The Vail Valley Foundation’s Stifel Birds of Prey Dec. 6-15 will take ski racing—and entertainment—to new heights. » page 2
A fantastic festival will surround Birds of Prey » page 4
The Vail Dance Festival wins over the Big Apple » page 6
MAGIC MAKEOVER YouthPower365’s Magic Bus is looking good » page 7
Photo courtesy Agence Zoom.
Women race downhill this December on the iconic –and steep! - Birds of Prey course in Beaver Creek

History will be made at this year’s Stifel Birds of Prey. The Birds of Prey downhill course is known as one of the most daunting in the world. It is consistently ranked as one of the top three most difficult on the men’s Audi FIS Ski World Cup tour.
This December, women will race down this iconic course for the first time with downhill and super G races. It’s a moment not to be missed as we plan for an amazing dual-weekend of men’s and women’s racing during the first two weekends in December.
“This year’s Stifel Birds of Prey marks a seminal moment in our community’s great ski racing heritage,” said Mike Imhof, president of the Vail Valley Foundation. “Ourselves, Vail Resorts, Beaver Creek Resort, Beaver Creek Resort Company, FIS, U.S. Ski & Snowboard, and all our partners and sponsors are looking forward to joining together with our community and race fans from around the world.”
International ski racing has been a part of our Valley’s heritage since the early 1960s, and it reached high water marks at the 1989, 1999, and 2015 Alpine World Ski Championships held in Beaver Creek.
The Vail Valley Foundation led the host committee on each of those occasions and is once again leading the way as the community unifies around yet another monumental moment in our community’s ski racing history.
River Radamus, a born-and-bred Valley local, is expected to race the men’s giant slalom as well as, perhaps, the super G.

River Radamus
Isabella Wright
Photos by Dustin Satloff, courtesy of U.S. Ski & Snowboard.

And the question on many fans’ minds: Will Mikaela Shiffrin, the all-time best skier in the history of the sport and a resident of Edwards, Colorado, race this year?
“Yeah, I’ll be racing in the super G for sure,” Shiffrin told a gathered crowd during an onstage interview at the Vail Valley Foundation’s GoPro Mountain Games this June.
I’ll be racing in the super G for sure...I love racing at Beaver Creek.”
“I love racing at Beaver Creek,” Shiffrin said in an earlier interview at her Mikeala87 celebration in Vail in 2023. “I have a lot of great memories skiing there, particularly from World Champs in 2015. It’s been inspiring to watch the men ski on one the best speed tracks on the World Cup tour, and I’m excited the women will get a chance to ski on it this year, too.”
All races are free to spectate. Family-friendly activities, bib draws, special appearances, live music, Beers of Prey, and much more will help make this year’s Stifel Birds of Prey the most highly anticipated racing event since the 2015 Alpine World Ski Championships.
Learn more about how YOU can be a part of this historic moment by contacting Sierra Adams, Vice President of Philanthropy, at sadams@vvf.org .
All races take place on the Birds of Prey course, viewable from the John and Karen Arnold Red Tail Stadium.
The approved men’s and women’s racing calendar includes:
Dec. 3–5 downhill training
Dec. 6 downhill
Dec. 7 super G
Dec. 8 giant slalom
Dec. 11–13 downhill training
Dec. 14 downhill
Dec. 15 super G
*Forentertainmentlineup, seepage4!

Mikaela Shiffrin
Photos by Chris Kendig.
UNMATCHED ENTERTAINMENT throughout Stifel Birds of Prey
Great ski racing means great entertainment, and we are proud to present a full lineup of performances to enhance and complement the Stifel Birds of Prey Audi FIS Ski World Cup Festival December 6–15.
Renowned electronic superstar Tiësto will be performing in Vail on Friday, December 13. Tiësto has shaped the electronic dance music scene for over two decades, and he will bring those dynamic sounds to the Ford Park parking lot in Vail to help hype up the audience as we kick off Women’s Weekend at Stifel Birds of Prey. Tickets are on sale now at bcworldcup.com

