Inspire. Connect. Impact. United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties 2017-18 Annual Report

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United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties


Fighting for the education, financial stability and health of every person in Lackawanna and Wayne Counties



The ones most people shy away from. The ones nobody talks about. The ones that seem impossible to solve.


We go looking for them.

In every city and every town in Lackawanna and Wayne Counties.

We find every dollar we can to address them. But, we’re more than fundraisers. We are the handraisers. The game changers. The stop-talking-start-doing and take on the impossible task-masters.

No matter the obstacles. No matter the odds.



WHAT’S INSIDE Message from Board Chair and CEO


Charity Navigator 4-Star Rating


Board of Directors and Staff


Agency Partners


Our Impact Education Financial Stability Health

5-12 13-16 17-20

Wayne County Year in Review


Campaign Highlights


Organized Labor and Advocate Volunteer

26 27-29

Total Community Investment


Statements of Financial Position


Connect with Us


OUR MISSION To improve the quality of life for the people of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties and surrounding communities by serving as a catalyst for community problem solving and by conducting an efficient, encompassing volunteer fund raising effort to positively impact the community’s most compelling social problems.

MESSAGE FROM BOARD CHAIR & CEO Dear Friends, Since 1921, the United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties has drawn our inspiration from the people of this great community—those whom we serve and those who stand with us ready to make a real, lasting impact and change lives. Each year, the United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties proudly connects thousands of individual donors, corporations, foundations, volunteers, advocates and other organizations who share our commitment to helping our community thrive. This sort of impact means more babies are born healthy and enter school ready to learn, more children are reading proficiently by third grade, more youth are graduating from high school prepared for college or career, more families live in safe homes and people of all ages have nutritious food and good physical and mental health. As you browse this report of our work in the past year, we thank you for sharing your passion to help us create tangible, significant and sustainable impact. Your dedication continues to inspire us as we continually seek new connections and find innovative answers to our area’s most complex and challenging issues. Because of people like you, lives are indeed changing for the better. Thank you for being a game changer in the fight for the education, financial stability and health of everyone in Lackawanna and Wayne Counties. Warmest regards,

Tom Donohue Chairman of the Board


Inspire Connect Impact

Gary Drapek President and CEO

United Way Earns 4-Star Rating for 6th Straight Year The United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties has attained the highest possible 4-star rating for demonstrating strong financial health and commitment to accountability and transparency by Charity Navigator for the 6th consecutive year.

Only six percent of charities perform at this level nationwide, indicating our United Way far exceeds industry standards and outperforms most other charities in America. Using objective analysis, Charity Navigator has awarded only the most fiscally responsible organizations a 4-star rating. These Accountability and Transparency metrics, which account for 50 percent of a charity’s overall rating, reveal which charities operate in accordance with industry best practices and whether they are open with their donors and stakeholders. We are proud of this achievement and pledge to continue our faithful stewardship of the resources entrusted to us.

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BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Committee


Tom Donohue, Chair Lamar Advertising

Tracy Bannon St. Joseph’s Center Foundation

Justin Davis Commonwealth Health

Anne Salerno, Sr. Vice Chair Scranton School District

The Honorable Michael Barrasse Lackawanna County President Judge

P.J. Dempsey Dempsey Uniform & Linen Supply

Alex Fried, Vice Chair, Resource Development The P&G Paper Products Company

Dr. Erica Barone-Pricci Lackawanna College

Kathie Gaughan Commonwealth Health Moses Taylor Hospital

Randy Palko, Vice Chair, Community Impact Community Volunteer George Lynett, Jr., Vice Chair, Community Impact Marketing The Scranton Times-Tribune

Gary Beilman The Dime Bank Dr. Stanley Blondek Physicians Health Alliance Barbara Bossi Community Volunteer

Jason Kavulich Lackawanna County Area Agency on Aging Noelle Lynett Community Volunteer

Dr. Ann Pipinski, Treasurer Johnson College

Sandy Chickeletti M & T Bank

John Marsico Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine

Kelly Scheinman, Secretary Healthcare Consultant

Michael Cordaro Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.

Dr. Deb Pellegrino University of Scranton

Dan Santaniello, Campaign Chair Fidelity Bank

Lewis J. Critelli Wayne Bank

Judith Graziano, Honorary Lifetime Member

Christina Curran McDonald’s

PROFESSIONAL STAFF Gary Drapek President and CEO Jack R. Evans Senior Vice President and CFO Nikki Keller Vice President of Community Impact Marketing Peg Kopko Vice President of Community Impact John Orbin Vice President of Resource Development/Campaign Angela Bassani, CPA VITA Program Coordinator


Inspire Connect Impact

Attorney Joe Price Dougherty, Leventhal and Price, LLP David Raven The Honesdale National Bank William Rosado The Rosado Group

Lisa Berardelli Director of Education Programs Bill Cockerill AFL/CIO Community Serv. Liaison Stig Fromm Director of Community Impact Frank Kincel Campaign Manager Maripat Kovalkoski Operational Systems Manager

Elena Kozloski

Office Services Manager Dan Nowakowski Campaign Manager

Walter Serafinko Community Bank NA Drew Simpson Carpenter’s Union Local 645 Stephen Uliana Quadrant EPP Dr. Marwan Wafa Penn State University Worthington Scranton Campus Jonathan Watt Hendrick Manufacturing


American Red Cross of Lackawanna County


Boys and Girls Clubs of NEPA

Catholic Social Services

Day Nursery Association

GIrl Scouts in the Heart of PA

Greater Carbondale YMCA

Greater Scranton YMCA

Jewish Community Center

Jewish Family Service of NEPA

Lackawanna Blind Association

Meals on Wheels of NEPA

Northeastern PA Council, Boy Scouts of America

St. Joseph’s Center

The Salvation Army

Scranton Primary

UNITED WE FIGHT. UNITED WE WIN. The United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties fights for the education, financial stability and health of every person in our community. But, we need your help! Together, we fight for a quality education that leads to graduation, stable employment and steady, sufficient income to support a family’s financial stability while enjoying good physical and mental health, all with a solid safety net in times of crisis. Where gaps exist in educational opportunities, financial stability or health services, we distribute funds to programs helping to address these issues or create innovative initiatives and develop collaborative partnerships that do. Join the fight today!

Wayne County grantees are listed on page 22.

Health Care Center •

Serving Seniors, Inc

Telespond Senior Services

United Cerebral Palsy of NEPA

United Neighborhood Centers of NEPA

Voluntary Action Center

Women’s Resource Center

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For nearly 20 years, the United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties has focused on ensuring a quality education for every child in our community. Our experience tells us that the best way to make the greatest impact is when we connect and work together. Linking best practices and creating collaborative partnerships, we leverage resources and create sustainable, measurable results. From broad-reaching collective impact work to targeted, transformative projects, United Way works diligently to change the trajectory of future generations. Together with our collaborative partners, we offer the supports and services needed to remove barriers and help students succeed.

