assing P on the S tory
There is a great evangelist in all of us that needs to be awakened! 1 Peter 3:15 states that we are to “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks us to give the reason for the hope that we have.” I firmly believe that the hearts of many believers today are willing to take Peter up on this challenge, yet many of us feel ill-prepared or unequipped to take on such a task. We may say to ourselves, “What if I say the wrong thing?” or “What if someone asks me a question that I don’t know the answer to?” These are common fears that may hinder us from “Passing on the Story” of Jesus to a spiritually starving world. Hitting even closer to home, this internal “chatter” can talk us out of sharing our faith with beloved family members, or even close friends that are desperately in need of a savior. This Easter season, we will be equipping ourselves in how to share the Gospel in 5 simple words:
Love, Evil, Sacrifice, Choice, and Purpose
As we embark on this journey together, I trust that the Holy Spirit will be preparing many “divine appointments” in which we are granted the opportunity to share the love and story of Jesus! I encourage you to make a firm commitment to spend time in this devotional book daily, and to meditate on the principles and practices that will be presented each Sunday morning. My hope is that you will be encouraged, enthused, and equipped to “Pass on the Story.”
Pastor Jimi Merrell
all people
Definition: A profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. DIG DEEPER | Luke 15
1 John 4:9-10 This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
“God has paid us the intolerable compliment of loving us, in the deepest, most tragic, most inexorable sense.” –C. S. Lewis
EvangelismTip Keep the salvation message simple.
DAY 1 | Ash Wednesday, February 13
Mark 7:21-23 “For from within, out of men’s hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and make a man ‘unclean.’”
in me, my sin nature,
“Self is the root, the tree, and the branches of all evils of our fallen state.” –William Law
Value the life and experiences of others.
Today’s Focus: Evil
separates me from God Definition: Morally wrong or bad; immoral; wicked: evil deeds; an evil life.
DIG DEEPER | Romans 1-3
JESUS died
DAY 2 | Thursday, February 14
Today’s Focus: Sacrifice
so we could be reconciled to
Definition: The surrender or destruction of something prized or desirable for the sake of something considered as having a higher or more pressing claim. DIG DEEPER | John 19
John 3:16-17 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”
“Before we can begin to see the cross as something done for us, we have to see it as something done by us.” –John R. W. Stott
Give the gift of focus by listening intently.
DAY 3 | Friday, February 15
John 3:36 “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on him.”
opportunity to
Today’s Focus: Choice
has the
accept or reject Jesus’ sacrifice “Now just think a moment and answer the question, what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?” –D. L. Moody
Making the most of every opportunity may include knowing when to stop talking.
Definition: The right, power, or opportunity to choose.
DIG DEEPER | Act 2:36-4:41
purpose DAY 4 | Saturday, February 16
Today’s Focus: Purpose
Through God, we have
Ephesians 2:10 “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
for life Definition: The reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.
DIG DEEPER | Jeremiah 29:11-13
“God has created me to do him some definite service; he has committed some work to me which he has not committed to another. I have my mission - I never may know it in this life, but I shall be told it in the next.” –John Henry Newman
Remember to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit
Sunday, February 17
Why is it so hard to share?
Today’s Focus: Why is it so hard to share?
God Has All The Answers This fear is certainly easy to understand … we want to have answers when asked about our faith. If we rely on God for the answers we need not be afraid. God even knows the questions we will be asked before a word is uttered! When you need answers, remember the words of David in Psalm 34, “I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears.” (verse 4) There was a time Daniel urgently needed an answer. King Nebuchadnezzar demanded an interpretation to a troubling dream; but he would not disclose the dream itself. The penalty for not knowing the dream was to be cut into pieces! Daniel pleaded to God for mercy and God graciously answered, giving Daniel the details to the dream.
I want to share but...
what if I am asked a question for which I don’t know the answer? Did you know
DAY 5 | Monday, February 18
… that VCC takes to the streets of San Francisco every two weeks to reach the homeless with the love and message of Jesus Christ?
When you need answers, ask God, and remember to praise him, just as Daniel did: “I thank and praise you … you have made known to me what we asked of you, you have made known to us the dream of the king.” (Daniel 2:23) –Scott Van Dussen Thought to Ponder If we only rely on ourselves, we will be faced with questions we can’t answer. Won’t you rely on God for the answers?
Ask God to highlight people that He is already drawing to Himself.
I want to share but...
what if they call me “religious?”
Did you know
Daniel 6 | Micah 6:8 | Matthew 23:13
that VCC can be found engaging locals in spiritual conversation every third Friday night at the Hacienda Starbucks?
Remember that being “strong and courageous” is not a license to be “rude and pushy.”
DAY 6 | Tuesday, February 19 Today’s Focus: Why is it so hard to share?
Who Calls You Religious? “Jesus Freak.” The blond young man said the phrase so nonchalantly. “How do you know?” I asked, concealing insecurities. “My sister attends your school. She says everyone calls you that. I thought you knew.” He paused. “Don’t you carry your Bible with you everyday?” Yes, I had. Apparently, taboo at public high school. “I’m embarrassed to be a Christian because of you!” Piercing words from my best friend since ninth grade. “You should stop talking about God so much. Stop bringing Jesus into every class discussion.” Her penetrating glare said, “You’re making me look like a fanatic!” High school was not the smoothest time in my life. I questioned my commitment to God, my religiosity. Was I acting too religious? Was I pushing people away from God, instead of to Him? Was He being glorified, or had I become a Pharisee showing off my faith with fake piety? These labels, intended to stop me, actually made me do some soul-searching. I was a person of faith, and it showed. When friends went through difficult times, they asked me to pray. As Daniel and Elijah, and Ruth before them, walked the unsure path of being labeled for their unpopular faith, I no longer fear being called “religious” by men. Rather, I fear being called “religious” by Christ, as the Pharisees were. I pray that God gives me the wisdom to remain genuine in my faith, regardless of the labels people give me. That my sincere trust in the one true God would be evident, not showy, but that I could, “walk humbly with (my) God.” –Angela Bruggeman Thought to Ponder James 1:27 | Pure religion that God accepts. Does it bother you to be called religious? If so, why?
DAY 7 | Wednesday, February 20
I want to share but...
but what if I am persecuted or rejected?
