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Bridges to Success Newsletter


February 4, 2011

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Moral Responsibility/Parent Student Symposium (West Campus) by Annie Chippa, Bridges Student Class of 2010.


Youth Education Day


High School Counselor Education Seminar


African American Club Unity Day

African American Soul Food Festival

Bridges to Success Program hosted the Parent Student Symposium Workshop Series for the Spring Term January 18 (West), January 19 (East) and January 20 (Osceola). The Parent Advisory Council under the leadership of Mr. Greg Miller, and Mr. Manuel Soto. Their leadership helped to make the event a success for all who attended.

The keynote speaker was Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings, who spoke about moral responsibility and how we need to give back to the community. Sheriff Demings commented on how proud he was of the students who are in the Bridges Program and how they are excelling in their studies with the data to prove it. Sheriff Jerry Demings also discussed an issue over a controversial photograph taken by Pulitzer Prize winning photographer Kevin Carter. He captured a disturbing picture of a child suffering from famine who was crawling on the ground towards a United Nations food camp in Sudan while a vulture, a few feet away, is looking at the child, and waiting to attack. Instead of helping the youngster the photographer snapped pictures of the moment and went on to win a Pulitzer Prize (1994) for the photo.

The symposium was held to solicit parent, and volunteer support, while motivating students to stay focused, as they pursue their academic, and career goals. The West campus symposium was held in the Special Events Center. There were 450 people in attendance. Photograph by Kevin Carter

Now, this is where moral responsibility comes into question. Should he have helped the child in need or was his job of capturing the moment more important? When it was published it left the world speechless. There was an outcry and people wanted to know what happened to the child, but no one, including Kevin Carter could answer that question. People need to realize that sometimes, doing the right thing is more

Bridges to Success Newsletter

important than an award-winning photograph. Kevin Carter had to learn that the hard way because three months after the photo was published he committed suicide, due to depression.

Mentoring Programs Mentees of the Month of January

REGAL Deidra “Dee” Salley has volunteered to take on a number of responsibilities in the program. She has been proactive and has taken the initiative to follow through and fulfill her duties in these roles. She is proving herself to be an invaluable member of the REGAL Mentoring Program and we are very glad to have her! IMAGES Tahir Curry has been dedicated to attending all meetings and being accountable with program coordinator whenever he’s running late. He’s always in the proper dress code and is a well-mannered young man. Additionally, Tahir was willing to step outside of his comfort zone to become an officer for the IMAGES Mentoring Program (Treasurer). Though he admitted to being shy about becoming an officer, he believed in being a team player. Congratulations to Tahir! LATINA Brenda Camacho is a quite young lady with lots of ambition and drive. She started in the mentoring program in the Summer 2009. She has proven her dedication to the mentoring program through her leadership and dedication to all of its events. Brenda also has a 3.87 GPA. MOASIC Esteban Urrea is a charismatic, witty young man. He started in the mentoring program in the summer of 2009. He is known to be the life of any event. He has great leadership skills and excels academically with a 3.79 GPA.


by Gregory C. Miller, PAC Chairman. BRIDGES TO SUCCESS Success is defined in part as the achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted; having a favorable outcome. If we use this definition of success as our standard, I’m sure that all would agree that our recent Bridges PAC Parent/Student Symposiums were successful. Academic. Civic. Outreach

Success was the topic of discussion for our guest speakers, Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings, Orlando Chief Administrative Officer Byron Brooks, and State Representative Darren Soto.

That’s quite a list, and that list is representative of just some of the collective wisdom that our guest speakers shared. We hope that you were able to attend, and we trust that you found the meetings beneficial.

Our special thanks to Sheriff Jerry Demings, Chief Administrative Officer Byron Brooks, and State Representative Darren Soto for sharing with us. We would also like to thank Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer for the City of Orlando Proclamation honoring the Bridges Program and the positive impact that Bridges has had on the lives on Central Florida students. We need parent volunteers! PAC will shortly contact Bridges Parents who have expressed an interest in working with us. If you have any questions, please contact the Bridges office at (407) 582-1395.

Each guest speaker shared valuable success principles with our students at the symposium last week. Those principles included, but were not limited to: • Always treat others with respect • Remain humble • Think big and execute • Be prepared • Keep it simple • Value education • Obtain mentors • Keep faithful • Keep persevere in hard times • Start your own business • Remember to serve • Remain flexible • Value relationships • Know yourself

Bridges to Success Newsletter

Remarkably Elegant, Gifted, Ambitious Ladies

by Deidra “Dee” Salley, REGAL Correspondent and Editor. The spring term is off to a very interesting start. The ladies of REGAL are very excited about the new semester and are ready to put their best foot forward. The Bridges to Success program recently had a Parent/Student Symposium and several ladies volunteered to support Dr. Carter, Dr. Robinson, Mr. McKnight and Mr. Stover. The REGAL executive board is working on plans to keep members busy with a variety of community service, social and academic activities this semester. Expect to hear great things from these elegant ladies!

Christmas Potluck/Baby Shower

On Tuesday, December 21, the Bridges Staff held its annual Christmas Potluck and Surprise Baby Shower for Staff Assistant Audrey Alexander. Bridges students and staff donated funds to purchase items for the new arrival. Ms. Audrey was surprised, and very appreciative of the gifts, and kindness that was shown by students, and staff. A beautiful, healthy baby girl was born on January 5, 2011. A very special thank you to Mrs. Dorshea, and Mrs. Rivera-Kalala for organizing the shower, and potluck, and a big kudos to the staff that brought the delicious food for the event.


by Deidra “Dee” Salley, REGAL Correspondent and Editor. Times change as lives are taken or forgotten. We are strong independent women waging war on the battlefield of life. We wait, watch, and wonder how and why we can be so strong. We take one step forward and are forced to take ten steps back as we land flat on our back. But yet we step up to the plate and swing and we make it home. We are mentally, physically, and emotionally powered to carry an immense burden on our shoulders.

Layout Design by Jonathan Tenjo. Written by Dr. Carter, Deidra Salley, Annie Chippa and Gregory C. Miller.

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