By Design

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Val l ey

C h ri s t i a n

Cen t er

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:8-10

Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity.

Stay at your post reading Scripture, giving counsel, teaching. And that special gift of ministry you were given when the leaders of the church laid hands on you and prayed—keep that dusted off and in use.

Cultivate these things. Immerse yourself in them. Keep a firm grasp on both your character and your teaching.

Don’t be diverted. Just keep at it. Both you and those who hear you will experience salvation. 1 Timothy 4:13-16 (The Message)

Fall 2011 Curriculum

Fall 2011 Curriculum

Table of Contents Active Adults............................ 3 Adult Education....................... 4 Children’s Ministry................... 8

We all remember them—iconic examples in our lives that we either observed from afar or by whom we were directly mentored. Those people who entered our lives when we were small children, new believers, or growing believers who made an impact on our faith journey because they lived life in such a way that we had to take notice of them.

Counseling Ministry...............10 Family Life Ministry...............10 Men’s Ministry........................11 Missions...................................12 Pastoral Care.........................16 Prayer Ministry......................17 Sports Ministry.......................20 Valley Christian Schools.......21 Women’s Ministry..................22 Worship Arts Ministry...........23 Young Adults..........................24 Young Families.......................24

Do we realize the opportunity we have each day to be such a person to someone in our sphere of influence? At Valley Christian Center, it is our hope and desire that you will discover God’s Story in you, the gifts that He engrained into the fiber of your being, and the purpose He has for your life. As your story develops and you utilize the gifts that God has given you, remember that others are watching. Beyond your family and close friends, there are people all around you who are watching how you live your life. Don’t let your gifts go to waste, don’t let the story of your life pause in the middle of a great chapter, but keep moving forward, keep finding ways to serve the One who created you so that all around you will experience salvation! In this Ministry Guide, you’ll find a variety of ways to keep moving forward in your faith journey, from classes to take, resources to tap into, or areas where you can use your God-given gifts. If you don’t find it here, ask us. We are here to help you Discover God’s Story in You!

Youth Ministry.........................25 Campus Map.........................27

7500 Inspiration Drive Dublin, CA 94568 (925) 560-6202


Pastor Don Dickinson |

Active Adults (60+) Sundays at 10:30 AM | Fireside Room

Active Adults is a ministry bringing honor and glory to our Lord as we advance in both age and spiritual maturity by providing Christian teaching, fellowship, prayer and social activities.

Active Adults Bible Class

On Sundays, come be encouraged and inspired by other believers and guests at a weekly class setting that delves into the Bible and other topical lessons. Facilitated by: Austin Ashmore and Teaching Team Where: Fireside Room When: 10:30 AM | On-going Contact: Pastor Don Dickinson at or (925) 560-6245

Hilltoppers (60+)

Hilltoppers is our social outlet providing fellowship over an incredible, wholesome and hearty meal set in a casual setting and followed by Christian based entertainment. Partnering with Pastor Don Dickinson is Madeline Scott who focuses her attention on providing quality direction to this growing group, which meets the 2nd Tuesday of every other month. Facilitated by: Pastor Don Dickinson and Madeline Scott Where: Sanctuary When: Tuesdays at 6:30 PM | September13, November 8 2012: February 7, March 13, May 8 Contact: Sandy Brunson at or (925) 560-6224

FORE runners

Forerunners | Adult Ministries (50+) Sharing the Torch of Experience

Calling all baby-boomers! This vital ministry is geared to inspire and equip those in and approaching life’s second half! This group participates in serving, uplifting others, and physical and spiritual enrichment. Forerunners enjoy being active and enthusiastic in various activities including: spiritual and motivational special guests, bocce ball, train trips, bowling, folk dancing, Western BBQ, potlucks, etc. Check the Sunday bulletin or the website to see what’s coming up next! When: On-going | Check Website Contact: Pastor Don Dickinson at (925) 560-6245


Pastor Cassie Tundag |

Sunday Morning Classes 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM | VCC Campus LifeScript

It doesn’t matter if you’ve been a Christian for years, been at VCC for years, or if today is your first day on our campus, LifeScript is for you! Join different pastors and leaders whose desire is to help you Discover God’s Story in You. LifeScript is VCC’s tool to get you or keep you moving forward in your faith journey. We hope you jump in soon! LifeScript | chapter 1 | Church Family VCC has a rich history with God stories laced throughout! Join Pastor Roger and Pastor Don to learn about VCC’s vision and how you can be a part of the story God is writing every day through us all. When: September 4 – 25 October 2 – 23 November 6 – 27 Time: Sundays, 8:30 – 10:00 AM Where: Junior High Building, Room 2 Facilitated by: Pastor Don Dickinson and Pastor Roger Valci LifeScript | chapter 2 | Faith Walk All relationships take some amount of work; it makes sense that the most important relationship in your life, your relationship with Jesus Christ, also takes work. Pastor Larry will help you see the importance of establishing some foundational disciplines to help you discover your story. When: November 6 – 27 Time: Sundays, 8:30 – 10:00 AM Where: Junior High Building, Room 6 Facilitated by: Pastor Larry Lopez LifeScript | chapter 3 | Life Design Within you lies greatness...a beautiful masterpiece comprised of spiritual gifts, passions, abilities, strengths, and a lot of life lived. God weaves each of these together to fill a gap in the world. He created you for something, join Pastor Cassie as we help you discover what that is! When: September 4 – 25 Time: Sundays, 8:30 – 10:00 AM Where: Junior High Building, Room 6 Facilitated by: Pastor Cassie Tundag

LIFE script

a journey of discovering God’s Story in your life

This is a story that’s worth reading. It’s about you. It’s about God. It’s about us. And it’s about what we can do when we do it together. Ready? Let’s delve in.


Classes designed to help you learn how to live the life you were meant to live

LifeScript | chapter 4 | Life Mission All around you are people that need to hear a story of hope, as a believer in Jesus Christ you have that story engrained in you. Join Kevin McGuire to learn how to hear a story, tell your story, and share God’s story. When: October 2 – 23 Time: Sundays, 8:30 – 10:00 AM Where: Junior High Building, Room 6 Facilitated by: Kevin McGuire LifeScript | chapter 5 | Cleansing Stream Let’s face it. We all have baggage; some of it we know about, some of it we don’t. Part of living God’s Story in us forces us to take a look back at where we have been in life. Cleansing Stream is a “freedom” ministry that attempts to deal with the baggage in our lives. Cleansing Stream is NOT a support group as in a twelve-step program where you have to disclose your inner secrets to friends or strangers. Rather, it is a Biblically-based journey that surfaces problem spots in our lives and then, by God’s Spirit, gives us the courage and strength to find healing and wholeness. This ministry will help you find a depth of relationship with our Lord and others that will truly enhance your life. We offer classes on either Sunday mornings or Wednesday evenings. When: July 17 – October 2, 2011 | February 5 – April 29, 2012 Time: Sundays, 8:30 – 10:00 AM Where: Preschool Building, Fireside Room Facilitated by: Ida Johnson, Katheline Monnier, and Scott Van Dussen

The 5 Sex Needs of Men and Women | MarriageBuilders

Through this Biblically-based study by Dr. Gary and Barb Rosberg, you will learn principles for healthy, anchored, and enjoyable marriages. This DVD-driven study will explain the 5 sex needs of women and men in the area of sexual intimacy with appropriate sensitivity. When: September 11 – November 27 Time: Sundays, 8:30 – 10:00 AM Where: Junior High Building, Room 8 Facilitated by: Juan & Tawni Garcia

Sunday Morning Classes (All Ages) 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM | VCC Campus Active Adults | See Page 3 for more information When: Time: Where: Facilitated by:

Children’s Ministry is available from birth to 5th grade during both services. No RSVP needed.