A quality education is the cornerstone for future success. Community Innovation Zone (CIZ). This marked the final year of a three-year, $225,000 CIZ grant through Pennsylvania’s Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge to help close the achievement gap and improve student outcomes for disadvantaged children from birth through third grade. The United Way was joined in this unique collaborative by John F. Kennedy and McNichols Plaza Elementary Schools in Scranton and Freckles and Frills Early Learning Center. Impoverished neighborhoods create challenges for students both in and out of school. Through this CIZ grant, our team worked with school leaders to address needs beyond education— including parental supports, access to better mental and physical health, social and emotional development, help with basic needs and enriching, innovative learning opportunities. At Kennedy, 45 K-2nd grade students participated in the Families and School Together (F.A.S.T.) Student


Inspire Connect Impact

McNichols Plaza Reading Champions with their “Olympic Medals.”

Academy while 24 1st-3rd graders at McNichols Plaza participated as all continued to strengthen their academic skills. In February, 80 kindergarten students and their families at McNichols Plaza participated in the F.A.S.T. Family Academy’s Reading Olympics, an at-home program which required

families to read five different types of books together and complete bookbased, Olympic-themed activities. The event culminated with an Olympicstyle, school-wide medal ceremony for the students. Kennedy Elementary’s F.A.S.T. Family Academy placed a particular emphasis on multiculturalism and



School readiness Academic achievement Quality out-of-school time Development of new skills and knowledge


Priority Areas


Children enjoy making bubbles as part of the STEAMing into Summer Lunch and Learn program last July.


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diversity by celebrating “Cultures Around the World” with a monthly program highlighting one of the 10 predominate ethnicities of their diverse student body. The program culminated with an end of the year multi-cultural food festival for families. In addition, family spaces have been established within the elementary schools. Known as F.A.S.T. Family Resource Centers, these welcoming spaces offer literacy kits, human service information and other learning opportunities for students and families. A Kindergarten Readiness Program (KRP), in partnership with Head Start, was held at each of these elementary schools in August for 20 incoming Kindergarten students in each school who had not participated in an early learning program. In addition, 22 students from McNichols and 21 students from Kennedy in grades K-2 participated in Summer Lit Camp while Freckles and Frills Early Learning Center also incorporated similar materials and books in their summer programing to better align with the elementary school’s curriculum. In February, more than 70 early childhood and kindergarten educators and administrators attended a firstof-its kind Kindergarten Dialogue. The event brought together Scranton School District personnel and the Early Childhood Education community along with community stakeholders to lay the foundation for a purposeful collaboration where teachers and students are supported with an aligned system between Early Childhood Education and elementary schools.


Inspire Connect Impact

“Building relationships with families and with school districts will help ensure a child’s success when he or she enters kindergarten as the information can be shared and utilized.”

~Grace Hogan, Executive Director Day Nursery Association

The dialogue was led by Lisa Berardelli, United Way education director and Gary Drapek, United Way president and CEO. Dr. Ann Pipinski, president emeritus of Johnson College, led a panel discussion to share best practices in preschool and kindergarten curriculum, instruction and assessment.

More than 70 Early Childhood and kindergarten educators, administrators and community stakeholders met in February for a first-of-its kind Kindergarten Dialogue.

Our goal for this inaugural event was to create stronger bridges between the Early Childhood Education community and area schools. These important connections help create effective alignment to support children and their families with a pathway to school success as well as to develop a strong, cohesive team committed to coninuting the CIZ model’s impactful work. Members of the CIZ team attended a P3 Sustainability Conference in State College in May, hosted by the Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning

(OCDEL). As part of the conference, our team’s work surrounding the Kindergarten Dialogue was highlighted and our community was lauded for our success in building strong collaborative partnerships to improve alignment and transition efforts as children prepare for kindergarten.

TRANSFORMING READERS Transforming Readers is a newly established collaborative with roots as a CIZ pilot program – now expanding to other schools and parts of the community. The program serves students in kindergarten - 2nd grade who are reading just below grade level. Twentyone volunteers recruited by Voluntary Action Center and the Lackawanna County Area Agency on Aging received training as volunteer tutors in 16 classrooms at Kennedy and McNichols Plaza elementary schools in Scranton – reaching 90 children during this 10 week program. At Kennedy, the program was held twice weekly while the McNichols Plaza program was held once per week. Transforming Readers is held during “I” time at each school, instructional time specially set aside for student intervention. School reading specialists created program content that aligns and supports core reading competencies. Teachers and reading specialists evaluate individual student need and select appropriate materials for each session. Volunteers then work with students one-on-one or in small groups.

Initial results indicate an average of 10 percent improvement in reading assessments pre and post-program. Transforming Readers volunteer Janet Geeza works with students at Kennedy Elementary School.





522 Hours

“The kids were so amazing and diverse in their personalities, backgrounds, enthusiasm and abilities. My prayer is that I made a difference in their lives as much as they made a difference in mine. ” ~ Volunteer Reader

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Transforming Children’s Futures (TCF). Every child in our community deserves the opportunity to thrive. TCF brings organizations, educational institutions, businesses and members of the community together as an integrated, cohesive team to ensure this opportunity for all children. Children are learning to read from birth through 3rd grade, but from 4th grade on, children are reading to learn. The Issue Early grade reading success is a critical component of learning and key indicator of future success; yet more than 38 percent of third grade students in Lackawanna County are reading below grade level. That means children in our community – whether in urban, rural or suburban school districts – are FOUR TIMES more likely to drop out of school and 13 TIMES more likely to drop out of school if they also live in poverty. They are less likely to develop skills essential for contributing to the 21st century economy and are far less likely to be effective, contributing citizens. Our Response The United Way is proud to lead this newly formed coalition of community agencies committed to: • Provide support to students who are struggling to be proficient readers • Promote healthy growth and development in younger children • Empower and support families to help their children read, learn and develop • Mobilize the community to take action to improve early grade reading success


Inspire Connect Impact

Creating pathways to success for all children Every Student, Every Day Attendance Awareness. TCF sought funding from the Scranton Area Foundation’s Community Needs Fund to continue and expand our work in a variety of specific projects such as attendance mini-grants. Building upon our successful partnership with the Lackawanna County Office of Youth and Family Services, three minigrants were awarded to area school districts to implement attendance awareness initiatives in their schools. As a result, one district saw the chronic absentee rate of its 9th grade students cut in half. Growing Healthy Readers. This marked our 4th year of partnering with the Commission on Economic Opportunity (CEO) on monthly Children’s Produce Markets in three host schools: Adams, McNichols Plaza and Tripp Elementary Schools but open to all elementary students and their families in Scranton. Thanks to Cigna, Bank of America and a host of other volunteers, the families received healthy, nutritious foods through CEO and also received scarf and glove sets during Healthy Kid’s Nights in the fall and winter and enjoyed Summer Learning Carnivals to end the school year. Over 2,300 families were served as 227 volunteers provided 703 hours of service and 33 agencies were represented.

