4kids vodič Nacionalni park Brijuni

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Ja sam morski vranac i bit ću tvoj vodič po Brijunima, gdje se nalazi jedno od naših najvećih gnjezdilišta u Hrvatskoj. Ovdje nam se jako sviđa. Ima nas puno, a možeš nas vidjeti u moru ili na stijenama gdje odmaramo i sušimo krila! Stručnjaci smo za ribolov i ronjenje!

I am a European shag and I will be your local guide on the Brijuni Islands. We like it a lot here. One of the largest nesting sites in Croatia is right here on the Brijuni Islands! There are a lot of us. You can see us in the sea or on the rocks, taking a rest and drying out our wings! We are fishing and diving experts!

Legenda o stvaranju Brijuna The Legend of the Creation of the Brijuni Islands Brijune nazivaju i Rajskim otocima. Stvoritelj je dio Zemlje naumio oblikovati prema slici Raja. Tako je nastala Istra, nalik vrtu obraslom predivnim drvećem i prostranim livadama, koji oplakuje plavo more i poziva ljude sretnom životu. No ljubomorni vrag uništio je njegovo djelo razrezavši vreću u kojoj je anđeo nosio ostatke neiskorištenog kamenja te se tisuće kamenih stijena prosulo po istarskoj zemlji, zemlji kontrasta, u isto vrijeme pitomoj i surovoj, plodnoj i škrtoj, sunčanoj i oblačnoj. Rastuženi anđeli su prikupili djeliće Raja preostale među rasutim kamenjem i zaštitili ih morskim valovima. Tako su nastali Brijuni.

Mene su drugačije učili! I was taught something else!



BRIJUNI Brijuni are also called Paradise Islands. God intended to shape a part of the Earth to the image of Heaven. That is how Istria came into being, like a garden covered with magnificent trees and vast meadows, washed by the deep blue sea, appealing people to a happier life. But the jealous devil destroyed his work by tearing the bag in which the angel was carrying the unused stones. Thousands of rocks scattered around the Istrian land making it a land of contrasts, gentle and rough, fertile and barren, sunny and cloudy. The desolated angels gathered the pieces of Heaven remaining among the scattered rocks and protected them by the sea waves and created Brijuni.

Brijune čini skupina od 14 otoka koji su smješteni uz zapadnu obalu poluotoka Istre i nasuprot malog ribarskog mjesta Fažane. Uz dva najveća, Veliki i Mali Brijun, nalazi se i 12 manjih otoka. Između Brijuna i kopna more je plitko, jer su u dalekoj prošlosti otoci bili dio kopnenog dijela obale. Prolaz Tisnac, širok 100, a dubok samo 2,5 metra, dijeli Veliki od Malog Brijuna.

Svjetionik na Penedi, južnom rtu Velikog Brijuna, pokazuje brodovima put do Pule.

Što su Brijuni i gdje se nalaze? What are Brijuni and where they are situated

Brijuni are a group of 14 islands situated along the west coast of the Istrian peninsula, right across the small fishing town of Fažana. The group consists of two large islands, Veliki and Mali Brijun, and 12 smaller islands. The sea between the Brijuni Islands and the mainland coast is shallow. In fact, in the ancient past, the islands were part of the mainland. Tisnac Strait separates Veliki from Mali Brijun. It is 100 metres wide and only 2.5 metres deep. The lighthouse of Peneda, the southern cape of the island of Veliki Brijun, illuminates the way to Pula for the ships.

Povijest History

Godine 1983. Brijuni su proglašeni nacionalnim parkom. I nakon proglašenja Brijuna nacionalnim parkom, u rezidencijalnim vilama odsjedaju svi predsjednici Republike Hrvatske.

Tijekom mlađeg kamenog doba stanovnici Brijuna bili su ratari i ribari, a oruđe i oružje izrađivali su od kamena. Njihovo naselje nalazilo se u uvali Javorika. U brončano doba, da bi se obranili od neprijatelja, naselja su gradili na brežuljcima i potom ih ograđivali kamenim bedemima. Takva naselja zovemo gradine.

