United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties 2013-14 Annual Report
Cover designed by Laura Drapek, a Graphic Arts student at Marywood University.
CONTENTS Message to the Community
Great Things Happen
Learn Well: Education
Earn Well: Income
Live Well: Health
Living United in Wayne County
Labor Participation
Community Impact Fund Distribution
Statements of Financial Position
Our Mission
Board of Directors and Staff
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Passionate Vision. Bold Strategy. Dear Friends, Great things happen when we LIVE UNITED! More than 90 years ago, a group of concerned visionaries launched the Community Chest in Scranton—precursor to the United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties—to care for friends and neighbors in need. Today, the United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties exists with a similar purpose as thousands of volunteers and donors come together each year to share a passionate vision for the community in which individuals and families achieve their fullest potential. With your help, we envision a community where: • Children, teens and adults succeed academically with a quality education that opens doors and creates pathways to a brighter tomorrow. • The chains of poverty are broken and individuals are empowered to lead productive, self-sufficient and financially stable lives. • People of all ages are mentally and physically healthy, have access to needed care and an improved quality of life. • Everyone’s most basic needs are met—food, shelter, clothing and safety. To achieve these crucial objectives requires bold and strategic action. With your steadfast support, we continue to move the needle on the critical issues impacting all of us. Because of you, generations of children realize their potential, families are strengthened, hope is restored for those most in need and dignity is given to citizens throughout the community. On behalf of the thousands of lives you are impacting everyday, thank you for living united! Sincerely,
Sandra Chickeletti Chair, Board of Directors
Gary Drapek President
1 | United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties 2013-14 Annual Report
GREAT THINGS HAPPEN WHEN WE LIVE UNITED United Way works to help address the needs in our region that are as varied as the people who have them. Together, we focus on the building blocks for a good life: a quality EDUCATION that leads to stable employment and enough INCOME to support a family’s financial stability with good mental and physical HEALTH to lead a fulfilled and productive life, and a solid safety net in dire times. By helping people to learn well, earn well and live well, your support impacts nearly 100 programs in dozens of community organizations as well as numerous United Way special initiatives. Instead of focusing on one single issue, United Way addresses hundreds of them, helping our community as a whole.
Last year, 1 in 3 local people were helped by United Way. Maybe it was your neighbor, co-worker, friend, a family member or even you personally who benefited first-hand from the network of caring in place because you cared enough to make a difference. Because of you, United Way works!
Partner Agencies American Red Cross of Lackawanna County • The ARC of NEPA • Boys and Girls Clubs of NEPA • Catholic Social Services • Day Nursery Association • Girl Scouts in the Heart of PA • Greater Carbondale YMCA • Greater Scranton YMCA • Hemodialysis Patients’ Association of NEPA • Jewish Community Center • Jewish Family Service of NEPA • Lackawanna Branch, PA Association for the Blind • Meals on Wheels of NEPA • Northeastern PA Council, Boy Scouts of America • St. Joseph’s Center • The Salvation Army • Scranton Primary Health Care Center • Serving Seniors • Telespond Senior Services • United Cerebral Palsy of NEPA • United Neighborhood Centers of NEPA • Voluntary Action Center of NEPA • Women’s Resource Center Wayne County grantees are listed on page 12.
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United Way works
Baby Addison with her parent’s First Steps Resource Kit.
to make our community
a place where children grow up healthy and succeed in school...and life.
3 | United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties 2013-14 Annual Report
A quality education is the cornerstone of individual and community success. The quality of an individual’s education has a profound and lasting impact on the person’s ability to succeed throughout life. The United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties is committed to ensuring that people of all ages have access to quality education and life-long learning opportunities. Through our Success By 6 program, special initiatives and partner agency programs, the United Way is committed to ensuring the quality education of our young people and promoting active learning for a lifetime. Research shows that for every $1 invested in early education, the return is $17, measured by lower crime rates, fewer teen pregnancies, higher graduation rates and access to better paying jobs.
We all win
when children have the tools and skills necessary to ensure success in school and throughout adulthood.
