Hypertext Transfer Project (HTTP)

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Hypertext Transfer Project (HTTP) É um projeto que visa a transferência livre de informações sobre intervenções urbanas, com um pequeno banco de links para ser visitado e ampliado por quem tiver interesse de viajar pela rede. O projeto surgiu em 2008, decorrente de pesquisas realizadas para o pré-projeto de graduação intitulado Arquitetura Parasita: uma intervenção no SPA das Artes, pela arquiteta Adryana Rozendo. Uma das características mais evidentes da nossa cumplicidade profissional é a pesquisa. O uso da internet para descobrir possibilidades, caminhos, contemporaneidades. Após alguns anos de parceria descobrimos um grande banco de dados de imagens de projetos de arquitetura, intervenção, cidade, artes, handmades, entre outros assuntos que conseguimos montar; e uma vontade de registrá-las em pequenas amostras. Essa constante pesquisa sempre se desviavam do objeto focal pela atração decorrente das leituras ampliando assim os olhares sobre cada um dos novos assuntos que surgiam. Um verdadeiro hipertexto. Hipertexto é o texto estruturado que utiliza ligações lógicas (hiperlinks) entre nós contendo texto. Tecnicamente, na linguagem da rede, o HTTP é o protocolo para a troca ou transferência de hipertexto. O prefixo hiper - (do grego "υπερ-", sobre, além) remete à superação das limitações da linearidade, ou seja, não sequencial do antigo texto escrito, possibilitando a representação do nosso pensamento, bem como um processo de produção e colaboração entre as pessoas,ou seja, uma (re)construção coletiva. O Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), em português Protocolo de Transferência de Hipertexto, é um protocolo de comunicação utilizado para sistemas de informação de hipermídia, distribuídos e colaborativos. Ele é a base para a comunicação de dados


www. storefrontnews.org Ring Dome “The Ring Dome was conceived as a temporary structure for Performance Z-A, a 26day celebration for the Storefront for Art and Architecture gallery’s 25th anniversary in New York .” “Built on Petrosino Park, a triangular traffic island, the space is surrounded by a steel fence with an entrance on the southern end. Small but with high visibility, the central location has not been utilized despite its great potential for public and cultural events.” date: 2006 site: Haarlemmermeer project artist: Minsuk Cho, Kisu Park design team: Mass Studies client: Storefront for Art and Architecture

making_ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfY1z-KyMzE


www.oosterhuis.nl e-motive house

“The emotive house is fully industrial, flexibel in programmability, demountable, innovative” “How innovative can a building be? “ “Becomes the architecture art, or does it remain a building?” “The house must be considered as a lab that touches the emotional relationships between the house and the inhabitants, between the house and its guests and between the elements of the house itself ”

date: 2002 site: Rotterdam project architect: Prof ir Kas Oosterhuis design team: Kas Oosterhuis, Ilona Lénárd, Gon Zifoni client: ONL

Floriade 2 | Haarlemmermeer “multimedia snake _ the open noord-holland pavilion is an open-air meeting space _ the visitors come to rest in the curved concrete bowls _ from there they view 68 photographs depicting the province of noord-holland _ the long linear sculpture to which the photos are attached struggles its way over the bowls like a giant multimedia snake”

date: 2002 site: Haarlemmermeer project artist: Ilona Lénárd design team: Ilona Lénárd, Kas Oosterhuis, Marc Benerink client: competition

www.oosterhuis.nl CMIC Urban Kiosk “The urban kiosks are developed to become true Urban Nodes, hence the working title of the competition entry.” “They will become natural attractors, offering a relaxation point in the busy Chinese city. The Urbanodes will be servicing the people on the streets, who are in a hurry and urgently need a refreshment, a telephone charging point, a toilet. ”

date: 2007 site: Various Chinese cities project artist: ONL [Oosterhuis_Lénárd] design team: Kas Oosterhuis, Ilona Lénárd, Petr Vokal, Xin Xia, Gijs Joosen, Mathijn Pool client: Xinhui CIMC Container Co., Ltd

www.dezeen.com L’arbre de Flonville by Oloom & Samuel Wilkinson “L’arbre de Flonville is a metal tree on witch a structure provides shade and seating in a public square in the new Flon quarter in Lausanne, Switzerland. The designers claim it is a modern interpretation of the tree as a meeting place in a town square.” “It is one of the first major works to be completed in a series of architectural and street furniture projects, as part of the regeneration of the area undertaken by Lo Holding group.”

Landscape Lounge | Berlin

date: 2007 site: Switzerland project artist: Samuel Wilkinson design team: Oloom client: Lo Holding group.

www.oosterhuis.nl date: 2006 site: dutch ambassy berlin design: onl [oosterhuis and lénárd] lead designers: kas oosterhuis, ilona lénárd project architect: marthijn pool client: dutch ministry of foreign affairs

cidadedeabrigopropostas.blogspot.com/ Rotunda da Areosa


“O objetivo da intervenção é a produção de artefatos que propiciem a apropriação da área localizada embaixo do viaduto.” “As tiras de borracha conjugadas com cabos de aço conformam bancos e leitos de dormir” date: 2007 site: Portugal project artist: Diogo Carvalho, Ligia Milagres client: competition.

