2010-2011 Annual Report
Then the LORD replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald m a y r u n w i t h i t. � HABAKKUK 2:2
Introduction....................................................................................... 4 VCC Deacon Board........................................................................5 VCC Elders....................................................................................... 6 VCC Staff......................................................................................... 7 Financial Report..............................................................................8 Information Technology Report................................................. 10 Operations Report....................................................................... 11 Communication Arts Report........................................................ 12 MINISTRY REPORTS Active Adults.............................................................................. 13 Adult Education......................................................................... 14 Children’s Ministry.................................................................... 15 Hospitality Ministry.................................................................. 16 Men’s Ministry........................................................................... 17 Missions...................................................................................... 18 Prayer Ministry......................................................................... 19 Sports Ministry.......................................................................... 20 Valley Christian Schools.......................................................... 21 Preschool.............................................................................. 22 Elementary........................................................................... 23 Junior High & High School................................................ 24 Alumni................................................................................... 24 Vision for our Valley................................................................ 25 Women’s Ministry..................................................................... 27 Worship Arts Ministry.............................................................. 28 Young Adult Ministry................................................................ 29 Young Families Ministry........................................................... 29 Youth Ministry............................................................................ 30 Contact Information................................................................. 31 7500 Inspiration Drive | Dublin, CA 94568 (925) 560-6202 www.ComeDiscoverVCC.org
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Contact: Lorraine Demmel | ldemmel@dublinvcc.org
September 2010 to September 2011 Term Expires
Dr. Roger Valci (Janae)
Chairman& Lead Pastor
2013 2013
Ramez Bahu (Olga)
Sandy Cooper (Stan)
2011 2012 2011 2012 Continuous
Michael Creeden (Lanette)
John Deming (Diane)
Kevin McGuire (Kim)
Prem Williams (Rekha)
David Cariveau (Miriam)
Ex-Officio Member & Business Administrator
Contact: Lorraine Demmel | ldemmel@dublinvcc.org
September 2010 to September 2011 MEMBERS Dennis Ackley (Mary) Craig Baysinger (Marie) Tom Blinn (Pam) Keith Cariveau (Katherine) Stan Cooper (Sandy) Jim Johnson (Susann) Richard Lietz (Miriam) Tim Ludden (Lisa) Terry Roberts Dale Silva (Cindy) Bryan Tebbutt (Jeannie) Dave Wooldridge (Carolyn)
Bold denotes Finance Committee Member
Contact: Rene Snyder | rsnyder@dublinvcc.org Valley Christian Executive Team Dr. Roger Valci Lead Pastor Lorraine Demmel Executive Assistant to Lead Pastor Jason Gawel Pastor of Worship Arts Ministries Jennifer Davis Pastor of Children’s Ministries Aaron McNeal Pastor of Youth Ministries Cassie Tundag Associate Pastor Don Dickinson Associate Pastor Jimi Merrell Associate Pastor David Cariveau Business Administrator Kelly Kindall Director of Communication Arts Eric Raasch Director of Operations & Technology Jody Boggs Director of Valley Christian Preschool Grace Hersh Principal of Valley Christian Elementary School Larry Lopez Principal of Valley Christian Junior High & High School | VCC Pastor Joe Smylie Assistant Vice-Principal of Valley Christian Junior High & High School Valley Christian Support | Administrative Staff Sadiq Anthony Accounting Assistant Kris Baker Ministry Assistant Sandy Brunson Ministry Assistant Emily Chow Nursery/Preschool Ministry Coordinator Alan Harrer Media Ministries Ida Johnson Facilities Services Manager Paul Jones IT Support Shannon Kiser Fellowship One Administrator Glennis Lamm Ministry Assistant Shelley Parker Human Resources|Accounting Assistant Rene Snyder Director of Human Resources Valley Christian Schools Staff Preschool Twenty-Six Employees Elementary Thirty-Eight Employees Junior High & High School Fifty-Three Employees
The VCC Finance Committee meets monthly to monitor all church and school budgets as well as make financial policy and budget recommendations to the VCC Board of Deacons. The committee members are Sandy Cooper (VCC Board Treasurer), Craig Baysinger, Bryan Tebbutt, Jocelyn Leano, Roger Valci (Lead Pastor) and David Cariveau (Business Administrator). This year, VCC hired Vavrinek, Trine & Day to conduct the annual audit of our financial records. They have reported that the following financial statements fairly present, in all material respects, the Church’s financial position, results of operations and cash flows. Please refer to letter on the following page.
Balance Sheet | September 2011
Income Statement | September 2011
Assets Cash and Equivalents $2,265,741 Net Accounts Receivable 107,306 V4RV Pledges yet to be Paid 420,000 Prepaid Expenses 105,115 Deposits 70,120 Notes Receivable 21,000 Land, Buildings & Equipment 7,471,306 Total Assets $10,460,588
Revenue Tuition $7,543,276 Offerings 1,294,626 Other Income 1,635,118 (Church/School Events/Activities) Contributions 732 Grants and Donations 151,035 Fundraising 92,258
Liabilities Accounts Payable $14,899 Advance Tuition Payments 2,324,136 Accrued Payroll 771,128 Note Payable on School Buildings 4,711,671 Total Liabilities $7,821,834
Expenses Church $1,625,376 School 8,438,167 General & Administrative Costs 1,109,495 Total Expenses $11,173,038 Profit/(Loss) (455,993) Net Assets Beginning of Year $3,094,747 Net Assets End of Year $2,638,754
Total Revenue
Net Assets Unrestricted 1,264,179 Temporarily Restricted 1,206,575 (Building Funds Available) Permanently Restricted 168,000 (Land Restricted to Playfield Use) Total Net Assets $2,638,754 Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Operating Income (Net of Depreciation & Restricted Funds) School ($128,000) Church $22,000 Net Loss ($106,000)
$ 10,460,588
For a copy of the full audited financial statement, please contact David Cariveau in the Accounting Department.
Contacts: David Cariveau | dcariveau@dublinvcc.org Sandy Cooper | Sandy.Cooper@ipsen.com
Every Gift Matters The Lord is faithful. The weekly average for tithes for the year was $23,300. Even though the original budget was for $24,000 per week, God enabled us to make some mid-year expense cuts and stay in the black. Thank you for your faithfulness.
Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Company, LLP Independent Auditors’ Report
Valley Christian Schools Ministry Nearly 950 students were enrolled in our school last year. This is one of the largest, if not the largest, outreach ministries in this Valley. The ACSI & WASC accrediting agencies gave us an unprecedented 6 year accreditation which is the highest level achievable. Even though enrollment declined from the 1,000 students enrolled in the previous year, the school budget over the 2-year period was at a breakeven level. Our New Sanctuary The Lord is at work among us. As He builds us up in Him, He is also raising a building for His Glory. Our congregation has contributed $3.6 million toward this project since its beginning. In addition we have another $400,000 pledged. Because of the decline in construction projects overall, we have taken full advantage of some current reduced costs. See the V4RV page for more information.