Ongoing Sundays, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM Fireside Room Austin Ashmore and Teaching Team

VCC School of the Bible

Have you always wanted to walk through the Bible verse by verse? The Bible is the inspired Word of God, and every believer should study it in order to know the rich and vast content of God’s divine provisions. When God speaks, He does so through His Word. Therefore, we must study the Bible in order to let the word of God dwell in us. When: Ongoing Time: Sundays, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM Where: Junior High Building, Room 2 Facilitated by: Tim Ludden and Tom Blinn


continued Pastor Cassie Tundag |

That the World May Know

Is a visit to the Holy Land on your bucket list of goals for the future? If so, then this class is right down your alley! In video and discussion formats, Bible teacher Ray Vander Laan and other teachers provide insights from Bible lands and practical applications for Christians today. You can jump in at any point and join us on the current series, “In the Dust of the Rabbi”, filmed on location in Israel and Turkey. Then we’ll be traveling on through Antioch, Lystra, and Cappadocia, learning great life lessons all along the way. Join us for a life-changing trip! When: Ongoing Time: Sundays, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM Where: Junior High Building, Room 4 Facilitated by: Sherry White

Mid-Week Classes LifeScript

It doesn’t matter if you’ve been a Christian for years, been at VCC for years, or if today is your first day on our campus, LifeScript is for you! Join different pastors and leaders whose desire is to help you Discover God’s Story in You. LifeScript is VCC’s tool to get you or keep you moving forward in your faith journey. We hope you jump in soon!

LifeScript | chapter 1 | Church Family

VCC has a rich history with God stories laced throughout! Join Pastor Roger and Pastor Don to learn about VCC’s vision and how you can be a part of the story God is writing every day through us all. When: September 28 – October 19 Time: Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 PM Where: Junior High Building, Room 2 Facilitated by: Pastor Don Dickinson and Pastor Roger Valci

LifeScript | chapter 2 | Faith Walk

All relationships take some amount of work; it makes sense that the most important relationship in your life, your relationship with Jesus Christ, also takes work. Pastor Larry will help you see the importance of establishing some foundational disciplines to help you discover your story. When: October 26 – November 16 Time: Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 PM Where: Junior High Building, Room 2 Facilitated by: Pastor Cassie Tundag and Pastor Roger Valci

The mission of VCC’s Adult Education Ministry is to provide resources that help each person discover in them, resulting in a vibrant personal relationship with Him.

LifeScript | chapter 3 | Life Design

Within you lies greatness...a beautiful masterpiece comprised of spiritual gifts, passions, abilities, strengths, and a lot of life lived. God weaves each of these together to fill a gap in the world. He created you for something, join Pastor Cassie as we help you discover what that is! When: November 30 – December 21 Time: Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 PM Where: Junior High Building, Room 2 Facilitated by: Pastor Cassie Tundag


Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. –Psalm 25:5

LifeScript | chapter 4 | Life Mission

All around you are people that need to hear a story of hope, as a believer in Jesus Christ you have that story engrained in you. Join Kevin McGuire to learn how to hear a story, tell your story, and share God’s story. When: August 24 - September 14 Time: Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 PM Where: Junior High Building, Room 2 Facilitated by: Kevin McGuire

LifeScript | chapter 5 | Cleansing Stream

Let’s face it. We all have baggage; some of it we know about, some of it we don’t. Part of living God’s Story in us forces us to take a look back at where we have been in life. Cleansing Stream is a “freedom” ministry that attempts to deal with the baggage in our lives. Cleansing Stream is NOT a support group as in a twelve-step program where you have to disclose your inner secrets to friends or strangers. Rather, it is a Biblically-based journey that surfaces problem spots in our lives and then, by God’s Spirit, gives us the courage and strength to find healing and wholeness. This ministry will help you find a depth of relationship with our Lord and others that will truly enhance your life. We offer classes on either Sunday mornings or Wednesday evenings. When: July 20 – October 5, 2011| February 8 – May 2, 2012 Time: Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 PM Where: VCC Campus Facilitated by: Ramez and Olga Bahu


Made to Crave

Has food become more about frustration than fulfillment? The NY Times Bestselling release Made to Crave is the missing link between a woman’s desire to be healthy and the spiritual empowerment necessary to make that happen. This book is not a how-to manual or the latest, greatest dieting plan. Made to Crave is a helpful companion to use alongside whatever healthy eating approach you choose — a book and Bible study to help you find the “want to” in how to make healthy lifestyle changes. *For women only. When: September 28 – November 9 Time: Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:15 PM Where: Elementary School, Conference Room 7 Facilitated by: Kellie Raasch and Dana Thorp


The Book of Genesis contains the beginning of each of the great themes of the Bible. The very roots of the Christian life emerge through a careful examination of original sin, Abraham’s walk of faith, and the trials of Jacob and Joseph. Genesis also serves as the beginning history of all mankind, rehearsing the creation, the flood, the dividing of the earth, and the beginning of the Hebrew people. When: September 21 – December 14 Time: Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 PM Where: Fireside Room Facilitated by: Pastor David Sell


Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman’s Soul In every woman there are some core desires, how those desires unfold in each life is different though. Discover how every woman can live with power, freedom, and in the beauty of God’s design. **For women only. When: September 28 – December 14 Time: Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 PM Where: Church Conference Room Facilitated by: Sara Heise


Children’s Ministry is available from birth to age 3 in the Nursery. For children preschool to 5th grade, Royal Rangers and Mpact is available. Please see the Children’s Ministry pages for more information. T4 Youth Ministry is also on Wednesday evenings. Please see the Youth Ministry page for details.