Today’s Focus: Why is it so hard to share?
When we think of sharing our faith, we think of Colossians 4:3-6: “And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim, the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. Be wise in the way that you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” In all that we do, we have to be mindful of how we are behaving. Whether it is with friends, at school, work or at sporting events, we need to show our love and kindness, so that others may be receptive to our story in our Christian faith. We are fearful of sharing Christ with others because they might reject us. We need to remind ourselves to be purposeful in our sharing and let the Holy Spirit change peoples’ hearts. –Floyd & Lori Umidon
Thought to Ponder Pray that God will open a door and not let you feel rejected. Just by sharing your faith, it could change the course of a person’s life through Christ and future generations to come.
DIG DEEPER John 4:39-42
Did you know
We All Have A Fear Of Being Rejected
… that VCC teaches everyone how to share their story in LifeScript, chapter 4?
Pray for open doors within your own sphere of influence.
I want to share but...
Did you know
I don’t feel fully equipped.
that VCC takes care of wounded soldiers through Sentinals of Freedom?
DAY 8 | Thursday, February 21 Today’s Focus: Why is it so hard to share?
I Don’t Feel Fully Equipped… …to share the gospel because I am not a master of the Bible as I think I should be. I was raised a Christian, read Bible stories, attended Church and Bible studies and read on my own throughout the years, but if I am going to share Christianity with a non-believer I want to have all my facts straight. I am fearful that questions will arise that I am unprepared to answer. How can I put myself out there and attempt to persuade someone to Christ when I feel woefully unequipped to do so. Unfortunately, I tend to be a perfectionist and if I am going to put myself in that situation, I want to be fully prepared to answer all questions. I know, in my heart, that this is not correct. I know that I can be a testimony of Christ by loving those around me and sharing from the heart. I know that Evangelism isn’t based on persuasion. I just need to be faithful and God will win the souls for Himself. As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. –Isaiah 55:10-11(NIV) –Shelley Parker
Persuasive words without the power of the Holy Spirit are futile.
Thought to Ponder Sharing my faith does not come from me, but from the Holy Spirit who lives in me. Are you open to letting the Lord work through you?
DIG DEEPER 2 Timothy 3:10-17
Today’s Focus: Why is it so hard to share?
Love Them Anyway Why am I so afraid to tell people about Jesus? The answer is obvious; they might not like me. Does them liking me really matter? In Luke 6:22, Jesus says that God will bless me when others hate me and won’t have anything to do with me. In verse 27, Jesus goes on to say that I should love them anyway. It’s difficult for me to understand because culture has taught me the opposite. In God’s economy, however, this is a necessary step in their salvation. It’s our response to their disapproval that more often wins them over. When we can out love them, it does something inside to change them forever. They see God through us. I may not be a spiritual superstar, but I am who God made me to be and I may be the only Jesus they ever know.
I want to share but...
isn’t evangelism only for the highly gifted or “spiritual superstars?” Did you know
DAY 9 | Friday, February 22
that VCC has a growing prison ministry team in which members regularly minister at Santa Rita, San Quentin, and Deuel Vocational Institute?
So, the next time you have the opportunity to risk someone not liking you, look at it as the first step to their salvation and your opportunity to practice God’s love. –Eric & KelliE Raasch
Thought to Ponder Picture someone you know. Now go face your fear. If they hate me, will I love them back even more?
DIG DEEPER Exodus 4:10-17
Do not correct someone’s theology after “Hello.”
I want to share but...
Did you know
I’m afraid I might say the wrong thing.
that VCC is offering 44 hours of in-house classroom training, and 80 organized evangelisticoutreach opportunities this year alone?
DAY 10 | Saturday, February 23 Today’s Focus: Why is it so hard to share?
Whom Do I Serve? Do you ever have those moments when you fear you will say the wrong thing? Do you worry that you will be rejected, or not have the words to share the Gospel with an unbeliever? The truth is, we have the power of the Holy Spirit to help shape every conversation. However, we can allow fear to invade our thoughts. Where there is fear, there is no trust in the Lord. Matthew 10:28 states: “Do not be afraid of those who can kill the body and not the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” This verse causes me to take what I say seriously. He promises that if we take the focus off of our fear and onto Jesus then we will have the words for unbelievers. The Bible states, “for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.” (Luke 12:12) This is a reassuring truth that takes the pressure off of us. –Ted & Jenni Bettger
Ask God for divine appointments, then look for them!
Thought to Ponder Am I allowing fear to invade? Am I going to allow fear to stop my witness?
DIG DEEPER Jeremiah 20:9
Sunday, February 24 1 John 4:9-10 God Loves All People This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
Today’s Verse
DAY 11 | Monday, February 25
Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Today’s Focus: Love
Love AFTER First Sight “It was love at first sight.” When I hear this in movies or novels, I think, “How romantic! How endearing!” But is it realistic? How does one who knows absolutely nothing about another person somehow fall head over heels in love? It seems so impractical and impossible.... OR IS IT?
Did you know
I wonder, would it be easier to love someone, barely knowing them? Before seeing their imperfections and hearing of their failures? Once those things come to light and we are jaded, how can we still find it in our hearts to love so passionately?
that VCC is hosting a 4-day Evangelism Training Conference on June 19-22, 2013?
This is where the ”God factor” comes in. The world teaches us to love conditionally, when it’s deserved and reciprocated. But God teaches us by His perfect example to love regardless of the return. God loves us before, during, and after first sight because His agape love (not worldly love) is omnipotent. He still loves us after viewing our ugly side, filled with dark secrets and a sinful nature. He sees right through our facade into our hearts of evil. What’s more, He loves us when we desert our love for Him. He loves us through our disobedience and defiance, so much so that He withstood the penalty we deserved–death. I submit, Friends, that it is more challenging, yet more profound and more inspiring, to love one another this way, with agape love... a “love after first sight.” –Dani MerrIll
Share the gospel of Christ with gentleness and respect.
Thought to Ponder God loved us BEFORE and AFTER first sight. Could you show love regardless of reciprocation?