Contact: Eric Raasch | eraasch@dublinvcc.org For the past year, Paul Jones and I have been planning to replace the existing two phone systems on campus. While the office phone system was still in good condition, the classroom system was quite antiquated and needed to be replaced. Last October, we set out to find the new phone system. Some of our criteria included: • One VOIP phone system for the entire campus • Easy access to overhead paging with flexibility in paging areas • Voicemail that integrates with email • Ease of use and high quality that encourages more calls to parents • Adding e911 to expedite emergency service response times • Campus wide emergency notification system We’re currently two months into a four-month installation of a new Cisco phone system. Two years ago, we began the plan to replace the existing Exchange 2003 email server that had become very limiting for many users. Due to budget constraints, we were not able to implement it last year. For that reason, we have also been working diligently to replace the old email server with a new Exchange 2010 email server. Over Labor Day, all users mailboxes were moved to the new email server. We’re now working out the bugs and learning a system that’s seven years newer. During the planning phases for the new phone and email systems it became evident that we should look into server virtualization; and we did. The two systems are running VMware Sphere on Cisco Enterprise Servers with an EMC SAN. Those of you that understand what I just said understand. If you didn’t understand what I just said it’s okay. That’s why Paul and I are here.
Dan Morrison is our Facilities Manager. Dan has spent a lot of time this past year maintaining the 50-acre campus. Dan has done an exemplary job considering some tremendous budget and staffing limitations. Last Fall, we were blessed to hire Jerry Buffington part-time. Jerry has a wealth of knowledge in building and grounds maintenance. Jerry’s primary directive is to make a difference in the appearance of the campus, and he’s sure done a great job! We continue to work with JLP Building Maintenance led by Dave Johnson. Dave and his staff have done a great job keeping with the daily operations of the church and school. With every day that passes Dave and his team continue to make improvements to how they handle the needs of the campus. This would not all be possible without the organization and facilitation of Ida Johnson, our Facilities Services Manager, who keeps us all on task and on time! Last October, we replaced all the double doors around the Sanctuary with electronic access doors that allow them to run on a schedule. The old doors were so worn they wouldn’t always lock causing many false alarms when people would pull on the locked doors. We were very happy to get the new doors! Following that, we replaced the second floor Junior High doors for the same reasons. Last year, we were approached by DSRSD and Zone 7 water about the possibility of receiving a grant to fit all the urinals on campus with the Ecoblue Cube system. By harnessing the power of natural bacteria, the Ecoblue Cube eliminates urinal odor, conserves water and saves money. We did a pilot test in the Sanctuary and had good success. In the Spring, we were approved for the grant and began the process of replacing/ retrofitting 41 urinals on campus. Some needed a quick retrofit while others were replaced entirely. The grant covered all costs with the exception of the tile replacement. Last December, the new Nursery wing was completed with little fan fare. If you haven’t been over there, please drop in for a look. A huge amount of time and effort went into the complete overhaul of that portion of the building and we think it turned out great! Our toddlers and nursery workers love it! The new nursery wing was the first time we used a new flooring product from Burke that’s a very low maintenance and long lasting natural rubber floor product. It provides durability, comfort and slip-resistance while creating an impressive look. This past August, we replaced the second floor high school hallway with the same product. Check out the new Vikings hallway! It’s a much quieter and colorful hallway. This past Spring, Zone 7 water agency provided a $5K grant to replace the failing softball field irrigation system and retrofit many of the irrigation heads across the campus. The goal was to improve the health of lawns/plants and at the same time reduce water use. The project has been headed up by Jerry Buffington and is almost complete. Many thanks to Jerry, John Deming, John Deere Landscapes, and Hunter Industries for contributing time and resources to the project. For the past 16 years, we’ve been chasing some persistent leaks at the Elementary School. This summer we’re 99.9% sure we took care of them with the replacement of 38 second floor windows. We believe the water was coming in through hidden cracks in the old window frames. Please pray with us that these new windows stop these persistent leaks. The new windows look great, are much easier to use and have higher energy efficiency ratings.
Contact: Kelly Kindall | kkindall@dublinvcc.org
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart...” –Colossians 3:23a As Pastor Jason well knows, I am a big fan of the hymns of our faith. He also knows how I love the worship choruses and how he brings a new song (Psalm 96:1) to our worship services. And I really love when he brings a newness to these old gems! What he might not know is that one of my StrengthsFinder characteristics is Connectedness. I love having a sense of connection to both my family and my spiritual heritage, a foundation from which everything new gets to be viewed, and feel quite certain that it is all purposeful and intentional (Jeremiah 29:11). This past year, working alongside Pastor Roger and the Pastoral Team, I have been blessed to work in an environment that has at its core a solid heritage that is building upon and growing with a newness, a freshness, that is exciting. To be able to use my gifts – my design – to help communicate the message, vision, mission, goals and dreams of those leading our ministries of both church and schools is, truly, a dream job for which I am ever so grateful. It’s a good thing: it has been a busy year! Church and School Branding | It is my hope that the phrases Come Discover God’s Story in You and The Road to Excellence are very familiar to you at this point! These are key messages, or branding, that we use to help communicate our mission and values in a nutshell. All of our new materials now reflect our new branding and are helping spread the word and increase awareness about the story of VCC and VCS. Perhaps the greatest medium for telling this story has been the production of the two films, Answering the Call and A Sacred Trust. This was a huge undertaking (and a great delight to be a part of!), and it could not have happened without the help of Lori Cantrell, the Administrative and Support personnel, teachers, students, parents, members of our congregation, and Pastor Roger, who had the dream and vision to make it happen. Thank you all for sharing your heart and passion, allowing us to effectively communicate our culture, atmosphere, influence of and life on our Hill. You told it extraordinarily well. VCC & VCS Websites | While our websites are dynamic and ever-changing, we have made great progress in adapting from the old www.dublinvcc.org site to our two new sites for church and school. The old site is no longer available, so be sure to bookmark our new sites if you haven’t already done so (www.ComeDiscoverVCC.org and www.ValleyChristianSchools.org). These resources are really the front line of communicating to our surrounding communities all that is going on up on our Hill, and are reflective of our passion to help each person discover God’s Story in their lives, our desire to reach the city with the good news of Jesus Christ, and to communicate “The Valley Christian Difference” experienced at our Schools. Marketing Materials | There is not a day that goes by that there are not needs and requests for materials to support the wide-ranging activities led by our staff. I never tire of the variety of projects in which I get to be involved! The list is long and impressive - the team of individuals who devote their time and energies are a creative, thoughtful, purposeful group of people, and it is a fun challege to take their thoughts, vision and plans, and help bring them to life. On top of being an exceptionally busy year, it has had the added challenge of working without an assistant. I would like to personally thank Pastor Roger, Lorraine Demmel, the Ministry Assistants (Sandy Brunson, Glennis Lamm, Kris Baker), Eric Raasch, Paul Jones, Allen Harrer, John & Diane Deming, Phil & Arlene Ingwaldson, Joanne Griggs, Griff Griffen, and so many others who have helped make my workload a little easier to tackle. 12
Contact: Pastor Don Dickinson | ddickinson@dublinvcc.org
Ministry to Seniors Active Adults | Our Active Adults continue to meet each Sunday morning at the 10:30 hour. These faithful members of the body of Christ love to gather together to study God’s Word. In addition, they pray for each other, sing hymns and choruses together and from time to time they enjoy fellowship over a shared lunch or dinner. Starting this October and continuing through the middle of January, the class will be going through the LifeScript series together. Hilltoppers | This ministry enjoyed a year of growth and success. They met during the months of February, March, May, July, September and November. The Hilltoppers ministry continues to be an outreach to senior adults in our community. God has blessed the ministry in many ways. Over the last couple of dinner dates, we have averaged 70 people in attendance. A special thanks to Madeline Scott for her faithful leadership over these last 15 years. Also many thanks to Mike and Stacey Fults, our residents chefs.
