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Valencia Alumni Association Leadership Team Application for Leadership Team Valencia Alumni Association Purpose The purpose of the Association is to develop a sense of community among alumni, and to promote the lifelong personal, educational and professional growth of the alumni and students of Valencia College.  VALENCIA STUDENT 1 Year Team Membership

 FULL TERM 3 Year Team Membership

General Information & Procedures The Valencia Alumni Association Leadership Team is the leadership body of the association. Attendance at meetings, service on association committees, and active support of Alumni Association programs is expected of ALL Team Members. An applicant must be a member of the Alumni Association. Join online at: http://www.valenciacollege.edu/alumni/membership_form.cfm To apply for Team Membership Candidates please complete the information below and answer the questions on page 2, using additional sheets if necessary. Submit to the Alumni Relations office for consideration by the existing Leadership Team. Please attach a copy of your current résumé and other articles or materials that you wish to share. Valencia Year(s) of Graduation/Last Attended ___________________________________________________ Degree/Program of Study ____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ First Name MI Last Name _________________________________________________________________________________________ Preferred Mailing Address City St Zip _________________________________________________________________________________________ Preferred Phone Business Phone Preferred Email _________________________________________________________________________________________ Current Occupation Employer I have reviewed the Leadership Team job description. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Signature Date Please mail completed application to: Valencia College, Alumni Relations Office 190 South Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL 32801 For further information contact Alumni Relations at (407)582-3417  Fax: 407-582-3405

Email: alumni@valenciacollege.edu  www.valenciacollege.edu/alumni

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1. What did you value most about your Valencia experience?

2. Why do you want to serve as a member of the Valencia Alumni Association Leadership Team?

3. Please describe talents & leadership skills you would bring to the Leadership Team.

4. Please briefly describe your educational background, community involvements, honors and achievements, and any other experiences that demonstrate your leadership abilities.

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