1 minute read
Atelier Bow-Wow, Made in Tokyo, Kajima Institute Publishing Co.Tok y o: 2001. Atelier Bow-Wow, Pet Architecture, World Photo Press, Tokyo: 2002. Blake, Peter, God’s own Junkyard: The Planned Deterioration of America's Landscape. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1979 Koolhaas, Rem. El Delirio de Nueva York. Editorial Gustavo Gili, Barcelona: 2004. Noboru Kawazoe, et al. Metabolism 1960: The Proposals for a New Urbanism. Bitjsutu Shuppan Sha.:1960.
Smithson, Alison, ed., Team 10 Primer, MIT Press, Boston: 1968. Venturi & Scott Brown, Aprendiendo de Las Vegas. Editorial Gustavo Gili, Barcelona: 2011. Walker, Enrique. Lo Ordinario. Editorial Gustavo Gili, 2010.