2023 - 2024 ANNUAL REPORT

Adrian Carrasco Board Chair Premier Energy Services
Emily Holeva Secretary/Chair Elect ExxonMobil
Karmen Bryant Donor Relations Chair Community Volunteer
Laura Roman Treasurer Weaver
Malcolm Kintzing Asst Treasurer Henry Resources
Soeli Erazo
Community Engagement Chair (2023) 211
Gretchen Bakke Community Engagement Chair (2024) Community Volunteer
K. Michael Conaway Former US Congressman
James C. Henry Henry Resources, LLC
Sarina Banuelos Community Navigator Specialist
Megan Davis Director of Marketing/Special Events
Candice Escamilla Donor Relations Specialist
Tevis Herd Manda Resources
Dennis Johnson Summit Petroleum
Christopher Boehler ConocoPhillips
Kit Bredimus Midland Memorial Hospital
Amanda Day ConocoPhillips
Guy Ellis PRI Operating LLC
Matt Etheredge Endeavor Energy Resources
Brock Fitch Prosperity Bank
Miles Hartman Insource Insurance
Angela Joiner SouthWest Bank
Sarah Judge Cotton, Bledsoe, Tighe, & Dawson
Marcy Madrid Midland Memorial Hospital
Morris Williams City of Midland
Margaret Purvis Purvis Operating Company
Charles A. Spence Community Volunteer
Dr. Michelle Evans Director of Community Engagement
Hunter Haynie Community Engagement Coordinator
Kari Hennagin President & CEO
Crystal Tarango Director of Finance
J Don Wallace Director of Donor Relations
Across the Life Course Program
Leslie’s Place, our medical clinic for uninsured adults saw 600 unique patients in 2023 with over 900 visits.
One lady who visited struggled with homelessness and had heard about the clinic and came to get some medical help. She was a little disheveled when she arrived and seemed very anxious. The resident took her to the exam room and began to visit with her about her medical needs. When she finished her appointment, she would be able to pick up a prescription that she needed for free. Before she left, she spoke with the coordinator expressing her gratitude. She said, “The doctor actually listened to me and cared about what I said. No one has ever done that before.”
On another occasion, a daughter brought her mother to the clinic because she had no insurance and could not afford to go to the ER. Her visit was just in time as her mother’s condition would have turned into pneumonia. She was prescribed medication and on her follow up visit, she was recovered.
MISD Family Support Center
There are several success stories hat come to mind, but one that particularly stands out. There was a single mom who visited our pantry n need of hygiene and food She was hesitant of taking "too" much because she did not want to take away from other families in need
After visiting with her during her appointment, we learned that she was freshly starting over from a domestic relationship. She had saved up every penny to get her own place, and had nothing Her and her two kids were sleeping on the floor, they had no furniture, food, hygiene or any basic necessities
We aided them with food, hygiene, clothes, linens, and even our extra microwave in our office. We reached out to a partnering agency who was able to provide a month of rent and bills, a bed and linens The mom and children were so appreciative They are doing great and are so thankful for the connection we have together.
Job Training & Workplace Placement
Riley is an 18-year-old man who worked with a job coach at Super Mercado and the Friends of Libraries and Literacy Bookstore this past year. At first, he only interacted with co-workers when addressed and rarely made eye contact He lacked confidence and was insecure on the job sites. He received extensive job training from his job coach, which helped him develop strong work habits and skills. He mastered all job training goals on his Individual Program Plan this year. Riley graduated from our High School Program and is currently in the Workforce Program.
Amber is a young woman diagnosed with Down syndrome who worked with young children at Urban Air this summer. She enjoys working with children of all ages. She also works in the Bynum School Pre-K class in the Fall and Spring sessions. Amber has developed her skills in the following areas: patience, creativity, enthusiasm, problem-solving, and communication. She continues to excel and achieve her goals daily.