Pastor Jennifer Davis |

A hymn penned in 1866 proclaims, “I love to tell the story, ‘Twill be my theme in glory, To tell the old, old story, Of Jesus and His love.” Today, 145 years later, it is our mission at VCC to tell that same story to the hundreds of children who make their way up Inspiration Drive for school each day and for church services and activities on Sundays and Wednesdays. The story is told through age appropriate play, song, teaching, projects and games with the hope of being a catalyst that sparks the discovery of God’s Story in the youngest members of our family of faith. At VCC, we aim to partner with parents in their awesome calling to disciple their children to serve the Lord. Please contact us, get involved and let’s raise amazing kids!

Nursery Child Care (0 – 3 Years)

Security, comfort and peace of mind! Parents can enjoy their Sunday experience and Wednesday night workshops knowing their child will be loved and cared for by our experienced paid and volunteer our brand new nursery environment! Parents of nursery-aged children are expected to volunteer at one service each month. When: Sunday morning, Wednesday evening and most major events Where: Nursery Wing Contact: Emily Chow at or (925) 560-6202

High Voltage Preschool (3 Years – 5 Years)

Our teachers engage your preschool-aged children in interactive Bible learning, play simple group games, and offer activities that will stimulate their imaginations. Age appropriate activities are combined with loving attention to give your child a positive experience. We will be using First Look curriculum. When: 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM | Small Group Bible Study hour made fun Where: Preschool Wing Contact: Emily Chow at or (925) 560-6202

High Voltage Elementary (Kindergarten – 5th Grade)

We believe church should be the most exciting and inviting part of a kid’s week. We want them to fall deeply in love with Jesus, not in spite of going to church, but because of going to church. We encourage and equip children to grow in their relationship with Jesus by teaching the Word of God in creative, exciting and life-changing ways. When: 8:30 AM | Small Group Bible Study hour made fun 10:30 AM | Super Church just for children Where: Elementary Multi-Use Room Contact: Pastor Jennifer Davis at or (925) 560-6212

Summer Camps

Plan ahead to send your children to one or more of our dynamic summer camp opportunities. Individual camps run from $200-250 per student. You may begin making monthly payments as early as September 2011 to make camp more affordable. Pick up payment envelopes at Mpact, Royal Rangers or at the Sunday Elementary Children’s Church. • Mpact Stars Camp June 13-16, 2012 • Royal Rangers Pow Wow June 14-17, 2012 • Camp Wired August 6-10, 2012


And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. –Luke 2:52

Mpact Girls Club (Preschool – 5th Grade)

where girls build relationships with God and others It’s time to change the lives of girls in our Valley – all it takes is one woman and one girl. Mpact Girls Clubs (preschool to 5th grade) is a program for winning girls to Jesus Christ through love and acceptance. Call Pastor Jennifer Davis or Janae Valci to learn how you can become a volunteer or to sign your daughter up to be a part of this lifechanging experience. When: Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 PM | The program runs from September 28, 2011 – May 9, 2012 and concludes with an Awards Ceremony on Saturday, May 19. Registration: Online at SpecialEvents.aspx. If you need additional assistance, contact Kris Baker at or (925) 560-6211. Where: Elementary Multi-Use Room Contacts: Janae Valci at or Pastor Jennifer Davis at Fee: $95 for first girl and $80 for each additional female sibling, plus cost of uniform and book.

Mpact Girls Club

Our Theme

Nothing can separate us from the love of God. Romans 8:38-39

Royal Rangers (Preschool – 5th Grade)


Royal Rangers is America’s most sought-after mentoring ministry for next generation men! The best time to train a man is while he’s still a boy. By mobilizing, inspiring, and resourcing mentors, Royal Rangers offers character and servant leadership education to boys and young men (K – 5th grade) in a highly relational, fun and interactive environment. Note: Preschool boys are included in the Mpact program as part of the Rainbows group. When: Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 PM The program runs from September 28, 2011 – June 13, 2012 and concludes with an Awards Ceremony in late June. Registration: Online at SpecialEvents.aspx. If you need additional assistance, contact Kris Baker at or (925) 560-6211. Where: High School Gym Contacts: Senior Commander Rick Leytem at or Pastor Jennifer Davis at Fee: $95 for first boy and $80 for each additional male sibling, plus cost of uniform and book.

Fun | Friends | Faith

Pastor Cassie Tundag |

Budget Counseling (All ages)

Equipping people with the skills to establish strong, financial principles. Topics discussed include debt, saving, spending, budgeting, giving and much more. This is a free service. Contact: Patrice Van Dussen at

Marriage and Family Therapy (All ages)

Offering assistance to young adults, adults, couples, singles and seniors to find God’s direction through difficult or emotionally painful times, or to assist them in overcoming barriers to a more fulfilling life. Contact: Megan Jones at or (925) 560-6203

Pre-Marriage Counseling

Couples complete a minimum of two assessments: Prepare/Enrich and a Temperament Analysis. Counseling varies from 3 to 10 sessions. There is a small fee for diagnostic tools used for temperament analysis. Contact: Pastor Don Dickinson at (925) 560-6245

Weddings Facility for wedding and/or reception, resources, wedding coordinator, and facility staff are available for couples looking to participate in the covenant of marriage. Where: VCC Campus Contact: Ida Johnson at (925) 560-6230

Pastor Don Dickinson |

Baby Announcements & Dedications

Children belong first and foremost to God, then given by grace as gifts to parents. It is appropriate that children be publicly dedicated back to God. Baby Dedications are scheduled quarterly. Baby birth announcements can be done at your convenience. When: Quarterly | Check Website or Bulletin Where: Sanctuary Contact: Sandy Brunson at or (925) 560-6224


John Deming |

Winning at Work and Home | by Robert Lewis

Winning at Work and Home is a 16-session study that focuses on the two areas central to a man’s life: career and family. It will begin to build the walls of manhood through a study of how to deal with a man’s chief responsibilities. It explores how a man can enjoy and engage in his work and how he can relate to a woman in a whole new way. Don’t worry if you’ve never attended. Join Mens Fraternity now and become part of the Brotherhood of Men–just ask those around you who have attended Men’s Fraternity, The Quest for Authentic Manhood. You won’t want to miss this! When: Beginning Sunday, October 2 (for 16 weeks) Time: 6:00 PM Where: Fireside Room Fee: $20.00 per person Contact: Dan Missbrenner at

Men’s Power Breakfast

Every once in a while you have to treat yourself to breakfast with the guys. Attend one of our Power Breakfasts where we will all be challenged with a word geared specifically toward men. When: Saturday, October 29 Time: 8:00 - 10:00 AM Where: Fireside Room Fee: $10.00 per person Contact: John Deming at

Men’s Retreat

Get away from the ordinary and experience the extraordinary! Join the men of VCC as we take in the spectacular scenery and share a few days of relaxation in Yosemite Valley. When: September 16 – 18 Where: Yosemite Valley, Housekeeping Campground Cost: $165.00 – $200.00 per person Contact: John Deming at

Small Group Bible Study (All Men)

We have a variety of studies in various locations in the Tri-Valley. Contact: John Deming at






Richard Lietz Jeremiah Gruidl Scott Van Dussen Jim Johnson Stan Cooper John Deming Tom Blinn Iven Wheeler Dennis Wilborn Keith Cariveau Dave Cariveau


Monday | 7:00 AM Tuesday | 6:00 AM Tuesday | 6:15 AM Wednesday | 6:00 AM Wednesday | 6:30 PM Wednesday | 6:00 AM Friday | 6:00 AM Friday | 6:00 AM Friday | 6:15 AM Friday | 6:30 AM Friday | 7:00 AM

LOCATION Dublin Livermore Dublin San Ramon San Ramon Pleasanton Pleasanton Pleasanton Livermore Livermore Dublin

Be sure to check out our Sports Ministry offerings: See page 21 for details!

