ILP-Portfolio-Tenure Review Report Schedule Year 2011-2012 Class 2014, Year – 1 Class 2013, Year – 2 Class 2012, Year – 3 *Deadlines are provided for convenience as estimates of completed work. The failure to observe the deadlines shall not entitle the faculty member to receive a continuing contract.
ILP-Portfolio-Tenure Review Report Schedule Year 2011-2012 DOCUMENT
ILP Review Panel Composition
November 18, 2011
Deans/Directors send Panelists’ names to Y-1 Candidates & Celine KavalecMiller (TLA)
Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) Draft #1
Author: Candidate, with input from Dean/Director
December 5, 2011
Candidate sends ILP draft to Dean/Director and Celine Kavalec-Miller (TLA) on or before deadline date.
Reviewed by: TLA and Dean/Director
February 13, 2012
TLA sends comments to candidate & Dean/Director; TLA schedules meeting with candidate to discuss comments.
ILP Feedback Meeting
Facilitator and Candidate
March 2, 2012
Campus Facilitator meets with Year-1 candidates to discuss ILP feedback.
Author: Candidate
2 weeks prior to Y-1 Review (Review meetings occur between April 16-June 8, 2012)
Candidate sends ILP to Dean/Director & each member of Review Panel 2 weeks prior to the review meeting. Candidate keeps a copy of the ILP.
Review Mtg. Deadline: June 8, 2012 Written Report Deadline: June 22, 2012 (or 2 weeks post ILP Review)
Dean/Director sends written Y-1 ILP Report to Candidate, Campus President. (and VP and AVP as applicable), & TLA within 2 weeks of review meeting.
2 weeks after receipt of the Y-1 Report
If revision of Faculty Learning Outcome Statement(s) (FLOs) is required, candidate submits revised statements to Dean/Director within 2 weeks of receipt of Y-1 report. Dean/Director approves the revised statements, so candidate can begin implementing FLOs. No panel meeting needed to approve FLO revisions.
Reviewed by: Dean/Director and ILP Review Panel Year-1 Review Panel Report
Revised ILP (If required)
Author: Dean/Director and ILP Panel
Author: Candidate
All reports must be submitted by June 22.
Revised Faculty Learning Outcome Statements must be submitted to dean/director two weeks after receipt of Y-1 Report OR by July 1, whichever comes first. Approved Year-1 ILP
July 20, 2012
Approved ILP's sent to Candidate, ILP Panel and Celine Kavalec-Miller (TLA)
Year-2 Portfolio
Author: Candidate
2 weeks prior to Y-2 Review (Review meetings occur between April 16-June 8, 2012)
Candidate sends Portfolio to Dean/Director & each member of ILP Review Panel 2 weeks before review meeting. Candidate keeps a copy.
Review Mtg. Deadline: June 8, 2012 Written Report Deadline: June 22, 2012 (or 2 weeks post Portfolio Review)
Dean/Director sends written Y-2 Report to Candidate, Campus President (and VP and AVP as applicable), & TLA within 2 weeks of review meeting.
Reviewed by: ILP Review Panel Year-2 Review Panel Report
Author: Dean/Director and ILP Review Panel
All reports must be submitted by June 22.
Tenure Review Committee
November 7, 2011
Nominations for TRC members requested
Tenure Review Committee
November 21, 2011
Election of two tenured faculty members to serve on the TRC with Dean/Director.
ILP-Portfolio-Tenure Review Report Schedule Year 2011-2012 See “Handbook” for guidelines. Final Portfolio
Author: Candidate
January 9, 2012
Candidate sends Portfolio to Dean/Director and each member of the ILP Review Panel on or before deadline date. Candidate keeps a copy. Candidate does not attend final review meeting.
Written Feedback collected for TRC
Campus President
January 9, 2012
Campus President (CP) requests written feedback from all campus personnel regarding candidate’s performance. Feedback for counselors and librarians is also collected from their respective college-wide communities of counselors or librarians. CP distributes collected feedback to appropriate Dean/Director for examination by the TRC.
January 27, 2012 Portfolio Final Report
Author: Dean/Director and ILP Review Panel
January 27, 2012
Panelists produce Final Portfolio Report. Dean/Director sends report to Tenure Review Committee, Candidate & TLA. Secondary reviews are scheduled if needed.
TRC Training Completion Form
Dean/Director and TRC Members
January 27, 2012
TRC training must be completed. Training Completion Forms sent to Celine Kavalec-Miller by January 27.
TRC Remarks and Summaries
Author: TRC
January 27 – February 10, 2012
Tenure Review Committee meets/consults with Dean/Director.
Dean/Director sends Tenure Recommendation to Campus President
Author: Dean/Director
February 10, 2012
Dean/Director sends Tenure Recommendation & primary materials to Campus President.
Campus President sends Tenure Recommendation for Counselors to VP of Student Affairs
Author: Campus President
February 15, 2012
Campus President sends counselor Tenure Recommendations & primary materials to the VP of Student Affairs.
Campus President and VP of Student Affairs send Tenure Recommendations to President
Author: Campus President/VP/AVP
February 20, 2012
Campus President and VP of Student Affairs send Tenure Recommendations & primary materials to President.
Final Tenure Recommendation to District Board of Trustees (DBOT)
Author: President
February 27, 2012
President sends Tenure Recommendations to DBOT; notifies Campus Presidents and VP of Student Affairs. Campus Presidents notify Deans/Directors, Candidates, & TLA of Tenure Recommendations.
*Final Portfolio
Reviewed by: TLA
April 16, 2012
TLA reviews Portfolios for program assessment; returns Portfolios to candidate.
CP and VP of Student Affairs send Portfolios to TLA for program assessment.
For Candidates in the first and second year of their tenure process, Dean/Directors may not have all the Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) reviews completed by the time Human Resources (HR) requires the paperwork for recommendation for re-appointment of the annual contract. Dean/Directors, however, will have other relevant information such as annual reviews, classroom observations, and student assessment of instruction, as well as the ongoing work
ILP-Portfolio-Tenure Review Report Schedule Year 2011-2012 between Dean/Directors and candidates on ILP development. (Reappointment recommendations for Administrators, Professional employees, and Faculty in the first and second year of the tenure process will be processed on the normal HR schedule.) For Candidates in the third and final year of their tenure process, tenure recommendations are made by the Dean/Director (in consultation with the Tenure Review Committee), Campus President, VP of Student Affairs and President. President will submit tenure recommendations to the DBOT, usually by the June meeting.