commited and determined to get through to students that are


are getting the most out of their societies during their time at UWE!

I hope to do my best in representing students at Glenside Campus by becoming an advocate for those seeking assistance, guidance or advice. I shall endeavour to ensure inclusion for students, across the University and hope to promote activities and events that I hope will appeal to a diverse and cultural audience. I hope to work alongside Student Union staff to gain insight as to what appeals to students and which promote best interest. I hope to maintain, and wherever possible enhance the reputation of UWE.




I am currently the elected Gloucester campus officer; I am sure that I have already met many of you in person, as we are fortunate enough to be located at very unique a cosy campus. I am currently entering my final year in Adult Nursing and I would like to stand once again for this position. I want to continue the hard work we have started to make Gloucester campus the best it can be. Because we are a smaller campus we can sometimes be over looked! I want to continue to insure that this

unmotivated to attend any kind of active sports and to help and support them to achieve something greater.

doesn’t happen anymore, and I have spent the last year building better and stronger relationships with other campuses and the students union. I want to ensure our voices are heard and our interested are recognised! I speak not for myself but for those of you I will represent, I aim to inspire others to join in, speak up and become more. As many of you already know, I work for the university as a Student Ambassador and a PAL intern, a role supporting students both pastorally and academically. Additionally, I am the founder and President of the Adult Nursing Society, now successfully moving into its second year, giving students’ academic, social opportunities and experiences beyond the classroom. I am the newly elected RCN student member of council, which means I have the privilege of represent students from all branch of nursing


nationwide. Away from university, I volunteer for Insight Gloucestershire as a befriender. I also thoroughly enjoy taking part in community theatre, including educational shows. Alongside my degree, I work as a HCA, where I have gained a wide range of experiences. I feel immensely proud to be a student nurse, it gives me the opportunity and the privilege to be able to professionally care for people all around the world. I want to listen, represent and demonstrate the power of our voices, insuring that we are heard. My diverse range of experiences and skills will enable me to both lead and be an advocate for all student nurses at Gloucester campus. Let’s take action and get results together



Hi all, I am Krystof, international student of Business and Law and also a Student Rep, so I know how to make sure things that are important are heard by people who can do something about them and I know how to make sure things are done properly. My role would be to make sure UWE Bristol is a place where students from across the world feel included and welcome no matter their language, culture or beliefs. I was thinking that instead of

just presenting a list of things I will promise to do it might be more useful if I am interested more in what YOU ACTUALLY WANT, think, feel, about your ideas and then build my candidature upon this. Upon what is actually going on. How do you feel about your experience of UWE? Bristol? UK? English? Living here? Anything? That’s what this is about - in my opinion. That’s what I want to hear about from you, because my candidature is all just about us - international students - and about doing everything possible to make this environment friendly for everyone EQUALLY. As an International Student Officer, it will be my job to think about our wellbeing all the time, naturally, so I can come up with some ideas as well but I will deliver them to you and discuss them at round-table to merge

them with your ideas. If you have read it all the way here, good job! (: My bullet point list is not going to be about specific deeds - that’s what we come up with TOGETHER. It is about what I will do to make this happen.

seriously I can be VERY serious and stone cold negotiator if circumstances requires such attitude.

I will: Make sure you and your opinions are heard (if you want) Establish a supportive and creative environment Grab a coffee (or pint) with anyone who wants to discuss anything or just want to chat - be very open. Not take no as an answer Be precise and influential and BE SEEN AND HEARD Just one last thing I would like to assure you about: Even though sometimes I try to be funny and not take things too



It is my pleasure to introdue myself. I am Nada Eldokmasy completing my Second year of Bachelor Degree Studies in Marketing Communications. Nominated as the International Student Officer as I want to represent all people from different countries to help them in any way possible as I have been in the same situation coming from a foreign country while knowing no one here but by time I received the help i need also I got the oppurtunity to work as a Student Ambassador so I am aware of the difficulties that international students can face and earned strong adaptability in various situations . I would be very pleased to represent the international students and look forward to meet them.