Saturday, December 7
Big Head Todd & the Monsters

Saturday, December 14
Grace Potter
Guests can also enjoy free shows in Beaver Creek Village throughout the two-week event, including Yonder Mountain String Band, the Spazmatics, Grace Bowers & the Hodge Podge, and more. View the complete entertainment lineup in Vail and Beaver Creek at bcworldcup.com.
The VVF’s Vilar Performing Arts Center will also be an epicenter of entertainment in Beaver Creek Village throughout the Stifel Birds of Prey Festival, featuring showings of highly anticipated ski films as well as live performances from Big Head Todd & the Monsters, Elephant Revival, and Grace Potter. Learn more about the dazzling lineup at the Vilar at vilarpac.org
Explore underwriting opportunities at the Vilar by contacting Miah Wheeler, Director of Philanthropy, at mwheeler@vvf.org

Photos by Tiësto, Kirsten Cohen, Grace Potter, and Chris Kendig.


Don’t miss out on the opportunity to see history up close!
Two tiers of elevated VIP race experiences are available for fans who want to enjoy the best of this year’s races at Stifel Birds of Prey.
Both of the 2024 Stifel Birds of Prey VIP packages include access to a VIP heated tent, an outdoor viewing area and an additional viewing deck lounge, gourmet food, libations, and more. For the ultimate luxury experience, guests can

purchase the Birds Eye View VIP Package, which includes all of this plus a VIP shuttle to the racecourse, valet parking, VIP gift bags, access to a private, elevated and covered Birds Eye viewing deck with the best views of the course, and more.
Single-day and multi-day VIP packages are available for purchase. Demand for these experiences is high, and space is very limited, so make sure to secure your tickets today at bcworldcup.com/vip
The Mountain Games Athlete Team has been announced
The VVF’s GoPro Mountain Games is a one-of-a-kind event.
So it’s no surprise that the very first Mountain Games Athlete Team is full of one-of-a-kind mountain people.
Launched in 2024 to expand the reach of the GoPro Mountain Games, the inaugural Mountain Games-sponsored Athlete Team is made up of a diverse group of talented individuals, helping to grow and support the wide array of outdoor disciplines involved in the GoPro Mountain Games.
Aged 11 and up, the Athlete Team will help represent us at the 2025 GoPro Mountain Games, online, on social media, and around the world. The goal is to help spread the stories and messages that make the mountains, and the Mountain Games, so special.
To learn more about supporting the VVF’s Athletics mission and the GoPro Mountain Games, contact Stephen Licciardi, Director of Philanthropy, at slicciardi@vvf.org.
Tiler Peck’s PianoSongs has helped expand boundaries for dance and the Vail Dance Festival

It’s becoming a tradition.
Over the years, the VVF’s Vail Dance Festival has developed an intimate relationship with the New York City Center, co-commissioning works to premiere at the Festival and then at their autumn festival in NYC, “Fall for Dance.”
This September, the New York City Center hosted the latest iteration of “Fall for Dance,” which featured the presentation of Tiler Peck’s new work, co-commissioned by the Vail Dance Festival and New York City Center.
The Vail Dance Festival is known as a place where the art of dance can plant new seeds, take root, and flourish. This is especially true for Tiler Peck, the famed New York City Ballet principal dancer who began choreographing in Vail in 2018 at the invitation and encouragement of Artistic Director Damian Woetzel.
Her most recent Vail Dance Festival commission, PianoSongs, a thrilling new solo performed by American Ballet Theatre star Aran Bell featuring
music by Meredith Monk, made its world premiere at the Vail Dance Festival this summer.
Thanks to the partnership with New York City Center, the piece made its New York debut at “Fall for Dance” to much acclaim, helping share the beauty of dance and the Vail Dance Festival beyond our Festival’s geographic boundaries.
It’s a sign of what’s to come (hint: more spectacular new works!) at the upcoming 2025 Vail Dance Festival. Save the date for Opening Night on July 25th!
Planning for the 2025 Vail Dance Festival is well underway. To learn more about underwriting opportunities or becoming a donor, please contact Vice President of Philanthropy Sierra Adams at sadams@vvf.org.
Photo by Christopher Duggan.

