Award Ceremony 2010 15th December 2010, the Senedd
Seremoni Gwobrwyo 2010 15fed Rhagfyr 2010, y Senedd
Vice-Chancellor’s Message
Neges yr Is-Ganghellor
History of UWIC
Hanes UWIC
UWIC’s Ethos
Ethos UWIC
Honorary Fellowships
Cymrodoriaethau Anrhydeddus
Order of Ceremony
Trefn y Seremoni
UWIC Executive
Gweithrediaeth UWIC
Formal wording
Iaith swyddogol
Instructions to Graduands
Cyfarwyddiadau i Raddedigion
Presentation of Graduands
Cyflwyno’r Graddedigion
Professor A J Chapman Vice-Chancellor Welcome to the UWIC December Award Ceremony for 2010. If you are a partner, relative or friend of a participant I am sure you will be happy for UWIC to share in your personal pride on this special day. If you are receiving your award today - many congratulations on your achievement. The staff of UWIC send you all good wishes for your future success. As you move on from the completion of your studies at UWIC, your sights will be set firmly on what lies ahead. This is as it should be, but please do not forget that our staff retain both a personal and professional interest in your future career, personal because we do have a genuine concern for the students we come to know as they progress through our courses, and professional because, to update our study programmes, we value feedback from former graduates on the relevance of their studies one year, five years, even ten years on. I do hope you will retain happy memories of your study at UWIC and that you will wish to retain contact either on an informal basis by informing your tutors of job changes etc., or on a formal basis by becoming a member of our Alumni Society. Congratulations once again. Enjoy your day!
Yr Athro A J Chapman Yr Is-Ganghellor Croeso i Seremoni Gwobrwyo mis Rhagfyr UWIC ar gyfer 2010. Os ydych chi’n bartner, perthynas neu ffrind i gyfranogwr, rwy’n sicr y byddwch yn hapus i UWIC rannu eich balchder personol ar y diwrnod arbennig hwn. Os ydych chi’n derbyn eich gwobr heddiw llongyfarchiadau mawr i chi ar eich llwyddiant. Dymuna staff UWIC y gorau i chi am y dyfodol. Wrth i chi symud ymlaen ar ôl cwblhau eich astudiaethau yn UWIC, yn naturiol ddigon byddwch yn canolbwyntio’n llwyr ar eich dyfodol. Ond peidiwch ag anghofio y bydd gan ein staff ddiddordeb personol a phroffesiynol yn eich gyrfa yn y dyfodol; personol oherwydd bod gennym barch diffuant at y myfyrwyr ar ôl dod i’w hadnabod wrth iddynt ddilyn ein cyrsiau; proffesiynol oherwydd ein bod yn gwerthfawrogi ymateb cyn raddedigion ar berthnasedd eu cwrs flwyddyn, pum mlynedd a hyd yn oed ddeng mlynedd ymlaen er mwyn diweddaru ein rhaglenni astudio. Gobeithio y bydd gennych atgofion melys o’ch astudiaethau gyda UWIC ac y byddwch am gadw mewn cysylltiad naill ai’n anffurfiol drwy hysbysu’ch tiwtoriaid wrth i chi newid swydd ac ati, neu’n fwy ffurfiol drwy ymaelodi â Chymdeithas y Cynfyfyrwyr. Llongyfarchiadau eto. Mwynhewch eich diwrnod!
“The most valuable possession is knowledge”
The School of Art opened in the Old Free Library Building, St Mary's Street.
School of Art moved to the Technical Buildings in Dumfries Place.
1940 (circa) Cardiff College of Food Technology and Commerce opened at Crwys Road. 1949
The School of Art moved to The Friary.
Cardiff Training College opened at Heath Park.
Llandaff Technical College opened at Western Avenue, home to health sciences, design and engineering students.
Cardiff Training College moved to Cyncoed, now home to the Schools of Education and Sport.
The College of Art (as the Cardiff School of Art and Design was then called) moved to a new Campus in Howard Gardens.
Cardiff College of Food Technology and Commerce moved to a new Colchester Avenue Campus, home to management, business, leisure, hospitality, tourism and food students.
The four colleges merged to form South Glamorgan Institute of Higher Education.
Name changed to Cardiff Institute of Higher Education in preparation for Incorporation.
The Institute joined the University of Wales as an autonomous body, no longer under the jurisdiction of the county council.
Teaching Degree Awarding Powers (TDAPs) granted by the Privy Council. The Institute was given the power to award its own degrees in August but placed those powers in abeyance, choosing instead to strengthen the links with the University of Wales.
Granted University College status within the University of Wales and named the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff (UWIC).
National Indoor Athletic Centre opened at the Cyncoed Campus.