DIG DEEPER 1 Corinthians 13
Today’s Verse
DAY 12 | Tuesday, February 26
1 John 4:9-10
Today’s Focus: Love
God created us knowing the price. He willingly entered into a relationship that would be costly, sorrowful, and painful. Do we even appreciate the level of value that God places on our right to a relationship with Him? Do we understand how to love before being loved? How to sacrifice when not even asked? God’s love; His sacrifice is: Unmerited | Unwarranted | Unimaginable How could or would God do this? Because God IS love! He must be true to who He is. He MUST love, whether it is deserved or not, requested or not. He MUST make a way for us through Jesus to receive and return this love because He is love. And because of His love we benefit in innumerable ways: The gift of relationship with GOD! Unthinkable. The gift of eternal life! Undeserved. The gift of loving others! Unselfish. –Joe & Wanda Lapasinski
Thought to Ponder I can love because God is love. How can I love others more?
DIG DEEPER Ephesians 3:14-21
This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
Did you know
How Can It Be?
that VCC takes foster kids to A’s games and puts on a baseball clinic for them?
Upon waking, ask God, “Who would you like me to bless today?”
Today’s Verse
DAY 13 | Wednesday, February 27
1 John 3:16
Did you know
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.
that VCC’s greatest outreach is Valley Christian Schools, with over 800 students?
Be friendly, act natural, and don’t be afraid to laugh.
Today’s Focus: Love
Pay It Forward Some years ago, there was a movie out called Pay It Forward. It started with a person doing an incredible deed for a complete stranger. The only thing required was to pay it forward to another stranger. A whole community was transformed and healed by the simple act of people paying it forward. Even more incredible is that Jesus laid down His life for us, and in doing so, asks us to lay down our life for others. Having been forgiven of much, I wanted everyone to know about this amazing God who gave His life for me. But how do you go about paying forward something as incredible as God’s unconditional love? I found the answer one morning listening to a preacher on the radio. He said sharing the Gospel with others was as simple as one beggar telling another beggar where to find the bread. Equipped with that information, I knew all I had to do was tell other broken people about the God who forgives and I have been telling it ever since. –PATTY ROSE Thought to Ponder Beggars lead other beggars to the bread. How can you pay God’s love forward?
DIG DEEPER Luke 17:11-19
Today’s Verse
DAY 14 | Thursday, February 28
Ephesians 2:4-5
Today’s Focus: Love
By His Love & Grace
But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions— it is by grace you have been saved.
For many years, as we walked dead in our demanding life not knowing Him, God protected us. He sought us in many ways and sent His wonderful love. The gift of love broke many chains that were placed on us by the ruler of this world. But when we became alive in Christ and set free, everything changed... “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-not by works, so that no one can boast.” ( Ephesians 2:8-9) Our God is rich in love, grace and mercy and as a result we are saved. It is time to leave our past behind, repent, seek God’s love and strengthen our faith. –Jameel & Henriett Batshon
Thought to Ponder Death through Adam, alive through Christ. Have you received His gift?
DIG DEEPER Psalm 139
Did you know
He loved you before you were born. He knew you in your mother’s womb. He knows you by name. He created you. His love for you is a gift; it is not earned, but given.
that VCC serves in Open Heart Kitchen each week?
EvangelismTip Remember to smile!
Today’s Verse
DAY 15 | Friday, March 1
1 John 3:1
Did you know
See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.
that VCC students have led worship at the San Francisco Rescue Mission?
Our responsibility is to share the message clearly, but the Holy Spirit’s responsibility is to convince and persuade the heart of the listener.
Today’s Focus: Love
We Are God's Children Are you surprised when people you used to know “just don’t get you” anymore? When you no longer want to enter into some of their conversations or activities – that they are no longer appealing to you? Then praise God! You are becoming more like your Father. You are now His child. You are growing up in His family and you are reflecting His values and purposes. Just as many in Jesus’ day did not understand him or “get” him, we are out of step with those we used to know. Just think of it: a child of God! Maybe you accepted Christ’s invitation early in your life and can no longer even remember what life was like beforehand; then praise Him even more! Maybe you haven’t been a child of God very long; then welcome, and we rejoice with you! Our friends and family may be ashamed of us, but God enjoys us and is proud to call us His children! He imputes honor to us higher than any honor we could receive from the world. –Bob & Claudia Smiley Thought to Ponder God is well-pleased to call you His child. How is God revealing His love for you today?
DIG DEEPER Romans 8:12-17
Today’s Verse
DAY 16 | Saturday, March 2
Colossians 1:13-14
Today’s Focus: Love
What is the Dominion of Darkness? Is it the pit of sin we continue to fall into? Is it the guilty shadow following us everywhere we go? Is it the fear of those monsters under our beds? It is a question one must answer for themselves. For the Dominion of Darkness is not signified as one specific thing. We all depict hell differently. However, there is a love more powerful. This love is strong enough to rescue us from the hell in our world and bring us to the kingdom of Christ. This castle of redemption covers us and therefore cleanses us. We no longer have to fall into a pit of sin, shadows can no longer follow, and the monsters will all flee. For we know a God whose love is powerful enough to rescue and redeem. Create a time with God to discover your personal “dominion of darkness.” Then allow the realization that God’s love has rescued and redeemed you from this. –Taylor Valci
Thought to Ponder I am rescued and redeemed!!
For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
Did you know
Rescued And Redeemed
that VCC ministers at the Sundance Festival each year?
Evangelism is God’s work, yet we are privileged to partner with Him to reach the spiritually lost.
Sunday, March 3 Mark 7:21-23 The Evil In Me, My Sin Nature, Separates Me From God “For from within, out of men’s hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and make a man ‘unclean.’”
Today’s Verse
DAY 17 | Monday, March 4
Romans 3:23
Today’s Focus: Evil
I Need A Savior
Unlike “The Hunger Games,” the consequences of our sin nature is that we are in a game with no survivors. No matter how good, loving, skilled, or cunning, we cannot finish life perfect enough to stand before a holy God. This is why Jesus, God’s Son, the perfect God-man, came to earth, lived, died, and rose again. He came to redeem us from our slavery to sin. Through the payment He made, we have access to a holy and righteous God. Not just access, but a relationship with Him as His children. Yes, we all have sinned. Admitting our sin is the first step in understanding our need for a Savior. –DAWN PICKERING Thought to Ponder I am sinful and need a Savior. How am I a slave to sin?
