Age Friendly Communities as Platforms for Equity, Health & Wellness

Symposium Directory
September 22 & 23, 2022
Symposium Directory
September 22 & 23, 2022
Thank you for joining us at this symposium focused on Age Friendly Communities as Platforms for Equity, Health & Wellness. As people live longer and healthier than ever before in history, we recognize that one of the grand challenges of our time is to transform the places where we live to promote independence, productivity and wellbeing for people of all ages.
The work of creating age friendly places requires action and collaboration among many fields. We are honored to have distinguished experts from health, policy, education, planning and design contribute to this symposium. Equally, we are excited to engage your voice and perspectives throughout the symposium as we recognize the collective responsibility we have to creating fair, inclusive environments for people across the lifespan.
Our heartfelt gratitude to the College of Architecture & Planning at the University of Utah, and the Utah Geriatric Education Consortium for sponsorship and unwavering support of the symposium. Thank you to Solstice, Homecare & Hospice Association of Utah, and BYU Gerontology for generous financial contributions. Finally, thank you to Dr. Terry Fulmer whose generosity contributes to the awards presented to students at the Koi Pond Competition.
We are grateful for the support of an outstanding Advisory Board and a Student Advisory Committee. Thank you to Board Members and students for invaluable guidance and dedication.
Age friendliness has grown from an idea into a social movement that recognizes the diversity of older adults, and integrates multidisciplinary work in research, policy, programming and design. We hope the community of voices at this symposium will provide insight, inspiration and resources impactful to your work.
Linda Edelman Valerie Greer Professor Assistant Professor College of Nursing College of Architecture & PlanningThough we meet on a virtual platform, we acknowledge the importance of the land upon which the University of Utah is located, which is named for the Ute Tribe, and is the traditional and ancestral homeland of the Shoshone, Paiute, Goshute, and Ute Tribes. The University of Utah recognizes and respects the enduring relationship that exists between many Indigenous peoples and their traditional homelands. We respect the sovereign relationship between tribes, states, and the federal government, and we affirm the University of Utah’s commitment to a partnership with Native Nations and Urban Indian communities through research, education, and community outreach activities.
Communities we live in today were not designed for the massive demographic shift currently underway, wherein the global population of people ages 60+ is expected to double by the year 2050. In recent years, we have seen dramatic disparities in health, social and environmental justice underscored by the COVID-19 pandemic where negative consequences disproportionately impact older adults and non-white people. Current crises around housing, mental health and climate change are escalating, impacting young and old alike.
These widespread social, environmental and health injustices, compounded with the rapidly aging population, point to a need for new scholarship and action focused on age-friendly communities as they shape socio-environmental determinants of health and wellness.
The goal of this symposium is to promote aging well across the life span. We aim to consider to concepts of age-friendly ecosystems, with focus on how age-friendly neighborhoods, campuses and health environments can empower choice, equity and positive health outcomes in the context of contemporary and future challenges. Challenges that are specific to the Intermountain West will be considered as this region hosts a flagship of social, health and environmental issues including extreme population growth, environmental degradation and lack of affordability. The symposium aims to bring forth scholarship, educational materials and advocacy to advance the future development and social impact of age friendly
Dr.WelcomeLindaEdelman & Valerie Greer
Opening Remarks
Dr. Michael IntroductionGoodofKeynote Speaker
Dr. Tim Farrell
2:30p Keynote: Creating an Age-friendly Ecosystem
Dr. Terry Fulmer
3:30p Question & Answer with Dr. Terry Fulmer, Moderated by Dr. Linda Edelman & Valerie Greer
3:45p Break
4:00p Small Group Discussions
1. What are age-friendly strengths of your challenges in your communities face?
3. What older adults in your community are most at risk to experience challenges listed above?
4:45p Reflections & Conclusions
Moderated by Dr. Linda Edelman & Valerie Greer
5:00p Adjourn
5:30p Networking Reception
Spy Hop Rooftop, 208 W 900S, Salt Lake City.