Became a Constituent Institution of the University of Wales.
Launch of the FE2HE-UWIC Consortium: an FE/HE partnership established with Barry, Bridgend, Coleg Glan Hafren and Ystrad Mynach FE colleges, with St David’s College joining in 2009.
London School of Commerce became UWIC’s Associate College.
Awarded for a record fifth time by the Cabinet Office the Charter Mark (for excellence in Public Service) and also recognised by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) for the high quality of academic procedures.
Launch of the UWIC Foundation to advance the highest quality of teaching and research. The opening of the Food Industry Centre at Llandaff with a multi purpose Campus Centre was unveiled at Cyncoed in the Autumn.
In September the new building for the Cardiff School of Management opened in Llandaff with the closure of the Colchester Avenue campus. Also at Llandaff, the refurbished Campus Centre, and new i-Zone reception areas were opened, together with a substantial library extension building.
The story continues… UWIC now has students from over 125 countries world wide studying at centres outside Cardiff including London, Kuala Lumpur, Dhaka, Singapore, Marrakesh, Cairo, Bulgaria, Alexandria and Sofia/Dobrich.
“Gorau meddiant gwybodaeth”
Symudodd yr Ysgol Gelf i’r Adeiladau Technegol yn Dumfries Place.
Enillodd statws Coleg Prifysgol ym Mhrifysgol Cymru a’i enwi yn Athrofa Prifysgol Cymru, Caerdydd (UWIC).
Agorodd Coleg Technoleg Bwyd a Masnach Caerdydd yn Heol Crwys.
Agorodd y Ganolfan Athletau Dan Do Genedlaethol ar Gampws Cyncoed.
Enillodd statws fel Sefydliad Cyfansoddol o Brifysgol Cymru.
Lansiwyd Consortiwm FE2HE-UWIC: partneriaeth AB/AU a sefydlwyd gyda cholegau AB y Barri, Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, Coleg Glan Hafren ac Ystrad Mynach, gyda Choleg Tyddewi yn ymuno yn 2009.
Ysgol Masnach Llundain yn dod yn Goleg Cysylltiol UWIC.
Enillodd wobr Nod Siarter Swyddfa’r Cabinet am y pumed tro (sy’n record) (am ragoriaeth mewn Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus) a’i gydnabod hefyd gan yr Asiantaeth Sicrhau Ansawdd (QAA) am ansawdd uchel y gweithdrefnau academaidd.
Lansiwyd Sefydliad UWIC i hyrwyddo’r addysg ac ymchwil o’r ansawdd uchaf. Agorodd y Ganolfan Diwydiant Bwyd yn Llandaf a canolfan Gampws amlbwrpas yng Nghyncoed yn yr Hydref.
Ym mis Medi agorwyd adeilad newydd Ysgol Reoli Caerdydd yn Llandaf a chaewyd campws Rhodfa Colchester. Hefyd yn Llandaf, agorwyd y Ganolfan Campws wedi’i adenwyddu, a’r dderbynfa Parth-g newydd, yn ogystal ag estyniad sylweddol adeilad y llyfrgell.
Agorodd yr Ysgol Gelf yn Adeilad yr Hen Lyfrgell Rydd, Heol y Santes Fair.
1900 1940 (tua) 1949
Symudodd yr Ysgol Gelf i Dŷ’r Brodyr.
Agorodd Coleg Hyfforddiant Caerdydd ym Mharc y Mynydd Bychan.
Agorodd Coleg Technegol Llandaf yn Rhodfa’r Gorllewin, cartref i fyfyrwyr gwyddorau iechyd, dylunio a pheirianneg.
Symudodd Coleg Hyfforddiant Caerdydd i Gyncoed, cartref yr Ysgolion Addysg a Chwaraeon bellach.
Symudodd y Coleg Celf (Ysgol Gelf a Dylunio Caerdydd ar y pryd) i Gampws newydd yng Ngerddi Howard.
Symudodd Coleg Technoleg Bwyd a Masnach Caerdydd i Gampws newydd Rhodfa Colchester, cartref i fyfyrwyr rheoli, busnes, hamdden, lletygarwch, twristiaeth a bwyd.
Unodd y pedwar coleg i ffurfio Athrofa Addysg Uwch De Morgannwg.
Newidiodd yr enw i Athrofa Addysg Uwch Caerdydd i baratoi ar gyfer ei hymgorfforiad.
Ymunodd yr Athrofa â Phrifysgol Cymru fel corff ymreolaethol, nad oedd mwyach o dan awdurdodaeth y cyngor sir.
