EHTHS Key Chain (XVI, 10)

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Volume XVI, Issue 10| November 29, 2011

THE KEY CHAIN The Official Newsletter of the Egg Harbor Township High School Key Club

Being a Lieutenant Governor

Read Cecilia Kang’s inspirational story.

Page 6

Induction Dinner

An official ―welcome‖ dinner for new Key Clubbers this year. Page 3

Project Project Showcase Showcase Last year’s Generosity Rocks—find out what it’s all about.

Page 2


Volume XVI, Issue 10 | November 29, 2011

Project showcase



side from the annual talent show held in our school, the Egg Harbor Township High School’s Key Club is hosting a similar event called Project Showcase. Instead of raising money for the club, the profits gained from Project Showcase will be donated to the ELIMINATE Project to aid them in their cause. Project Showcase is a divisional event ran by our Division One Lieutenant Governor, Cecilia Kang. Each of the ten schools in Division One will bring two of their best performances to this

Where: Location TBA Time: 6 pm - 8pm

event and every solo/group performance will use the best of their ability to show the judges, as well as the audience, why they deserve to win. Unlike Generosity Rocks, which was the name for this event last year, Project Showcase does not only accept vocal/instrumental musical performances, but it also accepts all kinds of appropriate talents such as dancing, magic, and so on.

orchestra Dominic Scalfaro, teacher Pamela Barnes, and teacher Brittaney Lauren Thomas. Come out and support EHTHS’s performers as well as meet other Key Clubbers like you in the large Division One on Wednesday, December 7, 2011 from 6pm to 8pm. Admission is only $5! Remember that those $5 can save two mothers and their babies from suffering the effects of MNT! 

The guest judges who will be critiquing each of the performances will be: pianist Alexander Bui, teacher and advisor of the EHTHS band/

Bonjour, Key Clubbers!

Induction dinner was fun, right guys? I had a blast and I want to thank you all for I hope that you are all doing well and that singing “Happy Birthday” to me! Inducyou had a nice Thanksgiving! It’s getting tion dinner was a great way for me to close to December and you know what spend my 16th birthday! Thank you once that means! Holiday Circle! I’m a little again for all the birthday wishes. upset that I won’t be there this year because of Key Leader. Take pictures for Anyway, Project Showcase is coming up! me! Come out and support our EHTHS performers and meet other people from this Division! Can’t wait to see you there! In Caring, Love, and Service, Valerie Wong EHTHS Key Club Bulletin Editor

editor’s bulletin 2

When: Wednesday, December 7, 2011

BY VALERIE WONG Bulletin Editor

Table of Contents

Project Showcase

Page 2

Editor’s Bulletin

Page 2

Induction Dinner Recap

Page 3

Club T-Shirts

Page 3

Picture of the Month

Page 3


Page 4

Holiday Circle

Page 4

EHT Clean-Up

Page 5

Lieutenant Governor

Page 6

Bulletin Board

Page 7


Page 8


To start off the dinner, Cecilia Kang sang the National Anthem and moved many people with her touching speech about her experience as the Lieutenant Governor of Division One. The food this year was provided by Rosa Gotta, a private caterer. After everyone filled their tummy with the delicious food, it was

time for the performances. The performances were pretty awesome: Tiffany Luong and Allie Horn sang and played the guitar respectively to Sunday Morning by Maroon 5; Edward Lin played a serenading piece called Meditation of Thais by Jules Massenet on the violin; and Paolo Dedios, who sang, Hai Le, who played the piano, and Marlou Villaluna, who played the guitar, performed Just the Way You Are by Bruno Mars. After their performance, Hai, Paolo, and Marlou called out Amanda Auble, Daniel Chen and Valerie Wong to sing Happy Birthday to them since they were spending their birthdays at Induction Dinner. It was the cutest thing ever. All in all, it was fun to dress up and take tons of pictures while spending a Friday night with all the Key Clubbers. 

Induction Dinner


his year on November 18, many fellow Key Clubbers gathered in the Egg Harbor Township High School’s cafeteria for EHTHS Key Club’s Annual Induction Dinner. Induction dinner is essentially what its name is; new members get officially inducted into Key Club. The cafeteria was decorated with many masqueradethemed embellishments which made it seem like it was an actual masquerade.

Volume XVI, Issue 10| November 29, 2011

Edward Lin performing Meditation of Thais by Jules Massenet on the violin at Induction Dinner.

BY TINA CHEN General Member Thank you to the Social Committee Chairs Suzanna Marrero and Solmaaz Houtan for organizing this event! You guys did an amazing job and it was a great success! Thank you once again!

