Val l ey
C h ri s t i a n
Cen t er
For we are God’s workmanship For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:8-10
Make us one, Father God, make us one. That the world may know You gave Your only Son. Fill us with the love You’ve given us to share, And protect us from the evil ev’rywhere. For You have chosen that together we should be
A reflection of Your love and unity. Cleanse us from our old nature of sin That Your image may be seen in us again.
By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. John 13:35
Send us in the world to be a channel of All the glorious riches of Your love. And we’ll tell the world the truth of how You feel, That the world may know Your love for us is real.
Words|Music by Paul Johnson
Winter 2011 Curriculum
Winter 2011 Curriculum
Table of Contents Active Adults............................ 3 Adult Education....................... 4 Children’s Ministry................... 8 Counseling Ministry................. 9 Family Life Ministry................. 9 Men’s Ministry........................10 Missions...................................11 Pastoral Care.........................14 Prayer Ministry......................15 Sports Ministry.......................17 Valley Christian Schools.......18 Women’s Ministry..................19 Worship Arts Ministry...........20 Young Adults..........................21 Young Families.......................21 Youth Ministry.........................22 Campus Map.........................23
7500 Inspiration Drive Dublin, CA 94568 [925] 560-6202
Mirrors. They are everywhere…in rooms throughout your house, your car, your purse or pocket – they are easy to come by. But what about a mirror that shows a different reflection, one that has the ability to look past the physical and into a soul? The Bible, penned by man but inspired by the Holy Spirit, helps each person portray such a reflection. This one book contains the ultimate picture of love and humility and if used correctly can help each one of us translate that same love into a human world. In John 13:35, Jesus states that the world will know that we are His disciples if we love others. To become more like Jesus, we must strive to care and love those people around us. At Valley Christian, we desire to be a place where you will not only receive love, but learn to give it away as well. Giving love can be reflected in many ways...within the boundaries of our campus, spilling into our communities, and even out to the nations. Within this Ministry Guide, you’ll find a multitude of opportunities to grow in your ability to reflect God’s love: small groups where you can mature in your personal relationship with God, as well serving opportunities in the church and the community where you can use your God-given gifts for His glory. Perhaps there is something you can’t find but are interested in; if so, please feel free to contact us anytime! We are here to help you discover the full story that God has mapped out for you, not randomly, but by His divine design!
Pastor Don Dickinson ::
Active Adults (50+) Sundays at 10:30 AM :: Fireside Room
The purpose of the Active Adults Ministry is to bring honor and glory to our Lord Jesus Christ as we advance in both age and spiritual maturity. We provide Christian teaching, fellowship, prayer and social activities for senior members and guests. Active Adults offer a weekly Sunday School class that focuses on how the Bible relates to the mature believer (50+). It is designed to meet the various needs of our seniors. You are invited to join us as we delve into the Bible or topical lessons. Facilitated by: Austin Ashmore and Bryan Tebbutt Where: Fireside Room When: 10:30 AM | On-going Contact: Sandy Brunson at
Hilltoppers (60+) 2nd Tuesday every other month :: Sanctuary at 6:30 PM
Fellowship dinners and program takes place the second Tuesday of every other month. Doors open at 6:00 PM. Cost is $7.00. Reservations are required. Led by Madeline Scott and a host of volunteers. Contact: Sandy Brunson at or [925] 560-6224
Luncheons Once a month :: Various Locations
Fellowship luncheons. Venue discussed at the Active Adults Sunday class.
Sing-a-Long and Lunch Once every other month :: Various Locations
Fellowship luncheons and hymn sing-a-long. Venue discussed at the Active Adults Sunday class.
FORE runners
Forerunners :: Adult Ministries (50+) Sharing the Torch of Experience
Forerunners is geared to inspire and equip the church for ministry to and through adults in life’s second half. Come join us every other month on a Saturday as we enjoy an evening together of fun and food. We meet in the Fireside Room at 5:30 PM for a meal, followed by a guest speaker or activity. Help us grow this ministry together! When: February 2011 | Check website for more information Contact: Pastor Don Dickinson at [925] 560-6245
Since my youth, O God, you have taught me, and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds.