Our Vision Every child in our community will have access to the supports needed to attain 3rd grade reading proficiency. Our Mission Develop and implement a comprehensive and collaborative system of support which ensures pathways to reading proficiency by the end of 3rd grade for all Lackawanna County students. Our Bold Goal 90 percent of Lackawanna County 3rd graders will be proficient readers by 2022 as measured by 3rd grade Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) test scores. Our Core Focus Areas • Attendance Awareness • Growing Healthy Readers • School Readiness • Summer Learning

School Readiness Success By 6, our proven school readiness program continued to offer kindergarten transition support. Nine custom What Do You Wonder About Kindergarten booklets were created to reach 1,120 children and families at Valley View, Riverside West, Dunmore, Lakeland’s Mayfield and Scott Campuses, Jefferson Elementary, Carbondale Area, Isaac Tripp Elementary and John F. Kennedy

Elementary. In addition, we supported five Back to Sschool programs with school readiness literature and prizes. Our School Readiness work also incorporated a family engagement piece with the use of a daily app called VROOM to help provide parents and caregivers of young children with simple activities to help them grow and develop.

VROOM: BRAIN BUILDING TCF is pleased to offer VROOM to help parents, caregivers, early learning providers and others with simple activities to help make everyday moments with children from 0-5 into brain building moments. Whether it’s mealtime, bathtime, bedtime or anytime, there are always easy ways to nurture a child’s growing mind.

The First five years are when a child’s brain grows fastest.

VROOM offers tools, resources and a Daily VROOM app to help spark these brain building moments with thousands of simple activities right at your fingertips. Visit UWLC.NET/VROOM to sign up as individual or to become a VROOM Brain Building Corporate Partner and receive the starter kit pictured here to share VROOM tools, resources and the app with your employees.

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Summer Learning Children can lose up to two months of essential math and reading skills during the summer months. To help stem this summer learning loss, the United Way once again partnered with the Commission on Economic Opportunity (CEO) last summer to add a learning component to their Food 4 Kids Summer lunch program. This past summer, more than 200 children enjoyed our STEAMing into Summer Lunch and Learn series at 10 sites throughout July and August for Summer Learning fun! Special thanks to the volunteers from Bank of America, Lackawanna College, St. Joseph’s Center and Elm Park Church who made this program happen. Each week the children participated in fun, hands-on activities such as building and flying airplanes, volcanoes, bubble wands and more. Educational Tax Credits: FY 2017-18 Our United Way is approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development as a Pre-K, Educational Improvement, Scholarship and Opportunity Scholarship Organization. Thanks to the generosity of 19 local companies, hundreds of children from preschool to high school are on the path to a bright future.

Children at Connors Park, Scranton, enjoy building a volcano last summer.

Tax Credit Supporting Businesses »» Brown Brothers Harriman »» Comcast Corporation »» Community Bank, N.A. »» Dempsey Uniform & Linen Supply »» The Dime Bank »» Fidelity Bank »» FNCB Bank »» Gentex Corporation »» Gertrude Hawk Chocolates »» The Honesdale National Bank »» Lackawanna Casualty Co. »» M & T Bank »» NBT Bank »» PNC Bank »» PPL Electric Utilities »» UGI Utilities »» Waste Management »» Wayne Bank »» Weis Markets

PARTNER AGENCY PROGRAM IMPACT Boys and Girls Clubs of NEPA • After School Shuttle Program and Financial Aid • Summer Day Camp Day Nursery Association • Child Care - Financial Aid Girl Scouts in the Heart of Pennsylvania • Financial assistance for girls with economic needs in traditional troops

11 Inspire Connect Impact

Greater Carbondale YMCA • Day Camp - Financial Aid • Preschool • Quality Out-of-School Time Greater Scranton YMCA • Day Camp - Financial Aid • Day Care - Financial Aid Jewish Community Center of Scranton • Day Camp - Financial Aid • Day Care - Financial Aid

Thanks to this outstanding generosity, the United Way awarded 72 scholarships for students attending fee based schools last year. We supported a Digital Photography program for young people who learned the basics of photography, composition and digital editing. The students created portfolios and exhibited their work during First Friday art festivals in Scranton. We also supported Environmental Education and Robotics after-school and summer programs for students in Wayne County. Additionally, we leveraged more than $270,000 in tax credits to help 145 Pre-K students in five counties attend quality preschool programs.

EDUCATION NEPA Council, Boy Scouts of America • Scouting - Financial Aid United Cerebral Palsy of NEPA • Lekotek United Neighborhood Centers of NEPA • Day Care - Financial Aid • Leaders in Training • Project Hope Voluntary Action Center • Big Brothers / Big Sister


“It’s exhilarating to compete and it shows how your skills can improve. It gives girls a good experience to see how things work.” ~ NEPA Girl’s STEM Competition Students

The United Way leveraged Educational Improvement Organization (EIO) tax credit dollars to power the NEPA Girls STEM Competition at Valley View High School, led by Marisa Barilka, Valley View’s STEM coordinator. More than 100 girls in 5th - 8th grades competed on 39 teams representing Abington Heights, Delaware Valley, Forest City Regional, Lackawanna Trail, McNichols Plaza, Mid Valley, South Scranton Intermediate, West Scranton Intermediate, Western Wayne and Valley View. The NEPA Girls STEM Competition exposes girls to science, programming, engineering and math through five different events, including designing, building and operating a “Mousetrap car” in the engineering event. The competition, now in its 3rd year, has inspired coaches across the region to create after-school STEM clubs to engage the students in the months leading up to the competition. The competition continues to grow each year, empowering female students to reach their full potential and pursue STEM fields that they may not have considered.

86% of children improved their academic achievement

91% of preschoolers are ready for school success

96% of children developed new skills and knowledge

of children 95% participated in quality out-of school time programming

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The United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties is working to provide a continuum of strategies to help individuals and families meet basic needs while maximizing assets and building savings to achieve their financial goals. While the number of local families living in poverty continues to be near 14 percent, the United Way annually distributes in excess of $500,000 to address basic and emergent needs that many of us take for granted such as food, clothing and shelter. However, we know that to break the cycle of poverty, we must help people with the resources and opportunities they need to build a stronger financial foundation for themselves and their families to move from merely surviving to thriving.