CASA DE AMIGOSBasin Dream Center for Orphans
Transitional Housing
Boys & Girls Club of the Permian Basin
After School & Summer Programming
Start Each Day A Healthy Way
Triple Play Every Day
Youth Recreational Sports
Bynum School
Job Training & Workplace Placement
Parenting for Success
Casa de Amigos
2 Gen: Youth, Adult, & Family Literacy
Across The Life Course
Economic Strength
Independent Living
Centers for Children and Families
Clinical Counseling
Kids First
Communities in Schools of the Permian Basin
CIS Midland
Project Athena
XY Zone
Friendship House
Friendship House
Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest
Girl Scout Leadership Experience
Hospice of Midland - Rays of Hope Children’s Grief Center
Rays of Hope Wellness Outreach
Midland Children's Rehabilitation Center
Hippotherapy Program
Midland Education Foundation
MISD Family Support Center
Midland Rape Crisis and Children's Advocacy Center
Children's Advocacy Program
Mission Center Adult Day Service
Nutritional Support and Well-Being
Nutritional Services
Opportunity Tribe
FUN Academy
FUN Clubs
Mentoring Groups
Permian Basin Regional Council on Alcohol & Drug Abuse
Families Matter
Safe Place of the Permian Basin
Dynamics of Family Violence & Impact on Children
Emergency Shelter
Samaritan Counseling Center of West Texas
Mental Health Counseling & Psychiatric Care
Senior Life Midland
Foster Grandparent Program
Meals on Wheels
Senior Companion Program
Respite: Family Support Program
The Salvation Army
Red Shield Comprehensive/Emergency Shelter
Restoration and Rehousing
The Springboard Center
Sober Living Transitional Housing
Children's Learning Center 2-GEN:
United Way of Midland distributed funds appropriated by Congress to help expand the capacity of food and shelter programs in high-need areas around the country. Midland County was granted funds under the National Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) through the Department of Homeland Security (Phase 41). A total of $64,274 was distributed to six Midland County agencies.
Boys & Girls Club of Midland
Emergency Food & Shelter Program
Casa De Amigos
Emergency Food & Shelter Program
Faith Temple Outreach Ministry, Inc.
Faith Kitchen Food Pantry
Senior Life Midland
One Day at a Time Program
The Salvation Army
Emergency Food & Shelter Program
West Texas Food Bank
Food for Midland County
The Innovative Grants are for new/expanded programs or one-time projects up to $15,000 that address health, education, or self-sufficiency. In 2023, United Way of Midland invested $97,301 in 13 nonprofit health and human service programs to address identified pressing needs in Midland.
Basin Dream Center for Orphans
Student Transportation
Be The Change Power of One
Boys and Girls Club of Midland
Kids Like to Move It Program
Bynum School
Speech Therapy
Casa De Amigos
VITA & Financial Literacy Program
Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest
Girl Scout Midland Day Camp
Reflection Ministries of Texas Empowerment Program
Senior Life Midland Meals on Wheels Vehicle Replacement
Tenacious Woman Ministries Coaching Services
The Salvation Army Hygiene Items
Thriving United Inc.
8 Dimensions of Wellness Engagement Program
We Are Not Forgotten Veteran Program
United Way of Midland was honored to serve as the fiscal agent for the 2024 Excellence in Education Awards' Ceremony. The event, sponsored and underwritten by local foundations and businesses, recognizes area educators and support staff that go above and beyond in local classrooms and campuses. The awards included Elementary Teacher of the Year, Secondary eacher of the Year, Unsung Hero, Rookie Teacher of the Year, Veteran Teacher of the Year, Campus of the Year, and a few peciality awards.
roject Blueprint is a board leadership program focused on rofessional development, serving the diverse population of our ommunity. We are in our second year and currently have 15 cholars Each scholar is strategically paired with an xperienced community member as their mentor. We’ve had five earning sessions so far, including: presenters, panelists, and onprofit partners, along with one-on-one time during the essions. Our scholars also had the opportunity to experience eadership through outings at Midland City Council, MISD chool Board, and Midland County Commissioners Court
2023 Successes:
Community users have increased over 500% compared to total number of users in 2022 Users have completed a monthly average of 606 searches and interacted with 386 programs (per month)
Searches increased 15x those completed in 2022
Total Users: 4,898 and Total Searches: 7,282
Familiescreatealegacyofsuccessandeconomicprosperitythatpasses fromonegenerationtothenext.
Our 2-Gen - Pathways for Families mission focuses on families having access to programs and services that support the needs of all generations. Our goals include:
Education Success: Familiesachieve educational successthroughhigh-quality education for children ages0-17andadulteducation/job training leadingto thepotentialof employment with family-sustaining wages.
Social, Health,andWell-Being: Familiesare mentally andphysically healthyand have the knowledge needed to accessresourcesand services that helpmeettheir goals.
