Page 2 • Valley Bugler • January 2015
From the Editor’s Desk
Many of you have probably seen the big ad on the back? The one that says the Valley Bugler is for sale? Yes - it’s true. Being away from the area and running things remotely from Seattle is tough. Not just for me, but for everyone involved. Especially with my daughter, Chloe, having some severe health issues. My fantastic columnists are still local. Our delivery super-woman is still local. All the area stories, events and information you find within these pages is still local. But something inside of me is pulling to have someone LOCAL own this publication, too. Maybe you or someone you know is looking for a business opportunity that is proven to make good income, and they would like to work for themselves. I’m not going to beat around the bush, though. It’s a steep learning curve for the first year! Especially if you’ve never done this type of thing before. If you’ve been in sales and marketing, then you’ve got one BIG step up on someone who hasn’t. When I started, my training in this industry was: ZERO. My sales knowledge was: ZERO. My publishing knowledge was: ZERO. That’s right, I pretty much jumped in with both feet and learned as I went. The first six months were insane for me, but then evened out well. ☺ It has been an amazing experience, and learned even more throughout the past seven years of ownership. I found out I loved publishing info about our awesome community.
Since it’s tough to learn the publishing side of things, if the new owner would prefer for me to stay on as publisher while they get the feel of things on the sales and business management side, then I’m all for it. Really, terms and an agreement can certainly be reached. As you’re rattling this around in your noggin’, the type of person who will succeed in this industry is someone who is: • well versed in business. • enjoys people and truly loves building and taking care of new relationships. • is relatively organized and doesn’t mind making lots and lots of phone calls and business appointments. • is open to taking the suggestions of this old veteran. And, if you or the person you know has only a few of the above skills, the most important would be the organization and friendliness. Honestly, that’s all I had when I started. Candy Richey, previous owner, gave me invaluable training and advice, which I heeded. She also gave me phone support (since she moved away), which I utilized those first few months of business. The valuable part of this business is that it is well established, has a great reputation in the community, and is running a solid income each month, with residual income from some totally awesome clients. But be careful, the clients are sure to become friends, and that is the one thing about selling this business that absolutely will break my heart, and has been very hard living in Seattle. I
Publication Information Valley Bugler, LLC
Longview, WA (360)414-1246 eMail:
Editor/Publisher................................Michelle Myre Cover Design / Web Mngr.............omOriginals Marketing! (360)575-9839 Distribution.........................................Diana Jones Advertising Sales.............................Michelle Myre Columnists.........................................Listed below Paddy Burrow - Fruits & Nuts Georgia Butterfield - Adorable Adoptee Georgia Cox - Castle Rock Seniors Bill Eagle - Eagle’s Eye Ray Miles - Shop Talk Oscar Myre IV - Geek Speak Blake Peterson - Movie Reviews /valleybuglernewspaper Jeff Petersen - Peacemaking Lawyer PeaceHealth - Living Well Laurrie Piland - Baked Lava Pat Nelson - Window to Woodland **The Valley Bugler newspaper publishes content supplied from the above columnists, and is not responsible for factual mistakes or anything other than the occasional spelling error. The Valley Bugler does not endorse views expressed, but retains a neutral stance on all issues presented.**
EMAIL: EDITOR@VALLEYBUGLER.COM miss my clients, my friends. They are what keeps this community paper alive, and have truly supported this community throughout the years. They are my friends and I only met them because of this lovely paper business. To those of you that this applies - I miss you and want to send you a big hug and smile from afar. So this January, as people consider making things fresh and new in their life, maybe owning the Valley Bugler would be one of those steps towards achieving a personal freedom or growth that you hadn’t con-
sidered before. I’m available to chat with those who want to learn more. Or shoot me an eMail: And....Happy New Year! May it be a wonderful start of a beautiful year for you all. Please enjoy this issue and all the fun pages within! Until next month!
Michelle Myre Editor + Pub
January 2015 • Valley Bugler • Page 3
Y2Y Fun Run / Walk
Get ready to greet the New Year in healthy style!
King day of service = Jan.19th January 19, 2015 will mark the 31st anniversary of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. federal holiday. This milestone is a perfect opportunity for Americans to honor Dr. King’s legacy through service. The MLK Day of Service empowers individuals, strengthens communities, bridges barriers, creates solutions to social problems, and moves us closer to Dr. King’s vision of a beloved community. On January 19, we observe the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr (Born on January 15th, 1929). King was the chief spokesman for nonviolent activism in the civil rights movement. He successfully protested discrimination in federal and state laws. He also recognized the power of service to strengthen communities and achieve common goals. In honor of King’s memory, the National Martin Luther King Day of Service was started by Pennsylvania Senator Harris Wofford and Atlanta Congressman John Lewis, who coauthored the King Holiday and Service Act. The federal legislation was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on August 23, 1994. The goal of the Act honoring King is to make the holiday a day when people of all ages and backgrounds come together to improve lives, bridge social barriers, and move our nation closer to the “Beloved Community” that King envisioned. As reported at, the confluence of the 57th Presidential Inauguration and the 2013 Martin Luther King Day holiday resulted in a historic level of service and citizen engagement across the country. As the federal agency that leads the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, CNCS worked closely with the Presidential Inaugural Committee to make the President’s National Day of Service and MLK Day into a Weekend of Service. The result: Americans in all 50 states came together to make a difference. They delivered meals, refurbished homes and schools, collected food and clothing, signed up mentors,
promoted nonviolence, supported veterans and military families, and much more. Americans made it “a day on, not a day off”, making a fantastic impact on the community surrounding them. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: ‘What are you doing for others?’” Each year, Americans across the country are working to answer that question by coming together on the national holiday to serve each other. One example in our local community is the AmeriCorps new documentary they are making. (Read it on p.5) In honor of the amazing gifts that Dr. King gave our nation, try these creative ways to help children understand and celebrate his vision of hope and sense of humanity. 1. Celebrate Martin Luther King’s ability to help people appreciate diversity by having a unique cultural dinner. Try different foods from different countries, and play some music from different regions of the world. It doesn’t need to be hard, and it only takes a few moments to think up some fun variations. Have kids choose! 2. Have kids take white paper plates, trace their hands on a few of them, then color each hand a different color. Representing the idea that Dr. King helped us to consider joining hands with people of all colors as they marched for freedom. Punch holes in the top and string them along a display string. Add your hand in the there, too. 3. Choose a service activity. This day is widely held by millions across the country as an opportunity to serve others. Look outside your “usual” activities and find something that stretches your boundaries. It may even be something closer to home, such as raking a neighbors lawn, or bringing dinner to someone you don’t know very well. Whatever the choice, keep in mind the Day of Service doesn’t need to only one day out of the year, but can extend to many, many more days as well. You might find that you and your family enjoy it!