The future success of our community is directly tied to the financial stability of our hard-working people. Income Tax Preparation Assistance. The United Way offers two options for free income tax filing as the cornerstone of our commitment to Financial Stability. Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA). For the past 11 years, the United Way’s VITA program has provided free local, state and federal income tax preparation for low to moderate income wage earners. With the help of a newly created internship program with Lackawanna College, we added seven students to our team of IRS - trained and certified volunteer tax preparers. New this year, all appointments were scheduled online or by calling 2-1-1, our area’s information and referral helpline. During the past decade, we’ve worked with the University of Scranton to mobilize VITA, reaching numerous communities throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania. This year, we expanded our satellite office at the United

13 Inspire Connect Impact

FREE 2,502 tax returns filed $830,090

in Earned Income Tax Credits


Saved in tax prep fees


in Federal refunds back to our community $2,318,763




Financial competency Workforce development Community benefits Family sustaining employment

Income supports Savings & assets Manageable expenses Affordable Housing

VITA intern Alvaro Garcia and VITA volunteer Barbara Burkhouse prepare taxes while fello VITA volunteer Ricky Kokas looks on.


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Priority Areas

Way as well as six mobile sites in Lackawanna and Wayne Counties. Once again, our volunteers also provided tax preparation services in New Milford at the request of the United Way of Susquehanna County and on-site to patients at Clarks Summit State Hospital.

“The United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties is an outstanding VITA operation that meets all ten or 100 percent of the Quality Site Requirements.” ~ IRS Field Site Visit Report

In support of the VITA program’s continued growth, we once again received a federal grant from the IRS and received a perfect 100 percent score during our surprise IRS Field Site Visit conducted during the 2018 tax season. My Free Taxes. Serving to augment our successful VITA program, the United Way also offers free, self tax filing services online through Powered by H&R Block, this website is available to households with income of less than $66,000. We worked with our workplace companies to create personalized flyers and email blasts to promote VITA and My Free Taxes at their worksites. Nearly 120 tax returns were completed in Lackawanna and Wayne Counties through My Free Taxes last year with an average Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) of $2,140 and an average refund of $1,744.

Volunteers prepare income taxes at the United Way’s VITA satellite office in Scranton under the direction of Angela Bassani, CPA and Dillion Collarossi Lukas, Enrolled Agent.

Gift of Warmth. The Gift of Warmth program was established in 2008 by former United Way board member Patrick McMahon of One Point to raise additional funds for the United Way’s Emergency Heating program. Through this innovative initiative, business leaders and individuals are encouraged to give the Gift of Warmth in lieu of holiday gifts to vendors, clients, and friends. With this generous support and that of several

PARTNER AGENCY PROGRAM IMPACT Catholic Social Services • Latino Affairs Program • Relief Assistance/Counseling • St. Anthony’s Haven: Men’s and Women’s Homeless Shelter

United Neighborhood Centers of NEPA • Community Services • Heating and Utility Assistance

St. Joseph’s Center • Mother/Infant Home

Women’s Resource Center • Domestic Violence

The Salvation Army • Comprehensive Emergency Assistance

15 Inspire Connect Impact

area foundations, Gift of Warmth funds are used to provide emergency fuel/utility assistance and emergency furnace repair as well as meeting other emergent needs to keep people of all ages safe and warm. Nearly $60,000 was utilized to help 160 families in Lackawanna and Wayne Counties last year. Nearly 60 percent of the households receiving the Gift of Warmth had a senior living in the home.


98% of households in need

received help with food, heat, clothing, etc.

94% of families

learned how to better manage expenses

State and Federal Aid Programs. The United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties continued its role as local administrator for the State Food Purchase Program (SFPP) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The United Way chairs a local board responsible for the funding decisions, concentrating on direct service hours and client access to healthier food options. Board members include: Sheila Nudelman Abdo Jewish Family Services of NEPA William Browning Lackawanna County Department of Human Services Brian Ebersole Springboard Health Bill Goldsworthy American Red Cross of Lackawanna County William Hoban, Lackawanna County Office of Drug and Alcohol John Kaminski Community Volunteer Jason Kavulich Lackawanna County Department of Human Services Stig Fromm, Chair United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties Peg Kopko United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties

Noelle Lynett Community Volunteer John Nalevanko Community Volunteer Randy Palko Community Volunteer Patricia Sack Lackawanna County Department of Human Services Jeff Smith The Moses Taylor Foundation Major Robert Schmig The Salvation Army Mary Theresa Vautrinot Catholic Social Services Siemong Wang Safety Net Ministry Emergency Food and Shelter Phase 34 FY 2017-18. Awarded $106,932 to the following organizations: • Catherine McAuley Center • Catholic Social Services • Friends of the Poor • United Neighborhood Centers of NEPA • Women’s Resource Center State Food Purchase Program FY 2017-18. Awarded $341,947.39 to the following organizations: • Bread Basket of NEPA • Catherine McAuley Center • Catholic Social Services • Commission on Economic Opportunity (CEO)

• • • • • •

Friends of the Poor Meals on Wheels St. Francis of Assisi Kitchen The Salvation Army United Neighborhood Centers of NEPA Women’s Resource Center

Listen for Good Grant. The United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties received a $30,000 twoyear grant from the Fund for Shared Insight’s Listen for Good initiative dedicated to helping nonprofits develop and implement more effective tools for listening to the people they serve. The United Way was nominated for this competitive, nation-wide grant by the Moses Taylor Foundation which will be providing $15,000 in matching funds. We are one of 47 nonprofits, including five in Pennsylvania and one of two United Ways across the country to receive this $45,000 in grants during the current funding cycle. Through this grant, the United Way will partner with students from Marywood University to study the availability and effectiveness of food distribution and the level of food insecurity experienced by those who utilize the various services of the 10 organizations who receive state funds to provide food for people in need.

of households in need 95% secured affordable housing

improved their savings and assets

95% of individuals

96% of households

were referred for appropriate benefits

97% of households

secured employment

78% of households participated in programs to improve their financial stability and safety

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The United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties is committed to encouraging healthy behaviors and expanding access to affordable healthcare, healthy foods, and physical fitness so everyone in our community can live healthy and happy lives. Perhaps it’s an older adult battling a chronic illness, a neighbor struggling to afford her medications, a co-worker living in terror of an abuser, a family member overwhelmed by depression and despair or the child in your son’s class without enough to eat. The United Way is there supporting a broad array of health-related programs and services and working with numerous partners to help ensure the health, well-being and safety of everyone in Lackawanna and Wayne Counties.

the foundation for future success and happiness lies in Strong, vibrant, safe and healthy individuals and families. Telehealth Intervention Program for Seniors (TIPS). As part of our ongoing commitment to improving health for our community’s older adults, the United Way expanded TIPS to help seniors self-manage chronic health conditions such as cardiovascular illnesses and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Over the past year, TIPS has served over 370 members of the active older adult community. This year, we expanded TIPS to include Telespond’s Abington Senior Center, serving an additional 40 older adults. In addition to this new site, TIPS assesses the health of participants at the Jewish Community Center of Scranton and United Neighborhood Center’s Active Older Adult Community Centers in Carbondale, Jessup, South Scranton and West Scranton.