THE FIRST STEPS. Continuing on a successful initiative started last year, the Success By 6 program distributed 1,234 new parent resource kits through Scranton Primary Health Care Center, Leahy Clinic, United Neighborhood Centers, Green Ridge Public Library, Catholic Social Services, the McCann School’s Early Education Department, Maternal and Family Health, Moses Taylor Hospital and Wayne Memorial Hospital. In addition to the kits, an entire online resource library is available for download at uwlc.net/SuccessBy6 with helpful information for parents and caregivers. The First Steps project is funded by PNC Grow Up Great. kindergarten transition and registration outreach. Building on our mission to help ensure children enter school ready to learn, Success By 6 continued our proven Kindergarten Transition program as 2,160 children and their families prepared for success before the first day of school. Through field trips and publications, including the highly sought after, customized “What Do You Wonder About Kindergarten” books sponsored by M&T Bank and PNC Grow Up Great, the students and their families built excitement around the start of kindergarten while feeling more comfortable about making the transition. This program reached children in 26 elementary schools within 12 districts throughout Lackawanna and Wayne Counties. To help ensure more area children had access to these successful transition strategies, Success By 6 again sponsored a community-wide “It’s Time to Register for Kindergarten” campaign, distributing information for all public schools in both counties. WNEP once again produced a public service announcement, the in-kind value of which topped $59,000. It featured morning news anchor Mindi Ramsey and her daughter’s Kindergarten class at Clarks Summit Elementary. Success By 6 also worked to engage representatives from the early learning community, Head Start, Pre-K Counts, preschools and kindergarten teachers to share information, ideas and expectations with regard to smoothing the transition for incoming kindergarten students. A full-day inservice was held with 14 preschool and kindergarten teachers as well as administrators from the Riverside School District with similar meetings held in both the Lakeland and Carbondale Area Districts as well. Learn more at UWLC.NET | 4
Celebrating Pennsylvania’s Promise for Children First Friday Scranton. For many years, the United Way and Success By 6 have worked with the state program Pennsylvania’s Promise for Children with a shared belief that every young child in our state deserves the chance to be successful in school and life. October is PA Promise for Children month, and we kicked off the month-long celebration by participating in First Friday Scranton, hosted by Peoples Security Bank and Trust. The theme this year was “I Have the Promise To Be...” and featured a closer look at various occupations. Children were invited to visit our table to draw a picture of what they want to be when they grow up. Their artwork was then displayed, making each child a featured First Friday artist! Children’s books, activities and developmental information was also distributed. In addition, volunteers from the Jewish Community Center of Scranton led our first-ever LIVE UNITED Zumba Flash Mob, and we highlighted our new “Picture Your Impact” initiative which features photographs taken by Marywood University student Laura Drapek at our partner agencies to put faces behind the statistics of those helped by the United Way everyday. Several of those photos can be found in this report.
read out loud. To highlight the importance of early literacy, Success By 6 continued its popular guest reader program during Pennsylvania’s Promise for Children month in October. This event LIVE UNITED recruits volunteers from local companies and organizations to “Read Out Loud” in area preschool 79 VOLUNTEERS classrooms. As part of PA Promise for Children month, this year’s book selections focused on career exploration as part of the “I Have the Promise to Be...” theme.
Pictured, above from left: Marywood University student Laura Drapek and the “Picture Your Impact” display; Angelena is one of our featured First Friday artists; Mindy from the Jewish Community Center of Scranton leads a spirited Zumba Flash Mob.
summer learning. Although school is over for the summer, the learning does not stop! Research indicates that children lose an average of more than two months of grade level equivalency over the summer, and the trend is even more alarming for children from lower income families. With funding from PNC Grow Up Great, the United Way is providing Summer Take Home Kits to students entering 2nd grade at McNichols Plaza in Scranton. Each kit will have five books, activity sheets and a journal. Program participants will be invited to events over the summer to encourage participation/completion. A similar program is also being implemented at the Carbondale Area Elementary School. 5 | United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties 2013-14 Annual Report
Educational Tax Credits The Pennsylvania Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) programs give businesses a chance to support the United Way’s commitment to education. Support of this vital program rose to an all-time high last year, as we obtained more than $556,000 in EITC and OSTC funds to help area children achieve success. Through the Opportunity Scholarship program, we assisted 55 children. Through the Educational Improvement Opportunity (EIO) funds, we supported 556 children through a variety of innovative programs in the Arts, Environmental Education and Robotics at the Greater Carbondale YMCA, United Neighborhood Centers and Wallenpaupack School District. The activities ranged from LEGO Robotics for elementary school students to environmental education for elementary and high school students and a high school arts program based on the principles of Rachel’s Challenge. PRE-k tax credits. Contributions of PreKindergarten tax credits climbed to more than $428,000 last year to provide tuition assistance to more *as of May, 2014 than 230 children from income eligible families in five counties, helping them attend quality preschool programs.