9:00a Opening Remarks
Dr. Keith Diaz Moore
9:15a Age Friendly Neighborhoods
Mike RegionalWatsonPerspectives: Rob Ence & Dr. Keith Diaz Moore
10:00a Age Friendly Campuses
Dr. Joann Montepare Regional Perspectives: Dr. Beth Fauth & Dr. Katarina Felsted
10:45a Age Friendly Health Patricia RegionalD’AntonioPerspectives: Nels Homgren & Dr. Tim Farrell
11:30a Break
11:45a World Cafe Dr. Sarah Canham
1. What are facilitators to age-friendly neighborhoods/campuses/health?
2. What are barriers to age-friendly neighborhoods/campuses/health?
3. What are key priorities and innovations to moving ideas forward?
1:15p Break
1:30p Awards Ceremony: Koi Pond Student Ideas Competition Ashley Cadiz
2:00p Discoveries & Conclusions
Moderated by Dr. Linda Edelman & Valerie Greer
3:00p Adjourn
On Saturday, September 24, the Walk to End Alzheimer’s will be held in Salt Lake City. We invite you to join our UofU Age Friendly team or contribute to your local chapter.
Terry Fulmer, PhD, RN, FAAN, is President of The John A. Hartford Foundation in New York City, a national philanthropy dedicated to improving the care of older adults. S h e serves as the chief strategist for the Foundati on and her vision for better care of older adults is cat alyzing the Age-Friendly Health Systems social movement. She is an elected member of the National Academy of Medicine and recently served on the independent Coronavirus Commission for Safety and Quality in Nursing Homes. She previously served as Dean of Health Sciences at Northeastern University and Founding Dean of the New York University College of Nursing. Dr. Fulmer is nationally and internationally recognized as a leading expert in geriatrics and is also known for conceptualization and development of the national NICHE program and research on the topic of elder abuse and neglect. She is the first nurse to have served on the board of the American Geriatrics Society. She is also the first nurse to have served as President of the Gerontological Society of America, which awarded her the 2019 Donald P. Kent Award for exemplifying the highest standards for professional leadership in the field of aging.
Patricia D’AntonioVice President, Policy & Professional Affairs Gerontological Society of America National Speaker: Age Friendly Health
Patricia M. D’Antonio, BSPharm, MS, MBA, BCGP is the Vice President of Policy and Professional Affairs for The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) and a boardcertified geriatric pharmacist. Trish is responsible for developing relationships with other organizations in the aging arena. She directs GSA’s policy initiatives through the National Academy on an Aging Society, GSA’s non-partisan public policy institute. Additionally, she serves as the Program Director for the Reframing Aging Initiative, a long-term social change endeavor designed to improve the public’s understanding of what aging means and the many ways that older people contribute to our society. Before joining GSA, Trish served as Executive Director for the District of Columbia Board of Pharmacy and Program Manager for the Pharmaceutical Control Division, where she was responsible for the regulatory and policy development for the practice of pharmacy. She served as liaison to the FDA, DEA, and other federal, state, and city organizations that promote safe handling of medications. She received her Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy from Duquesne University and her Master of Science in Health Finance and Master in Business Administration with a concentration in health care from Temple University. She completed a residency in administration and finance at The Philadelphia Geriatric Center.
