Daily Devotionals our
Divine assignment
building God’s House for a city He loves
Daily Devotionals
This month, we place on the table a conversation about “Our Divine Assignment” - that is, the task afforded to us by God to build Him a house on the Hill. It will be a house for all nations and ages, for preaching and prayer, for worship and witness, for dedications and baptisms, for weddings and funerals, for fasts and feasts and for celebration and comfort. It is God’s house, the place where His people gather to meet with Him weekly to bask in His presence and somehow narrow the distance between heaven and earth. For the next three weeks, we bring to the pulpit this topic, retelling the story of what brought us here, laying out plans for how we will finish, and then culminating with our first Sunday morning service together in our new Worship Center on May 19. Each day this month, we will send you via email a daily devotion written by people at Valley Christian that captures prayers, sentiments, even prophetic words concerning Our Divine Assignment. Ponder each thought and join with us in finishing Our Divine Assignment.
building God’s House for a city He loves
Defining Characteristic
Focus & Context for May 1, 2013 2 Chronicles 7:3 | 2 Chronicles 7
In these last days, God is pouring out His spirit on Valley Christian Center. People will say “Come, let us go up to the house of the Lord!” They will be drawn to His glory, desiring more of Him, and to learn of His ways. God will meet with us, and VCC will be a teaching and training center for both young and old, focusing on the equipping of the saints. We will be filled with Him and send many out with joy to the nations. The children of Israel saw how the fire came down, and how the glory of the Lord was upon the house; they bowed themselves, with their faces to the ground upon the pavement, and worshipped and praised the Lord, saying, “For he is good; his mercy endureth forever!” –Gina Prince
today’s Meditation | The Lord desires to use everyone at Valley Christian Center to complete the Divine Assignment!
Thought to Ponder | Are you ready for His glory to fall?
building God’s House for a city He loves
Defining Characteristic
Focus & Context for May 1, 2013
1 Chronicles 29:14 | 1 Chronicles 29
Did you know that we are born to worship? Yes, and as believers, we must worship our Lord with our lives for this will develop a heart after God. As you read this Scripture, David worshiped the Lord with his giving, he set an example that others followed – including his own son Solomon – for David’s dream was to build a house for God, to leave a legacy that would glorify and honor the Lord. Today, we are called to build His house; today, we are called to set that example of giving back to God what is intended for His Kingdom. When giving is done right, we’ll clearly see His manifestations because it is for God, to fulfill His plan, which it can’t be changed. At the end, we’ll see the big picture, one that will impact thousands of generations to follow. Prepare yourself for this great task, to be a true worshipper, for it is more than giving money, it is giving yourself to leave a legacy that will impact many today and tomorrow! –MIRIAM CARIVEAU today’s Meditation
Be a Worshiper, leave a legacy!
Thought to Ponder
Are you willing to leave such a great legacy?
building God’s House for a city He loves
Defining Characteristic
Focus & Context for May 2, 2013 Joshua 1:6 | Joshua 1
God urges us to get ready, be strong and courageous. By doing so, we are Answering the Call. Out of obedience, Joshua answered the call of God to lead and go to the land that was promised to them from the time of Moses. Moses didn’t see the new land, but Joshua did. God will provide for whatever we need, just as He did for Joshua and the Israelites. We must hold onto His promises. Our part in Answering the Call means each of us give and keep on giving, love and keep on loving, and knowing that His promises are guaranteed. For generations, VCC has had a calling to build the new Worship and Performing Arts Center. Let’s all be Joshuas and get ready, be strong and courageous and Answer the Call! –DAVID ALVAREZ
today’s Meditation
| By answering
God’s call, He will give you promises meant for you.
Thought to Ponder | Galations 6:7-9 speaks about sowing good and bad seeds. What kind of seeds are you sowing?
building God’s House for a city He loves
Defining Characteristic
Focus & Context for May 3, 2013 Habakkuk 3:19 | Habakkuk 3
Habakkuk 19b states that “He makes my feet like hinds’ feet and will make me to walk (not to stand still in terror, but to walk) and make (spiritual) progress upon my high places (of trouble, suffering or responsibility)! This gives me the understanding that the Lord purposefully fashioned and specially designed the hooves He made for the hinds’ feet. He did this so they could make progress walking up the treacherously rocky hills they had to climb. We also have been called to “climb.” The Lord has taken great care to fashion our feet appropriately so we, too, can climb and spiritually progress in the things He has called us to do. We can “Answer the Call” and show our thankfulness to the Lord by helping to build the new Worship & Performing Arts Center. We can use our gifts, talents, money and ourselves. We can create a place for many to gain spiritual ground, by building them a place to worship and serve the Lord for many years and generations to come. –BEVERLY NAPIER
today’s Meditation
Gaining spiritual hardships.