Supporting businesses • AAA North Penn • Absolute Distribution—A Times Shamrock Company • AQUA Pennsylvania • Community Bank NA • The Dime Bank • Fidelity Bank • First National Community Bank • Gentex Corporation • Gertrude Hawk Chocolates • The Honesdale National Bank • M & T Bank • NBT Bank • Peoples Security Bank & Trust • PNC Bank • PNC Capital Advisors • PPL Electric Utilities • Topp Business Solutions • Towanda Printing Company — A Times Shamrock Company • UHS of Fairmont, Inc. • Wayne Bank Denotes a company who contributed Pre-K Tax Credits
In 2013, 170 children benefited from having a caring mentor as part of the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program • 262 adult learners received literacy services • 1,706 blind and visually impaired individuals utilized the Pell Radio Reading Service • 20 teens with developmental disabilities/special needs participated in Compuplay to increase their computer skills • 40 teens worked with other youth program participants to provide structured mentoring • 702 youth were helped to join Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts • Please visit us online at UWLC.NET for more about the impact you made in education. >> Learn more at UWLC.NET | 6
United Way works to support hard-working individuals and families in becoming financially stable and economically independent.
Far too many hard-working, local families are forced to walk a financial tightrope. Since our earliest days as the Community Chest in Scranton, a hallmark of the United Way movement has been to provide a solid safety net in times of crisis and dire need. Indeed, the United Way allocated over $800,000 to address basic, emergency needs such as food and shelter. Yet, according to Census figures released last year, almost 15 percent of the residents of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties are living in poverty with an astounding 22 percent of area children who are impoverished. Through our Financial Stability Partnership, the United Way promotes fiscal stability and economic independence to help area families increase income, build savings and gain assets.
We all win
when families are financially stable, lifted from the depths of poverty and leading productive lives.
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance. Truly the hallmark of the United Way’s Financial Stability work, this marked the seventh year of our VITA program expansion. We partner annually with the University of Scranton to provide free tax preparation for low to moderate income individuals. This year, we were awarded a monetary grant by the IRS to support this endeavor, and we reached 121 percent of our preparation goal. The taxes are prepared by United Way volunteers and University students, all of whom are trained and certified by the IRS.
VITA: THE RESULTS 2,428 FREE tax returns were filed Total Economic Impact = $3.5+
in refunds, earned income tax credits and fee savings. Gift of Warmth. To help ensure our most vulnerable residents are not left out in the cold during the brutal winter months, the United Way established the Gift of Warmth to augment our Emergency Heating Fund. This program began in 2008 by Patrick McMahon, owner of OnePoint, to encourage business leaders and individuals to give the Gift of Warmth to clients, vendors and friends in lieu of holiday gifts or tokens. Last year, over $91,000 was utilized across both counties to assist 11 households with furnace repair or replacement and 240 with emergency heat and utility assistance. community investment Council. To address unmet and emerging needs in the community, the United Way reviews special requests and awards grants annually. Grantees for the past year include the CEO Weinberg Food Bank’s Summer Food 4 Kids program; Interdependence Day support; United Neighborhood Centers’ Housing Coalition which helps leverage more than $2.2 million in federal funds to assist homeless individuals; Pack Them with Love—weekend snack bags sent home with children attending Dunmore Elementary School who also receive free or reduced school lunches; and the Young Chefs Academy run by Shalom Scranton which teaches children ages 6-16 how to prepare healthy and affordable meals and snacks.
In 2013, food and clothing assistance was given to 11,463 households • 2,152 households received emergency assistance • Emergency housing assistance was provided for 1,642 individuals • 13 previously homeless new mothers and their babies were sheltered and now have stable income • 690 homeless individuals received shelter • 816 emergency requests were referred to the appropriate community resource while 622 emergency plans were implemented • Please visit us online at UWLC.NET for more about the impact you made in income. >> Learn more at UWLC.NET | 8
United Way works to improve the physical and mental health of our community with access to needed care.
Good physical and mental health is a basic need that impacts every aspect of life. Strong, vibrant and healthy individuals and families are the cornerstone of every community. Whether its a neighbor without health insurance, a co-worker who is the victim of abuse, a child down the street without enough food to eat, a family member struggling with mental illness or a senior who can’t afford his prescription medications, the United Way is committed to ensuring the good health and well-being of everyone in our region. We are proud to support a broad array of healthrelated programs and services. Together with our numerous partners, we’re helping thousands of area residents lead heathier and more productive lives.
We all win when people of all ages enjoy good physical and mental health, safety and well-being.