Joann M. Montepare is Professor of Psychology and Director of the RoseMary B. Fuss Center for Research on Aging and Intergenerational Studies at Lasell University. She earned her PhD in lifespan social-developmental psychology from Brandeis University and conducts research exploring social and personal perceptions of age. An advocate of intergenerational teaching and learning, she developed the innovative Talk of Ages program which brings older and younger learners together across the curriculum in educational exchange. A champion of the Age-Friendly University (AFU) initiative, she has been involved in various efforts to advance age inclusivity in higher education and the AFU global network. She is Editor of the Newsletter Advancing Age Inclusivity in Higher Education, (Vice) Chair of the Academy for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE), and President of Division 20 (Adult Development and Aging) of the American Psychological Association (APA). An active member of the Boston aging network, she is past president of the Massachusetts Gerontology Association and serves on boards and councils of several aging-focused community organizations. Her most recent collaboration is the RRF-funded study with UMass Boston colleagues, Taking the Pulse of Age-Friendliness in Higher Education in the US Today. She is an AGHE, GSA, APA, and SESP
Mike Watson is the Director of Livable Communities for AARP where he is AARP’s Enterprise lead for Livable Communities efforts and works closely with AARP’s 53 state offices, volunteers and key stakeholders to encourage towns, counties and cities to be more livable for people of all ages. He leads AARP’s team responsible for supporting the AARP Network of Age Friendly States and Communities, delivering direct technical assistance to communities, providing free award winning publications and resources and delivering livability grants to communities nationwide through the AARP Community Challenge grant program. Prior to being named Director, Mike helped advance AARP’s livable communities work by leading the AARP Community Challenge grant program and AARP’s national mayoral engagement effort. Mike also served as an advisor to AARP’s chief advocacy and engagement officer, providing strategic advice and expertise on retirement policy, family caregiving and livable communities. Before joining AARP, Mike served as a lobbyist Capitol Hill advocating on issues affecting older adults. He holds a bachelor’s degree in history with a minor in legal studies from Wingate University a master’s in public policy (focused on social policy) from the University of Maryland School of Public Policy and a professional certificate in municipal finance from the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy.
Graduate Student, Gerontology Interdisciplinary Program, University of Utah Student Ideas Competition Chair
Ashley Cadiz is a masters student in the Gerontology Interdisciplinary Program at the University of Utah. Her research interest includes health care quality improvement for older adults, and age-friendly health systems, communities, and universities.Ashley currently works for the University of Utah College of Nursing as an Academic Program Manager. She born and raised in Nephi, Utah and attended the University of Utah for her undergraduate degree in Health Promotion and Education.
Associate Professor, College of Social Work, and College of Architecture & Planning, University of Utah World Cafe Chair
Sarah Canham, PhD, is an Associate Professor in College of Social Work as well as with the Department of City and Metropolitan Planning in the College of Architecture and Planning. She is also the incoming Associate Director of the Interprofessional Education program at The University of Utah. Sarah completed her doctorate in Gerontology at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and postdoctoral training in the Department of Mental Health at The Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and the Gerontology Research Centre at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, BC. She also received a Master of Arts degree in Applied Sociology and Bachelor of Arts degree in Human Studies.
Sarah’s community-based research engages with a broad network of providers, clinicians, and persons with lived experience to examine homelessness, service delivery, mental health, and aging. Using a social justice lens, Sarah’s work seeks solutions to systemic barriers to aging well in various environments. Her recent research has examined the experience of hospital discharge for older adults who are experiencing homelessness and the feasibility of intervention research with this population.
Sarah also has an active role in the Gerontological Society of America, where she is the convener for the Aging, Alcohol, and Addictions Interest Group. In addition, as a knowledge expert on substance use disorders among older adults, Sarah works with two collaboratives of national experts (one in Canada; a second in the U.S.) to develop clinical guidelines that can assist healthcare professionals identify and treat substance use disorders among older adults.
Dean, College of Architecture & Planning, University of Utah
Opening Remarks & Regional Expert: Age Friendly Neighborhoods
Keith Diaz Moore, PhD, is the Dean of the College of Architecture & Planning, and a Professor in the School of Architecture at the University of Utah. His research explores the intersection of culture and architecture, particularly the criticality of the environment for older adults and particularly those experiencing cognitive impairment. This work resides within the field of environmental gerontology and utilizes the Ecological Framework of Place. Keith’s work utilizes multiple methods and case studies and has been published in numerous venues.