Hiya all! My name is Clara Edden and I am a Mental Health Nursing student here at UWE. Disability rights are something very close to my heart; ensuring that disabled students here at UWE are fully supported to get the best university experience. One of the most prevalent issues among students in recent years is mental health which is confirmed in a recent study by the NUS. This found

that 78% of students reported suffering from a mental health problem within the last year and 54% of these stated that they didn’t seek help due to not knowing how to gain support from their university. Here at UWE we have services specifically tailored to supporting the health and wellbeing of students, as well as additional academic support. Although those who have accessed these services rate ‘very good’ satisfaction, I believe more can be done to highlight the available services, both within the university and wider areas of Bristol. This is something I am particularly passionate about increasing awareness of. My primary goal if elected as Disabled student’s officer is to create a community among disabled students by introducing a buddy system. I envisage this to be a network of peer

support, involving current students who identify as disabled buddying up with new students to offer support with setting up disability services, dealing with DSA applications and finding out about additional support and funding. I would also like to create a support group for those in the LGBT+ community, given that nationally 55% of students who did not identify as heterosexual reported experiencing mental health illness in the last year. This evidences that specialised support should be available to at risk groups, something that I feel is currently lacking at UWE. I am also keen to explore ways students can get involved in reducing stigma surrounding mental health. According to the NHS(2011), attitudes towards supporting and facilitating mental illness has decreased over the previous 20 years. I would like

#TakeTheLead Vote

to initiate a peer education system where current UWE students can run workshops in further education colleges and secondary schools in the Bristol area to start bringing disability knowledge into the education system, and raising awareness to reduce future stigma. A vote for me is a vote for bringing your community together to support and raise awareness for people with disabilities. Clara Edden



At present, I am halfway through my first year studying Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Science, and during my time here would love to ensure that UWE becomes a greener place to be. Whilst I am incredibly proud to say UWE was ranked in the first-class category of People and Planet’s Green League; there is still a vast amount of room for improvement. My dedication to community engagement at the National Botanical Gardens of Wales, paired with volunteering for Friends of the Earth and conducting ecological surveys of fresh water habitats in my home county, recently won me Radio

BELIEVE IN GREEN. I’m an Architecture and Environmental Engineering student looking to enrich our university lives with more environmentally minded activities and campaigns by running as Sustainability Officer. Having been actively involved with the Green Team’s Community Garden and Greenspace projects I now see the great potential for positive change within UWE.


Pembrokeshire’s Commitment to the Environment Award. I will endeavour to show the same level of commitment to you if elected to be your sustainability officer.

lightly on the planet; I can assure you that you’ll be voting for someone who practises what they preach.

I would like to: Make sustainable living part of everyday life at UWE by making it easier for staff and students to make environmentally conscious choices. Encourage biodiversity across all campuses through the provision of more wildlife friendly spaces Increase awareness of UWE’s wonderful green initiatives to both current and prospective students To actively become your voice for environmental change at UWE by taking on board any ideas and suggestions you may have As an individual devoted to treading

challenges of the future through workshops, interactive events and guest speakers. This great opportunity will give me the scope to support my fellow student’s ideas in anything and everything sustainably linked, by helping guide UWE’s green agenda; promoting our responsibility in supporting the community. Vote Curzio Potenza

My Priorities? Food-for-Free: An upcoming project encouraging students to grow their own veggies. University Link: Creating an interuniversity connection for movement potential. Awareness: Help confront the

There are no candidates for the positions of: BME (Black, Minority Ethnic) Officer Postgraduate Officer LGBT+ Officer City Campus Officer Frenchay Campus Officer Community and Welfare Officer These positions will be elected in the October by-elections.


THE LEADERSHIP RACE RESULTS NIGHT The results will be announced at 19:00 Friday 24 March at The Students’ Union Bar at Frenchay, and streamed live to the bars at Glenside and Bower Ashton.


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