Cowlitz Valley Runners invite everybody to greet the year in ‘healthy style’ by joining in the Year 2 Year Fun Run / Walk event on (of course) December 31st! Starting at 9:30pm on the 31st and lasting through Thursday, January 1st, event goers are invited to bring their special noisemakers and reflective athletic gear AND flashlights! The course is flat and fast, with the fun run/walk starting at the Youth & Family Link building and heading down Douglas towards 7th Ave. Traveling along 7th Ave, it will then turn left onto Washington Way, then left again onto Vandercook. Vandercook will turn into 14th, and then follow 14th back to Douglas. Immediately following there will be prizes and refreshments available as we ring in the New year together in healthy style. Be sure to hydrate properly and
bring your “warmer” gear than you normally would, especially if it is snowing or very cold that night. This is a family friendly event. Race Registration Information: Online: Type in Year 2 Year Longview Adult w/Sweatshirt - $43.00 Youth w/Sweatshirt - $39.00 Advanced Registration for 11+ $12.00, and 10 and under $7.00. (Advanced registration ends December 30th). Sweatshirt Only $35.00 Donations accepted towards SAFE Family Ministries and Youth & Family LINK program. Youth & Family Link Gym 907 Douglas Street Longview, WA 98632
Page 4 • Valley Bugler • January 2015
Bell Ringing By Bill Eagle Valley Bugler Columnist It’s a new year, and December is no more. Most people have put away their Christmas decorations, exchanged unwanted or wrong sized presents and started paying on their December Bills. One of the things my wife and I do during the Christmas season is volunteer to ring bells for the Salvation Army. Our Kiwanis Club serves as
our communities “Kettle Coordinator.” Last month, I experienced something really wonderful. I stood in front of our local Safeway store with my red kettle ringing a bell. I put on a big smile and people would stop by and drop in some of their spare change. I‘d wish them a “Merry Christmas” or a “Happy Holidays” and they would leave and go about their shopping. A few people
would stop and chat for a moment or two with me and then move on. I would wish them well and continue to ring my bell. A mother with three children stopped by my kettle. She reached into her purse and handed them some change. Each child walked up and carefully placed their coins into my Salvation Army pot. Her last child appeared to be about 11 or 12 years old. He looked up at me and smiled. “My name is Braden, would it be okay for me to ring a bell?” “Sure” I replied. “I just happen to have an extra bell in my pocket. Go for it!” His grin widened when I took a bell out of my pocket and handed it to him. …And that’s when things started to change. Braden started ringing his
bell, and as he rang he confronted a man walking into the store. “How about giving some money to the Salvation Army? All the money we collect goes to help poor people in our community.” The man reached into his wallet and stuffed some dollars into our red Salvation Army pot. “God Bless you,” said Braden, “have a wonderful Christmas and a very Merry Holiday season.” We rang some more and Braden greeted everyone who either entered or left the store. “Give some money to the Salvation Army” Braden would proclaim. “They help all of us and they feed hungry families.” Almost everyone that Braden approached put money in the pot. A few people smiled and apologized to him and told him that they didn’t have anything. Braden would smile and wish them all a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday season. Braden’s mother, brother and sister came out of the store. “Come on Braden, if we get home early enough, we’ll still have time to ride the horses.” “No thanks mom.” Braden replied. “I’d rather do Charity work. We’re collecting money to help people who need help.” His mother smiled and told Braden that she would come back for him in about an hour. Where I collected pennies, Braden was collecting dollars, I saw some tens and twenties go into our pot. His mother finally came to take him home. I thanked them both. Braden shared a big cheesy grin. “I’ll be back tomorrow. I like helping. I feel good when I do good.” “We all do.” I replied. “It says in big letters right above our red kettle “sharing is caring.” Thank you for caring enough to share your time with us.” Bill Eagle loves letters and he also appreciates the comments of others. Feel free to eMail him at:
Taxi Driver in Heaven A priest and a taxi driver both died and went to heaven. St. Peter was at the Pearly gates waiting for them. ‘Come with me’, said St. Peter to the taxi driver. The taxi driver did as he was told and followed St. Peter to a mansion. It had anything you could imagine from a bowling alley to an olympic size pool. ‘Wow, thank you’, said the taxi driver. Next, St. Peter led the priest to a rugged old shack with a bunk bed and a little old television set. ‘Wait, I think you are a little mixed up’, said the priest. ‘Shouldn’t I be the one who gets the mansion? After all I was a priest, went to church every day, and preached God’s word.’ ‘Yes, that’s true. But during your sermons people slept. When the taxi driver drove, everyone prayed.’
January 2015 • Valley Bugler • Page 5
FREE Events & Activities by ARC Beach Art Lego club For Children with disabilities and siblings 5 and up. Open for using the sensory room, play with Lego’s and socialize; Parents or caregivers are asked to stay and participate. Call the Arc at Cowlitz County to register call 360-425-5494 or email Lego club is free. January 11th, 2015 from 1pm to 3pm, held by the Arc at Lifeworks. 906 New York St. Longview Autism 201 series The state of Autism in 2015, for parents and caregivers of children with autism who wish to better understand this disorder. Faculty from Seattle Children’s Hospital, The University of Washington and community providers teach the class. This is a free video and teleconference outreach program. Instructors Raphael Bernier, PH.D. & Jim Mancini MS, CCC-SLP. Call the Arc at Cowlitz County to register 360- 425-5494 or email January 15th, 2015 from 7pm to
8:30pm, held at the Longview Child and Adolescent clinic 971 11th Ave, Longview Pizza and Pictures For middle school and high school ages. Strike a pose with the Buddy Club and join us for an afternoon of pizza and photo shoot fun! We have props and backgrounds to pose with, games and music and friends. This event is free. For more information contact Madi at 360-577-9093 ext. 2233. January 17th, 2015 from 1pm to 3pm, held at Youth and Family Link Gym 907 Douglas St., Longview
Transition Series workshop Special Education Professional Panel; for parents, caregivers and teachers of children in the school system on IEP’s. This is your chance to hear from others in the field and ask questions. Call the Arc at Cowlitz County to register 360- 425-5494 or email The workshop is free. January 28th, 2015 from 6pm to 8pm, held by the Arc at Lifeworks 906 New York St. Longview
Cowlitz AmeriCorps Highlands Documentary set for 1•19•15 Cowlitz AmeriCorps Network will be partnering with the Highlands Neighborhood Association on Martin Luther King Day, January 19, 2015 to record a documentary on life in the Highlands, then and now. Along with making the documentary, the Cowlitz AmeriCorps Network will be doing service projects in the Highlands; such as cleaning
walkways, doing finishing touches on the Community Center and various activities with the children of the Highlands. Come join us from 2 pm – 4 pm at 292 21st Ave., Longview, WA to help commemorate the Highland documentary and to allow the kids to make their own memories with their art work to be proudly hung outside and in.