Bazilika sv.Marije Od kasnog brončanog doba u Istri, žive Histri, pleme prema čijem je imenu nazvana Istra. Histri su bili gusari koji su često napadali rimske lađe. Nakon mnogih sukoba, Rimljani su ih pokorili 177.g. prije Krista u bitci kod Nezakcija. U rimsko doba na Brijunima su izgrađene brojne vile u kojima se stanovalo i proizvodilo maslinovo ulje. Tada su Brijuni nosili latinski naziv Insulae Pullariae. U 6. st. Brijunima je zavladao Bizant, potom slijede Franci, Venecija i Austro-Ugarska Monarhija. Svima su se sviđali Brijuni.


Austrijski industrijalac Paul Kupelwieser kupio je Brijune 1893. godine. U to vrijeme otoci su bili zapušteni, a otočjem je harala malarija, zarazna bolest koju prenosi komarac Anopheles. Kupelwieser je na Brijunima izgradio prekrasno ljetovalište i lječilište koje su posjećivale brojne poznate ličnosti. Od 1954. do 1979. godine na Brijunima se nalazila službena rezidencija predsjednika bivše SFR Jugoslavije Josipa Broza Tita.

Brijuni nam pričaju priču o povijesti ljudskog roda već 4000 godina. The Brijuni Islands have been telling us the story of mankind for already 4000 years.

Dvorac u uvali Verige

In times of the Stone age, the inhabitants of Brijuni were farmers and fishermen, making stone tools and weapons. Their settlement was situated in Javorika Bay. During the Bronze age the inhabitants of Brijuni built settlements on hill tops and surrounded them with stone walls to protect themselves against enemies. These types of settlements are called hill forts.

Hi hi, i ja komarac važan sam dio povijesti! Hah hah, even I, a mosquito, am an important part of history!

In the Late Bronze age the Histri inhabited the Istrian peninsula leaving their mark in the name of Istria. The Histri were known as fearless pirates. They often attacked roman cargo ships and fought them until they were finally conquered by the Romans in 177 BC in the battle near Nesactium. In Roman times, numerous villas were built on Brijuni. The villas were used as homes and dedicated to olive oil production. At that time, Brijuni bore the Latin name Insulae Pullariae. In the sixth century, Brijuni were ruled by Byzantium, then by the Franks, Venice, Austria-Hungary… Everyone liked Brijuni! In 1893, the Austrian industrial magnate Paul Kupelwieser bought Brijuni. The islands were in a very bad shape at that time. The islands were in a very bad shape at that time. They were ravaged by malaria, a disease transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito. It was Kupelwieser who turned Brijuni into a gorgeous summer and health resort which attracted numerous famous persons. From 1954 – 1979, Brijuni were the official residence of the president of the former Yugoslavia, Josip Broz Tito. All the presidents of the Republic of Croatia stayed in residential villas after declaring Brijuni as national Park 1983.

Josip Broz Tito i Koki

Paul Kupelwieser

Marija Josefa, 1910.


Arheologija Archaeology nalazi finds kameno oružje prapovijest / stone weapons prehistory


staklena čaša antika / a glass antiquity

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Probudi arheologa u sebi! Awaken your inner archaeologist!

U šetnji Brijunima naići ćeš na brojne arheološke lokalitete iz različitih razdoblja ljudske povijesti. Zato, šešir na glavu i kreni! No, nemoj zaboraviti, arheološki nalazi nisu suveniri!

During your walks around Brijuni you can run into numerous archaeological sites dating back to different periods of human past. So, put on your hat and go! But do not forget archaeological finds are not souvenirs.

Na uzvisini sjeverno od uvale Verige nalazi se GRADINA - utvrđeno naselje iz brončanog doba. Ulaz u gradinu više puta je dograđivan pa izgleda kao labirint. Unutar bedema nalazi se i groblje. Tadašnji stanovnici pokapali su se na boku u zgrčenom položaju kao da spavaju.

