Volume - 15

Page 10

At a time that the horrifying impact of the

or war between nations, while at other times

pandemic is hovering over mankind, and shaking

testing of biological weapons - there are several

everyone’s' lives in most petrifying ways than

reasons as these! This fear is either individual,

ever, the one thing that occurs to our mind is

communal, state level, on a national scale or

'how to stay away and how to be saved from this

larger still, worldwide as well. At this time, it is

deadly virus?’ More than the virus itself, it is the

worldwide. At such times, many people either

fear of death that has engulfed each individual’s

become insane or die. This isn’t the first

mind, which is more worrisome. It is more

occurrence on this earth. Earlier too, many a

important to get rid of this fear by way of

time, such occurrences have engulfed the earth.

strengthening our mind and thought process.

For a foolish person, such an occurrence

While it is relatively easy to save ourselves from

becomes fearsome, while for an intellectual

the virus, the terror

being; he sees it as an

of death that is


looming large across

During this time

the globe is some-

of the pandemic, stay

thing that is difficult


to overcome. More than the disease itself, people

at home, read good books, exercise well,


are dying more of the


fear that the disease



will attack them and kill them. There is no virus deadlier and

watch inspirational videos, do Pranayam and yoga regularly and reduce your body weight. Your face should glow with the innocence

horrendous than

and freshness as a

fear. Understand this


fear. Else before



pandemic engulfs mankind every 25-30 years.

death, you will become a living corpse!

Earn at this time by doing the above stated tasks.

The petrifying conditions under which we

Don’t waste your time talking about the

are surviving now has got very little to do with

pandemic and thinking about it. This fear is

the virus. Such fear engulfs the world and

beyond the comprehension of common mind.

humanity at a particular time; it has been

Don’t watch any video or news that arises fear

happening since decades. The reasons are

within you. Thinking the same negative

different every time. This is one kind of

thoughts over and over again changes the

community madness. At times it is political

chemical constitution of the body and this may

instability, at other times it is price hike of

become poisonous at times, which could

consumer commodities; sometimes it is unrest

become fatal.

| 08 | sahajANAND

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