DIG DEEPER Ephesians 2
Did you know
In the recent hit movie and book series, “The Hunger Games,” representatives from each of the 12 districts are selected to compete in a fight to the end with only one survivor. The heroine, Katniss, redeems the life of her younger sister by taking her place as their district’s female tribute. In the end Katniss survives the games.
...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God...
… that VCC co-hosts a Christmas Day program in the Tenderloin in which over 3,000 people are ministered to?
An effective evangelist has prayer at the center of his life.
Today’s Verse
DAY 18 | Tuesday, March 5
Romans 5:12
Did you know
Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned.
that VCC teaches you how to identify your Evangelism style in LifeScript, chapter 4?
Today’s Focus: Evil
The Privation Of Good Inescapably contaminated. No exceptions. The choice of the first Adam to sever humanity from God left us undeniably broken, polluted by our godlessness and disobedience. The walking dead. Evil, “the privation of good,” overshadowed us. Like spiritual Gollums, we were reduced to the shrunken mockery of our intended glory. Even at seven years of age, I was haunted by the sin in me. My little soul only knew the dirge of the spiritually dead. I heard of the luminous love of Christ and knelt beside His mercy seat in utter relief. Saved! He breathed into me the breath of His life–and evil had to flee. –DARYL FLEMING
If you can clearly say who Jesus was and why He gave His life, you are on your way to becoming an effective evangelist.
Thought to Ponder Rejoice today in being saved! How has He delivered you from evil?
DIG DEEPER Romans 5:12-21
Today’s Verse
DAY 19 | Wednesday, March 6
Acts 3:19
Today’s Focus: Evil
A Repentant Heart Is An Everlasting Blessing
Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord...
In Luke 16, Jesus gave the disciples a parable about a rich man and a beggar named Lazarus. Jesus tells us both men died. Lazarus was carried off to Abraham’s bosom in Sheol, where the righteous men were taken. The rich man woke up in torment in the chamber of Sheol called hell. When the rich man was alive, he was considered to be blessed in the eyes of the Jews. And the beggar was considered to be cursed. In the parable, the rich man is praying from his torment for Abraham to warn his living family members to repent. The beggar who seemed to be cursed in his life, was blessed in his afterlife, for having a repentant heart. –MIKE & LISA NORTON Thought to Ponder As you pray today, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas in your life where repentance is needed. Do you think God cares more about outward appearances or your concealed inner heart?
DIG DEEPER Matthew 25
Did you know
God created us as everlasting spiritual beings. We have a soul, a spirit, and a body. One day, when we die, our soul and our spirit will depart our earthly body. God will determine where he will send our spirit until the day of Judgment. The righteous go to paradise and the wicked men and angels are sent to hell.
that VCC provides presents to children of prisoners through Angel Tree?
Remember to speak in a way that others can easily understand.
Today’s Verse
DAY 20 | Thursday, March 7
Genesis 6:5
Did you know
The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.
that VCC is involved in Shepherd’s Gate, which serves battered and homeless women and children?
Nonbelievers must be reached through their vocabulary, not ours.
Today’s Focus: Evil
Be The Noah In The Storm Genesis 6 paints a terrifyingly bleak picture of the world. According to The Message translation, “…human evil was out of control. People thought evil, imagined evil—evil, evil, evil from morning to night. GOD was sorry that he had made the human race in the first place; it broke his heart.” The evil mankind had chosen more than disappointed the Lord. It brought him to the brink of destruction. God originally planned to scrap this creation and start fresh by sending an inescapable flood, but then something caught his eye. A single man named Noah brought God’s disastrous plan to a halt. The Message describes Noah as, “a good man, a man of integrity in his community. Noah walked with God.” Noah’s goodness and devotion to the Lord amid a seemingly all-encompassing evil literally changed the mind of God, changed the course of history. The human race may have never existed had it not been for Noah’s perseverance when everything around him was stained in sin. Sadly, our culture today seems to be returning to the time of Noah. Evil is on our screens, in our words, and surrounds our thoughts. Know that even the smallest amount of good pleases the Lord amid the evil that encircles us. Noah’s integrity withstood the waves of the greatest flood in human history. Imagine what yours could overcome. –MORGAN WOODWARD Thought to Ponder Goodness destroys the destruction that evil intends. How can I become the “Noah” of my situation and stand with integrity against the evil that surrounds me?
Today’s Verse
DAY 21 | Friday, March 8
John 3:19
Today’s Focus: Evil
Jesus said, “I am the light of the world…and…Light has come into the world…” He also said, “men loved darkness…and…their deeds were evil.” What is “evil?” It is the act of being immoral or wicked. Is He talking about me? Was it me who put Jesus on the cross? Am I really evil? Here’s the reality: Every last one of us is more evil than we would ever be willing to admit. Every last one of us deserves the punishment that should be ours. Every last one of us deserves to spend eternity separated from the God who loves us… Yet Jesus died for every last one of us. Do you cling to darkness? Or do you run to the light? Yes, we are all sinners but the question is not, “What is your sin?” But, “What are you doing with it?” Are you clinging to the darkness? Or are you sprinting towards the light? “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” –John 8:12 –TIM LUDDEN
Thought to Ponder Where there is light, there is no darkness. Are you living daily in the light?
DIG DEEPER Jeremiah 17:9
This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.
Did you know
Am I Really Evil?
that VCC will send a team of ministers to the Art & Soul Festival in Oakland?
Jesus used words and word pictures from the daily lives of the people to whom He was speaking.
Today’s Verse
DAY 22 | Saturday, March 9
Mark 7:21-23
Did you know
For it is from within, out of a person’s heart, that evil thoughts come— sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and defile a person.
that VCC ministers to the homeless living in San Francisco every 2nd and 4th Friday through Night Strike.
If we are to reach people as Jesus did, we need to become friends with people that don’t know Him.