At the high ground north of Verige Bay, there is a HILL FORT - a fortified Bronze Age settlement. The entrance to the hill fort had been reconstructed several times so that now it resembles a labyrinth. Within the walls, there is a cemetery. The inhabitants of the hill fort used to be buried bent and lying on their side, as though they were sleeping.

Izgradnja RIMSKE VILE U UVALI VERIGE započela je u 1. st. pr. Krista. Bila je raskošno ukrašena mozaicima, mramorom i zidnim freskama. Imala je svoj pogon za proizvodnju maslinovog ulja, hramove posvećene rimskim božanstvima kao i terme (zatvoreno kupalište). Uvala Verige dobila je ime prema lancu koji je povezivao obale i čuvao luku. Verige = lanac. Na mjestu arheološkog lokaliteta KASTRUMA ljudi su živjeli čak 1 500 godina! Ponajprije je tu bila samo jedna rimska vila. U 4. stoljeću uokolo vile širi se naselje s manjim kućama i radionicama. U blizini naselja na kastrumu, sagrađena je bazilika Sv. Marije.

The entrance to the hill fort was reconstructed on several occasions so that it now resembles a labyrinth. Constructionof THE ROMAN VILLA IN VERIGE BAY began in the 1st century BC. It also comprised an olive oil plant, temples dedicated to Roman deitis and indoor baths called thermae. Verige Bay got its name from chains used to connect shores and protect the port. The word “verige” means chains. The archaeological site CASTRUM was inhabited for as long as 1,500 years! It began as a Roman villa which grew into a settlement in the fourth century. Smaller houses and workshops were constructed. Defence walls were erected, and you had a fort! St. Mary’s Basilica was built in the vicinity of the settlement on the castrum.

U amforama se cuvalo vino, ulje... In amphorae was kept wine, oil


U vrijeme Mletačke Republike kamen s brijunskih otoka korišten je za gradnju brojnih građevina u Veneciji, Udinama i Raveni. U jednom od brijunskih kamenoloma nalazi se posveta nobelovcu dr. Robertu Kochu, otkrivaču uzročnika tuberkuloze i kolere. Dr.Robert Koch oslobodio je Brijune malarije 1901.g. Od druge polovice 19. stoljeća Brijuni su štitili ulaz u pulsku luku - glavnu pomorsku ratnu luku tadašnje Austro-Ugarske Monarhije. Izgrađene su 3 UTVRDE, a najveća je ona na Malom Brijunu FOR BRIONI MINOR. Na Velikom Brijunu nalaze se dvije utvrde - For Peneda i For Tegetthoff, koji je smješten na brežuljku Straža, najvišoj točki otoka.


In Venetian times, stone from Brijuni Islands was used to build numerous buildings in Italian cities such as Venice, Udine, and Ravenna. In one of the quarries of Brijuni, there is a memorial tablet set up in honour of the Nobel Prize-winning scientist Dr. Robert Koch who discovered the cause of tuberculosis and cholera. Koch freed Brijuni of malaria in 1901.

kamueanrorlyom q From the second half of the 19th century, Brijuni protected the entrance to the port of Pula, the main war port of the former Austria-Hungary. THREE FORTS were built, the biggest one being the one on Mali Brijun, called FORT BRIONI MINOR. There are two forts on Veliki Brijun: Fort Peneda and Fort Tegetthoff situated on the highest point of the island on Straža Hill. Take your camera and your binoculars, climb the BELVEDERE on Javornik. It is the best-preserved of the three belvederes on the island. All of them were made out of iron around the year 1900. They were exhibited in many exhibitions.

