Valley Ministries, Inc.'s Newsletters for 2016

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Valley Ministries News Issue 1

July 2016 Pantry News

Mission Witness Story

June Totals Families served:




Children: Age 3-12 :


Children: Age 13 – 18 : 15 Adults: Age 19 – 59:


Seniors: Age 60+


Total Clients Served


Hours of Operation The Pantry is open on the 1st Wednesday of every month from 11am to 1pm and from 4:30pm to 6pm. Pantry Needs The Pantry is in need of the following items: Peanut butter, Jelly, Canned fruit, Pudding mixes, Jello mixes, Pasta sauce, and volunteers!

Recently one of our senior clients came to our director with a problem. Their rental house had an infestation of snakes. The client had a grandchild living in the home, and both were fearful of the snakes. The client had hoped that someone from Valley Ministries could seal up the holes in the foundation of the rental house because the landlord was not responding to any pleas for help. After members of our community assistance team met with the client, and saw the extent of the problem in the photos that were brought in, it was decided that the best thing would be to find another place for the client to live. Word was put out throughout our volunteers to look for a suitable rental home in the valley. Soon a rental property was located and suggested to the client. A week later, another call went out into the community for trucks and helpers for a moving party. On a bright Saturday morning, trucks lined up, were loaded and then unloaded at the other end by volunteers. Many hands and lots of laughter made it quick work. The client was extremely thankful for all the help Valley Ministries gave during this time of need.

Upcoming Events

Book Drive Success

July Food Distribution is July 6th.

Valley Ministries would like to thank Autumn Daniels and Amanda Dickens, local Usborne Book Team Leaders for donating $1,500 worth of brand new children’s books to our summer reading program. We have been able to give Bible stories and a fun books to all of the children our organization serves. Awesome job ladies!

August Food Distribution is August 3rd. Amberson United Methodist Church is sponsoring a Quartermania fundraiser benefiting Valley Ministries on November 5th. More information will be available closer to the event.

Closet News

June Totals





*All proceeds from the Closet go directly into purchasing food items to support the Pantry.

Hours of Operation The Closet is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays from 9am to 1pm. A Message from the Board of Directors In our first year at the Val-Med location, we’ve been truly blessed with awesome donors. From our monthly sponsors, who provide fresh produce and cash support, to the local farmers, who provide meat to fill our freezers. Their humility has been inspiring! We’d like to thank the American Legion Post 232, Spring Run and Path Valley Outreach, who have been instrumental in helping us succeed. We look forward to working with them in the future. The first year has been great, who knows what the future holds! Thanks so much to everyone that has donated time, money, food, clothing and prayers. God Bless you all!

Valley Ministries is in the Val-Med Bldg., Lower Level. Located at 20334 School Road, Dry Run, PA 17220. 717-349-0067. Directions: Take Rt. 75 North to Dry Run, 2nd Left past Post Office onto School Road. Take 2nd Val-Med Entrance on left.

Valley Ministries News Issue 2

August 2016 Pantry News

Mission Witness Story

July Totals Families served:




Children: Age 3-12 :


Children: Age 13 – 18 : 17 Adults: Age 19 – 59:


Seniors: Age 60+:


Total Clients Served:


Hours of Operation The Pantry is open on the 1st Wednesday of every month from 11am to 1pm and from 4:30pm to 6pm. Pantry Needs The Pantry is in need of the following items: Peanut butter, Jelly, Canned fruit, Applesauce, Pasta sauce, Breakfast Cereals, Breakfast bars, Pancake mix, Oatmeal, Maple syrup, and Juice Drinks. A Message from the Board of Directors Looking back on our first year in the Val-Med location, we would like to express our gratitude to everyone who has helped Valley Ministries serve Path Valley! We would like to thank the Valley churches, their congregations, and their pastors for their support and prayers during our first year. We look forward to serving this community in the years to come!

The news is full of negative things these days, but here in the valley we’ve been watching for good things. Our young people are the focus of our witness article in our one-year anniversary edition. It would be impossible to name all of them individually, but we would like to share some of the things our valley kids have been up to. They started on the construction crews, when we built The Closet. They mudded walls, built framework and hung doors. Our youngest volunteer was 4, who under his daddy’s very watchful eye, helped paint. They’ve sorted clothes, stacked canned goods, carried tons of pasta and peanut butter. They’ve written thank you notes, stuffed envelopes, carried groceries out to cars in the rain. They’ve brought a lump to our throats when they donated all of their Vacation Bible School offering to The Pantry, so we could buy food for those in need. During the school year, classes have come to the pantry on distribution day to volunteer as stockers and runners. Students have done their senior projects as food and clothing drives. They’ve stuffed Easter eggs and Easter meal boxes. One of our teens, with a handicapped client’s shopping bags in one hand and their other arm offered for support, walked the client to the parking lot. There were three little girls sitting in the grass in the summer sunshine, reading the Bible Stories book they had just received through the summer reading program. We’ve witnessed some pretty special moments throughout our first year. We are thankful for the blessings our young people have been to not only us, but to our community of Path Valley.