Psalm 71:17
Pastor Cassie Tundag ::
Sunday Morning Classes (All Ages) 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM :: VCC Campus LifeScript
Whether you are new to Valley Christian Center, or have been a part of this ministry for years, LifeScript is a tool that will help you grow in your spiritual journey. chapter one sets the groundwork with the story of VCC. chapter two launches into how to build a foundation for living out your story with God at the center of your life. Your story builds in chapter three, where you discover more fully how God designed you. Okay, so now you know how you were designed, but why? Enter chapter four. This is where you learn how to communicate your story, but equally important, you learn how to listen to the stories of those around you. chapter five culminates in an opportunity to address the baggage that accumulates throughout life — we all have it, but here you learn tools for letting it go, and moving forward into the full freedom that God had in mind for you all along. LifeScript | chapter 1 | Church Family When: January 9 - 30 | February 6 - 27 | March 6 - 27 | May 1 - 22 | June 5 - 26 Time: Sundays, 8:30 – 10:00 AM Where: Junior High Building, Room 4 Facilitated by: Pastor Don Dickinson and Pastor Roger Valci LifeScript | chapter 2 | Faith Walk When: March 6 - 27 Time: Sundays, 8:30 – 10:00 AM Where: Junior High Building, Room 6 Facilitated by: Pastor Larry Lopez LifeScript | chapter 3 | Life Design When: January 9 - 30 | May 1 - 22 Time: Sundays, 8:30 – 10:00 AM Where: Junior High Building, Room 6 Facilitated by: Pastor Cassie Tundag LifeScript | chapter 4 | Life Mission When: February 6 - 27 | June 5 - 26 Time: Sundays, 8:30 – 10:00 AM Where: Junior High Building, Room 6 Facilitated by: Kevin McGuire
LIFE script
a journey of discovering God’s Story in your life
LifeScript | chapter 5 | Cleansing Stream Let’s face it. We all have baggage; some of it we know about, some of it we don’t. Part of living God’s Story in us forces us to take a look back at where we have been in life. Cleansing Stream is a “freedom” ministry that attempts to deal with the baggage in our lives. Cleansing Stream is NOT a support group as in a twelve-step program where you have to disclose your inner secrets to friends or strangers. Rather, it is a Biblically-based journey that surfaces problem
Classes designed to help you learn how to live the life you were meant to live
spots in our lives and then, by God’s Spirit, gives us the courage and strength to find healing and wholeness. This ministry will help you find a depth of relationship with our Lord and others that will truly enhance your life. We offer classes on either Sunday mornings or Wednesday evenings. When: January 16 – April 3 | July 17 – October 2 Time: Sundays, 8:30 – 10:00 AM Where: Preschool Building, Fireside Room Facilitated by: Cleansing Stream Teaching Team
Love & Respect
Dr. Emerson Eggerichs’ book, Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires, the Respect He Desperately Needs, is based on the biblical passage: “But every husband must love his wife as he loves himself, and wives should respect their husbands” – Ephesians 5:33. His premise is that communication between a husband and wife is often frustrated because of the vastly different ways in which men and women perceive love. Women are wired to need unconditional love and men need to feel unconditionally respected. Revitalize the love in your marriage! When: January 16 – April 17 Time: Sundays, 8:30 – 10:00 AM Where: Junior High Building, Room 2 Facilitated by: Juan & Tawni Garcia
You know Christ, but you’re not sure how to grow in Christ. This class is designed to help you with just that! Using the book, Growing in Christ, from The Navigators, you will learn important promises and principles needed for living a solid biblical life. When: January 16 – March 6 Time: Sundays, 8:30 – 10:00 AM Where: Junior High Building, Room 3 Facilitated by: Mike and Lanette Creeden
Sunday Morning Classes (All Ages) 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM :: VCC Campus Active Adults (See Page 3 for more information) When: Time: Where: Facilitated by:
Ongoing Sundays, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM Fireside Room Austin Ashmore and Bryan Tebbutt
VCC School of the Bible
Have you always wanted to walk through the Bible verse by verse? The Bible is the inspired Word of God, and every believer should study it in order to know the rich and vast content of God’s divine provisions. When God speaks, He does so through His Word. Therefore, we must study the Bible in order to let the word of God dwell in us. When: Ongoing Time: Sundays, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM Where: Junior High Building, Room 2 Facilitated by: Tim Ludden and Tom Blinn
continued Pastor Cassie Tundag ::
That the World May Know
Join renowned teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan as he guides you through the land of the Bible. Vander Laan illuminates the historical, geographical, and cultural context of the sacred Scriptures. Filmed on location in the Middle East, the Faith Lessons DVD series will transform your understanding of God and challenge you to be a true follower of Jesus. When: January 9 – February 27 Time: Sundays, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM Where: Junior High Building, Room 4 Facilitated by: Sherry White
Mid-Week Classes LifeScript | chapter 1 | Church Family When: Time: Where: Facilitated by:
January 5-26 Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 PM Junior High Building, Room 2 Pastor Don Dickinson and Pastor Roger Valci
LifeScript | chapter 2 | Faith Walk When: Time: Where: Facilitated by:
February 2-23 Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 PM Junior High Building, Room 2 Pastors Roger Valci and Cassie Tundag
LifeScript | chapter 3 | Life Design When: Time: Where: Facilitated by:
March 2-23 Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 PM Junior High Building, Room 2 Pastor Cassie Tundag
LifeScript | chapter 4 | Life Mission When: Time: Where: Facilitated by:
March 30 – April 20 Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 PM Junior High Building, Room 2 Kevin McGuire
LIFE script
a journey of discovering God’s Story in your life
LifeScript | chapter 5 | Cleansing Stream
Let’s face it. We all have baggage; some of it we know about, some of it we don’t. Part of living God’s Story in us forces us to take a look back at where we have been in life. Cleansing Stream is a “freedom” ministry that attempts to deal with the baggage in our lives. Cleansing Stream is NOT a support group as in a twelve-step program where you have to disclose your inner secrets to friends or strangers. Rather, it is a Biblically-based journey that surfaces problem spots in our lives and then, by God’s Spirit, gives us the courage and strength to find healing and wholeness. This ministry will help you find a depth of relationship with our Lord and others that will truly enhance your life. We offer classes on either Sunday mornings or Wednesday evenings. When: January 12 – April 6, July 20 – October 5 Time: Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 PM Where: Fireside Room Facilitated by: Cleansing Stream Teaching Team
Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Psalm 25:5
The Truth Project