FAMILYWIZE. The United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties is proud to partner with FamilyWize to offer a discount card for people with little or no prescription coverage. FamilyWize cards are distributed free of charge throughout the community and can be downloaded by visiting UWLC.NET. It covers all FDA-approved prescription drugs and is accepted at most pharmacies nationwide.
claims filed in 2013
in savings during 2013
Total Savings since 2007 = $1.5+
Healthy futures. The United Way continued this innovative program to target childhood obesity within five partner agencies—the Boys and Girls Clubs of NEPA, Jewish Community Center of Scranton, Greater Carbondale and Greater Scranton YMCAs and United Neighborhood Centers. Last year, 585 children participated to increase their physical activity and nutritional knowledge with support at home. state and federal programs. The United Way continued its role as local administrator for the State Food Purchase Program (SFP) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Last year, we leveraged $275,057 in SFP funds to provide more than 187,000 pounds of food to help almost 14,000 households through 11 agencies. The FEMA dollars provide supplemental funds for emergency food and shelter needs. Last year, $102,101 in federal funds were awarded to six local organizations to help meet those needs. help for hunger. Recent studies indicate that nearly one in four people in our area do not have enough food. Working to change that, the United Way supported the CEO Weinberg Food Bank’s Summer Food 4 Kids program which provides healthy food to children in need during the summer. We also held the 3rd Annual Caring and Sharing Healthy Food Drive as a signature project of Day of Caring as area companies and volunteers donated more than one ton of food for local food pantries.
In 2013, 50 cancer survivors promoted health and healing in a wellness program • 177 children and adults were referred for in-depth care due to the detection of an eye/vision problem • 8 dialysis patients received help with transportation to and from life-saving care • 27 individuals in need received emergency prescription assistance • Hot meals were delivered to 133 seniors who had recently come home from the hospital • 167 women and children experiencing domestic violence received safe shelter and developed a personalized safety plan • Please visit us online at UWLC.NET for more about the impact you made in health. >> Learn more at UWLC.NET | 10
Students from Wallenpaupack Area High School following their performance of “Dream Big” which incorporated the Rachel’s Challenge themes of kindness & compassion. The United Way
was honored to support this program through our Educational Improvement Organization (EIO) tax credits.
Great things happen when we LIVE UNITED in Wayne County. The United Way is committed to making a difference in Wayne County. During the past eight years, nearly $400,000 has been distributed to more than a dozen community and human service organizations providing critical programs and services in Wayne County. At the heart of this grassroots movement is the generous donors who contribute to the Wayne County Division of the campaign and the dedicated volunteers who work tirelessly to ensure the donor’s dollars are well spent to make great things happen in Wayne County.
We all win
when our communities come together collectively to make a difference and improve the quality of life for all of us who call Northeastern Pennsylvania home.
2013 grant recipients. The Wayne County Fund Distribution committee awarded grants totaling $54,125 to 15 organizations serving Wayne County residents. The funds were raised through workplace campaigns, corporate gifts, individual donations and foundation awards during the prior year’s campaign. The grant recipients are: The Arc of Northeastern Pennsylvania • Catholic Social Services • Devereux Pocono Center • Hawley Public Library • Honesdale Communities That Care • Hose Co. No. 1 - Honesdale Fire Department • Prompton Fire & Rescue Unit • Victims’ Intervention Program • Wallenpaupack School District • Wayne County Area Agency on Aging • Wayne County Food Pantry • Wayne County Public Library • Wayne County YMCA • Wayne Pike Adult Literacy Program • Workforce Wayne EDUCATION. During the 2013 Campaign, 20 businesses—including The Dime Bank, The Honesdale National Bank and Wayne Bank—made contributions to the United Way’s Tax Credit program. These funds allowed 72 Wayne County families and eight from Pike County to send their children to quality preschools - an increase of 33 Wayne County families over the prior year. Our Success By 6 program continued its work with Wayne County children in 2013. We mobilized volunteers from four Wayne County businesses/organizations to “Read Out Loud” as guest readers in 13 preschool classrooms throughout the county. Kindergarten registration materials were shared with 21 early care providers, and we worked with 5 Wayne County schools to help 375 preschoolers transition successfully to Kindergarten. New parent resource kits were distributed to 260 families through Wayne Memorial Hospital, Maternal and Family Health and Catholic Social Services. income. During the fourth year of this program in the Wayne County community, 62 households were given emergency heat/utility assistance during the cold winter months—almost double the number of households receiving the Gift of Warmth last year. 2013 marked the fifth year of our VITA program expansion in Wayne County as our volunteers prepared 150 free tax returns at Woodloch Pines and the Wayne County Senior Center as part of our commitment to improving the financial stability of Wayne County families. health. The United Way distributes free FamilyWize prescription discount cards to individuals with little or no prescription coverage. In Wayne County last year there were 3,038 claims made with prescription savings of nearly $124,000. The average savings per prescription was nearly $41 or 51 percent.
