Veronica AcuĂąa Veronica Mora Teaching
General Objective
Recognize vowels pronunciation patterns.
Specific Objectives
Identify the different vowels sounds. Improve student’s pronunciation vowels.
Description This interactive activity can give students the opportunity to identify the different sounds in vowels using a virtual roulette. Procedure The teacher has to divide the class into two groups group red and group black. Each group have to select a leader; however, the rest of the members have the chance to help his/her representative. The teacher will use a virtual roulette. The leader of each group has to spinner the roulette that has a specific color which represents a specific vowel sound. The teacher then will give he/she a word with the color that the roulette showed it to the student. Finally, the leader has to categorize the word in the different vowels groups on the whiteboard. If the group are right with the classification of the word they will gain a coin. The team with more coins wins.