Club Development 2021 presented many challenges for the VAFA and its clubs, including challenges in the Club Development space. This report allows a chance to reflect on achievements in 2021 while looking forward to the 2022 season with a variety of exciting initiatives and opportunities to support all VAFA clubs.
Tackle Your Feelings Sean Walker Club Development Manager
The VAFA’s partnership with the Tackle Your Feelings program allows the VAFA to support its member clubs by delivering workshops that educate club stakeholders to recognise, understand and manage the mental health conversation. The VAFA delivered 10 workshops to its clubs in 2021 with the support of the committee members and representatives at each club. In total, 164 people attended with a variety of coaches, committee members and players involved. On the back of this year’s success, the VAFA has committed to delivering these sessions again to its member clubs in 2022 and looks forward to supporting the mental health conversation with the support of the team at Tackle Your Feelings. The VAFA wishes to thank the 10 clubs that participated (below) and hope their clubs have benefited from being a part of the program. 1.
Old Xaverians
University Blacks
Kew FC
South Melbourne Districts
Old Haileybury
St Bedes/Mentone Tigers
La Trobe University
St Mary’s Salesian
Club Development Health Check In June, the VAFA distributed a Club Development Health Check (CDHC) to all member clubs. The CDHC contained 56 questions across multiple Club Development pillars and all VAFA clubs provided responses which led to a substantial set of data for VAFA HQ. The responses from the CDHC are designed to identify areas of success and areas for improvement across the VAFA network in the identified Club Development pillars. The 9 pillars of Club Development that questions were based around included. 1.
Volunteer Management
Coach Management
Facility Management
Marketing and Communication
Recruitment and Retention
Finances and Sponsorship
The top 3 pillars clubs identified as needing the most support are ‘Volunteer Management’, followed by ‘Recruitment and Retention’ and ‘Governance’. A snapshot of findings from the Club Development Health Check include: •
77% of clubs do NOT have any forms of succession planning in place for committee roles
47% of clubs do NOT have any clear strategy to recruit or retain players
30% of clubs do NOT have any form of Strategic Plan (or have one in planning)
90% of clubs have a clear interview process for coaches including a position description
96% of clubs believe they have opportunities for people from LGBTQI backgrounds to engage with the club
10. Prahran Assumption