Volume - 15

Page 8

his is the story about the miracle experienced by a Saint called Akhandanand he was free from anger and physical desires. By nature, he loved penance and asceticism. He would remain stable and firm though he had to face insult, dishonor, hatred and rebuke. He was a man of perfect and an unwavering understanding for Shree Hari and his principles.

himself right before the mouth of the tiger and invited the tiger to eat him up. As Akhandanand went close to the tiger and fearlessly invited the tiger to devour him, the

tiger raised his paw. Akhandanand Swami remained fearless and unmoved so the tiger withdrew his paw. The tigers were inspired by the Lord,

Once he set out on sermon telling tour so they underwent a change of heart. without taking any other companion with him. They took four rounds around the saint He travelled a long and disappeared in distance in the scorching heat and by chance he TIGERS TURNED MEAK the forest. entered a forest it was a The episode of the barren area, inhabited miracle experienced by man-eating wild and witnessed by animals and no human being could be seen in Akhandanandji that forest land. carries very deep and


wide meaning. It As Akhandanandji entered the central part suggests about the of the forest four tigers rainbow personality Prof. Madhusudan Vyas came and covered him and kaleidoscopic Vadodara from all four sides. The empathy. The saint saint encountered death decided to offer in its eyes. At that himself as an oblation but the Lord moment, he thought that “sooner or later the body is going to meet its end. My body may have decided to save the saint. So, he brought been made to satisfy the hunger of the tiger. So, a psychological change in the tigers. The let me go near the tiger and offer my body.” As Akhandanandji made up his mind to go near the tiger Shree Hari decided to save him. He thought that the tiger will kill this saint and he will undergo great suffering before he meets his death. How can I see him suffering and if I remain inactive at such moment who will call me 'Saviour, graceful and merciful?” At this moment, Akhandanandji came near the tiger and stood right before him. He put | 06 | sahajANAND

raised paw turned into a salute. The tigers lowered their heads to touch the ground. Then, they took four rounds encircling the saint, and whispered silent prayers before running into the forest. This is the living proof of the fact that Shree Hari could bring a change of heart even in the wild and ferocious animals.

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