Thought to Ponder
Are you spiritually progressing through your trials?
building God’s House for a city He loves
Defining Characteristic
Focus & Context for May 4, 2013 Exodus 14:11-14 | Exodus 14
Moses stepped into the call of God to lead Israel out of Egypt. God had equipped him for every critical moment he would encounter along the way. Up to that point, the people had not seen or experienced a miracle of that magnitude. All they could see were Egyptian soldiers, their former master, bondage, and dominion, in full force pursuing them to the Red Sea. Trapped! They blamed Moses for their desperate situation (Exodus 14:11-12). Desperate moments like this reveal the heart of a person. It would have been easier not to change their situations; they had grown accustomed to a lifestyle of sin and compromise. It’s much more difficult to believe God’s promises because it requires an effort to change one’s thinking and routine. As a leader, Moses understood their fear. He responded to them in verses 13 & 14: “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” As a leader, Moses understood (by learning during the equipping process) the power of God, while Israel could only see with their eyes. As a chosen leader, he knew that with God nothing is impossible. –RACHEL WEBB today’s Meditation
God shall increase your faith!
Thought to Ponder
How does your faith in God sustain you in times of crisis?
building God’s House for a city He loves
Defining Characteristic
press in
Focus & Context for May 6, 2013
Nehemiah 4:21 | Nehemiah 4
God is able to do exceeding abundantly more than we can asked or imagine! In Nehemiah 4, the Bible says that the Ammonites were mocking the Jews about wanting to rebuild the wall. The Jews prayed to God and continued to build the wall with all their might, in spite of the opposition. When they had nearly completed the wall, the Ammonites were angry and wanted to fight and stop the Jews from continuing. The Jews were discouraged, but were reminded that God is greater and higher than anyone who would stand in their way. They appointed men with spears to stand watch from the bottom of the hill to the top, while the men worked hard building the wall with one hand and holding a spear in the other. God has called you for a time like this; He has called you to be diligent and not to give up. When people try to come against you, stand firm and persevere, as God will never leave or forsake you. It’s time to build, it’s time to fight, and it’s time to stand on the promises of God. –FLORENCE BAMIDELE
today’s Meditation When the enemy comes to frustrate you, trust and believe that God is able to deliver you.
Thought to Ponder I will not be afraid of what mortal man can do to me.
building God’s House for a city He loves
Defining Characteristic
the unseen
Focus & Context for May 7, 2013
2 Kings 6:17 | 2 KINGS 6
Every morning, I awaken blind, looking for my glasses that have managed to disappear under my bed, sometime during the course of the night. Life is not visible past my own hand, which makes finding my “eyes” a frustrating process. During these troubling times, I loudly alert my family, to see if they may be willing to lend me their own eyes, and aid me in my desperate search. In 2 Kings 6, we see Elisha do the same, asking God to give sight to his servant, that he may see the intangible, the unbelievable. God answers the call, opening his spiritual eyes, enabling the servant to see hills full of horses and chariots of fire. In our human frailty and weakness, it is impossible to see the unseen. It is only possible through God-given faith. When we call out to God to heal our blindness, He responds to our cry, granting us spiritual sight. –RHEA WILLIAMS
today’s Meditation We have all been blind, looking only at the obvious and rational.
Thought to Ponder Have you called out to Him, ready to see the unseen?
building God’s House for a city He loves
Defining Characteristic
Focus & Context for May 8, 2013 Malachi 1:14 & 3:17 | Malachi 1-3
Naysayers, pessimist, worrywarts and cynics. Different words, same definition! It doesn’t take much faith to adopt this attitude, way of life or outlook. Naysayers are unable to see where God is working and fail to join in where God is working. The cynic doubts that God is even still with us and so they don’t want to get involved with building a new house for God’s glory. They are much like the people of Malachi’s time, who not only were all of these but also cheaters – cheating God of His inheritance, their discipline and faithfulness. God issues a strong warning for these cheating naysayers: “Cursed is the cheat who has an acceptable male in his flock and vows to give it, but then sacrifices a blemished animal to the Lord” (Malachi 1:14). Wow, cursed! Yet Malachi paints a completely different outcome for those who are disciplined and faithful in recognizing that God deserves our best. “And they shall be Mine, says the LORD of Hosts, in that day when I publically recognize and openly declare them to be My jewels (My special possession, My peculiar treasure.) I will spare them...” (Malachi 3:17 AMP). Now that’s a “Wow” in the other direction. Those are two powerful promises, both resulting from our attitude and choices. Choose wisely! –DENNIS WILBORN, SR today’s Meditation We all want God’s blessings; are we willing to give God ours?
