Spring is all about getting outside and being active
news Sept-Nov 2018
Images for this story by Mikaela Egan
Water powered football and netball The VACCHO Nutrition Team was up at the Victorian Aboriginal Community Services Association (VACSAL) Statewide Junior Football & Netball Carnival 2018 in Echuca promoting water and encouraging mob to cut back on sugary drinks. It’s great to see our young mob with their #DrinkWaterUMob drink bottles! Kids and families loved the bottles and fruit that was provided by
Njernda Aboriginal Corporation. It’s important to make our events healthy so it’s easy for our families to choose healthy options when they’re there. That way our kids are full of energy for their games. If you want more information about our #DrinkWaterUMob campaign contact our Nutrition Team on 03 9411 9411 or nutrition@vaccho.org.au/ MORE PICTURES ON PAGE 4
Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation Inc.
VACCHO is the the peak body for the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal people living in Victoria
Elite athletes need to stay strong and healthy with fresh fruit
Vibrant, healthy, selfdetermining Aboriginal communities