Information for EU & International Students Cardiff is a popular place to study with the number of students from Europe and other International countries increasing each year.
International Students All accommodation bookings are
International students wishing to
made directly with the International
study at Cardiff Met. For further details
Office. They provide a service for all
please visit web pages at: Contact: The International Office, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Western Avenue, Cardiff CF5 2SG Wales, UK 029 2041 6045
EU Students EU students will be considered for
initially book a room in a local guest
halls accommodation in the same
house and spend time familiarising
way as UK students. To apply for
yourself with the city before you
halls accommodation complete the
arrange more permanent
online Halls Application form as soon
accommodation. We suggest that
as possible.
you arrive in Cardiff some days prior to the start of your course to allow
Should you wish to live off campus
enough time to do this. The
we can assist you in finding suitable
Accommodation Services Team can
privately rented accommodation.
provide you with a list of guest houses
Should you choose to rent private
for temporary accommodation.
accommodation, it is advisable to