In 2013, 725 households in need received emergency assistance • Each week, 12 children in crisis received counseling • 14 senior adults maintained independence in their own homes • 618 families without enough to eat were given fresh produce • 11 young adults with Intellectual/Developmental disabilities benefited from a School to Work transition program • 3 Fire Departments were aided in responding to emergencies faster and more efficiently • Please visit us online at UWLC.NET for more about the impact you made in Wayne County. >> Learn more at UWLC.NET | 12
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13 | United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties 2013-14 Annual Report
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The United Way was once again honored to welcome Mike Munchak back to his native Scranton to host the sold out 18th Annual Mike Munchak Charity Golf Classic at the Country Club of Scranton. In the 18 years of this tournament, more than a half million dollars has been raised to benefit the United Way, making it our largest annual fundraising event.
Fidelity Bank Gentex Corporation Gertrude Hawk Chocolates Moses Taylor Hospital - An Affiliate of Commonwealth Health PNC Bank PPL Utilities The P&G Paper Products Company - Mehoopany Plant Prudential Retirement The Scranton Times-Tribune TMG Health, Inc.
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The Spirit of Caring Chairman’s Awards are the highest honor United Way bestows annually for service above and beyond the normal campaign. Fidelity Bank was honored for their outstanding corporate support as they became the single largest contributor of Pre-Kindergarten Tax credits, donating more than $600,000 over the course of the program. Gentex Corporation and its employees received the award due to their campaign’s outstanding growth, volunteer commitment and year-round engagement efforts. The faculty, staff and students from Marywood University achieved new levels of giving worthy of this award in addition to rolling up their sleeves as volunteers and invigorating support among the students with the first-ever Scobstacle event—part Scavenger Hunt/part Obstacle Course/ part Color Run. The final Chairman’s Award was presented to Joyce Tressler in recognition of her volunteer leadership across many areas of the annual Campaign.
2013 Campaign - the year in review. PNC Bank’s Peter Danchak took the helm of the annual United Way campaign for the second time in 2013. Under his leadership, a dedicated group of volunteers worked to raise $3,617,007. The last three digits of that number were quite significant as the final figure raised was announced in November during a James Bond themed event at Genetti’s. This success was once again due in large part to the hundreds of area companies that conducted on-site employee campaigns. As the results were tallied, ten companies emerged as the highest grossing campaigns and served as the Pillars of the campaign’s success. Combining both corporate and employee support, these philanthropic organizations raised in excess of $1 million during the 2013 campaign:
Pictured, opposite: 2013 United Way Campaign Chair Peter Danchak, president of PNC Bank Northeast, visits with children at Day Nursery Association.
A Pro Football Hall of Famer and the offensive line coach for the Pittsburgh Steelers, Mike’s ongoing commitment to the Scranton area and to our United Way inspired the establishment of a special Mike Munchak Community Services Scholarship awarded to a local high school student who demonstrates the leadership and community activism Mike displays both on and off the field. The one-time financial award of $6,300 honors Mike’s #63 that he wore throughout his playing days and which was retired by the Houston Oilers. The 2013 recipient was Carbondale Area High School graduate Joseph Gigliotti who is attending Temple University where he is majoring in Physical Therapy. Joe, a coach and mentor to young children, volunteered through the Greater Carbondale YMCA.
Sources of Revenue
2013 Campaign
Corporat e Giving 15.9 %
Other 30 %
l Giving 7.5 %
. orp ing n C n Giv o N tio nda .3 % o F u 10
Employee Giving 36.3 %
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Pictured, below from left: Marywood University students prepare to compete in the first ever Scobstacle; Joseph Giglotti, the 2013 Mike Munchak Community Services Scholarship recipient and Gary Drapek, president and CEO of the United Way; 2013 Campaign Chair Danchak. Peter Danchak at the podium to announce the final figure raised during a James Bond themed event to close out the 2013 Campaign.
You live it!
Learn more at UWLC.NET | 14
advocacy in action. The United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties is the only organization looking at the social service needs of our two-county region with a holistic approach. We identify needs, priorities and gaps in service to direct resources in the singularly most effective manner. To do this, we coordinate numerous collaborations and partnerships to help reduce redundancy and maximize efficiency. We know that this sort of community-based approach takes more than successful fundraising, so we recruit people and organizations to share their passion for our community around a host of critical issues. You see, instead of focusing on one single cause or issue, we focus on dozens of them, serving the community as a whole. This way, your support of the United Way not only addresses the needs that everyone is aware of, but also those that are less obvious, but no less important. Uniting decision-makers, industry experts and policy leaders at the local, state and national levels, the United Way keeps the needs of the people of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties at the forefront.