By Michelle Myre Local Seaside resident, and selfproclaimed beach lover, Chrisopher Knox, is shown above with his latest ‘beach art’ in December. Being his third such creation, it is by no means the last. Knox humbly admits to being “very grouchy” early the
Local newlyweds, Jeff and Tasha Hamilton, from Longview, weren’t expecting to find much except the occasional seagull and sand dollar on the deserted Seaside Oregon beach for their December honeymoon. They were blessed with a beautiful creation of artwork from “just one simple man with a stick trying to change the world”. The story will inspire you. Photos by Jeff Hamilton of Eyesound Photography.
morning of this design and decided to do something about it. Instead of staying inside and stewing with a bad attitude, Knox took off in the early morning hours and hit the beach. “I decided that instead of being in a See BEACH ART, continued on p. 6
Page 6 • Valley Bugler • January 2015
By Ray Miles Valley Bugler Columnist I’ve been asked by several people lately about buying a used car, so thought I would espouse on that this month. First is to determine your price range, as that narrows the search right away. Then do a Craig’s List search for vehicles in that dollar area to see what is out there. Most people have a particular manufacturer they think is best, but I would suggest keeping an open mind when first starting your quest. Often times a model or make you haven’t considered will be available that may be the best purchase of all those being offered. After settling on maybe two or three as good possibilities, contact the seller to find out more about the vehicle. Such thing as miles on car, condition of body and power train, maintenance that has been done, whether the vehicle has been in an accident, or has a “rebuilt” title, and so forth are all good questions. Never take someone’s answers as correct without verifying their accuracy! After this exercise of narrowing your search, physically go and look at and drive the vehicle. It’s often a good idea to take someone else along not only as a second set of eyes, but also for their feedback on the many nuances that accompany buying a car. If you find one that looks like a good pick, then ask if you can take it to a shop of your choice to have it looked over. This is a step I can’t recommend enough! If the owner/ car dealer/seller won’t allow this, then get back into your ride and exit stage left; they are trying to hide something. Sellers may require a security deposit to let you take the rig, as well as a few dollars to inspect, but it is worth it as a good inspection will uncover
CR LIbrary Book Sale Friends of the Castle Rock Library will have a book sale at the library on Friday, January 16 from 11am to 6pm, and Saturday, January 17 from 10am to 3pm.
possible problems that would be impossible to detect otherwise. These problems may be small or large, but either way, you are now armed with knowledge to negotiate a better purchase price or to walk away from future problems down the road. We recently had a vehicle brought in for a pre-purchase inspection, an older Honda that was a text book vehicle. A walk-a– round revealed a number of things to the technician, oxidized paint, no significant dents and only a couple rock /door chips in the paint, obviously never wrecked. Tires roughly 75%, and a good push down on the bumpers front and rear revealed reasonably good shocks and struts; another plus. Looking inside, the upholstery was clean and not torn anywhere. Brake and gas pedal pads showed insignificant wear, an indication that the odometer was reading correct at 130k. Checking out the glove box, we found a stack of repair orders showing that the vehicle had had regular maintenance, as well as a recent tune up, timing belt replacement and brakes and calipers having been done in the past 30k miles. All good signs. After a few more checks to mark off on the sheet, as well as an emissions test, we declared the car to be an excellent purchase. The customer, armed with an estimate for muffler replacement, then was able to negotiate a fair price to purchase. Hope this helps on your next purchase. Happy Motoring, Ray
Square Dancing Classes Modern square dance lessons will be open to beginning dancers Wednesday, January 7 and 14, from
7:pm-8:30pm for 8 weeks. $4 per week. Square Dancing Schedule 2nd Friday and 4th Saturday Plus at 7:30pm, Mainstream with rounds at 8pm to 10pm. Craig Abercrombie, caller. Lonnie Sycks, Cuer. Meets at Kelso Senior Center, 106 NW 8th Ave, Kelso WA. More information, call 414-5855.
BEACH ART, continued from p.5 terrible mood, I was going to go make something beautiful for the City of Seaside,” explained Knox. Beautiful indeed! The artwork so impacted honeymooner Jeff Hamilton that he posted a few pictures on his Facebook page, and I saw the photos and asked him the story. Hamilton, running his own photography business, Eyesound Photography, jumped at the chance to share the art with Valley Bugler readers. “We were being given a tour of the new 3-bedroom suite on the 7th floor of the Worldmark, where we were staying. Stepping out onto the balcony, the first thing we saw was the artwork on the beach surrounding the turnaround. I posted a pic to Facebook immediately. It was a case of perfect timing for everything. Everyone was talking about how blown away they were by it’s beauty. It made it special for us since we were on our honeymoon, and got to see it from the perfect vantage point of the balcony,” said Hamilton. Beach artist, Christopher Knox has a lineage of artistic family, with such professions as Stained Glass artists, potters and interior designers. The
strong artistic bloodline stands out in his own beach art. Apart from vehicles sometimes running through the time-consuming creations, and the occasional beach walker rubbing out some parts, Knox is pleased and edified by his art. “This really brings me a lot of happiness,” he said. And to others maybe looking to get a stick and start some art of their own? “If it’s as simple as running a stick through the sand to change the world, then let’s go ahead and do it!” Knox enthusiastically responded. Knox assures me that there will be more winter beach creations, as well as the possibility of other seasonal art in differing locales. Perhaps getting married on the beach can now take place in a beautiful artistic design, or the start of a beach race can be decidedly marked in the sand by the hand and heart of Knox. Maybe commissioned work as well. Interested in learning when these “Winter Art” sessions will occur? Keep an eye out on the Valley Bugler Newspaper’s Facebook page, and up to date invitations will be posted by the artist himself.