Today’s Focus: Evil
It Lies Within I grew up watching “Creature Features” on television. Each Saturday night, I would turn the channel to 2 (there were no remotes) and watch Bob Wilkins smoke his cigar, sit next to his skull candle, and narrate monster movies from the 50’s and 60’s. Bob introduced my impressionable mind to the world of zombies, vampires, werewolves, Medusa and Godzilla. Many nights I could not go back to sleep wondering if some monster was hiding in the closet, ready to snatch me away once I fell asleep. In Mark 7, Jesus introduces us to the most horrific creature ever to enter our stratosphere. It’s not a zombie, alien or vampire. No, this creature comes from the most unexpected place – INSIDE. In all of us resides a monster of grotesque proportions. Sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly all manifest when this barbarian surfaces (Mark 7:21-22). Like Godzilla in Tokyo, he causes immense carnage and destruction to ourselves and those we love. Most of us know he is there. Few acknowledge our inability to control him. Once he subsides, we are left wondering, “How do I cage the creature within?” –ROGER VALCI
Thought to Ponder The cross of Christ is grotesque and horrific because the monster within is grotesque and horrific. How does God feel about the monster within?
DIG DEEPER Genesis 4
Sunday, March 10 John 3:16-17 Jesus Died So We Could Be Reconciled To God “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.�
Today’s Verse
DAY 23 | Monday, March 11
John 3:16-17
Did you know
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
that VCC provides turkey’s to families in need at Thanksgiving?
Keep your eyes and ears open: evangelistic opportunities may not come according to your schedule.
Today’s Focus: Sacrifice
Ultimate Sacrifice When we think of sacrifices, we tend to make it about our lives and the inconveniences that come with daily tasks. The interruption of our busy schedule, time accommodating others or giving until we have nothing left to give often drains us and further extends the misconception of what sacrifice is really about. Arguably, the most referenced and quoted single verse in scripture, John 3:16, is seen in many places. From t-shirts to bumper stickers to football stadiums, this verse brings us face to face with our God whose love cannot be measured. Whose unconditional love for us resulted in the sacrifice of His Son. Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection and victory over death bridged a gap that had separated us from the Creator of all things, our Heavenly Father. Remember this Sacrifice: Jesus paid a debt He did not owe for a debt you could not pay. –Bruce & Teresa Richardson
Thought to Ponder “Spoken For” by Mercy Me [Watch on YouTube] Remain in Him and He will remain in you.
DIG DEEPER Isaiah 53
Today’s Verse
DAY 24 | Tuesday, March 12
Titus 3:5
Today’s Focus: Sacrifice
Free Lunch
...he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit...
For many of us, working out our salvation can be a confusing process. I often ask myself, why am I doing this or that thing, am I striving for His acceptance? Some days I even struggle with feelings of condemnation, fearing that somehow I have not pleased Him because I have not done enough.
This way of God is contrary to the world’s way, where no-one gets a free lunch, everything must be earned. But in His economy, all we know is free lunch! The question, then, becomes, “Will I accept your free lunch or try and pay for my meal?” Lord Jesus, please have your way in us today. Have access to every area of our lives, that your will may be done. –DREW HEISE
Thought to Ponder Be a living sacrifice by accepting His sacrifice. How accepting of the cross am I?
DIG DEEPER Philippians 2:12-18
Did you know
In Titus 3:5, we see a radical truth – God sacrificed his Son before we did even one righteous work! God in his abundant mercy gave his Son, to save us, before we made even one step toward him. Amazing.
that VCC volunteers at Valley Pregnancy Center?
Pray for open doors and listen for opportunities to knock.
Today’s Verse
DAY 25 | Wednesday, March 13
2 Corinthians 5:21
Did you know
God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
that VCC regularly brings the light and love of Jesus to New Age Fairs, Pagan Festivals, and International Events?
Living a life of integrity is an essential part of sharing the Gospel message.
Today’s Focus: Sacrifice
What’s In A Sacrifice? I don’t think it’s just me–most of the time, sacrifice is viewed negatively, something no one wants to do. But Christ sacrificed for us – “he who had no sin became sin, so that in him, we might become righteous.” Jesus lived and died the word “sacrifice.” From the moment He left Heaven to the cross, Christ was sent to clean us and fight for the heart of the King. That is anything but negative. Think about the passion Christ must have had for His Father and how we are created to become Christ-like. As our hearts grow, so do passions, and sacrificing is no longer something we “have” to do, but rather something we “get” to do. We go from living our “safe” Christian lives into a wildly passionate pursuit of our King’s heart. Christ didn’t go to the cross for us to live passionless lives. He has set our hearts on fire for Him. He invites us into His sacrifice and His passion to help fight for and bring glory to the heart of the King. –SARA HEISE
Thought to Ponder It is a privilege to sacrifice for the King. How passionate for the King am I?
DIG DEEPER Philippians 2:1-11
Today’s Verse
DAY 26 | Thursday, March 14
Isaiah 53:5
Today’s Focus: Sacrifice
Deserving Reciprocity
But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.
Then why is it that I push my religion on the back burner when seemingly “more urgent” needs appear in my day-to-day life? An opportunity for promotion at work takes the place of my quiet time. Needing to push it at the gym takes the place of church. A relationship with a significant other takes away my need to fully rely on God and His word. Christ gave up everything for me. Why then, is it so hard for me to reciprocate that sacrifice? God has to be our first priority always–no exceptions. He gave up everything for us. He deserves it. –Christian Merrell Thought to Ponder What is God asking me to sacrifice? God never asks us to sacrifice anything that He will not make up for.
Did you know
The fear of pain may be one of my greatest fears. Even more than pain, though, the thought of death can be unbearable for me. What kind of love was it, then, that Christ willingly took the flogging, the beating, and ultimately the execution that was intended for myself? He let His heart fade and His breath stop so that I could be in good health and have a free and redeemed life.
that VCC led Christmas Eve services last year at Camp Parks?
Remember that love always trumps spiritual gifts.
Today’s Verse
DAY 27 | Friday, March 15
1 Peter 3:18
Did you know
For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit.
that VCC has a team of intercessors who pray every Wednesday night?
It is not our responsibility to convince people they are sinners – that is the work of the Holy Spirit.