Caniatawyd Pwerau Dyfarnu Graddau Addysgu (TDAP) gan y Cyfrin Gyngor. Rhoddwyd pŵer i’r Athrofa ddyfarnu ei graddau ei hun ym mis Awst, trwy bwerau ar encil, gan ddewis cryfhau’r cysylltiadau â Phrifysgol Cymru. Mae’r stori’n parhau… Mae myfyrwyr yn UWIC bellach o 125 o wledydd o bedwar ban byd, gan gynnwys llawer o fyfyrwyr sy’n astudio y tu allan i Gaerdydd yn cynnwys Llundain, Kuala Lumpur, Bulgaria, Dhaka, Singapore, Marrakesh, Cairo. Alexandria a Sofia/Dobrich.
Our Motto
Ein Harwyddair
“The most valuable possession is knowledge”
“Gorau meddiant gwybodaeth”
Our Vision
Ein Gweledigaeth
To be a premier provider of higher education that promotes student employability; applied research and knowledge transfer.
Bod yn brif ddarparwr addysg uwch sy’n hyrwyddo cyflogadwyedd myfyrwyr; ymchwil gymhwysol a throsglwyddo gwybodaeth.
Our Mission
Ein Cenhadaeth
• To provide student-centred learning opportunities that are accessible, flexible, inclusive, lifelong and of the highest quality. • To provide a culture within which applied research and enterprise will flourish. • To develop established and new centres of excellence in professional education, applied research and knowledge transfer. • To provide services that meet the needs of Wales and wider communities by working in partnership with city, national and international bodies.
• Darparu cyfleoedd dysgu hygyrch, hyblyg, cynhwysfawr, gydol oes, o’r ansawdd uchaf sy’n canolbwyntio ar y myfyriwr. • Darparu diwylliant lle bydd menter ac ymchwil gymhwysol yn ffynnu. • Datblygu canolfannau rhagoriaeth sefydlog a newydd ym maes addysg broffesiynol, ymchwil gymhwysol a throsglwyddo gwybodaeth. • Darparu gwasanaethau sy’n diwallu anghenion Cymru a chymunedau ehangach drwy weithio mewn partneriaeth â chyrff dinesig, cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol.
Our Values
Ein Gwerthoedd
• Respect for individuals, helping them realise their potential and value life-long learning. • Environment based on commitment, teamwork, and good leadership and management practices which is positive and friendly. • Sharing a common purpose founded upon honesty, integrity, openness, objectivity, accountability and selflessness and supported by leadership and example. • Pride and ownership in UWIC and its development. • Excellence achieved through the pursuit of continual improvement in all that we do. • Community that is inclusive and we promote and support these principles by leadership and example.
• Parchu unigolion, a’u cynorthwyo i wireddu eu potensial a gwerthfawrogi dysgu gydol oes. • Amgylchedd sy’n seiliedig ar ymrwymiad, gwaith tîm ac arferion rheoli ac arwain da sy’n gadarnhaol ac yn gyfeillgar. • Rhannu diben cyffredin sy’n seiliedig ar onestrwydd, uniondeb, didwylledd, gwrthrychedd, atebolrwydd ac anhunanoldeb a derbyn cefnogaeth drwy arweiniad ac esiampl. • Balchder a pherchnogaeth ar UWIC a’i ddatblygiad. • Cyflawni rhagoriaeth drwy geisio gwelliannau parhaus ym mhopeth a wnawn. • Cymuned sy’n gynhwysol a byddwn yn hyrwyddo a chefnogi’r egwyddorion hyn drwy arweiniad ac esiampl.