Is our culture filled with lies? You are about to take what could well be the most important tour of your life. The Truth Project, produced by Focus on the Family, is a comprehensive and systematic worldview tour. You will be challenged to transform your life and culture based upon the truth claims of God. The course will discuss Truth, God, Man, Science, Philosophy, Ethics, History, Law, State, Arts & Media, Family, Labor, and Community. You will be amazed. Join us for this unique study each Wednesday evening. When: January 5 – March 23 Time: Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 PM Where: Junior High Building, Room 6 Facilitated by: Jim Johnson
When going through a divorce, you may feel as if there aren’t many people around you who understand the pain your divorce or separation has caused. To you. Your family. Your friends. That’s the reason for DivorceCare. It’s a series of support groups and seminars conducted by people who understand what you are experiencing. Most importantly, you’ll learn how to deal with the pain of the past and look forward to rebuilding your life. DivorceCare is nondenominational and features Biblical teaching for recovering from divorce and separation. When: January 5 – March 23 Time: Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 PM Where: High School Building, Teachers Lounge Facilitated by: Tawni Garcia
The Holy Spirit
This course is the second of this three-part series entitled, The Spirit of God, Man, and the Devil. The Holy Spirit is a thorough study of the third person of the Trinity. We will spend time looking into His 25 different titles and each corresponding manifestation. We will also try to answer any questions students might have about the Baptism with the Spirit and the various gifts of the Spirit. The primary emphasis of the course, however, will focus upon what it means to “walk in the Spirit” on a daily basis. When: January 12 – March 30 Time: Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 PM Where: Fireside Room Facilitated by: Pastor David Sell
Have a New Kid by Friday
Parents teach their children their ABCs before they enter school; now it’s time to teach them the ABCs of life (Attitude, Behavior, and Character). “How?”, you ask. Stand up to the plate and take charge. In Have a New Kid by Friday, Dr. Kevin Leman urges you to take his 5-day challenge to implement a new parenting strategy. Based on cause and effect instead of threats or fears, you’ll soon be seeing lots of improvement in your child’s behavior and experience a closer bond as well. Let the fun begin! When: January 5 – February 23 Time: Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 PM Where: Junior High Building, Room 8 Facilitated by: Keith Conti
Pastor Erik Hansen ::
Nursery Child Care (0 - 3 Years)
Security, comfort and peace of mind! Parents can enjoy their Sunday experience and Wednesday night workshops knowing their child will be loved and cared for by our experienced paid and volunteer our brand new nursery environment! Parents of nursery-aged children are expected to volunteer at one service each month. When: Sunday morning, Wednesday evening and most major events Where: Nursery Wing
High Voltage Preschool (3 Years - 5 Years) Our teachers engage your preschool-aged children in interactive Bible learning, play simple group games, and offer activities that will stimulate their imaginations. Age appropriate activities are combined with loving attention to give your child a positive experience. We will be using Elevate Jr. curriculum. When: 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM | Small group Bible Study hour made fun Where: Nursery Wing High Voltage Elementary (Kindergarten - 5th Grade) We believe church should be the most exciting and inviting part of a kid’s week. We want our kids to fall deeply in love with Jesus, not in spite of going to church, but because of going to church. We encourage and equip children to grow in their relationship with Jesus by teaching the Word of God in creative, exciting and life-changing ways. When: 8:30 AM | Small group Bible Study hour made fun 10:30 AM | Super Church just for children Where: Elementary Multi-Use Room Contact: Pastor Erik Hansen at [925] 560-6212 Mpact (Preschool - 5th Grade)
It’s time to change the lives of girls in our Valley – all it takes is one woman and one girl. Mpact Girls Clubs (preschool to 5th grade) is a program for winning girls to Jesus Christ through love and acceptance. Call Pastor Erik Hansen to learn how you can become a volunteer or to sign your daughter up to be a part of this life-changing experience. When: Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8:15 PM Where: Elementary Multi-Use Room Contacts: Pastor Erik Hansen at or Janae Valci at Fee: $75 Registration, plus cost of uniform and book
Royal Rangers (Preschool - 5th Grade)
Royal Rangers is America’s most sought-after mentoring ministry for next generation men! The best time to train a man is while he’s still a boy. By mobilizing, inspiring, and resourcing mentors, Royal Rangers offers character and servant leadership education to boys and young men (K – 5th grade) in a highly relational, fun and interactive environment. Note: Pre-school boys are included in the Mpact program as part of the Rainbows group. When: Wednesdays, 6:30 – 8:15 PM Where: High School Gym Contacts: Pastor Erik Hansen at or Rick Leytem at Fee: $75 Registration, plus cost of uniform and book
Pastor Cassie Tundag ::
Budget Counseling (All ages)
Equipping people with the skills to establish strong, financial principles. Topics discussed include debt, saving, spending, budgeting, giving and much more. This is a free service. Contact: Patrice Van Dussen at
Marriage and Family Therapy (All ages)
Offering assistance to young adults, adults, couples, singles and seniors to find God’s direction through difficult or emotionally painful times, or to assist them in overcoming barriers to a more fulfilling life. Contact: Megan Jones at or [925] 560-6203
Pre-Marriage Counseling
Couples complete a minimum of two assessments: Prepare/Enrich and a temperament analysis. Counseling varies from 3 to 10 sessions. There is a small fee for diagnostic tools used for temperament analysis. Contact: Pastor Don Dickinson at [925] 560-6245
Weddings Facility for wedding and/or reception, resources, wedding coordinator, and facility staff are available for couples looking to participate in the covenant of marriage. Where: VCC Campus Contact: Ida Johnson at [925] 560-6230
Pastor Don Dickinson ::
Baby Announcements & Dedications
Sunday Mornings :: Sanctuary We desire to partner with you to raise up your children. Baby dedications are scheduled quarterly, although announcements can be at your convenience. When: Sunday, January 9, 2011 | Sunday, April 10, 2011 Where: Sanctuary Contact: Sandy Brunson at [925] 560-6224
John Deming ::
Men’s Power Breakfast
Every once in a while you have to treat yourself to breakfast with the guys. Attend one of our Power Breakfasts where we will all be challenged with a word just for men. When: Saturdays | February 5 | April 2 | June 6 | August 8 Time: 7:30 - 10:00 AM Where: Fireside Room Fee: $5.00 per person Contact: John Deming at
Men’s Retreat
Get away from the ordinary and experience the extraordinary! Join the men of VCC as we take in the spectacular scenery and share a few days of relaxation in Yosemite Valley. When: September 16 – 18 Where: Yosemite Valley, Housekeeping Campground Cost: TBD Contact: John Deming at
Small Group Bible Study (All Men)
We have a variety of studies in various locations in the Tri-Valley. Contact: John Deming at
Be sure to check out our Sports Ministry offerings: See page 17 for details!