Thought to Ponder Our best: is it too much?
building God’s House for a city He loves
Defining Characteristic
Focus & Context for May 9, 2013 Judges 6:12 | Judges 6
When we meet Gideon, he is working a mundane but necessary task of threshing wheat for food. He does this out-of-sight of the marauding tribe of Midianites who want to destroy Israel. An “Angel of the Lord” comes to Gideon at his work and calls him to a surprising mission of saving the people of Israel! The exchange between the Lord and Gideon is interesting. The Lord blesses Gideon and then identifies him as a “Mighty Warrior.” As the exchange progresses, we hear Gideon’s questions and perceive his doubt concerning God’s request. In return we hear God’s affirmation of who Gideon is. We hear God ask him a question that cuts to the heart, and we hear God make a promise to Gideon… and then we watch to see what Gideon – and God – will do. Each one of us are a Gideon, called to a task, a mission in our lives. Most of us have questions and doubts, both about God, as well as our own ability. What will you decide to do? –KEVIN MCGUIRE
today’s Meditation Consider the gifts and resources God has provided you to overcome adversity and doubt.
Thought to Ponder Do you believe God has made any promises to you? If so, do you trust Him?
building God’s House for a city He loves
Defining Characteristic
Focus & Context for May 10, 2013
Genesis 17:16 | Genesis 17
God made a promise to Sarah that she would bear a son and become the mother of many nations. Yet Sarah was barren and old in age, unable to bear a child on her own. In the wisdom of God, Sarah’s inability to produce a son became the very foundation He would use to build His nation, fulfilling the covenant He had made to Abraham. Through Sarah’s life, we learn that God builds His Kingdom, not by the work of human hands, that no flesh should glory, but by the power of the working of His Spirit. As we celebrate the completion of Our Divine Assignment, to build God’s house on the Hill, let the power of the Spirit of God bring forth life through us, as He did in Sarah. May the depths of our dependence on God grow ever greater, as we are moved by His Spirit to produce lasting fruit for His Kingdom. Let this house be called a house of prayer for all nations, where we will be found faithful in crying out to God, believing for those things that are not, as though they are, producing a great harvest for the King of Glory. –ELIZABETH FRYMAN today’s Meditation Step in where God is, fully submitting to the authority of His Spirit., where all things are possible.
Thought to Ponder What is keeping you from believing that God is willing and able to fulfill His promises?
building God’s House for a city He loves
Defining Characteristic
Focus & Context for May 11, 2013
Luke 19:10 | Luke 19
Next time you watch TV and see a politician interacting with a crowd, notice who they reach out their hand to. It’s whoever is within reach. Would someone standing on a fire hydrant at the back of the crowd get much attention? Probably not. But when our Lord walked past the people in Jericho, He did call out to a guy way in the back who had climbed up a tree. Jesus came to seek the lost, the ones who need a Father. Do you recognize your need for adoption? Imagine hearing that someone famous is passing by; it’d be perfectly normal to strain your neck a bit to see if you might catch a glimpse. But the famous one wouldn’t point a finger right at you, calling you by name, saying “I’m comin’ to hang at your house!” The Famous One, however, said just that to this vertically challenged character with the bad reputation. He came to save the lost. Salvation Himself literally came to that man’s house! Is He welcome at yours? Read Luke 19:1-10, paying special attention to verse 10. –TIM PARKS today’s Meditation Think about the “back of the crowd.”