However, effective advocacy goes far beyond public policy. The United Way needs people like you who are passionate about the education, income and health of our community to join us and champion the cause. We ask you to use your voice to make a difference for our community. Join our online community to stay informed on the issues that matter most to you and for up-to-the-minute updates on the impact your gift makes to the United Way every day. Last year, we launched the 100 Days of Impact, a new social media campaign to educate, inform and engage our current and prospective donors by helping them better understand the difference they make in our community with their generous support of United Way. Each day from August 14 through the Campaign Closing Celebration on November 21, we posted and tweeted an interesting statistic or inspirational story to illustrate the impact your gift to United Way makes all year round. With the help of Lamar Advertising, our tweets were featured on digital billboards throughout the community. On the 100th day, we live
15 | United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties 2013-14 Annual Report
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Pictured, opposite: Day of Caring Volunteers from Cigna help to sort food donated during the 3rd Annual Caring and Sharing Healthy Food Drive.
tweeted from our Campaign Closing Celebration and those tweets were also streamed live on nearly a dozen digital billboards. Guests and others in the community were invited to follow the tweets and join the conversation using the hashtag #uwcelebration, and it was featured on Lamar’s nation-wide blog, digitalanddirt.com.
DEPARTMENT OF LABOR PARTICIPATION united way and organized labor: working together. During the past year, the United Way’s Department of Labor Participation continued partnerships with both the Lackawanna County and Pocono Counties Workforce Investment Boards to further promote community initiatives. A third partnership continued with the Northeast Pennsylvania Industrial Resource Center to help promote manufacturing in our counties thus retaining jobs and creating new job opportunities for dislocated workers.
The Department also proudly carried on the tradition of honoring an individual from the ranks of organized labor with the William E. Cockerill Sr. Award. This year’s recipient was Frank Stevens, retired from the International Association of Fire Fighters Local 60.
The Department also continues to be an integral part of the Commonwealth’s Rapid Response team, meeting immediately with displaced workers to quickly help access important services during unemployment or layoffs. The Department prepares an informational Services for the Unemployed brochure that is distributed throughout the county including at the CareerLink of Lackawanna County. The Department was pleased to once again support the Letter Carriers Branch 17’s successful Stamp Out Hunger food drive to help fill the shelves of area food pantries.
Dave Gervasi, IAFF Local 60; Bill Cockerill, Jr., United Way Labor Liaison; Nancy Krake, United Way Campaign Cabinet and president of Scranton Central Labor Union; Frank Stevens; Jack Gaffney, IAFF Local 60; Pat DeSarno, chief of Scranton Fire Department. Learn more at UWLC.NET | 16
when caring people unite, anything is possible. In 1921, a group of concerned community members laid the foundation for the very first Community Chest in Scranton—precursor to what is today known as the United Way—on a Scranton-bound train following a Kiwanis convention. Those very first volunteers were true visionaries, and it is their dedicated community spirit that lives on in the thousands of people who carry on their tradition of caring by volunteering with United Way annually. We owe our existence to the volunteers whose clarity of vision and oneness of purpose created our United Way, and we owe our success to those who continue to follow in their footsteps and mobilize themselves to make a difference for those most in need.
partnering agencies. Both Days of Caring are sponsored by NBT Bank and chaired by Nancy Jackson Matthews.
joseph A. mahon volunteer of the year award. Attorney Joseph Mahon’s tireless efforts on behalf of those in need was unparalleled. He served for three years as the United Way’s Chairman of the Board and became a daily fixture in the United Way office until only days before his passing in 1987. Joe exemplified the volunteer spirit at the foundation of the United Way movement. In tribute, the Joseph A. Mahon Volunteer of the Year Award was established in 1988. This award is not given annually but rather is reserved for those rare individuals who personify the ideals exhibited by Attorney Mahon. It was fitting that, at the 2013 Awards Breakfast, Nancy Jackson Matthews was presented with the Mahon Award in recognition for her many day of caring. Since 1994, the United Way’s Day of Caring years of dedicated service to the United Way. She has filled many has been an annual tradition with the value of completed roles over the years, but the one for which she is synonymous is projects surpassing the $2 million mark. In 2013, more than her chairmanship of Day of Caring each year since it began in 375 volunteers from 30 area companies participated to make a difference with 44 projects in nearly two dozen Partner Agencies 1994. Under her leadership, Day of Caring has grown to be the premiere volunteer day of service in our community. More than and Grant Recipient organizations in Lackawanna and Wayne 11,000 volunteers have Counties. We worked with CEO Weinberg Food Bank to host our first ever mobile food pantry at the Taylor Community Library and completed 880 projects held our 3rd Annual Caring and Sharing Healthy Food Drive which by giving 60,000 hours of service to our community. collected more than one ton of food to be distributed through United Neighborhood Centers, The Salvation Army, Bread Basket We are indebted to Nancy for her commitment and of NEPA and Friends of the Poor. The Day of Caring volunteer projects included landscaping, painting, cleaning, maintenance, salute her for carrying on Attorney Mahon’s tradition client visitation and other essential tasks to benefit the local of exemplary service above nonprofits making a difference in our community everyday. self. YOUTH Day of caring. To encourage the next generation of volunteer leaders, the United Way holds an annual Youth Day Nancy, thank you for of Caring for students in grades 7-12. In 2013, nearly 250 area caring! students were mobilized among 15 sites in eight United Way 17 | United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties 2013-14 Annual Report
Mrs. Matthews accepts the Mahon Volunteer of the Year Award from United Way CEO Gary Drapek.