Ray Miles is the owner of R & R Motors in Castle Rock, WA. Running the shop at R&R gives him plenty of experience. Give them a call if you need car help. 274-3141
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January 2015 • Valley Bugler • Page 7
Submitted by Georgia Cox JANUARY Events Every Monday: Our infamous Cinnamon Rolls and coffee will be served to the public from 10am to NOON. Suggested donation is only $1.50! Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday: Get that heart rate up and get healthy with the exercise classes from 9:30am to 10:30am! Facts show that exercise helps keep your body healthy and functioning as well as possible. Make it one of your New Year resolutions to come join us if you haven’t already! Every 1st & 3rd Tuesday: “Write your Life Story”, and will meet in the Center from 1:00pm - 3:00pm. Every Wednesday: CAP offers Nutrition Meals for Seniors at the Center at NOON. Suggested donation is $3.00, but PLEASE call #6362118 (by Monday) for reservations. *Paper Tole classes will be held from 1:00pm - 3:00pm. Every Thursday: Fun Quilting projects will take place from 12pm to 3pm and Pinochle games are played in the Center later at 7pm and is open to all who are interested, so bring your game! Every Friday: Lunches by res-
ervation only, will be served in the Center at NOON. Must Reserve by calling 274-7502 by Monday. Every Saturday: BINGO games are played from 1pm - 3pm, get ready to have some fun! SPECIAL EVENTS: Tuesday, January 13th: Our speaker this month will be Diane Craft, Canterbury Senior Community, who will speak on the topic “The Truth - The Whole Truth - Nothing But The Truth”, Supporting care givers that express their concern and guilt about lying to their family who has dimentia, beginning at 11:00am and followed by a potluck lunch at high NOON. It promises to be a very interesting topic of conversation. Thursday, January 15th: Commodities will be distributed from 10am - 1pm. Have a valid punch card. [Editors Note: Special thanks to the lovely Georgia Cox, for sending in this information each and every month like clockwork. Sometimes it gets misplaced in my mess of a desk, and I get to call her and chat with her about it instead. Always so kind and jovial, Georgia rises to the occasion without making me feel like a silly goof for misplaing it. When you happen to see her this month, please thank her as well. ☺]
If you’re in the midst of a long term predicament of some sort, perhaps the sheer weight of a whole new year ahead can seem overwhelming. How can you continue to endure when there’s seemingly no end in sight and no light at the end of the tunnel? Maybe you find yourself partnered with an incompatible person or trying to raise an unruly child. Maybe you’re caregiving for a person with a debilitating condition or employed by a person who is ungrateful or overbearing. You might feel invisible or unnecessary to the equation right there in your own home with members of your own household. If so, how do you face 2015 with a smile and some hope for your own survival? From personal experience, I have learned that life is meant to be lived only one day at a time! And here’s a thought... In Colossians 3:23 it says: ”Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.” This concept has reassured and comforted many a person grappling with a long-term situation. Along
with the very next part of scripture, which says: “Knowing that of the Lord you shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for you serve the Lord Christ.” Col. 3:24. So, evidently, when we patiently endure a trial of any sort, Jesus promises to reward us as though we are working directly for HIM. Be comforted, therefore, my friend, as you stand on the threshold of yet, another year. With His help and companionship, you can do this! Jesus, Himself, is the light at the end of your tunnel. You can confidently keep moving forward with your life knowing He, Himself will not only reward you for even giving a cup of cold water to a thirsty child, but will Himself, BE your reward! With Him as front and center, life is worth living and is, indeed do-able. Psalm 71:6 says: “By You I have been upheld from birth.” The same invisible hands that have held you thus far can be trusted to carry you into and through 2015. You will not only survive... with Jesus, you will THRIVE! Paddy Burrow invites your feedback. eMail her at: or call her at (360)751-5231
Page 8 • Valley Bugler • January 2015
Strange Veggies?
Perk up your palate with these tasty treats To your good health - simple New Year’s tips help with healthy aging Have you noticed that the numbers in the phone book seem to be getting smaller? Do you find it harder to get down on your knees to look under the bed—and to get up again? There’s no question that age brings changes to our lives. And yes, some of them we’d prefer to avoid. Physically, for example, stiffen-
ing joints can make it harder to get around. And many people find that their short-term memory just isn’t what it used to be. Often, difficult personal situations, such as job pressures or the death of a parent, can add to the negative changes. But age can bring positive changes too. One survey found that many older people say they have less stress and more time for family, interests and hobbies than they used to. In fact, the vast majority of older people report they are satisfied with their lives. To a great extent, what older age will be like for you depends on how you live now. It also depends on how you cope with the changes that come your way. You can’t turn back time. Still, you can take steps to help make the coming decades easier and more pleasant. There is no better time than now to make healthy changes a part of your daily life. Here are a few tips to use
as we kick off the New Year: Decide to have an active mind and body. Remember the saying “use it or lose it.” Challenge your mind with puzzles and learning new tasks. Challenge your body by starting to exercise or mixing up your workout. Opt to be involved. Isolation can contribute to depression and other health problems. So keep connected to family and friends. Social connections can help ensure that you have physical and emotional support for what comes your way. Make the most of your spare time. Do things you enjoy and allow yourself some downtime. Too much stress can bring on a host of health problems. Practice healthy ways to cope. Believe in yourself, and remember: You can handle whatever comes your way. Choose a healthy lifestyle. Try to: • Eat well. • Stay at a healthy weight. • Get enough rest. • Quit smoking if you do. • See your doctor regularly. If you are looking for a health partner to help you make and stick to healthy choices that will keep you vital now and throughout the golden years, PeaceHealth’s Healthy You program may be what you are looking for. Healthy You offers resources, information and tools to help you on your wellness journey. Visit www. to learn more and to sign up to receive monthly tips in your inbox.
