The Reading Challenges - Culture4Kids

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We work with the local and school library. They have interesting programs, services, and resources for young students. We visited them and our class became a library member and we got a card and learned about how the library can support our reading and research needs.

A great way to promote a love of a reading is to invite an author, parents, older pupils or librarian to your classroom to read together or discuss the books. This may be just the thing to inspire the students to read or even be an author themselves someday.

For boosting our children’s creativity, we helped them author their own book. Our kids wrote their own book, reflecting on past experiences, thinking of future goals, or just using their imagination. After writing the story, they illustrated the pages with crayons or markers. Then we helped them bind their book with ribbons.

These small-group or whole-class games engage our students as they build a variety of reading skills. Reading games make learning to read a fun and enjoyable activity. The most effective kids’ reading games are enjoyable for students to engage with from the start, and increase their motivation to continue completing and succeeding the reading activities.

We got together with our kids and made a bookmark for their friends/ family. They drew a fairy tale characters, scenes from a favorite story. Some of them wrote an original brief poem with related drawings. We choose a food-themed story. Our pupils did research, found and wrote the recipes. We spent great time together!

St Brigid’s Primary Kildare,Ireland

Assessment Running Records Levelled readers

How we promote reading in our school: Junior classes: ● Lift off to Literacy-stations ● Library Visits ● Read Aloud ● DEAR time-Drop Everything And Read ● Buddy Reading-World Book Day ● English for Fun Senior Classes: ● Guided Reading ● As above ● Better Basics-volunteer programme-motivate!

Lift off to literacy

English for Fun

Library Visits-Story Telling

Guided Reading

Primary school of Kokkinotrimithia A΄ Nicosia, Cyprus

Effective practices to create readers 1. Establishment of a free voluntary reading commission with the participation of teacher coordinators, the school management and two pupils from each class. 2.Gathering pupils and informing them about the adoption of the aim of free voluntary reading. 3. Class Libraries Enrichment - Book Collection Campaign from students' personal libraries. - Lending Library. 4. Bookmark creation and/or writing a poem contest about Free Voluntary Reading.

5. Participation of students at a Free Voluntary Reading Workshop held at the "Olympion" High School. 6. Making a Book Fair on the occasion of the Day of the Letters in collaboration with the bookstore PARGA. 7. Visiting the Strovolos Municipal Library and the State Library.

8. Invite writers to talk to children and read parts from their books. 9. Presentation of an experiential workshop on cartoonism by caricaturist Sotos Voskaridis. 10. Watching narrative performances of folk tales accompanied by live music.

11. Participation of teachers of our school in a conference on “Free Voluntary Reading: Opening a window in the world“ 12. Training of the educators at a meeting with Maria Siakalli, employee of the Pedagogical Institute, on the subject: "Development of mathematical activities on the occasion of a fairytale".

Other practices/assignments/ activities • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Free Voluntary Reading (FVR) Reading animations Songs for the book Literary circles The domino of the books The store with books Reading a book using theatrical conventions Theatrical events for the book and the library Reading challenge Various Creative Works How is a book born? What kinds of books are there? How do I choose a book? Story telling in English

Ecole Jean Charcot - Ouistreham FRANCE

OUISTREHAM SCHOOL LIBRARY ►In France, each school has its own library BCD : Bibliothèque Centre de Documentation. ►BCD and librairian are financed by the town hall. ►Classification system used is DEWEY ►In our BCD : 1600 novels 600 comic strips 900 documentary books 180 tales

LIBRARY OPERATION ►Each class has a slot in BCD every week. ►1H30. Class divided in 2 parts. 45Mn in BCD, 45mn in computer room. ►Generally, Nathalie the librairian takes over one group, while the other group works in the computer room with the teacher. Every 2 weeks, William, ICT assistant helps the teacher. ► Teachers have to prepare the activity they want to be runned in BCD. It is often linked with what we do in class with litterature. ►For exemple : fairy tales, comics, drawings, theater, albums, novels ...

OTHER GOOD PRACTICES ►Children borrow books in library every week. ►During lunch break, Nathalie welcomes pupils from 12h to 12H30. They can choose and read books during this quiet time. ►Most of classes go to the public library every 2 months, to borrow books, and listen a story,...

"the kili seagull" literary prize Every year, in partnership with the public library, we organize a literary prize. There are several categories, depending on the age. All children in Ouistreham, in public and private schools, from nursery school to the end of primary school, read about 5 books. In June, a vote is held to elect the winning book in each category

Istituto Comprensivo 3 «don Peppe Diana» Portici (NA), Italy Read a fairytale to your children and they will always love reading


When there are no words, we can see more. One can not miss any clue or vis ual detail to imagine the story. When there is no sound, you can hear better. We hear better in a dream beca use it comes from our memory.

I believe that if you have been to the sea or near a lake, you will hear the sound of the waves from the pages of "The Wave". Suzy Lee

Relax time!


Reading a logical sequence of pictures


In library Writing a novel means taking care of a person. If you really love someone, if you want create an emotional relationship with someone, you read him tales. Jonathan Safran Foer


Agrupamento de escolas de Penafiel Sudeste Penafiel, Portugal

Circumstances that promote reading

Portuguese National Reading Plan We’ve got a plan!

One out of five youngsters aged 15 did not have the basic reading and writing competences.

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National Network of Public Libraries (1987) School Libraries Network (1996) National Reading Promotion Programme (1997)

1st National Reading Plan (2006-2016)

2nd National Reading Plan (2017-2027)

National Reading Plan ( NRP2027) goals: •  to facilitate the access to reading and knowledge; •  to increase the habits and reading rates of the population; •  to improve the competences and levels of literacy of the Portuguese students; •  to promote the pleasure and love for reading; •  to improve reading training and to raise awareness about the value and importance of reading(…)

Did you know that Portuguese School Libraries and teachers have to integrate NRP in the syllabus and therefore in teaching plans?

Let’s meet our school libraries Our headschool (from 10 year olds to 15 year olds) has got a big library where dents can read, study, use computers and borrow books .


There are six primary schools (6 year olds – 10 year olds). The renovated schools have libraries from where students can borrow books to take home. The space is also used for reading activities.

Older and smaller schools have very small libraries that are used for some reading events, but children are n ot allowed to take books home. For those, the city council has a program called “Bibliomóvel”, the mobile libr ary.

Effective practices to create readers

The mobile library

- The City Council of Penafiel started this project in 2001. - It goes to every school at the beginning of each month. - Children have a Library Card and they can borrow one book at a time.

Effective practices to create readers

Strategies that we use to promote reading

¯ Invite a theater Company to come to school and present a play based on one of the books.

¯ Encourage your students to participate in reading contests

¯ The National Reading Contest

¯ Reading Aloud Contest.

Give a Reading Passport to your students.

Use book trailers as an after reading strategy.

Create a shadow puppet theatre

Culture4Kids team 2019

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