Closet News

July Totals Visitors:




*All proceeds from the Closet go directly into purchasing food items to support the Pantry.

Hours of Operation The Closet is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays from 9am to 1pm. Upcoming Events

August Food Distribution is August 3rd. September Food Distribution is September 7th. Amberson United Methodist Church is sponsoring a Quartermania fundraiser benefiting Valley Ministries on November 6th. More information will be available closer to the event. Call for Volunteers We are always looking for more volunteers to help at both the Closet and the Pantry. No experience needed; we’ll teach you. We do need some help with some heavy lifting at least twice a week. We are able to fulfill community service hours, so students bring in your papers!

Valley Ministries is in the Val-Med Bldg., Lower Level. Located at 20334 School Road, Dry Run, PA 17220. 717-349-0067. Directions: Take Rt. 75 North to Dry Run, 2nd Left past Post Office onto School Road. Take 2nd Val-Med Entrance on left.

Valley Ministries News Issue 3

September 2016 Mission Witness Story

Pantry News

August Totals Families served:




Children Age 3-12 :


Children Age 13 – 18 : 10 Adults Age 19 – 59:


Seniors Age 60+:


Total Clients Served:


Hours of Operation The Pantry is open on the 1st Wednesday of every month from 11am to 1pm and from 4:30pm to 6pm. Pantry Needs The Pantry is in need of the following items: Canned beans, Canned fruit, Canned tuna, Applesauce, Pasta, Breakfast Cereals, Pancake mix, Oatmeal, Maple syrup, Cake or Brownie mixes, and Juice Drinks.

A Message from the Board of Directors: We would like to thank the Youth Group from Amberson United Methodist Church for their willingness to help us purchase food in September for October’s food distribution.

We live in an age where helping our neighbors is not the easiest thing to do. It may not even be the socially acceptable thing to do. For business owners, helping their neighbors may not be the economically acceptable thing to do. I am amazed at how I’ve seen the Lord work since Valley Ministries began. The Lord has provided businesses in our community that do what may be socially and economically unacceptable. These local businesses are doing what the Lord calls us to do: love our neighbors. Part of loving our neighbors means that we reach out and help them when they need it. Valley Ministries would like to thank the following businesses for their support: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Aldi's American Legion Post 232 in Dry Run Brindle’s Auction Di-Mel Business Services Dollar General Dollar Tree Grocery Outlet Store Hillside Poultry Juniata Bank Karns Quality Foods Little C’s Butchering Local Farmers Lowes Orrstown Bank Path Valley Market Path Valley Outreach Path Valley Restaurant Save-A-Lot World Kitchen

Closet News

August Totals Visitors:




*All proceeds from the Closet go directly into purchasing food items to support the Pantry.

Hours of Operation The Closet is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays from 9am to 1pm. Upcoming Events

September Food Distribution is September 7th. October Food Distribution is October 5th. Amberson United Methodist Church is sponsoring a Quartermania fundraiser benefiting Valley Ministries on November 6th. More information will be available closer to the event. Call for Volunteers We are always looking for more volunteers to help at both the Closet and the Pantry. No experience needed; we’ll teach you. We do need some help with some heavy lifting at least twice a week. We are able to fulfill community service hours, so students bring in your papers!

Valley Ministries is in the Val-Med Bldg., Lower Level. Located at 20334 School Road, Dry Run, PA 17220. 717-349-0067. Directions: Take Rt. 75 North to Dry Run, 2nd Left past Post Office onto School Road. Take 2nd Val-Med Entrance on left.

Valley Ministries News Issue 4

October 2016 Pantry News


September Totals Families served:




Children Age 3-12 :


Children Age 13 – 18 : 11 Adults Age 19 – 59:


Seniors Age 60+:


Total Clients Served:


Hours of Operation The Pantry is open on the 1st Wednesday of every month from 11am to 1pm and from 4:30pm to 6pm. Pantry Needs The Pantry is in need of the following items: Canned vegetables, Canned fruit, Canned tuna, Applesauce, Pasta, Breakfast Cereals, Pancake mix, Oatmeal, Maple syrup, Cake or Brownie mixes, and Juice Drinks.

