We want to thank you for your support and welcome you to our 2022 stakeholders report. For all of you who were able to enjoy our Festival this summer, we hope you were as inspired as we were by the incredible moments, on and off the stage, that made this season perhaps the most moving, and powerful, iteration of the Vail Dance Festival to date.
The performing arts have a unique ability to bring people together and inspire us to explore and appreciate the world around us, and our Festival this summer was no exception.
We were thrilled to celebrate reaching over 100 new works since Damian Woetzel became Artistic Director in 2006. Ten new works were commissioned this summer alone, helping expand the art of dance and take it to exciting new places around the world. As an example, No Nonsense by Pam Tanowitz was just performed at New York City Center's Fall for Dance to their enthusiastic audiences. We also welcomed three young dancers from Ukraine to join us as Scholars-In-Residence. In our mountains they found a welcoming community and a supportive and peaceful place to cultivate their dreams.
There is much to share and reflect upon from this year’s event. Most importantly, all of it was only possible because of you, our generous donors, volunteers, and partners. Thank you for helping create and nurture this valuable contribution to the world of the performing arts, and please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions.
MIKEIMHOF President Vail Valley Foundation
Each year, we partner with cross-sector community organizations to eliminate socioeconomic barriers to the arts by providing free tickets to Festival performances. 114 free tickets were distributed in 2022.
We've built a robust program for ambitious junior high, high school, college, & post grad students to join the Festival team and gain valuable experience while supporting a variety of key areas from administration to marketing to production. 30 Interns and Ambassadors joined us in 2022.
Each year, we offer a young dancer on the cusp of their professional career the opportunity to come to the Festival and take advantage of all its offerings including learning, training, and performing alongside the biggest names in the dance world. This year, we were able to host 3 dancers from Ukraine that were displaced by the war in their country. One of the dancers, Eva Hrytsak, has since joined the ballet training program at ABT's Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis School.
addition, the Vail ValleyFoundation/Vail DanceFestival booked
room nights at
different locationsin Vail
Oursincere thankyouforyourongoing supportanda specialthanksto our partners attheTown ofVail, VailResorts,TownofAvon,ManorVail Lodge,VailMountainSchool,andthe GeraldR. FordAmphitheaterandVilar PerformingArtsCenter for graciously hostingtheVailDanceFestival.
We wishyouall continuedsuccess and, in partnershipwithyou,lookforward to makingthe2023VailDanceFestival, evenbetter.Seeyouon OpeningNight, July28,2023!
SLIDE 1: GeraldR.Ford Amphitheater, photo by Chris Kendig
SLIDE3: Unity Phelanand Chun Wai Chan performChristopher Wheeldon's Liturgy, photo by Christopher Duggan
SLIDE4 (from left toright):
• Kathrine Bolañosand Black Krapelsperformin the end, photo by Christopher Duggan
• Patricia Delgadoand Justin PeckperformJustin Peck's I Made This For You, photoby Christopher Duggan
• Peter Walker and Ashley Hod performBalanchine's Red Angles, Choreography©The George Balanchine Trust,photoby Christopher Duggan
• DarioNatarelliperforms Ephrat Asherie's Underscored,photo by Christopher Duggan
• Dancing in the Park, photos by Christopher Dugganand Chris Kendig
• Dancing in the Streets,photosby ChrisKendig
SLIDE 6 (from left toright):
• TinyDancer TeaParty, photo by BrianMaloney
• MiraNadon at the TinyDancer TeaParty, photo by ChrisKendig
• Audience members, photo by Chris Kendig
• Lil Buck and YouthPower365'sCelebrate the Beat,photoby Chirstopher Duggan
SLIDE 7: (from left toright)
• OliviaBellinWatching Dance with Heather Watts,photo by ChrisKendig
• Robbie Fairchild Master Class,photo by Christopher Duggan
• ConversationsonDance with Justin Pek, photoby Christopher Duggan
• LaurenLovette MasterClass,photoby Christopher Duggan
SLIDE 9: (from lefttoright)
• Attendees,photo by ChrisKendig
• Attendees,photo by BrianMaloney
• Attendees,photo by BrainMaloney
• Attendees,photo by Christopher Duggan
• Attendees,photo by BrainMaloney
• Attendees,photo by BrianMaloney
SLIDE11: Jovani Furlan performsMerce Cunningham's Changing Steps, photo by Christopher Duggan
SLIDE12: Chris Thile andcast performJustin Peck's I Made This For You, photo by Christopher Duggan
SLIDE 15: Jessica Sgambelluri and Joey Columbus performLimón's Waldstein Sonata, photo by Christopher Duggan
SLIDE 16: Antonina Skobina and Denys Drozdyuk performPasión, photo by Christopher Duggan
SLIDE17: DanceAspen performsDanielle Rowe's Everyone's in St. Barth's, photo by Christopher Duggan
SLIDE18: Ephrat Asherie Dance performs Odeon, photo by Christopher Duggan