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Funding Regulations— General Information

Eligible Expenses

Research grants must be used for the project as described in the application. Grant holders wishing to transfer funds from one budget category to another in response to changing research needs or to use funds for a new non-budget item must secure the prior written approval of the Research Office.

This is not an exhaustive list. If you are uncertain of the eligibility of an expense, please consult with the Research Office.

Data Entry

At the approved rates available from Human Resources. Family members are not normally eligible for payment (exceptions made only with prior approval of the VP Research and Innovation).


Includes research tools and instruments, software, and computers.

The equipment must be justified in the proposal and integral to the research project.

All computers MUST be purchased through Purchasing Services, with consultation with the Technology Solutions Centre (TSC).

Note: Equipment designated as part of a research grant, including all computer equipment and software, is the property of the University and is loaned to the researcher on a temporary or permanent basis. Equipment may revert to general University use on completion of the project, as appropriate, or if the researcher leaves the University.

Lease (Computer or Equipment)

Budgeted on an hourly basis.

Manuscript Preparation

Includes clerical support, photocopying, microfilming, preproduction matters (e.g., graphs, slides, photographs).

Materials and Supplies

As necessary for completion of the project.

Media Services

When required for research purposes, should be included as project costs.

Per Diem

Maximum claim for individual meals, including gratuities, while traveling inside Canada: Breakfast - $15.00, Lunch - $15.00, Dinner - $30.00.

Maximum claim for individual meals, including gratuities, while traveling inside the USA: Breakfast - $20.00, Lunch - $20.00, Dinner - $40.00.

Maximum claim for individual meals, including gratuities, while traveling Internationally: Breakfast - $20.00, Lunch - $20.00, Dinner - $50.00.


Rates as set by UWinnipeg Printing Services.

Publication Costs

Page charges for refereed journals, translation fees, colour printing, subventions, reprints.

Research Assistants

At approved current rates – Contact Human Resources.

Technical Solutions Centre

Use rates set by Technical Solutions Centre (TSC).

Travel Costs (all travel is governed by the UWinnipeg travel policy)

› Incurred in the collection of research data to a maximum of return excursion/charter airfare.

› Overseas travel for research purposes normally supported at excursion or charter rates.

› Travel to conferences is supported only through the TG and DFTA programs.

› When travel by automobile is more expensive than air travel, funds will be granted to the maximum of return excursion/charter airfare only.

› Exceptions to the excursion/charter rate must be justified to the committee.

Ineligible Expenses

This is not an exhaustive list. Generally, ineligible items are those not directly related to the research the researcher wishes to carry out. Please consult with the Research Office if you are uncertain of the eligibility of an expense.

› Consultation with other Faculty Members

› Contract Research

› Non-Research Related Travel (for eligible applicants on study leave)

› Retroactive Research Expenses (i.e., conference travel prior to the deadline date)

* This applies to all internal research grants except Discretionary Grants, which allow for expenses to be charged retroactively 2 months before the intake date in which the application was submitted.

› Severance Pay for Research Assistants

› Subject Payment

Payment of subjects may be considered under the following circumstances:

› That this practice is normal for the discipline.

› That the payment is a token amount.

› That the project is not for the purpose of teaching.

› That the project has received approval from the University Human Research Ethics Board.

Accounting Procedures—Internal Funding

Access to Granted Funds

Following approval of a research application by the Research Committee, the Research Accounting Office is informed of the amount awarded. An individual research account is established in the researcher’s name. Research expenses from that account may be paid for through payment vouchers, invoices, and, in some cases, accountable advances. Contact Research Accounting for further details.

All funds must be spent on the precise items outlined in the original proposal. Any changes to the expenses MUST have the prior approval of the Research Office. Please contact the Research Office for details on this process.

Requests for Extension

A request for extension is required if a researcher is unable to complete the outlined project within the term of the grant (1 year). A request to extend the end date of a research grant can be made on all internal funds with the exception of Travel Grants. The maximum amount of extra time a researcher can request is 12 months from the end of the original grant term, or two years from the award date. Requests can be sent in writing to researchoffice@uwinnipeg.ca.

Over-Expenditure of Individual Research Accounts

The University does not accept responsibility for over-expenditures on individual research accounts. It is the responsibility of the researcher to ensure that research expenses do not exceed the amount awarded. If over-expenditure occurs, the researcher must reimburse The University of Winnipeg for the full amount. The Research Committee will not grant additional funds to cover over-expenditures.