[Submitted by Heidi Horn, Senior Marketing Specialist, PeaceHealth. Sources: AGS Foundation for Health in Aging; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Mental Health America; Pew Research Center]
Bored with veggies? Well, the vegetables popular in North America are just a tiny portion of the varieties available. If you are wary of experimenting with strange vegetables you know nothing about, here is a quick get-started list that can help. Fennel Sometimes called sweet anise, it looks like celery. Aromatic flavor and smell like licorice.The stems can be eaten like celery, uncooked or cooked. Try paring it with apples and nuts. Choose in same way you choose celery. Belgian Endive Silvery-white leaves with green edges. This sophisticated leafy vegetable is great for salads. Avoid specimens with wilted leaves. Use whole leaves as a boat for zesty fillings. Cardoon A favorite in the Mediterranean. A thistle-like plant. Use the inner leaves and stalks as a celery substitute. A favorite dish during Lent, when it is available. Celeraic A root vegetable, like a turnip. The light brown bulb root is a nice change from potatoes. Choose a small plant with no roots at top. Soft spot at top indicates decay. Peel skin before cooking. Cut into small pieces and boil until tender. Serve with butter or sauces. Chinese Peas It ís not the pea, but the pod that counts here. Naturally crisp with delicate flavor. Great for stir frying with butter and soy sauce. Nice addition to stews and vegetable dishes. Do not overcook. They are made to be crisp. Dandelion Greens Pick wild dandelion leaves while they are still small and tender. Cultivated types are less bitter. Add fresh to tossed salad or combine with onion, garlic and bacon seasoning and steam from 10 to 20 minutes.
Salsify Thomas Jefferson loved this plant. Shaped like a carrot with brown skin. Peel and trim roots immediately before blanching the white flesh in salted water for 10 minutes. Add lemon juice to water. Sautee briefly in butter. Taro Well-loved in the Pacific, this tuberous plant is very digestible. It can be baked, steamed, boiled or used in soups like potatoes. Choose a firm tuber. Boil or bake with the skin on. Cooks in the same time as a potato. When tender, peel and cut into halfinch slices and brown lightly in oil or butter. Tomatillos This Mexican native is the principle ingredient in salsa verde. Choose tomatillos with a yellowgreen color and a dry, split brown husk. Its tart, lemony flavor is good for sauces. To prepare: Remove husks, wash and remove skins. Cook whole or cut, steaming for 5 to 7 minutes. The result will be a delicious sauce. Water Chestnuts Add these naturally crunchy vegetables to salads, stews or casseroles. Look for very firm dark brown skins and store in refrigerator. Light flavor and crisp texture even when stewed. You can usually find water chestnuts in the canned food section, and don’t be surprised when you discover you actually like them! They add such a nice crunchy addition to any meal, salad or stew, you could even give them plain to fussy kids who may actually like them... Scared of trying these veggies? Why? Invite a friend or make it an event with your loved ones to create something “new and interesting” for the New Year. Personally, having the background on the Salsify vegetable, and knowing how to use the Belgian Endive has already started some creative juices for meals flowing. Hope you enjoy your newfound veggies!
January 2015 • Valley Bugler • Page 9
Page 10 • Valley Bugler • January 2015
Try a NEW recipe this month! ‘Turkey-Salsa Verde Bake’ By Jeff Petersen Valley Bugler Columnist Un-happy New Year? The holidays are a time of pure joy and excitement for many, and a time of incredible stress for others. For those already in tense family situations, add to that spending more money than usual and perhaps too much togetherness, and the combination can send some people to their breaking point. Or should I say, the “break-up” point. You might be wondering….Ho, Ho, Hold on a minute. Do the holidays really send some couples straight into matrimonial hell? The answer, dear reader, is yes. After all of the merriment settles, the unfortunate fact is that come January, divorce filings skyrocket. It is not a lawyer’s role to talk you out of divorce. You know best on that one. If you want to improve your marriage, it would be wise to seek guidance and counseling from your pastor or therapist. If you want out of your marriage, you will likely file for divorce by either finding the time and energy to figure out the court system for yourself or by seeking help from a lawyer. The perception is that lawyers make things worse between divorcing couples. Well, that depends upon how you look at it. One of the ethical
rules all Washington attorneys must abide by includes, in part: “A lawyer should […] take whatever lawful and ethical measures are required to vindicate a client’s cause or endeavor.” How does a lawyer best help their client? Our job is to get you the best property settlement, the best custody arrangement, the highest amount of spousal support, etc. This means we fight your battle for you through the adversarial court system. We go to war. There are always casualties of war. It is expensive. It is stressful. It impacts your children. It can drag on for years. If that sounds distasteful to you, then I implore you to keep the peace and the power by making your own decisions. If you have trouble coming to an agreement with your spouse, you can each seek advice from attorneys and come back to the table. Or you can mediate with a neutral person. Think of it this way: A divorce is going to be painful no matter how you do it. Why make it more traumatic by declaring war? This holiday season, try to focus on keeping the peace. Come January, you’ll be glad you did. ©2014 Jeff Kurt Petersen is an Attorney and Mediator with Three Rivers Law Center in Longview, WA. 360-4424101
8 small corn tortillas, brushed with olive oil and lightly salted., and crushed..bake in a 450 degree oven until browned and crisp. 4c shredded cooked turkey breast 1 teaspoon olive oil 1 onion, chopped 1 green onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 cup frozen corn, thawed 6 oz sliced black olives, drained 1 teaspoon taco seasoning 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 (10.75oz) can cream of mushroom soup 2/3 soup can full of whole milk 16 ounces salsa verde 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese Sea salt and black pepper, to taste A few snips of green onion tops for garnish Sour cream, *optional Directions: In skillet, over medium-high heat, cook onion, green pepper and garlic with sea salt and pepper, to taste, until soft and slightly browned. Add in taco seasoning and cumin. Add in thawed frozen corn. Mix well until corn is warmed through. Add cream of mushroom soup and milk. Stir to combine and heat until hot and bubbling slightly. In the meantime, grease a casserole dish and crumble tortillas into the bottom, layer half of the turkey over the tortillas, layer half of the soup mixture over the turkey, layer half of the olives over the soup mixture, layer half of the salsa verde over the olive and layer half of the cheese over the salsa. Repeat layers and end with cheese.
Laurrie’s Turkey-Salsa Verde Bake is often baked after having holidays that include turkey!