17 Inspire Connect Impact

University of Scranton students Tyler Bielinski, TIPS Supervisor and Kate Musto, Telehealth Technician (right) measure the vital signs of Joan Gentile, TIPS participant, at United Neighborhood Center’s South Side Active Older Adult Community Center.

Trained student technicians from the University of Scranton use noninvasive, FDA-approved medical devices to measure the seniors’ vital signs including weight, pulse oximetry and blood pressure at least twice weekly. The readings are transmitted

to a nurse who reviews them remotely and will contact the senior directly at the first sign of an alert. In the last year, the program has recorded more than 4,500 vital sign readings—over 27 percent of which




Safe homes & healthy communities Healthy eating & physical activity Development of healthy behaviors Access to healthcare


Priority Areas

Pictured, from left: Alexa Anzulewicz, University of Scranton student and Telehealth technician, with Grace Zanghi, a TIPS participant at United Neighborhood Center’s West Side Active Older Adult Community Center.


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fell outside of a healthy range. These readings can help manage or prevent diseases such as hypertension, COPD and heart disease. Hypertension increases with age, affecting approximately 66 percent of the elderly population, while COPD affects 14 percent. Cardiovascular disease affects almost 75 percent of those over 60 and the elderly account for over 80 percent of cardiovascular related deaths. Over the life of the program, more than 17,000 vital sign readings have been recorded. Among the positive outcomes, hospitalization rates dropped six percent after participating in TIPS. With the average cost of a three day hospital stay estimated at nearly $30,000, the reduction in hospitalizations seen during enrollment in TIPS has provided the community with estimated savings of more than $660,000.

TIPS: Multi-Year Comparison 2015



Total TIPS Contacts per year




Total Vital Alerts per year




FamilyWize. The United Way continued to offer FamilyWize Prescription Discount cards for people in our community with little or no prescription coverage. FamilyWize cards are free and available for download at Last year, 2,442 people saved over $290,563 through this free program.

United Way’s Community Investment Council awarded a grant to the Greenhouse Project at Nay Aug Park to educate both children and adults about health and preventing disease through diet and locally-grown food.

Dental Health Project. Thanks

special grant funding cycle to enhance partner agency program outcomes in our pillars of Education, Financial Stability and Health, we turned our focus to the latter with a Request for Proposals. Grants were awarded to: Boys and Girls Clubs of NEPA, Park It Program; Greater Carbondale YMCA,

to a generous community sponsor, volunteers and community organizations, the United Way partnered with Scranton Primary Health Care Center to distribute more than 7,000 dental health bags free of charge to people of all ages in need.

PARTNER AGENCY PROGRAM IMPACT American Red Cross of Lackawanna County • Disaster/Emergency Services The Arc of NEPA • Adult Day Care • Advocacy Services Boys and Girls Clubs of NEPA • Core Program • Park It Program Catholic Social Services • General Counseling Purchase of Service

Jewish Community Center of Scranton • Education & Recreation - Adults • Senior Adults • Youth Jewish Family Service of NEPA • Counseling Purchase of Service • Free Dental Clinic • Older Adult Services and Casework Management

Greater Carbondale YMCA • Youth

Lackawanna Blind Association • Client Support Services • Prevention of Blindness • Radio Reading Service • Social Activity Program

Greater Scranton YMCA • Program/Membership Financial Aid

Meals on Wheels of NEPA • Fast Track Home-Delivered Meals

19 Inspire Connect Impact

The Greenhouse Project. The

St. Joseph’s Center • Maternity Services

Strengthening Outcomes in Health. In the third and final year of a

HEALTH Scranton Primary Health Care Center • Unemployed/Uninsured Financial Aid Program Serving Seniors • Community Services Telespond Senior Services • Adult Day Care • Dementia Care/Respite Services • Senior Companion Respite United Cerebral Palsy of NEPA • Assistive Technology • Home Services United Neighborhood Centers of NEPA • Center Services - Teens/Adults Voluntary Action Center • Volunteer Services Women’s Resource Center • Crisis Intervention Hotline

7th Grade Initiative; St. Joseph’s Center, Walsh Manor Maternity Program and United Neighborhood Centers of NEPA, Center Services for Youth and Adults.

Longitudinal Community Health Intervention Projects (L-CHIP). In a unique community partnership with the Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine, the United Way worked with 42 first-year medical students working in our TIPS sites and at Day Nursery Assocation and the Childcare Center at United Neighborhood Center’s Belluevue Center. This marked the first in a three year study. The L-CHIP experience is designed to meet service learning goals and provides students with the opportunity to learn about principles of community engagement, and the complexity of community health/public health interventions through active participation in group projects.

Pictured, top from left: Gary Drapek, United Way CEO leads an orientation for 42 firstyear medical students from Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine working on a Longitudinal Study in Community Health. Right: An overview of the students’ proposal to improve hypertension in older adults through health education.

98% of individuals

had access to physical and behavioral healthcare

96% of individuals

improved their lives with healthier behaviors

99% of individuals

had access to safe homes and healthy communities

86% of individuals

increased their physical activity levels and improved their healthy eating

Learn more at UWLC.NET


For more than 10 years, the United Way has built connections with business and community leaders, local government and other nonprofits to invest in the programs and services impacting people in Wayne County. During that time, nearly $600,000 has been distributed to more than a dozen organizations providing critical services to Wayne County residents. Those dollars have been further leveraged with direct and in-kind funds such as educational tax credits, VITA, the Gift of Warmth and more for a total impact in Wayne County of approximately $1.3 million since 2006. Education. During the 2017 campaign, 19 area companies— including The Dime Bank, The Honesdale National Bank and Wayne Bank—contributed to the United Way’s Educational Tax Credit program. These funds helped 44 children in Wayne County and two in Pike County attend quality area preschools. In addition, the tax credit dollars supported an afterschool and summer program for Wayne County students in Environmental Education and Robotics to increase their abilities in science and math.

Financial Stability. In the 8th year of the Gift of Warmth program in Wayne County, 43 families in need received emergency fuel/utility assistance last winter.

ROAM Technician Will Craven with program participant Dorothy Lopatofsky at the Honesdale Senior Center.