Today’s Focus: Sacrifice
I Sentenced My Brother I have very vivid memories of sitting at the counter in my childhood home adamantly declaring that I WAS NOT the culprit in the current trial. My mom was both judge and jury, while my brother and I were pitted against each other, each declaring our innocence. However, in my heart, I knew I was the guilty one, but being the stubborn little girl that I was, I was not about to ‘fess up! Even when Mom threatened to spank both of us, I remained silent and therefore sentenced my brother to an undeserved spanking. Twenty-some years later, I still feel bad for my silence. I am always humbled and silenced when I think of the sacrifice that Jesus made, being guiltless yet taking the punishment of the guilty. If I find it hard to fathom in 2013, imagine watching Him be put to death before your very eyes, knowing you are the guilty one and He the innocent one. The mere thought of witnessing that crime makes me shout “Hallelujah” for the resurrection! –CASSIE TUNDAG
Thought to Ponder Despite my sin, Jesus’ sacrifice covers me. Would you have stayed silent at Jesus’ sentencing?
DIG DEEPER II Corinthians 8:9
Today’s Verse
DAY 28 | Saturday, March 16
John 10:11
Today’s Focus: Sacrifice
The Gift That Keeps On Giving!
I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
When our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was obedient to His Father and accepted the horrible death by crucifixion, it was a Gift to each believer. To ensure that the Gift keeps on giving, we must endeavor to spiritually lay down our life for our brothers and sisters who have not received that Gift.
By continual prayer, obedience, love, purpose, choice and spiritual sacrifices. We all sacrifice some of our resources, but we are only giving back to Him part of the blessings that He gives us. The Spiritual sacrifices of faith, righteousness, a broken spirit, thanksgiving, praise, doing good and communicating to the needs of others are what our Father desires. When we use our spirit of discernment by praying and crying with and for others, without knowing their exact problems, that obedience pleases our Lord God. Don’t let Jesus’ death and our reconciliation to God be in vain. Pass the salvation message on to others so that they may enjoy what you have. –EDDIE JO MACK
Thought to Ponder Give a Spiritual Gift of Love. Who are your sheep?
Did you know
How do we do that?
… that VCC members have been featured on national television sharing their faith and witnessing to others?
With a simple adjustment of our focus, a weekend trip to your local supermarket can become a spiritual adventure!
Sunday, March 17 John 3:36 Mankind Has The Opportunity To Accept Or Reject Jesus’ Sacrifice “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on him.”
Today’s Verse
DAY 29 | Monday, March 18
Romans 10:9
Today’s Focus: Choice
Should I Stay Or Should I Go?
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
When I mediate on the verbage of Romans 10:9, I see that the apostle Paul presents his audience with an instructive choice in how to move from death to life: “That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” The price has been paid in full. The sin has been atoned for. The choice is yours… –JIMI MERRELL
Did you know
In 1982, Joe Strummer of the UK punk band, “The Clash,” presented the world with a question thatbrought forth an unintended spiritual parallel: “Should I stay or Should I Go?” Figuratively, this simple phrase is at the heart of the gospel message and encourages one to ponder the cost of following Jesus in this life, or spending an eternity without Him in the next.
… that VCC hosts the OpenSpace prayer service every 1st and 3rd Sunday night?
Thought to Ponder The sacrifice has been made; the choice is yours! What is preventing me from choosing Jesus?
DIG DEEPER Matthew 10:39
Next time you leave a tip at a restaurant, write a brief note of encouragement to your server. You may be the only Jesus they see that day!
Today’s Verse
DAY 30 | Tuesday, March 19
Revelation 3:20
Did you know
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.
that VCC serves at Hope Hospice?
Today’s Focus: Choice
Why Is Christ Knocking? There is nothing like being locked out of your own house. This happened within the first few weeks of moving into our home in Pleasanton. What made the situation worse was that my beautiful daughters and lovely wife were all inside, oblivious to the fact that I could not get in. I was literally “standing outside the door knocking.” My loved ones were inside and could not hear me. Often we use this verse in today’s world to portray Christ standing outside the door of someone’s heart “knocking,” waiting to be invited in. Not a bad thought, however, put into the context of Revelation 3, He’s not standing outside of someone’s heart, He is standing outside of His own church. The church that had lost its heart, perhaps forgot their purpose, or simply no longer cared about a Savior. The church (Laodecia) that is neither “hot nor cold,” but lukewarm. What a sad picture. Christ, the Son of God, crucified for the sin of all mankind, locked outside of the very movement He gave birth to. Whatever church we are in, let us not be so lukewarm, busy, or complacent that Christ has to knock on the doors to get our attention. Let us consciously make the choice to keep our relationship with Him fresh, and our hearts soft, seeing and loving others the way He would, longing to bring lost people closer to Him. –DAVE JOHNSON
Remember that you may only play a small part in the overall process of bringing someone to Jesus.
Thought to Ponder How does one’s heart become hard? How sensitive is your heart towards others?
DIG DEEPER Revelation 3:14-21
Today’s Verse
DAY 31 | Wednesday, March 20
Matthew 7:7-8
Today’s Focus: Choice
When I was a little girl, during the sermon on Sundays I would pass the time away thumbing through my Bible looking at all the pictures. I remember a (very famous) picture of Jesus standing at the door knocking. He had a very peaceful and hopeful look on His face as He waited patiently for the opening of the door. Today’s verse reminds me that Jesus is always by our side, waiting to be invited into our day, our plans, our excitement, our anguish, our frustrations and our grief, to give us the strength to overcome, to encourage us, to rejoice with us, and to guide us with His wisdom; every moment of every day. Our God loves us so much He wants to be involved in our lives. Ask…Seek…Knock! He is always there waiting to be invited. Waiting to supply our needs, to reveal His plans for us and to open doors we never thought possible.
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
Did you know
Dear God, You’re Invited
… that VCC has a CityServe office at the bottom of the Hill?
The choice is ours… –LORRAINE DEMMEL Thought to Ponder Inviting God into our day will reveal God’s work in and through us. Have I invited God into my day?
DIG DEEPER Genesis 5:24
Remember that we are called to be God’s Light in a world of darkness.
Today’s Verse
DAY 32 | Thursday, March 21
John 3:36
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them. FAITH : belief and trust in and loyalty to God : firm belief in something for which there is no proof : complete trust : something that is believed especially with strong conviction Choice : the act of choosing : power of choosing : a person or thing chosen : a number and variety to choose among
Demonstrating God’s power using spiritual gifts is a very effective means of sharing God’s love.