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ZZ znamenitosti i zanimljivosti /Curious and interesting facts

Ponesi fotoaparat i dalekozor te se popni na VIDIKOVAC na Javorniku, najočuvaniji od nekadašnja tri izgrađena na otoku. Svi su izrađeni od željeza oko 1900. godine te su kao eksponati bili izloženi na izložbama. Sve brijunske ŠETNICE i krajolike zamislio je i projektirao šumar Alojz Čufar (Zuffar) iz Labina. Cijeneći njegov veliki trud i požrtvovan rad, vlasnik otočja Paul Kupelwieser podigao mu je u jednom od kamenoloma spomen obilježje.

vidikovac belvedere Kochov reljef Koch ‘s relief

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Posjeti i MAUZOLEJ OBITELJI KUPELWIESER iz 1917. godine, gdje su sahranjeni supruga Paula Kupelwiesera i sin Karl. Paul Kupelwieser je sahranjen u Beču iako mu je želja bila da počiva na Brijunima.

utvrda Mali Brion FORT BRIONI MINOR

All PROMENADES and landscape on Brijuni were planned by Alojz Čufar (Zuffar) from Labin, a forestry expert. In honour of his numerous efforts and devoted work, a memorial plaque was put in one of the island’s quarries by the Kupelwieser family. You should also visit THE KUPELWIESER FAMILY MAUSOLEUM from 1917, the burial place of Marie and Karl, Paul Kupelwieser’s wife and son. Paul Kupelwieiser was buried in Vienna, although his wish was to rest on Brijuni.


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Ornitološki park Saline Ornitological Park Saline

Fotografiraj s posebnih osmatračnica! Take a photograph from special watchtowers!

Dođi i pogledaj ORNITOLOŠKI PARK SALINE na Velikom Brijunu. Na ovom mjestu nalazile su se solane, prvi put izgrađene u antičko doba. U prapovijesti je sol bila na cijeni, kao danas zlato, a u mnogim jezicima se slično izgovara. Ovdje, oko tri močvarna jezera obitava čak 150 vrsta ptica. Neke zasigurno i poznaješ galeba, kosa, šojku ili patku.

Na Brijunima se gnijezde i trstenjaci, liske, mali gnjurac, a ima i grabežljivica, kao što su kobac, jastreb i škanjac koji živi visoko u krošnjama drveća. Mnoge ptice odmaraju upravo u Salinama, prije nego li odlete na jug.

Come and see the SALINE ORNITHOLOGICAL PARK on Veliki Brijun. This has been the site of salt works since antiquity. In prehistoric times, salt had the value of today’s gold. The word salt is similarly pronounced in many languages. As many as 150 bird species have been registered around three swampy lakes. Perhaps you already know some of them seagull, blackbird, Eurasian jay or duck. Great reed warbler, coot, water rail and tern nest here. There are also some birds of prey high up in the treetops: sparrow-hawk, hawk, marsh harrier and European honey buzzard. Many birds take a rest here on their way south.

did you know?

Herons come to the Brijuni Islands as well: white heron, grey heron, yellow heron, purple heron and rook.

znaš li?

Idemo dalje... Let’s move on....

Na Brijunima možeš vidjeti i čaplje, kao što su bijela, siva, žuta, danguba i gak.


Posebnost otoka je bujna i raznolika vegetacija. Ovdje ćete vidjeti makiju, livade, pejzažne parkove, šume hrasta crnike i crnog jasena, crnogoricu... Uz autohtone mediteranske biljke, na Brijunima su svoj dom pronašle i brojne unesene vrste, kao što su libanonski cedar ili cedar s Himalaja, sekvoja, eukaliptus, španjolska jela i brojne druge. Pomirišite mirtu ili lovor.

The island is best known for its rich and diverse vegetation. You can see macchia, meadows, park lawns, forests of holm oak and manna ash and the temperate coniferous forest...In addition to autochthonous Mediterranean plants, the island is also home to numerous imported plants such as the cedar of Lebanon and the Himalayan cedar, sequoia, eucalyptus, the Spanish fir and many other. You can feel the scent of myrtle and laurel.