LEADER Richard Lietz Ben Allen Scott Van Dussen Jim Johnson Stan Cooper John Deming Tom Blinn Iven Wheeler Brian Fitzpatrick Keith Cariveau Dave Cariveau
DAY & TIME Monday | 7:00 AM Tuesday | 6:00 AM Tuesday | 6:15 AM Wednesday | 6:00 AM Wednesday | 6:30 PM Wednesday | 6:00 AM Friday | 6:00 AM Friday | 6:00 AM Friday | 6:15 AM Friday | 6:30 AM Friday | 7:00 AM
LOCATION Dublin Livermore Dublin San Ramon San Ramon Pleasanton Pleasanton Pleasanton Livermore Livermore Dublin
Sherry White ::
At Valley Christian Center, we believe that we are responsible for becoming Great Commission Christians, both in our own community and throughout the world. We can share God’s love by SENDING others to the missions field (locally and globally, with prayers and finances), by DOING service in our community at local outreach events, and by GOING on a short-term missions trip outside the U.S. at least once during our lives. Because God loves the lost and less fortunate, when we share the Gospel, assist and disciple them, we impart immeasurable worth and dignity to their lives. Check out some of the opportunities below, as well as at our Missions tables. You just might discover an opportunity that moves the heart of God and tugs at your heartstrings, too!
Doctors Giving Back (DGB)
God has orchestrated remarkable circumstances for those in our own congregation to help build two orphanages and a hospital in Ethiopia. Doctors John and Jana Turns founded DGB to minister to the poorest of the poor in Ethiopia, bringing clinics, water filtration, food, and hope to thousands of destitute natives. In the many trips they have taken to Ethiopia to minister to others, they have found their own lives have been profoundly changed. They would love for you to join them on a trip or in equipping them to make their trips, even if you do not have a medical background. They promise to use your giftedness when you determine to ‘GO.’ When: Twice annually, with the next trip in March 2011 Contact: John Turns, MD, or Jana Turns at
Jimi and Holly Merrell, founders of Dreamfusion, engage today’s culture with the power and love of God in a relevant, creative manner. Using Spirit-empowered evangelistic techniques, they desire to see a radical shift in how the world responds to the person and message of Jesus Christ. They minister in places where you might not normally expect to find a Christian ministry – at film festivals, coffee shops, local festivals, and wherever the light and love of God is needed. Jimi and Holly welcome your interest in and participation with their outreaches. Contact: Jimi Merrell at
M16 Ministries is a prophetic evangelism, deliverance, and healing ministry led by Michael and Lisa Norton, longtime members of VCC. M16 Ministries invites you to participate in regular street ministry (Night Strike) outreaches in San Francisco, every 2nd and 4th Friday of each month. No experience necessary – just a heart for the homeless of San Francisco! (Also ask about short-term missions opportunities outside of the U.S.!) Contact: Mike & Lisa Norton at
Mission to Mexico (Adults)
There is no experience this side of eternity more life-changing than sharing God’s love with someone who doesn’t know Him. When you experience the power of God in your life on a short term missions trip, a lasting impression will be made and lives (including yours) will be transformed. As a GOER, you will be helping to advance the Kingdom of God. Where: Ensenada, Mexico When: July 2011 Contact: Tim Ludden at
Sherry White ::
Missions Banquet & Faire
Come celebrate with us what God is doing worldwide! This will be a homecoming event for many missionaries we support, and a great time of fellowship for both our congregation and our guest missionaries. It’s also the culmination of our entire Missions month, where we will all be inspired by stories of the transformational power of God displayed in diverse ways around the globe. When: January 23, 2011, 5:00 PM – 8:30 PM Where: High School Gymnasium Contact: Sherry White at
Sisters In Service |
SIS works in the hardest places (Afghanistan, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Mali, Senegal, Sudan), equipping the least valued (women and children) against poverty, disease, exploitation, and spiritual darkness. You can extend God’s love and speak up for the voiceless through SIS. When: First Saturday of each month at 9:00-11:00 AM Where: Various Locations Contact: Gloria Gregory at or [925] 998-3785
“World Connect” Meetings
Are you interested in local or global missions, but unsure where you fit in or how you could help? Watch the bulletin for World Connect meetings periodically throughout the year, on Sunday evenings, where you can learn how to use your own special giftedness to help with local nonprofits, with short-term missions trips by other VCCers, or with our own VCC-supported missionaries in the US and abroad. When: To Be Announced Where: VCC Contact: Sherry White at
All-Church Local Community Impact Events
We live in extraordinary times! God’s timetable for bringing His message of hope is accelerating, and as a result more people are coming to know Jesus Christ than any other time in history. We have the privilege to advance His plan by bringing His redemptive message to a lost world. We accomplish this by going into our local area and serving others through the work of other nonprofit agencies. There is undoubtedly a good place where you could ‘GO’, and serve others and God. Below, in CityServe, are numerous community service opportunities for you to get involved!