A Message from the Board of Directors: Autumn is here, and before you know it so will those cold winter months. Kindly consider going through your closets, and donating those winter coats, hats, gloves, scarves, sweatshirts, or sweatpants that your family has outgrown. Donations can be dropped off during the Closet’s hours of operation. Thank you.

1 in every 6 adults age 60+ will go without a meal or go without eating at all because they do not have the means to purchase food. 1 in every 5 children are going hungry because their family does not have the ability to purchase food on a regular basis. During the previous three months, an average of 5 new families will receive supplemental food from Valley Ministries’ Food Pantry.


The Amberson United Methodist Church is hosting a QuarterMania benefit raffle on November 6th, and all proceeds will benefit Valley Ministries’ Food Pantry. Tickets are $5 along with a non-perishable/ unexpired food item. Participants will need to bring quarters for this event. For information and tickets please call: Sandy Umbrell at (717)-349-2479 or Rhonda Eckenrode at (717)-349-7618. Tickets will also be available at the door on the day of the event. Doors open at 12 noon, as well as the kitchen for sandwiches and snacks. Raffle begins at 1:30 with over 75 raffle items and 30 door prizes. Come join us in helping to combat hunger in our community at the Amberson United Methodist Church (18889 Amberson Rd, Spring Run; just off the 641 Truck Route).

Closet News

September Totals Visitors:




*All proceeds from the Closet go directly into purchasing food items to support the Pantry.

Hours of Operation The Closet is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays from 9am to 1pm. Upcoming Events

October Food Distribution is October 5th. Upper Path Valley Presbyterian Church is hosting a Trunk or Treat event on October 22nd from 4 to 6 pm. The event will take place in the Church’s parking lot across from Orrstown Bank. Everyone is welcome! November Food Distribution is November 2nd. Call for Volunteers We are always looking for more volunteers to help at both the Closet and the Pantry. No experience needed; we’ll teach you. We do need some help with some heavy lifting at least twice a week. We are able to fulfill community service hours, so students bring in your papers!

Valley Ministries is in the Val-Med Bldg., Lower Level. Located at 20334 School Road, Dry Run, PA 17220. 717-349-0067. Directions: Take Rt. 75 North to Dry Run, 2nd Left past Post Office onto School Road. Take 2nd Val-Med Entrance on left.

Valley Ministries News Issue 5

November 2016 Upcoming Events

Pantry News

October Totals Families served:




Children Age 3-12 :


Children Age 13 – 18 : 12 Adults Age 19 – 59:


Seniors Age 60+:


Total Clients Served:


Hours of Operation The Pantry is open on the 1st Wednesday of every month from 11am to 1pm and from 4:30pm to 6pm.

Pantry Needs The Pantry is in need of the following items: Canned vegetables, Canned fruit, Canned tuna, Applesauce, Pasta, Breakfast Cereals, Pancake mix, Oatmeal, Maple syrup, Cake or Brownie mixes, and Juice Drinks. A Message from the Board of Directors: Autumn is here, and before you know it so will those cold winter months. Kindly consider going through your closets, and donating those winter coats, hats, gloves, scarves, sweatshirts, or sweatpants that your family has outgrown. Donations can be dropped off during the Closet’s hours of operation. Thank you.

November Food Distribution is November 2nd. The Food Pantry is again providing Thanksgiving meal packages for those in need who would like to receive one. Registration for these meal packages will be available on distribution day. The QuarterMania benefit raffle for the Food Pantry hosted by the Amberson United Methodist Church is November 6th. Tickets are $5 and a non perishable food item, and will be available at the door. Kitchen opens at Noon, and the raffle begins at 1:30pm.

The Path Valley Ministerium is sponsoring a Thanksgiving Worship Service, honoring our local first responders, on November 13th. The service will be held at Lower Path Valley Presbyterian Church at 6:30pm. Upper Path Valley Presbyterian Church is hosting its annual Turkey Supper on November 19th. Eat-in and take-out meals available beginning at 3pm. For more information call the church at (717)-349-2603. Pick-up for those registered to receive a Thanksgiving meal package is November 21st from 4:30 to 6:00pm. Amberson United Methodist Church is hosting an afternoon of craft making on November 26th from 11:00am to 3:00pm. Half of the proceeds for this event goes towards supporting the Food Pantry. For tickets or more information please call Rhonda Eckenrode at (717)-349-7618. December Food Distribution is December 7th.