Health. Building on the success of

Villaume Foundation along with United Way funds, we began the Remote Older Adult Monitoring (ROAM) program in May in Wayne County. ROAM is a voluntary program held twice weekly at the Honesdale Senior Center that offers Wayne County citizens age 60 or older an opportunity to have their vital signs such as blood pressure, pulse, blood oxygen, and weight monitored between visits with their physician at no cost.

our Telehealth Intervention Program for Seniors (TIPS) and thanks to the generous support of the Wayne County Community Foundation and the

Similar to TIPS, trained ROAM technicians from Lackawanna College’s Lake Region Center utilize FDA-

During the 9th year of our Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) expansion to Wayne County, volunteers prepared 138 tax returns for Wayne County residents with another 22 tax returns filed online through My Free Taxes.

21 Inspire Connect Impact

approved, non invasive medical devices to conduct the vital sign monitoring. The results are reviewed remotely by a nurse who will contact the senior at the first sign for concern. Since the program opened in May, an average of 22 Wayne County seniors participate each week. Additionally, Wayne County residents saved nearly $96,000 on 1,382 prescriptions through the FamilyWize Prescription Discount program.

WAYNE COUNTY 2017 Grant Recipients. The United Way’s Wayne County Fund Distribution Committee - comprised of individuals who live and work in the county - awarded grants totaling nearly $49,000 to 13 different Wayne County organizations. The funds were raised through workplace campaigns, corporate gifts, individual donations and foundation awards during the prior year’s campaign. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Bottom, from left: David Raven, president of The Honesdale National Bank and United Way Wayne County Campaign Co-Chair, Lisa Dowse, The Honesdale National Bank and 2017 United Way Way County Fund Distribution chair and Lewis Critelli (far right), president of Wayne Bank and United Way Wayne County Campaign co-chair, join representatives from the 2017 Wayne County grantee organizations at the Wayne County Campaign Kickoff in September at the Hotel Wayne.

The ARC of NEPA :: Advocacy Services Community Action - Lehigh Valley :: Expanded Food Access The Cooperage Project :: Coop Cash Devereux Pocono Center :: Community Integration Habitat for Humanity :: House #19, Riverside Drive Honesdale Communities That Care :: Scholarship Program Hose Co. No. 1 - Honesdale Fire Department :: Life-saving Tools Lacawac Sanctuary :: Prescription Rx Trails and Youth Engaging Science Salvation Army :: Back to School Clothing Telespond Senior Services :: Wayne County Adult Daycare Victims’ Intervention Program :: In-School Counseling Project Wallenpaupack Area School District :: Junior Achievement BizTown Wayne County Area Agency on Aging :: Wayne County Food Pantry Wayne County Public Library :: Full STEAM Ahead Wayne County YMCA :: Repair and Restore

Learn more at UWLC.NET >> 22

The United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties’ history dates back to the original Community Chest campaign in Scranton during 1921. Whether the Community Chest, the Lackawanna United Fund or the United Way, the heart of the movement then and now is the annual fund raising campaign. Each year, hundreds of area companies and thousands of local people join together to create the most powerful philanthropic network in our region. We are grateful to our loyal donors who LIVE UNITED by giving united.

loyal united way donors are part of a caring network whose leadership and generosity changes lives. Spirit of Caring Chairman’s Awards. The highest honor bestowed by the United Way and the Campaign Chair each year, the Spirit of Caring Chairman’s Awards are presented at the annual Celebration of Caring Awards Breakfast in April for service above and beyond. The Corporate and Employees of Benco Dental Supply Company were honored for their campaigns astounding growth of 119 percent over the prior year due to a generous increase in employee giving and a first-time corporate match. The Employees of Fidelity Bank received the award for their generous giving increase of nearly 40 percent as well as their volunteer efforts during Day of Caring and our Transforming Readers program. The Corporate and Employees of Hendrick Manufacturing were honored after a stellar campaign with round-the-clock presentations to employees leading to an increase of nearly 45 percent which was doubled by a dollar-fordollar corporate match. A long-time

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United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties’ Campaign Chairs Emeriti spanning 1968 to 2017 gathered for a Leadership Reception in December.

supporter and United Way partner agency, the Employees of The Arc of NEPA boasted their largest employee campaign total to date in 2017 and increased their generous giving levels by more than 20 percent. Lastly, the employees of Wayne Bank surged to new levels of giving during the 2017 campaign with an increase of 50

percent over their already generous totals from the prior year and rolled up their sleeves in a number of yearround volunteer efforts including our annual Day of Caring, the United Way board, Campaign Cabinet and Wayne County Fund Distribution Committee.

CAMPAIGN REVIEW 2017 Campaign Highlights. Led by Dan Santaniello, CEO of Fidelity Bank, this year’s Campaign once again was anchored by a dedicated Campaign Cabinet comprised of more than 60 business and community leaders. They joined forces to raise $3,221,617 and announced that total in November at the Campaign Community Celebration which featured our take on the classic film, “It’s A Wonderful Life.” This fundraising success is once again due to the incredible generosity of the thousands of individuals, dozens of foundations and hundreds of area companies that made corporate contributions and conducted employee campaigns at their worksites. 2017 United Way Campaign Chair, Dan Santaniello of Fidelity Bank, speaks during the Campaign Community Celebration in November.

Sources of Revenue

2017 Campaign

Educational redits Community Tax C % Employee Giving 13.1 I 9.3% nitiatives 32% Bequests & Misc. 7.5%

Individual Giving 8%

Giving Corporate.8% 20

As the campaigns were finalized, ten companies whose corporate culture of philanthropy is synonymous with charitable giving in Lackawanna and Wayne Counties emerged as the Pillars of the campaign with combined corporate and employee giving in excess of $1 million. They are: • • • • • • • • • •

Fidelity Bank Gentex Corporation Gertrude Hawk Chocolates Peoples Security Bank & Trust PNC Bank PPL Utilities The P&G Paper Products Company Mehoopany Plant The Scranton Times-Tribune TMG Health, A Cognizant Company Wayne Bank

Non Corp. Fdtn. Giving 9.3% Learn more at UWLC.NET >> 24

Mike Munchak Charity Golf Classic. For the past 22 years, our United Way has been honored to welcome home Scranton native Mike Munchak—2001 Pro Football Hall of Fame enshrinee and Offensive Line Coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers—as he hosts a golf tournament to benefit United Way. Held at the Country Club of Scranton, the 2017 tournament was our second consecutive sell-out since expanding the field to a 27-hole format to accommodate more golfers. The event raised in excess of $57,000. Mike has enjoyed a storied career both as a player and as a coach, but it is his ongoing commitment to the people of our community that inspired the establishment of the Mike Munchak Community Services Scholarship awarded annually to a local high school senior. The one-time award of $6,300 pays homage to Mike’s #63, retired by the Houston Oilers.