Sherry White |

At Valley Christian Center, we believe that we are responsible for becoming Great Commission Christians, both in our own community and throughout the world. We can share God’s love by SENDING others to the missions field (locally and globally, with prayers and finances), by DOING service in our community at local outreach events, and by GOING on a short-term missions trip outside the U.S. at least once during our lives. Because God loves the lost and less fortunate, when we share the Gospel, assist and disciple them, we impart immeasurable worth and dignity to their lives. Check out some of the opportunities below, as well as at our Missions tables. You just might discover an opportunity that moves the heart of God and tugs at your heartstrings, too!

Doctors Giving Back (DGB)

God has orchestrated remarkable circumstances for those in our own congregation to help build two orphanages and a hospital in Ethiopia. Doctors John and Jana Turns founded DGB to minister to the poorest of the poor in Ethiopia, bringing clinics, water filtration, food, and hope to thousands of destitute natives. In the many trips they have taken to Ethiopia to minister to others, they have found their own lives have been profoundly changed. They would love for you to join them on a trip or in equipping them to make their trips, even if you do not have a medical background. They promise to use your giftedness when you determine to ‘GO.’ When: Twice annually, with the next trip in March 2012 Contact: John Turns, MD, or Jana Turns, MD at


Jimi and Holly Merrell, founders of Dreamfusion, engage today’s culture with the power and love of God in a relevant, creative manner. Using Spirit-empowered evangelistic techniques, they desire to see a radical shift in how the world responds to the person and message of Jesus Christ. They minister in places where you might not normally expect to find a Christian ministry – at film festivals, coffee shops, local festivals, and wherever the light and love of God is needed. Jimi and Holly welcome your interest in and participation with their outreaches. Contact: Jimi Merrell at


M16 Ministries is a prophetic evangelism, deliverance, and healing ministry led by Michael and Lisa Norton, longtime members of VCC. M16 Ministries invites you to participate in regular street ministry (Night Strike) outreaches in San Francisco, every 2nd and 4th Friday of each month. No experience necessary – just a heart for the homeless of San Francisco! (Also ask about short-term missions opportunities outside of the U.S.!) Contact: Mike & Lisa Norton at

Mission to Mexico (Adults)

There is no experience this side of eternity more life-changing than sharing God’s love with someone who doesn’t know Him. When you experience the power of God in your life on a short term missions trip, a lasting impression will be made and lives (including yours) will be transformed. As a GOER, you will be helping to advance the Kingdom of God. Where: Ensenada, Mexico When: July 2012 Contact: Tim Ludden at


Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. – Matthew 28:19-20 Sherry White |

Annual Missions Banquet & Faire

Come celebrate what God is doing worldwide! Sponsored by VCC’s Global Missions Team, this will be a homecoming event for many missionaries we support, and a great time of fellowship for both our congregation and our guest missionaries. It also marks the culmination of several Missions-emphasis Sundays in January, where we will all be inspired by stories of the transforming power of God displayed in diverse ways across the globe. When: January 22, 2012, 5:00 PM – 8:30 PM Where: High School Gymnasium Contact: Sherry White at

She Is Safe |

SIS works in the hardest places (Afghanistan, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Mali, Senegal, Sudan), equipping the least valued (women and children) against poverty, disease, exploitation, and spiritual darkness. You can extend God’s love and speak up for the voiceless through SIS. When: First Saturday of each month at 9:00-11:00 AM Where: Various Locations Contact: Gloria Gregory at or (925) 998-3785

All-Church Local Community Impact Events


We live in extraordinary times! God’s timetable for bringing His message of hope is accelerating, and as a result more people are coming to know Jesus Christ than any other time in history. We have the privilege to advance His plan by bringing His redemptive message to a lost world. We accomplish this by going into our local area and serving others through the work of other nonprofit agencies. There is undoubtedly a good place where you could ‘GO’, and serve others and God. Below, in CityServe, are numerous community service opportunities for you to get involved!

CityServe | Community Service Opportunities

There are so many ways and opportunities to Answer the Call! Take a look at the list below to determine which one works with your interests, skills and availability. Contact: Gloria Gregory at Agape Villages Foster Family Agency | Agape Villages is committed to serving some of California’s most troubled young people. Children without safe homes are depending on Agape Villages to help them reshape their futures. You can help by creating a backpack of love for a foster child, volunteering to help in the office, adopting a family at Thanksgiving or Christmas, or helping with their annual Christmas party. Where: 3160 Crow Canyon Place, Suite 120, San Ramon | (925) 866-3020| Contact: Linda Faulkner at (925) 829-3936


Blue Star Moms | This organization provides support for active duty personnel, promotes patriotism, and assists Veterans’ organizations. Help collect and send care packages for our troops, sew for our troops or with other support activities. Where: Tri-Valley and Contra Costa County locations Contact: Vicky Cassell at or (925) 336-1596 Children’s Emergency Food Bank | This organization provides food to families in need in our local communities throughout the year. Over 500 families are helped annually. This assistance is available to single adults and couples as well as families with children. Volunteer to help with the holiday food drives in November and April. Where: 7421 Amarillo Road, Dublin | (925) 828-1989 Contact: DJ McLeod at or (925) 600-0576 Community Welcome Teams | Join a VCC team in Dublin, San Ramon, Pleasanton or Livermore visiting families who have recently relocated to our area. Welcome them and share information about our church and schools. Materials and training provided. Contact: Gloria Gregory at or (925) 998-3785


Sherry White |

Dublin Heritage Center | Support this historical and cultural focal point that enriches our community! Work with the public (children or adults) or behind the scenes. Ways to volunteer include: participate in a music jam, lead tours, lead craft or sewing activities, tell stories, help with exhibits, work at a special event. Where: 6600 Donlon Way, Dublin | (925) 452-2100 | Contact: Jayne Coelho at (925) 999-9598 or Dublin Senior Center | The Dublin Senior Center offers a variety of classes, activities, and programs that engage the mind, body, and spirit. Caring, giving people with various skills are needed in the office and the kitchen. Many volunteers are needed to greet visitors, help at lunch events and dances, teach classes and more. Where: 7600 Amador Valley Blvd., Dublin | (925) 556-4511 | Contact: Diane Deming at or (925) 829-2399 Easter Seals Bay Area Kaleidoscope After-School Program | This non-profit provides a comprehensive, creative approach for youth ages 5 to 22 years with autism and developmental disabilities, creating life-changing solutions so that people with disabilities can live, learn, work and play. Join in many volunteer opportunities from planting to painting to singing or helping at a softball game, picnic or Halloween party. Where: 7425 Larkdale Avenue, Dublin | Contact: Sally Scholl at or (925) 560-9536