WorkforceDevelopment: Familiesattainfinancial securitythroughrobust financial education, workforce/careerexposure and increased economic assets.
Community Initiatives are a joint effort between United Way of Midland and other community partners that address an identified need in Midland: Club Read keeps children engaged and reading during the summer, to prevent summer reading loss. In the summer of 2023, the United Way of Midland collaborated with the Boys and Girls Club of Midland, Casa De Amigos, and Opportunity Tribe - Fun Academy.
Nearly 2,000 new books were ordered and delivered to 302 children participating in the summer reading programs.
4,469 hours of reading was logged for the summer. 93% of the youth who completed the pre and posttest assessment maintained or improved their gradelevel reading scores.
The 21st Annual Bustin' Clay for United Way sporting clay shoot took place Friday, August 18th at Jake's Clays. This year's event was presented by XTO Energy. This event has grown to be the single largest fundraising event for United Way of Midland and kicked off the 2023 Annual Campaign. We would like to give a big thank you to everyone who sponsored and/or participated in the shoot. Because of YOU, we raised $255,000.
Platinum Sponsors:
Advanced Stimulation Technologies
Alpha & Omega
Bobbitt Construction
Estis Compression
Jet Specialty
Liberty Frac
MRC Global
NTACT Operations
Sooner Pipe
Gold Sponsors:
Patriot Premium Threading
War Bonnet
Silver Sponsors:
Buffalo Oilfield Services
Flowpoint Services
Flow Zone
Gladiator Energy
Henry Resources
Lonestar Corporation
Bronze Sponsors:
PB Materials
Premium Oilfield Technologies
Quality Rental Tools
SDS Petroleum Consultants
Valiant Artificial Lift Solutions
Wildcat Oil Tools
Cook Sponsors:
Blue Energy
Kenney Building Products
The 8th Annual Power of the Purse, benefitting United Way of Midland's Innovative Grants, raised $100,438. The event included eight rounds of designer purse bingo, door prizes, wine pull, shopping from locally owned businesses and a high-end purse raffle. United Way of Midland also honored Karmen Hendrix-Bryant as the 2023 Women's United Award recipient. This event would not have been possible without our sponsors, underwriters, inkind donors and participants.
Rachel Box
Hannah Britt
Power of the Purse Committee:
Megan Davis
Angela Joiner
Roxanne Madrid
Gabriela Ortega
Bryan Riggs
Josie Villarreal
Platinum Sponsors: Gold Sponsors: Silver Sponsors: In-Kind Sponsors:
Anonymous (1)
Bryant Family Foundation
Diamondback Energy
Mary B. Kennedy
PB Materials
Media Sponsor:
KMID Big 2 News
Chandler Foreman
Matt Fontes
Callon Petroleum
Community National Bank
Deborah Markley
Great Western Drilling
Henry Resources
Lissa Noel Wagner
New Height Energy
Southwest Bank
Element Petroleum
Bynum School
Cain Insurance Solutions
Carpet Tech
Cotton Bledsoe Tighe Dawson
Frost Bank
Hollywood Blasting & Coating
Midland Dentistry 4 Kids
My Community Credit Union
Senior Life Midland
Smile Straight Orthodontics
Bello Tallow
Buff City Soap
E3 Farms
Kendra Scott
Landlock Liquor and Beer
Naked Monkey Designs
Oak Beez
Rich Medical Aesthetics
SouthWest Bank
Texas Sun Winery
The Ivy Cottage
Typickle Pickle
Woodhouse Day Spa
Y Knot
Membership in the Tocqueville Society is granted to individuals and foundations who contribute at least $10,000 annually to United Way. The Tocqueville Society of Midland was founded in 1988 with 15 charter members.
In 2023, the Tocqueville Society of Midland had 15 members. Together, these foundations and individuals contributed over $211,000 to the 2023 Annual Campaign. Thank you to these philanthropic leaders who invested in the United Way of Midland’s work in our community.
Javaid and Vicky Anwar
Dale and Rita Brown
Jack and Frances Brown Fund (Communities Foundation of Texas)
Billy and Karmen Hendrix-Bryant
Chaparral Foundation
John and Maurine Cox Foundation
William and Mary Anne Dingus
Jim and Paula Henry
Deborah Markley
Scott and Connie McGraw
Clarence Scharbauer III
Douglas Scharbauer
Sally and Buddy Sipes
Lissa Noël Wagner
Leadership givers set the course for others In our community, many generous and caring individuals and foundations have partnered with the United Way of Midland to change lives By making an annual minimum contribution of $1,000 or 1 5% of annual income, Leadership givers are an integral part of our efforts to solve community problems and bring measurable, lasting change to the lives of thousands of Midlanders each year.