CityServe :: Community Service Opportunities
There are so many ways and opportunities to Answer the Call! Take a look at the list below to determine which one works with your interests, skills and availability. Contact: Gloria Gregory at Agape Villages Foster Family Agency Agape Villages is committed to serving some of California’s most troubled young people. Children without safe homes are depending on Agape Villages to help them reshape their futures. You can help by creating a backpack of love for a foster child, adopting a foster family at Thanksgiving or Christmas, or helping plan their annual Christmas party. Where: 11875 Dublin Blvd., Suite A-105, Dublin | [925] 829-7211| Contact: Linda Faulkner at [925] 829-3936 Children’s Emergency Food Bank This organization provides bags of food to families in need in our local communities throughout the year. Over 500 families were helped in 2009. This help is available to single adults and couples as well as families with children. Watch for announcements to help with the Thanksgiving food drive in early November. Where: 7421 Amarillo Road, Dublin | [925] 828-1989 Contact: DJ McLeod at or [925] 600-0576
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:19-20 Sherry White ::
Dublin Heritage Center The mission of the Dublin Heritage Center is to collect, preserve and interpret the material culture of Dublin to provide an historical and cultural focal point that will enrich the community. Come work with children and adults as they visit the growing Heritage Center. Where: 6600 Donlon Way, Dublin | [925] 452-2100 | Contact: Jayne Coehlo at [925] 999-9598 or Dublin Senior Center The Dublin Senior Center offers a variety of classes, activities, and programs that engage the mind, body, and spirit. Caring, giving people with various skills are needed in the office and the kitchen. Many volunteers are needed to greet visitors, help at lunch events and dances, teach classes and more. Where: 7600 Amador Valley Blvd., Dublin | [925] 556-4511 | Contact: Diane Deming at or [925] 829-2399 Easter Seals Bay Area Kaleidoscope After-School Program This non-profit provides a comprehensive, creative approach for youth ages 5 to 22 years with autism and developmental disabilities, creating life-changing solutions so that people with disabilities can live, learn, work and play. Join in many volunteer opportunities from planting to painting to singing or helping at a softball game, picnic or Halloween party. Where: 7425 Larkdale Avenue, Dublin | Contact: Sally Scholl at or [925] 560-9536 Federal Correctional Institution | Family Embraced Help spread Christ’s love to women living in prison in this Dublin location. The Family Embraced program ministers to children whose parents are in prison. Where: 5701 8th Street | Camp Parks, Dublin | [925] 833-7500 Contact: Lauren Lovett at or [925] 876-6772 Hope Hospice Since 1980, families and physicians in the San Ramon, Tri-Valley and surrounding communities have turned to this organization for quality, compassionate care at the end of life. Care is customized for each patient and their family. Hope Hospice offers a comprehensive circle of support and pays attention to all of an individual’s needs - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Annual volunteer training begins September 2, 2010. Where: 6377 Clark Avenue, Suite 100, Dublin | [925] 829-8770 | Contact: Jayne Coehlo at or [925] 999-9598 Open Heart Kitchen This organization states, “Our job every day is serving healthy meals, free of charge, to anyone in need. Anyone can receive a hot meal made from scratch by volunteers.” A VCC team prepares and serves a hot meal at a Livermore location the 4th Tuesday of each month – you can help! Where: Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 1020 Mocho Street, Livermore | Contact: Emilia Orozco at or [925] 294-5804 Santa Rita Jail Teams are being established to lead Bible study and prayer groups at this county facility located in Dublin. Training is required and is offered through Prison Fellowship and Follow-Up Ministries. Where: 5701 8th Street, Camp Parks, Dublin | [925] 833-7500 Contact: Rachel Webb at Senior Support Program of the Tri-Valley This program states, “Our mission is to provide service and assistance to seniors that will: foster independence, promote safety and well-being, preserve dignity, and improve quality of life.” Since 1981 this independent, non-profit agency has been serving seniors over 60 in the cities of Pleasanton, Livermore, Dublin and Sunol. You can be a “friendly visitor” to an elderly person by phone or in person. Many volunteers are needed to teach classes and work in the office. Where: 5353 Sunol Blvd., Pleasanton | [925] 931-5379 | Contact: Diane Deming at or [925] 829-2399
continued Sherry White ::
Sentinels of Freedom This grassroots group started as a promise to accept responsibility for the well-being of severely injured men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces returning to civilian life and show promise for bright and productive futures. It is now a national program. VCC has been invited to form a team ready to support a new Sentinel when one arrives in our area. Where: 2678 Bishop Drive, #105, San Ramon | [925] 353-7100 | Contact: Gloria Gregory at Shepherd’s Gate Shepherd’s Gate has earned a reputation for rebuilding shattered lives. Since 1984, Christ-centered services and housing has been provided to over 9,000 battered and homeless women and children. It provides a safe haven for women and their children who are homeless because of abusive relationships, addictions, loss of financial support and other factors. Join our team every other Thursday 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM as we stock donations and maintain the food pantry. There are many other on-going or single event volunteer needs. Where: 1660 Portola Avenue, Livermore | [925] 443-4283 | Contact: Becky Nohr at or [925] 785-2459 Valley Pregnancy Center VPC offers free counseling and compassionate support to women who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. By providing a safe and caring environment, the VPC assists women who may not be aware of all their options. Be part of this work as an office worker or counselor or help at events. Training provided. Where: 7660 Amador Valley Blvd., Dublin | [925] 828-4458 | Contact: Annette Maniego at or [925] 519-1485
Pastor Don Dickinson :: Sometimes life challenges are in the form of needing assistance with auto or home repairs, moving, or even general transportation. Our Helps Care Team consists of leaders in each of these areas to assist as needed.