Forest Home Farms | Serve at this preserved, historic San Ramon farm by helping at special events with music, parking or other needs, leading a tour, gardening, spring and fall clean-up, or becoming a docent. Where: 19953 San Ramon Valley Blvd., San Ramon Contact: Joanne Ashmore at or (925) 828-0644 Family Embraced | Help give support and hope to the children of federal prisoners, their caregivers, and the prisoners themselves! This is a Prison Fellowship ministry to Tri-Valley and East Bay area families. Help with family needs and write cards of encouragement and faith. Adopt a child or family for Thanksgiving or Christmas; help deliver holiday packages. Where: Homes throughout the East Bay area Contact: Lauren Lovett at or (925) 876-6772


Gideons International | Men, be part of this important ministry focused on providing God’s written word to local hotels, schools, hospitals, jails, prisons, police, fire and military personnel. Where: Throughout the Tri-Valley and beyond Contact: Terry Roberts at or (925) 209-7007


Hilltoppers Supper Club | Since 1988, we have provided this bi-monthly quality dinner (prepared in our kitchen) and program for senior adults (age 60+) in our communities (see Page 3 of this guide for more information). Volunteers are needed for food prep, serving, clean-up and for program participation (music, drama, etc.). Where: Valley Christian Center Sanctuary Contact: Madeline Scott at (510) 582-9884 Hope Hospice | Since 1980 families and physicians in the San Ramon and Tri-Valley area have turned to this organization for quality, compassionate care at the end of life. You can volunteer for office duties, home care, grief support, Voices of Hope choir, or special events. Where: 6377 Clark Avenue, Suite 100, Dublin | (925) 829-8770 | Contact: Sherry White at or (925) 833-1810 Open Heart Kitchen | Every weekday this non-profit provides the only hot meal program in the Tri-Valley; over 200,000 meals are served annually. Be part of the team by helping cook or serve at a Tri-Valley location in Dublin, Pleasanton, or Livermore. Where: Various Tri-Valley locations | Contact: Emilia Orozco at or (925) 294-5804


For the least of these

Matthew 25:40

Sherry White |


San Ramon Senior Center | There are many ways to serve at this community center. A special need in the fall is for tutors to help elementary and junior high students who need help with math, English and reading. Only one hour per week is needed; no teaching experience required. Where: 9300 Alcosta Blvd., San Ramon Contact: Sydney Allison at Santa Rita Jail | Join the growing team taking the light of God’s Word to men and women incarcerated at this Dublin facility. Training and orientation classes are provided on a quarterly basis. Where: 5701 8th Street, Camp Parks, Dublin | (925) 833-7500 Contact: Rachel Webb at Senior Support Program of the Tri-Valley | This program states, “Our mission is to provide service and assistance to seniors that will: foster independence, promote safety and well-being, preserve dignity, and improve quality of life.” Many seniors in our area need encouragement and assistance. Serve as a driver to medical appointments, be a “Friendly Visitor” to a senior in person or by phone, help with office tasks or events. Where: 5353 Sunol Blvd., Pleasanton | (925) 931-5379 | Contact: Diane Deming at or (925) 829-2399


Sentinels of Freedom | This grassroots group started in San Ramon as a promise to accept responsibility for the wellbeing of severely injured men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces returning to civilian life and who show promise for bright and productive futures. It is now a national program. Get involved by serving on a support team to a Sentinel, in the office or on an event team. Where: 2678 Bishop Drive, #105, San Ramon | (925) 353-7100 | Contact: Carla Goulart at or (925) 353-7100 Shepherd’s Gate | Since 1984 Shepherd’s Gate has provided Christ-centered services to over 10,000 battered and homeless women and children. There are many ways you can participate: organizing and stocking food donations, tutoring, working in the thrift shop, mailings, gardening, handyman repairs, event committees and more. Where: 1660 Portola Avenue, Livermore | (925) 443-4283 | Contact: Becky Nohr at or (925) 785-2459


Tri-Valley After Care Ministry | Contribute your gift of graphics, writing, prayer, organization, or communication to this newly formed faith-based group developing a resource network to enable jail and prison inmates to successfully transition from incarceration back to their families and communities. Meetings are scheduled for the second Saturday morning of each month in Dublin. Where: 6533 Sierra Lane, Dublin Contact: Rachel Webb at


Valley Christian Center & Community Helps | Be part of our team providing practical help to our church and community families. Use your auto or home repair skills or availability to help with moving, yard work or other needs. Contact: Indra Laksana at


Valley Christian Schools | Support our school staff and families by serving as an after school tutor, helping prepare materials for classes, or sharing your expertise or experiences in a classroom. Volunteer participation is welcomed at all class levels. Where: 7500 Inspiration Drive, Dublin Contact Miriam Lietz at or (925) 828-4969 Valley Pregnancy Center | VPC helps those involved in an unplanned pregnancy to meet their spiritual, emotional and physical needs. All pregnancy services are free to men, women, and families of the Tri-Valley communities. Volunteer opportunities include: lay counselor (training required), nurse, receptionist, computer input, bulk mailing, prayer team, event committees and more. Where: 7660 Amador Valley Blvd., Dublin | (925) 828-4458 | Contact: Annette Maniego at or (925) 519-1485


Pastor Don Dickinson |

Sometimes life challenges are in the form of needing assistance with auto or home repairs, moving, or even general transportation. Our Helps Care Team consists of leaders in each of these areas to assist as needed.