Anonymous (7)
Dr. Mark & Teresa Alexander
Jim Alsup
Sarina Banuelos
Damian G. Barrett
Ruth S. Bell
Larry & Ellen Bell
Geoff Bister
Mary & Jack E. Blake, Jr.
G. Spencer Blocker
Kit Bredimus
Mark Caldwell
Danny & Robbie Campbell
Slyvester C. Cantu
Adrian Carrasco
Mary Lou Cassidy
Tyler Chesworth
Douglas & Cheryl Christensen
Nancy A. Cooper
Betty J Couch
Tim & Anette Culp
Megan Davis
Kally Eddison
Soeli Erazo
Candice Escamilla
Matt & Bethany Etheredge
Pervis & Dr. Michelle Evans
Dr William G Feeler
Reesa & Patrick Fisher
The Patsy & Michael Hochman
Charitable Foundation
Thagard Foundation
Frederick Garver
William & Susan Granberry
Hunter Haynie
Kari Hennagin
T. Scott & Gladys Hickman
Juleisa Hinojos
Tom & Jeanie Johnson
Sarah Judge
Randy & Jeannie Lalk
Barbara & Jim Leeton, Jr.
Mitchell & Barbara Mamoulides
Mark McConnell
Wayne D. Miller
Elizabeth Prentice
Maragret Purvis
Russell Roemer
Dr Glenn Rogers
Dr. Deana Savage
Dr. Tulsi & Claudette Singh
Rev. Jon & Dale Stasney
Randy & Julia Stevens
Jack & Julia Swallow
Crystal Tarango
Carroll & Georgia Thomas
Brad Thompson
Mary Truitt
Dr. Shelton & JoAnn Viney
J Don Wallace
Eric L. West
James C. Wilder
Jane M. Wolf
Jim & Claire Woodcock
Planned giving makes a great difference in the lives of others. United Way of Midland has responded to the most pressing needs of our community for more than seven decades. By joining our Forever United Legacy Society, you ensure that no matter when your gift is made, it will meet the top priorities facing individuals and families here in Midland. It’s easy to make a legacy gift! Popular options include wills, living trusts, securities, retirement plans and life insurance gifts.
If you would like to include United Way in your future estate plans, please reach out to us so that we can ensure your tax-deductible forever gift will be spent in accordance with your wishes. For more information, please visit www.uwmidland.org/planned-giving
Thank you to all of our community organizations and companies that contributed to the 2023 Annual Campaign through their corporate donations, workplace campaigns, and fundraising activities These industry and community leaders play an integral role in efforts to solve problems and bring measurable, lasting change to the lives of thousands of Midlanders each year They play a role in raising funds IN the community FOR the community, and we could not be more grateful
Community National Bank
Pioneer Natural Resources
SM Energy Company
United Family of Supermarkets
($10,000 - $19,999)
Cavender Auto Family
Midland College
Prime Well Solutions LLC
YellowHouse Machinery
($5,000 - $9,999)
Atmos Energy
Blue Sky Midland
Henry Resources, LLC
Oncor Electric Delivery
Oneok Westex Transmission, LP
XTO Energy Inc.
($2,500 - $4,999)
Diamondback Energy
Frost Bank
Permian Resources
($1,200 - $2,499)
Border States Electric
City of Midland
CTSI, Inc.
Dillard's Department Store
DuPont Specialty Products USA
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Fasken Oil & Ranch, Ltd.
Inwest Retirement Solutions
Bryant Family Foundation
Communities Foundation of Texas
Helen Greathouse Charitable Trust
Henry Foundation
J.E. & L.E. Mabee Foundation
John & Maurine Cox Foundation
Thagard Foundation
Truist Foundation
Warren Charitable Foundation
($365 - $1,199)
Barricades Unlimited
Halliburton Energy Services
HOLT CAT San Antonio
Kendra Scott
Kinder Morgan
Midland Dentistry 4 Kids
O'Reilly Auto Parts
RD Underground Construction Inc
Rhotenberry Wellen Architects
Safe Place of the Permian Basin
Texas Mutual Insurance Company
Centers for Children & Families
Midland Rape Crisis & Children's Advocacy Center
While every effort is made to accurately recognize every company that participates in the United Way campaign, recognition in this report is based on information that we receive from companies and organizations by March 15, 2024. If you've been missed, we sincerely apologize.