Care Teams (All Ages) Meals: Bereavement: Helps: Transportation:
Diane Deming at [925] 829-2399 Pastor Don Dickinson at [925] 560-6245 Indra Laksana at [925] 485-1432 John Youngblood, Sr. at [925]830-1872
Water Baptism (All Ages)
If you have committed your life to Christ and would like to make your commitment public, we invite you to be baptized in water. When: Quarterly | Check website or bulletin! Where: Sanctuary Contact: Pastor Don Dickinson at [925] 560-6245
Hospital Visits: Hospitality: Contact:
Ruth Edwards at [925] 833-8015 Pastor Don Dickinson at [925] 560-6245 Sandy Brunson at [925] 560-6224
Serving Opportunities
Ushers: Assist in all worship services and special events Greeters: Welcome our guests Information Desk: Provide direction and answer questions Communion Preparation
Pastor Jimi Merrell ::
One of the most important lessons Jesus taught His disciples was how to pray. In response to the petition, “Teach us to pray,” Jesus said to them, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” He didn’t tell them if you pray or suggest you ought to pray. He said, “When you pray” (Matthew 6:5). The expectation is that we are to pray, and the model has been set. We are to pray that God’s Kingdom would increasingly invade earth, and that His good and perfect will would be done.
12-Hour Prayer Coverage | 1 Kings 8:28-29
Covers all things related to Valley Christian Center Church and Schools. Includes praying for our members, students, staff, facilities, mid-week classes, Vision for our Valley, and Sunday Services with 12 hours of continuous prayer, seven days per week. Sign up for a 30-minute/30 day incremental spot (you may pray wherever you are at). When: Daily Where: Where you are Contact: Pastor Jimi Merrell at
Service Intercession | Matthew 6:10
Drop-in intercession each Sunday morning during the 8:30 and 10:30 AM services. When: Sunday Mornings | 8:30 and 10:30 AM Where: Church Conference Room Contact: Pastor Jimi Merrell at
House Blessings | Joshua 24:15
Providing guidance at your home in the leading of dedicatory prayers, as well as anointing with oil. Spiritual cleansing is also available by seasoned prayer warriors if needed. When: By Appointment Where: Your Home or Business Contact: Pastor Jimi Merrell at
Self-Guided Prayer | Psalm 18:6 Pick up a prayer sheet at the information center that will lead you in a self-guided walk around our campus. Prayer Points will change quarterly. When: Daily Where: Church Information Center Contact: Pastor Jimi Merrell at Home and Hospital Visits | James 5:14
Visiting you at your home when you are ill or injured to provide prayer support and serve communion. When: By Appointment Where: Your Home or Residing Hospital Contact: Pastor Jimi Merrell at
continued Pastor Jimi Merrell ::
Altar Ministry | James 5:16 Available each Sunday morning in the Sanctuary to provide you with prayer support. All altar workers are required to go through the Cleansing Stream Seminar, as well as the Cleansing Stream Discipleship Program. When: Sunday Mornings, 8:30 and 10:30 AM Where: Sanctuary Contact: Pastor Jimi Merrell at
open space come connect with God
Open Space Prayer & Praise | Hebrews 10:22 Come connect with God. Experience the love, power, and freedom that accompanies God’s presence in a relaxed atmosphere through prayer and worship. When: 1st Sunday of the Month Where: Sanctuary Contact: Pastor Jimi Merrell at or Pastor Jason Gawel at Mid-Week Intercession :: The Gap | Ephesians 6:18
Meets in the Church Conference Room to cover the needs of our church, members, and schools. When: Wednesdays, 5:30 PM Where: Church Conference Room Contact: Bryan Tebbutt via the VCC Office at [925] 560-6202
Emergency Intercessors | Psalm 17:6
Occasionally intercessors are called upon to pray at a moments notice for an emergency need. Our intercessors, notified by phone or email, are committed to pray for emergency needs the moment they are made aware. Contact: Sandy Brunson at [925] 560-6224
This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.
1 John 5:14
Pastor Don Dickinson ::
Valley Christian’s Sports Ministry vision is to offer a wide variety of sports and recreational activities to our children and adults for the purpose of fun, exercise, and competition in an environment that promotes personal evangelism.
