The Nature and Role of Real Ayurvedic Ghee By Vaidya Rama K. Mishra
The use of ghee has been a hotly debated issue for over forty years. In the early nineties, when Dr. Hari Sharma advocated the consumption of ghee at the National Conference on Cardiology in New Delhi, almost all of the attending physicians launched a protest. I was shocked by such a violent reaction to ghee given that all of the Ayurvedic texts, starting with the Carak Samhita and including the Shushruta Samhita, Bhagavat, and Bhavaprakash, classify ghee as the best kind of fat. Carak (Sutrasthanam 27; 232) says that “ghee is the best fat to eat”.
svRõehaeÄm< zIt< mxur< rspakyae>, shövIy¡ ivixiÉ"&Rt< kmRshök«t!.232. crk s<ihta sUÇSwanm!-27
sarvasnehottamaà çétaà madhuraà rasapäkayoù| sahasravéryaà vidhibhirghåtaà karmasahasrakåt||232|| caraka saàhitä sütrasthänam-27
Shushruta Samhita (Kalpasthanam) says that ghee is “good for coronary arteries”.
ùdyavr[< inTy< k…yaR½ imÇmXyg>.79. ipbedœ "&tmjeyaOymm&taOy< c buiÏman!, sipRdRix py> ]aEÔ< ipbeÖa zItl< jlm!. myUraÚk…lan! gaexa> p&;tan! hir[anip, stt< É]ye½aip rsa<Ste;a< ipbedip.81. suïut! s<ihta kLpSwanm!
hådayävaraëaà nityaà kuryäcca mitramadhyagaù||79|| pibed ghåtamajeyäkhyamamåtäkhyaà ca buddhimän| sarpirdadhi payaù kñaudraà pibedvä çétalaà jalam|| mayürännakulän godhäù påñatän hariëänapi| satataà bhakñayeccäpi rasäàsteñäà pibedapi||81|| 1
suçrut saàhitä kalpasthänam Chapter 1, Protection Bhava • • • • • • • • • •
Mishra (Bhavaprakash) says that ghee is: a great rasayana (rejuvenator) for the eyes enhances the digestive fire while cooling and alkalizing binds toxins and pacifies pitta and vata with proper combining and processing, it is not clogging or kapha aggravating enhances complexion and glow of the face and body increases physical and mental stamina supports learning, retention, and recall increases longevity cools and lubricates the stomach wall nurtures and cleanses blood tissue
"&tmaJy hiv> sipR> kWyte tdœgu[a Aw, "&t< rsayn< SvaÊ c]u:y< viûdIpnm!. 1. zItvIy¡ iv;alúmIpapipÄinlapha, ALpaiÉ:yiNd kaNTyaejStejaelav{yv&iÏk«t!.2. SvrSm&itkr< meXymayu:y< blk«dœgué, %davÄRJvraeNmadzUlanahì[an! hret!, iõGx< k)kr< r]>]yvIspRr´nut!.3. Éavàkaz "&tvgR
ghåtamäjya haviù sarpiù kathyate tadguëä atha| ghåtaà rasäyanaà svädu cakñuñyaà vahnidépanam|| 1|| çétavéryaà viñälakñmépäpapittaniläpahä| alpäbhiñyandi käntyojastejolävaëyavåddhikåt||2|| svarasmåtikaraà medhyamäyuñyaà balakådguru| udävarttajvaronmädaçülänähavraëän haret| snigdhaà kaphakaraà rakñaùkñayavésarparaktanut||3|| bhävaprakäça ghåtavarga |