Thank you for your understanding.
The Employee Campaign Coordinator (ECC) is a United Way of Midland advocate in the workplace who encourages co-workers to create a stronger community by planning, organizing, and giving to the Annual Campaign An ECC is the foundation of the work United Way accomplishes in our community, as they are the gatekeeper to the companies and organizations who generously give to the bulk of United Way fundraising efforts On top of their normal work duties, these ECCs go above and beyond in their volunteer roles with Campaign. We are thankful for all of their amazing work and contribution to our city!
1stCommunityFederal CreditUnion
SusanOnyango-Bacon Caterpillar
LyndaAndrews CavenderAutoFamily
CentersforChildren& Families
JulieHeinrich CTSI,Inc.
LeticiaAvila FederalExpress
KimHelm HenryResources,LLC
InwestRetirement Solutions
MidlandRapeCrisis& Children'sAdvocacy Center
AmberPyle PermiaCare
SafePlaceofthePermian Basin
TomJones SHARE
ShelbyAllen SMEnergy
LouannAdams WellsFargoBank
Recognizes the company with the most employees giving at Leadership Level
Recognizes the company whose employees have shown sustained excellence in giving, advocating and volunteering with United Way of Midland
Recognizes the company with the most successful first year employee campaign or event
Recognizes the person and/or organization that most distinguishes themselves during campaign by advocating for the United Way of Midland throughout the community
Recognizes the individual who distinguishes him or herself by their sustained excellence, enthusiasm and dedication throughout their company’s campaign
Recognizes the agency that most distinguishes itself by collaborating with United Way of Midland
Recognizes the indivdual who has sustained excellence in personal giving to United Way of Midland and the encouragement of philanthropy throughout the Midland community
United Way of Midland Retiring Board Members:
Guy Ellis, 2018 - 2023
Matt Etheredge, 2019 - 2024
Miles Hartman, 2018 - 2023
Henri Daher
Kristin Friederich
Carla Holeva
Malcolm Kintzing
Jonathan Miera (Chair)
Randy Milloy
Ann Parish
Erin Casey-Richardson
Gretchen Bakke (Chair)
Julie Buckingham
Carlos Chavez
Nicole Cooper
Joseph Granado
Berna Gutierrez
Brittany Halbert
Scott Larson
Bibiana Lawal
Kristi Leeper
Leticia Cajiga
Debbie Markley
John Montgomery
Tracy Renton
Audrey Stevens
Audrey White
Tara Wilson
Melissa Zenger
Karmen Hendrix-Bryant
MeEsta Wright (Chair)
Gretchen Bakke (VP)
Chris Barnhill
Henri Daher
Soeli Erazo
Jonathan Miera
Randy Milloy
Ann Parish
MeEsta Wright
Karmen Hendrix-Bryant
Adrian Carrasco
Soeli Erazo
Emily Holeva
Laura Roman
Adrian Carrasco
Alfredo Chaparro
Christine Foreman
Stephanie Griffin
Vicky Hailey
Saul Herrera
Alison King
Kathleen Kirwan-Haynie
John Kennedy
Joy Maraio
Roy Nelsom
Kelsie Rasure
Courtney Ratliff (Chair)
Dr. Rohith Saravanan
Lucy Sisniega
Autumn Vest
Morris Williams
Miles Hartman
Emily Holeva
Andrew Howard
Steven Jeffcoat
Malcolm Kintzing
Debbie Markley
Zahir Noormohamed
Laura Roman
Blake Scott
Sara Aguilar
Tracy Austin
Lt. Robert Coriston
Soeli Erazo
Michelle Evans
Isaac Garnet
Jane Hellinghausen
Kari Hennagin (Co-Chair)
Wade Kuehler (Chair)
Deann Allen
Melissa Baesa
Karmen Hendrix-Bryant
Michelle Burch
Marco Murrieta
Gretchen Bakke
Hannah Britt
Ashley Colquitt
Emily Holeva (Chair)
Andra Jones
Bryan Riggs
Kathy Yorkman