Pictured, opposite: Day of Caring Volunteers from VaxServe staffed our first-ever Mobile Food Pantry at the Taylor Community Library.
get connected. The United Way invites you to Get Connected with our online platform that matches users with local opportunities to make a difference. Accessed through our website at UWLC.NET or by scanning the QR code below, users create a profile and search for opportunities to make a difference. In the past year, there have been almost 4,500 visitors to the site with nearly 3,000 of those being unique. We’ve had 544 new registered users and there have been almost 21,000 page views in just the last year. The individual agency home pages were viewed nearly 11,000 times and the site has been accessed by 14 different browsers and 12 operating systems, indicative of our goal of having a mobile friendly site for easy access.
Community Impact Focus Areas
Our United Way’s focus on Education, Income and Health is further broken down into six areas of greatest impact. The dollar amounts listed were allocated to our partner agencies in Fiscal Year 2012-2013.
Investing in Youth & Children $390,903 Strengthening Families $456,633 Improving Community Health & Wellness $27,715 Helping Neighbors in Crisis $444,278 Supporting Older Adults $152,775
To get started, scan the QR code with your smartphone or visit UWLC.NET and click on the Get Connected button on the right side of the homepage.
community impact fund distribution volunteers. The United Way’s Community Impact Fund Distribution process helps ensure that the Partner Agency programs receiving United Way funds are creating measurable results. While page 12 details the process in Wayne County, in Lackawanna County last year, 55 volunteers dedicated nearly 1,000 hours of service as they carefully reviewed client data, units of service, budgets, outcomes and other crucial metrics to scrutinize effectiveness and determine appropriate funding levels. This year, we introduced an online system called eC-Impact which enabled agencies to submit their applications electronically while also allowing electronic access for the volunteers to review the submissions. This annual citizen review process truly sets United Way apart. Because of these dedicated volunteers, you can be assured that your gift to United Way will be well spent to have maximum impact in our community.
Caring for People with Special Physical or Mental Challenges $186,510
FUND DISTRIBUTION VOLUNTEERS AAA North Penn • Bank of America • Barrows Wealth Management • Blue Cross of Northeastern Pennsylvania • Case Stack • Community Bank NA • The Commonwealth Medical College • The Dime Bank • Educational Opportunity Center, Inc. • EPSCO • Gentex Corporation • Highlights for Children • The Honesdale National Bank • Jewish Home of Eastern PA • Keystone College • Loveshaw • LR Costanzo Co., Inc. • Marywood University • Merrill Lynch • MetLife Insurance Company • Moses Taylor Hospital • NBT Bank • Nexstar WBRE/ WYOU • ParenteBeard, LLC • PNC Bank • PNC Wealth Management • PPL Corporation • Quadrant EPP • Regional Hospital of Scranton • Schwartz Wealth Management • The Scranton Times-Tribune • Thomas J Kelley and Associates • TMG Health, Inc. • TR Technology Solutions • UPS • VaxServe, Inc. • Wayne Bank • Wayne County Area Agency on Aging • Wayne County Chamber of Commerce Learn more at UWLC.NET | 18
For the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2013 with summarized comparative information for Fiscal Year 2012.