700 vrsta raslinja 700 plant species


mu inici, o če veliki masl u st ra . a e lj nim lo u a se čuva ba na Briju nu, tičkog do da u kojim su Meditera o p a i n c h a Još od an ji st ri o i ta js šk a lo n a od i arheo INA, jedn svjedoče ove! RA MASL A T daje plod S k a e it ij n v u š jo ity, i Zname a din ce antiqu d 1600 go Brijuni sin n ssels o s v e ima više o s v variou e ve gro s such as n large oli d e n e e fi b l th a e f v ic o a g E, one heolo There h ed by arc LIVE TRE O ss l e D il n L it st O w it s famou old and which is g oil. The 00 years in 6 1 p e r e e k v r o , is used fo erranean the Medit oldest in ! gives fruit

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Flora i fauna Flora & fauna

Nijemac Carl Hagenbeck, koji je 1907. godine osnovao prvi moderni zoološki vrt kraj Hamburga, 1911. godine dolazi na Brijune. On i Paul Kupelwieser odlučili su da egzotične životinje, namijenjene europskim zoološkim vrtovima, provedu neko vrijeme na Brijunima da bi se postupno priviknule na novu klimu. Bio je to početak nastajanja ZOOLOŠKOG VRTA na Brijunima. Čimpanza Missie bila je zvijezda otoka početkom 20. stoljeća. Danas je to Koki, brbljavi žuto-kukmasti kakadu.

The German animal entrepreneur Carl Hagenbeck who established the first modern ZOO near Hamburg in 1907 visited Brijuni in the year 1911. In agreement with Paul Kupelwieser, it was decided that exotic animals going to various European ZOOs should spend some time on Brijuni to gradually adjust to the new climate. Hagenbeck thus left his mark on the history of the Brijuni ZOO. Chimpanzee Missie was the star of the island at the beginning of the twentieth century. Today’s star of the ZOO is Koki, a chatty sulphur crested cockatoo.


Safari park Na sjeveru Velikog Brijuna osnovan je SAFARI PARK za zbrinjavanje životinja koje su na otok stizale iz raznih krajeva svijeta kao pokloni tadašnjem predsjedniku SFR Jugoslavije Josipu Brozu Titu. Godine 1959. Indija je Brijunima poklonila brze i plašljive plave antilope te indijska sveta goveda zebue, a Zambija afričke antilope. Etiopijski poklon su tamnosmeđe somalijske ovce, a gvinejski stepske i planinske zebre. Ovdje ćete naći i južnoameričku ljamu koja inače živi na planinama visokim i do 4 500 metara. Iz Indije su na Brijune stigli slonovi Sony i Lanka koji su zajedno živjeli do 2010. godine. Unutar safari parka nalazi se i ETNO PARK u kojemu žive domaće istarske životinje, kao što su istarsko govedo boškarin, istarska ovca pramenka,

A SAFARI PARK was set up in the north of Veliki Brijun in order to accommodate animals who arrived on the islands from different parts of the world as presents for the former Yugoslavian president Josip Broz Tito. The fast and timid blue antelopes and zebu, the sacred ox of India, were gifts from India in 1959, while Zambia donated African antelopes. The dark brown Somali sheep were gifts from Ethiopia, and Guinea sent the steppe and the mountain zebras. You shall also see the South American llama inhabiting up to 4,500 metres high mountains. The two elephants, Sony and Lanka, came from India. They lived together until 2010. The safari park within the ETHNO PARK is home to Istrian domestic animals: the Istrian ox called boškarin, the Istrian Pramenka sheep, donkeys and goats. Skeniraj kod / Scan the code


magarci i koze. Je li boškarin došao u Istru s rimskom vojskom ili s hunskim osvajačem Atilom? Ili je potomak tura, čiji se ostaci nalaze u istarskim špiljama, a stari su više od 10 000 godina? Siv je i vrlo snažan, a poseban je po jeziku također sive boje. Nekad se koristio umjesto traktora. Na otoku slobodno žive zečevi, jeleni aksisi i jeleni lopatari kao i mufloni, paunovi i vjeverice.


Naravno! Tko još nije čuo za dinosaure? Vladali su Zemljom u razdoblju mezozoika više od 150 milijuna godina. Izumrli su prije 65 milijuna godina. A znate li da riječ dinosaur dolazi iz grčkog jezika i znači strašni gušter? Na Velikom Brijunu i to na četiri njegova rta pronađeno je više od 200 otisaka stopala dinosaura. Nemoj se prestrašiti, kad na rtu Vrbanj ugledaš skulpturu dinosaura dugu 4,4 metra!