The Award Dyfarnu of Honorary Fellowships Cymrodoriaethau The conferment of Honorary Fellowships is an established part Anrhydeddus of UWIC's Awards Ceremonies and allows us to honour persons who have given outstanding and distinguished service relevant to the activities of UWIC and/or to the community at large. Awards have been made to:
1983 Erte (Romaine de Tirtoff)* 1991 The Rt Hon The Lord Callaghan of Cardiff KG* Mr P G Perkins Mr N E Follis MBE* 1992 Dr E J Brent Mr E Currie-Jones CBE Mr L Davies CBE Professor D M Embrey OBE 1993 Mr A J Barrow MBE Mrs N A Bray OBE Mr G OEdwards CBE Professor J L Moore 1994 Dr R Austin Professor M J Frazer CBE 1995 The Lord Prys-Davies Captain Sir N Lloyd-Edwards KCVO Mr O Wheatley CBE 1996 Mr C Hallam MBE Ms J Hutt AM Mr N Williams Dr N Whitehead OBE* 1997 Professor G Crompton Dame Deirdre Hine Mr V Pugh QC* Mr T S Thomas MBE, O.St.J Dr C Dheandhanoo MD 1998 Mr T Bayliss OBE Mr J K Brown MBE* Mr C Jackson CBE Mr T O’Sullivan OBE 1999 Mr A R Lewis CBE DL Mr M C T Prichard CBE DL Mr S Weston OBE 2000 Sir J Allen CBE The Lord Brooks of Tremorfa DL Mr G Talfan Davies Sir John Gray KBE CMG* Mr R J Phillips Rt. Hon. R Morgan AM
Mae cyflwyno Cymrodoriaethau Anrhydeddus yn rhan draddodiadol o Seremonïau Gwobrwyo UWIC ac yn ein galluogi i anrhydeddu pobl sydd wedi rhoi gwasanaeth rhagorol a disglair sy’n berthnasol i weithgareddau UWIC a/neu i’r gymuned yn gyffredinol. Cyflwynir dyfarniadau i:
2001 Councillor Mrs M E Drake The Hon Sir Rocco Forte Mr H Holland Mr H Morris Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson OBE Mr G Henry 2002 Mr M Buerk Ms A Gidden MBE Mr D Watkins Ms A Walker MBE Mr S Watkin Mr R Noble OBE Mr R Fletcher Mrs B Campbell MBE Dato Ali Hashim Daud The Lord Rowe-Beddoe DL 2003 Mr D Francies* The Most Rev’d Dr B C Morgan Mr J Osmond Mr R Lovegrove Mr T E Morgan MBE, DL Councillor R Goodway Mr R W S Knight* Mr W Wilkins CBE, DL 2004 Mr G L Harrhy Miss S Dawson Mrs J Christy-James, MBE Mr D Turner* Mr D J Nash Mr G Mathias 2005 Rt Hon D Wigley PC Mr A Sugar Mr G Cooper 2006 Professor The Baroness Finlay of Llandaff Lord Krebs Mr C Rowlands, OBE Councillor F Salway Ms R Lomax
2007 The Lord Tomlinson of Walsall Mr T Andradi Mr S Bayley Mr A Emyr Mr P Griffiths Dr T Jewell The Lord Rogers of Riverside Ms S Rhys James 2008 Dr J M Pugh Sir Derek Wanless Professor T Lang Mr R Jones Baron Coe of Ranmore KBE Mr E Roberts Professor P Seawright Sir Jon Shortridge Mr D Newbery Dr T Lewis 2009 Ms J Barratt Professor I S Blatchford Professor P Gough J Inverdale Ms J Isherwood Mr G Mackenzie OBE M Maynard Sir W Stewart Er K Wah 2010 G Clarke Mr G Davies CBE DL Mr P Davies Mr D Emanuel Mr H Engelhardt CBE P A Rahman D Richards CBE P Williams OBE
* (Deceased)
Presentation of: • University of Wales Postgraduate Certificates
Cyflwyno: • Tystysgrifau Ôl-raddedig Prifysgol Cymru
Wednesday 15th December 2010
Dydd Mercher 15fed Rhagfyr 2010
1.00pm the Senedd, Cardiff Bay
1.00pm y Senedd, Bae Caerdydd
Senedd Host: • P Orders
Gwesteiwr y Senedd: • P Orders
Presentation: • D A Pritchard, CB, BA
Cyflwyniad: • D A Pritchard, CB, BA
Award: • Professor A J Chapman, Vice-Chancellor
Gwobr: • Yr Athro A J Chapman, Is-Ganghellor
Guests are requested to remain standing until the Academic Procession has left the hall.
Gofynnir i westeion aros ar eu traed nes bod yr Orymdaith Academaidd wedi gadael y neuadd.