Linda Edelman RN, PhD has experience in both basic science and clinical/nursing research. She received a Masters of Philosophy in Experimental Pathology at the University of Utah in 1993 where she specialized in molecular immunology. She then earned a BSN from the University of Utah College of Nursing in 1995. For the next 17 years she utilized her basic science and nursing backgrounds as the Research Coordinator for the University of Utah Burn Center. During that time she was involved with the design, conduct, and analysis of multidisciplinary clinical research studies pertaining to burn injuries.
Dr. Edelman is a 2010 John A. Hartford and Atlantic Philanthropies Claire M. Fagin Fellow. Her research focuses on injuries occurring to older adults living in rural areas and the triage of injured rural and urban older adults to trauma care. She is Program Director of two HRSA workforce development grants: the Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program which integrates geriatrics and primary care training in Long-Term Care settings and the Nursing Education, Practice, Qualitymetric and Retention Program which seeks to improve the capacity and competencies of primary care nurses working in rural and underserved Utah.
Rob EnceRob Ence is the Executive Director of the Utah Commission on Aging which connects research, public policy, and community resources on behalf of older adults. He also manages the Bateman Horne Center, a non-profit clinic and research practice specializing in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and other post-viral syndromes. Previously Ence was the West Regional Vice President for AARP after serving nearly a decade AARP Utah State Director. His other career work includes Planned Parenthood of Utah and the Midtown Community Health Center, Sage Creek Apparel, work in the financial services industry and Marriott Corporation. Ence has an MBA and BA Psychology from the University of Utah. He has lectured frequently on advance care planning, financial security, and older adult issues and has served on several boards of directors including Comagine Health Utah, Envision Utah, Alzheimer’s Association Utah, Community Counseling Center, and Repertory Dance Theater. Ence resides with Liz, his spouse and best friend of 46 years, in Salt Lake City, Utah. They have four children and sixteen grandchildren. Exercising outdoors and travel complement their love of theater, opera, symphony, and dance (with an occasional football and basketball game thrown in). They co-lead a 70-voice choir. Ence also sings with the Oratorio Society of Utah.
Associate Professor, College of Nursing University of Utah Regional Expert: Age Friendly Campuses
Dr. Timothy W. Farrell is Professor of Medicine and Geriatrics Division Associate Chief for Age-Friendly Care at the University of Utah School of Medicine. He is also a Physician Investigator at the VA Salt Lake City Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center (GRECC) and Director of the University of Utah Health Interprofessional Education Program. Dr. Farrell received his A.B. in philosophy from Dartmouth College and his M.D. from the University of Massachusetts Medical School, followed by family medicine residency and geriatric medicine fellowship training at Brown University. He is a prior recipient of a HRSA Geriatric Academic Career Award and is a co-investigator on the HRSA-funded University of Utah Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program. He was a 2016-17 Leadership Scholar in the Tideswell Emerging Leaders in Aging Program and is Chair of the American Geriatrics Society (AGS) Ethics Committee. Dr. Farrell served as the lead author on the 2020 AGS position statement, “Resource Allocation Strategies and Age-Related Considerations in the COVID-19 Era and Beyond,” and represented the AGS in providing COVID vaccine allocation guidance to the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine and to CDC. He also serves as Co-Chair of the AGS Intersection of Structural Racism and Ageism Writing Group. His research interests include transitions of care, interprofessional education and practice, unbefriended older adults, and medical ethics.
of Medicine, University of Utah Regional Expert: Age Friendly Health Associate Professor, Human Development & Family Studies, Utah State University Regional Expert: Age Friendly Campuses
Beth (Elizabeth) Fauth received her BS degree in Psychology at Syracuse University and her MS and PhD in Human Development at Penn State University. She is currently a professor in the Human Development and Family Studies at Utah State University. Beth teaches undergraduate and graduate classes in gerontology, research methods, and is the coordinator of the graduate program in HDFS. She conducts research on the integration between well-being and social support and the transition into needing assistance in late life. She also conducts research on stress and well-being in family caregivers of persons with dementia, evaluates psychoeducational interventions for dementia caregivers, and the impact of staff interactions on emotion and engagement in dementia care settings. She also works on mental health prevention in other at-risk adult populations. Beth has received awards for excellence in teaching, research, and service, and is a Fellow of the Gerontological Society of America.