Donors make the Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater shine
The Vail Valley Foundation operates the Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater, which just wrapped up its busiest season yet, and we are already looking ahead to spectacular programming in 2025. Well known for its exceptional summer season, the Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater has expanded deep into spring and fall to further the venue’s reputation as a jewel of the Rockies across three seasons.
The Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater runs as a nonprofit venue and relies on donor support to operate at the high level you have come to know and love. When you support the VVF General Fund, you support the continued growth and expansion of our amazing venue. VVF Fund donors who give $6,000 or more receive benefits such as priority donor ticket access and more.
YouthPower365’s Magic Bus gets a new look
The VVF’s youth education nonprofit, YouthPower365, recently debuted a brand-new bus wrap for the Magic Bus mobile preschool program. Local illustrator Alice Feagan designed the art to reflect the vibrant classrooms inside. The fresh look coincided with the classes returning to a schedule of four days per week, creating even more enrichment opportunities for local children ages 3-5. Interested in supporting the Magic Bus or getting your business’ logo displayed on the back of the buses? Reach out to Whitney Smith, Director of Philanthropy, at wsmith@vvf.org to learn more about becoming a donor (including CCTC benefits) or our Community Sponsorship opportunities, which also include branding opportunities on our COPA jerseys, summer camp shirts, and more.
90 Performances and community events
19 Amp Summer concerts
8 Moe’s Original BBQ Hot Summer Nights
9 Vail Dance Festival Performances*
2 Après at the Amp Performances
Become a part of the Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater family by contacting Stephen Licciardi, Director of Philanthropy, at slicciardi@vvf.org

Photos by Britt Felton.
Photo by John Ryan Lockman.
*More Dance performances not hosted at the Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater
Seeing the impact of the YouthPower365 Scholarship
Nearly four years after the Vail Valley Foundation’s YouthPower365 awarded the first YouthPower365 Scholarships, we are beginning to see direct career results: the first cohort of students are either entering the workforce or are in their final year of schooling.
Emilio, pictured to the right, recently completed his welding education at Lincoln Tech in Denver and is now working professionally as a welder. Neysi, pictured below, is a senior at the University of Southern California and is excited to enter the engineering field upon graduation.
In 2021, Steve and Amy Coyer became seed donors for the YouthPower365 Scholarship: a pool of funding available annually for students who have grown up in YouthPower365 programs and want to continue their education at a college or trade school. The Scholarship helps students graduate unburdened by debt and ready to take their next steps in life.
The YouthPower365 Scholarship is one of several scholarships under the Valley Scholars umbrella.
If you would like to contribute to the YouthPower365 Scholarship or create a Valley Scholars scholarship of your own, reach out to Whitney Smith, Director of Philanthropy, at wsmith@vvf.org
Hear more from Neysi by scanning the QR code!
“I started off not knowing how to even turn on a welder to being able to pass bend tests and creating cool art pieces.”

Have some wisdom to spare? We are seeking mentors to pair with our Valley Scholars scholarship recipients! To get involved with our Scholars Mentors program, email Rachel Tjossem, Senior Manager of College & Career Readiness, at rtjossem@vvf.org.
“I’m so grateful for all the support this scholarship and mentorship have given me!”

Photos by Dan Davis.

