VCS Stratetic Plan Update 2012

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The Road to Excellence

STRATEGIC Plan 2010 - 2015

For I know the plans I have for you,

declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Then the LORD replied: “Write down the revelation [the plan] and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.” –Habakkuk 2:2-3 (NIV) God’s Strategic Plan process given to the prophet Habakkuk for His people

It has been said that if you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time. Organizations fail, not for lack of resources, quality products or an inspiring past. They fail because they refuse to define the future and invite people to help them build it. The document in your hand is our attempt to cast our vision for the future of Valley Christian Schools. God told the prophet: “Write down the revelation [the plan] and make it plain.” In the spring of 2009, we decided to do just that. A 3-parent subcommittee of the Superintendent’s Advisory Board was called to create an inclusive process for developing the Plan. These parents were selected for their specific expertise in strategic planning and organizational development. The resulting process was beautiful in its simplicity. It elicited the input of 15 stakeholder groups served by the Schools, which are listed in this document. Input was collected at five 3-hour meetings facilitated by 7 parent volunteers. Additional input was gathered via an electronic survey for those who could not attend the meetings. Information was categorized and timelines established. The Plan was presented to and approved by the School and Church Boards. It clarifies who we are, our reason for existence, what we value most and our plans for the future. It documents the collective vision of the VCS community and our dreams to fully realize our potential and that of our students. For the past year, we have been using the Plan to guide our budgets and establish our priorities. While not everything we planned is meeting the deadlines hoped for, I can say that VCS is quickly rising to new heights of excellence in Academics, Athletics and Arts without compromising our solid commitment to our Christian foundation. As one who sits in nearly every meeting concerning the future of our Schools, I see the stock rising as fast as Apple’s in regards to quality of education, community, facilities, leadership and faith. The next few years promise to bring significant advancement in the culture, leadership, academic, technology and spiritual arenas of our campus. With the help of our Lord, we will create an innovative, dynamic and ever-improving learning environment that enables all students to thrive in the way God specifically intended for them. I thank everyone involved in creating this Plan, and I invite you to join us on this Road to Excellence.

our mission

To inspire a passion for Jesus Christ and to awaken God’s unique story in each student. To prepare all students for their specific callings through a Bible-based college preparatory experience that transforms them into forward thinking leaders, who are able to move beyond success to true significance within a complex global community.

our vision We envision VCS as a premier school system where the Christian life is vibrantly expressed with purpose, passion and excellence. We see a place where teachers are passionate about students and teaching, where students are excited about learning, and where the parent-school partnership is energetically working together to create a life-changing experience for every student.

our eslr’s E x pected S chool W ide L ear n i n g R esults APPLY BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES AND CHRISTIAN WORLDVIEW | Using the Bible as an authoritative reference, students will integrate its truths and principles into their lives and pursue a greater understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ for personal growth and development of their faith. THINK CRITICALLY AND SOLVE PROBLEMS | Students will intentionally apply sets of thinking strategies that show reflective judgment in response to observation, experience, and communication; and will apply creative and decision making skills to current situations to arrive at more desirable outcomes and solutions. COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY | Students will skillfully convey meaning with logic, precision, and originality, in a variety of genre, showing a proficient awareness of their audience and their purpose, and apply technological strategies for the successful communication of their thoughts. LEARN INDEPENDENTLY | Drawing from previous experience, knowledge and a set of personal skills, students will identify individual academic goals and pursue intellectual challenge through the application of problem solving strategies. LEADERSHIP | Students will facilitate leadership in word and action that inspires others, builds unity and commitment to further Christian values, to promote the common good and accomplish community goals.

strategic initiative1 Enhance the Spiritual Formation Process Formalize an integrated program that introduces students to Jesus Christ and develops their Christian faith by: Helping them discover their God-given design and using it to determine their life course by 2010-11. Aligning all spiritual formation activities (teaching, curriculum, chapels, servant leadership, mentoring) into a systematic growth plan within 2010-12. Leading annual global mission trips for students by 2010-11. Planning and developing a mentoring program for every student by 2012-13.

