6 minute read
Chief Executive Offi cer’s Report
from 2021 Annual Report
by VAFA Media
Treasurer’s Report
Despite a promising beginning, the 2021 football season became compromised and ended in less than favourable circumstances for all VAFA clubs, players and stakeholders. In fact, the continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic interruptions has made the operational landscape for community football challenging - to say the least - and created levels of uncertainty that clubs and the VAFA Administration have not previously experienced. The VAFA Board and Administration continued to work diligently during the course of this extended ‘pandemic’ period, demonstrating fi scal prudence and fi nancial responsibility. In doing so, we are pleased to announce a trading surplus for the 2021 fi nancial year, and one which suffi ciently has recouped operational losses of the previous two years. There are several features and signifi cant factors contributing to the fi scal improvement of the 2021 fi nancial year, including (but not limited to): • VAFA commercial partners & sponsors continued support through the pandemic period which has been maintained at ‘pre COVID-19’ levels • Continued loyalty, dedication and professionalism of staff combined with the prudent management of government pandemic fi nancial support • A strengthened Balance Sheet (best in four years) with no core debt and robust liquidity levels, primarily as a result of positive cash fl ow management techniques and fi nancial responsibility of all clubs • Continued review of administrative cost structures with ongoing commitment to member clubs to not increase affi liation fees and minimise fi nancial impacts on clubs The VAFA Board and Administration are very conscious of the fi nancial stress that a compromised football season forces upon clubs, and we are continuing to consider initiatives to alleviate this duress and assist clubs to ensure their fi nancial stability. The Board greatly appreciates the personal contributions to the successful operation of this most demanding year of the CEO Brett Connell, his management and administrative team of staff . The Board would also like to acknowledge the signifi cant support of its sponsor and partners throughout the year. In particular, the ongoing fi nancial support and technical assistance provided by Lindsay Holloway, the William Buck management team and professional staff has been invaluable to the VAFA Board and management team. As well, Bendigo Bank, Holmesglen Institute and our supplier partners who have provided fi nancial support in diffi cult economic times for which the VAFA is most appreciative. Finally, the Board would like to acknowledge and thank all our member clubs and their administration teams for their ongoing support of our VAFA Administration team, their fi nancial commitment to the competition and the way in which they have continued to manage their own club fi nances in these challenging times. The Board and Administration team have signifi cant plans for the forthcoming 2022 season by investing in our clubs, competition and business, including umpire recruitment, club development, expanded commercial activity, and 130 Year recognition events. We look forward to the challenge of a new season for the love of the game. Mick Overman VAFA Treasurer
Chief Executive Offi cer’s Report
Brett Connell Chief Executive Offi cer
Season 2021 will be remembered as a year of great hope, disruption and complexity. As we emerged from COVID enforced lockdowns in late 2020, we entered our planning phase for 2021 with optimism and a deal of uncertainty. Our major focus was putting measures in place to cater for disruptions to our season should COVID again become a factor. We developed two COVID policies, (i) related to our football season and (ii) related to club affi liations. These policies stood us in good stead, and we have taken several learnings from applying these policies during the 2021 season and will build these out for the 2022 season. At the virtual AGM in December, for the fi rst time in a number of years an election was held for Board positions. George Voyage and Mick Overman were returned to the Board, while Frank Dunell joined for the fi rst time. I would like to recognise Jeff rey Jankie for his eff orts during his tenure on the Board. Jeff rey was unsuccessful at the election. The Board would again change in the middle of the year when Megan Dwyer retired and was replaced by Cheryl Cartwright after a thorough process. Megan Taberner, former Independent Integrity Division (IID) member, was appointed to the Board to join Terry McEvoy (former Aquinas OC President) as the second Board Appointed Board Member. Nigel Credlin resigned in October after eight years on the Board. While many of our events in 2021 were cancelled, we did hold our Club Conference virtually which enabled us to re-engage with our clubs and explain plans for the season ahead. We were able to hold our William Buck Season Launch which celebrated both 2020 and 2021 Certifi cate of Merit winners and Life Membership to Peter Nash. Michael Hazell was unable to attend to receive his Life Membership due to ill health but was also recognised. Our season began well on a football front with all clubs returning to fi eld teams from 2019 after the 2020 season was cancelled. Participation numbers equaled 2019 levels - testament to the work done throughout 2020 by our clubs. Our umpire numbers did not return to 2019 levels which presented challenges for not only our clubs but the Administration. It was pleasing to see that by May we had returned to a consistent number of umpires to allocate to matches, however it was still below what we ideally required. Recognising this challenge, we will implement a strong and robust umpire recruiting strategy, with fi nancial investment to build our numbers in this important area of operations. Nigel Credlin (Board Member) as Umpire sub-committee Chair) is thanked for his drive and support in all aspects of umpiring across a challenging year. To Josh Colman (VAFAUA President) and his committee at the Umpires’ Association, thank you for your support and willingness to work together for the good of the Association. A strong Association and Umpires Association relationship is imperative if we are all to prosper. Financially, the challenges of returning from 2020 remained. With well executed plans, prudent fi nancial management and the excellent support of our sponsor partners and suppliers, as well as our clubs, we have turned around the overall fi nancial position of the Association to a surplus. We are in a solid fi nancial position to now invest in the key areas of umpiring and club development in 2021 and set the Association up for investment at Elsternwick Park amenities (lighting) in 2023 and beyond. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the work done by the Finance and Risk sub-committee made up of Mick Overman (Treasurer), Adam Kirkwood-Scott (VP), Niki Alexopoulos (William Buck), Shona MacInnes (GM, Business & Projects), Amanda Simmons (William Buck) and Susan Miller (Administration Offi cer) for their guidance, expertise and diligent work in allowing us to record a signifi cant turn around in VAFA fi nances from the 2020 year. The Association’s Memorandum and Articles of Association have been under review for several years, culminating in a new draft Constitution being put to members in October. Further consultation was requested by members, with a view to making some adjustments and fi nalising the new