Sports and Activities (Adults)
Adult leagues run throughout the year in the following sports: bowling, coed softball, men’s softball, tennis and golf. If you don’t see specific details below, call us for more information! When: Various dates and time Where: Various locations Contact: Pastor Don Dickinson at [925] 560-6245 or
Cycling Group Meet | Fellowship | Pray | Ride | VCC Cyclists is a new group that gives cycling enthusiasts the opportunity to enjoy cycling and Christian fellowship at the same time. All ages are invited. Feel free to bring a friend! When: 2nd Saturday of the Month | March - December Time: 9:00 AM Where: Begin/end at Alcosta Mall Shopping Center, corner of Village Parkway and Alcosta Blvd. Contacts: Jerry Buffington at or [661] 330-5655 Pastor Don Dickinson at [925] 560-6245 or
Golf Ministry
The Valley Christian Golf Ministry is open to all VCC attendees. We get together once a month for an exciting day of golf at one of the nearby courses. Come join us as we learn and build relationships within our fellowship here at VCC. When Where Lead March 12 Tracy Golf & Country Club John Deming April 16 Roddy Ranch, Antioch Bob & Christy Hilton May 21 Poppy Ridge, Livermore Tom Richardson June 18 Franklin Canyon, Hercules Jim Johnson July 23 Monarch Bay, San Leandro Dean Gregory | Tom Richardson August 13 Poppy Hills, Pebble Beach Jim Johnson September 24 Callippe Golf Course, Pleasanton Juan Garcia October 15 Diablo Grande, Patterson John Deming November 19 Sunol Valley Golf, Sunol Dennis Ackley Contacts:
Pastor Don Dickinson at [925] 560-6245 or John Deming at
Lori Cantrell, Director of Admissions ::
Pastor John Moran, EdM | Superintendent The mission of Valley Christian Schools is to inspire a passion for Jesus Christ and to awaken God’s unique story in each student. To prepare all students for their specific callings through a Bible-based college preparatory experience that transforms them into forward thinking leaders who are able to move beyond success to true significance within a complex global community. We envision VCS as a premier school system where the Christian life is vibrantly expressed with purpose, passion and excellence. We see a place where teachers are passionate about students and teaching, where students are excited about learning, and where the parentschool partnership is energetically working together to create a life-changing experience for every student. Come join us as we travel down The Road to Excellence!
Valley Christian Preschool 01/19 02/01 02/08 - 02/11 04/11 - 04/15 04/14 06/01 06/07 - 06/08
Public Open House Public Registration for 2011-2012 Scholastic Book Fair Week of the Young Child Art Show & Science Fair All School Fun Day Recognition and Awards
Valley Christian Elementary 01/13 02/07 02/17 02/25 03/17 03/28 - 04/01 04/08 05/12 05/17 06/08
VCJH Campus Day Open Enrollment Begins 2nd Grade Patriotic Musical PTF Pasta Dinner Social Talent Show Spring is for Sharing Arts, Crafts & Gifts Faire HIS Kids Musical (Grades 2 & 4) Ice Cream Social and Open House 5th Grade Recognition Ceremony
Fireside Room | 9:30-11:00 AM
(VCES 5th grade students) | 9:00-12:00 PM Multi-Use Room | 7:00-8:00 PM Multi-Use Room | 6:00-8:00 PM Multi-Use Room | 1:00-2:00 PM Multi-Use Room | 5:00-8:00 PM Multi-Use Room | 7:00-8:00 PM Multi-Use Room | 6:00-8:00 PM
Valley Christian Junior High & High School 01/31- 02/04 02/04 02/05 02/07 03/05 03/07 - 03/11 04/15 – 04/16 05/07 06/02 06/05 06/09 06/10
JH/HS Spirit Week HOMECOMING BASKETBALL GAME Winter Ball New Student Priority Consideration VC Athletics Crab Feed Spiritual Emphasis Week Spring Play Junior High & High School Prom Senior Farewell Chapel HS Baccalaureate 8th Grade Promotion High School Graduation
Time TBD HS Gym VCC Sanctuary (Special Times TBD) Sanctuary | 04/15 7:30 PM; 04/16 4:00 PM Sanctuary | 4:00 PM Gym | 6:30 PM Pleasanton Fair Grounds | 6:30 PM
Marie Baysinger ::
Women’s Bible Study
Our small group Bible studies are one of the best ways to connect with other women and grow spiritually. We have a variety of studies in various locations in the Tri-Valley; one is sure to work for you! Contact: Marie Baysinger at Leader Mary Ackley and Marty Walker Brenda Cech and Team Sandy Cooper and Marie Baysinger Jill Dykes Mae Evans Miriam Lietz
Day | Time Wednesday | 6:00 AM Tuesdays | 7:00 PM 2nd Saturday | 8:00 AM Wednesdays | 9:00 AM Tuesdays | 7:00 PM Thursdays | 1:00 PM
Location San Ramon VCC San Ramon VCC Pleasanton VCC
Annual Women’s Retreat
The women of VCC get away for a weekend in the beautiful Santa Cruz Mountains to enjoy a time of worship, prayer, great teaching, and connection with good friends. Our theme this year is In God’s Waiting Room. When: May 13 - 15, 2011 Where: Mount Hermon Conference Center Contact: Patrice Van Dussen at
Annual Spring Tea
Grab your girlfriends, daughters, or moms and join us for a fun-filled afternoon of tea, delicious food, and time with friends. When: Saturday, March 19, 2011 Where: VCC Sanctuary
Church Hospitality Team
Help make everyone who comes to Valley Christian on Sunday morning feel welcome and loved. Join a team who sets out the coffee and treats we offer on Sunday mornings. This is a great way to meet other women in the church. When: Sunday Mornings Contact: Diane Deming at [925] 829-2399
Pastor Jason Gawel ::
Our goal in the Worship Arts Ministry is to passionately pursue God’s presence through worship and the Arts. We encourage every believer to “offer their bodies as living sacrifices…” (Romans 12:1) and discover and use their God-given talents and gifts to better worship God, serve the body of believers and fulfill God’s calling to reach a lost city for Christ. We do this by creating an atmosphere where people are free to worship God through the uniqueness of their design (2 Corinthians 3:17), and welcome different expressions of worship through creative and meaningful art. We are passionate about touching God and seeing God touch His people!