Unexpended Funds

At the end of the fiscal year (or in the case of Travel Grants, 90 days after the authorized travel dates), the Research Committee will reclaim unexpended grant funds for which no extension requests have been received.

Final Report to The Research Office


A final report to the Research Office is expected to be completed at the end of a grant term. For internal Travel Grants the report is due 90 days from the return date, and for all other internal grants it is one year from the award date. If a request for extension has been approved, the final report is due at the end of the carryover term. Applicants must ensure they indicate research results (e.g., publications, presentations) that have been supported by The University of Winnipeg.


A final report to the Research Office is expected to be completed at the end of a grant or contract term. It is expected that the final report will be submitted to the Research Office one month from the end of the term date.

Biological Safety

Although a Biosafety permit is not required at the time of the application, the approved permit must be submitted to the Research Office before any funds will be released.

uwinnipeg.ca/safety/committees/ biosafety-committee.html

Radiation Safety

Although a radioisotope permit is not required at the time of the application, the approved permit must be submitted to the Research Office before any funds will be released.


General Procedures

To access awarded funds before ethics approval a Request for Preliminary Access (RPA) form must be completed and sent to the Research Office. Please note that only funds for research-related activities not subject to ethics review are able to request partial fund access prior to ethics approval. More information on the RPA can be found at: uwinnipeg.ca/research/ethics/ apply-for-human-ethics.html

A declaration (part of the Application Form) attesting that, where applicable, ethics approval has been sought and granted is required of all applicants. All members of the University must comply with UWinnipeg’s Responsible Conduct of Research Policy.

COVID-19 Research Safety Plans are no longer mandatory, however, COVID-19 resources in relation to research can be found on the Human Ethics Resources page: uwinnipeg.ca/research/ethics/ethics-resources.html

Human Ethics

Faculty members whose research involves human participants must adhere to vetting requirements of the University Human Research Ethics Board (UHREB). The completion of the federal Panel on Research Ethics Course On Research Ethics online tutorial (CORE) is a requirement for human research ethics reviewers and all researchers whose research with human participants falls under the auspices of the University of Winnipeg. This requirement applies to any faculty members, thesis supervisors, course instructors, post-doctoral fellows, graduate and undergraduate students, as well as research/laboratory staff, project managers, and research assistants who will be responsible for recruiting or interacting with human participants or who will have access to data containing identifying information about human participants.

Before submitting your human ethics application, consider whether your research will require the completion of Section 4.0 (Research Involving the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples of Canada) by using the Indigenous Research Ethics Self-Assessment Tool: uwinnipeg.ca/research/docs/indigenous-researchethics-self-assessment.pdf

For additional resources on conducting Indigenous-related research or completing your human ethics application generally, please visit the “Human Ethics Resources” page and select “Indigenous Research Ethics”: uwinnipeg.ca/research/ethics/ethics-resources.html

UHREB accepts applications on an ongoing basis, but meets approximately 5 times annually to discuss regular business and any applications considered greater than minimal risk.

Note: Please allow at least 30 Working Days for UHREB approval.

Animal Ethics

Faculty members whose research subjects are non-human vertebrate animals or cephalopods must adhere to vetting requirements of the University Animal Care Committee (UACC) and the Canada Council on Animal Care (CCAC).

UACC meets once per month from September to June. For a full schedule of UACC meetings please go to: uwinnipeg.ca/research/ethics/animal-care-policy.html

Note: Please allow at least 30 Working Days for UACC approval.

For more information on human or animal ethics, please email: ethics@uwinnipeg.ca

Administrative Costs

The cost of conducting non-operating related business at a Canadian university includes not only the direct costs of the project but also a range of indirect costs. These indirect costs include expenditures to support the infrastructure and supports required to allow a research project to proceed. The indirect costs of the research project are either recovered in the form of overhead charges to the project in the case of a contract or agreement, or they are found within the operating budgets of the University. The Tri-Agency’s Research Support Fund assists Canadian postsecondary institutions with expenses associated with management the research funded by the three federal research granting agencies. In the case of research funded from other sources, researchers are expected to include overhead costs into their research budgets in the funding proposalsto the extent practicable. For guidance on how toreflect overhead costs into these proposals, please contact the Research Office.

Research Tools

Research tools such as concordances, bibliographies, dictionaries, archives, or collections of documentary material may only be supported if the research element in their production is clearly established or if they form part of a larger research endeavour, and if they are judged to be of scholarly merit and utility.

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