“The most valuable possession is knowledge”
“Gorau meddiant gwybodaeth”
Order of Ceremony
Trefn y Seremoni
The procession
Yr orymdaith
The formal opening of the ceremony
Agoriad swyddogol y seremoni
P Orders Senedd Host address
Anerchiad P Orders Gwesteiwr y Senedd
Professor B Morgan address
Anerchiad yr Athro B Morgan
The presentation of the graduands
Cyflwyno’r darpar- raddedigion
The formal closing of the ceremony
Diwedd swyddogol y seremoni
The procession
Yr orymdaith
UWIC Executive
Gweithrediaeth UWIC
Members of Academic Staff
Aelodau Staff Academaidd
President of Students’ Union: C Rafferty BA
Llywydd Undeb y Myfyrwyr: C Rafferty BA
Chaplain: Reverend P Fitzpatrick BA, DipMin, MTh, PGCE, FHEA
Caplan: Y Parchedig P Fitzpatrick BA, DipMin, MTh, PGCE, FHEA
UWIC Foundation: A J Walker Academic Registrar: Dr J Owen BSc, PhD
Sefydliad UWIC: A J Walker
Deans of Schools
Cofrestrydd Academaidd: Dr J Owen BSc, PhD Deoniaid yr Ysgolion
Cardiff School of Art & Design Professor G Kavanagh DPhil, MPhil, FMA
Ysgol Gelf a Dylunio Caerdydd Yr Athro G Kavanagh MPhil, DPhil, FMA
Cardiff School of Education P Thomas B.Mus, M.Ed, PGCE, ATCL, FHEA
Ysgol Addysg Caerdydd P Thomas B.Mus, M.Ed, PGCE, ATCL, FHEA
Cardiff School of Health Sciences Professor A Peters BSc, PhD
Ysgol Gwyddorau Iechyd Caerdydd Yr Athro A Peters BSc, PhD
Cardiff School of Management D A Pritchard CB, BA
Ysgol Reoli Caerdydd D A Pritchard CB, BA
Cardiff School of Sport D E Cobner Cert Ed, MA
Ysgol Chwaraeon Caerdydd D E Cobner Cert Ed, MA
Clerk to the Governors R D G Walters LLB, MBA, Barrister
Clerc i’r Llywodraethwyr R D G Walters LLB, MBA, Bargyfreithiwr
Corporate Deans
Deoniaid Corfforaethol
P M Ackroyd BA, MA, FRSA, FCIPD, FCMI Dr C Connor BSc, MSc , EdD, CQSW, FHEA R Cummings LLB, PGCE, MA Dr P J Harris BSc, MA, PhD, CPsychol Professor D O’Leary BSc , MSc, PhD, FCOptom Dr M Loutfi BSc, MSc, DipEd, PhD, MBCS P J Treadwell FHEA
P M Ackroyd BA, MA, FRSA, FCIPD, FCMI Dr C Connor BSc, MSc , EdD, CQSW, FHEA R Cummings LLB, PGCE, MA Dr P J Harris BSc, MA, PhD, CPsychol Yr Athro D O’Leary BSc , MSc, PhD, FCOptom Dr M Loutfi BSc, MSc, DipEd, PhD, MBCS P J Treadwell FHEA
Pro Vice-Chancellors and Directors
Is-Gangellorion a Chyfarwyddwyr
Professor R Brown BA , MDes,FCSD, FRSA, MIPEM J I Hare BA, PGCE, MA, FHEA R T Moremon BA, DipCAM D Price BA, PGCE M J Warren BSc, FCA
Yr Athro R Brown BA , MDes,FCSD, FRSA, MIPEM J I Hare BA, PGCE, MA, FHEA R T Moremon BA, DipCAM D Price BA, PGCE M J Warren BSc, FCA
Vice-Chancellor Professor A J Chapman BSc, PhD, CPsychol, FBPsS, FRSA, AcSS
Is-Ganghellor Yr Athro A J Chapman BSc, PhD, CPsychol, FBPsS, FRSA, AcSS
Chairman of Governors J W Owen CB
Cadeirydd y Llywodraethwyr J W Owen CB
President of UWIC The Rt. Hon. The Lord Mayor Of Cardiff, Councillor Keith Hyde
Llywydd UWIC Y Gwir Anrhydeddus Arglwydd Faer Caerdydd, Y Cynghorydd Keith Hyde
The Proclamation
Y Proclamasiwn
The Proclamation
Y Proclamasiwn
Goreu Awen Gwirionedd. The Best Inspiration is Truth. Be it known to members of the University, and to all here present that an authorised Congregation of the University of Wales is being held here in the city of Cardiff on the fifteenth day of December 2010 to admit to their appropriate degrees worthy persons who have, through study at the University and through learning, ability and perseverance, been deemed worthy of such degrees in accordance with the ordinances of the University, in the hope that they may be given health and long life to serve their generation and their country under the blessing of heaven.
Gorau awen gwirionedd. Bydded hysbys i aelodau’r Brifysgol, ac i bawb sydd yma’n bresennol y cynhelir cynulliad awdurdodedig o Brifysgol Cymru yma yn ninas Caerdydd ar y pymthegfed dydd o Ragfyr 2010, i gyflwyno y graddau priodol i’r bobl deilwng sydd, drwy astudio yn y Brifysgol a thrwy ddysgu, gallu a dyfalbarhad, wedi’u barnu yn deilwng o’r cyfryw raddau yn unol ag ordinhadau'r Brifysgol, ac i gyflwyno gradd er anrhydedd i berson y barnwyd ei fod yn deilwng o’r gyfryw radd yn unol ag ordinhadau'r Brifysgol, fel cydnabyddiaeth o’i gyfraniad rhagorol i’w faes ymdrech dewisol, ac yn y gobaith y bydd eu cyflawniadau’n parhau i ysbrydoli eraill o dan fendith y nefoedd.