INITIATIVE 1 progress spiritual formation Introduced LifeScript, a journey of discovering God’s Story in your life, to all students in grade 10. Implemented Apologetics as a new after-school course. Aligned school-wide biblical themes in all classes and chapel services. Sent student-led teams on missions trips to Honduras and the Philippines. Launched Girl’s Talk where high school girls mentor middle school girls. Scheduled early release dates to facilitate small discipleship groups in grades 6-12.

pastor jimi | christian leadership prayer time

strategic initiative2 Advance Academic Excellence

To fully prepare each student for the rigors of University of California instruction by: uLeading the Tri-Valley in a professional development program for our faculty by 2010-11. uImproving curricular standards for all subject areas in a cycle beginning in 2010. uIntegrating iPad technology into the classroom by continually training teachers and by annually improving the computer to student ratio by 2012-14. u Renewing materials that enrich the learning environment by 2010-11. u Strengthening the entire academic counseling process beginning at the JH level by 2010-11. uAchieving higher levels of performance on standardized testing (SAT, ACT, & AP) and improving local ranking for JH & HS by 2011-12. uExploring local, national and international academic partnering opportunities by 2010-11. uInaugurating a Transitional Kindergarten (TK) class in our ES by 2012. uIntroducing foreign language programming to TK-2 by 2012-13, adding one grade per year. uLaunching a computer science and business department by 2015.

INITIATIVE 2 progress ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Provided more professional development opportunities than any public school in our area. Hired an Educational Technology Director for faculty. Inaugurated iPad program with teachers in preparation for schoolwide student integration. Hired a Care Counselor to better prepare students for collegiate life. Achieved 100% pass rate in AP Physics, Macro|Micro Economics, US History, Calculus, Chemistry and German. Taught K-2 foreign language (Spanish). Introduced TK in the ES. Adopted Silicon Valley Math Initiative for grades 2-9. Evolved Elementary Learning Differences program into an Immersion Model and Pull-Out Program.


Introduced new school clubs: Debate and Speech Teams, FIDIM Fashion, American Red Cross Club, Culinary Club, Political Leadership Club, JH Drama Club, and Viking Voice (school newspaper).

strategic initiative3 Strengthen and Expand the Arts

Position Visual & Performing Arts as a prominent feature of our school culture and experience by: Constructing in partnership with Valley Christian Center a Sanctuary|Performing Arts Center for all students at Valley Christian Schools by 2013. Establishing Directors over Visual & Performing Arts in all Schools in 2010-12. Introducing the following courses to our Schools by 2010-2015 (grades 6-12): vocal and jazz ensembles, instructional music courses, instructional theater, dance arts, pep band, drum corps, ceramics, 3D graphics animation, sculpting and video production. Offering beginning and intermediate band programs in 2010-15 (grades 4-5). Expanding student involvement in school-wide musicals and theatrical arts performances 2011-2012.

INITIATIVE 3 progress VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS Hired School-wide Director of Visual Arts. Hired School-wide Director of Performing Arts. Hired Band Instructor for ES, JH & HS. Expanded Visual and Performing Arts to grades 3 – 5 (with two ES dramatic productions planned for 2012-13). Introduced ES Beginning Band, JH & HS Concert Band, and Drum Corps. Integrated musicals of Oliver and The Wizard of Oz with student performers from the ES, JH and HS. Held the Second Annual Arts Night at Blackhawk Museum. Introduced Scribbles, an after-school art program for ES students. Received UC approval for HS Dance class and offered courses in ES, JH & HS.

Skylar McGlockton | Wizard of Oz | 2012

Introduced Music Appreciation Course for HS.

strategic initiative4

Promote Athletic Excellence | Build upon our solid Athletic foundation by: u Exploring competitive league alternatives for our Vikings football program by 2011. u Replacing athletic field and bringing Vikings football games to the Hill by 2013-14. u Improving the competitive ability of all teams beginning in 2010 through exceptional coaching, enhanced physical training and state-of-the-art equipment. u Expecting student athletes to achieve and maintain a 3.0 or higher GPA during their academic career by 2012-13. u Expanding our competition to the public school sector by 2010-2012.

INITIATIVE 4 progress ATHLETIC EXCELLENCE Pursued highest competitive teams by participation in four independent leagues. Hired sports conditioning specialists to improve athletes’ strength and durability. Hosted summer sports camps for baseball, basketball, football, volleyball, and cheerleading. Developed architectural and funding plans for a new Viking Sports Complex that will host football, soccer and baseball, with ground-breaking targeted for 2013-14. Won 6 league championships for HS athletics and 3 division championships for JH. Awarded 14 team banners for academic, league and NCS championships. ALLISON FRANK | CLASS OF 2011 | GIRLS VARSITY VOLLEYBALL

Received multiple CIF Scholastic Team Awards for maintaining highest team GPA in our division. Advanced our football team into the Tri-Counties Athletic League to increase competitive equity.

strategic initiative5 Facilitate Leadership Development | Promote leadership qualities in students by: Creating Christian leadership opportunities for our JH & HS students to mentor our ES and Preschool students by 2013-14. Developing business partnerships for student internships and professional mentoring opportunities by 2010-11. Achieving a 10% student participation level in regional and national leadership programs in our JH and HS by 2012-13. Creating a student government program for our ES students by 2010-11.