Thought to Ponder Who could you invite for fellowship?
building God’s House for a city He loves
Defining Characteristic
Focus & Context for May 13, 2013
Genesis 5:22 | Genesis 5
In Genesis 5, we are given the lineage of Adam, and an account of his children, and his children’s children through seven generations. In each of these generations, only one was brought to the forefront: Enoch. Enoch walked faithfully with God for three hundred years. Meditating on this, a thought comes to mind: one person does not stand out from the others unless God has something very specific to show us. In this case, a lifetime of faithfulness is the focus. Perhaps God is showing us this as an example that we, too, can achieve faithfulness to God in our lifetime. Being faithful, one not only has to be obedient, they have to humbly submit their will to the Lord. We can faithfully seek His will in all that we do. We can go beyond the obedience of earthly things, by submitting our mind, will, and emotions to Him. In Enoch we have an exemplary example of faithfulness. As Hebrews 11:5 tells us, God was pleased with Enoch. God was pleased because Enoch walked in obedience, faithfully serving Him. As we move into this final stage of building God’s house, humbly and prayerfully seek the Lord, asking Him what He would have you do. And like Enoch, walk faithfully in what He has called you to do. –PIERRE & KATHELINE MONNIER today’s Meditation In Hebrews 11:5, Enoch had this testimony, that he pleased God. What will your testimony be?
Thought to Ponder Are you walking faithfully?
building God’s House for a city He loves
Defining Characteristic
Focus & Context for May 14, 2013 Ruth 1:16 | Ruth 1
Ruth’s unwavering commitment to God and care of her mother-in-law Naomi, is so deeply profound to me. I was a new Christian when invited to be a women’s Bible study leader at Valley Christian Center. My mentor, Dixie Tanneberg, began to teach leaders the importance of commitment during those early years. Her council helped me strengthen my relationship with God, my husband, friends, family and church. Understand, it has been an amazing challenge at times, but the outcome has been personal growth and joy. Commitment is one of the key reasons my husband Jim and I have chosen to remain at Valley Christian Center. For 38 years, we praise God for the opportunity to grow spiritually, serve our church family, and help others grow in their faith. Dixie’s words, “Commitment, Commitment, Commitment” (meaning to start, carry through, and finish your goal) continue to ring in my ears. “… Ruth’s words of the Old Testament have survived for centuries because of her example of unwavering commitment to God and a person in need. She points us to the value of a loving sacrifice for the Lord and His rich blessings on all who give themselves unselfishly to others.” –David Mc Casland –SUSANN JOHNSON today’s Meditation “…may you be richly rewarded by the Lord.” (Ruth 2:12 NIV)
Thought to Ponder Will you make a firm commitment to serve God and others?
building God’s House for a city He loves
Defining Characteristic
moving forward
Focus & Context for May 15, 2013
Galatians 6:9 | Galatians 6
For several years, our new Sanctuary has been a “work in progress.” To many, it may look like a failure, simply because it has taken longer than they think it should have. I would defer to Paul, as he encouraged the Galatians: We are not to grow weary in Our Divine Assignment to complete the building (Yes, I equate “doing good” with the completion of the Sanctuary.). It has been in God’s timing from the beginning. Remember, He doesn’t measure time the way we do. “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.” (2 Peter 3:8) Nor does He think the way we do: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.” (Isaiah 55:8) Just as we are works in progress, so is our beautiful new Sanctuary. We certainly don’t want God to give up on us; neither should we give up on it. –PATRICE VAN DUSSEN
today’s Meditation Praise God He never gives up on us!
Thought to Ponder Have you grown weary of an incomplete Sanctuary? What can you do to help with the completion?
building God’s House for a city He loves
Defining Characteristic
Focus & Context for May 16, 2013 1 Samuel 1:11 | 1 Samuel 1
Hannah was so desperate to have a child that she made a deal with God. She told the Lord that if He gave her a son, she would give her son back to the Lord. When the Lord fulfilled her request (1:19), she knew it was time to dedicate her son, Samuel, to the Lord. She gave up the one thing that meant the most to her—her only child—in order to keep her promise to God. How many of us would choose to give up the thing we love the most for God? Do the gifts we give cost us little or are they truly a sacrifice? A heart-felt sacrifice is the one that may hurt the most to give up. Hannah had answered the call by faithfully putting her whole life in God’s hands and the Lord was pleased. As we know, God goes on to use Samuel to lead the nation of Israel back to righteousness. –LIZ JOHNSON
today’s Meditation
The greater the sacrifice, the greater the blessing!