"Then shall thy light rise in obscurity and thy darkness be as the noon day, and they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places."
“Yna, dy oleuni a gyfyd mewn tywyllwch a’th dywyllwch a fedd fel hanner dydd. A’r rhai a fyddant ohonot ti a adeiladant yr hen ddiffeithleoedd.”
The authorisation of graduands to degrees
Yr awdurdodiad sy’n awdurdodi derbyn darparraddedigion.
Let it be known to members of the University, and to all who are present, that the University has granted authority to Professor A J Chapman to admit to their degrees students of the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff who have qualified for degrees according to the regulations of the University.
Bydded hysbys i aelodau’r Brifysgol, ac i bawb sydd yma’n bresennol fod y Brifysgol wedi rhoi awdurdod i’r Athro A J Chapman gyflwyno eu graddau i fyfyrwyr Athrofa Prifysgol Cymru, Caerdydd sydd wedi cymhwyso i dderbyn graddau yn unol â rheoliadau’r Brifysgol.
The names of those who may be admitted to their degrees in this congregation are to be seen on the printed lists that have been distributed.
Mae enwau’r rhai y cyflwynir graddau iddynt yn y cynulliad hwn i’w gweld ar y rhestrau printiedig sydd wedi’u dosbarthu.
Presentation for Degrees
Cyflwyno Graddau
Graduands receiving degrees will be presented by the Dean of the appropriate School:
Bydd darpar-raddedigion sy’n derbyn graddau yn cael eu cyflwyno gan Ddeon yr Ysgol briodol:
Students who have elected to receive their initial degrees in praesentia, will be presented in groups according to their degree nomenclature, by the Presenter who will say:
Bydd myfyrwyr sy’n bresennol i dderbyn eu graddau cychwynnol yn cael eu cyflwyno mewn grwpiau yn ôl trefn enwau eu gradd, gan y Cyflwynydd a fydd yn dweud:
"Honourable Vice-Chancellor, I present to you students who have been awarded the degree of ...”
"Is-Ganghellor Anrhydeddus, cyflwynaf i chi fyfyrwyr sydd wedi ennill y radd ...”
The Vice-Chancellor admits the graduands with the words: "Through the authority of the University vested in me, I admit you to the degree of ... and to all the privileges of this degree."
Bydd yr Is-Ganghellor yn derbyn y darpar-raddedigion gyda’r geiriau: “Drwy awdurdod y Brifysgol a roddwyd i mi, rwyf yn eich derbyn i’r radd .... ac i holl freintiau'r radd hon.” Mae Cadeirydd y Llywodraethwyr yn cyfarch y graddedigion â’r geiriau: “Boed eich gofal yn wastad dros lwydd ac anrhydedd ein Prifysgol a’n Gwlad”.
The Chairman of the Governors greets the graduates with the words: "May your care ever be for the success and good name of our University and our country."
Bydd Cynrychiolydd Graddedigion Prifysgol Cymru yn dweud: “Dyfarnir y graddau i’r myfyrwyr heddiw gan Brifysgol Cymru, ac fe’u croesewir i ymaelodi yn raddedigion o Urdd Graddedigion Prifysgol Cymru.”
The Representative of the University of Wales Graduates says: “Students are awarded their degrees today by the University of Wales, and are welcomed to membership of the University of Wales Guild of Graduates.”
Sefydliad UWIC: UWIC Foundation:
Andrew Walker, Cyfarwyddwr Datblygu, Sefydliad UWIC.
Andrew Walker, Director of Development, UWIC Foundation.
Instructions to Graduands
Cyfarwyddiadau i Raddedigion
Graduands will occupy the seat bearing the numbers printed on their ticket.
Dylai darpar-raddedigion eistedd yn y seddi a nodwyd ar eu tocynnau.
Graduands will be conducted to the stage by marshals.
Bydd marsialiaid yn arwain y darpar-raddedigion i’r llwyfan.
The Officers of the University will be seated on the stage.
Dylai Swyddogion y Brifysgol yn eistedd ar y llwyfan.
When his or her name is called, each Graduand receiving the degree of Bachelors, Masters, or Doctorates will ascend the stage by the right-hand ramp, doff and approach the Principal and shake hands. The Graduand will then walk towards the Official who will present the student with his or her certificate. The Graduand will then descend from the stage by the left-hand ramp.
Ar ôl galw eu henwau, bydd y darpar-raddedigion sy’n derbyn gradd Faglor, Meistr neu Ddoethur yn dringo i’r llwyfan ar y ramp ar y dde, cyffwrdd â’u capiau ac ysgwyd llaw gyda’r Pennaeth. Yna, bydd y darpar-raddedigion yn cerdded tuag at y Swyddog a fydd yn cyflwyno eu tystysgrif iddynt. Yna, byddant yn gadael y llwyfan ar y ramp ar y chwith a dychwelyd i’w seddi.