INITIATIVE 5 progress leadership development Sent JH & HS Chapel and Christian Leadership teams to the ES and Preschool. Advanced Champions for Life, a cohesive character formation program for student athletes. Formulated partnerships for students with local businesses in the areas of physics, biology-cancer research, the arts, technology and media, and church leadership. Achieved over 10% student participation level in National Honor Society, Interact, and Community Service for our JH and HS students. Created a 5th grade student government program that includes class advisors from grades 3 and 4.

2011-2012 Student leaders having fun | ACSI Leadership retreat | Mount Hermon

strategic initiative6 Expand and Improve Campus Facilities | Modernize, upgrade and add facilities by: u Transforming each classroom into an invigorating thematic learning environment by 2012-14. u Converting church kitchen facilities and adjoining Patio to be used by the JH/HS as a food distribution center by 2013-14. u Constructing a high tech state-of-the-art science facility for all JH|HS students by 2013-14. u Reconfiguring the entrance to the HS and access to the athletic fields by 2013-14. u Completing Sanctuary|Performing Arts Center by 2014. u Renovating the Jeri Schall Auditorium in the ES by 2013. u Aesthetically improving the look and feel of high traffic areas in all Schools by 2012-13. u Adding 2 additional classrooms to the Preschool for the new Two’s Program by 2010-11. u Implementing a school-wide priority list based on the Master Plan of the campus, approved by the City of Dublin, by 2013.

INITIATIVE 6 progress Expand and Improve Campus Facilities Implemented campus-wide cosmetic improvements in high traffic areas. Dynamically transformed seventeen classrooms through new furniture, technology, thematic schemes, flooring and painting. Expanded the Preschool “footprint” to include the addition of two classrooms, occupied by our new Two’s program. Completed architectural designs for sports complex, science center, food distribution center, expanded Patio area, and entrance to HS, pending City permits and funding. Completed external construction of the Sanctuary|Performing Arts Center. 2011-2012 SCIENCE BOWL PARTICIPANTS | LOS POSITAS COMMUNITY COLLEGE

accreditation action items The following items stem from our ACSI/WASC Accreditation Action Plan: u HUMAN R EL ATIO N S | T h e a d m i n i s t ra t i o n a n d H u m a n Re s o u r c e s D i r e c t o r improve syste m s t h a t w i l l f a c i l i t a t e b e s t p ra c t i c e s o f h i r i n g a n d r e l e a s i n g of employees by e s t a b l i s h e d p ro p e r a n d t i m e l y c o m m u n i c a t i o n m e t h o d s fo r dissemination o f p o l i c y a nd p ro ce d u r e s to a l l e m p l oye e s th a t w i l l l e a d towa r d organizationa l g rowt h. • NEW incre a s e d ho u r s fo r f ul l - t i m e H u m a n Re l a ti o n s D i r e c to r. R E AC H E D • H R establi s hi ng u n i fo r m p ro ce s s es i n l i n e w i th l e ga l s ta n d a r d s. I N - P R OC E S S • H R logging cr e d e nt i a l a nd ACS I c e r ti f i c a ti o n r e q u i r e m e n ts. R E AC H E D • Establishin g s t a n d a r d s - b a s e d e va l u a ti o n s p ro c e s s e s. R E AC H E D u STAFF DEVELO P MENT | T h e a d m i n i s t ra t i o n w i l l e n h a n c e a p u r p o s e f u l systematic sc h o o l - w i d e s t a f f d e ve l o p m e n t p l a n t o a l l ow f a c u l t y t o d e l i ve r cu rric ulum c o n s i s t e n t l y a cro s s s ub j e c t a r e a s. • Teac hers r e ce i ve d t ra i ni ng i n t e c h n o l o gy, b ra i n - b a s e d i n s tr u c ti o n • 6 teac hers a t t e n d A P we e k - l o n g i n t e n s i ve i n s t r u c t i o n a t S t a n fo r d a n d U C S a n D iego, 8 t hi s s umme r. • New Ear ly Re l e a s e s c he d u l e a cc o m m o d a te s 1 4 d ay s o f p ro f e s s i o n a l l e a r n i n g groups tha t w i l l fo c u s o n s p e c i f i c l e a r n i n g t a r ge t s, a s s e s s p ro g r e s s, a d j u s t goals, plan a n d a s s e s s. u E MERGEN C Y P L AN S | T h e a d m i n i s t ra t i o n c o o r d i n a t e s t a f f ro l e s i n emergenc y re s p o n s e t h ro u g h t h e d e ve l o p m e n t o f t h e I n c i d e n t C o m m a n d S y s t e m through annua l t ra i n i n g t o a d d r e s s c a m p u s s a f e t y i s s u e s t h a t r e l a t e t o f i r e, ear thquake, l o c k d own d r i l l s, a n d m e d i c a l e m e r ge n c i e s. • Implementi n g I nci d e n t Co mma nd S y s te m I N - P R OC E S S • N ew C i s co p hones p rovid e i ncre as ed r es pon s e options in emer gen cies. R E ACH E D