Forerunners Ministry | Our Forerunners ministry just finished their first full year of ministry. This ministry was birthed in April of 2010 with the primary focus of serving adults 50 and older. Highlights of the year include our first ever Potluck/Bocce Ball event, a train ride to Sacramento in memory of Curtis Smith and a fall BBQ and concert featuring the Extended Roots Band. This ministry partners with the CASA ministry (Christian Adults Serving Association) and is reaching those in the second half of their lives. With 40% of the population 50 and older, this is a huge target area. The primary mission revolves around the areas of service, spiritual growth and fellowship (socially) together. Our key verse is Psalm 71:17:
“Since my youth, O God, you have taught me, and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds.” Forerunners Ministry Team Sandy Brunson, Diane Sutton, Marilyn Stager, Bryan Tebbutt, Diane Deming, Austin and Joanne Ashmore, Ruth Edwards, Adoralee Lamm and Don Dickinson. 13
Contact: Pastor Cassie Tundag | ctundag@dublinvcc.org
What a great year it has been! It has been a joy to witness the adults of VCC continue to strengthen their relationships with Jesus Christ as they attend, lead, or teach a class or small group at VCC. We are working towards our mission to provide resources that help each person discover God’s Story in them, resulting in a vibrant personal relationship with Him. LifeScript We officially launched LifeScript in October as the track that we desire every person at VCC to go through. Through LifeScript, individuals not only learn about God’s Story for VCC, but their own story as well. Since launching, over 220 people have stepped into one of the chapters of LifeScript! Of those 220, twenty-one became new members, 15 are serving/started serving according to their design, and 54 people completed Cleansing Stream. Additional Classes Through on-going classes and one-time classes, 249 people were purposeful in growing their relationship with Christ. Whether through taking a class on finances, marriage, doctrine, or something else, the people at VCC are always hungry for more of God. A special thank you to each person who has been faithful to teach and lead God’s people every week! Austin Ashmore Ben and Judy Allen David Sell Ida Johnson Pastor Don Dickinson Juan and Tawni Garcia Pastor Jimi and Holly Merrell Mike Creeden Pastor Roger Valci Patrice Van Dussen Pastor Jason and Kim Gawel Tom Blinn Pastor Cassie Tundag Dan Morrison Pastor Larry Lopez Scott Van Dussen
Bryan Tebbutt Keith Conti Kevin McGuire Katheline Monnier Jim Johnson Tim Ludden Sherry White
The mission of VCC’s Adult Education ministry is to provide resources that help each person discover God’s Story in them, resulting in a vibrant personal relationship with Him. 14
Contact: Pastor Jennifer Davis | jdavis@dublinvcc.org
It is our mission to share God’s great big story with all the boys and girls in our church and school. The story is told through age appropriate play, song, teaching, projects and games with the hope of being a catalyst that sparks the discovery of God’s story in our youngest members of our family of faith. At VCC, we aim to partner with parents in their awesome calling to disciple their children to serve the Lord. Week after week, month after month, faithful men and women served the children of VCC by volunteering in the nursery, preschool, Royal Ranger and Mpact and children’s church ministries. Countless hours were devoted to praying with students, teaching the Word, singing songs, playing games, working on crafts, earning badges and memorizing Scripture. We are blessed to have so many people who are devoted to seeing the children of our church and school, grow to love God and love others more! Emily Chow, Nursery/Preschool Ministry Coordinator, worked with a team of paid staff and volunteer parents and teachers to care for and love our infants, toddlers and preschool children. She also co-directed this summer’s VBS by spearheading the preschool program. Thank you Emily for your leadership. Thank you nursery and preschool teams for your faithfulness. We especially appreciate the parents and family members who have joined our volunteer team to make sure we have adequate and effective coverage for all our service times. Special thanks to Janae Valci for leading our Wednesday night Mpact girls’ ministry and to Rick Leytem for serving as the senior commander for the Royal Rangers boy’s ministry each week. Under their leadership we saw about 170 children this year in our clubs. There were close to 30 volunteers who served with them each week. Thank you team! The 2010-2011 ministry year can be characterized and remembered as a year of transition as we said farewell and thank you to Pastor Erik and Debbie Hansen and a search for a new children’s pastor was conducted. Pastors Jennifer and Dwight Davis served in an interim capacity until the end of May. In June, the search was ended and Jennifer was asked to assume the full-time position. She accepted and is working diligently with an amazing team of staff and volunteers to strengthen the infrastructure of the ministry so that VCC can more effectively minister to children on and off the hill and serve parents by partnering with them in the discipleship of their children. Special thanks to children’s ministry administrative assistant Kris Baker for filling in so many gaps during this season of transition. Your passion to serve is appreciated. Summer was filled with excitement and abundant opportunities for kids to grow in God. We took kids to both the Mpact Stars camp and the Royal Ranger Pow Wow in June, held our annual Vacation Bible School in July and headed to Camp Wired summer camp in August. Kids experienced the power of God and the fun of Christian friendship at the Stars and Ranger camps. PandaMania VBS was a huge success as over 200 children and 80 staff and volunteers rocked the campus each day worshipping God and having a blast learning and playing. Camp Wired was attended by close to 40 adults and students from VCC who all came back encouraged to “Get in the Game with God’ and singing praise to Him. Boomshakalaka! Thank you to everyone who made this an amazing summer for God’s kids. We are looking ahead to the 2011-2012 ministry year with excitement. We are adding new children’s classes and ministries, changing our curriculum and strategy and searching for more effective ways to communicate and care for kids and to partner with their parents. We are intentionally present in our schools and teaching in chapel each week and in special Bible classes each month. We are welcoming new volunteer team members to all eight areas of the children’s ministry and hope to have over 100 people serving in children’s ministry each week by this time next year. Please pray with us and consider how you might join in on the fun! Come tell the story; you’ll never be the same!
