4 minute read
Umpire Operations Report
from 2021 Annual Report
by VAFA Media
Club Development
Sean Walker Club Development Manager
2021 presented many challenges for the VAFA and its clubs, including challenges in the Club Development space. This report allows a chance to refl ect on achievements in 2021 while looking forward to the 2022 season with a variety of exciting initiatives and opportunities to support all VAFA clubs.
Tackle Your Feelings
The VAFA’s partnership with the Tackle Your Feelings program allows the VAFA to support its member clubs by delivering workshops that educate club stakeholders to recognise, understand and manage the mental health conversation. The VAFA delivered 10 workshops to its clubs in 2021 with the support of the committee members and representatives at each club. In total, 164 people attended with a variety of coaches, committee members and players involved. On the back of this year’s success, the VAFA has committed to delivering these sessions again to its member clubs in 2022 and looks forward to supporting the mental health conversation with the support of the team at Tackle Your Feelings. The VAFA wishes to thank the 10 clubs that participated (below) and hope their clubs have benefi ted from being a part of the program. 1. MHSOB
2. Old Xaverians
3. University Blacks 4. Kew FC 5. South Melbourne Districts 6. Old Haileybury 7. St Bedes/Mentone Tigers 8. La Trobe University 9. St Mary’s Salesian 10. Prahran Assumption
Club Development Health Check
In June, the VAFA distributed a Club Development Health Check (CDHC) to all member clubs. The CDHC contained 56 questions across multiple Club Development pillars and all VAFA clubs provided responses which led to a substantial set of data for VAFA HQ. The responses from the CDHC are designed to identify areas of success and areas for improvement across the VAFA network in the identifi ed Club Development pillars. The 9 pillars of Club Development that questions were based around included. 1. Governance
2. Volunteer Management 3. Coach Management 4. Partnerships 5. Inclusion 6. Facility Management 7. Marketing and Communication 8. Recruitment and Retention
9. Finances and Sponsorship The top 3 pillars clubs identifi ed as needing the most support are ‘Volunteer Management’, followed by ‘Recruitment and Retention’ and ‘Governance’.
A snapshot of fi ndings from the Club Development Health Check include:
• 77% of clubs do NOT have any forms of succession planning in place for committee roles • 47% of clubs do NOT have any clear strategy to recruit or retain players • 30% of clubs do NOT have any form of Strategic Plan (or have one in planning) • 90% of clubs have a clear interview process for coaches including a position description • 96% of clubs believe they have opportunities for people from LGBTQI backgrounds to engage with the club
Club Development
From the fi ndings, the VAFA can identify interventions or supports to try and increase the Club Development practice in areas that have a high percentage of clubs that do NOT have current measures in place while also identifying areas that VAFA clubs excel in. The Club Development Health Check will be used as a tool in 2023 to measure club development practices again, highlight the outcome of VAFA initiatives and identify new areas for targeted support.
Grants and Funding
In a year of challenging fi nancial environments, many VAFA clubs took the opportunity to apply for grants and funding to support their club. In September, the VAFA had 5 clubs apply for funds through AFL Victoria’s Strategic Community Investment Fund (SCIF). The SCIF supports clubs with a variety of internal initiatives such as recruitment projects, expansion of women’s teams, Club Development support and accounting support to manage club fi nances. The outcome of these applications will be known in early November. VAFA clubs were able to utilise the Community Sport Sector COVID-19 Survival Package to fi nancially support a loss of revenue due to the pandemic. VAFA clubs were eligible for $1500 through 4 rounds of funding. The VAFA had multiple clubs who were able to access this funding to support their fi nancial downturn through 2021. The VAFA had 14 clubs successfully receive funds of up to $10,000 as part of the TAC Rewards Club program. The TAC Rewards Program aims to support clubs who actively participate in the TAC’s mission to reduce death and serious injuries on our roads. The total amount of funds allocated to the 14 VAFA clubs was $89,000. A special mention to UHS-VU who also utilised the Toyota AFL Good for Footy Raffl e to raise a total of $16,510.
Best Community Footy Facility
In October, the VAFA nominated St Bedes/Mentone FC for the Victoria Community Footy Facilities Finals for their facility redevelopment. The works between February 2019 and February 2021 included a renovation to their original 1928 pavilion while creating multiple administration offi ces and function spaces. The club described their new facilities as “a celebration of the clubs’ eff orts and a springboard for future generations to enjoy our great game”.
2022 initiatives
The VAFA has been in the process of planning and organising a variety of new and continued initiatives for its member clubs in 2022. These initiatives will help to support clubs with their current Club Development practice and will aim to support club committees and volunteers, provide professional development opportunities for coaches and sports trainers and provide clubs the opportunity to engage in mental health discussions.
1. Education Workshop Series (Begins Nov ’21) 2. VAFA Female Coaching Academy (Begins Jan/Feb ’22) 3. VAFA Level 1 Sports Trainer Accreditation course (Proposal) 4. AFL Vic and VAFA Coaching Professional Development (Ongoing) 5. Tackle Your Feelings workshops (Begins Feb’22) I would like to thank all the contributions club committee members are making to their individual clubs and the wider association. The role of the committee member and the volunteer is more important than ever and the VAFA is committed to providing support to all stakeholders as we move into 2022.