Last year’s recipient was Nori Zaccheo, a 2017 graduate of West Scranton High School. She was an active volunteer with the American Red Cross, Tomorrow’s Leaders Today and served as West Scranton High School’s representative in Senator John Blake’s Student Ambassador program. She is currently studying Forensic Science and Chemistry at Syracuse University. Past recipients include: Phil Mosolino and Joe Gigliotti, both graduates of Carbondale Area High School; Sarah Wagner, a graduate of Holy Cross High School; Alison Barrett, a graduate of Scranton High School and Collin Cooper, a graduate of Lakeland Junior/Senior High School.

Mike Munchak, offensive line coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers (right) congratulates Nori Zaccheo (center) and her mom Mary Zaccheo (left).



LEADERSHIP GIVING Our incredibly generous leadership givers truly lead the way with their compassionate philanthropy. Members of the Rhoda Higgins Warren Association—named after a dedicated volunteer with the inaugural Community Chest campaign in Scranton in 1921— contribute at least $1,000 annually. Additionally, the United Way Tocqueville Society of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties was established in 1994 to recognize individuals who contribute $10,000 or more annually to the United Way. Last year, 20 Tocqueville Society members contributed $454,831 to the

25 Inspire Connect Impact

2017 Campaign. Combined with those generous gifts, the Rhoda Higgins Warren Association in total represented 246 members giving nearly more than $875,000 last year. In June, fellow members of the Tocqueville Society gathered at the home of John and Pat Atkins for a reception. At this event, Campaign Chair Emeritus, Morey Myers, Esq. was honored with the Tocqueville Society award in recogntion of his chairmanship of the United Way campaign 50 years ago and his continued dedication.

Morey Myers, Esq. (left), Sondra Myers, (center) and Gary Drapek (right), United Way president as the Tocqueville Award is presented to Attorney Myers. Previous recipients are: Mrs. Edward J. Lynett, Sr., Richard C. Marquardt, I. Leo Moskovitz and Mike and Marci Munchak.

United Way and Organized Labor: Working Together for Impact During the past year, the United Way’s Department of Labor Participation continued successful partnerships with the Lackawanna and Pocono Workforce Investment Boards as well as the Northeast Pennsylvania Industrial Resource Center to promote manufacturing in our region, retain jobs and create new employment opportunities for displaced workers. Again last year, the Department supported the Letter Carrier Branch 17’s successful Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive and the Scranton Lackawanna Human Development Agency’s Veteran’s Resource Council. The Department continues to be an integral part of the Commonwealth’s Rapid Response Team—meeting immediately with displaced workers to quickly help them access important services during unemployment. The Department proudly carried on the tradition of honoring an individual or group from the ranks of organized labor with the William E. Cockerill, Sr. award, presented this year to Ron Vogel, PSSU Local 668. As the local director of the Displaced Worker Task Force, Ron makes our pillars of Education, Financial Stability and Health part of every Rapid Response presentation he gives. He encourages displaced workers to enhance current job skills by taking a certificate course or an apprenticeship. He presents health care options and connects the displaced workers with a team of experts to help with financial concerns such as housing and transportation.

United Way’s Labor Liaison, Bill Cockerill (right) presents the William E. Cockerill Sr. Memorial Award to Ron Vogel (left), PSSU Local 668 at our Awards Celebration in April.

ADVOCATE Advocacy in Action. As a leader in community collaborations, the United Way is amplifying individuals’ voices on the most important issues in our community by providing a platform for people to speak up, take meaningful action and make a difference. In partnership with United Way of Pennsylvania and the Pre-K for PA Campaign, the United Way hosted a news conference with local business leaders in January including Dr. Ann Pipinski, president emeritus of Johnson College and Pete Danchak, NEPA regional president of PNC Bank. A newly published study “Pre-K Works, So Why Not PA” by Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children was released showing PA ranks in the bottom half of per capita investments in high-quality Pre-K. In May, Gary Drapek, United Way president, attended the Governor’s Early Learning Economic Summit in Harrisburg, focusing on the science, economics and policy of expanding access to high quality care and education for children from birth to five.

Giving a voice to those without one, hope to the hopless and strength to the powerless. Learn more at UWLC.NET >> 26

In 1921, it was a group of volunteers on a Scranton-bound train following a Kiwanis convention that were inspired to join forces for a coordinated, community based approach to impact the pressing issues of the day. What was once the Community Chest has flourished into the present day United Way but at the heart of our work continues to be those loyal volunteers who embody the ideal of service above self. We owe our existence to the visionaries on that long ago train as well as to the tenacity of today’s volunteers whose passion and commitment continue to inspire action.

we are indebted to the hundreds of united way volunteers who inspire, connect and impact our community everyday. Nancy Jackson Memorial Days of Caring. The Nancy Jackson Memorial Day of Caring is an annual, organized day of service named after the long-time United Way volunteer who founded the program in 1994 and chaired Day of Caring each year until her passing in 2016. Day of Caring mobilizes hundreds of volunteers into United Way partner agencies and grant recipient organizations to provide much-needed assistance. Day of Caring volunteers paint a mural for the children at Day Nursery Association.

On September 7, more than 325 volunteers rolled up their sleeves to make a difference as part of the 23rd Annual Nancy Jackson Memorial Day of Caring, presented by NBT Bank. The volunteers gave of their time and talents at the United Way and at 19 of our partner agencies. They completed 45 projects including landscaping, painting, cleaning, friendly visitation with older adults, painting a mural for children and a full-scale demolition project among others. Additionally, 64 people volunteered at five different sites in Wayne County.

27 Inspire Connect Impact

Over the past 23 years, nearly 11,500 volunteers have given more than 62,000 hours of service, and the value of the more than 1,000 projects they’ve completed during Day of Caring is nearly $3 million. Youth Day of Caring. To encourage volunteerism among the next generation of young leaders, the United Way hosted the 17th Annual Nancy Jackson Memorial Youth Day of Caring in May. Nearly 200 area students from All Saints Academy; Carbondale Area High School;

Northeast Scranton Intermediate School; Scranton High School, St. Clare/St. Paul’s School and Triboro Christian Academy were mobilized among 13 sites in eight partner agencies. The projects included the Children’s Produce Market/ Summer Learning Carnival at Adams Elementary, clean-up/spruce-up work and client interaction. The student volunteers were treated to a cookout lunch at the Electric City Trolley Museum, provided by Gerrity’s and Commonwealth Health Moses Taylor Hospital.

Children’s Produce Market/Neighborhood Under One Roof. Since 2014, volunteers with Cigna and Bank of America have volunteered at Isaac Tripp and McNichols Plaza as part of monthly Children’s Produce Market/ Neighborhood Under One Roof events to distribute fresh fruits, vegetables and other nutritious food items to Scranton School District elementary school students and their families while providing educational activities and helping them learn more about a variety of community services available. As of June 30, Bank of America has provided 413 volunteers giving a total of 881 hours of service at 41 programs while Cigna has provided 195 volunteers giving a total of 704 hours of service at 26 programs all to benefit hundreds of area families. Without their dedication and support, this program would not be possible.