Cash - unrestricted Cash subject to donor restrictions Cash and cash equivalents $ Pledges receivable, net of allowance for uncollectible pledges of $216,207 and $204,759 Investments Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation Prepaid expenses Other receivables Beneficial interest in assets held by a community foundation
$ 3,379,767 16,521 3,396,288 $
$ 2,388,258 9,405 2,397,663
832,555 2,688,835
931,547 2,603,053
$ 7,049,031
Total assets
73,363 5,793 6,715
81,720 10,117 11,491
43,319 $ 6,078,910
LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Liabilities Accounts payable Accrued payroll and payroll taxes Allocations payable Agency funds Due to designated agencies Reserve for community service Total liabilities Net assets Unrestricted Board designated Undesignated Net investment in land, buildings and equipment Total unrestricted net assets Temporarily restricted Time restricted Purpose restricted Total temporarily restricted net assets Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets
73,485 726 723,760 205,589 145,431 34,407 1,183,398
61,509 182 718,009 184,743 82,776 28,884 1,076,103
2,842,554 575,321
2,081,715 445,727
103,709 3,521,584
118,111 2,645,553
1,724,146 619,903 2,344,049 5,865,633 7,049,031
1,767,619 589,635 2,357,254 5,002,807 $ 6,078,910
An independent audit was completed by McGrail, Merkel, Quinn and Associates for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2013 and is available for review at the United Way office. The official registration and financial information of the United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties may be obtained from The Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, in Pennsylvania, 1(800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
19 | United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties 2013-14 Annual Report
14,774 households received food assistance
250 adult learners received literacy services
2,050 visits were made by 500 families to the baby pantry for essentials
751 households received heating assistance 263 children were mentored by a Big Brother/Big Sister
50 cancer survivors participated in wellness activities
744 homeless individuals were sheltered
11,250 households received clothing assistance
2013 Board of Directors
1,946 children and adults received vision screening Chair Sandy Chickeletti Vice President, M & T Bank
United Way Staff, left to right: Back row: Frank Kincel; Campaign Manager; Bill Cockerill, AFL/CIO Community Services Liaison; Gary Drapek, President and CEO; Jack Evans, Sr. VP and CFO; John Orbin, VP of Resource Development/Campaign. Middle row: Nikki Keller, VP of Marketing; Elena Kozloski, Office Services Manager; Maripat Kovalkoski, Operational Systems Manager. Front Row: Lisa Berardelli, Success By 6 Director/ Education Coordinator; Peg Kopko, VP of Community Services; Angela Bassani, Director of Financial Stability; Stig Fromm, Director of Community Impact; Dan Nowakowski, Campaign Manager.
Senior Vice Chair Tom Donohue VP/General Manager, Lamar Advertising
1,942 individuals received crisis intervention Vice Chair, Community Service Development Peter Curtin Senior Vice President/Scranton Region, PNC Bank
Vice Chair, Resource Development Lewis J. Critelli President & CEO, Wayne Bank
Vice Chair, Community Impact Marketing Secretary Edward F. Dempsey, Sr. Anne Salerno Vice President, Boenning & Scattergood, Inc. Scranton School District
Treasurer John Canavan Community Volunteer
Honorary Lifetime Members Richard Marquardt Judith Graziano
Campaign Chair Peter Danchak President, PNC Bank Northeast
Harold W. Baillie, Ph.D.
William King
University of Scranton
Scranton School District
Johnson College
Gary Beilman
George Lynett, Jr.
William Rosado
The Dime Bank
Craig Best Peoples Security Bank & Trust
Dr. Stanley Blondek Physician’s Health Alliance
Barbara Bossi Geisginer CMC
Christina Curran McDonald’s
Dr. Ann Pipinski
The Scranton Times-Tribune
The Rosado Group
Sister Anne Munley, IHM
Rick Schraeder
Marywood University
Dr. Karen Murphy Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Margo Opsasnick Delta Medix
Randy Palko
Community Bank, NA
IBEW Local 81
William Schweighofer The Honesdale National Bank
Drew Simpson
Carpenter’s Union Local 645
John T. Tighe III TMG Health, Inc.
Justin Davis
Moses Taylor Hospital/ Commonwealth Health
Kris E. Fendrock, Esq. Myers, Brier & Kelly, LLP
Alex Fried The P & G Paper Products Company
Our Mission To improve the quality of life of the people of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties and surrounding communities by serving as a catalyst for community problem solving and by conducting an efficient, encompassing volunteer fund raising effort to positively impact the community’s most compelling social problems.
Dr. Paul Kaczmarcik Community Volunteer
Learn more at UWLC.NET | 20
United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties 615 Jefferson Avenue • Scranton, Pennsylvania 18510 PO Box 526 • Scranton, Pennsylvania 18501-0526 PO Box 328 • Waymart, Pennsylvania 18472 P: 570.343.1267 • F: 570.969.2977