Beth integrates human connection not only in work, but also in her hobbies: socializing, cooking, dinner parties, book clubs, and a love for human interest stories are just a few of her favorite pursuits. In her spare time she enjoys camping, hiking and experiencing the outdoors with her family.
Dr. Katarina Friberg Felsted is an Associate Professor in the Gerontology Interdisciplinary Program in the College of Nursing at the University of Utah, and holds a PhD in Nursing Research as well as an MS in Gerontology. Dr. Felsted is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor in Health-Kinesiology-Recreation in the College of Health. In 2020, Dr. Felsted, in collaboration with Dr. Jackie Eaton, received one of four seed grants from GSA-AGHE, funded by AARP, to promote Age Friendly University principles on campus and in the Incommunity.2019,Dr. Felsted was awarded the Rising Star Early Career Faculty Award from the Gerontological Society of America’s Academy of Gerontology in Higher Education. She was also named one of the Nursing Alumni Scholar ‘19 List of People Shaping the Nursing Profession by the College of Nursing Alumni Association and Jonas/Veteran Healthcare Scholars.
In 2018, Katarina was appointed the Faculty Fellow of the Utah Geriatric Education Network (UGEC), of the Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP). Katarina has a strong commitment to excellence in teaching in higher education, and has earned her Higher Education Teaching Specialist designation through the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence at the University of Utah.
CEO, University of Utah Health Dean, School of Medicine, University of Utah Senior Vice Presidet, Health Sicences
Dr. Michael L. Good is the CEO of University of Utah Health, the Dean of the University of Utah School of Medicine, and the Senior Vice President of Health Sciences. As the only academic medical center in Utah, the health system is an anchor in the community and provides world-class health care, research, education and service to the state, region, and nation.
In these positions, Dr. Good works to assure the professional and educational success of more than 20,000 talented faculty, staff and students who make University of Utah Health (U of U Health) one of the nation’s premier centers of academic health sciences. With an annual budget of $3.6 billion (FY17), U of U Health is a highly advanced university health system. The faculty practice and students learn among sixteen hospitals and community clinics; a 1,400-member University of Utah Medical Group; a highly-ranked, $356 million (FY18) research enterprise encompassing six schools and colleges, including the Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, Colleges of Health, Nursing, and Pharmacy and the Eccles Health Sciences Library; a 200,000-member health plan; one of the nation’s largest reference laboratories, ARUP Laboratories; and numerous institutes and centers reflecting interdisciplinary, professional expertise in over 200 specialties. With humble origins dating back to 1905, the foundational collaborative legacy of U of U Health is driving its trajectory forward as a highly innovative and integrated health care delivery, research, education, and service organization that is serving as a model for the nation.
Greer is an affiliate member of the University of Utah Center on Aging, and a peer reviewer for journals including Health Environments Research & Design Journal and the Gerontologist. She teaches design studios and seminars at the undergraduate and graduate AssistantValerielevel.GreerProfessor,
Nels DivisionHolmgrenDirector,Adult & Aging Expert: Age Friendly Health contribute to conversations and planning for age friendly communities. The following ideas in support of age friendly futures were by student teams in response to the Koi Pond Student Ideas Competition. be posted on the symposium
Valerie Greer is an architect whose experience in practice has focused on the design of complex building types, including internationally award-winning airports, laboratories and hospitals. As a licensed practitioner, Greer is committed to being actively involved from early phases of design through the close of construction on projects, working with cross disciplinary teams to translate ideas, concepts and needs into built environments. Drawing from her background in practice, Greer focuses on health environments, resilient places and aging in her research. Greer’s experience bridging between academics and practice has uniquely positioned her to build innovative disciplinary collaborations. She has created workshops and on-site learning opportunities for students who are interested in health environments and design, with topics ranging from mental health to aging. Additionally, she has served as an advocate for women and emerging professionals in design.
