PEER OBSERVATION OF TEACHING Peer Observation of Teaching from Valencia Community College. Peer Observation of Teaching provides a structured framework for the ongoing improvement of teaching and learning through collaboration, reflection and discussion. Audience: Faculty in all disciplines “Collaborative Peer Review” by L Keig and M.D. Waggoner. This article, from the National Teaching and Learning Forum website, uses a straight forward question and answer format in a scholarly approach to the benefits of and recommendations for peer observation of teaching. Audience: Faculty in all disciplines “Research-Based Recommendations for Improving Peer Review” from the LEARN (Learning Enhancement, Assessment, and Research Network) Center at the University of Washington. Audience: Faculty in all disciplines “Lesson Study in Libraries: Building Better Lessons, Better Teachers, and Betters Teams with Creativity, Collaboration, and Revision” by S. Desai, M. Freeland, and E. Frierson. This article, published in the College & Research Libraries News, describes the use of Lesson Study, a Japanese method of instructional improvement that involves a collaborative, iterative method of lesson plan development for library instruction at the University of Michigan. Audience: Librarians