2 minute read
Treasurer’s Report
from 2021 Annual Report
by VAFA Media
President’s Report
To highlight a few key developments of 2021. The new strategic plan is aiming for exciting innovations in Media, Live Streaming and digital marketing. The Board and Admin team are exploring the maximisation of opportunities for the use of our headquarters at Elsternwick Park and our Governance Team is engaged in the development and implementing of the new constitution. The report of our Commercial Subcommittee Chair, Mr. Adam Kirkwood-Scott, will include new initiatives and also mention the on-fi eld apparel partnerships which are in place. The Board’s plan is still the future introduction of the off -fi eld apparel in a similar agreement as we strive to raise revenue from new channels.
The VAFA Advantage program to provide benefi ts to all members and clubs is also in planning. We continue to pursue grants from all levels of Government which are relevant to the VAFA.
The VAFA Foundation is edging closer to being established to maximise donation opportunities. Throughout the year, the Board and Admin team continued to make every eff ort to rein in expenditure across all departments and we will continue to be frugal in every aspect. The Elsternwick Park 1 facility is excellent, but the precinct desperately needs improved spectator amenities and facilities such as toilets, terracing, landscaping, seating, undercover viewing, media room and score box. We are also looking at funding options for the ground lighting to help cater for the huge demand for the venue to host matches, training, and umpires as well as for security. With the VAFA heading towards our 130th anniversary, our heritage team continue with the aim of cataloguing and protecting our collection and moving forward with our historical records and memorabilia.
VAFA community members with an interest in this fi eld are welcome and encouraged to join this group. To our wonderful Board, who give so much of their time, energy, and acumen, thank you so much for your support, eff orts, robust debate, and decision making. I would also like to recognise the input of non-board volunteers who make such an impact on our subcommittees and project teams. To our CEO Mr. Brett Connell and the whole VAFA administration team of our executive staff , staff members, to our casual staff , to our scribes, and our tribunal, Integrity Panel and Division, and other volunteers, sincere thanks for all you have done in such a professional and outstanding manner.
We continue to strive to be the best Australian football competition in Australia. Spread across Melbourne with people of all backgrounds, we are about the love of the game and our clubs off er more than just football. It is a place for camaraderie, friendships, and a safe haven for all, in addition to the challenges of competition. I am honoured to be President of the VAFA.