Contact: Pastor Don Dickinson | ddickinson@dublinvcc.org Hospitality Ministry Our VCC Hospitality Ministry continues to be a very key resource to the VCC congregation. Each Sunday, teams of volunteers position themselves to serve and make the church experience an enjoyable one for all who attend. The goal of the Hospitality Ministry is to ensure that each person who visits the Hill is made to feel welcomed, affirmed and celebrated. A special thanks to all who serve and contribute to making VCC such a special place. Many thanks to our leaders of the following areas: Kevin McGuire | Ushers Michelle Garcia Anderson | Greeters Ruth Edwards | Information Desk Indra laksana | Helps Phil ingwaldson | Moving Diane Deming | Bereavement Diane Deming | Meals John Youngblood. Sr. | Transportation Eddie Jo Mack and Ruth Edwards | Hospital Visitation
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10
Contact: John Deming | men@dublinvcc.org Men’s Ministry is about connecting men with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through other men who have the same day-to-day challenges. Our men’s small groups play an important part in developing relationships that bring men closer to God through spiritual growth and worship. Morning and evenings small groups are available. The Men’s Ministry team hosted events throughout the year to help men connect with other men. These events include: Saturday Morning Power Breakfasts Held every other month, these great breakfast meetings, prepared by the men for the men, include fellowship and guest speakers who have inspired our spiritual growth. Annual Men’s Retreat Over the past several years the retreat has grown considerably with attendance and why wouldn’t it? The retreat is held in Yosemite National Park in the Fall and what a beautiful time of year. This year, Pastor Chris Hayward, President of Cleansing Stream Ministries, will be the session leader. Every year we have been blessed to have outstanding men of God as our speakers. Golf Ministry This group of golfers, comprised of all levels of skill, visit different courses throughout the Bay Area from March through November. This ministry is open to all men and women. Please join us for a day of fun and fellowship. 50’s Sweetheart Dinner Dance This year was our first attempt at a dinner dance and it was a blast! In February, another one is on the calendar so watch for details in the bulletin. Fun, Fun, Fun! Men’s Fraternity Our own Dan Missbrenner will lead men through this new series Winning at Work and at Home. This series will develop our skills for deeper communication, dealing with conflicts, raising healthy children and much more. You are encouraged to attend and bring a friend. The series starts Sunday, October 2 at 6:00 PM in the VCC Fireside Room.
The mission of Men’s Ministry at Valley Christian Center is to see men transformed by God, and so empowered that they in turn transform their families, church, community, and world.
For the least of these
Matthew 25:40
Contact: Sherry White | missions@dublinvcc.org
And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to Me.’ –Matthew 25:40 (ESV) The Global Missions Team’s strategy has been to create ways for our congregation and our Schools to connect with missionaries and ministry outreaches. First, connect with our VCC-supported missionaries by SENDING them out with prayer and financial support. Second, show God’s love in our communities by DOING volunteer work with missions agencies or by helping to serve local nonprofits. Third, consider GOING on at least one international short-term missions trip in your lifetime. In January 2011, our annual Missions Month culminated in a missionary faire and banquet with over 40 missionaries participating. Child Empowerment founders (and long-time VCC-supported missionaries) Adam and Janet Salmon, delivered encouragement to those in attendance and were this year’s honored inductees into VCC’s “Hall of Faith” for their longstanding work with schools and orphans in Sri Lanka. Thank you to our VCC Mpact girls and their parents, the Korean congregation of All Nations Christian Church, and VCC Youth, Young Families, and All Nations for their help. Through our presence and commitment to help in our own communities, Gloria Gregory has identified myriad service opportunities. By July 2011, we volunteered over 2,500 hours of community service in Dublin alone (2011 goal is 3500 hours), and over 4000 hours toward our year’s goal of 7500 hours in the Tri-Valley. At a government-estimated rate of $23.42 per hour for our volunteer service, we have already contributed an astounding $59,000 of service in just Dublin, and over $94,000 worth of volunteer time in the extended Tri-Valley! For agencies in the grips of ongoing recession, these volunteer hours represent many dollars’ worth of service, for which they would otherwise have no budget. Just to highlight a couple major events among a multitude, VCC hosted a Christmas party for the foster families served by Agape Village Foster Family Agency, providing musical entertainment from both school and church choirs. We helped in planning, planting, and cultivating a prolific garden at the Easter Seals Kaleidoscope Learning Center in Dublin. The developmentallydelayed students nurtured and harvested the garden, from which they enjoyed many fruits of their own labor, as well as sharing abundant crops with an appreciative local foster family of ten. The regular services of our congregation and school members in our community have touched so many: those needing shelter, food, and clothing; those needing prayer; those in jail; those needing a word of instruction or encouragement; those needing car repair, and more. Numerous other nonprofit agencies also benefited from the selfless service of many VCCers. Our yearly Mission to Mexico team ministered to pastoral students and to the community around Rancho Agua Viva, passing out Gideon Bibles and constructing facilities. Representatives from our congregation traveled within the US and internationally to help touch the hearts and lives of those who have never heard the name of Jesus, meeting spiritual and physical needs. Members of VCHS traveled to Honduras to assist at an AIDS orphanage, providing love, hope, and help to the poorest of the poor, who need God as much as we do. In tighter-than-ever financial times this year, our Faith Promises became even more important in monthly support for our missionaries. Every month we supported 38 missionaries, stateside and internationally, with an average contribution of $165; a year before, our average monthly contribution to them was $200. VCC’s Global Missions Team views the fulfillment of Faith Promises as of paramount importance in being able to maintain our current missionary roll, and to plan and project future missions activities and support in 2011-2012. We hope to achieve higher visibility for missions through periodic emphasis on missions in Sunday services throughout the year, as well as through conducting many of our traditional Missions Month special events in January, 2012.