Today’s Focus: Choice
Intellectual Faith Or Saving Faith? Two words come to mind after reading John 3:36. Faith and Choice. Under the definition of “choice,” we see that it says “the power of choosing.” How incredibly simple but masterful: you have the power to choose! God sees each and every one of us as His children, yet He gives us the power to choose. When we fall or even go astray, He never does. He is always there, choosing to be there for us. God allows each and every one of us to make that decision of our own free will. Faith, on the other hand, is based on trust. Even though we can’t see God in tangible form, we must believe that He is there. It is faith through trust in Him that gets us through. Dr. Charles Stanley said there are two types of faith: Intellectual Faith and Saving Faith. Intellectual Faith is that which we are born into and raised with. We learned it from our parents and we went along with it because we felt it was the right thing to do. Society brought us to that position. But until we come to accept Jesus Christ as our Savior on our own, we are not truly saved. When we surrender to Him as adults (or even as minors), we do so of our own free will. We have the power to choose! We freely accept Jesus and surrender ourselves to Him so that we can be forgiven and someday be worthy of joining Him in Heaven. In this scripture, we learn that those of us who accept Jesus will have eternal life but those who do not will not see life, and God’s wrath will be upon them. What an amazing God we serve. Although HE is the All Powerful, He gives us the power of choice. –DAN & LILLIE MISSBRENNER Thought to Ponder Begin a conversation with God. Reflect on your personal relationship and how you began your walk with Jesus. What type of faith do you have? Intellectual or Saving?
DIG DEEPER Acts 17:16-34
Today’s Verse
DAY 33 | Friday, March 22
1 Timothy 2:5-6
There Is One God In today’s culture, many people have made many gods. People are giving themselves to entertainment, selfish desires, relationships, our children, sports, money – these things have become our gods. But, there is only one God and He is our Creator “and one mediator between God and man Christ Jesus.” In the Old Testament, people had to go to the temple to confess their sins to a priest who would take their confessions to God. Now, we see there is only one mediator between God and man and that is the “Greatest High Priest.” Job wrote in Job 9:33, “Neither is there any daysman betwixt us, that might lay his hand upon us both.” Job’s cry was for a mediator to bring himself and Christ closer together; Oh how Job longed for God! In verse 6, the word “ransom” in Greek means “redemption price.” VCC family, Christ gave up everything for you and I! Our prayer is that we would never be a people that would forget He gave it all up so that we could have it all. –AARON & MIA McNEAL Thought to Ponder We needed to be redeemed: you and I were lost sinners and He was the ransom. It’s your choice: what are you willing to give up for Him?
DIG DEEPER Acts 4:12
For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time.
Did you know
Today’s Focus: Choice
… that students of VCS give hundreds of hours to community service projects throughout our community?
Jesus will use you as you already are – don’t try to be someone else!
Today’s Verse
DAY 34 | Saturday, March 23
2 Corinthians 5:10
Did you know
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.
that when our school teachers host parentteacher conferences that we pray with each family?
Remember that God will use your efforts to bring people closer to Him, inch by inch, step by step.
Today’s Focus: Choice
Created With Choice The Lord God created us as His most precious masterpiece with the freedom to make choices. His desire is to share in relationship with us, and to partner with us to bring His will, love, and power to the world around us. However, the choices and the responsibilities that go along with them, determine whom we represent, what we value, and what kind of impact we will have. How can we know what choices to make? How can we know God’s will? The answer to these vital questions lies in relationship with our Heavenly Father. When we have communion with Him, when we strive to connect with Him throughout the day, and when we seek Him with all of our hearts, we will know. Knowledge of a future accountability for our service on earth is another reason to seek to please the Lord in the choices we make. There will come a day when we will stand before the Father and answer some serious questions based on our choices. Do your choices lead to life? –LILLIAN KINNEY
Thought to Ponder Godly choices lead to an abundant life. Are your choices pleasing to God?
DIG DEEPER Joshua 24:14-18
Sunday, March 24 Ephesians 2:10 Through God, We Have Purpose For Life “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
Today’s Verse
DAY 35 | Monday, March 25
Jeremiah 29:11
Did you know
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
that VCC is challenging you to invite “just one” person to church each month?
Today’s Focus: Purpose
Welcome to JC I am thankful for a God who knows my purpose. It’s comforting, especially when you spend the majority of your life wondering if you’ve made enough “right choices” to really come up with a “plan.” If you’re like me, you’ve wasted many hours doubting decisions along the way. God bless the confident go-getter, but for some reason, that was not a native attribute for me. I recall being pulled into my high school principal’s office near the final days of my senior year. I had wrestled with “what was next” for me, but really had no clue as to any direction, nor had I put any action to my thoughts. I found myself sitting across from the admissions director from the local junior college and, presumably by my principle’s submission, was awarded the Presidential Scholarship. “Uhh… Thanks?!?!” was about all my 17-year old brain could eloquently articulate. While I couldn’t hold on to the scholarship past the first semester (Maintain a 4.0? Really?), I did hold onto the fact that my God knew every step, every plan for my life. There was great comfort in knowing that. There was no way I was going to make every “right choice,” but if my hope was in God, I knew His plans for me would be good. Even if your plans are unclear to yourself, know that God has already written the “Presidential Scholarship” with your name on it. The future is bright. –Jason Gawel
Create a lifestyle of sharing God’s love!
Thought to Ponder God knows the best plan for your life, even before you do. Spend time thanking Him for that. How can I better discover God’s good and prosperous plans for me?
DIG DEEPER Romans 8:28
Today’s Verse
DAY 36 | Tuesday, March 26
Romans 8:28
Today’s Focus: Purpose
Working With God To Find Your Purpose
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Miriam and I have seen His good purposes come about through terrible situations in our lives, not because we “sat back and trusted God’s promises,” rather because we chose to “join Him in what He was doing in the midst of our tragedy.” The Holy Spirit opened our eyes to the work that He was doing in us, and those around us during this time of crisis. We chose to see His purpose, rather than become embittered and angry at Him, and we elected to become His hands and feet in a tangible expression of His love and His caring, through working with Him as He provided healing, restoration and strengthening to our family. We find our purpose when we join God in His work, allowing Him to change, grow and expand us as we serve along side Him. Ask Him today to reveal His purpose in you, as you work with Him to bring about good. –Richard & Miriam Lietz Thought to Ponder Lord, open my eyes to see your purpose for me. Lord, where can I join you in the work that you are doing around me?