Care Teams (All Ages) Meals: Bereavement: Helps: Transportation: Moving: Hospital Visits: Hospitality: Contact:

Diane Deming at (925) 829-2399 Pastor Don Dickinson at (925) 560-6245 Indra Laksana at (925) 485-1432 John Youngblood, Sr. at (925) 830-1872 Phil Ingwaldson at (925) 828-4365 Ruth Edwards at (925) 833-8015 Eddie Jo Mack at (925) 828-6870 Pastor Don Dickinson at (925) 560-6245 Sandy Brunson at (925) 560-6224

Water Baptism (All Ages)

As Christians, the Lord instructs us to be baptized in water as an act of obedience to typify what has happened to us spiritually. Water Baptism is a public proclamation of your commitment to follow Christ and His example. At VCC, we encourage you to participate in this important sacrament of our Christian walk. Participation requires a pastoral interview and/or class. When: Quarterly | Check Website or Bulletin Where: Sanctuary Contact: Sandy Brunson at or (925) 560-6224

Serving Opportunities

Come and be blessed as we reach out and serve our congregation. We have an opportunity to minister in the following areas: • Ushers | Assist in all worship services and special events • Greeters | Welcome our guests • Information Desk | Provide direction and answer questions • Communion Preparation


Pastor Jimi Merrell |

One of the most important lessons Jesus taught His disciples was how to pray. In response to the petition, “Teach us to pray,” Jesus said to them, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” He didn’t tell them if you pray or suggest you ought to pray. He said, “When you pray” (Matthew 6:5). The expectation is that we are to pray, and the model has been set. We are to pray that God’s Kingdom would increasingly invade earth, and that His good and perfect will would be done.

18-Hour Prayer Coverage | 1 Kings 8:28-29

“Yet give attention to your servant’s prayer and his plea for mercy, O LORD my God. Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying in your presence this day. May your eyes be open toward this temple night and day, this place of which you said, ‘My Name shall be there,’ so that you will hear the prayer your servant prays toward this place.” Lead the life of a true intercessor and join 36 other prayer warriors as we cry out on behalf of Valley Christian Center Church and Schools. With 18 hours of continuous prayer, seven days per week, we are sure to gain the favor and ear of our Father! Sign up for a 30-minute/30-day incremental spot (you may pray wherever you are at) and help keep the prayer wall high! When: Daily (30 Minutes) Where: Where you are Contact: Pastor Jimi Merrell at

Service Intercession | Matthew 6:10

“Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” A wise man once said, “The Meeting on Sunday morning is the spiritual barometer for what takes place on ‘The Hill’ the remainder of the week.” These words are a challenge to the people of VCC to petition God for His presence, direction, and blessing for our Sunday services. This is not a setting for personal prayer requests, but rather an environment to pray boldly and without abandon, with the intent to come alongside what the Father desires for our “Meeting.” When: Saturday Mornings | 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Where: VCC Sanctuary [no childcare is available] Contact: Pastor Jimi Merrell at or Holly Merrell at

House Blessings | Joshua 24:15

“But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” Would you like your home to be a spiritual sanctuary? It doesn’t matter if you have been at your residence for a few months or a few decades, our seasoned prayer warriors would love to guide you in anointing your home with oil, and dedicating it’s use to the Lord. This is an experience that the whole family can participate in! When: By Appointment Where: Your Home or Business Contact: Pastor Jimi Merrell at


continued Pastor Jimi Merrell |

Daily Self-Guided Prayer | Psalm 17:6 “I call on you, O God, for you will answer me; give ear to me and hear my prayer.” Valley Christian Center has been placed in a strategic position with its hilltop perch, and is the perfect place to pray for the surrounding communities. With clear views in each of the four directions, our self-guided prayer maps will place you in key positions around our campus in order to lift up the families, businesses, churches, and evangelistic missions of the region. When: Daily, as desired [No childcare is available] Where: Church Information Center Contact: Pastor Jimi Merrell at

Home & Hospital Visits – By appointment | James 5:14

“Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord.” Prayer is a powerful weapon against illness and infirmity. Valley Christian Center believes in the laying on of hands and praying for the healing of those who are suffering any type of affliction. We are happy to come to your home or residing hospital to pray over you, anoint you with oil, and to bring a word of encouragement and hope. When: By Appointment Where: Your Home or Residing Hospital Contact: Pastor Jimi Merrell at

Altar Ministry | James 5:16 “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” Each Sunday morning Valley Christian Center opens up the altar and provides you with the opportunity to pray with a mature, seasoned, trained member of the Altar Ministry Team. It is common to receive emotional/physical healing, prophetic insight, and a special touch from God during these weekly encounters! When: Sunday Mornings at 8:30 & 10:30 AM Where: Sanctuary Contact: Pastor Jimi Merrell at

Cleansing Stream Discipleship Program Sunday’s & Wednesday’s | Isaiah 61:1-3

“The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion— to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.”


This is the confidence we havein approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. –1 John 5:14 Pastor Jimi Merrell | The Cleansing Stream Discipleship Training prepares the participants to minister deliverance on a team in the local church and with Cleansing Stream at Regional Retreats. The Training requires a substantial commitment and is for those prayerfully chosen by Pastoral leadership, who have received healing and deliverance themselves through The Cleansing Stream Seminar. When: Wednesday Evenings at 7:00 PM Where: Junior High Building, Room 3 Contact: Pastor Jimi Merrell at or Katheline Monnier at

Open Space Prayer & Praise | Hebrews 10:22

“Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith.”

open space

come connect with God Come and let loose in a spiritually charged atmosphere as we worship and pray as the Holy Spirit leads. The use of spiritual gifts is common and encouraged as we provide God Open Space to speak and move! This is an excellent place for children to see their parents model a lifestyle of worship and prayer. When: 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month 6:00 - 7:00 PM Where: Sanctuary [No childcare is available] Contact: Pastor Jimi Merrell at or Pastor Jason Gawel at

Mid-Week Intercession / The Gap | Ephesians 6:18

“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.” Lead by seasoned prayer warriors, you are invited to join this faithful group and “stand in the gap” for the needs, issues, and requests of the Valley Christian Church and School families. This is a group that welcomes anyone with a heart for intercession! When: Wednesdays at 5:30 PM Where: Church Conference Room Contact: Bryan Tebbutt via [925] 560-6202 or Pastor Jimi Merrell at

Emergency Intercessors | Psalm 18:6 “In my distress I called to the LORD; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears.” Emergencies, accidents and illness are all part of life, but you don’t have to face them alone. Valley Christian’s Emergency intercessors will be notified immediately of your need and will begin to intercede on your behalf. If you have an immediate prayer need or would like to be included on the list as an Emergency Intercessor, we would love to accommodate you! Contact: Sandy Brunson at (925) 560-6224


Night Strike | Matthew 25:44-46

“They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.” Treat Hell’s Trash Like Heaven’s Treasure! Are you ready to hit the streets and put the love of Christ into action? Come and serve the less fortunate through the sharing of food, clothing, and the compassion of Christ in the Tenderloin District of San Francisco. Night Strike will stretch your faith and allow you to practice your spiritual gifts! When: 2nd & 4th Fridays of each month at 8:30 PM Where: UN Plaza at the Simon Bolivar Statue, San Francisco Contact: Mike Norton at or Pastor Jimi Merrell at


Pastor Don Dickinson |

Valley Christian’s Sports Ministry vision is to offer a wide variety of sports and recreational activities to our children and adults for the purpose of fun, exercise, and competition in an environment that promotes personal evangelism.