Picture of the Month Key Clubber Tyler Campbell dances with another Key Clubber Sarah Hendrixson who is diagnosed with Down Syndrome. Sarah also won Homecoming Queen this year. Sometimes, something as simple as just dancing with someone with a disability can change their lives and

inspire many others to take part in a movement. Key Club is all about helping others, and even though this may seem simple, Tyler helped Sarah have a great time at her first and last Key Club Induction Dinner during her senior year.

EHTHS Key Club T-Shirt Design

Congratulations to Kelly Tran for winning the t-shirt designing contest! Front: KEEP FRESH AND CARE ON Back: EHTHS Key Club / NJ Division One / *New Jersey Tomatoes may not contain real tomatoes but handle with care anyway. Order yours today at



Volume XVI, Issue 10 | November 29, 2011

What would you do to save your kids?


he ELIMINATE Project is a cause started by the collaboration of Kiwanis International and UNICEF. ELIMINATE is an international project with a goal of eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus. This disease takes the lives of 60,000 babies a year. After their birth, the child is extremely sensitive to light and touch and suffers from convulsions. Even though MNT cannot be wiped off the face of the Earth because it is found in the soil, it can be prevented by just three vaccinations which costs only $1.80.


s many of you may know, Major Emphasis’s motto is “Children: Their future, our focus”, and we aim to ensure that children grow up knowing that they are cared about and have fun, safe activities in which they can partici-


The New Jersey District of Key Club International hopes to raise $79,180.38 by the end of the service year. Each of the numbers represents a statistic. The United States plans to raise over $110 million for ELIMINATE. Although it will be hard, we can help eliminate MNT with the help of Key Clubbers and the members of Kiwanis International.  BY CYNTHIA THURAIRAJAH IP Committee Chair

pate. The Major Emphasis Committee’s biggest project throughout the year is probably Holiday Circle, which is taking place on Saturday, December 10th this year. Holiday Circle is an event where Key Clubbers go to the Davenport Elementary School to help out with the activities that we have planned for the 3rd graders in that school. We do tons of activities, including arts and crafts, ornament making, “pin the tail on the reindeer”, holiday musical chairs, the limbo, pictures with Santa, and many more! Oh, and of


$79,180.38 7 9 180 38

We are committed 7 days a week to help the ELIMINATE Project. One baby’s life is taken by MNT every 9 minutes.

It costs $1.80 for the immunization of the mother and her babies. The ELIMINATE Project helps 38 countries throughout the world.

course there is snack time! Holiday Circle is a great way to spend your Saturday morning and get you extremely into the holiday spirit! Seeing the children’s smiling faces as you help them stick glitter onto the picture they just colored, as they make a special ornament, or as they get their individual picture taken with Santa Claus, gives you the rewarding feeling for which everyone joins and sticks with this club. So, come out on Saturday, December 10th, and get into the holiday spirit the best way a Key Clubber knows how...service! 

Sign-up to help out at Holiday Circle this year! Spots are limited so remember to head to Mr. Stevenson’s door at E117 to sign-up! Also, remember to dress accordingly; wear green and red, put on your Santa hat, and anything else that will bring the Christmas spirit into Holiday Circle. Have fun and behave! You’re a Key Clubber and the kids there will look up to you. Smile!

BY LOUIS PERA Major Emphasis Committee Chair

It’s the greatest time of year!—Holiday Circle 2011



Volume XVI, Issue 10 | November 29, 2011

Getting down and the Egg Harbor Twp. Historical Society

assing by that old red house right across from my bus stop, I always thought that it was some creepy hermit’s house. However after helping the community landscape the vegetation invested garden, I eventually learned what an amazing place it is. The main purpose of the project was to bring some new life to the old Egg Harbor Twp Museum. Key Clubbers cleared away the wild vines

In two different perspectives: one of a Key Clubber and one of an actual member of Catawba

am part of the Alder Avenue Middle School’s Catawba Club. On November 19, 2011, I went to the EHT Historical Society to help plant native trees and shrubs. We had heavy machinery such as bulldozers and tractors. I believe that if we keep up with what we did on the 19th, we can get the whole garden done within a year.


and thorny bushes to put in some nicer garden plants and to build a parking lot in which people can park cars and visit the amazing museum. Using axes, hoes, rakes, and gloved hands, we eventually cleared out the ugly plants and brought the community a more appealing place for to explore the history of EHT.  BY PAK CHAU General Member

trees for the visitors. We also mapped out the environment and planned out where to put things. This was a fun, environmental, and educational experience for us.

I hope that next year, there will even more people there. There were quite a lot of people there: EHTHS Key Clubbers, Historical Society employees, teachers, moms, dads, 5th and 7th GradMy fellow students and I are in Mr. ers, and my fellow 6th graders. I cannot Jones’s class, who runs Catawba, and we thank all of them enough.  have been preparing for a week for this BY CURTIS WONG day. We were all put in groups with laptops and did reports on flowers and Member of AAMS Catawba/ shrubs to make a guide of flowers and Future Key Clubber

Key Clubber Survey!

