Procurement Department Valencia College 2/15/2011
HOW TO DO BUSINESS WITH VALENCIA COLLEGE Thank you for your interest in doing business with Valencia College! We appreciate your time to learn how the College operates and how we can best assist you. Procurement Department Our office is responsible for the procurement of commodities, construction and services for all Valencia locations. Procurement also oversees the Courier Service operations, which includes mail, shipping & receiving. We also provide contract management for the college wide food service contract.
Purchasing Mission Provide support and act as a liaison between community suppliers and college departments to acquire goods and services to support the college mission.
Supplier Diversity Valencia College is committed to the utilization of our diverse supplier communities. We realize the value of supporting local business and encourage our departments to utilize minority businesses as well as local developing and disabled veteran owned businesses. 1
Sales Calls Sales Persons, Agents and Solicitors are not permitted on campus to distribute literature, solicit funds, or sell to faculty or staff. All calls should first be made through the Procurement Office where we can direct you to the appropriate personnel. We do ask that you attend our monthly Vendor How to do Business Meeting to better understand the workings of the College.
How to do Business Meeting Once a month the Procurement Department hosts a Vendor How to do Business Meeting open to all suppliers interested in conducting business with the College. It is an excellent opportunity to meet the Director and Staff of Procurement and engage in an informational session. There is no cost to attend this session, and free parking is available. Please visit our website for the future dates, time and location:
Performance We monitor our performance through the Internal & External Customer Satisfaction Surveys and with our monthly Vendor How to do Business Meetings evaluation sheets. Our goal is to always improve our processes for better understanding and knowledge of our business.
Type of Commodities or Services Procurement purchases everything from pencils to buildings! The most common type of commodities/services are listed below: ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü
Office Supplies Promotional Items Educational Items Copy Paper Custodial Supplies Maintenance Grounds Materials Copiers
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Printers Computer/Printer Repair Computer Peripherals Furniture Maintenance Repair/Operations Printing Services Construction Services 2
Supplier Business Profile and W‐9 Forms In order to be paid for goods or services provided to the college, all businesses must complete a supplier business profile and a W9 form. Completing these forms does not guarantee business with the college. They are, however, required before a purchase order or check can be processed. These two forms can be found on our website: P LEASE FORWARD ANY AND ALL CHANGES IN YOUR ADDRESS AND / OR BUSINESS NAME WHEN APPLICABLE TO THE P ROCUREME NT O FFICE . 1099 S U PP LI E R : is one who performs a service that will be considered taxable income for the individual or company. Anyone who earns more than $600/year will be sent a 1099 statement in late January from the College for tax purposes.
Quotes or Proposals It is always good business practice to request a written quote for all purchases regardless of the price. This ensures a total cost proposal, including any shipping costs and the availability of the product. It is also documentation for any errors that may occur when invoiced.
Purchase Orders A Purchase Order is a legally binding contract which authorizes the supplier to ship and invoice for the materials and/or services as specified. The Purchase Order formalizes all the terms and conditions of a transaction, and includes: a) A full description of the item(s) or services being purchased b) Quantity and unit of measure c) FOB (Free on Board): where ownership of the goods changes from the supplier to Valencia) d) Estimated delivery time e) Deliver to location and contact person (Requester) f) Terms of payment (usually Net 30) g) Price 1
Supplier Terms and Conditions (found on the back of our Purchase Order) 1.
Valencia College (College) shall only pay invoices, not statements. Vendor must display the applicable purchase order number (and Release Number if applicable) on the face of each invoice to the College. The College will NOT be responsible for any goods or services delivered without a precompleted College purchase order in writing by a duly authorized College signer or designee. If Vendor’s invoice lists any freight or cartage charges, such invoice must attach all of Vendor’s receipted transportation bills. Vendor changes to this purchase order are not binding by the College unless made in legible writing that are then signed by the Procurement Office. Vendor shall return the purchase order to the College’s Procurement Office at once with a written explanation if it is not accepted in its entirety. College discount period and the payment process do not commence until after the College has accepted the ordered items and received all invoices. Unless the College’s purchase order, bid specifications, or contract expressly specifies otherwise, College has five (5) working days upon its actual receipt of ordered goods or services to inspect and/or approve/disapprove the goods and/or services. Until the College receives a properly completed invoice, the payment process will not begin. Delivery is to be made to: Ship To location shown on the face of this purchase order. Delivery of shipments is between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Mondays through Fridays only, except on State of Florida or U.S. holidays. The college’s purchase order number must be indicated on the outside of the package before delivery is accepted. Indicated on the face of the purchase order is the Delivery Date. Failure to make delivery by or before the Delivery Date constitutes cause for cancellation by the College. Palletized shipments should not exceed 1500 pounds per pallet. Include a packing list showing contents of shipment (if shipment is made in two or more containers). No boxing, packing, installation, assembly, or similar charges (not included in the item price) will be allowed unless expressly and specifically authorized in writing by the College on the face of this purchase order. THE VENDOR AGREES THAT ANY DELIVERY MADE BECAUSE OF THIS PURCHASE ORDER SHALL INDICATE HIS/HER ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF THIS ORDER AND ACCEPTANCE OF ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS EXACTLY AS WRITTEN.