Did boškarin come to Istria with the Roman army or with Attila the Hun? Or is the descendent of the European bison whose remains, more than 10000 years old, have been found in the Istrian caves? He is grey, strong, and his tongue is of a peculiar grey colour. Sometimes was used instead of tractors. In the free nature of the island animals such as hares, spotted deer and fallow deer, mouflon, peacocks and squirrels roam free.

Dinosaurs too !!??

But of course! Is there anyone who has never heard of dinosaurs. They ruled the Earth in the Mesosoic Era for more than 150 million years. They became extinct 65 million years ago. And did you know that the word dinosaur comes from the Greek language and means “terrible lizard”? Over 200 dinosaur footprints have been found on four capes of Veliki Brijun. Don’t get scared: on Cape Vrbanj, you will see a 4.4 metres long dino sculpture!

Podmorje Submarine world

Damir Zurub

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Podmorje nacionalnog parka prepuno je života. Mnoge vrste zakonom su zaštićene. Kornjače i dupini vole svratiti, a u plićacima se mrijeste ribe. Na morskom dnu živi endemska smeđa alga jadranski bračić koja je i pokazatelj čistoće brijunskog mora. Možda ugledaš i koralj, čija je vrsta prvi put otkrivenu na području brijunskog nacionalnog parka i koja je dobila ime prema brijunskim otocima. Zove se Alcyonium brionense. Uz ribe, rakove i spužve kojima obiluje podmorje, žive i ježinci. Zahvaljujući učinkovitoj zaštiti u Nacionalnom parku Brijuni ima 6 puta više riba nego drugdje.

ni! A sad zaro And now, let’s dive!

80% nacionalnog parka sačinjava more! 80% of the National Park is sea! The submarine world of the national park is brimming with life. Many species are protected by law. Turtles and dolphins gladly stop by, and fish spawn in shallow waters. The endemic brown alga called Fucus virsoides lives on the seabed. It indicates how clean the sea is as it dies in polluted waters. The coral species first discovered in the area of Brijuni National Park was named Alcyonium brionense after the islands. In addition to numerous fish, crabs and sponges, the submarine world is also home to sea urchins. Thanks to the effective protection, Brijuni has 6 times more fish than anywhere else.

Hinko Šolinc




znaš li? Ako staneš na ježa - bodlje ćeš lako izvaditi staviš li na njih preko noći komadić rajčice.

did you know?

Should you ever accidentally step on a sea urchin, you can easily take out the spikes if you put a piece of tomato over the affected area.


Pomozi Brionku pronaci put do mora! Help Brionko find his way to the sea!! BRIONKO – glavata želva kojoj je život spašen u brijunskom zoološkom vrtu, oporavila se i vraćena je u more. / BRIONKO – the loggerhead sea turtle whose life was saved at the Brijuni ZOO. He recovered and was released back to the sea.

PronaÐi 10 razlika / Find 10 differences


U zaštićenim područjima u Republici Hrvatskoj ništa se ne smje vaditi iz mora ili uzimati iz prirode, trgati grane, paliti vatru ili bacati smeće i sl.

N! O I T N E T T A

be g should (wild), ia nothin t re a u ro t a C as in the n re m a o d fr e n t e c t ge, e c. or tak In prote w garba the sea ro f h o t t , u re o fi taken light a ranches, tearing b


labirint/ labyrinth Pronađi put do Kokijevog prijatelja! Naučit će ga govoriti. Find your way to Koki’s friend! He will teach him to talk.

„Kako se zoveš?“ „Kako si?“ „Koki“ “What’s your name?”, “How are you?” “Koki”

znaš li? Mnogobrojne unešene vrste životinja i biljaka lako su se udomaćile na Brijunima zahvaljujući povoljnim klimatskim uvjetima.


Meni je tu skroz ok! I’m feeling totally fine here!

did you know? Many imported animals and plants easily acclimatised to Brijuni thanks to their favorable climate.

Cija je sjena? Guess whose shadow?