Sports and Activities (Adults)

Valley Christian participates in the Christian Fellowship League for the following sports activities that run throughout the year: co-ed softball, co-ed volleyball, men’s basketball, co-ed softball, men’s softball, tennis and golf. If you don’t see specific details below, call us for more information. When: Various dates and time Where: Various locations, including, Valley Christian High School, Robertson Park in Livermore, Harvest Park Middle School in Pleasanton Contact: Pastor Don Dickinson at (925) 560-6245 or


Interested in bowling? Come join us as VCC participates in the Christian Fellowship League with other churches. This short 12-week session will consist of five person teams. Come as a team or as an individual. There is room for everyone! When: Mondays at 6:25 PM Starting Date: September 12 (Short Meeting this day at 5:30 PM) Where: Earl Anthony’s Dublin Bowl, 6750 Regional St., Dublin Contact: Pastor Don Dickinson at (925) 560-6245 or


Cycling Group Meet | Fellowship | Pray | Ride VCC Cyclists is a new group that gives cycling enthusiasts the opportunity to enjoy cycling and Christian fellowship at the same time. All ages are invited. Feel free to bring a friend! When: 2nd Saturday of the Month | March – December Time: 9:00 AM Where: Begin/end at Alcosta Mall Shopping Center, corner of Village Parkway and Alcosta Blvd. Contacts: Jerry Buffington at (661) 330-5655 or Pastor Don Dickinson at (925) 560-6245 or

Golf Ministry

The Valley Christian Golf Ministry is open to all VCC attendees. We get together once a month for an exciting day of golf at one of the nearby courses. Come join us as we learn and build relationships within our fellowship here at VCC.




September 24 October 15 November 19

Callippe Golf Course, Pleasanton Diablo Grande, Patterson Sunol Valley Golf, Sunol

Juan Garcia John Deming Dennis Ackley


Pastor Don Dickinson at (925) 560-6245 or John Deming at


Lori Cantrell, Director of Admissions |

Pastor Roger Valci Superintendent As you walk onto the campus of Valley Christian Schools, the sights and sounds are somewhat familiar, yet there is something noticeably different. You see a mixture of preschool and elementary children, wide-eyed and ready to embark on a new adventure of exploration and discovery. Yet, you also see other children who are approaching, or are in, their last year of high school with the same wideeyed expression as they contemplate their future beyond graduation. Valley Christian Schools is in the discovery business. We help children identify their passions, discover their calling and provide the educational and spiritual guidance necessary to fully equip them to step into a world that needs Jesus. A small portion of what is seen on the campus of Valley Christian Schools is the daily education of students. Preschool children are actively engaged in developing skills in the classroom and on the playground as they reach new heights of achievement and discovery. Elementary students begin to manage the steps of independence as their cognitive abilities are shaped and molded by actively engaging in the learning process. Junior High students gain experience and understanding in their social networks and make accelerated strides toward advanced levels of academic achievement. High School students begin to take ownership of their academic, athletic and artistic abilities as they are challenged with the rigors associated with graduation at Valley Christian Schools. As you continue to walk the campus, you will also see teachers actively engaged in praying over students and providing guidance as life-choices are made. Each student–whether preschool, elementary, junior high or high school–is given the opportunity to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ, and be discipled as they are prepared for the world that they touch every day. Students begin to grow and mature into leadership roles among their peers and demonstrate life-choices that may be considered counter-culture as they communicate integrity through their actions. If you consider a portion of the passage found in Jeremiah 29:11, there is mention of “a hope and a future.” As you walk the hallways, listen in on a classroom lecture, see the children jump and run, and hear the conversations of teens as they walk to their cars, you have now seen part of our hope and future through the eyes of children. Valley Christian Schools invests in each child not only by providing excellent academic, athletic and artistic opportunities, but also by establishing an environment where students can discover their calling and passions through the development of their relationship with Jesus Christ.


Pastor Cassie Tundag |

Women’s Bible Study

Looking for a way to connect with other women? Join a women’s Bible study to not only grow deeper in your relationship with God but to build some solid friendships with new friends. We have a variety of studies in various locations in the Tri-Valley. Each group meets on a continual basis and studies an assortment of topics. Contact:

Women’s Ministry at

Leader Mary Ackley / Marty Walker Brenda Cech & Team Mae Evans Sandy Cooper & Marie Baysinger Jill Dykes Sara Heise Kellie Raasch Miriam Lietz

Day | Time Wednesday/ 6:00 AM Tuesdays/7:00 PM Tuesdays/7:00 PM 2nd Saturday/8:00 AM Wednesdays/9:00 AM Wednesdays/7:00 PM Wednesdays/7:00 PM Thursdays/1:00 PM

Location San Ramon VCC Pleasanton San Ramon VCC VCC VCC VCC

Annual Women’s Retreat | Save the Date!

Don’t miss this incredible weekend designed to allow you to disconnect from normal life and to reconnect with God, your girlfriends, and yourself! Every woman needs a break sometimes to refresh and enjoy a weekend with the ladies. To find out how you can get involved in the planning process, contact Olga Bahu or Tawni Garcia. When: May 4-6, 2012 Where: Mount Hermon Conference Center Chairwomen: Olga Bahu at Tawni Garcia at

Church Hospitality Team

First impressions are vital and this team is crucial on a Sunday morning. If you enjoy making people feel welcome by creating a warm environment, then we need you! Contact Diane Deming to find out how you can join a team of women who facilitate hospitality on a rotating basis for Sunday morning and other special events. When: Sunday Mornings Contact: Diane Deming at (925) 829-2399

The mission of Women's Ministry at VCC is to create an environment for women to discover who God created them to be and to live out His purpose for them. 22

Pastor Jason Gawel |

Our goal in the Worship Arts Ministry is to passionately pursue God’s presence through Worship and the Arts. We encourage every believer to “offer their bodies as living sacrifices…” (Romans 12:1) and discover and use their God-given talents and gifts to better worship God, serve the body of believers and fulfill God’s calling to reach a lost city for Christ. We do this by creating an atmosphere where people are free to worship God through the uniqueness of their design (2 Corinthians 3:17), and welcome different expressions of worship through creative and meaningful art. We are passionate about touching God and seeing God touch His people!