Graduands will then be asked to stand and the ViceChancellor will admit them to their degree.
Yna, gofynnir i’r graddedigion sefyll a bydd yr Isganghellor yn cyflwyno eu graddau iddynt.
The Officers of the University will then doff and the new Graduates will respond by doffing back and then doffing to the audience.
Yna bydd Swyddogion y Brifysgol yn cyffwrdd â’u capiau a bydd y Graddedigion newydd yn ymateb drwy gyffwrdd â’u capiau yn ôl ac i’r gynulleidfa.
UWIC wishes to acknowledge the contributions made by:
Hoffai UWIC gydnabod cyfraniad gan:
Robemakers: Harpist: Photographer: DVD Company:
Gwneuthurwyr gwisg: Telynor: Ffotograffydd: Cwmni DVD:
Ede and Ravenscroft Ltd Dylan Rowlands Dave Daggers Achievement TV
Ede and Ravenscroft Ltd Dylan Rowlands Dave Daggers Achievement TV
Tystysgrif Ôl-raddedig mewn Arweinyddiaeth Gydweithredol (L4C)/Arweinyddiaeth Gynaliadwy (SLP) Mae Ysgol Reoli Caerdydd UWIC wedi dylunio, datblygu a chyflwyno rhaglenni sydd ar flaen y gad mewn Arweinyddiaeth Gydweithredol ac mewn Arweinyddiaeth Gynaliadwy i uwch reolwyr yn y gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yng Nghymru. Mae’r rhaglen L4C wedi dod yn ran pwysig o’r ymgyrch i wella’r gwasanaethau cyhoeddus ac wedi’i gymeradwyo gan Lywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru drwy Rheoli yng Ngwasanaeth Cyhoeddus Cymru a’r Asiantaeth Genedlaethol Arwain ac Arloesi mewn Gofal Iechyd. Cafodd y rhaglen SLP ei ddatblygu yn benodol ar gyfer uwch reolwyr yn Cardiff CC fel rhan o’u rhaglen gweddnewidiol. Drwy gyfuniad o ddysgu gweithredol, gweithdai rhanbarthol, hyfforddiant ac offer seicometrig y nod yw i gyfranogwyr ddod yn arweinwyr cydweithredol effeithiol, gyda’r gallu i dderbyn yr her o ddarparu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus gyfunol a chydgysylltiedig yn unol â pholisi Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru ‘Delivering the Connections’. Ar ôl cwblhau’r Rhaglenni blwyddyn, bydd cyfranogwyr yn derbyn Tystysgrif Ôl-raddedig (PGC) o UWIC mewn Arweinyddiaeth Gydweithredol neu Arweinyddiaeth Gynaliadwy. Bydd ail garfan o raddedigion y Rhaglenni L4C a SLP yn derbyn eu Tystysgrif Ôl-raddedig heddiw.
Cardiff School of Management Ysgol Reoli Caerdydd To receive the award of Postgraduate Certificate - Leadership for Collaboration Yn derbyn gwobr Tystysgrif Ôl-raddedig - Arweinyddiaeth Gydweithredol
Post Graduate Certificate in Leadership for Collaboration (L4C)/ Sustainable Leadership (SLP) The Cardiff School of Management at UWIC has designed, developed and delivered cutting-edge programmes in Leadership for Collaboration and in Sustainable Leadership to senior managers in the Welsh public services. The L4C programme has become an integral part of the drive for improvement in public services and is supported by the Welsh Assembly Government through Public Service Management Wales and the National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare. The SLP programme was developed specifically for senior managers at Cardiff CC as part of their transformational change programme. Through a combination of action learning, regional workshops, coaching and psychometric tools the aim is for participants to become effective collaborative leaders, capable of rising to the challenge of delivering excellent integrated and coordinated public services in line with the Welsh Assembly Government’s policy in ‘Delivering the Connections’.
Heulyn Gwyn
Marian Parry
Merit Merit Distinction
Pass Merit Pass
* Winner of the Leadership Prize, given to the best overall student.
To receive the award of Postgraduate Certificate Sustainable Leadership Yn derbyn gwobr Tystysgrif Ôl-raddedig - Arweinyddiaeth Gynaliadwy Suzanne
On completion of the year long Programmes, participants are awarded a Post Graduate Certificate (PGC) from UWIC in either Leadership for Collaboration or Sustainable Leadership.
The second cohort of graduates of the L4C and SLP Programmes are being awarded their PGC today.