Solicited Groups for Strategic Plan Development

Chapel Leadership | Christian Leadership | Conservative Leadership | Student Government Teachers | Staff | Coaches | Superintendent’s Advisory Board | Alumni | Local Pastors Parent-Teacher Fellowship

Current VCC | VCS Leadership VCS Administration

Dr. Roger Valci, Superintendent of Schools & Lead Pastor Dave Johnson, Chief Operations Officer Pastor Larry Lopez, Principal Joseph Smylie, Assistant Principal Grace Hersh, Elementary Principal Lillian Kinney, Lead Preschool Director Ginny Mendes, Director of Preschool Operations & Support Lori Cantrell, Director of Admissions Deborah Knott Walker, Director of Curriculum and Instruction Jeanne Bayles, Assistant to the Superintendent

VCS School Board

Dr. Roger Valci, Superintendent & Lead Pastor Doug Anderson, Member Sharon Lao, Member Lisa Ludden, Member Margaret McCollum, Member Domingos Mendes, Member Pierre Monnier, Member David Cariveau, Ex-Officio Member

VCC Pastoral Staff

Dr. Roger Valci, Lead Pastor Jennifer Davis, Children’s Pastor Lorraine Demmel, Executive Assistant Don Dickinson, Associate Pastor Jason Gawel, Worship Arts Pastor Anthony McLeod, Youth Pastor Aaron McNeal, Youth Pastor Jimi Merrell, Associate Pastor Cassie Tundag, Associate Pastor

VCC Deacon Board

Dr. Roger Valci, Chairman Ramez Bahu, Vice-Chair John Kiser, Secretary Sandy Cooper, Treasurer Juan Garcia, Member Eddie Jo Mack, Member Dennis Wilborn, Member Dave Johnson, Ex-Officio Member David Cariveau, Ex-Officio Member

Operations Staff

Dave Johnson, Chief Operations Officer David Cariveau, Business Administrator Kelly Kindall, Director of Communications Eric Raasch, Director of Educational Technology Rene Synder, Human Resources

thank you

I1 :: discover God-given design I1 :: align all spiritual formation activities I1 :: global mission trips

I1 :: all-student mentoring program

I2 :: lead tri-valley in professional development program for faculty

I2 :: integrate iPad technology into

I2 :: curricular standards I2 :: materials to enrich learning environment I2 :: strengthen academic counseling process at JH level I2 :: higher performance on standardized testing and improve local ranking I2 :: explore local, national, international academic partnering opportunities I2 :: inaugurate Transitional Kindergarten in our ES I2 :: foreign languages to K5 I3 :: construct sanctuary | performing arts center I3 :: directors over visual and performing arts in all schools I3 :: various ensembles, instructional music courses, theatrical arts, instructional theater courses, dance art courses, pep band, I4 :: improve competitive ability

I3 :: beginning and intermediate band for grades 4-5 I3 :: student involvement in school-wide musicals and theatrical arts performances I4 :: competitive league alternatives

I4 :: expect student athletes to achieve

I4 :: expand our competition to the public school sector I5 :: business partnerships for internships | professional mentoring I5 :: 5th grade student government program

I5 :: 10% student participation level in I6 :: transform classrooms into an

I6 :: 2 additional classrooms to the Preschool I6 :: renovate Jeri Schall auditorium I6 :: aesthetically improve look|feel




In Progress | On-Going


strategic initiatives roadmap 2010-2015 At-A-Glance


I2 :: launch computer science and business department

drum corps, ceramics, 3D graphics animation, sculpting, video production for grades 6-12 I4 :: replace athletic field and bringing vikings football games to the hill and maintain 3.0 GPA I5 :: christian leadership opportunities for JH|HS students to mentor ES & Preschool I6 :: reconfigure entrance to the HS and access to athletic fields leadership programs invigorating thematic learning environment I6 :: convert church kitchen facilities and patio into food distribution center I6 :: construct high tech state-of-the-art science facility for all JH|HS students I6 :: reconfigure entrance to HS and access to athletic fields of high traffic areas

I6 :: complete sanctuary|performing arts center

I6 :: priority list based on master plan of campus approved by City of Dublin




For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

The Road to Excellence 7500 Inspiration Drive | Dublin, CA 94568 | 925.560.6262 |

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