Banco de Cozinha “A anturalidade com que as pessoas se sentam no banco da cozinha à porta de casa, para conversar ou simplesmente para ver quem passa, levou-nos a pensar numa sala de estar ao ar livre onde se realizam projeções diversar: programas como a Praça da Alegria; cinemas; desenhos animados, documentários; etc…, que originem uma vivênvia ao longo do dia.” date: 2007 site: Portugal project artist: Helena Gomes, Lara Plácido client: competition.

cidadedeabrigopropostas.blogspot.com/ Projeto Estendal


“Propomos uma estrutura que estimule a produção e potenciação cultural através de um objeto arquitetônico que suporte, receba, emite e adapta-se a intervençãoes e instalações de carácter artistico e social..” “A proposta é a intervenção e não o objeto”

date: 2007 site: Portugal project artist: Xavier e Gervásio client: competition.

Dream House



“A Dream House pretende ser um refúgio humano, ‘um espaço interior para auto-reflexão’ dentro do ambiente urbano. Que a crisálida tenha sido desenhada como um tratamento urbano, e não meramente um refúgio da paisagem urbana, torna a sua qualidade introspectiva ainda extrema.”


“The piece amerges from the landscape looking for the almost imposible intimate place, it defines a new place, contrasting with the concept of the construction and landscape of the surroundings related to open spaces of wide horizons.”


www.somnathray.com “Para-city grows in the entire three-dimensional space of its host; the existing skyscrapers of the present urban landscape. Para-city feeds from the service-cores of its host (since sufficient service spaces already exist within the host-structure) to potentially free itself as a program-less ludic-zone, implying a radical overcoming of any spatial hierarchy.”


“The habitat thus is imagined as an individual cell informed by the logics of a spatial and tectonic strategy formulated for an urban colony of habitats. ”

Horizontal city

www. www.evolo-arch.com

Vision Machine

Lars Spuybroek-NOX “The relation between vision, body and space is very much related to proprioception. Just look at what the museum generally is.” “There is the floor, it is - as is usually the case horizontal. All action takes place on this surface, all movement is planned (by architects) on this horizontal surface. Then there is the wall. It is vertical, perpendicular to the floor, and on it are the images, the pictures that make up the museum's exhibition. That is the surface for seeing. We should always realize that this architecture is that of the Cartesian body: the part that sees is separated from the part that walks. You either walk or see. Perception and action are completely separated.” “The idea of this exhibition, the images and the architecture, is completely different. When I saw all the images, the chemical experiments of Hiller and Polke, the emergent images of Kupka and Morgner, the drug experiments of Michaux, the algorithmic hallucinations, I saw one thing only: the vortex. The vortex, the twirl, has played an enormous role in the history of art and perception” “Now in architecture in general the horizon-vision is the one of outerorientation and vertigo-vision the one of inner-orientation. The first is the one of finding your way, the second of losing your way: the spirals of the labyrinth. Of course I am in between, I am always in between. I agree so much with Varela that the in-between is the most radical position. ”

Vision Machine

Lars Spuybroek-NOX

Holiday Home

UNStudio “The Holiday Home is an experiential installation exploring areas in which the holiday home departs from modern design conventions. The orthogonal surfaces of the archetypal house are extruded and skewed creating the sculptural armature within which the dichotomies of home and holiday home are played out. The new architectural shape emulates escapism, the expectation of a holiday as removed from everyday routine.�

UNStudio TreiĂŤnnale di Milano

Pasarela de la Bellena

Mercedes-Benz Museum

Zaha Hadid Mak Exibition

Latent Utopia Exibition

Landes Gartenschau, germany

Hageu Villas _ spiral house

City of Culture of Galicia,1999

Peter Einsenman

Memorial Jews of Europe

Aachen Bus Shelter

Conteiner city



date: 2002 site: Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Home 382

date: 2007 site: New Orleans, USA


EXPO 2000


“The subject for the world exposition in Hannover created a vision on balance between mankind, nature and technique in the 21st century. The concept uses three characteristic lines for the Netherlands: ability to shape space, tenability through balance and ability to recognise by shape.�

date: 2000 site: Hannover Germany

www.gloweindhoven.nl GLOW_ city of light

http://www.luzboa.com Luzboa_Bienal Internacional da Luz

www.thomasheatherwick.com Sitooterie II “Uma estrutura de alumínio de modo que cada bordão se tornasse uma peça retangular oca, selada por uma tampa de acrílico translúcido cor de laranja. Os bordões foram feitos com comprimentos diferentes, e todos apontam para o centro do cubo que possui um foco de luz dando assim luz para todos.”