Nels Holmgren is the Director of the Division of Aging and Adult Services at the State of Utah, which oversees programs mandated by the Older Americans Act to promote healthy and secure lifestyles for Utah’s growing senior population. Working with local partners, the Area Agencies on Aging, and other interested parties in the Aging network, the Division provides critical services to empower Utah’s seniors to remain independent in their own homes. Additionally, the Division oversees Utah’s Adult Protective Services which investigates cases of abuse, neglect, and exploitation among Utah’s seniors and vulnerable adults, and works to resolve protective needs.
Cynthia Beynon
Assistant Professor
Annie Taylor Dee School of Nursing Weber State Brown
Professor of Law
S.J. Quinney College of Law, University of Utah Jorie Butler
Keith Diaz Moore Dean & Professor College of Architecture & Planning University of Utah Jackie Eaton Associate Professor College of Nursing University of Utah
Nels Holmgren
InterdisciplinaryGraduateAshleyUniversityDepartmentProfessorofPsychologyofUtahCadizStudentGerontology Program
University of Utah
Sarah Canham
Associate Professor College of Social Work College of Architecture & Planning University of Utah
Kara Dean,CollegeAssociateDasselProfessorofNursingInterdisciplinary
Gerontology Program University of Utah
Tim DivisionProfessorFarrellAssociate Chief, Age Friendly Care School of
Division Director Adult & Aging Services State of & Planning Director, HARP Lab University of Utah Paul Leggett Division Director
Adult & Aging Services
Salt Lake County Alan Ormsby State Director
Associate Professor College of Nursing University of Utah
AARP HeatherUtah Podolan Academic Program Manager Center on Aging University of Utah Angela Romero
State Representative, District 26 Utah House of Representatives
Corinna Tanner Assistant Professor College of Nursing
The goal of the Koi Pond student competition is to encourage students to identify a current aging issue they see within their neighborhoods, campuses or health environments, and to generate ideas on how to address that issue. Teams of 2-4 students created short videos to pitch their ideas which can be viewed on the symposium website. Prizes will be awarded at the symposium in the following categories.
Why is it called a Koi Pond Competition? You’ve heard of the television show, Shark Tank, where budding entrepreneurs showcase their business ideas and compete for funding. We wanted to do something similar focused on creative ideas and solutions to aging issues. At 226 years old, koi Hanako was the oldest koi fish ever recorded and longest living freshwater fish to ever exist on record making Koi Pond the perfect name for this age related competition.
Thank you to an interdisciplinary group of faculty who served as judges of the videos and provided feedback to student teams.
Assistant Professor, College of Nursing University of Utah
Leslie Francis
Alfred C. Emery Professor, College of Law Professor, College of Humanities University of Utah
Ashley Cadiz Graduate student, Gerontology Interdisciplinary Program, University of Utah
Natalie Caylor BS ‘22, Health, Society & Policy, & Sociology, University of Utah
Colleen UndergraduateDinkelstudent, Social Work, focus on Native American studies, University of Utah
Kayla GraduateDuncanstudent,Gerontology Interdisciplinary, University of Utah
Ryleigh UndergraduateHertzbergstudent,Nursing & Business, University of Utah
Tegan DoctorateSprangrudestudent,Nursing
Practice in Family Primary Care, University of Utah
Thank you to Terry generosity the Koi Pond Competition.
Special thanks to Megan McClure, Christopher Hernandez, Harper VanderHoek, Jacquie Telonidis, Sophie Bellina, Ana Belemonte. Facilitation by Alece