Our Financial Support 2006/2007 2007/2008 2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011
$455,000 $400,000 $330,000 $270,000 $190,000
2010/2011 Global Missions Team Dennis Ackley Tom Blinn Stan Cooper Gino D’Amelio Juan Garcia
Gloria Gregory Sally Scholl Scott Van Dussen Sherry White Prem Williams
Contact: Pastor Jimi Merrell | jmerrell@dublinvcc.org
2010-2011 has been an amazing year of growth and movement for the Prayer Ministry of Valley Christian Center. Kudos go to the 24 members of this ministry who have served as Anointers, Intercessors, and Captains at Cleansing Stream Retreats, along with administrating and teaching four Cleansing Stream Seminars on our own campus. Close to 100 people from VCC and surrounding churches were blessed by the maturity and willingness of this Prayer Ministry to help lead them into spiritual freedom! The Sunday morning altars have also been filled with congregants desiring a touch from God in reference to their families, finances, marriages, health, and to invite Jesus into their lives! Our approach is to filter all prayers through the funnel of love, strengthening, encouragement and comfort. We take special note to honor the bravery and courage of each individual that comes forth for prayer during the meeting. Each team member has gone through extensive training and preparation through the Cleansing Stream Discipleship Ministry, and have begun the Restoring the Foundations program! In addition, I would like to bring attention to the Gap Prayer Group, which has met for many years to intercede for VCC members and their families! Besides serving those at VCC, Prayer Ministry members were very active in sharing their faith and their love for Christ in the city of Dublin, as well as the surrounding region. A few places we ministered at in 20102011 were: San Francisco Night Strike Homeless/Street Ministry Dublin’s St. Patrick’s Day Festival Prophetic Outreach Burning Man/Pagan Festival Healing, Deliverance, Prophetic Outreach Sundance Film Festival Prophetic/Dream Outreach Haight Street Festival Prophetic Outreach New Living Expo/Psychic Fair Healing, Deliverance, Prophetic Outreach Mystic Garden Party/Pagan Festival Healing, Deliverance, Prophetic Outreach Harbor Light’s Women’s Conference Prophetic Ministry Holy Nations Conference Preparation for Street Ministry Santa Rita Jail Bible Studies/Chaplain Assistance Camp Wired Camp Pastors/Altar Leaders The Prayer Ministry also started and sponsored 3 new ministries last year! “SMI” Saturday Morning Intercession | Sole purpose is to cry out for God’s presence in our Sunday Meeting Food Distribution | Delivering food and prayer support to the needy in the Tri-Valley area 18-Hour Prayer Coverage | Covering VCC and its members in prayer 18 hours a day! God has blessed the Prayer Ministry in many ways at Valley Christian, and has promoted members of this ministry to a national level! • member has written a Destiny Image top selling book on Spiritual Warfare • members featured on 700 Club at a National Outreach • members featured on 700 Club Spiritual Gifts Webcast • members filmed for 3 additional 700 Club shows to be aired in late 2011/early 2012 19
Contact: Pastor Don Dickinson | ddickinson@dublinvcc.org The vision of the Valley Christian Sports Ministry is to utilize all types of sports and recreational activities for our children and adults for the purpose of fun, exercise and competition in an environment that promotes personal evangelism. Bowling | On Monday nights at Earl Anthony’s in Dublin, VCC participates in the Christian Fellowship Bowling League. This all church league is held all year round and is open to those high school age and older. Golf Ministry | The VCC Golf Ministry, under the direction of John Deming, continues to be well received. Each month, March through November, men and women participate in tournament play on some of the best courses in the Bay Area. Cycling | On the second Saturday of each month, beginning at 9:00 AM, Jerry and Linda Buffington have been leading a group of cyclists on bike rides up the Iron Horse Trail. The group begins the outing with prayer, then sets off on a ride stopping along the way to enjoy coffee and fellowship together. All ages are welcomed to participate. VCC Co-Ed Volleyball, Softball and Men’s Basketball | During the year, VCC participates in the Christian Fellowship league in the following sports: men’s basketball, co-ed volleyball and softball. Our church joins with other local churches to compete with one another and enjoy fellowship together. These events take place at Harvest Park Middle School in Pleasanton for basketball and volleyball and Roberston Park in Livermore for the co-ed softball.
Contact: Lori Cantrell | lcantrell@dublinvcc.org
makes The most obvious, and perhaps the least discussed feature of Valley Christian Schools, the attribute that sets this School apart from any other K-12 with a Preschool in the Tri-Valley, is the fact each day of the school year, VCS has seven pastors on campus. As the number one ministry of Valley Christian Center, the primary outreach of this church to the families of the Tri-Valley, I send my pastoral team into the Schools to strengthen, support and love the students, teachers and families of VCS. Under the direction of the principals, the pastors counsel students and families, lead chapels, support worship and even coach some of our athletic teams. I personally open the school day with the teachers praying over them and sharing an encouraging thought from the Scriptures. Whenever your family needs ministry, whenever your child needs an encouraging voice, whenever you need listening ear, we are there each day of the week to sit down with you and contend for God’s grace and intervention. Pastoral covering every day for you and your child…That is the Valley Christian difference.
Pastor Roger Valci | Superintendent
Each and every student here is designed and gifted by our creator, who is an artist in many ways. As beings created in His image, every one of us on some level has the ability to create and find joy in doing that. What they are creating will take many different forms, but the core of the activity is at the heart of God. Not only will people be drawn to make things, but in many ways it’s our duty and a way that we can worship through our activities by participating in something God has designed us to do. –Shawn Matson Visual Arts Department Head
Contact: Jody Boggs | jboggs@dublinvcc.org
“Give thanks to the LORD, call on His name; make known among the nations what He has done.” – I Chronicles 16:8 Valley Christian Preschool is blessed with a talented, dedicated faculty, staff, and administration, a generous, supportive parent and church body, and a committed, hard-working School Board and Facilities staff. There is no challenge too great for this Valley Christian community. Sanctuary 1 and 2 was completely refurbished this past year, converting the former VCS Library and Church offices into a spectacular, dual-use Preschool and Church Early Education classroom worthy of the terrific two-year old cherubs that now grace this space. On February 11, 2011, the State of California Community Care Licensing (CCLD) inspected and approved this new classroom and the addition of a Preschool program for two-year olds to our already licensed program for 3 year olds through age 5. What a blessing and an honor that we are now able to inspire a passion for Jesus Christ and to awaken God’s unique story in even the youngest of our little students! It is our desire to foster a spirit of community among all of our families. This began with our Ice Cream Social in September and continued throughout the school year with our Preschool Harvest Festival, Thanksgiving Feast, Birthday Party for Jesus, Easter Celebration and Prayer, Muffins for Moms, Donuts for Dads, Art Show and Science Fair, Christmas Musical, and Promotion and Awards. With the addition of International Day, we saw our annual National Week of The Young Child grow into a celebration of our Preschool’s cultural diversity. The Preschool also began a new program, Parents Praying for Preschoolers. This group of praying Preschool Parents and teachers faithfully prayed for our school and each preschool child by name on a weekly basis. We also expanded our program offerings to include Soccer Shots sports program, Kinderdance, and language other than English (Spanish and Mandarin). Looking back on this year, it is clear that the Preschool’s community spirit of volunteering and loving those like Jesus would love is alive and well. The children and their families collected over 120 gift-filled shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child, donated food items to the Tri-Valley Food Bank, collected money to purchase a water filter for the children of Ethiopia through Doctors Giving Back, provided new baby items for Valley Pregnancy Center, participated in the Change for Change Missions to Mexico campaign, and collected socks for Blue Star Moms. The Preschool continues to deliver an Early Education program using a broad repertoire of teaching techniques and developmentally appropriate practices to develop the “whole” child grow academically and spiritually. Likewise, the Preschool staff has continued to grow professionally by attending in-service trainings on best practices and receiving continuing education credits in their chosen field of education to young children. With the continued caring and inspired efforts of the Preschool staff to see each child as a special gift from God, Valley Christian Preschool is dedicated to our mission to provide a superior Christian Early Education program for generations to come.