Vivienne Helen
Distinction 11
Keep in touch Cadwch mewn cysylltiad
UWIC Alumni Society
Cymdeithas Cyn-fyfyrwyr UWIC
Keeping the connection alive between former students and UWIC
Cadw’r cysylltiad yn fyw rhwng cyn-fyfyrwyr ac UWIC
Congratulations on completing your studies at UWIC. We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to a community of graduates and former students from all over the world who share with you the experience of studying at UWIC.
Llongyfarchiadau ar gwblhau eich astudiaethau yn UWIC. Hoffem fanteisio ar y cyfle hwn i’ch croesawu i gymuned o raddedigion a chyn-fyfyrwyr o bedwar ban byd sy’n rhannu’r profiad o astudio yn UWIC gyda chi.
All graduates automatically become a member of the UWIC Alumni Society, allowing you to benefit from a lifetime of opportunities.
Mae’r holl raddedigion yn ymaelodi’n awtomatig â Chymdeithas Cyn-fyfyrwyr UWIC, sy’n golygu eich bod yn gallu elwa ar oes o gyfleoedd.
If you wish to contact the Alumni Officer, please email or call the UWIC Foundation on 029 20 20 1590. You are also welcome to visit our stand at Graduation.
Os ydych chi am gysylltu â’r Swyddog Cyn-fyfyrwyr, ebostiwch neu ffoniwch Sefydliad UWIC ar 029 20 20 1590. Mae croeso i chi hefyd ymweld â’n stondin yn y Seremoni Raddio.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Edrychwn ymlaen at glywed gennych chi.
Congratulations and welcome to the UWIC Alumni Society!
Llongyfarchiadau a chroeso i Gymdeithas Cyn-fyfyrwyr UWIC!
Making a Difference S Gwneud Gwahaniaeth
Since 1865 when this institution was founded, many people have committed their time, energy and money to supporting education at what is now the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff (UWIC).
Ers ei sefydlu ym 1865, mae llawer o bobl wedi cyfrannu o’u hamser, eu hegni a’u harian i gefnogi addysg yn y sefydliad hwn a elwir bellach yn Athrofa Prifysgol Cymru, Caerdydd (UWIC).
The people who’ve made that commitment have done so for a variety of reasons.
Mae’r bobl hyn wedi cyfrannu am wahanol resymau.
Some have taught students to make the best of their abilities. Many of our alumni are now making a real difference to communities across the globe. Some people have felt that a good education is crucial to the welfare of the community in which we live and so they’ve donated gifts to enhance the campus environment or scholarships that help those who need it most. Some people have owned and managed businesses that have been longstanding partners in the research that we undertake. Others just wanted to “give something back” - having benefited from their time studying at this institution and they have supported important causes across the whole of UWIC.
Mae rhai wedi dysgu myfyrwyr i fanteisio i’r eithaf ar eu galluoedd. Mae llawer o’n cyn-fyfyrwyr bellach yn gwneud gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol i gymunedau bedwar ban byd. Roedd eraill yn credu bod addysg dda yn hollbwysig i les y gymuned rydym yn byw ynddi ac felly maent wedi rhoi rhoddion i wella amgylchedd y campws neu ysgoloriaethau i gynorthwyo’r rhai hynny sydd eu hangen fwyaf. Hefyd, mae rheolwyr a pherchnogion busnesau yn bartneriaid yn ein gwaith ymchwil ers cryn amser. Dymuniad rhai yn syml oedd “talu’n ôl” - ar ôl elwa ar eu cyfnod yn astudio yn yr athrofa, ac maent wedi cefnogi achosion pwysig drwy UWIC i gyd.
Whatever their motivation, they’ve all had one thing in common: they have all wanted to “make a difference.”
Beth bynnag y rheswm, mae ganddynt i gyd un peth yn gyffredin. Maent wedi bod eisiau gwneud “gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol.”
If you want to make a difference to assist UWIC’s continued drive to be a dynamic, enterprising and creative institution or to learn more about our fund raising priorities please contact the UWIC Foundation.
Os ydych chi am wneud gwahaniaeth a chynorthwyo ymgyrch barhaus UWIC i fod yn athrofa ddeinamig, arloesol a chreadigol neu i ddysgu mwy am ein blaenoriaethau codi arian, cysylltwch â Sefydliad UWIC.
You can pick up a donation form at the Alumni Stand or contact us by telephone: +44 (0)29 2020 1590 or email:
Gallwch gasglu ffurflen roddi yn Stondin y Cynfyfyrwyr neu ffoniwch ni ar: +44 (0)29 2020 1590 neu e-bostiwch:
Western Avenue Cardiff CF5 2YB Tel: +44 (0)29 2041 6020
Rhodfa’r Gorllewin Caerdydd CF5 2YB Ffˆon: +44 (0)29 2041 6020
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