Bake at 350 degrees for about 25-30 minutes or until cheese is melted and everything is hot and bubbly. Remove from oven, let stand for about 5 minutes. Snip a few green onions over the top. Serve with optional dollop of sour cream. Where do I begin? I lost my mother-in-law in October and then I lost my father on November 30th. I’ve been in a tailspin for these last couple of months. I usually bake to the nines during the Christmas season. That did not happen this year. I was just not really into it. I recently started cooking for the Kelso Senior Center. I’m really enjoying that and it keeps me busy. I created this recipe a while back when I had a ton of leftover turkey. You can substitute chicken or whatever you’d like for this recipe. You don’t have to use green salsa. I love recipes. I truly do, but, rarely, do I follow a recipe. That’s the beauty of cooking, you can custom tailor to fit your needs. Until we meet up in February, keep cooking and PEACE! RV cook extraordinaire.. proving to the world that RV food can be gourmet. Even from her RV galley in the shadow of Mt. St. Helens!
Have faith in yourself, a positive outlook Want to live a longer, healthier and more successful life? An optimistic outlook can help you achieve all three. Researchers at Yale University say people who think positively live 7.5 years longer than those who don’t. The effect was more important than lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
An optimistic outlook is not something you are born with. It’s a character trait that can be achieved. For those of you who are scoffing, yes it really can! If your outlook is generally gloomy, changing it to positive isn’t easy. It takes work and repetition. When you are aware of your feelings, decide to be positive instead
January 2015 • Valley Bugler • Page 11 of negative. It might feel as if you are faking optimism, but after a while the optimism will be real. Motivational author Charles Kovess says it’s important to remember that you are bound to meet negative people. Don’t let them throw you off course. He recommends being grateful for all experiences because we grow stronger by getting through the negatives. Our actions are the results of our beliefs. If we have positive beliefs, we will take positive actions. In his ground breaking book, The
Power of Positive Thinking, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale says: “Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.” Finding it hard to scrounge up happy thoughts in the middle of the bleak of winter? Find a good Vitamin D supplement and start writing down things that make you smile throughout the day. Anything. The more you find, the more you may find things looking... up!
Page 12 • Valley Bugler • January 2015
It’s Happy Birthday By Oscar Myre IV Valley Bugler Columnist
Welcome to 2015. With the turning of the year, many of us take a moment and pause to determine what we want to make better in the coming year. For many individuals this is the annual fitness or wellness push. Many businesses have a planning or marketing summit. My challenge to you is to evaluate your website and set some goals on how your website can improve your business in 2015. Goals are crucial. It is important to make the design of your site to be consistent with your brand. You must have a professional presence online to make sure that your website is a valuable marketing tool and not just a pretty face. Setting goals can influence the user’s experience on your website and ultimately how you measure the return on your investment. Goals help you focus and get hard work done. “A difficult time can be more readily endured if we retain the conviction that our existence holds a purpose, a cause to pursue, a person to love, a goal to achieve.” - John Maxwell Identify your stakeholders and their needs. Your clients’ goals, your personal goals, and the goals of the X department are often quite different. As I’ve written before, you really need to take a look at the goals of your clients. Smart designers can develop personas to gain insight into their target audience. Working from a profile for a particular site, visitors can help you understand their wants, needs, and motivations. This in turn helps to focus on what you need to deliver on your site. Personas should be created with the use of user research like
analytics keywords or by interviewing actual clients. Here are some examples of questions to ask yourself: Who is our target audience? What is our target market? Why are they coming to our site? What does my visitor hope to achieve from their website visit? What action do I want my visitor to take when visiting our website? What results do I expect from my website that would mean it is a success? How can we measure success? How can our brand be expressed through the website? What are my key messages to communicate? Now I encourage you to look at your current analytics (web stats). How many visitors are you receiving on a monthly basis? What percentage of them are converting? What does conversion mean to you? Set a goal. In 2014 we have X visitors per month. Y% of them converted from visitor to customer. For 2015, we will increase the number visitor by A and increase our conversion rate to B%. Another goal might be to define a “conversion” and get help to track it. Keep the goal simple to communicate and measure. If this makes you uncomfortable, don’t worry. John Maxwell says, “If we are growing we are always going to be outside our comfort zone.” Now, go after it. ~:-) Oscar Myre IV is the Creative Director & Owner at omOriginals Marketing! a Washington based Web firm for over sixteen years. Serving National and International clients of all sizes. Call them at (360)575-9839 or
to... At left: Sounders Fans Poppy Tom and Mimi Toni celebrate their birthdays just a few days apart in early January! Happy Birthday to my parents, and our children’s amazing grandparents!! We love you so very much!
Above left: Cousin Emmi Tjoelker gets one year older this January, as well as my youngest brother, Paul Reich - above right. Happy Birthday dear ones and we love you so very much!
January is National Blood Donor Month
Blood banks begin their annual search for donors, a serious matter. For children, January is a month for sledding and building snowmen. For blood banks it is a time of searching. With snowstorms, holidays, increased illness, and winter vacations, donations to the blood banks come up short every year. It’s one of the reasons that January has been designated National Blood Donor Month. With blood being required by a patient every few seconds and only about 5 percent of the population donating blood, the plea goes out for eligible donors to donate as often as possible. The search for new donors goes on. They are appreciated and hoped-for, especially in January. Blood banks want prospective donors to know that donating is a very safe procedure. All materials involved are used only once and then discarded. The process starts with registration, a health history is taken and a mini-physical is given. The actual donation takes about 10 minutes and equals approximately one pint of blood. Your body will normally re-
place the lost fluid within 24 hours. The American Red Cross offers some tips to make donating a good experience. Before going to donate, eat a good breakfast or lunch. Avoid fatty foods and eat iron-rich foods. Drink extra fluids to replace the fluid you will donate but avoid caffeine. Be sure to wear clothes with sleeves that can be raised above the elbow. Afterwards, partake of the snack and drink provided. Over the next 24-48 hours, be sure to drink plenty of fluids. Even if you cannot donate blood due to health conditions or other reasons, you can still participate in Blood Donor Month. You can help organize a blood drive, or volunteer to help at mobile blood sites. Check with your local blood drives to see if they need treats to give to donors after they give blood. Monetary donations are always welcomed and appreciated as well. If you’re anything like my husband, who has popular blood, then you will get reminder phone calls and polite requests to come in and donate. I don’t know about you, but if I need a blood transfusion and that is what would save my life....please donate.