Contact: Grace Hersh | ghersh@dublinvcc.org
Valley Christian Elementary worked diligently to prepare for our accreditation visit from the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) in early April 2011. After thoroughly evaluating every aspect of our schools and programs, they awarded us their highest level of accreditation: 6 years! Every year our Elementary School participates in standardized testing. VCE students excelled in Math and Reading! On average, our collective grade equivalent scores are above the national norms by 1-5 years in Math, and 1-3 years in Reading, as they progress through the grades. When compared to other ACSI schools, our students performed above the average grade equivalent by as much as 2 grade points. Thirty-nine students represented our school at the ACSI Academic meet in May. Our students participated in the areas of Speech, Poetry, Math, Spelling, and Bible verses with every student earning a ribbon. The hard work that went into attaining these excellent results teaches life lessons, and our students were up to the task. Another highlight has been the installation of Promethean Boards in the majority of our classrooms. These are interactive whiteboards with an interactive display that connects to a computer and projector. A projector projects the computer’s desktop onto the board’s surface, where the teacher controls the computer using a pen, finger, or other device. Videos, presentations, games, worksheets, notes, graphic organizers, etc. can all be displayed through these interactive white boards and the students love them! Valley Christian Elementary has a heart to help those in need. This year we collected nearly 50 bags of groceries for the Children’s Emergency Council in Dublin and participated in Operation Christmas Child. Our collaborative effort collected over 400 boxes on “the Hill.” We also collected money, toys and socks for children in the foster care system. Many of our classrooms worked on a variety of projects to help those who are less fortunate both at home and abroad. Our yearly verse was Jeremiah 29:11-13, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” We rest on His promises and look forward to a new school year and all that He has in store for us!
come discover
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. —JEREMIAH 29:11-13 23
Contact: Pastor Larry Lopez | llopez@dublinvcc.org The Junior High and High School ministry of Valley Christian Schools has made some significant strides toward advancement this year. We were able to take part in many amazing events that continued to shape the direction of the School. One of the significant moments for the Junior High and High School was the arrival of Donnie Moore. As he began to speak, the Holy Spirit began to stir within our student body. Through this, students were able to call out sin and rebuke shame that had rendered them ineffective. Students were bold in their faith and stood up in front of their peers to tell their stories. As one student said, “Church happened at school today!� Your prayers for our students prepared them to encounter the Holy Spirit and to take ownership of their faith. Throughout the year, we saw students use their God-given talents to express themselves through multiple methods. A blessing through the arrival and expansion of the Arts began to touch each student and family on this Hill. Camera and film captured images that were placed on a wall and told stories of life, tragedy and love. Students used their voices and their gift of music to evoke emotional responses of joy and contemplation from the audience. Actors portrayed a story of courage by a young child named Oliver. Our Performing and Visual Arts Departments presented a Christmas concert, a Fine Arts Night, our first performances by our Junior High drama troupe, a windy spring concert on the grassy knoll and a joint K-12 performance of Oliver. Athletics continued its successes both on and off the fields of competition. Each team that represented Valley Christian Schools showed that they were Champions for Life regardless of wins and losses. Attitude and character continued to be developed throughout the year and we saw our athletes receive notoriety through the receipt of collegiate athletic scholarships. One of the culminating events of our athletic year was watching our Lady Vikings softball team win the Division 5 NCS Championship. Also, five of our varsity teams were awarded a top honor throughout NCS by having the highest team grade point average out of 34 competing teams. Our athletes are not only successful on the field of competition, but they are also successful in the classroom. A true measure of our academic success at Valley Christian Schools was affirmed by a hallmark event that occurred in April 2011 with the arrival of the ACSI and WASC accreditation visiting team. The team members began a four-day process of evaluation to measure the quality of education provided by Valley Christian Schools. Administration, faculty, staff, parents and students dedicated many hours during the school year to develop the necessary documentation to present to the visiting team. After multiple interviews and the evaluation of processes and programs, the ACSI and WASC accreditation visiting team awarded Valley Christian Schools the highest honor of a sixyear accreditation! Thank you for being our greatest support through your prayers and encouragement!
The VCHS Alumni once again continued their efforts to reach out to former students and their families. Last December Valley Christian welcomed back more than 2 dozen alumni who participated in the Annual Alumni basketball games. The first game had the women alumni defeating the women's varsity basketball team. In the men's game to follow, the men's varsity defeated the men's alumni by one point, in a well played, exciting game. It was a wonderful evening, topped off with a catered meal. Mark your calendar for December 19 as we will once again look forward to having our alumni back on campus. This past June, the alumni council had an opportunity to address the 2011 class at their Senior breakfast. We congratulated them on their accomplishments and encouraged them to keep in touch and stay active in their support of VCHS. At the conclusion of the breakfast, the seniors were given the latest copy of the alumni newsletter, CONNECTIONS, along with a nice key chain, a gift from the Alumni Association. The Fall has brought on much excitement and the alumni are looking for your ideas and involvement as we move forward. For more information, contact Pastor Don Dickinson at (925) 560-6245 or drop him a line at ddickinson@ dublinvcc.org.
Contact: Jim Johnson | vision@dubilnvcc.org The Lord has blessed Valley Christian Center with our current facilities through decades of sacrifice by others who have called VCC their home church. They heard God’s call and stepped forward in faith. Take, for example, Curtis and Gloria Smith. In the early days of our church, this couple responded to God’s call by building an expansion to their own home to provide space for worship. And there are numerous other stories of people who felt it their time, opportunity and obligation to contribute. Because of them, we were able to move VCC from the Smith home to Dublin Elementary School, to the Little Chapel, and from there to the Dublin High Little Theatre, and finally to our current location on the Hill. It is now our time to carry on the VCC legacy and to answer the call as we hear it today.
Living out the Great Commission | Vision for our Valley is VCC’s commitment to fulfill the Great Commission to go and disciple God’s people. We do this through: • • • • • • •
our ministries our schools our after-school sports and arts programs our Sunday worship services our Wednesday night classes our small groups our service to our communities through outreach ministries including knocking on the doors of our neighbors in Dublin, ministering to the needs of many through Open Heart Kitchen, Santa Rita Jail, Easter Seals Kaleidoscope, Agape Villages Foster Family Agency, Hope Hospice, Valley Pregnancy Center, and in many other venues and ways.