VCC Worship Team
Instrumental group that plays for Sunday morning worship services and special events. With a passion to use their musical gifts for the Lord, these musicians help usher in the presence of the Lord. Auditions and Ministry Application required. When: Thursdays, 6:30 PM Where: Sanctuary Contact: Worship Arts Department at [925] 560-6224
Vocal Worship Team
As a part of our VCC Worship Team, this group of lead worshipers minister in song during our Sunday morning services. They are offered special training events and leadership outings. Auditions and Ministry Application required. Vocalists are invited through their involvement with the Worship Choir. When: Thursdays, 6:30 PM Where: Sanctuary Contact: Worship Arts Department at [925] 560-6224
Worship Choir Members participate in worship for Sunday services, Christmas and Easter productions, and community outreach events. They enjoy outings and small group mentorship, as well as spiritual and vocal development. When: Thursdays, 7:30 PM Where: Sanctuary Contact: Worship Arts Department at [925] 560-6224 Worship Arts Development (All Ages) Beyond singing or playing an instrument, God has gifted some with other talents. We offer opportunities to minister through music, song, dance, signing, drama, still arts and more. Auditions and team participation required. When: Various Times Where: Various Locations Contact: Worship Arts Department at [925] 560-6224 Media Ministry
This growing department is always looking for energetic, creative people! Positions are available in media support for all church and school events. Includes, but is not limited to: ProPresenter • Sound and Lighting • Video Ministry (including production and editing of videos for services, video camera operators) When: Sunday Services and Various Times as needed Where: Sanctuary and Various Locations as needed Contact: Alan Harrer at [925] 560-6210
Pastor Cassie Tundag ::
Roots Young Adult Ministry
Whether in a small group setting or at a fun event, Roots is a place where all are accepted and challenged to grow a deeper connection with God, while building authentic friendships with other young people.
Roots Small Group
Join other young adults for a time to hang out and look deeper into God’s Word. Topics deal with issues that all young adults face. When: Where: Contacts:
First & Third Fridays, 7:00 PM Lopez Home, San Ramon Pastor Cassie Tundag at [925] 560-6214 or Christopher Lopez at
Pastor Cassie Tundag ::
All young couples want to know that someone understands their place in life and marriage. Whether that is starting out newly married, having a first child, or navigating life with a toddler and an elementary-age child. No matter your family life situation, this is a place to connect with other VCC families and create some great friendships!
Young Families Monthly Gathering
Join us each month for fun events around the community that are designed for the whole family to enjoy. When: Fourth Saturday of every month Where: Locations TBD Contacts: Ramez and Olga Bahu at Keith and Nicole Conti at
Date Night Out
All married couples, any age, are invited to join us for a night centered on building a healthy marriage. Men will love this as we’ll take the guesswork out of planning a date night and women will love the opportunity to get out of the house for a fun night! Childcare available, donations suggested to VCC Student Ministry. When: May 2011 Where: VCC Campus Contacts: Ramez and Olga Bahu at Keith and Nicole Conti at Juan and Tawni Garcia at
Pastor Aaron McNeal ::
Mid-Week Youth Service (6th – 12th Grade) Experience the presence of God through live worship, lasting friendships and a relevant challenge from God’s Word. When: Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 PM Where: VCC Sanctuary Contact: Pastor Aaron McNeal at [925] 560-6204 Sunday Youth Service (6th – 12th Grade)
Sunday mornings is a time for us to join together in a small group setting to discuss key topics and apply Biblical principles. When: Sundays, 8:30 – 10:00 AM Where: Transform (6th – 8th Grade) Break out small group session | HS Gym Where: Amplified (9th – 12th Grade) Break out small group session | HS Gym Contact: Pastor Aaron McNeal at [925] 560-6204
Special Events
Student Leader’s Retreat Adult Leader’s Retreat Snow Trip Bake Sale More Events!
TBA TBA February 11 - 13 March 27 TBA
At Valley Christian Center, our goal is to touch the lives and hearts of all Junior High and High School students through God’s love. We do this through: Our Passion: Love the students for who they are in Christ. To reach the un-churched and encourage them to build a foundation with Christ. To embrace the diversity of all students by celebrating their personal walk with Christ.
Our Heart: For God’s youth; to listen, to learn, to love, to share by supporting and strengthening the students and their families. Our Vision: Every student has a story. Our desire is to discover God’s story within them and to proclaim His name boastfully without shame. We encourage all students to grow, give, love one another and serve selflessly. Our Calling:
To be different in our character, attitude, commitment, words, motives, influence and actions.
10 Stairs 11
9 7
Elementary School Office
15 17
Multi-Use Kitchen
27 29 31
38 40
21 19
Locker Rooms
15 13 12
Upper Level
Jr High & High School Office
10 Elevator
Elevator Snack Shack
3 Stairs
Lower Level
Upper Level
Lower Level
Upper Level
6 5
1 Stairs
4 3 2 1
ots ing L k r a To P
Preschool Office
7 6
Fireside Room
9 8
Offices Choir Room
Main Church Offices and Reception Area
Val l ey
C h ri s t i a n
Cen t er
Winter 2011 Curriculum Valley Christian Center 7500 Inspiration Drive Dublin, CA 94568 [925] 560-6202