(chopstick) [E]volution
45 billion pairs
of disposable chopsticks are tossed out yearly in china. just for domestic use alone,
2 0 m i l l i o n t re e s are downed annually for single-use chopstick manufacturing in china.
why not put them to better use?
The process of manufacturing beigns with the initial collection of the chopstics via designated recycling bins. Then, they are cleaned using water and UV radiation, removing any presence of bacteria and/or food particles. The chopsticks are glued together using water resistant glue (nontoxic, Elmer's brand) into the corresponding shapes.
17,000 LBS
Material: Weight: Dimensions: Cost: Strength:
Recycled chopsticks about 1.25 lbs. 4”(H) x 4”(W) x 8”(L) Free 529 psi
Material: Weight: Dimensions: Cost: Strength:
Fired Clay about 6 lbs. 2.25”(H) x 4”(W) x 8”(L) $0.25 - $0.50/brick 500 psi - 1500 psi (depending on firing method)
Stress[psi] vs. Strain[in/in] Diagram
One for a family(3)
Three for a small clinic
Five for a school
What is provided:
How to use: Step 1a: A s s e m b l e c h o p s t i c k b r i c k m o d u l e s i n interlocking fashion; insert smaller pole into matching hole in the brick module. You may either stack them horizontally, or vertically. Refer to the drawing to the right (2-f).
Step 1b: Continue to assemble all chopstick brick modules in interlocking fashion. The space between each of the chopstick brick modules can vary. Refer to the right to build wall with many air gaps to allow ventilation (2-g). If you choose to construct an airtight wall, simply build the wall without any gaps. Use a maximum of 400 chopstick brick modules per wall. On one wall, leave space large enough for a doorway. refer to (4-m).
Step 2: Assemble chopstick column units much in the same way as the chopstick brick modules. The interlocking pieces fit together as the drawing to the right indicates(3-i). Each unit consists of 2 pieces. Construct 4 columns. Each column will have 12 units and will stand 8’ tall. Make certain that the channels (groves) line up according to the drawing. Each unit should face the same way (3-j).
Step 3a: After constructing the four walls and columns, insert column base into the ground and use the provided channels to line up the brick walls. The brick walls will fit into the channels and create a rigid structure. Construct a four sided house (4-m). Attach paracords(rope) taughtly from the four corners pillars to the center of the house. Use the parachute material to cover the roof securely. Do not leave gaps. Place a small pole in between the rope and parachute to form a tent like pyramid in the middle of the house.
Step 3b: Cover walls with remaining parachute material to form a water proof barrier on all sides. Use paracords to attach firmly.
Possibilities: Using one box, construct a house Using three boxes, construct a clinic Using five boxes, construct a school The temporary solutions depicted to the right are examples of how walls, columns, and different orientations can manifest spaces which allow for life to continue. The spaces are to be communal, as well as private, depending upon the arrangement desired. The community is responsible for creating their visions from the peices provided. Its the communities' needs that designate what is built and h o w t h e s p a c e s a re u s e d . Using modular, interconnecting systems, the possibilities are endless. The community which develops from the disaster, will have a foundation built on sustainability. A chance to rebuild with different goals and considerations in mind.
Roof Parachute Chopstick Brick Beam
Wall Parachute
Chopstick Column
Roof Detail Wall Section