Istarsko govedo boškarin / Boškarin, the Istrian ox koza / goat

magarac / donkey

ovan / ram

nacrtaj / draw Ovo su rogovi boškarina i ovna. Nacrtaj i ti rogove. / These are boškarin’s and ram’s horns. Why don’t you draw horns too!


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Saznaj više o... Find out more about...

Find the little church of St. Germain from the fifteenth century. In this church, you can see copies of Istrian fresco paintings and the most important inscriptions written in the Glagolitic alphabet from the area of Istria and the Kvarner. Glagolitic writing was created in the ninth century. If you look at the church floor, you will see a beautiful mosaic that used to decorate the Roman villa in Verige Bay.

Potraži crkvicu sv. Germana iz 15. stoljeća. Ovdje možete vidjeti kopije istarskih fresaka i najvažnijih natpisa na glagoljici s područja Istre i Kvarnera. Glagoljica je pismo nastalo u 9. stoljeću. Pogledaš li u pod crkve vidjet ćeš divan mozaik koji je krasio rimsku vilu u uvali Verige. FRESKA PLES MRTVACA U kasnom srednjem vijeku umjetnici su često prikazivali prolaznost života: “Ruku pod ruku sa Smrti kreću se kraljevi, kraljice, trgovci, kardinali, vojnici, prosjaci…” Poruka je jasna: “U smrti su svi jednaki”. Najljepši hrvatski prikaz Plesa mrtvaca djelo je majstora Vincenta iz Kastva iz 15. stoljeća a nalazi se u crkvi sv. Marije na Škrilinama kraj Berma.


FRESCO PAINTING DANSE MACABRE OR DANCE OF DEATH - In the late Middle Ages, artists often depicted the transience of life; side by side with Death kings, queens, merchants, cardinals, soldiers, beggars, parade in this macabre procession. The message is clear: we are all the same in death. The most beautiful Croatian Danse Macabre is the work of Master Vincent from Kastav from the fifteenth century who depicted it in the church of St. Mary of Škriline near Beram.

Nauči glagoljicu, napiši svoje ime! Learn Glagolitic, write your name!

UCENJE, SPORT i ZABAVA Želiš li doznati više, posjeti naše brojne radionice: Biljni svijet Sredozemlja, Maslinarstvo na Brijunima, Tragovima dinosaura… Znaš li da u Hrvatskoj živi čak 35 vrsta šišmiša? Obavezno posjeti Noć šišmiša na Brijunima i doznaj sve o ovim sisavcima. Sportaši! Možete roniti, zaigrati tenis, golf ili voziti bicikl prekrasnim stazama. Početkom 20. stoljeća na Brijunima se uvelike igrao GOLF. Golferi su 1922. godine uživali u terenu s 18 rupa, jednom od najvećih u Europi. POLO klub osnovan je na Brijunima 1925. godine.


Skeniraj kod / Scan the code

Jeste li ikad u svojoj golferskoj karijeri zaigrali u društvu jelena, muflona, zečeva i paunova? Imagine playing golf in the company of deer, mouflon, hares and peacocks

If you like to find out more, you can take part in numerous workshops: Mediterranean plants, Olive growing on Brijuni, Following Dinosaur Trails... Did you know that as many as 35 species of bats live in Croatia? Do not miss Bat Night and find out everything about bats. Sports enthusiasts! Take advantage of diving, tennis and golf or go cycling on wonderful bike trails. At the beginning of the twentieth century, GOLF was already very popular on Brijuni. In 1922, golfers enjoyed the 18-hole court, one of the largest courts in Europe at the time. The POLO club on Brijuni was established in 1925.


Izložbe i zanimljivosti Exhibitions and interesting facts

Godine 1993. obilježena je stota godišnjica od dolaska Paula Kupelwiesera na Brijune izložbom Iz sjećanja starog Austrijanca. Na starim fotografijama i razglednicama možete vidjeti kako su Brijuni nekoć izgledali. Početkom 20. stoljeća izlazile su i otočke novine Brioni Insel Zeitung. Na izložbi Josip Broz Tito na Brijunima zanimljiva je galerija fotografija posjetitelja Brijuna. Fotografije prikazuju 90 predsjednika iz 60 zemalja svijeta, brojne kraljeve i ličnosti iz kulturnog života sa svih kontinenata.