Thought to Ponder
What does your sacrifice look like?
building God’s House for a city He loves
Defining Characteristic
Focus & Context for May 17, 2013 Jeremiah 1:5 | Jeremiah 1
After meeting Jesus for the first time, my first pastor introduced me to a new concept in my Bible reading. He told me that I should always find myself when spending time in the Word. What does it mean to find yourself in the Word? He was referring to finding the passages in scripture that speak directly to you. For instance, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart” (Jeremiah 1:5, emphasis added). While these words were directed specifically towards Jeremiah at the time they were spoken in the story, they still apply to us today. Recall that David also acknowledges that he has been known from before he was in his mother’s womb, and Jesus also implies the same. I think it’s safe to say that God would say the same thing to you. Getting to know who God says you are will allow you to do what He says you can do. Realizing that you have been set apart will open you up to being able to do what He sends you to do. –DENNIS WILBORN, JR.
today’s Meditation
God knows you, even better than you do.
Thought to Ponder
Do we limit God by not believing who He says we are?
building God’s House for a city He loves
Defining Characteristic
Focus & Context for May 18, 2013 Matthew 3:11 | Matthew 3
In Matthew 3, we find John the Baptist fulfilling his divine assignment of announcing that the Kingdom of God is at hand and calling on the people to repent and be baptized. But John had an even larger divine assignment than he could have imagined. Jesus came to him to be baptized, and John, after initially protesting because of his own unworthiness, eventually relented and baptized the Son of God. Jesus didn’t need to be baptized. God didn’t need John to announce His Son’s arrival. John probably didn’t know he was part of establishing a foundational practice that would still be performed over 2,000 years later. But as shown throughout the Bible, God uses ordinary people who are willing to answer His call at their divinely appointed time in order to advance His kingdom – often in ways far beyond their expectations or understanding. –ROGER & LEANN ROY
today’s Meditation
He has appointed this time for a purpose.
Thought to Ponder
Am I willing to be called for His purpose?
building God’s House for a city He loves
Defining Characteristic
Focus & Context for May 20, 2013
Esther 4:14 | Esther 4
As we read in today’s scripture in Esther, God’s plan for us is often beyond our own understanding. Amen! We are all placed at this very moment in time on this Hill to be a part of something amazing. What if we choose “to be silent” or are not moved to be a part of the great plan? God’s plan will still come to fruition without us, but what an opportunity! Imagine being Esther as she goes before Xerxes; what if she had been afraid and not gone? “Relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place.” Instead, she was a great part of the plan because she allowed God to use her. “I will go….” A great friend said something very special as we discussed tithing at church. He described it as having these incredible seeds that could produce an unbelievable harvest; we don’t want to lose them, so we hold them in our hands and always have them – but we never plant them, so we don’t get to see the greatness waiting to be born, the fruits that will give birth to generations of seeds. And can you believe that the Worship and Performing arts Center is just one of the fruits of those seeds? So, do we hold the seeds in our hands, or do we plant them? –MARY SEVERO today’s Meditation | Listen
to “Moonrise” by Brian Crane as you sit with God: www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uXD9fsDkKc
Thought to Ponder | God wants you to be a part of His illustrious plan. What does this mean for you? What does this mean for him?
building God’s House for a city He loves
Defining Characteristic
Focus & Context for May 21, 2013
Genesis 22:2 | Genesis 22
In John 8, Jesus tells a group of Pharisees that their distrust of His message demonstrates that they are not children of God, but rather children of the devil. They assert that they are sons of Abraham and in verse 39, Jesus boldly tells them, “If you were Abraham’s children, then you would do what Abraham did.” There is so much to learn from following the connections between the Old and the New Testaments. Genesis 22, the well known story of Abraham preparing to follow God’s command to sacrifice his son, Isaac, shows us what it means to “… do what Abraham did.” Abraham’s relationship with God was intimate and, for that reason, his faith was absolute. Throughout the New Testament, Jesus warns the Jewish establishment that their religiosity is separating them from God. His words certainly resonate today as well. We must constantly beware of the religious orthodoxy that can actually lead us away from God and make it impossible to fill our lives with the boundless faith of Abraham. –SAUL DREVITCH Christianity is not a religion; it is a shared relationship. today’s Meditation |
Are you living your faith or following rules? Do you worship in Spirit and in Truth?