DIG DEEPER Romans 12:2
Did you know
We are continuously being transformed, not only in order to receive His grace, but also in order to become channels of His grace to others. We were called by God; we love God and we join with Him in His work. God is working to bring about good and we are God’s fellow-workers.
… that the VCC prayer team serves and co-leads Cleansing Stream retreats bi-annually?
If God has done anything in your life, you have a testimony to share.
Today’s Verse
DAY 37 | Wednesday, March 27
Ephesians 2:10
Did you know
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
that VCC is challenging you to attend “just one” local or regional outreach this year?
Don’t talk too much or you may overwhelm a person.
Today’s Focus: Purpose
A New Perspective On Work I’ll be honest, this morning, I woke up with a case of the Mondays. Even though it’s Wednesday! You might ask, “What does having a ‘case of the Mondays’ mean?” Case of the Mondays: Symptoms of a useless or horrible Monday morning after returning from the weekend. Like a debilitating disease, the Mondays come and take over our lives. They cloud our thoughts, our attitudes, and cripple our sense of destiny. My encouragement to the body of Christ is this: “RESIST!!!” Nothing kills our joy in life quicker than looking at our work as useless and horrible. Notice that it was before sin entered into the world that God commanded Adam and Eve to work. Work was not a result of the curse. God established work as good and fulfilling. We as a redeemed people, should align ourselves with God’s thoughts. We should feel a sense of fulfillment, anticipation, and see work as an opportunity to serve God and serve others. God has good works for us to do today in the midst of the mundane. –ANTHONY McLEOD
Thought to Ponder Jesus wants to invade your daily grind. Which defines your work: dread or destiny?
DIG DEEPER Colossians 3:23-24
Today’s Verse
DAY 38 | Maundy Thursday, March 28
1 Corinthians 2:9
Today’s Focus: Purpose
An Unimaginable Plan
Thought to Ponder Before you start your day, lay your schedule at the feet of Jesus and let His plans guide you throughout the day. What do I need to sacrifice in order to live out God’s purpose in me?
DIG DEEPER Romans 11:33-36
Did you know
God has a plan for you. It is not a common plan. It is a unique and intricate masterpiece! In 1 Corinthians 2:9, Paul writes, “No mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him.” Pause and consider the profoundness of this statement. Not a single mind has imagined the purpose God had for their life. Even with the vastness of the human imagination, God’s plan is far beyond our mental capacity. It is an unimaginable plan. We tend to limit God’s plan by keeping it within the boundaries of our mental understanding. But how can we possibly believe God’s purpose is meant to be chained down like this? In Isaiah 55, the Lord says, “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” If an idea can be grasped by the human mind, then it is not big enough to be of God’s masterpiece. If you prepare yourself to be a part of God’s unimaginable plan, then be prepared for God to do the unimaginable though you. –MATTHEW VALCI
However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”— the things God has prepared for those who love him—
… that VCC is challenging you to register for “just one” equipping/training class this year?
Pay attention to the listeners body language and discern if they are putting up a wall or are open to hearing more.
Today’s Verse
DAY 39 | Good Friday, March 29
John 15:16
Did you know
You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit— fruit that will last— and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.
that VCC hosts a “Miracles & Warfare” healing meeting the last Sunday night of each month?
Opening your mouth is half the battle!
Today’s Focus: Purpose
Chosen And Appointed For A Purpose Imagine that you have an important project you want someone to do. You’d choose/appoint just the right person for that task. You would know all about this person–their habits, style and beliefs. You’d pick them because they were just the person for that job. Well, that’s exactly what God has done with each of us individually. He has chosen and appointed us with specific tasks or purposes in mind. He knows us personally and has always had specific plans and purposes for each of us (Jeremiah 29:11). He has gifted and equipped us for this calling. We have permission and authority to come to him and ask when we need help; and He’ll give us help. That is amazing! When God called you with His purpose for you, did you answer? Did the call seem impossible, not right for you? Remember that He is the Vinedresser, Jesus the Vine, and we as his branches will bear incredible fruit as we remain/abide with him. Nothing is impossible when God has done the appointing! –Linda Lopes Thought to Ponder What has God specifically chosen/appointed you to do for Him? Why did Jesus say up front, “You didn’t choose me, I chose you”?
DIG DEEPER Jeremiah 1
Today’s Verse
DAY 40 | Saturday, March 30
Ephesians 3:20
Today’s Focus: Purpose
During my homeroom class devotion, days before final exams, I shared an encouraging story about obtaining my Biology credential in graduate school. With my coursework completed, I had one culminating exam to pass. If I failed (and statistically many do), my contract pay the next school year would be significantly less, and I would have to endure the hours of preparation for the exam again. I studied hard, and prayed harder! I happened to arrive at the test site thirty minutes early and asked God to show me what to review, subsequently reading the chapter I opened. You guessed it! That was the one topic of the three essays for which I was least prepared, and I passed the exam! Had I done my part to prepare? Yes. Had God answered my prayers and supernaturally equipped me to succeed? YES! Whether your test is a final exam, work related trial, or life challenge, God is ever faithful in providing the means to further the plan He has already set in motion upon your behalf! –MELISSA GREER Thought to Ponder Rest in God’s provision for His purpose. How is God providing for His purpose today?
DIG DEEPER Genesis 22
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us...
Did you know
No Matter What the Test!
… that VCC fasts on the first week of each month?
Never think in your head, “God could never save that person”
Easter Sunday, March 31
–Ephesians 6:19-20 Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.
f o t r o p p u s In s s a l 1c + 1 inv itatio n
1 outreach
Are You Ready? Contact Pastor Jimi @ or visit
44 hours of training 80 evangelistic opportunities
Just One:
–Attend 1 training class –Attend 1 outreach –Extend 1 invitation to VCC Suggested Donation $5.00
Roger Valci, Lead Pastor | 7500 Inspiration Drive | Dublin, CA | (925) 560-6202 | © Copyright 2013 | Valley Christian Center | All Rights Reserved.