A bold vision to help improve a critical community and workforce issue is becoming a reality through our Eagle River Childcare Initiative
Leadership, collaboration and partnership have been hallmarks of the VVF’s work since 1981.
A current example of this is taking place in Avon, Colorado, where, thanks to the incredible partnership with and generosity of the Town of Avon, our Eagle River Childcare Initiative is coming to fruition.
As any local working parent or local employer can attest, quality options for childcare are significantly limited in the Eagle River Valley.
“There are thousands of Eagle County families who need childcare today and can’t get it,” said Vail Valley
Foundation President Mike Imhof. “Half of them are solving it through friends, family, neighbors, shared nannies, you name it. The other half have no option.
We believe that this incremental facility in Avon will help address the need and become a model for future childcare efforts across our community.”
We are addressing the urgent childcare concerns in our Valley by piloting the Eagle River Childcare Initiative, starting with a cooperative effort with the Town of Avon to build an early childcare center in Avon. The new facility will serve 165 children ages 0-5 years with a combination of open
market availability for childcare spots and a unique employersponsored model. We will own the facility but will not operate the childcare center in Avon. Through a RFP process, we will bring on board a proven, high-quality childcare center operator to run the day-today operations of the center. The collaboration in Avon will serve as the architecture for similar collaborations to bring online additional childcare centers across our Valley.
Today, we anticipate construction on the new childcare center in Avon to begin by May 2025 with project completion and the facility operational by fall 2026.
If you are interested in learning more, please contact VVF President Mike Imhof at mimhof@vvf.org or VVF
Senior Vice President of Operations Sarah Franke at sfranke@vvf.org.
Turn your gift into a win-win
There are many reasons to give back to the Vail Valley Foundation. Your support of our mission helps to improve the quality of life in so many ways across the Eagle River Valley. In return for such generosity, donors have access to an array of benefits, including unique tax-saving opportunities.
Those who have owned a stock for at least one year can donate their appreciated shares and receive the same tax savings as if they wrote the VVF a check, but with the added benefit of eliminating capital gains taxes.
Donors may also designate stock as a gift in their will or living trust. This allows donors the flexibility to change their mind at any time while continuing to receive dividends and participate in shareholder votes.
If you have questions about how your gift can be a win-win, email Stephen Licciardi, Director of Philanthropy, at slicciardi@vvf.org, or visit vvf.planmylegacy.org. Thank you for helping us create a lasting legacy for our community!

•Qualified giving – tax benefits
•Stock – no tax benefits
•Planned gift
•Real Estate and more
*Restrictionsmayapplytoreceivingbenefits ifdonorsaregivingthroughadonor-advised fund,privatefoundation,charitabletrustor matchinggift.Pleasecontactyourtaxadvisor withquestions.
Bob Knous was the second President of the Vail Valley Foundation, serving from 1986–1990. His role with the VVF was just one of many ways Bob became a beloved, towering figure in our lives and across Colorado. His heart and capacity to care were unmatched. Bob was instrumental in executing the 1989 Alpine World Ski Championships, getting the Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater built, and creating the Vail International Dance Festival. Bob initiated many of our cornerstone programs and venues that are the core of who we are today. More importantly, he helped establish our nonprofit’s culture and mindset, the proven value of which we have seen endure for nearly 45 years. Bob passed away in June 2024, and in August we celebrated his remarkable life at the Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater. He will be greatly missed by all.

Give from the heart
We welcome you to join us on February 14, 2025, for our annual Black Diamond Ball. A signature fundraising event for the Vail Valley Foundation, the Black Diamond Ball will return to the Grand Hyatt Vail, where we will celebrate Valentine’s Day in elegant fashion, raise critical funds to support our mission, and come together for an incredible night full of surprises.
Interested in sponsoring the event? Sponsorship opportunities are available now. For more information, please contact Stephen Licciardi, Director of Philanthropy, at slicciardi@vvf.org.
Space is extremely limited, and this event is expected to sell out quickly. We may not have individual tickets available, so we recommend sponsoring the event for those who would like to attend.
Photos courtesy of the Knous family.
Photos by Chris Kendig.
<<Addressee>> <<Address1>> <<Address2>> <<City, ST Zip>>
Enclosed is your copy of IMPACT—the newsletter for supporters of the Vail Valley Foundation.
Please reach out to a member of the VVF philanthropy team if you have questions or would like to learn more about the various ways you can support the VVF.

Sierra Adams Vice President, Philanthropy sadams@vvf.org

Bailey Nelson
Admin & Campaign Manager bnelson@vvf.org

Peter Barclay Senior Director, Development Strategy and Operations pbarclay@vvf.org

Kendra Powell
Associate Director, Donor Engagement kpowell@vvf.org

Martha Brassel Senior Director of Philanthropy mbrassel@vvf.org

Whitney Smith Director of Philanthropy wsmith@vvf.org

Stephen Licciardi Director of Philanthropy slicciardi@vvf.org

Miah Wheeler Director of Philanthropy mwheeler@vvf.org
Vail Valley Foundation
P.O. Box 6550, Avon, CO 81620 90 Benchmark Road, Suite 300, Avon, CO 81620 Phone