Thought to Ponder |
building God’s House for a city He loves
Defining Characteristic
Focus & Context for May 22, 2013
Psalms 24:7-10 & 66:1-4 | Psalms 24 & 66
Lost are saved, find their way at the sound of Your Great Name. All condemned feel no shame at the sound of Your Great Name. Every fear has no place at the sound of Your Great Name. The enemy – he has to leave – at the sound of Your Great Name. Jesus, worthy is the Lamb Who was slain for us. Son of God and Son of Man, You are high and lifted up that all the world will praise Your Great Name. Imagine the Sanctuary filled to overflowing with hundreds of believers collectively lifting high the Name of the Most High God, the King of Glory! Imagine the Presence of the Lord God Almighty! Glorious heavenly praise, heartfelt words of adoration for our omnipotent, indescribable Almighty, Most Holy God! Imagine the hundreds, even thousands, who will be drawn by the Holy Spirit to the Great Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Imagine the lives saved, the lives changed in this very place – the new Worship & Performing Arts Center! Lift high the Cross of Christ! Make His praise glorious! –MARY ROBERTS today’s Meditation
Consider what great things God has done for you. I Samuel 12:24
Thought to Ponder
How will you Answer the Call?
building God’s House for a city He loves
Defining Characteristic
Focus & Context for May 23, 2013 John 12:3 | John 12
The anointing of Jesus by Mary is an example of a deep willingness to sacrifice one’s resources for the Glory of ones’ Savior. It’s so deep, it’s greatly convicting. It contrasts the discernment, faith, humility, and devotion of Mary, and the short-sighted, doubtful, prideful indifference we see in our culture, and sadly, often times, within ourselves. Mary filled the room with the fragrance of Christ, shifting the focus from self to Christ, from transient to eternal. What brings about such radical faith? Only the incomprehensible, unrepayable, priceless gift of sacrifice and everlasting love given to us through Christ. There is no act that could ever repay such an extravagant gift. We do, however, have continual opportunities to whisper a faint “thank you” to our Savior. Like Mary, we can demonstrate our devotion through sacrifice, trust and obedience. As a body we are privileged with the opportunity to “Answer the Call.” The call to partner with the Father to build His house. A house in which He will graciously lead His children to join Him in writing the most exciting story ever told. The story of His love for His children. –LUPITA LORBER Mary didn’t call attention to religion or self, but to the Lord, His person, and His purpose. today’s Meditation
Thought to Ponder | How do we use
our resources to manifest the sweet aroma of Christ?
building God’s House for a city He loves
Defining Characteristic
Focus & Context for May 24, 2013
Luke 1:38 | Luke 1
“Who am I Lord that you are mindful of me?” I am sure Mary was wondering when the angel appeared to her. Questions raced through her mind, along with thoughts of doubt; “but Lord I am not worthy.” This Divine Assignment had been set in motion from the beginning. It was necessary; His love for us would demand nothing less for us to spend eternity with the Father. Mary, a humble godly woman, chose the will of God for her life. Her response to this assignment from the Lord was “Let it be to me according to your word.” When you heard the call from the Lord, did you wonder as well, “Who am I Lord that You are mindful of me?” As one of God’s chosen, what is your assignment? Has He called you to help finish what has begun on this Hill? Will you answer the call to finish His house of worship? He is seeking those with willing hearts. Will your response be “Let it be to me according to your word?” –DEBBIE MARTIN today’s Meditation |
love for us.
John 17:23 – God’s
Thought to Ponder |
changed you?
How has His love
building God’s House for a city He loves
Defining Characteristic
Focus & Context for May 25, 2013 Ezra 5:1-2 | Ezra 5
So why did the small planter box I was commissioned to do by my wife take me two months to complete? My excuses of hesitation and contemplation of design; these distractions made it easy to put it off. It wasn’t until I engaged my will that I answered the call to complete this particular assignment. Zerubbabel had his own set of problems with his divine assignment of rebuilding the temple. What was the impetus that rekindled the desire in his heart? He was encouraged and restarted the building only after encouragement from his contemporaries Haggai and Zechariah (Ezra 5:1-2). How blessed are we when we are “spoken into!” The distractions and excuses that will ‘bind’ us are diminished when we focus on what is good and true, promises from our God. We, too, can rebuild temples or people by heartfelt encouragement to complete divine assignments. –JOE LAPASINSKI
today’s Meditation | What words can you
use today to “rebuild temples?”
Thought to Ponder | How is God
specifically calling me, to help complete the new Worship Center?
building God’s House for a city He loves
sacred offerings Freely Giving
to see God’s House rise on the Hill
Freely Offering
sacred Gifts for a Divine Assignment
Freely Going
at the Pace of the Generosity of God’s People
building God’s House for a city He loves
equal sacrifice not
equalsacrifice Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which He has given you. –Deuteronomy 16:17
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