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Because of her we can

news June-Aug 2018

NAIDOC Victoria March 2018

So many women in Victoria have made a massive difference for our people. A quick look at the Victorian Aboriginal Honour Roll reads like a cast of Aboriginal stars, including Lady Gladys Nicholls, June Atkinson-Murray, Aunty Di Kerr, Muriel Bamblett and VACCHO’s own Jill Gallagher AO, just to name a few. These women have all worked to further the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal people in Victoria. Then we have our young Aboriginal women who are continuing the wonderful work of the Aunties and other Elders who have gone before them. We are lucky to have some deadly sister-girls working with us at VACCHO, who are dedicated to ensuring our Mob is as strong and healthy as can be. Seeing their strength and pride in culture is inspiring, and ensures future generations will be brought up with this same sense of history, and of what it means to be Aboriginal. To honour all of our deadly women, this issue of VACCHO News is a pictorial keepsake jam packed with event highlights and full of our amazing women front and centre. We invite you to see how far we’ve come on our journey to heal and take back our lives with the help, support and guidance of the strong and resilient women in our lives. For more information on NAIDOC Victoria visit Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation Inc. VACCHO is the peak body for the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal people living in Victoria

Vibrant, healthy, selfdetermining Aboriginal communities

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