Answering the Call | As we continue our commitment to grow and invest in our discipleship of and ministry to our families and communities, we have also felt God’s call to provide the means for an expansion of our facility to support our mission. On June 6, 2010, we broke ground on our new Sanctuary. We have started down the path to fulfill the long-term plan to construct a building specifically designed for worship. Not only will this facility provide a more inspiring setting for worship, but it will also: • • • •
double our existing seating capacity provide private areas for nursing mothers increase restroom facilities, and perhaps most significantly, make the current building in which we have been worshiping available for the needs of our adult and youth ministries as well as our principle ministry: Valley Christian Schools.
Putting Feet to our Faith | Our church does not have the capacity from general offerings to both finance the construction of this facility and fulfill His Commission. We must separately raise and receive the funds necessary for construction of our Sanctuary. During the most difficult economic times in our country since the Great Depression, members of Valley Christian Center have contributed approximately $3.6 million to date for this purpose.
“Should I not be concerned about that
great city?" Jonah 4:11b
Phase 1 | Cost: $2.1 million Status: Completed and paid in full Included design, permitting, preparation of the grounds, installation of the utilities and pouring of the foundation. Phase 2 | Cost: $2.1 million | Construction of exterior building shell Phase 2A | Cost $1.2 million Status: complete in October and paid in full. Includes structural steel, roof, steel studs, framing and platform. Phase 2B | Cost $900,000 Status: $325,000 from existing pledges with $575,000 needed to complete building exterior. Includes exterior substrate, doors, windows, stucco, electrical service and patio. Phase 3 | Cost: $1.3 million Status: $1.3 million yet to be raised Includes the exterior and interior finishing work, furnishings, sound system, etc., costing an estimated $1.3 million to complete the Sanctuary. Note: The interior furnishings and sound system were not included in the scope of building the Sanctuary. We currently estimate these additional costs to be $750,000.
Yes, a Plan is in Place! | The objective of our current fund raising activities, which will allow us to complete Phase 2B, is to raise $575,000 in the next nine months. This will allow the completion of the exterior of the Sanctuary and the adjoining Patio. The new Sanctuary structure is already an impressive addition to our campus. By the end of the year, the Sanctuary will be enclosed and winterized and we are out of money. Our next challenge is raising the additional funds to complete Phase 2B, followed by funds for Phase 3. This Sanctuary building is the completion of a dream for VCC that was birthed decades ago and we now have the opportunity to be part of it. We have reached a very significant point in this program where we need to seek God’s direction on how we will proceed on completing His new house. We have used all of the funds provided and it is now up to God to provide us with our path to completion of this new Sanctuary. A week of prayer and fasting for VCC and VCS is planned for the week of October 16, 2011, with a Scripture dedication of the Sanctuary and celebration of what has been accomplished on October 22, 2011. At this point, there will be opportunities for investment in the completion of Phase 2B, as well as the final phase of construction. These opportunities are not only financial, but also to the talented and skilled people in our congregation and school who can offer their trade/profession to see it through to completion. However, unless those whom God has blessed with resources and/or conviction step forward and in faith make a monetary commitment or increase their current commitment, we will not be able to complete the Sanctuary. Please pray about how God will lead you to answer The Call. Ongoing fund raising activities include our eBay fund raising program and the possible sale of land parcel 2 at the bottom of Inspiration Drive.
Questions or Comments?
Please contact us! Questions or comments regarding Vision for our Valley can be sent to vision@dublinvcc.org or you can call the Church Office at [925] 560-6202.
Capital Campaign Committee Dr. Roger Valci, Lead Pastor Jim Johnson, Chair Nicole Conti Stan Cooper Gloria Gregory Kelly Kindall Brad Kinney Kevin McGuire Arlie Smith Shari Smith Patrice Van Dussen
Building Committee Dr. Roger Valci, Senior Pastor Richard Lietz, Chair Mike Creeden, Vice-Chair Marie Baysinger Chuck Fleming Jason Gawel Eric Raasch Bryan Tebbutt Scott Van Dussen Dennis Wilborn
Contact: Pastor Cassie Tundag | women@dublinvcc.org
It has been a year of transition for Women’s Ministry this year. Marie Baysinger and her team of women have done an amazing job of carrying on a great year of ministry to the women of VCC despite all being volunteers who have thriving personal lives! From a great kick-off event to Women’s Bible studies to an impactful retreat, the women of VCC connected on many levels and great friendships have been forged. Our annual women’s retreat was a big success. Pastor Jennifer Davis was our speaker, and was booked before she returned to staff at VCC. Unbeknownst to us, but known by God, He orchestrated each step of the planning and it was a memorable weekend for 91 women! Special thanks to Patrice Van Dussen and her creative committee for creating an atmosphere for women to connect with God and girlfriends! We would also like to thank those women who have faithfully led a study this past year: Mae Evans, Brenda Cech, Marty Walker, Jill Dykes, Miriam Lietz, Sandy Cooper and Marie Baysinger. As we move into a new year, the women of VCC will continue to be led by a team of volunteer leaders that will strive to help every woman at VCC discover God’s story in her.
The mission of Women's Ministry at VCC is to create an environment for women to discover who God created them to be and to live out His purpose for them. 27
Contact: Pastor Jason Gawel | jgawel@dublinvcc.org
The pursuit of God has been a continuous theme in the Worship Arts Department. It’s what motivates us, what encourages us, and it continually stretches us to exist for more than just “surface-level” experiences. Seeking Him is our biggest desire. OUR PURPOSE To create an atmosphere where people experience and connect with a Holy God and to free them to worship Him to their fullest design. Pursuit is important David wrote in Psalm 51:11 “Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.” He was a man who continually sought out the presence of God. He desired to connect with God, and be changed by Him. We have seen many changes here and have joined with you, our church family, in full pursuit of God and His presence in our lives. Here are a few of the exciting things we joined together in this past year: Led worship and participated at: • A/G District Youth Leadership Camp – Happy Camp, CA • Men’s Retreat – Yosemite, CA VCC & VCS Combined Choir – Christmas Concert Hillsong United Concert – Sacramento, CA Good Friday and Easter Sunday Choir performances Cleansing Stream Retreat Youth Break-Out Sessions – Fremont, CA • Our own VCC & VCS students helped lead worship at the Northern California CSM Regional Retreat Participated in Memorial Services for VCC members Remodel of Green Room • We are still in the process of establishing a Green Room. This will be a room where groups can meet for prayer, Bible studies as well as pre-service activities. It will also be useful during theatrical performances of both Church and Schools. OpenSpace Nights – Now the 1st & 3rd Sunday evenings of the month Celebration on the Pad • We celebrated, with our entire church family, the completion of Phase 1 of our new Sanctuary building along with the VCS Student Choir and Drum Corps The Worship Arts Department has the joy to touch almost every area of ministry on the Hill. From leading worship in Youth Ministries and Men’s Breakfast, to helping in School chapels and classrooms, God’s presence never disappoints. We have seen an increase in sensitivity to the Holy Spirit in our services and have watched many people step out and use their God-given gifts. We pray that it is your desire to enter the pursuit of His presence with us this new season.