VOLUNTEER Mobilizing for Impact. It takes just one person to inspire change. United Way connects people with causes close to their hearts and inspires them to roll up their sleeves in our community and make a lasting impact. Whether tutoring an elementary student, serving as a volunteer tax preparer, helping provide nutritious food for families in need or serving on a fundraising or fund distribution committee — your time and talent can have a huge impact in someone’s life, and we can help connect you! Get Connected. If you’re inspired to connect with us to make an impact in our community, the United Way invites you to Get Connected! Visit us at uwlc. net/volunteer to create a profile and search for local opportunities to make a difference, including signing up to volunteer in the fall during Day of Caring. In 2017, there were more 3,067 visits to our Get Connected site with nearly 2,300 of those being unique visitors. We added 362 new, registered users last year with over 12,000 page views. Join us today and Get Connected!

Representatives from United Way, CEO and the Scranton School District honor Cigna employees at Tripp elementary (above) and Bank of America employees at McNichols Plaza Elementary (below) with handmade cards from the students.


Estimated Value of Volunteer Time per Hour Learn more at UWLC.NET >> 28

Community Impact Fund Distribution Volunteers. The United Way’s Community Impact Fund is dedicated to ensuring lasting, collaborative solutions to the critical problems that stand between us and a better quality of life. Our Community Impact Fund Distribution volunteers invest donor dollars where they will do the most good for people in need in our community, addressing the critical issues that no one organization can address by itself. The investment decisions are made through a rigorous process by these dedicated volunteers representing all walks of life in Lackawanna and Wayne Counties. They come together every year to guide Community Impact Fund Distribution investments and make sometimes difficult decisions on where the dollars will make the most impact. Investments are directed toward programs delivered by partner agencies with proven effectiveness in creating measurable and sustainable results in our community.

FUND DISTRIBUTION VOLUNTEERS This year’s Community Impact Fund Distribution volunteers represent: Bank of America • Community Bank, NA • Commonwealth Health Moses Taylor Hospital • Commonwealth Health Regional Hospital of Scranton • The Dime Bank • Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine • Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield • The Honesdale National Bank • Lackawanna College • Marywood University • NBT Bank • NBT Financial Services • Penn Foster • PNC Bank • Quadrant EPP • Times Shamrock • TMG Health, A Cognizant Company • UM Tech • University of Scranton • UPS

29 Inspire Connect Impact

Administrative Committee Randy Palko, UW Board Vice Chair, Community Impact Kathie Gaughan RN, Community Impact Chair Patricia Dunleavy Community Impact Vice Chair Beth Servas Community Impact Vice Chair Education Committee Karen Clifford, Chair Michael Jarosh, Vice Chair Glenn Knarr Richard Read Jennifer Saunders Mark Slayton Daniel Sputa Income Committee Jeffrey Witts, Chair Maureen Gibbons, Vice Chair Nathan Chappell Suzanne Kennedy Richard Kokas Rich Kucharski Dr. Amy Paciej-Woodruff Stephanie Saam Walter Sarafinko

Health I Committee Molly Scocozzo, Chair Lisa Widenor, Vice Chair Tony Donato Roberta Hebden William Miller Christine Rinaldi Wendy Worobey Health II Committee John Marsico, Chair Tammy Jackson, Vice Chair Michael Barrett Heidi Bockelkamp Ann Boland Chase Lisa Cavage Theresa Collins Dr. Katie Connors Tom Didato Diane Ross

Total Community Investment of Funds :: 2017 FINANCIAL STABILITY 32%


EDUCATION 32% These percentages account for the Community Impact Fund Distribution to partner agencies, Wayne County grantees and our special initiatives such as ROAM, Gift of Warmth, Educational Tax Credits, VITA and other programs detailed in this report.

STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION For the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 2017 with summarized comparative information for Fiscal Year 2016.




Cash - unrestricted Cash subject to donor restrictions Cash and cash equivalents $ Pledges receivable, net of allowance for uncollectible pledges of $220,575 and $199,902 Investments Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation Prepaid expenses Other receivables Beneficial interest in assets held by a community foundation

$ 3,924,000 76,887 4,000,887 $

$ 3,619,139 11,245 3,630,384

539,538 2,733,138

725,857 2,625,568

$ 7,445,615

Total assets

17,733 25,014 77,759

10,152 19,981 40,153


48,768 $ 7,100,863

LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Liabilities Accounts payable Accrued payroll and payroll taxes Allocations payable Agency funds Due to designated agencies Reserve for community service Total liabilities Net assets Unrestricted Board designated Undesignated Net investment in land, buildings and equipment Total unrestricted net assets Temporarily restricted Time restricted Purpose restricted Total temporarily restricted net assets Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets An independent audit was completed by McGrail, Merkel, Quinn and Associates for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2017 and is available for review at the United Way office or by visiting The official registration and financial information of the United Way of Lackawanna and Wayne Counties may be obtained from The Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, in Pennsylvania, 1(800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.



99,787 12,840 977,534 190,843 163,080 14,129 1,458,213


66,437 10,432 749,125 201,387 146,628 12,336 1,186,345

2,710,884 1,510,522

2,762,314 1,380,939

61,182 4,282,588

58,498 4,201,751

1,046,037 658,777 1,704,814 5,987,402 7,445,615

1,079,057 633,710 1,712,767 5,914,518 $ 7,100,863


CONNECT WITH US New Website Design. The United Way was pleased to launch a newly designed website in September at The new design creates a framework for telling our story in a more impactful way and helps us easily connect members of the community with resources to get help and opportunities to donate and get involved.

Social Media. To stay up-to-date on the work of the United Way and to see the impact of your gift all year long, we invite you to connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as well as to sign up for our regular e-newsletters. Links to these sites can be found at the bottom on our homepage at

The new, responsive design is mobile-friendly and features a newsfeed on the homepage, a calendar of events, secure online giving/pledging, event response forms, surveys, a photo gallery, video library a workplace giving toolkit and much more. Our core focus areas of Education, Financial Stability and Health are prominently featured to inform community members about our work in these areas and the impact of their support. Among the most popular features is an Impact Calculator that invites donors to enter the amount of their gift and instantly see exactly what kind of impact their generosity will make. Try it at

31 Inspire Connect Impact

Inside Back cover - Photos collage

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” ~ Margaret Mead


615 Jefferson Avenue Scranton, Pennsylvania 18510 PO Box 526 • Scranton, Pennsylvania 18501-0526 PO Box 328 • Waymart, Pennsylvania 18472 P: 570.343.1267 • F: 570.969.2977


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