Closet News

October Totals Visitors:




*All proceeds from the Closet go directly into purchasing food items to support the Pantry.

Hours of Operation The Closet is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays from 9am to 1pm. Closet Announcement

The Closet will be closed from November 6 - 20, 2016 while repairs are being made to the interior walls. During the last major rain storms, The Closet had some flooding and is now having a problem with groundwater causing dampness along our main wall. We will reopen on Monday November 21, 2016. Thank you for your patience. Call for Volunteers We are always looking for more volunteers to help at both the Closet and the Pantry. No experience needed; we’ll teach you. We do need some help with some heavy lifting at least twice a week. We are able to fulfill community service hours, so students bring in your papers!

Valley Ministries is in the Val-Med Bldg., Lower Level. Located at 20334 School Road, Dry Run, PA 17220. 717-349-0067. Directions: Take Rt. 75 North to Dry Run, 2nd Left past Post Office onto School Road. Take 2nd Val-Med Entrance on left.

Valley Ministries News Issue 6

December 2016 Mission Witness Story

Pantry News

November Totals Families served:




Children Age 3-12 :


Children Age 13 – 18 : 20 Adults Age 19 – 59:


Seniors Age 60+:


Total Clients Served:


Thanksgiving Meals Distributed:


Hours of Operation The Pantry is open on the 1st Wednesday of every month from 11am to 1pm and from 4:30pm to 6pm.

Pantry Needs The Pantry is in need of the following items: Canned fruit, Canned tuna, Applesauce, Pasta, Breakfast Cereals, Pancake mix, Oatmeal, Maple syrup, Cake or Brownie mixes, and Juice Drinks.

A Message from the Board of Directors:

Winter is fast approaching, and eventually the weather will get cold. Kindly consider going through your closets, and donating those winter coats, hats, gloves, scarves, sweatshirts, or sweatpants that your family has outgrown. Donations can be dropped off during the Closet’s hours of operation. Thank you.

The Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 1 verse 3: “Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.” I can say that is still true today. Every time that I think of the wonderful people who volunteer with Valley Ministries, and the generosity of this community in support of Valley Ministries; I give thanks to God for each and every one of them. Here is a list from the month of November of things we are thankful for: The QuarterMania fundraiser held on November 6th raised $3,786.65 for the Food Pantry. We’d like to thank Sandy Umbrell and Rhonda Eckenrode for organizing this fundraiser. Also, we’d like to thank Amberson United Methodist Church for hosting the event. Our thanks to: the St. Thomas Township Volunteer Fire & Rescue Company for the use of their auction paddles; the Path Valley Restaurant for supplying the rolls; Carrick United Methodist Church for supplying drinks; to everyone who donated food items to the kitchen; and to everyone who donated raffle items and door prizes. And our thanks to everyone who attended for their generosity. The Craft Day fundraiser held on November 26th raised $250 for the Food Pantry. We’d like to thank Diane Dewey for organizing this fundraiser. We’d also like to thank everyone who attended for their generosity. Our thanks to the anonymous donation of venison, and to Little C’s Custom Butchering for processing the donation. We are thankful for everyone’s patience during November 6th through the 18th, as the Closet was closed for building renovations. Our sincere gratitude to those of the Val-Med Building Association who performed the repairs. They did a wonderful job!

Closet News

November Totals Visitors:




*All proceeds from the Closet go directly into purchasing food items to support the Pantry.

Hours of Operation The Closet is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays from 9am to 1pm.

Upcoming Events Free Community Meals at the Upper Path Valley Presbyterian Church begin on December 5th, and every Monday evening through March. Meal service begins at 5:30pm. December Food Distribution is December 7th.

Metal Township Volunteer Fire Company is hosting a Christmas Senior Dinner on December 10th at 12:30pm. The dinner is open to all seniors in Path and Amberson Valley. Please call (717)-349-2121 or (717)-369-3731 to reserve a spot (as they need a head count for food). Path Valley Outreach will be handing out meals on December 25th for those in need of a Christmas meal. If you or someone you know are in need of a meal, please call (717)-860-0041 to register.

Valley Ministries is in the Val-Med Bldg., Lower Level. Located at 20334 School Road, Dry Run, PA 17220. 717-349-0067. Directions: Take Rt. 75 North to Dry Run, 2nd Left past Post Office onto School Road. Take 2nd Val-Med Entrance on left.

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