The year 1993 marked the one-hundredth anniversary of Paul Kupelwieser’s arrival to Brijuni with the exhibition The Memories of an Old Austrian. Old photos and postcards show how Brijuni looked in the past. The island newspaper “Briuni Insel Zeitung” was published at the beginning of the twentieth century.

fotografija/photo: Renco Kosinožić

PRIRODOSLOVNA ZBIRKA Josip Broz Tito, osim brojnih poklona, dobivao je i životinje. Nakon što bi uginule, neke od njih su preparirane i izložene u dioramama, velikim vitrinama koje dočaravaju njihovo prirodno stanište


Tijekom boravka na Brijunima u vožnji otokom možete susresti i Titov cadillac iz 1953. godine. During your stay on the island, you may see Tito’s 1953 Cadillac driving around.

The exhibition Josip Broz Tito on Brijuni comprises an interesting photo gallery of various visitors to Brijuni: 90 presidents from 60 countries worldwide, kings and the cultural elite from all continents.

NATURAL HISTORY COLLECTION Among numerous presents, Josip Broz Tito often received animals. When the animals died, some of them were stuffed and exhibited in dioramas - life-size scenes in which stuffed wildlife is shown in their natural environs.



Marija Josefa, majka posljednjeg austrijskog cara,posjetila je Brijune 1906. godine kao jedna od prvih gostiju. Austrijski slikar Hugo Charlemont naslikao je brojne slike s motivom Brijuna. Ovdje je uživao i austrijski vojvoda Franz Ferdinand, čije je ubojstvo u Sarajevu bilo povod za početak Prvog svjetskog rata. Brijune su posjetili i ruska balerina Tamara Karsavina, slikar Gustav Klimt, književnik George Bernard Shaw, glumci Sofia Loren, Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, John Malkovich, Angelina Jolie, operni pjevač Placido Domingo, modni dizajner Ottavio Missoni…

Maria Josepha, mother of the last Austrian emperor was one of the first guests back in 1906. The austrian painter Hugo Charlemont painted numerouspaintings with Brijuni motives. Here enjoyed: Archduke Franz Ferdinand of AustriaHungary, whose assassination in Sarajevo led to the outbreak of the First World War. Brijuni were also visited by the Russian ballerina Tamara Karsavina, painter Gustav Klimt, writer George Bernard Shaw, Sofia Loren, Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Placido Domingo, John Malkovich, Angelina Jolie, fashion designer Ottavio Missoni…

nima: na Briju t e s t ki je abeth Svjets ich, Eliz v o lk a gelina John M ren, An o L a fi , So ton, Taylor ard Bur h ic R , e Joli

World jet set on the Brijuni: John Malkovich , Elizabeth Taylor , Sofia Lo ren, Angelina Jolie, Richard B urton,

I ja sam vidio Angelinu! I saw Angelina TOO!


Impressum: Izdavač/ Publisher: JAVNA USTANOVA “NACIONALNI PARK BRIJUNI” Ideja i ilustracije/ Idea and illustrations: Zrinka Ostović Tekst/ Text: Svjetlana Olujić Tomaić Grafički dizajn/ Graphic design: Valentina Dominić Fotografije/Photos: NP Brijuni Tisak/Printed by: SUBLIME d.o.o. Pula Prijevod/ Translation: Atinianum d.o.o. Lektura i redaktura / lector & redactor: Rudija Pavličević U izradi vodiča dali su svoj doprinos : Sandro Dujmović, Mira Pavletić, Moira Buršić, Alena Sprčić, Lena Puhar O’Grady, Snežana Smolić i Vesna Danko Klunić JAVNA USTANOVA NACIONALNI PARK BRIJUNI (za poštu) Brionska 10 52212 Fažana +385(0)52 525888 brijuni@brijuni.hr www.brijuni.hr www.facebook.com/npbrijuni

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www.brijuni.hr www. facebook.com/npbrijuni


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