Read the COMPLETE issue online for FREE:
January 2015 • Valley Bugler • Page 13
Local Military Spotlight: Navy Petty Officer Jacob Hansen Photo: Historical buff, philanthropist and regional icon, Margaret Colf Hepola, age 97, is seen here at the Amboy Historical Museum Bazaar this October. Hepola was an active member of the community and well recognized as a Woman of Achievement, as well as a Community Foundation Lifetime Achievement Award recipient. Hepola passed away peacefully on December 6, 2014. Her life was fondly remembered and celebrated on December 12th at Vancouver First Church of God in Vancouver. Her own historical reflections and writings may be found online at LewisRiver. com. Photo provided courtesy of and Noel Johnson.
Margaret Colf Hepola Leaves Written History By Pat Nelson Valley Bugler Columnist Several years ago, I attended the Write Your Life Story group in Woodland. There, I learned about more than just writing... I learned some interesting history of the area from a lovely lady named Margaret Hepola. Margaret passed away December 6 at age 97, leaving a rich written history. She also was instrumental in the restoration and preservation of several historic buildings including the Cedar Creek Grist Mill and the Summit Lodge, and she was active in the Clark and Cowlitz County Historical Museums. The loss of Margaret’s childhood home fueled her love of history. She never lived far from where she was born, and as she shared her memories through her writing, I learned about her life and that of Woodland and the surrounding area. Margaret Haller was born May 27, 1917 in a two-story farmhouse on the Birt property that her greatgrandfather had homesteaded. She attended Marble Creek and Clover Valley elementary schools, nearby. Then in 1930, her parents, Albert and Irene Mason Haller, were forced to sell Margaret’s childhood home to make way for the construction of the Merwin Dam on the North Fork of the Lewis River. I’ve looked out on Merwin Lake many times, marveling at its beauty. I’ve picnicked on its shores both as a child and as an adult, and I remember swimming in the lake’s chilly water. It had never occurred to me that this beautiful lake covered homes and
a community where families raised their children, sent them off to school and taught them to work the land. I’d never considered the loss felt by those displaced by Merwin Dam and the flooding of the Lewis River valley. I took for granted drives by my childhood homes until I heard Margaret’s story. What would it feel like, I wondered, to know that a body of water covered one’s childhood home, one’s first memories? Over the years, Margaret went back to Lake Merwin many times to look for any signs of her former home. One day, while standing high above where the farm had been, she saw the upper third of the locust trees she had loved so much in her family’s yard. They protruded out of the rising water, in full bloom. Margaret’s memories, too, blossom beautifully in her stories of a wonderful homestead that was covered by water, but that she never forgot. Now when I look out on Lake Merwin, I see a little girl heading off to school with her brother Mel and a neighbor-friend, a little girl picking up colored leaves to trace on paper, a girl walking behind her father as he plows the field. I see Margaret as a young child, playing beneath blooming locust trees. Read Margaret’s story in Water Babies, available online at: Pat Nelson, is co-creator of three humorous and sometimes edgy anthologies: ‘Not Your Mother’s Book: On Being a Parent’ ( & retailers); On Being a Grandparent; and On Working for a Living.
Photo: PACIFIC OCEAN - Aviation Support Equipment Technician 2nd Class Jacob Hansen, from Longview, Wash., positions an aircraft engine trailer aboard Nimitzclass aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74). Stennis is currently undergoing an operational training period in preparation for future deployments. (U.S. Navy Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Ignacio D. Perez) A graduate of R.A. Long High School, and living in the Longview area for over 20 years, Hansen has many family and friends in the local area supporting him through his service. Hansen says his father influenced his Navy career choice, and enjoys getting out into the world and meeting different people. Future plans include attending more school and finding work as a Diesel Mechanic. Special thanks to Navy Petty Officer Jacob Hansen, for his service to our country! Send in your nominations for the Local Military Spotlight to: for consideration and publishing.
Page 14 • Valley Bugler • January 2015
Movie Reviews By Blake Peterson
Mockingjay, Part 1 By Blake Peterson Valley Bugler Columnist
Mockingjay Part 1
Directed by Francis Lawrence Starring Jennifer Lawrence, Liam Hemsworth Running Time 2 Hrs., 3 Mins., PG-13 My Rating: A When the Lorde curated Mockingjay: Part 1 soundtrack came out a week prior to the film’s premiere, it exploded with the aura of rebellion and fire. So does the film. There are no Hunger Games. There is no obvious cash grabbing on display. Mockingjay has textures not seen in the previous films; it’s more in sync with its political undertones and the thrills are no longer slightly fantastical. Like Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, Mockingjay Part 1 is a setup for what’s to come. What’s coming, it seems, is a finale more exciting and more satisfying than one could ever believe. But Part 1 is hardly just a buffer. Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) began simply as a sister to the rescue in The Hunger Games. But by this film, she’s become a warrior, even if she isn’t as can’t-stop-won’tstop as Black Widow or Lara Croft. At the end of Catching Fire, we found that underneath all the sparkles of the most recent Hunger Games, the workings of a rebellion against the Capitol were coming to light and Katniss would become its symbol. In Mockingjay, she’s shaken, rattled and rolled. She’s suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, and her beloved Peeta (Josh Hutcherson) has been claimed by the Capitol. Her home, District 12, was bombed, leaving only 45 survivors. Both Katniss and the remaining fighters find themselves in District 13, which has been bound underground and is now
being lead by the steely President Coin (Julianne Moore). Coin, along with enigmatic Gamesmaker Plutarch Heavensbee (Philip Seymour Hoffman), are leading a massive uprising. Katniss will be the face, showing the other districts that turning the other cheek would be catastrophic. Mockingjay doesn’t need much of a setup — it moves along like a train flying off the rails. It doesn’t have the slow development of its predecessors, it’s more risky and painstaking than ever before. It’s the best of the films, and certainly the smartest. Mockingjay Part 1 is a politically minded thriller that takes you by the throat and demands your attention. Some have complained that there is a severe lack of action. Other have noticed that most of the characters are limited to the claustrophobic walls of District 13. But these are all things that make Mockingjay even better. Without so many brutal fights and faux exotic locales, we are given a chance to dig deeper into Katniss’ psyche, powerfully played by Lawrence. Mockingjay: Part 1 is unpredictable, unshakeable, and teary. It’s a work of fiction, but it somehow feels intimate, close to home. The movie 1984 has always been scary, but there’s an underlying understanding that our government would never become so totalitarian. But as we give up our privacy for protection these days, would the rosy evil of President Snow (Donald Sutherland) ever take over? Maybe not, but the film is confident enough to make us believe it. Part 2 may be a year away, but Part 1’s heavy, dramatic attitude leaves an impression that has a rippling effect. A student of R. A. Long, Blake is an aspiring film critic that enjoys music, movies (obviously), and art. For more reviews, go to his website:
Quips from Kids...they never get old! While I sat in the reception area of my doctor’s office, a woman rolled an elderly man in a wheelchair into the room. As she went to the receptionist’s desk, the man sat there, alone and silent. Just as I was thinking I should make small talk with him, a little boy slipped off his mother’s lap and walked over to the wheelchair. Placing his hand on the man’s, he said, “I know how you feel. My mom makes me ride in the stroller too..” As I was nursing my baby, my cousin’s six-year-old daughter, Krissy, came into the room. Never having seen anyone breast feed before, she was intrigued and full of all kinds of questions about what I was doing. After mulling over my answers, she remarked, “My mom has some of those, but I don’t think she knows how to use them..” Out bicycling one day with my eight-year-old granddaughter, Carolyn, I got a little wistful. “In ten years,” I said, “you’ll want to be with your friends and you won’t go walking, biking, and swimming with me like you do now.” Carolyn shrugged. “In ten years you’ll be too old to do all those things anyway.” Working as a pediatric nurse, I had the difficult assignment of giving immunization shots to children. One day, I entered the examining room to give four-year-old Lizzie her needle. ‘No, no, no!’ she screamed.