The College assumes any and all risks of personal injury and property damage attributable to the negligent acts or omissions of College and officers, employees, servants, and agents thereof while acting within the scope of their employment by the College. Vendor assumes any and all of personal injury and property damage attributable to the negligent acts or omissions of Vendor’s officers, employees, servants, and agents, or persons acting or engaged to act by Vendor in furtherance of the obligations of Vendor under this agreement. The College, as a state agency, warrants and represents that it is selffunded for liability insurance, both public and property, with said protection being applicable to officers, employees, servants, and agents while acting within the scope of their employment by the College. College and Vendor further agree that nothing contained herein shall be construed or interpreted as (1) denying to either party any remedy or defense available to such party under the laws of the State of Florida; (2) the consent of the State of Florida or its agents and agencies to be such; or (3) a waiver of sovereign immunity of the State of Florida beyond the waiver provided in Section 768.28 Florida Statutes. This purchase order and any attachments and/or addenda hereto that are executed by the College’s duly authorized signatory constitutes the entire exclusive agreement between the parties. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the purchase order and the provisions of attached documents, the order of priority is: College’s invitation to bid/request for proposal, if any, this purchase order; Vendor’s bid or proposal, if any, and any other documents executed by the College’s duly authorized signatory. This purchase order and any attachments and addenda hereto are subject to and governed by Florida laws, including, without limitation, Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, which is incorporated by reference into this purchase order and its terms. Venue for any action arising hereunder shall be Orange County, Florida. Vendor certifies that its directors and/or principal officers are not employed and/or affiliated with the College. A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid or contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit a bid on leases of real property of public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the bid limit provided for in Section 287.017 of the Florida Statutes, for a period of thirtysix (36) months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. The risk of loss or damage to leased equipment, goods, or property shall not transfer to the College except as expressly provided in Florida Statutes 680.219. Neither party shall be required to perform under this purchase order or any attachments or addenda hereto executed by College’s duly authorized signatory when such performance is delayed or prevented by any cause beyond the parties or parties control. This purchase order and attachments and addenda hereto executed by the College’s duly authorized signatory may not be altered, amended, or assigned without the written agreement of all parties
Shipping and Deliveries All merchandise shipped, and any service performed must have an authorized purchase order or utilize the Valencia Purchasing Credit Card (PCard). The PO number must appear on all shipping packages, delivery tickets and invoices for prompt payment. Receiving/loading docks are located at our East & West Campus only. The hours of operation are between 8:00am and 4:30pm.
Payment The Accounts Payable Department is solely responsible for the payment of invoices. All invoices are to be mailed to: Valencia College Accounts Payable Department P.O. Box 3028 Orlando, Florida 328023028
Who do I contact In Accounts Payable? For assistance with Accounts Payable issues, please contact the following extensions: Ext. 3316
for suppliers listed between A D
Ext. 3310
for suppliers listed between E – K
Ext. 3317
for suppliers listed between L – O
Ext. 3312
for suppliers listed between P – Z
Request for Qualifications for General Contractors and Construction Managers Ø Annual, renewable process that begins every April/May. Ø Qualification Period: August 1through July 31.
Prequalification Process Valencia’s process to prequalify contractors and construction managers is an annual event that usually begins in late April, early May. The solicitation will be advertised in The Orlando Sentinel, and posted on the Valencia College Procurement Website: The application packet will be available for download only during this time frame. Qualified firms will be approved at our July District Board of Trustees Public meeting for the upcoming fiscal year.
Previous Pre‐Qualified Contractors If your company is on the current fiscal year prequalified list, you must submit the documentation required to renew your status. No response from already approved contractors will result in the deletion of your company from the list.
New Contractors or Those Wishing to Improve Pre‐ Qualification Status New contractors to Valencia are required to submit a complete Request for Qualifications application. If you are currently on the prequalified list, and you wish to improve your dollar amount project size qualification status, then you must follow and complete all the instructions in the RFQ.
Questions Please send questions about the prequalification process via email to: . 4
Solicitations over $35,000 (Formal Bids) Formal solicitations, greater than $35,000 are posted on the Procurement website: Formal solicitations also include: Request for Proposals and Request for Qualifications. It is the vendor’s responsibility to visit the website frequently to view the latest updates on any solicitation.
Public Notice and Awards The Procurement Services provides public notice of any/all Formal solicitations by posting to our website. Notices are also published in the Orlando Sentinel legal section.
Bid Openings All bids are opened and read publicly in the Purchasing Office. The time, date, and location are included in the ITB document. Bid openings are open to the public. After opening, the official bid results will be reviewed and posted on our website.
Request for Proposal/Request for Qualifications Review All Proposals and Qualifications are received and recorded by the Purchasing Office by the specific date/time stated in the RFP document. Proposals are then distributed to the appointed committee and reviewed. A public meeting will be held to evaluate the potential firms. Details of this meeting are included in the document and also posted on our website.
Current Contracts and Agreements For Current contracts and agreements, please visit our website under Awarded Bid's & RFP's
Tax Exempt Certificate You can find a copy of our Tax Exempt Certificate by visiting our website. TAX EXEMPT CERTIFICATE (expires 5/31/2015) RESALE CERTIFICATE