Documenting Print Sources in MLA Format: Works Cited Entries A Works Cited List… – Is a complete list of all sources cited in your research paper – Provides the information necessary for your reader to be able to locate any of the sources you reference in your paper
Citing Print Periodicals and Reference Sources Include the following in this order. Anything that is not provided, omit. – Author's name – "Title of Article" – Name of Periodical – Series number or name – Volume number – Issue number – Date of publication – Page numbers – Supplementary information Newspaper Boyar, Jay. "The Art of Bad Film Criticism." Orlando Sentinel 7 Jan. 2000: C4. Collins, Glenn. "Single-Father Survey Finds Adjustment a Problem." New York Times 21 Nov. 1983: B17. Magazine –
Do not give issue and volume numbers, even if they are listed.
Monthly Magazine Amelar, Sarah. "Restoration on 42nd Street." Architecture Mar. 1998: 146-150. Weekly Magazine Begley, Sharon. "A Healthy Dose of Laughter." Newsweek 4 Oct. 1982: 74. Magazine Article not Appearing on Consecutive Pages Corcoran, Elizabeth. "Space and the Arts." Space World Oct. 1982: 14+.
Scholarly Journal Article in a Journal with Continuous Pagination –
Some journals number their pages continuously throughout an annual volume, just like a book. For these entries, only include the volume number.
Spear, Karen. "Building Cognitive Skills in Basic Writers." Teaching English in the Two-Year College 9 (1983): 91-98. Last name, First name of author. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal. Volume (date of publication): page numbers. Article in a Journal That Numbers Pages in Each Issue Separately –
Some journals do not number pages continuously throughout an annual volume but begin each issue on page 1. You must include the issue number with such entries to identify the source.
Last name, First name of author. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal. Volume.Issue (date of publication): page numbers. Seely, Bruce. "The Saga of American Infrastructure: A Republic Bound Together." Wilson Quarterly 17.1 (1993): 19-39. Citing Articles in Reference Sources –
You should cite an encyclopedia article or a dictionary entry in the same way as an article in an anthology or collection of works. The difference is no editor is listed. Also, if your publication alphabetizes its entries, no page numbers are necessary.
Article From An Encyclopedia "Spain." The World Book Encyclopedia. 12th ed. 2001. Signed Article from an Encyclopedia Chiappini, Luciano. "Este, House of." Encyclopaedia Britannica: Micropaedia. 15th ed. 2002. Entry from a Less Familiar Reference Source “Matrilineal.” The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy. Ed. Joseph F. Hirsch, Kett and James Trefil. 2nd ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1993.