‘Lizzie,’ scolded her mother, ‘that’s not polite behavior.’ With that, the girl yelled even louder, ‘No, thank you! No, thank you!’ On the way back from a Cub Scout meeting, my grandson innocently said to my son, ‘Dad, I know babies come from mommies’ tummies, but how do they get there in the first place?’ After my son hemmed and hawed awhile, my grandson finally spoke up in disgust, ‘You don’t have to make up something, Dad. It’s okay if you don’t know the answer.’ Just before I was deployed to Iraq , I sat my eight-year-old son down and broke the news to him. ‘I’m going to be away for a long time,’ I told him. ‘I’m going to Iraq .’ ‘Why?’ he asked. ‘Don’t you know there’s a war going on over there?’ Paul Newman founded the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp for children stricken with cancer, AIDS, and blood diseases. One afternoon, he and his wife, Joanne Woodward, stopped by to have lunch with the kids. A counselor at a nearby table, suspecting the young patients wouldn’t know Newman was a famous movie star, explained, “That’s the man who made this camp possible. Maybe you’ve seen his picture on his salad dressing bottle?” Blank stares. “Well, you’ve probably seen his face on his lemonade carton.” An eight-year-old girl perked up. ‘How long was he missing?’
Amazing Anagrams Amazing Anagrams to wow your friends and family: Dormitory == Dirty Room The Morse Code == Here Come Dots Slot Machines == Cash Lost in ‘em Animosity == Is No Amity Snooze Alarms == Alas! No More Z’s Alec Guinness == Genuine Class
Contradiction == Accord not in it Semolina == Is No Meal
The Public Art Galleries == Large Picture Halls, I Bet A Decimal Point == I’m a Dot in Place Eleven plus two == Twelve plus one And the grand finale: “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” -- Neil A. Armstrong becomes: A thin man ran; makes a large stride; left planet, pins flag on moon! On to Mars!
Please note: Due to space constraints this month, the Community Service Directory and Church Directory will be available online only. Click on the “eEdition” link on the Home Page. Directories will return next month. Thank you.
January 2015 • Valley Bugler • Page 15
The Savvy Dog relocates to larger space for retail and grooming business
Venturing into adding Retail business to their current Grooming business back in 2011, The Savvy Dog has made leaps and bounds of growth. And that’s especially good news for pet and dog lovers in the area! Their new location: 3208 Ocean Beach Hwy Longview, WA 98632 (360)353-5143 Located in Longview, just down the street from Fred Meyer, their new business location is three times the size of their former space. Boasting new, gorgeous hardwood floors, offer a pleasant experience to shopping the expanded aisles. You will find locally sourced pet supplies, goods and gifts.for both the canine and feline variety of our furry friends. “ We try to source everything as locally as possible, because we know what it means to the community, being a small business owner ourselves,” said Savvy Dog owner and proprietor Cyndi Skinner. “It’s higher quality and can be more specific to
your needs as well.” Bags of American-made pet foods grace the open air racks, and include some of the most popular certified organic pet foods on the market. And on the gift side of things, you’ll find locally crafted collars and leashes, with bling and without... Co-owner and Professional Groomer, Savannah Skinner, runs a meticulous grooming side of the business as well as working the retail. Both mother and daughter Skinner show dogs professionally, and the love of dogs shines through with her genltle, strong and extremely skilled grooming services. The entire shop offers a delightful experience for purchasing necessary items, and also includes fun things like the “Snack Bar”, where dog and cat owners can belly up and offer a sample to see which treats appeal the most to their furry darlings. Being actively involved in the community, co-owners Cyndi, husband Todd, and daughter, Savannah Skinner, look forward to continuing their involvement in the New Year of 2015 and long into the future. To visit The Savvy Dog: 3208 Ocean Beach Hwy Longview, WA 98632 (360)353-5143 Open Monday through Saturday from 9am - 7pm.
Adorable Adoptee
Meet ‘Rosie’ Ready for take home this January!
Rosie’s life was just about perfect; she was the beloved companion of an elderly man, who doted on her. But the last few years were not kind to “her Man”, and he became unable to provide even the most basic care for her due to his failing health. Tearfully, he brought her to our local shelter and relinquished his beloved Rosie for rehoming. Rosie has not had much exercise in the last year. She has spent her days (and nights) near her Man, sharing morsels of food when the opportunity presented itself. Her weight shows it. Rosie is a very active senior, in spite of her age (8 years) and her weight. She climbed right into this volunteer’s car with no problem! She needs some leash training, as she’s not very patient with slow
walks - she would be a great walking partner. She has some skin issues, but we think they were probably related to the flea problem and the type of food she was eating. Rosie is spayed, up-to date on her vaccinations, has been flea treated, bathed and groomed, and will be microchipped before placement. Rosie will be at our adoption event at the Longview Petco store this Saturday from noon to 3:00. For questions and adoption info 673-7373
Page 16 • Valley Bugler • January 2015