VCC Worship Team

Instrumental group that plays for Worship services and special events. With a passion to use their musical gifts for the Lord, these musicians help usher in the presence of the Lord. Auditions and Ministry Application required. When: Thursdays, 6:30 PM Where: Sanctuary Contact: Worship Arts Department at (925) 560-6224

Vocal Worship Team

As a part of our VCC Worship Team, this group of lead worshipers minister in song during our Worship services. They are offered special training events and leadership outings. Auditions and Ministry Application required. Vocalists are invited through their involvement with the Worship Choir. When: Thursdays, 6:30 PM Where: Sanctuary Contact: Worship Arts Department at (925) 560-6224

Worship Choir Members participate in Worship services, Christmas and Easter productions, and community outreach events. They enjoy outings and small group mentorship, as well as spiritual and vocal development. When: Thursdays, 7:30 PM Where: Sanctuary Contact: Worship Arts Department at (925) 560-6224 Worship Arts Development (All Ages) Beyond singing or playing an instrument, God has gifted some with other talents. We offer opportunities to minister through music, song, dance, signing, drama, still arts and more. Auditions and team participation required. When: Various Times Where: Various Locations Contact: Worship Arts Department at (925) 560-6224 Media Ministry


This growing department is always looking for energetic, creative people! Positions are available in media support for all church and school events. Includes, but is not limited to: ProPresenter • Sound and Lighting • Video Ministry (including production and editing of videos for services, video camera operators) When: Sunday Services and Various Times as needed Where: Sanctuary and Various Locations as needed Contact: Alan Harrer at (925) 560-6210

Pastor Cassie Tundag |

Roots Young Adult Ministry

Whether in a small group setting or at a fun event, Roots is a place where all are accepted and challenged to grow a deeper connection with God, while building authentic friendships with other young people.

Roots Small Group

Trying to figure out how to navigate life as a young adult? Join us as we learn how to deepen our relationships with God and figure out what life is supposed to look like for a young adult. Topics include areas we all deal with: relationships, money, time, careers and callings, and so much more. When: Where: Contacts:

First & Third Fridays, 7:30 PM Lopez Home, San Ramon Pastor Cassie Tundag at (925) 560-6214 or Christopher Lopez at

Bay Fusion

Bay Fusion is a ministry that reaches young people from 18-40 from across the Bay Area. Their mission is to unite and strengthen Bay Area young adults and they do this by meeting once a month to worship, learn from God’s Word and connect with each other. Whether you are single, dating, married, or have children, all are welcome! When: Second Tuesday of the month, 6:30 PM Where: Mission Springs Community Church, Fremont Contact: Pastor Cassie Tundag at (925) 560-6214 or

Pastor Cassie Tundag |

All young couples want to know that someone understands their place in life and marriage. Whether that is starting out newly married, having a first child, or navigating life with a toddler and an elementary-age child. No matter your family life situation, this is a place to connect with other VCC families and create some great friendships!

Young Families Monthly Gathering

Join us each month for fun events around the community that are designed for the whole family to enjoy. Activities vary from picnics, holiday parties, Date Nights or trips around the Bay Area. When: Various days during the month Where: Locations TBD Contacts: Ramez and Olga Bahu at Keith and Nicole Conti at Juan and Tawni Garcia at


Pastor Aaron McNeal |

Win | “Touch the lives and hearts of our youth through God’s love while encouraging them to solidify a foundation with Christ.” Build | “To rise up students with Godly Character, Attitude, and Commitment for the things of God.” Serve | “Students to grow and serve selflessly with love.” Let us partner with you in instilling timeless principles into the hearts of our youth to better equip them to live in their ever changing culture.

Mid-Week Youth Service (6th – 12th Grade) Experience the presence of God through live worship, lasting friendships and a relevant challenge from God’s Word. When: Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 PM Where: VCC Sanctuary Contact: Pastor Aaron McNeal at (925) 560-6204

T4 Sunday Youth Service (6th – 12th Grade) Sunday mornings is a time for us to join together in a small group setting to discuss key topics and apply Biblical principles. When: Sundays, 8:30 – 10:00 AM Where: Transform (6th – 8th Grade) Break out small group sessions | HS Gym Where: Transform (9th – 12th Grade) Break out small group sessions | HS Gym Contact: Pastor Aaron McNeal at (925) 560-6204


Amplified Bible Studies (6th – 12th Grade) | Beginning September 11, 2011 TURN IT UP!

Come and join us for a more in-depth study into the Word. This will be a chance to get more acquainted with the Word of God and with one another. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!


Junior High Boys Junior High Girls

Sundays at 1:30 PM Sundays at 1:30 PM

Bennett’s Home Johnson’s Home

Cost $5.00 Cost $5.00

Senior High Boys Senior High Girls

Sundays at 1:30 PM Sundays at 1:30 PM

Cantrell’s Home Morale’s Home

Cost $5.00 Cost $5.00

Pastor Aaron McNeal |


Handpicked and Prayerfully selected youth fusing together to become more charismatic. Fusion is taught spiritual maturity, humility, and integrity so that students may lead more boldly in their faith! • Fusion Leadership Retreats • Stockton Leadership Retreat September 2011 • Camping Trip March 2012 • White Water Rafting July 2012

Special Events | Fall Kick-Off August 31 Bringing in the new school year on a go-kart race-track!

Fall Carnival | Date TBA Raising money, clothing and shoes for Smokey Mountain Ministry Missions trip to the Philippines Youth Convention | November 11-12 NCN packed with over 1,000 youth worshipping and celebrating Christ Thanksgiving Baskets | November 14 Create and hand deliver over 75 thanksgiving baskets to families this November 2011 New Years Eve Bash | December 31 Bring in the New Year with games, music, performances, skits and much, much more… Disneyland Trip | Presidents Day weekend Come and Discover the Magical World of Disney with T4 Lake Tahoe Snow Trip | Date TBA Spend a weekend on the slopes in Lake Tahoe with T4 Donnie Moore Camp | Date TBA Come and experience this spirit filled camp in Chico, over 500 students in attendance, praise, worship and small group discussions, expect to be changed! Missions Trip to the Philippines | August 2012 Smokey Mountain in Tondo, Manila where over 1500 children are living without clothing, shoes, or food. Our goal is to bless them with as many articles of clothing and shoes as we can gather. We are taking a group of individuals willing to serve and show love to our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Romans 12:2 | “Being Transformed By the Renewing of Your Mind” In Proverbs 23 it says, as a man thinks in his heart so is he (Proverbs 23:7). Our actions are a result of what we think. Intellectually, we may believe something to be true, but our real convictions come out in our actions. This is why it is so important to renew our minds with the word of God. We must take the scripture and implant it in our hearts so that it is in alignment with what God has said. If what is in our heart is scriptural, then we will act based on that belief system.



10 Stairs 11






9 7




Elementary School Office


15 17






Multi-Use Kitchen


27 29 31

38 40






21 19









Locker Rooms




15 13 12



Upper Level









Jr High & High School Office

10 Elevator



Elevator Snack Shack


3 Stairs








Lower Level




Upper Level



Lower Level






Upper Level


6 5

1 Stairs



4 3 2 1

arkin To P




ts g Lo



Preschool Office

7 6


Fireside Room



9 8





Offices Choir Room

Main Church Offices and Reception Area


Val l ey

C h ri s t i a n

Cen t er

Fall 2011 Curriculum Valley Christian Center 7500 Inspiration Drive Dublin, CA 94568 (925) 560-6202

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