Contact: Pastor Cassie Tundag | women@dublinvcc.org Roots Young Adult ministry has had a fun year, building new friendships and deepening relationships with God, meeting twice a month for a small group Bible study and periodically for fun events, as well as finding opportunities to serve and volunteer our time. We have said goodbye to (and welcomed back) friends who are in school out of the area and the group enjoys growing in number during holiday breaks or summer months. Another addition this year has been getting involved with Bay Fusion, a young adult ministry that reaches young adults and churches across the Bay Area. Each month, Roots attends a monthly service with an average of 40 other churches and participates in a social event. This ministry has allowed our young adults to meet others in the Bay Area who have similar interests, goals, and values and lets them know they are not alone in their faith on their campuses, in their workplaces or communities. Looking forward, Roots will continue to be a place where young adults are accepted, loved, and encouraged to grow healthy relationships with others and with God. We anticipate another great year full of memorable retreats, challenging small group time, and fun social events! A special Thank You to Christopher Lopez for his help in leading Roots and to Larry and Christine Lopez for graciously hosting Roots every month!
This ministry has now been going for over a year and it has been a joy to watch the friendships and family-feel deepen among many. We continue to strive to create events and times for young couples, with or without children, to connect on a social level and be encouraged, accepted, and integrated into the VCC community. Over the past year, Young Families hosted a Date Night for all of VCC, hosted many fun events, and assisted Men’s Ministry in planning the Sweetheart Banquet. Date Night in November brought together 40 couples for a night of fun and connecting, in the hopes of strengthening marriages. Other events such as an Easter Egg Hunt and Potluck, picnics, BounceU parties, and many others have given young couples a place to connect and invite their unchurched friends to get to know believers in a fun environment. We look forward to a year of growth together! Young Families is blessed to have a dream team of couples, Ramez & Olga Bahu, Keith & Nicole Conti, and Juan & Tawni Garcia, who are passionate about this ministry and serve selflessly! 29
Contact: Pastor Aaron McNeal | youth@dublinvcc.org
Win Build Serve
Touch the lives and hearts of our youth through God’s love while encouraging them to solidify a foundation with Christ. To rise up students with Godly Character, Attitude, and Commitment for the things of God. Students to grow and serve selflessly with love.
Praise the Lord! T4 Youth Ministry exists to reach unbelievers by showing God’s love, while challenging believers to stay in God’s will and fulfill God’s destiny for their lives. We began this assignment in May of 2009 and we are so thankful for God’s presence, purpose and plan. This July, I was assigned to the Youth Pastor position full time and I am excited to have the opportunity to provide 100% focus on the youth, our mission, our team and God’s vision for our students. God has bountifully blessed this ministry in so many different forms and our family is blessed to be a part of it. We have highlighted a few events that have taken place over this past year so that you can better appreciate God’s movement in our youth. • • • • • • • • •
Youth Convention in Sacramento, CA White Water Rafting Camp in Happy Camp, CA Disneyland Trip (Spring Break) Fine Arts Festival Merit winners In April 2010 VerseTag fundraiser for building a well in Tanzania, Africa Donnie Moore camp in Chico, CA, an awesome experience in God! 75 Thanksgiving baskets with a choice of turkey or ham were created and hand delivered (by the youth group) to families throughout the Bay Area in need Baby Shower for Jesus in December (sponsoring VPC) 2010 New Year’s Eve Bash!
Looking Forward
We kicked off the 2011 summer with a scavenger hunt and over 70 youth attended. We will resume Wednesday night services at 7:00 PM throughout the 2011 – 2012 school year. We have already celebrated 4 baptisms this summer and we are looking forward to many more during the school year. We provide food for all the youth during the school year so that the students and athletes are fed physically and spiritually. Our leadership team has already planned our 2011-2012 calendar and it is filled with exciting activities, including the following: Youth Convention in November Snow trip in February Philippines Mission Trip Donnie Moore Camp White Water Rafting Camp
Amplified Home Bible Studies Fall Carnival 2012 3rd Annual New Years Eve Bash! Fine Arts Festival and more to be announced…
Please encourage your student to be a part of a youth group. If your student does not already attend a youth group, we have included the locations and times that our youth group meets for your convenience. • Every Wednesday night from 7:00 - 8:30 PM in the VCC Sanctuary • Bible Studies are available for Junior High boys or girls and Senior High boys or girls every other Sunday afternoon beginning at 1:30 PM (please contact us for more details) • Sunday Café every Sunday morning in the HS gymnasium @ 8:30 AM
LEAD pastor Dr. Roger Valci @ x205 rvalci@dublinvcc.org
Local and Global Outreach Sherry White missions@dublinvcc.org
Worship Arts Pastor Jason Gawel @ x206 jgawel@dublinvcc.org
Community Service Coordinator Gloria Gregory cityserve@dublinvcc.org
Children Pastor Jennifer Davis @ x212 jdavis@dublinvcc.org
PRAYER MINISTRY Pastor Jimi Merrell jmerrell@dublinvcc.org
YOUTH Pastor Aaron McNeal @ x204 youth@dublinvcc.org
Sports Ministry Pastor Don Dickinson @ x245 ddickinson@dublinvcc.org
Young Adults Pastor Cassie Tundag @ x214 ctundag@dublinvcc.org
Volunteer Opportunities Pastor Don Dickinson @ x245 ddickinson@dublinvcc.org
Young Marrieds | families Pastor Cassie Tundag @ x214 ctundag@dublinvcc.org
Accounting & Administration David Cariveau @ x217 dcariveau@dublinvcc.org
Adult Education Pastor Cassie Tundag @ x214 ctundag@dublinvcc.org
IT & OPERATIONS Eric Raasch @ x229 eraasch@dublinvcc.org
Active Adults Pastor Don Dickinson @ x245 ddickinson@dublinvcc.org
communications | website Kelly Kindall @ x207 kkindall@dublinvcc.org
Women’S MINISTRY Pastor Cassie Tundag @ x214 ctundag@dublinvcc.org
Valley Christian schools Lori Cantrell @ x262 lcantrell@dublinvcc.org
Men’S MINISTRY John Deming men@dublinvcc.org
VALLEY CHRISTIAN CENTER Dr. Roger Valci, Lead Pastor 7500 Inspiration Drive | Dublin, CA 94568 925.560.6202 | www.ComeDiscoverVCC.org