Outside of Key Club: Treasurer Kim Peng, Bulletin Editor Valerie Wong, and Absegami’s Emily Chau made pies and Thanksgiving dinner for Kim’s first Thanksgiving.


of Key Clubbers stayed in New Jersey for Thanksgiving Weekend

The EHTHS’s Drama Club will be performing Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol from December 8-11, 2011. Come out and support them in their final production after all the hard work they did planning and practicing.



Volume XVI, Issue 10 | November 29, 2011

Everyday she’s Key Clubbin’ The incredible life-changing experience that Cecilia Kang had just from making one very important decision—running for the Lieutenant Governor of Division One.


eing lieutenant governor has helped me discover so much about not only Key Club, community, and leadership but also myself. The job of a lieutenant governor is definitely not easy; however, it is definitely worthwhile. As a member of the New Jersey District Board, I have been able to meet and befriend some of the most amazing people from not only all over New Jersey but also all over the United States. I’ve become so close with other district officers from California, Indiana, Delaware, and Maryland (just to name a few). And those officers are now some of my best friends.

just the organization, the friendships, and the memories but also its message—its purpose. Key Club is about helping others and serving the children of the world. I have learned so much as lieutenant governor, and I know that I still have so much to learn these next four months.

responsibility and work, but if you are truly dedicated and up for the job, by all means, I encourage you to run.

Whether you’re a general member or a club officer, it doesn’t matter. It is not the experience but rather the dedication and passion that really matter. If you want So to those of you who are something, go for it. It’s interested in running for better to say “oh well” than lieutenant governor of the to ask “what if?” Take a 2012-2013 service year: I chance and give it your all; encourage and support you but only if you are truly 100%. But please don’t ready to take on the tasks overlook the responsibilithat you will be given for a ties of a lieutenant goverwhole year. For those of nor. Be prepared to dediyou who are still interested cate hours of work to agen- in running, know that even das, meetings, newsletters, if you are not elected, you report forms, club visitaare still encouraged to run tions, phone calls, event for leadership positions These past eight months as planning, and much more. right here in your very own a lieutenant governor have I know that as a lieutenant club. You have so many taught me a lot about regovernor, I had to sacrifice options and opportunities; spect, leadership, and uncountless hours of sleep to take full advantage of them. derstanding. Key Club may complete my work for be a community service school and Key Club. The In four very short months, a new lieutenant governor organization, but it is also job of a lieutenant goveran organization that nor is extremely important will be inducted at the 2012 District Convention. teaches its students impor- and should not be taken tant lessons and values that lightly because you will be I hope that I will be able to teenagers today will carry the liaison in your division pin one of you EHT Key Clubbers on the Sunday for the rest of their lives. I and district. Lieutenant have fallen in love with not governors are given a lot of morning of DCON. I wish you all the best of luck! 



Volume XVI, Issue 10| November 29, 2011

Join us online! Search EHTHS Key Club and request to join. Also, “like” the page New Jersey District of Key Club International. The Key Chain: - The Kang Key: - The Jersey Key: - EHTHS Key Club - site/ehthskc NJ District Key Club - Key Club International -

Until Next Time..

World AIDS Day—December 1

Project Showcase—December 7

A Christmas Carol—December 8-11

ELIMINATE Week—December 4-10

Holiday Circle—December 10

Picture of

the Month

see page




Volume XVI, Issue 10| November 29, 2011


Contact Your Officers! Jessica Fung President (609) 287-8806,

Project Showcase is on December 7, 2011 from 6-8pm! Admission is only $5! Come out and support the EHTHS performers! Location is TBA.

Holiday Circle is on December 10, 2011. Go sign–up to participate in this event!

Remember to sign-up for projects outside of Mr. Stevenson’s door at E117! Please make sure that you show up at the project. If not, contact Recording Secretary April Serrano! Also, remember that you represent Key Club, so be on your best behavior!

Brian He Vice President (609) 287-4887, Michelle Chen Corresponding Secretary (973) 820-3996, April Serrano Recording Secretary (973) 873-3482, Kim Peng Treasurer (609) 513-6591, Valerie Wong Bulletin Editor (609) 742-3868, Nafis Nibir Webmaster (609) 626-1388, Bryan Williamson Sergeant-at-Arms (609) 385-7113,

Next General Meeting

December 13, 2011

Cecilia Kang Division One Lieutenant Governor (609) 204-6369,

Next OCC Meeting

Andre Rosario District Bulletin Editor (609) 214-7427,

December 6, 2011

“Caring—Our Way of Life” 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 • 317.875.8755 • US AND CANADA: 800-KIWANIS


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