date: 2006 site: Barnards Farm, Essex, UK design: Thomas Heatherwick

www.uakti.com.br uakti – oficina instrumental “O conjunto UAKTI – oficina instrumental – é capaz de produzir sons imagináveis. A magia de suas músicas começa pela confecção de seus instrumentos, a partir e materiais do cotidiano: tubos de PVC, vidros, metais, pedras, borracha, cabaças e até água. Para o UAKTI tudo se transforma em som.” “O som tem textura, tem densidade, volume. O som tem forma, imagem e cor.”

www.tonkinliu.co.uk/ Singing ringing tree “partindo do design de ‘algo que captasse a essência do seu lugar’, os arquitetos perceberam condições muito ventuosas no local e decidiram ‘transformar o vento em música’. Mas o seu design é mais do que um jogo de sinos acionados pelo vento ou uma versão glorificada de flautas. A ‘Singing Ringing Tree” é um trabalho de uma precisão espantosa, feito de tubos de aço montados em forma de espiral, que estão montados para captar o vento em determinados ângulos e produzir notas especificas. “esculpido pelo vento”

Muscle NSA | Paris

www.oosterhuis.nl “The most important feature of the programmable Transports pavilion is that architecture for the first time in history is no longer doomed to remain static after a dynamic design process” “ONL conceived 6 different modes for the installation at the Biennale 2000 in Venice: 1) in the artmode the construct is a true piece of art, 2) in the officemode the construct becomes the vehicle for showing realized projects, 3) the educational mode turns the programmable vehicle into a transaction space for collaborative design, 4) the infomode exploits the Trans-ports vehicle for broadcasting news, 5) in the commercial mode companies feed the transaction space with their commercial content, and 6) in the dancemode Trans-ports transforms into a multimedia partyzone” date: 2003 site: Centre Pompidou Paris design architect: Prof ir Kas Oosterhuis design team: Kas Oosterhuis, Ilona Lénárd, Bert Bongers, Chris Kievid, Laura Aquili, Remko Siemerink, Sven Blokker engineering: ONL, d3bn, festo, buitink client: Biennale 2000 Venice, mnam/cci Centre Pompidou Paris

www.architects-of-air.com www.lambertkamps.com “O estado de ser e de não ser, a idéia de que uma estrutura pode existir quando é preciso e desaparecer quando deixa de ser usada ” “construir com ar é a solução”

Air bridge Eggopolis - Edinburgh Amozozo - London Levity - London

outros http:// http://cspacepavilion.blogspot.com/ http://www.theverymany.net/ http://www.paracity.co.uk/ http://www.kokkugia.com/ http://www.zahahadidblog.com/ http://www.reiser-umemoto.com/ http://www.uforg.net/ http://vincent.callebaut.org/ http://www.brianrose.com/ http://www.future-systems.com/ http://www.mansilla-tunon.com/ http://www.ktaweb.com/en_index2.html http://www.narchitects.com/ http://www.vitruvius.com.br/drops/drops14_09.asp http://www.zaha-hadid.com/ http://www.unstudio.com/ http://www.mecanoo.com/main.php http://www.aaschool.ac.uk/aadvd/ http://tvprimavera.com/ http://hipercroquis.wordpress.com/?cat http://www.nolaster.com/ http://www.rojkindarquitectos.com/ http://www.morphosis.net/ http://www.emergentarchitecture.com/hub.php?id=1 http://www.midimagem.eesc.usp.br/situs/D_arqtop5.htm http://www.midimagem.eesc.usp.br/situs/D_arqtop4.htm http://www.midimagem.eesc.usp.br/situs/D_arqtop3.htm http://www.midimagem.eesc.usp.br/situs/d_arqtop6.htm http://www.vazio.com.br/ http://laboratorioarquitetura.blogspot.com/

http://www.aadrl.net/ http://blogdoalencastro.blogspot.com/ http://arkitectos.blogspot.com/ http://www.aumstudio.org/ http://www.djgerber.com/ http://www.fundamentosdelhabitar.blogspot.com/ http://www.iconeye.com/ http://www.interactivearchitecture.org/archive http://www.irarrazaval.blogspot.com/ http://www.krd-uk.com/krd.html http://noticiasarquitecturablog.blogspot.com/ http://www.noxarch.com/flash_content/flash_content.html http://www.ocean-north.net/ http://www.oma.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&i d=3&Itemid=1 http://www.onorte.arq.br/main.htm http://www.oosterhuis.nl/quickstart/index.php http://www.plataformaarquitectura.cl/ http://www.reiser-umemoto.com/ http://www.riocenacontemporanea.com.br/ http://www.federicosoriano.com/ http://www.evolo-arch.com/ http://www.storefrontnews.org/ http://thomasmayerarchive.de/index.php?l=english http://ue-architects.blogspot.com/ http://www.guallart.com/ http://www.revistaboca.org/index.html http://www.campanas.com.br/ http://www.narchitects.com/frameset-LSC.htm http://www.domusweb.it/domus2k6/source/contents/item.cfm?type =NWS&ID=61594&lingua=_eng http://subdv.com/




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