APA Citation LexisNexis Academic Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Ed., p.187-192, 6.31-6.32 Article from a Daily Newspaper Author.
(Date of Publication ).
Title of Newspaper,
Title of Article.
Diggins, J. P. (2004, June 11). How Reagan beat the neocons. New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com Newspaper’s URL on the Web Intext citation for a direct quote: (Diggins, 2004, para. 5) Intext citation for a paraphrase: (Diggins, 2004)
Article from a Weekly Magazine Author.
(Date of Publication ).
Title of Article.
Title of Magazine,
Foust, D. (2004, June 21). Steven Heyer: Coke's prez isn't it. Business Week. Retrieved from http://www.businessweek.com Magazine’s URL on the Web Intext citation for a direct quote: (Foust, 2004, para. 3) Intext citation for a paraphrase: (Foust, 2004)
Article from a Website, No Author Title of Article.
(Date of Publication ).
Title of Website,
HP technology solutions group. (2004). Hoover's Company Capsules. Retrieved from http://www.hoovers.com Website’s URL
Intext citation for a direct quote: (“HP,” 2004, para. 7) Intext citation for a paraphrase: (“HP,” 2004)
Article from a Scholarly Journal with Two Authors and a DOI Authors.
(Date of Publication ).
Title of Article.
Title of Journal,
Liebman, J. S., and Garrett, B. L. (2004). Madisonian equal protection. The Columbia Law Review, 104, 837-974. doi:10.2307/4099365
Page #s.
Digital Object Identifier
Intext citation for a direct quote: (Liebman, & Garrett, 2004, p. 858) Intext citation for a paraphrase: (Liebman, & Garrett, 2004) Note: The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a unique number for academic journals, and may be located by searching the title of the article at CrossRef. © 2010 Valencia Community College Last revised 21 September 2010